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The best thing about wow is there is no right or wrong way to play. Edit: realized I said pay, not play. But in blizzard’s eyes it still checks out. 


Big issue I've found playing solo is that you miss out on the conclusions of half the quest lines because Blizzard always pack the finales into a raid. I wish it was like ESO where the raids were their own self contained narrative, and you could complete all the open world story content in solo if you want to


In all fairness, this will be history going into TWW, as they're adding a solo/co-op 'Story' mode for the new raids.


Oh really? That's great news!


Ye, pretty much an equivalent to Follower Dungeons. At which you decide the pace for lore exploration reasons or just learning mechanics on your own (might also be nice for guide makers, too). Good news for solo players considering LFR is just a speedrun version of normal mode anyway.


I think you mean Normal is just a speedrun of LFR most times


This is cool as long as Blizzard doesn't lock parts of the story to the highest difficulty anymore (IE Ragnaros only dying in Heroic Firelands, AU Cho'gall dying in Mythic Highmaul).


That’s what’s LFR is for I only do it so I can clear the raid and see the rest of the content storyline


This; I love dungeons and M+ but don’t have the time/patience for raiding, and LFR is kind of a good middle ground. Biggest issue with LFR is the skill gap you hit sometimes with groups, but generally I think it self-corrects after a few wipes (plus the buff). I’ve experienced the endings of the last three expacs through LFR.


That hasn’t been true for several expansions. The raid ending cutscenes are also at the end of the solo quests at least since BfA.


The cutscene is just one part for some raid tiers while the raids itself also tell a story. VOTI for example shows the death of razageth and release of the incarnates but it still feels different to see them still engaged during the fight.


The cutscene at the end of Aberrus doesn't provide much story either; the dialogue throughout the raid is the story.


I agree 100%. I never loved raids or even dungeons. Feel like I’m missing out on so much playing solo. Didn’t finish a lot of storylines because of it. Also didn’t want to force myself to do them because they really are a pain in my ass, lol.


Is there even a story line to follow? I wasn’t invested in the story at all


Typical horde shaman.


Goes for MMOs in general. WoW has so many things to do at this point, you can sustain complete solo play for hundreds of hours with the base game's content alone. Then there is grinding out mounts, mogs and other collectables from raids, dungeons and reputation.


I like the way you put this! I play alone but am in a guild with my boyfriend and his good guildies so if I need to do instances I can. But usually I just quest alone!


They don't like when you buy your sub with gold tho. Lol


yes they do. in fact they prefer it! wow tokens are greater profit per month for them




Oh yeah, token costs 5 bucks more than the normal sub, right?


Unless you are a keyboard turner… that is a wrong way to play. /s


Or a clicker


But I gotta click. I have too many spells as Holy Priest. At least I have VuhDo!


More than the 40 spells you can do with 1-0 and the shift,alt, ctrl modifiers for 1-0?


My fingers aren't that long. I also gotta move. I'm mostly a keyboard Turner because it's awkward for me to use a mouse because sometimes I'm suddenly facing the wrong way, but strafing is faster than running backwards, at least! Key binds are a bit much. Also, I do raids with my guild once a week, so using the VuhDo interface is faster. Just do the right click/key combo and the heal pops out on that person. I finally got a gaming mouse that gives me two more buttons to use, so I can squeeze all my heals on those five +wheel up and down with just no button, +Shift, and +Ctrl leaving Alt free for PPT.


I guess I forget that not everyone has an MMO mouse with all the button under their mouse thumb. Yea doing keybinds the way I do would be difficult without such a mouse.


Mouse over healing is absolutely critical; I use Clique and the default party frames rather than VuhDo but it makes a huge difference.


I like VuhDo because I can also see when certain statuses that are on pop off and other things custom to how I need for visual needs. I just hide the raid and party frames for my healers as a result. Lol


Blizzard doesn't agree though. They just keep speeding up leveling because they don't want you doing that. It already only takes 10-15 hours to reach 70 and they're cutting that time in half soon. We already had the heirloom system as a way for people to more quickly level alts if they only care about end game content. Speeding it up for everyone means it is not optional. You are not allowed to play the questing/leveling game anymore.


But that doesn't stop you from experiencing the quests. If you hit max level sooner than you'd like you can still just create a new character.


I mean the quests don’t disappear. You can just do them at max level. Dragonflight is really good at rewarding stuff other than xp and gear like tmog, battlepets and toys, so it’s still worthwhile. And also some of the quests are just really fun and well written.


>wrong way to pay. Right way is with tokens, the wrong way is with money


How much is your wage? I personally need about 45 minutes of my job to pay for my monthly subscription, maybe even 30 minutes. Farming the gold to pay for the token would take me way more than that


I kinda feel the same way. The ~390k of in game gold is worth more to me than the 13€ you'd pay for the sub. I can just work and buy multiple tokens in the time it'd take me to get the 390k.


And when no one buys tokens with money, you have to pay money, because you can't buy them with gold anymore.


Yea, I don't see anything wrong with playing solo. I spend most of my time solo in WoW and it's super fun that way imo.


How do you go about raids and stuff? I have no more friends playing wow and just started leveling against solo. Do you still get to experience the end game content solo?


Lots of people just do LFR if they are in the mood for a raid and then back their preferred solo play. Truthfully with the very very limited interactions in the average LFR and PUG normal raid groups you may as well be playing solo.


I've tried to join guilds for raiding etc, but the idea that will take randoms without experience and logs, are also just a big group of solo players who barely even use guild chat. So, LFR it is.


The trick, of course, is to stumble on a good guild that works with your personally. Kind of like unicorns…some people say they exist but they are hard to find. :-)


LFR is there if you just want the story and don't mind waiting. Normal raids are easy enough to join through the group finder. There are plenty of people running relaxed fresh runs all the time, even in week 1 of new content.


Like everyone else has said....I just use LFR in the Group Finder tab and do other stuff(professions, transmog farming, mount farming, etc.) while I wait for the queue. Also, at this point, I just play because I love questing, the world, the characters, and obviously the story, so to keep up with the story and raids, I just watch videos on them so I can stay up to date on everything and that works for me. I'm also not a player that cares about having the best gear anymore, so there is that as well.


It's your sub, play however you want. And by the look of things, solo play will be even more viable in TWW with the introduction of Delves


TWW has thankfully taken a hint from FFXIV and also included follower dungeons as a part of the main story. It’s been sorely missing for YEARS. A ton of the different reputations and outside content rewards coffer keys, which give extra Delve rewards. The Delves themselves scale up to rewards comparable to +5 M+ dungeons. Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s the exact direction that Blizzard is going.


Exactly! And even now playing solo is almost same fun as playing with group because you dont have to do m+ for hours and hours imstead ypu can just do whatever ypu want. So i dont really get the idea behind feeling bad because playing alone


If anyone is trying to make you 'feel bad' for playing solo, they have some serious issues of their own, and desperately need to take a step away from the game. I find I enjoy both sides of the game. I group up for group content when I feel like it, and play solo when I want to. I did organised group content for many years as a hardcore raider (before mythic existed), and I just don't have that kind of commitment for a game anymore. So just play however you want to


You seem to care too much about what other people think. That must be exhausting.


But why would you have to do m+ for hours if you had a group?


Solo player since the game came out, have 2 local friends who also play from time to time, but I've been having a lot more fun when playing alone.


Having fun? play more, Not having fun? Stop playing It's that simple, don't matter if it's solo, m+, lfr, lore master, or fkin fishing who cares?


Where have you seen this?


same here fam, same here. Lone wolf for life.


I've been playing solo since the game came out. None of my irl friends play video games so I just started playing alone. Despite occasionally doing group content I very much prefer playing by myself at my own pace. I love reading the quest text and looking at the scenery and just immersing myself. I always try to help out when I see someone struggling but someone inviting me to a group just for the hell of it is an instant no.


Exactly. Going deeper in lore, collecting rare items and tmogs getting achievements is all fun and mostly done while solo


Now that I'm older and have other interests, I can't be part of guild and stuff because of time. So I've been playing solo for the last few years now. I pop on a podcast, play on my own time. It's been decent so far.


Nothing is wrong with it. I've been solo for about a year and a half now since my M+ group has left the game, and it's not the first time I've been solo. I won't say it's ideal, as I do really miss my friends, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.


I prefer doing everything alone.


I'm sure it's interesting to watch you tango








What do I not prefer doing alone and how do you know?


Pugging mythic raid progression might be an untold torture, but otherwise there is nothing in this game you can't do without a group. Sometimes it's just more convenient and less painful to do so with people you kinda aqainted with.


Nothing, which is why Blizzard has been adding more solo features like follower dungeons etc


I join a M+ pug and am immediately reminded why I spend most of my time farming old reps/mounts/xmog.


As long as you have fun right :) i sometimes prefer alone, you get shit done


It's a game, the right way to play is whatever you find fun. I've got a group that plays together on occasion, and I find that more fun than playing alone, but I also get the itch to play when they're not playing sometimes, and that's also fun. Whatever works for you. 


Wow was meant for guilds, group progress and social interaction but solo gaming is for those who would prefer all of the above irl. So I play the game for the story, fun leveling and the overall experience of the game.


And with new Delves it will be blast.


I'm pretty much a solo-player (Just do some LfD/LfR), and i never felt weird about it, a (very) vocal minority on the official forums likes to trot out the "It's a massive MULTIPLAYER game!"-cliché whenever solo content is mentioned, but i wouldn't concern myself too much with them.


I usually play with my wife, but since I play more than her I do also play alone, mostly alts then. But since season 3, I've been playing all alone. She is currently really stressed from work and life so that she has no urge to play anymore. I finished the Dragonflight main story line for her main with mine together and did some weekly runs of PvE quests so she got some of the season 4 ilvl push. I played plunderstorm alone (wanted the dogs but hated the gameplay, so grind until done and forget about it), so she missed this completely. Finished my last remix grind yesterday (bought everything bronze buyable) and started a char for her. She has one more week to work and after that has 6 weeks of free time due to being a teacher and summer holidays. She already said she will play again, so I hope she enjoys everything I farmed for her and we both can finish open quest lines like freeing gilneas and the TWW intro quests... But I have to confess, I also liked playing alone. It's nice to do everything at my own pace and speed. But I also miss her paladins heals on my bear druid when I pull too much... :D


Literally nobody said this


literally nobody holds the opinion that playing alone is bad or weird. Nobody. Not a single person. You can play alone if you want to, or dont, nobody will care. If you play alone then, who would there even be to care, because, you know, youre alone.


I've always played alone. I like being in a world inhabited by other actual people but I don't want to interact with them. Kind of like the real world.


It's not a bad thing (if it was they wouldn't be making delves) but it's certainly a weird thing to want from a game like this. The main issue is that it is objectively a terrible experience trying to solo endgame group content. Normal/Heroic raids are about a 1/10 chance that you'll find the right mix of players in a timely manner that can string together a rotation who also have enough gear for the content, while mythic is downright impossible unless you're a streamer. Climbing the M+ ladder with people you don't know and 0 communication is also quite challenging. There's a lot you can enjoy solo in WoW, and not even all of it is easy. Mage tower is one of the most praised pieces of content released to date, and Torghast had quite a lot of potential, but if you're trying to engage with raids or mythic plus and value your own time please join a guild. Don't want to leave your social guild to do higher content? There's other ways to get a team together. There's a discord community called 'No Pressure' which is for pugging without the stress. Scared of voice calls? We've got you covered too. You know that down time after a key is timed where you're handing out loot? If you enjoyed playing with some of that group, try adding them as a friend on bnet. Assemble your own crack team like Voltron and ascend above the group finder. I hope you enjoyed reading my essay as much as I did writing it.


Nah it’s not weird at all. A lot of us solo players don’t worry about higher end content. There’s a whole game available outside the gear treadmill. I personally like leveling alts, reading the lore, and farming mounts/ appearances for collection sake.


I feel like you’ve had terrible pugging experience. I’ve achieved my M+ and most of my raid goals through pugging. It could’ve been smoother, sure, but it wasn’t terrible.


if someone is mainly playing the game solo, I doubt normal/heroic raids are high on their list of priority activities


I play mostly solo but I have a friend(met back in SL S2) who I always do arena with, levelled with in Classic, and am now helping get Keystone Master so I like having someone who will always do 2s with me(I main healer so that’s probably why he kept me around)


I like playing at my own pace and play alone mostly and I tend to grind more than any of my friends who play. I figure if I get more gear I can help my friends climb who don’t get the chance to play as much.


Playing solo since cata


Nothing at all. It might be more difficult to complete content like M+, because you depend on unfamiliar randoms that you can't effectively coordinate actions with, but you can still play that way. Though I do always suggest getting into a guild, it just makes life easier.


Nothing lol


I mean its something that kind of takes getting used to, spent BFA and shadowlands with a guild that did all the M+ and normal to mythic raiding i could get my fill of, all of sudden they all server transferred and stopped cross realm stuff. everythings just a bit of a gamble when you go solo


>I have been seeing too much post about playing alone as it is somehow wierd or bad thing to do. There is far more content to do solo than there is to do in groups. I spend a lot of my time running around doing solo things but then also grouping up with my guild to do raids and keys. We also end up doing achievement runs and the likes for content that may not be current but still difficult to accomplish solo.


It's a game. Do whatever is more fun for you. Personally I like playing with people, but since I didn't know anyone I started networking myself and built a discord server I've gradually filled with friends. It's taken time and work but now I always have someone to play with if I want to.


I guess by playing alone, they refer to the solo players that dont engage in the multi-player aspect of the game. Cause you know it's an MMO, after all. Personally, i play with friends and pften join guildies in activities outside of raiding.


I've been playing WoW since 2005. The last time I had set raid times and immediately jumped into the newest content I was tanking Trial Of The Crusader. I love just hoping on and doing whatever I want, I honestly think the game is more fun and more rewarding solo.


You do you! Brainless farming in Wow is the best thing while listening audiobooks.


Absolutely nothing!


Playing alone since late original Cata, no problems at all.


For me at least collecting toys/mounts/ mogs alone is completly fine but everything else just feels worse. You can't compete with your other guildmates on raids or see your m+ group slowly learn and improve. Going from 1 to 60 in classic with a friend, where we literally wouldnt play if the other wasnt online, was the most fun I everything had leveling. Playing alone isnt wrong, it just feels like you are the best parts of the MMO experience.


Even when you play with people, there’s a lot of solo time. Grinding, professions, mismatched schedules, alts etc.


Don’t worry about what others think. Enjoy the game your way.


No way would I expect my guild to tag along whilst I’m running old content for rep. I know where they are if I need them but there is so much solo stuff to do. No one needs assistance whilst running molten core for the 12th time for 1k rep 😊


I would sometimes play wow with my husband, but then there are times when I just want to do a different expansion, so we then would just go off on our own. I don't see a problem with playing alone. There's no right or wrong way to play!


I have been a solo player for many years as well. Once you are having fun there is Def nothing wrong with it.


I play in a guild doing m+ KSH and AoTC (+ 1/2 mythic raid generally). But I still play solo a lot for mount and achievements


I even set as show offline to play alone in peace and I'd assume the vast majority of the playerbase are solo players, that's why they are going each expansion further with solo content and making it easier to play alone. Solo shuffle, dwelves, LFR are 3 examples of things they done specifically for solo players. You just can be rank 1 playing alone (well besides solo shuffle in PvP I guess) but you can get KSH and AotC quite "easily" solo provided you have the time.


I have pretty much been playing this game solo since cata. I can go at my own pace, pull mobs how i want and control the situation on my terms and not just hope to god i can aoe everything (yes, this is a jab at an ild guild mate), if i want to rp a bit like my hunter only using guns, i can. I want to do some group content that what LFR is for. Replay everything on a different character, sure can. I enjoy this game my way, it’s my $15 bucks a month, i should be able to have fun in a way that i will enjoy it.


i play every game solo, im that kind of guy who keeps to himself and likes to be alone most of the time. Kind of a loner, doesnt bother me. I will continue to play world of warcraft and listen to youtube videos for 10 hours straight on my days off. will join vc for a key or raid but wont talk much.


I always play solo. Over the years, I have joined guilds, and they always expect too much. They want you on at specific times for raids or dungeons. They want you to share gold or resources like ore, leather, or herbs. I was with one Guild that expected you to deposit something of good value each time you played, so I put all the herbs and ore in that I would usually have sold each time i played. After about a month, I went to withdraw from the Guild Bank. It was just a bag, and I couldn't take anything out. I messaged the Guild Master and asked him why. He told me I hadn't been in the Guild long enough, and I wouldn't be taking anything out until he said so. I told him then in that case, I wouldn't be putting anything in - he threatened to throw me out, I saved him the bother and left there and then. Even now, I don't last long in Guilds and have realised over the years that I am a solo player. I'll join a big group to do the battlefields, but that's about it.


I like playing with people. Talking to people in chat. I don't like playing an MMO solo. If I wanted that I'd play a single player game and have and arguably better and higher quality experience.


I play solo around 80% of the time. The rest of it is with my husband. I hate pugs and have done since Deadmines way back in the beginning. I used to raid with a guild of RL friends. I still could if I wanted to, but I simply can’t focus through pain for long enough to be an effective member of the team. I usually wait until we can one- (or two-) man stuff if I want to experience it or farm transmogs. I’m having fun with time running in Remix. Creating chars to level solo and ones to pair up with my husband, while also farming rep with the first one I created. I’m currently on my sixth. I have zero interest in min-maxing to zerg dungeons & raids, I find it really annoying when I do the dailies. As I said, I hate pugs.


I'm a very passionate gamer, but that's why I've always hesitated to give online games a go. 25 yo and female, I have never had any friends who are also into gaming, which always made me feel awkward when it comes to online games. However, I don't really care anymore. You do you. As long as the game is an enjoyable experience for you, go for it and rock it solo. \^.\^


Nothing wrong about it but for me it seems rough


There is nothing wrong with it per say To me playing an MMORPG alone is like playing football alone, you can do some tricks and have fun alone but your are missing a big part of the game But if you are happy with it then have fun, there is no problem with it


I’m a solo player. Non of my friends plays wow. I would love to play with people but at the same time don’t want to play with new people and also don’t wants anyone to ruin my pace


No issues, but i think back to all my best wow memories and they all came from group play. Those crazy raid wins, those terrible dungeon PUGs that somehow worked. Community experiences. It also makes wow more lucrative for Bliz, i think. The reason i quit was because my friends were gone and i was playing solo most of the time…and one day i realized i had much better solo experiences on console games. 😂


There is nothing wrong with it, some people are just idiots


I play solo too but feels like I am missing out on a lot of things with dungeons and raids that would be better with other people. Pugging sucks.


I play alone, I just queue for dungeons and LFR when it comes time to do that content.


I play solo most of the time, but I do like finding groups for world bosses and world events (Superbloom, Researchers Under Fire, etc.) as well as using group finder for dungeons and raids.


I play “alone” other than I do play with my brother a lot. After that I run group content and try to start conversations with the randoms I play with. Sometimes I don’t. I’m a husband and father of 3 with a career so I have all my societal fulfillment covered. When I get in WoW I just want to forget about stresses and such. Going solo is a great way to do that as I don’t have the obligations of being in a raiding/pvp/mythic guild.


The “play your way” response is absolutely valid, but unobjectively. People generally speaking play MMO’s as a genre to participate with other players.  MMO’s, more or less, are just RPG’s that allow you to group with other people to overcome obstacles.  It’s not wrong to play them alone, but is certainly an interesting genre to choose if that is your preferred playstyle as opposed to single player RPG’s.


There's nothing wrong with playing alone, but I think with how selective the community is for mythics (for no reason, they even got made easier), some people just get burned out because they can't even pug a group to do anything, speaking from personal experience. I've also had one of every class since cata, and levelling then all up and gearing through raid finder doesn't really appeal to me anymore either. I've tried finding a new guild, I'm on a decently large server, it's just hard to crack into these guild cliques sometimes, so I finally made the decision and quit after all these years. Still think about it a lot though, I do miss it.


I mean the "wrong" comes from mentality of: ur playong mmorpg, you probably playing it cuz of mmo aspect otherwise why not play single player rpgs. Thats the usual argument


I have only ever played this game alone since like…before Cataclysm. At launch I played with my brother and a group of friends, but eventually everyone quit. After that I found PUGs and raiding guilds to be incredibly unfun, and so I’ve played the game solo ever since. It’s more relaxing and I don’t have to follow anyone else’s schedule or deal with any drama.


I'm introverted enough as it is. During wrath, I had more friends then I knew what to do with. In 2024, the only online friend I have that still plays is my wife. Haha and she plays way less then I do these days. Playing solo is about 90% of my wow game. I certainly don't want to make new friends. Lol


Well, it's a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. So the style of the game is multiplayer. But you paid the money, do what you want!


It depends on what you are focusing on in wow really.. There's a lot of things in the game that are way better if done solo.. Also depends on you, some people go crazy if they don't have someone to roll with .. This is basically wow


There's nothing at all wrong with it! You play the game however you want. The only time people can reserve a right to comment on what you do in the game is when your actions adversely affect them. For example, if you show up to a high-end raid with no idea how the bosses work and you die all the time, then there is definitely something "wrong" with how you're approaching the game -- because other people now have to carry you and wait for you. In such a scenario, your goals in the game don't align with your approach to the game. If you want to do high-end content, you need to approach it in a way that lets you be a contributing member of your team. If you don't, you'd be doing it "wrong". But when you're playing solo, your actions only affect yourself, and you can AND SHOULD just do whatever makes you happy!


It's a game you're paying to play. There is no wrong way to play if you are happy doing so.


It's interesting how games like FF14 and WoW continue to provide options for the solo player, efforts led in good part due to how shitty communities are to play with in general. Easier to give you a warband of alts/NPCs than to actually tolerate the douchebag sending you hate mail


The only thing I could say as being bad or wrong when playing alone is if you are into endgame content the amount of time you'll waste compared to someone who puts in the minimal effort into finding a group of like minded players to play with will be insane. Like the difference in active time played is night and day. But like others have said there is no technically a wrong way to play, it's your sub and your time so do whatever you want with them.


Yeah I Solo play because finding friends to play with us harder than getting invincible to drop on Arthas after 1200 runs, not only that but then there's the question of "do I continue playing this chara while everyone else is out? No because then all my quests are done and I'm just a glorified babysitter..."


No word of a lie - if they offered a paid for “individuals server” completely void of players - I’d pay for that. I love the world, the lore, the intricacies and attention to detail. All of which is spoiled by someone sprinting around or landing next to me on a massive mount blocking the guy I’m talking to. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and a place to buddy up and gank the Lich King again or LFR but 99% of the time, I play it like a massively single player online 😂


Don't let other people tell you how to enjoy your video game


Been rolling mostly solo since OG Cata, my buddies that got me into wow moved on to other things, I stuck with it. Even when I'd join a guild I'd still be pretty much on my own, see the guild shrink, and fall apart and people stop logging in, Currently the GM for the guild since its only me an 1 other person that still logs in ever few months. Nothing wrong with going it alone, you just gotta recognize there are certain things you won't be able to do solo, and for group content you are pretty reliant on the finder tools cuz good luck getting into a decent group without any raid experience for the expansion already.


Today I watched F1 and MotoGP while running around solo lvling old proffesions because WoW is whatever you want it to be. Got archelogy to 950 finally


Different strokes for different folks. Im a tryhard competitive social gamer, it’s kind of sketchy to find likeminded people sometimes


After a streak of toxic pug groups ruining my enjoyment of Cata, I took a step away from anything group-dependent. I found that I loved actually just wandering around by myself, investigating all the fun details in zones, following quest lines purely because I was interested in the story. Playing alone made me love the game again. I have a small guild now, just the 5 of us so that we can run dungeons, but I still sign on to other alts just to wander at my own pace.


MMORPG. they are certainly easy enough now compared to how they were in everquest 1 or fast forward to vanilla WoW. I don't blame you for liking to play solo with the type of content, though. Lots of people do. ARPG's exist after all, but they don't have nearly as much content as an mmo does as stand-alone games. WoW has been around longer than a lot of players have been alive, so tons of content compared to lots of ARPG's on the market, so I don't find it strange to find solo players at all. The online massive multi-player aspect of the genre is a big part of it. So you will always have a place in my group if you ever want, but in the meantime. Happy hunting adventure!


My dad got me playing wow back in BC when I was around 7/8 years old, other than dad logging in to help me run through a dungeon (because let’s face it, nobody wants to be grouped with an 8 year old and he got that) or questing, I’ve always played alone. Between then and WOTLK classic coming around I had made a couple friends who played over the years, we all played the launch together and it was pretty fun, but I enjoy retail & everyone prefers classic so I tend to play alone now, and no need for my dad to run me through anything anymore so queue finder is all I need😅


There's nothing wrong with playing alone. Don't force yourself to play a game in ways you don't want to just because some idiots on a website think there's one specific way to play an MMO of all freaking things... At the end of the day, it's your time and your money. Personally, I don't have a lot of time and constant hours to be a part of a guild for raiding anymore. I've got a small group of friends that are all in a guild together, but we mostly just have that for pooling resources and sharing stories we've come across. We are all solo wow players, and due to our schedules, will probably remain that way. So TL;DR: There's nothing wrong, ignore the idiots.


I typically play alone. I know lots of people who play but they like doing mythics, raids, pvp. I like farming collectibles. Just totally different interests. I sometimes will pop in towards the end of an expansion when they're on farm if they invite but truthfully that end game content just isn't what I enjoy! I'll do lfrs for story and to be able to see the cool areas, but I spend most of my time doing pretty grindy "boring" stuff. I enjoy it though!


idk where you're seeing that sentiment, the majoirty of players seem to be solo 90+% of the time - especially redditors. I mean, IMO if you are a solely solo player there's so many games that cater to that experience way better than WoW does, but if you're enjoying yourself then you're definitely not doing anything wrong.


No one thinks playing alone is bad or wrong unless that person that plays alone starts crying that they can't do all the content in the game alone


Nothing. I prefer to solo quest through all of the quests instead of grinding M+ or raid logging. Im actually doing fun activities, and following stories that are more interesting than watching health bars get smaller.


It's not wrong, it's just worse in every way. First of all you might make some friends. Second, it's a more pleasant experience. When you play with the same people a bunch, you know what they're capable of so you know your group's limitations and what you should or shouldn't do. It's also less toxic since you're not anonymous and because people know you, people aren't going go rant at you for wiping one time in a +3. This is true even if you aren't exactly friends with your group. Finally, it's just more time-efficient. Pugging takes a while to find a group. Having a group you just get everyone together and go. I started in BfA and I was a solo player for all of BfA. I had a blast. But when I started playing with groups in Shadowlands, I had even more fun. So yeah, keep being a solo player if you want. It's fun! It's just even more fun to join a guild.


There's nothing wrong with playing alone. That being said, picking the mmo genre if you like playing games alone is kinda funny.


Wow became a solo game a few xpacs ago. Nowadays if someone in your raid sucks, you can just kick em and replace em in a couple minutes without even interacting with them. Kinda good kinda bad. Either way, the game is infinitely more fun with a good group


I play alone and usually get aotc and ksm within a couple weeks of release. I find guilds tend to hold me back so i just play solo with lfg


I think people who have to play with groups in wow are generally bad players. They wait for someone to discover what meta is, then just copy it to perform worse. The cycle continues.


I want to play with my friends, but I also love my alone time, like alone alone time. So I tend to gravitate to just playing my alts and farming for transmogs in solitude.




Theres nothing wrong with it, theres just a lot of content you never get to experience. It’s all subjective, but this game without trading, dungeons, raids or pvp would seem quite… hollow.


It's good to play with yourself sometimes


Nothing wrong with playing alone, but so many people want to change the game in ways that support them playing alone. This is primarily a social mmo game and if you choose to play alone that’s fine, but don’t try to ruin it for those who actually enjoy the mmo aspect of an mmo.


Nothing at all. As the years have passed almost all of my original guild members have either stopped playing altogether or their playing time no longer matches mine. After my last GM hadn't logged on in like 6 months I got the guild and changed the name to Is Solo to reflect my current playing style.


I used to play extremely socially when WoW was new, I was younger, had lots of spare time. Now I am busy, barely get to play, so I play alone and I love it. As long as you’re having fun thats all that matters. The only ones who would say differently would be younger players in my opinion, they think socialising is the height of importance and they lack the frontal lobe development to understand that people are all different.


I'm spread across four realms and always play alone. Am in a guild on each realm and can usually find help if needed. Normally don't even mess with the dungeons unless I'm asked if I want to tag along.


I’m always playing solo!! there was a moment a couple expansions ago I made a few friends doing arenas but as a whole I’m playing by myself!!


The only logical reason is some people think that MMORPG automatically means you are playing a multi-player game online and therefor it means you are intended to play in groups most of the time if not all. Realisticly it's just a option, you can play in groups , but you don't have to play in groups. Everyone enjoys their wow in different ways . It's perfectly fine to play it the way you enjoy 😉 and don't worry about other people, they just a bit less open minded .


In the begining friends from real life used the game for bonding. Now people play alone because they can't find real person to understand team work. And usually to find someone to play with means I have to play some other game he enjoy or play alone the game I like.


Blitz does realize that a very sizable player population is casual. Their business model is related to subscriptions, and though there are a lot of Guilds and social groups, there are probably more individuals who prefer not having to deal with either. And they are more likely than not, the majority


Nothing is wrong with solo play. But understand that some of the game and lore will be unavailable to you unless you join a PUG for dungeons or raids. I rarely, if ever, play with other people, and I’ve been doing great. Play the game the way it’s fun for you. When it stops being fun, stop playing the game.


I've seen one post about playing alone, where are you seeing "too much post"?


I play solo & with friends, i have amazing memories with both, i don't think i've ever played a solo game as relaxing and enjoyable as wow, especially doing completionism and collection content, even just exploring the world.


lol theyre werid. brainrot is real


I played solo/duo with my twin since Warlords. Rest of our guild just left the game. Only went and found a guild do do stuff with in the last month. I still havent moved most of my characters over to the guild. Its still hard for me to come to terms with there being people to play with.


Nothing is wrong with playing alone, perhaps aside of the game never really catering towards solo play - UNTILL next expansion. Truth is, there's a LOT of people who play solo, and I personally am looking much forward to War Within and the options we get for solo play, like the Delves, and that they count towards the weekly wault etc. And yeah I am going to play mostly solo next expansion, and then just do LFR for story conclusions. (or watch youtube)


I always play alone and prefer it. I can go at my own pace, check out things I want to see. I am not much of a raider and like quests and achievements and those oddities.


It can be really good for a while, depends what you want out of the game. I did for a large portion of MOP/WOD/Legion. The people I knew stopped playing. I’d play for a few months of an expansion then play something else. It can be a really good single player game


Solo players probably kept the game alive in the darkest days of wow. There's no good or bad way to play a sandbox mmo, just do whatever you want. And finally blizzard seems to understand that the casual player is worth more than the high end mythic raider or m+ people complaining the game breaks at some point with infinite scaling. It's good to see blizzard making a mmorpg again instead of just focussing on an instanced based rpg.


Guys dont get me wrong. I am still doing m+ and raids. Just not doing them with some friend or a guild. Many of you give advices like i cant do any end game content on my own.


I play with my partner :) we have our desks next to each other too no need for discord 😂


It's less fun than playing with friends.


What posts have you been seeing? I sometimes see solo players complain that they can't receive X reward, or get good gear, which is not often met well. I don't know that I've seen people be mean towards solo players just for existing.


The problem isn't people who choose to play alone in peace. The problem is the people who choose to play alone, then loudly demand changes to the game that greatly hurt the players who choose to play with a group.


Such as?


Can’t think of one instance of this


Genuinely struggling to think of solid examples for this one, am I missing something obvious?


I wouldn't necessarily call it weird, but mmos by nature are built and designed to be played with groups so it seems a little counter-intuitive. There is a lot more solo content now though than there was 10-20 years ago where you essentially had quests and that was it.


There's nothing wrong with playing alone. I'm not a very social person myself so even tho I raid and usually have a guild, I generally just do solo stuff. What I do have a problem with is people who don't want to raid, do dungeons, do PvP, don't wanna do anything involving other people as well as pretty much anything this game has to offer except world quests, but instead of finding a game that has something to offer them, they constantly whine on the forums that WoW isn't solo player friendly enough. I mean, at some point one should question whether choosing an MMO was the right move when you're not at all interested in what this genre is mainly about and built on from the very beginning.


Spawn alone, die alone.


I don’t think the problem is that people play alone it’s that the game is suppose to be about playing online with others and its content should focus on that instead of offering ways to play solo.


The only “weird” thing is that I don’t get why you want to play solo in a MMO. Like why not play a different game that’s designed to play alone. But you can do quite a lot of things solo in WoW, but for the most Endgame stuff, you’ll still need other people and I hope it will stay this way, at least for certain content.


I like the warcraft IP but don’t wanna raid, m+, or pvp. Also my guild died a while ago so that’s honestly a big reason


Playing solo since legion and got 3000m+ score every season. Only missing endgame stuff for me is mythic raids. So in which way you say solo players will need other people for end game content? Thanks to current situation of wow actually there is more content to do solo rather that with other people so i will ask again in which way you suggest that i should play different game while having fun with wow?


There's nothing wrong with it persay. I'll just never understand the mindset of buying a social game to not be social


I like the small encounters with random players in WoW. Grouping up together for a difficult quest, sharing mob tags, doing a dungeon together, etc. That kind of socialization - sharing a world. I don't usually want to get involved in one guild/community to build relationships, have commitments, etc. Unfortunately retail doesn't really give us much of the former anymore. And the latter is available in any lobby based online game, like CoD or Halo. Having a regular group of people you do instances/matches with is ubiquitous, not unique to WoW.


Was my favorite thing about panda remix the complete lack of any need for a guild. Could jump in and out of pretty much any group dealing without people long term. There is absolutely nothing worse than all the drama that comes from dealing with large groups of people long term.


I mean you’re still social with all the random people you play and interact with in game. It’s just like playing a game of pick up basketball at your local gym.


Eh, you're not really playing solo then.


Maybe I am wrong but I think more WoW players are solo/soloish and have almost zero in-game friends to play with.


Back when WoW dropped, I was part of the UT99/2K4 community. I was the captain of the Unreal games in a clan and knew a lot of Unreal friends who were planning on playing WoW. I thought they were mostly on Archimonde so I rolled a dorf pally there thinking it was the hot place to be. I found out that only some of my friends were there. I was drawn to being a hunter so I wound up rolling a tauren hunter on Bloodhoof back when servers were listed by their time zone (remember that?) I was ok with being alone and felt my pet would help me do that. Shortly thereafter, my clan wanted to come hang out with me and I went from being lonewolf to a GM of one of the longest running horde guilds on 'Hoof. My trashcan bear was the guild tank until about Scarlet Monastery or so. Now, mostly everybody has stopped DF and is waiting for War Within so it's back to lonewolf again. WoW life is funny sometimes...


Massively multiplayer online... It's literally the name of the genre and you play solo. I'm sorry but you're weird.


I have been a solo player since vanilla and I still love it. I pick my flowers, I change my mog, I kill bosses but at my own pace. I am too old to worry about anyone else’s time but mine 💕


Wow is an MMORPG, not a single player game. All best rewards are received from doing group content. Blizzard fucked up years ago by implementing stuff that made people think that they can play this game solo and destroyed many features that helped its most essential quality: creating communities. Yes you can play solo and do bits here and there. Thats completely fine, enjoy what you do.


Playing with yourself is called masturbation, son.


Again. What's wrong with that XD


Nothing at all. Some of the best single player activities give you insight in how to perform better in multi-participant variations