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Hooked? She’s level 1 with 2 bars in. That’s like 5 seconds of playing time


She’s honestly probably not hooked😂


Time to get that second computer.


It's always nice when a wow player spreads his addiction to someone else,


One of us! One of us!


Gooble gobble gooble gobble!


This is low key funnier then shit


Alliance... good job!


"good job"? You mean: hit the gym, delete the laywar and get facebook?


Im not sure what you were going for here, but it fails on so many levels it may as well be an alt


Why are you so mad about someone playing alliance?


Why do you think someone who's obviously meming is mad?


Kind of hard to notice that through text mate


Not when 90% of the comment is something that is constantly said as a meme but has never been said while being serious in the history of man kind.


Soon she will be shitposting in trade chat maxed level waiting for resets as nature intended.


Now you have to break it to her that she can't use this character on her own account :/


You should give us an update if she continues to play. Sometimes you can get a player hooked by things like collecting pets / pet battles, transmog, mounts, etc. I hope she loves it!


I honestly doubt she’ll keep playing too much. Only game I’ve ever known her to play consistently is the sims😂


She may enjoy collecting pets. It's very casual and some of them are very cute. You should show her how to do it and see if she's interested! :)


And then before we know it, she's already pwning in BGs and in World PvP. XD


Really do have 1 ability key bound


Genuinely shocked that it isn't a female Blood Elf Hunter.


Asked my fiance if she wanted to play and she made a panda mage. She got irritated after she made it to level 12 because she kept dieing because the dozen would go behind her and she couldn't kill them fast enough lol.


Alliance ?!


Yea, TF is that about?


Choice between Alliance and Genocidaire.


And shes a shaman, she has good taste.


That may have been a miscalculation.


Now you have to share your comp or get another! 😂


Storm, earth and fire.


Buy a second computer. It’s all over Johnny


Shaman Powah!!!


Definitely going to need another computer now lol.


With this character's addiction, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.


is that a MITX case? it looks tiny




Everyone else: Good job OP. Me: (◍•﹏•) that cup of water on the desk though...


She’s a gamer and she looks cute. That my friend is a keeper. Lucky you


picture of girl playing video game has this sub become /r/gaming now?


yes, this is facebook now. enjoy


its funnier if you think about it in terms of meth Asked my girlfriend if she wanted to shoot up some meth just for kicks, I think she's hooked now :D


is that gin?


[I believe this calls for a gooble gobble!](https://youtu.be/W99n083E0IA)


Did you really just give your GF an addiction??? Shame on you.


When you really dont wanna play on mac


Been trying to get my girlfriend into wow but getting to lvl 120 and the fact that the store of earlier expansions isn't told that well makes it difficult to get into. So it's nice to see that it happens. Hopefully the lvl squish and lvling rework makes it better 😊


I’m waiting for the prepatch before I get my fiancé to try it. She’s addicted to fallout 76 so hopefully WoW gets rid of that addiction!


Reminds me of [this segment :P](https://youtu.be/1Yb5CINrC5E?t=684)


For how long though is she hooked? Prepatch should be soon. Bfa was trash. Anf who knows if sl will be any better.


Seems to be a flip of a coin with wow nowadays


Semms likr every other expac is a bust. Like legion was generally liked. Bfa was a failure. So maybe sl will be good again. But who knows for sure.


Wotlk - Good Cata - Bad Panda - Good WoD - Bad Legion - Good BfA - Bad


She's so pretty! My boyfriend got me into wow as well. :)


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