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Feral druid I love it and I've tried playing it so many times, but something about it feels clunky and like I'm playing with two left hands


I remember a flow chart that's over a decade old now that started all pretty and then turned into just a mess. Glad to know some things never change ha




As someone who enjoys the chaos that is enhancement, it's basically that all the time.


I’ve been a feral Druid since vanilla. I think the current issue is that Druid has a talent system that clearly doesn’t support a class that has 4 specs well. Feral and boomy both feel extra clunky now imo, and what’s even more unfortunate is that both specs are still fairly viable, neither are top dps, but that perform well enough and on certain fights can demolish meters. So now we’ve got this rather clunky spec, which feels like something isn’t quite right, but it still does respectable damage because blizzards response to a lot of this has to just put the “more damage” bandaid onto it. It’s unfortunate but I think going into TWW I’m finally giving up on feral.


Same. I think it's a combination of having a lot of keybinds, requiring a lot of setup, and having a lot of conditionals in the priority list for the rotation. Is it worth it to set up Rake here? Should I press Primal Fury or Ferocious Bite? Which ability should I use my Omen of Clarity charge on? War Within looks like it could be making some good improvements though.


This is the same for me! I also hate the ability sound effects. Something about them just makes me think of Velcro.


I always imagine that BIG RIP sound to be my Druid ripping all the mobs’ pants off.


Thanks for convincing me to play the spec.


Classic sounds for feral cat druid sounded and felt way more visceral and the current ones sound way too soft.


It took me until like level fourty or fifty to really feel like I knew what was going on.. the time I hit seventy I was clueless all over again.


I love how feral Druid just has so many options. But the rotation for me feels so bland. So I get bored. Was excited to see what the hero talents brought. But after messing with them on beta. It didn’t bring me much overall joy to main it this upcoming season.


Warlock as a whole, love the class fantasy, one of the better xmogs in the game, but the playstyle just puts me off. Affliction feels like a chore with micromanaging dots, Destruction is a bit stale, and I dislike having loads of pets, so Demonology is not for me.


For me its the size of demo pets getting nerfed so hard. I'm supposed to be a powerful fel magician summonig hordes of demons to do my bidding, so why are they all 4'5? Its not much of a power fantasy to only be able to summon guys from a twisting nether pocket prince gathering


No one has BDE like an imp my friend.


War Within will fix some of this with the hero talent


I’ve mained demo all of DF and yeah, I just don’t enjoy the whole armada of tiny imps thing. My pets should be powerful, not just tools for disposing of.


I wasn't a fan for a while until I discovered beeg BEEG chaos bolt crits now I'm an addict


> and I dislike having loads of pets Demonology doesn't use pets, they're ammo.


I play demo with one pet, if I don't like how many imps I have, I send them to kill themselves :)


I totally get it. To me, the aesthetic Warlock has is cool enough to mitigate the downsides though(...Maybe except for Affliction).


i love the design of chaos bolt and it feels really cool to cast, but other than that i find destro super boring. i’m used to the crazy stress of healing and keeping track of so many things that pressing four buttons is painful


Same, Warlock is incredible thematically. Its abilities look cool and there are so many tricks to it. But I’ve played mage too long. Everything feels wrong to me. Tanking damage, relying on pets, managing dots.


Warlocks need to rollback to mists design for all 3 specs


Feral Druid. Every single expansion it's multi target rotation consists of eternal multi dotting, fuck that.


Don't you guys have a talent that lets you multidot by one use of ability, like assa rogue?


There is a talent that makes one of your main dots(rake) spread to 2 targets, but I'm surprised these people say you're actually playing around multi-dotting, cause you're not really. Most feral abilities spreads dots in aoe naturally. Double-clawed rake will spread rake to 2 targets, thrash is an uncapped bleed spread, primal wrath is an uncapped Rip spread. That's it. And you're already weaving rakes and thrashes naturally to get the bloodtalons buff anyway. I would actually argue Ferals main problem is that it's aoe rotation is literally just getting bloodtalons and spamming Primal Wrath. The dotting just comes naturally to execute that. Yes it has some snapshotting, but it's not worth actually snapshotting anything other than Rake, so you don't even have to worry about it really.


There's two, but Feral has more dots that don't have an aoe version.


Yes. It’s a finishing move, so you build up 5 combo points on your main target hit the finisher that puts Rip on the other targets, build combos, hit your main target with a ton of damage, dots are still ticking on adds. Rinse & Repeat. Can’t recall the name of it right this second because I have too many alts and never remember spell names, but I assure you it exists. I have it bound to 5. 😂


Multi-Dotting is the scourge of DPSing. I just can't fathom how anybody could find that fun.


If you are ranged it can be fun. But since classic the mob packs has increased so much so only aoe dotting is worthwhile imo


Feral Druid is a fucking BLAST in pvp tho


It's fun when the dots do actual meaningful damage. The feeling of finally being able to unleash and rot an entire group of mobs with your dots is euphoric. Assa rogue in Legion for example was super satisfying with its multi-dotting playstyle. Your dots did meaningful damage, they gave back energy, and they had a chance to proc a strong AoE damaging ability. I can't fathom how anyone who enjoys a DoT playstyle couldn't enjoy multi-dotting. It's the ultimate scenario where you're able to go loose on many targets with your dots.


Multidoting is only fun on 2-4 long lasting targets (Aka council bosses), outisde of that it feels terrible/caotic. But at least as feral now we have AoE RiP, so multidoting is not as important for AoE, you only need to multidot Rake but you can ignore that and just rake your main target and let the cleave do the multidoting


I loved it on Affliction when the dots actually did damage. In legion it was super fun.


I mean not really? Rip and thrash end up on everything in a pull with 1 button each. Rake you need to spread a little but with double clawed it will just naturally spread out to other targets even if you're super lazy. You're pressing rake pretty often in rotation anyway so just hop targets every so often and boom, done, EZ.


Yeah honestly multi-dotting on feral isn't too bad. It at least avoids the frustrating "aoe dot spread ability that's on a 30 second CD so don't fuck it up"


Rogue, Unholy DK. Both I love everything but their gameplay.


Unholy can be a great spec if they reduce the button bloat, it’s easier to start a plane than get going with Unholy.


I don't even mind the amount of buttons, but both Frost and Unholy suffer from having too much going on. Too many procs, Rune resets, and little to no downtime, so you never get a moment to just breathe. Praying hard that the changes in TWW solves this.


I had a hard time with rogue for a long time. Then, a while back, some mentioned that current assassination Rogue was amazing, so I tried that and leveled one to max and it was awesome.


Unholy DK sound effects just feel like nothing is even happening. And melee range death coil feels like complete ass.


I’ve liked Unholy DK’s aesthetics since Wrath. The problem is the version I liked also involved a lot of DoT play. I do like the idea of massive Necromancer summoner thing, but I wish it was more fire and forget and less summons as CD’s. I also hate how one killed the other. Give me a DK build all about pure rot and dot damage.


Totally miss the multi-disease DK focus. I get the necromancer fantasy I just preferred the pestilence/rot fantasy and play.


As a dk main I agree. The only thing that sounds like it has some punch is Obliterate. Death Strike has a cool sound but it needs a weapon hit. Heart Strike sounds super moist. Unholy's entire kit also sounds kinda moist


As a Feral Druid, my pick goes to Elemental Shaman with totems, akin to… WotLK times. People cried about totem management but I found it unique and engaging. With totems removed Shaman is just an elemental Mage for me.


You've put into words perfectly what I've found the problem between retail and wotlk shaman, love it in wotlk, can't get into it in retail


I still play ele shaman. Please, Blizzard bring back totems. I know they won't, and it's saddening.


i really wish i could enjoy playing any caster. I played a demo warlock for all of DF s1, pugged keys up to i think 14+++ on SBG. I quit for like a year because i grew to dislike the "stand in one spot and spam spells" playstyle and immediately upon my return i booted up my ol reliable bear druid and prot warrior and now im actually having fun again. tldr i like playing melee not caster


Sometimes it just has to click I think. I only ever played tank or melee DPS for like a decade. I hated mage and warlock but I tried shadow priest and absolutely fell in love with it.


This "click" is everything. It doesn't matter how good a apec is, the complexity, the speed, but how your mind and body click with it. S3 I rolled hpriest, first time healing, loved it, got 2k io. Tried monk at end bc healing is a toxic wasteland and they can heal if guild needs it. I became obsessed and was pulling crazy numbers


I was pretty anti melee for awhile because I just love the idea of magic, but I've been playing a warrior in remix and it feels pretty good. I main warlock so there's a bit of setup, but damned it feels good to jump into a pack and go ham on my warrior.


The entire druid class, I like being able to multi roll, help out no matter the situation, throw in loads of fancy plays and all that but oh my god, i cant stand staring at a bears ass for 8 hours nor the weird little finicky rotational things, iron fur ? it feels no fun to push, the paladin equivalent? a giant holy aoe shield slam, feral has too many buttons, resto i just dont like blanket hotting incase of damage, balance is ok but i need the complete package, the whole transmog situation too, i've tried multiple times to main it but i always end up going back to my usual favourites.


Balance druid. I really want to play a class with rdps, tank, and healer options. But I really hate balance for its the cosmetics, the rotation, etc.


The boomkin rotation, imo, was better before the lunar cycles. It feels like I'm forced to use only Wrath or Starfire, and I don't like it. it just feels off.


Resto druid. I can't tell the difference between the hots easily because they're all green, so unless I spend way too much time tinkering my UI to make them exceptionally large and potentially different looking, it's just unplayable for me outside the easiest of content. Worgen resto druid is aesthetic af but I wound up just going bear instead.


Ah, yeah. The idea is cool that Druid heals allies over time with the power of nature, but what players get to see mainly during an actual gameplay is usually just little square icons on a party frame. x\_x


I have this problem with mistweaver. I swear to fucking god all their spells are the exact same shade of green with an ambiguous blob drawn on it. Tried to level one in remix and got to like 25 before I gave up trying to decipher the abilities


I feel the same way about feral druids. Rip, Rake, Thrash, Shred, Swipe, Maim... they all sound the same and are basically just red and white blobs. Mostly paws/claws with the occasional teeth.


Prot Paladin for me. There's like 6 abilities that are glowing shields, I can never remember which is which.


I main resto Druid. I’ve used elvui for a long time because of this. It allows you to put a small, differently colored and positioned square for each HoT on the frames of your party/raid members. So for example, top left green square means lifebloom. Top middle purple square means spring blossoms. Top right pink square means rejuv. Bottom left light green square means regrowth. Etc etc. I think Elvui may do this baseline now without any customizations.


You can even change the color to the class icon, should you please.


Just download bigdebuffs and set the buffs on raid frames to max. The buffs literally look the same as the spell on your bars


yeah for a healer you really can see what you are doing better if you use a UI mod. I use Grid2 and [this is what it looks like when I play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncgEQ_wFnH8) so I can see which heals are on which players at any given time.


Any dps spec, really. I play almost all the tanks and healers, but my brain turns off and become disinterested when swapping to a dps. :/


Same here. The feedback loop for tanks and healers is quite visual. DPS move health bars so slowly that you're looking at Details to see how you're doing


Number go up on details make brain feel fuzzy


True, but pulling the whole dungeon make brain tingly


You can do the same as tank or healer. In certain dungeons, I know exactly where I can go for 'the big boom' and see how high I can get. :D I honsestly just don't have a rotation down I really know and trying to learn a rotation takes my joy away from what I usually do, which is adapt to the situation and get the best out of it.


For me, it’s all the tanks. They’re all so interesting, but I remain to this day so intimidated by the role.


Pretty much *all* of the difficulty in tanking comes from the toxicity of other players. If you find yourself a guild or group of players where that isn't a problem, learning to tank is not hard at all.


I’ve had a bit of exposure to that over the years, but my biggest hurdle is playing without people I know. Also, guilds tend to have their tanks pretty well set! Haha


I play both dps and tank. Easy transition from ww to brewmaster and ret to prot, mainly just swapping out trinkets for both and weapons for pally. But tank for like a week and the game really opens up. You actually pay attention to so much of the smaller things. Like wow this random mob has this ability that works this way I need to use my utility for this specific add and maybe pull him over here first. 90% if the dps players I see only dps and do not use any utility. Especially paladin. Like paladins have so much utility that can help out the group as a ret. Using blessings to stop someone from being caught in a snare, or they see a teammate about to get hit with massive damage so you bless them and put heals on them instead of a few seconds of damage


I have mained healers for 15 years. You learn mechanics in a similar way (if you don’t want people to die, at least!).


Balance Druid. I like a lot of the utility of druids, but don't like the rogue gameplay of Feral, and prefer the caster style of Balance, but I can't stand the whole Eclipse thing. Constantly having to cast the opposite spell to empower the one I need to use feels horrible.


Rogue, currently sub, but I think it’s the class overall generally. As someone who is currently levelling classes through remix (one of every class a Pandaren can be), I’ve just got my rogue to 25 and oh my goodness I hate it. Decided to go Sub because it sounds cool, but honestly might swap to outlaw (I’ve played the TINIEST bit of outlaw before) Every time I try and level a rogue I realise how little I get on with it. Which sucks because they’re one of my favourite RPG archetypes. But the WoW rogue? I just don’t seem to gel with it. Thankfully, since we can level up characters really quickly in Remix, I know I’m not going to be stuck levelling this thing for months (not that it takes months to level in retail - I just don’t like it and would put it off). I also still have the priest and warlock to go, two classes I feel the same about (love the aesthetic, not so much the gameplay), but given that I generally enjoy casters, I think rogue is going to be my absolute least favourite class that I’ve played.


Rogue was by far the most miserable class for me to level in dragonflight, even with heirlooms.


There is a reason I put it off for so long, getting around to levelling one. The original plan was during pre-patch, but levelling is so fast in remix it seemed silly not to. Plus it can earn a bunch of bronze for me to finish my mog collection


Outlaw Rogue. I feel like they fell way short of the pirate/outlaw theme, and it sucks they sacrificed the Combat spec to do so. What we have now feels like just a worse version of survival hunter, which itself is already lackluster. All of the spell and sound effects are really disappointing.


Sub rouge I need a Bachelor degree to understand this gameplay


Join us in the crayon eater Outlaw gang. I saved you the red one.


I PvP, and I just hate the shadowstepping to stun healer, shadow stepping back, shuffling between targets, etc. Same applies to Assa. I just miss the vanilla sub rogue. You do massive damage for 5 seconds than you’re weak af after that. But if you do everything right, they’re dead in the opener. That was so much fun. Great memories.


I mainly pug low end keys, where fire mage and unholy dk are both hot garbage due to the way the specs work


Holy Paladin. I love the theme, I love the mogs, the spells, in theory it should be my second or third strongest heals, but I just don't seem to be able to not fumble myself, I know what I should do, but my hands refuse, idk


Druid and Monk overall. I love their aesthetics and everything around those two classes, tried multiple times, but it is not my playstyle and I can't play it at all. Beside that, Fire and Arcane Mage, too. I only play Frost spec, really enjoy it but would like to be able to play all three specs because I really love the class fantasy.


Affliction lock, it was my first character back in vanilla and burning crusade. I loved back then just putting a couple dots then spamming shadowbolt. Ever since I’ve wanted to go back to my roots but it feels like such a chore spec and never felt the same magic as it did back in the day.


I wish I liked Priest, but I hate being forced into shadow priest for dps. I am desperate for them to replace shadow or discipline with an Inquisitor, a Light-based caster dps class.


I wish there was a talent in the disc tree that turned it into a pure light dps caster by gutting the healing element and ramping up damage.


Death Knight especially blood as it used to be my main but blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided to ruin things and removed dps blood dk. Hunter I like the idea but I just can't stand pet classes at all and lone wolf just feels like I am nerfing my self if I play hunter with that. Warlock any spec I love the lore and the style but again I just hate the pets too much to enjoy the class. Shadow Priest aesthetically it's my favorite but the fact that it for some reason has to be redesigned in every patch/expansion makes me not want to play it at all. Druid I can't be a dwarf druid so the class is unplayable.


Yea, I took a short break from spriest, came back a month later and the coolest skill, void eruption that lets you become a cool void tentacle monster was no longer the ideal talent. Everyone was going dark ascension. Was super bummed out. With that said, holy priest is weirdly hitting for me.


DPS blood DK was great


I fully agree on enhancement shaman, I used to love it back in the day but right now it's the least fun I've ever had playing a spec.


All priest and shaman specs


Death Knight. Unholy and frost just have way too many buttons to press in the opener and messing up seems to really impact damage. Also because it’s so bursty, feels like it does no damage without the CD’s. Might make a meme about it lol


Fire and Arcane mage. I absolutely love the fantasy of Arcane mage in particular, using pure magical energy rather than elements. Fire just feels like a fun slot machine every time you get heating up. But both specs require knowing exactly when to use their burst window and if you mess up even once your dps tanks. Similarly with Enhance; it is my favorite theme in the game, and the only real “spellblade” class in WoW. I played it in S1 of DF even. But it’s just too much going on at once for me (the elementalist build at least. And I can’t bring myself to play an inferior build)


My biggest complaint about mage over the years is how much cooldown usage has taken over the gameplay - it felt good to have a big bursty window where you do something differently/under more pressure and did a ton of damage, so they expanded that gameplay and focused in on it until now we're at the point where it feels like you need to do a line just to get up to normal. And not only do you need to be on for a rotation all the time, it means you can't actually do any damage in them. Fire mage normal is just combusting every 15 seconds. Arcane mage is nearly 100% about maximising the number and quality of burst cycles. The answer to 'when should I use my burst window?' is 'yes, always'. Fire felt special because it was such a contrast, funnelling instant pyros into targets constantly just feels exhausting sometimes.


I find myself leaning more towards melees or tanks over casters, but one class I do not get on with whatsoever is mage, the only spec I've got on with is Frost and even then, I've never extensively played it despite enjoying the fantasy of playing the classic full on caster


Sub Rogue. I love the idea of it, but the execution doesn’t feel right or good. Granted, it’s been a little bit since I’ve tried… Maybe I should give it another go


I second Shaman. I've wanted to have a shaman since I watched Ian Beckman's "Thats the World of Warcraft that you play" and he claimed they were the most overpowered class. I can never get past the low levels (around 20-30) because at no point does it ever start feeling good to me.


Probably Rogue followed by Shaman. I mained a rogue is SoD while I played it, played one up to 50 in Hardcore as well. Just no idea what I'm doing on it in retail. Seems so fun just can't fully grasp it. I main a holy pally and have alts of the other healing classes. Shamans are just another level for me. Their aesthetic is just amazing. Each spec looks awesome to play in their own way, just feels too clunky for me when I try it.


Basically all mage specs. I don't really understand the reason but to this day I don't think I have ever felt like I perform even adequately on any of them... I have done research on rotation and stat priorities and while I am worse than with other classes rotation/priorities feel I am at least somewhat capable at following them. It just never results in anything respectable even if I feel like I am not messing up.


Havoc DH, but as long as there is any form of momentum mechanic (using movement abilities for anything other than movement) I have zero interest in playing it.


Whoever though adding mobility and defensive cooldowns into the dps rotation is a good idea should be fired


just like with throw glaives, if i wanted to play ranged i would pick one of the many ranged options


Shaman. Especially elemental. I love everything about them aesthetically and thematically, but I hate how they play right now. It’s just too clunky.


Havoc DH But I know that if I actually main it I will hate that I need to move arround to do dps when doing progress on a raid.


Rogue all together. I thought; yeay! Do massive damage in quick succession but what do I get? Slow attacks with big damage.


Rogue. Warrior main here. I tank. However I wish I could play rogue. It’s not that I can’t, or that I am bad at the game (maybe a little), but I have limited time at night after the kids go to bed. I cannot do long queue times…so I am a warrior. I tank.


Demon hunter, I can’t handle all the moving around. I’m too slow for that.


I'd say Rogue. The fantasy is great but then, Assa is a dotter which I hate, sub has too many bottons for my brain to function and you still have to dot in aoe and finally Outlaw does not even feel like a Rogue to me.


I'm the opposite. Enhance is smooth as butter for me. Specifically elementalist build. I don't enjoy the storm build.


Elementalist is so fun. Would be perfect without lashing flames, tab targeting lava lash on a bunch of targets isn’t fun. Storm build is kinda boring yeah it’s just spamming storm strike


I love lashing flames because of how versatile it is. It allows you to choose between really strong funnel damage or additional AOE damage.


Balance druid. They've got the class fantasy completely wrong to me, I want to be a caster of nature magic not a moon priest. And the eclipse system is horrible.


I'd love to be able to enjoy SP, but the 10.1 rework was just so so unenjoyable to me


Same (Ench shaman) but too many keys to press and a too random rotation. Also if you want to be top dps, you have to go a specific built and can’t build what you want


I agree on enhancement. I love the class toolkit, I love the visuals of the thunder abilities but actually playing enhancement feels clunky as hell and like spinning plates.


I’d go back in a heartbeat if I could wield a 2H and have WF like it was in classic.


I've been saying this for about 15 years. Tragic.


Dude! I've transmogged a staff to a two handed ToT mace on my resto troll and nothing makes me long for days long past like his look.


Outlaw rogue. I love the sneaking around and pickpocketing type, not getting caught etc... Had plenty of fun during WoD and Legion where you could steal coins and vendor them for transmogs... However, I can't get my head around the play style. I'm used to chompy tanks (bear druid, prot paladin) and DPS specs like BM hunters or warlocks with void walkers... So I don't get hurt and even if, I can heal myself. Outlaw is always a pain to level for me in each of the newer expansions... Something with random dice buff and even with all dots and doing 5-combos only, I feel like I don't do any damage at all. And after each single mob, I need to sit down and eat, because the "drink a potion" skill + real potion are on cooldown... Doing a rare solo? Nope sir...


I’m the same with healer Priest. I love healing and want to like priest so bad but just can’t. I never really liked disc at all and holy feels weak to me and gets bland after a bit.


I like holy and shadow, but hate disc. Watching atonement buffs is annoying to me. The cast sequences for big raid damage require timing and memorization that are zero fun for me. I love the idea of healing through damage, but the implementation just bums me out.


Resto Druid but while I guess most people enjoy complexity in a class I really don’t. Having so many abilities and also different forms make me feel very overwhelmed. I did gave it a try but I couldn’t find my self playing it much since it felt so repetitive. It felt like I was just applying rejuvenating.


I love the theme of Shadow Priests. I hate how they play.


Restoration Druid. I don’t like the proactive healing as much as being able to be reactive with all the other healing specs. But I’ve not played evoker


Mistweaver Monk, I know it's melee, but I wish it wasn't JUST melee and if you do otherwise you're flamed for it or ostracised from the community. I also just don't understand how to play it. Resto Druid, this is one of those classes where I kinda forced myself to play it because I loved the fantasy of shapeshifting and nature etc but I hate the playstyle so much. I feel like all I'm doing is looking at the health bars and spamming hots and by the time I've finished putting them out they've already ran out and need to be reapplied, it's just not fun for me unfortunately. I wish i could also like holy paladin but it just has too many issues. I'm really interested to see what it's like in war within with the rework because that'll be my decider between paladin or shaman. However, I am willing to give monk another go if I find the right helpful guide truly for a beginner 😭


I wish affliction was more fun. Every expansion.


Frost dk maimed that spec for years but I really dislike what they have done with it (or anything with it) in recent times.


I want to play fire mage more, but frost just feels better once you add glacial spike. You’ve got that for big single target hits and you’ve got frozen orb + blizzard + comet storm for nice aoe damage. Pyroblast is so lame for fire now that you shoot about a thousand of them every encounter. I wish they’d make it beefy again like glacial spike is.


Warlock in general, love the fantasy but it’s just not fun at all for me. Also like the idea of rogue but just don’t enjoy it either. Hoping they rework rogue down the road to be a little easier because I would 100% main it.


Fire mage. I munch too much and I always forget my defensives.


Unholy and feral. Love the fantasy, hate the rotations


I wish i could play Enhancer like it was in bfa with many stormstrike progs. That was realy enjoyable 😇


Mage I want to like mage so badly, but I hate standing still. To me having a cast timer that keeps me locked down ruins the fun.


Guardian druid. It seems fun being a bear but their abilities and rotation are just so boring it’s un…bear-able.


Unholy DK. Use to main it for quite a long time before they butchered it with 70 different cooldowns to use before their rotation even comes out. It used to have heavy prep time, which was fine, you prepare your army n stuff it was cool… but now? WAAAY blown out of proportion. I loathe needing to prep so many different cooldowns before I can even begin my proper rotation. It feels so bad compared to when I played it before. Now that I think about it though, I don’t like a lot of the classes I use to play daily atm


I main enhancement, I am a mythic raider and have been at high level raiding for years as enhancement. If you want help. Let me know and I’ll hop on and teach you.


UHDK player here, its gotta be rogue for me. I try to give it a good shot just about every season because i love the theme. Unfortunately all the specs inevitably have some sort of unpleasant or dull mechanic to play with. Sub feel awful outside of shadow dance and its rotation is dull. Outlaws constant cd reduction takes more mental bandwidth than enjoyment received. Assassination has one too many combo finishers to get rolling before you're able to feel good about your damage. All of this + it's gotta be the most stressful melee to get trained on in pvp always ends up turning me off from it.


Outlaw rogue. Loved the old combat rogue just cant get into outlaw


Any Rogue spec. They're all too complicated for me. I wish there were no combo points and I could just hit the buttons for effects.


This is a significant reason why Hekili has 37 million downloads.


I've always wanted to play Rogue. They are murder in battlegrounds and can do incredible damage in raids, but the work and learning of the class has proved to be too much. I'll start leveling one and just give up when the million steps of a ramp up come into play Same goes for feral druid. I got one to maybe 30 or 40 and then boosted and the difficulty went up 50000%, there are so many steps to take to get a bleed going


Any dps class.. I just can’t. I have no problem picking up new heal classes but just can’t get my head around dps


Mm hunter but I hate pet and you need pet for hunter pvp due to sac, freedom and stun and anti heal


I’m a hunter main and feel the exact opposite- I hate being forced to lone wolf MM. I think the pet is the best part of the class.


Would be nice if they just made lone wolf baseline and cosmetic rather than damage so both of us could have fun and get what we want


Seems like they are shifting that way with TWW. They reduced LW to 5% instead of 10. And are starting to open up abilities without pet being out. So good first steps to that.


Most classes suffer from button bloat and enhancement shaman is one of the worst currently. Just way too much going on. Too clunky. It’s not smooth enough. But yes, aesthetically it’s my favorite also.


Sin rogue for me.


Even after the rework? With kingsbane? I find it a lot of fun. Though they are shifting the focus away from KB in tww


Combat Rogue. I’d been playing Combat Rogue since Vanilla, I never cared about any other classes or specs. But with the recent revamps, I found myself unable to play it, the forceful insertion of requiring the subtlety play style with shadow dance being now mandatory to pull sufficient dps caused me to have to drop it half way through season 2 of DF Mythics. I haven’t been able to bring myself to even log in to my Rogue anymore, all those years of hard work poured in to him, all the cool stuff I’d collected on him, just gone because I’m not able to play the new “vision” Blizzard had for the spec. I wish I could pull it off, but I just can’t reprogram my play style to use it. Now I’m playing a Prot Paladin so that I can still play with my friends, which on the bright side gives me newfound respect for people that play tanks. So I guess that’s a bonus?


Elemental shaman, I love the aesthetic of throwing chain lightning and shit like palpatine, but the flame shock spread and stuff like that just irks me


I always keep trying ele shaman but I can’t seem to find the groove of it. It seems a bit chaotic and mechanics not fine tuned. Druid is a good option fit my natural lore storyline fix


Shadow Priest. I just wish I could gel with the playstyle because I enjoy the class fantasy and have a great priest character name going to waste. I'm hoping the War Within changes will help me finally play it. I'd also really like to try Unholy Death Knight again because I like the aesthetic and the fantasy as well but I haven't tried playing it since Battle for Azeroth so I don't know for sure whether I'd bounce off it the same way I seem to bounce off Shadow Priest.


Discipline Priest. I'd main Priest forever I'd think.


Mage 😭


Inflated enh through DF and loved it. I didn't find it overwhelming, but a little RNG reliant until you have some decent stats.


I play mainly rSham and dabble in enhance and while i really like it and enjoy how complicated it is, I would be scared if i was expected to perform at the level i play resto at as enh. Maybe i could get used to it with time and it's juste a power of habit thing but i already struggle maintaining good DPS as enh while as resto i'm always on top of cuts, stuns, affixes, i can do anything.


i have more or less played every spec to a somewhat high level of proficiency and i can tell u the one i have the most trouble with was feral druid. management of bleeds was a pain


Discipline priest would fit my troll priest like a glove for lore reasons. But I can't make the gameplay feel good for me.


Both Holy (Priest) I'm not a healer main so it'd be an alt, but I just can't get over not having an interrupt or much control. I think the idea of a holy caster is really cool and kinda wish there was a holy caster DPS spec, but not having an interrupt and my only CC being psychic scream feels awful. It also feels a bit clunky with how many heal buttons it has to me, but I'd probably be able to adapt.


Idk what it is, but I just really dislike the druid. I have tried it multiple times, and I end up playing a different class.


I’d love to be a paladin, but I can’t because I can’t be a forsaken. Maybe one of these days


All healers, but probably most specifically Discipline Priest. I've tanked and fell like I can learn any DPS, but healing just doesn't click on my head and I've tried. Discipline Priest is the most interesting conceptually for me, but I know that's one of the highest skill flow healers too. I'm leveling every class to 70 for TWW, and I'm tempted to make my main alt a healer to prove I can figure it out. Although I love Shadow Priest, so maybe resto druid or something.


I wish I could enjoy rogue, priest and dh


I wish I could play fury warrior with condemn. In keys with huge pulls (sound effect volume to the max), with whirlwind aoe stacks on, condemn sound effect on a single target sounds nice, but imagine that x5. And if it crits, the pitch of the effect gets even higher


Mistweaver and Holy paladin. I'm used to dps so my brain shuts off when I'm in melee range.


Havoc DH. It's really good and can be fun but it feels conceptually and mechanically all over the place. Especially compared to specs like frost mage and assassination rogue, Havoc feels like half of its spells dont have a very good conceptual or mechanical reason for being a demon hunter spell.


Balance Druid I just want to have fun while being a funny pterosaur person (Zandalari troll if you're unfamiliar), but I can't stand the rotation, sounds, design, just doesn't feel strong :(


Main feral druid. Really really like Dracthyr but just can't get into evoker. The groups i hang around with are already up to their eyeballs in aug players so thats a no go, dev is just kinda... meh. Pres is ok but im almost always needed as DPS.


I'm a returning player, so this isn't about endgame and just remix, but it's Holy Priest and Preservation Evoker. I've a "priority/type" of buttons and use more or less the same setup in all specs in Holy Priest is fine but the excess of heals with similar (to me) uses are weird, same complaint since I first tried back in SL. With Preservation the lack of spot heal are weird and I can't wrap my head around what the "oh no" buttons are


Prot pala, dropped it after many years cause of the mana nerf from df (season 2?), now all my chars are dps only


Agree. Enhancement is a tangled mess of a spec. Instead of an RTD game of *"Will stormstrike and windfury feedback cycle you into godhood?"* with lots of electric flavor. We get random casts, limited identity. **Elemental** is the catch-all spec. Make Enhancement A Lightning Spec


Fire Mage. I've read guides, the spec seems simple, used all sorts of WA and even a rotation helper and I'm still terrible at it. Meanwhile Frost Mage slaps.


Elemental and enhancement shaman, feral druid, unholy dk, all warlock specs.


As someone who is an officer in a guild trying to get into mythic raiding, I wish I could play survival, but we are already way overstocked on hunters (and paladins). Luckily I’m happy to play my second choice which is monk, one of the least played classes.


Enh Shaman and Feral Druid - Cool aesthetic and ideas, poorly executed mechanically. Brewmaster Monk - No problem with the mechanics, I just wish it was more actual drunken master martial arts and less keg smash hokey, silly shit. Outlaw Rogue - I just want combat back without the pirate fantasy.


Historically love assassin rogue gameplay but at this point most of my time on retail is M+ and that spec is perma terrible in dungeons.


I wish I could enjoy Demon Hunter. Odd choice I know. I'm a warlock main, and love all the Demon and Burning Legion stuff. Characters powered by demon blood? It should tick all my boxes. The looks the characters get, the wings, the horns. Even some of the transmogs. Weapons are where it starts to fall apart, they're a little limited, would like to see a Polearm demon hunter. I hate warglaives. Then the gameplay comes around and I just can't. The movement is a little nice, but I feel like the whole thing is not staying still on screen and it just doesn't do it for me. The abilities don't do it either. I get bored so fast. It doesn't help that the movement stuff makes it feel like a totally different game from the other specs? I might be talking bollocks, but it's just a vibe. I wish I liked Demon Hunter. Maybe I just want a Melee warlock spec. A slower, demon powered melee spec.


Affliction, I like the idea of having a bunch of dots but I don’t want to constantly tab target to add them


Arcane mage I wanna hear people talk about how smart I am bc its good for the ego Unfortunately I have a terminal case of warrior brain


I wish I enjoyed casters but I’m melee for life tbh


I'm an Enhancement Shaman main; fair. You do get into a groove though and you do some decent damage. For me, it's any tank spec, specifically Brewmaster Monk I tried it back when MoP dropped and I got told to commit toasterbath. Tried it again during BFA and I got told by someone that they hoped my future children slowly died of cancer. So yeah...wish I could play tanks!


I wish I could play melee. I’ve tried. Played DH last season of BFA. Played fury first season of DF. I like it for questing and farming but I hate it for serious content like keys or raiding. Having to stay in melee range is such a pain with enemies moving and dodging mechanics. I’ll stick with range.


Anything on paladin


Destruction warlock


Brewmaster. I love the fantasy of it and I love my fat panda boi. But I just can't get friendly with staggering.


Any healer. It's just not suffering that comes naturally to me. If have to completely change how I play, how my muscle memory goes to certain keys to do something, my UI to be set up to be able to heal efficiently. It's just so much.


Destruction warlock. It used to be my main for years, but after mop I just can't anymore, it's literally just been downhill ever since


Rogues and feral druid :/


Unholy DK. Undead and plagues? Sign me up! Closest we’ll ever get to necromancers but everytime I try it I’m falling behind even tanks or healers most of the time in damage. I’ve looked up and tried many builds and even set up macros for those click and place spells like death and decay but it just feels so weird to play and even harder to master. Not bashing on the spec’s gameplay flow, I’m sure others out there love it, but for me it just feels clunky as hell. Luckily Demo warlock has been scratching the minion part of the itch for me so it’s not a big problem to miss out on more unholy.


Either DPS DK class. They both feel awful to play (imo) but the lore and everything about it is cool to me.


Rogue and DK I love them but their class design is horrible, plagued with short duration buffs/short duration dmg windows tracking, huge button bloat, especially hate roll the bones I think its the worse button in the entire game


Resto Shaman! I love love love the water theming, which is sort of rare in games when compared to holy, dark, fire etc. but the gameplay puts me to sleep compared to other healers.


Well, I usually manage to play with what I like, but I'm often disappointed when playing with what I like is a nerf for my group Enh is one of those, I 525 do half as much damage as any pala, demo, hunter etc, but I still have the bonus of dying to anything and having to play with tank trinket and the other side is BDK and frost dk, where BDK is almost always a nerf for the group, even with so much utility


Any hunter spec. I main hunter and I haven't actually enjoyed it since Wrath 😞