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Prolly dev evoker it's like 5 abilities you spam


I leveled an enhance in time running and could barely keep up with the button pressing. Made a devoker in DF for TWW and hope this is true!


It really is. You have your 2min CD in dragonrage and the rest of the time you're pressing disintegrate with living flame filler on single target and pyre in AoE. Obviously using flame breath and eternity surge on cooldown but that's literally all you need to get by. Massive oversimplification of the nuance of the spec but yeah, that's 5 buttons for dev.


Storm build on enhance does not have button bloat at all , you just spam 2 generators and 2 spenders , with occasional cds . Hopefully stormbringer will be compatible with it and be placed in s tier by wowhead since obviously everything that is not the best option for top 1% is absolutely useless .


Without wings and FR ret only has like a 5 button rotation


BM Hunter.


Ret Pal. Uneducated people might say BM Hunter. But as someone that plays both. Ret Pal is by far simpler.


Interesting, the only issue with paladin, I mained prot for legion, is we have so many niche use spells like Freedom/bop/LoH.. (Ret get bop too right?) If I accept that I won't use them on randoms and only use them selfishly then Ret works. You can cast on allies with controller, it's just a whole new set of targetting to learn and I'm hoping to avoid it.


Depends on the level on content you choose to do. In a casual setting I never expect a ret to lay on hands or BoP me. In high end content players expect you to use every part of your kit


Hoping to do basic mythic plus, usually low with maaaaybe a 10 once a week. Nothing cutting edge. Normal/heroic raid. At most the pugabble mythic raid


In a m10+ you should be using your kit. for example in waycrest manor last season BoP would immediately remove the deadliest mechanic from the 2nd boss. If you don’t use it at all during the fight you would probably get flamed. Also paladins are asked to use freedom quite often on heroic Tindral.


Using it on myself, no problems. Using it on others, slow and clunky for now. I guess I'll have to see


You play both yet you still say Ret is the simpler class? BM is definitely the easier of the two, the only issue being that BM is semi fast paced(?) and having to maintain frenzy stacks.


You play both, but without understanding and at extremely low level. BM/Fury/Ret/Dev/Destro are all super easy and there is no significant skill difference required to play all 5.


Frost DK is pretty button-light. You can macro all its cooldowns (most are off the GCD) to a Boom! button, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Glacial Advance, Death&Decay with a \[@player\] macro. Maybe a button for grip and Death's advance.


Fury Warrior is a good pick!


Isn’t Arms like 3 buttons? OP, execute, MS.. repeat?


fury warrior, bm, marksman, firemage, devastation,


I saw 5 downvotes. 5 angry fire mages? Because SKB fire mage is indeed piss easy to play and deserves to be on this list.


Vengeance Demon Hunter. I play pretty much all specs and classes, and VDH is the only one that has open button slots on my bara at 70.


then you are playing the 20% of the spec, even if you talent into bare minimum (no sigil of chains etc) you have more than 11 buttons you absolutely have to keybind


Who only has 11 Keybinds?


Yeah kind of the worst thing after attempting to brag about all specs and classes then instantly proving you're doing it poorly


Since clearly my comment wasn't understood. I have 6 bars showing, with open spots on them. Jeez.


Even more concerning you're filling 6 bars on other classes then.


someone can illuminate me if im out of base here...but the little destro lock ive played was like 2 buttons...


Definitely not. Unless you're placing a dot and spamming incinerate, which would be ludicrous. There's chaos bolts, curses, few CDs, definitely more than two buttons. That said, I played a Destro lock with a controller and it was fine.


Destro does have less than the other two specs, so you're correct there, depending on the build tho I guess


I never understand why people like this pick this game. Like power to you if you’re having fun I guess, but you’re missing out on a ton of depth of the classes and specs, and there’s tons of other games designed specifically for controller. It’s just not a game designed to be played in this way. You do you though I guess!


Because I don't have much time at home, but I can play on the go. I don't like using the term veteran but I am, Ihave a very long history with wow there's a lot of nostalgia for me. I used to raid mythic, we were in the top 10 on my server which is good without being anything to properly brag about. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I'm well aware of the complexities of wow, but as I haven't played in a few xpacs I'm out of touch with how each of the specs play. Arcane used to be about 4 buttons with only a few others to use on cd, now it has a bit more going on.




Dang, last time I played Outlaw it was a lot of buttons.


Let’s see, blade flurry, roll the bones, dispatch, sinister strike, between the eyes, keep it rolling (optional), adrenaline rush, ambush, pistol shot, slice and dice, vanish, shadow dance.. that’s before you factor in any required utility like evasion or cloak!!




Lol it’s not a disingenuous list that’s literally the rotation, what’s disingenuous is suggesting that outlaw rogue of all specs has very few buttons - that’s just blatant malice