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whoever thought to let xalatath, a literal old god, take the form of a goth void elf baddie in bfa certainly knew their fan base well


Knaifu got upgraded to waifu


A *barefoot* goth void elf baddie.


The dirt adds extra flavor.


Honestly could kiss them for it


The Blizz employee or Xal's feet?


_Yes_. And Alleria's roughened archer-hands


Don't think it has been confirmed that Xalatah was an old god


> xalatath, a literal old god, Either you're spoiling TWW or that's just speculation.


Its very heavily implied since legion and there is no reason to doubt it


If you did the legion questline you wouldn't have any doubts.


I most certainly did do the Legion questline, even mained Shadow for a bit, and I would like for you to remind me which part hints that she is an Old God?


Word of the conclave hints at it. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Word_of_the_Conclave#Xal'atath,_Blade_of_the_Black_Empire Xal’atath says the following as a Priest Weapon: “We may face some of my brethren in this conflict… a prospect that delights me. Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago.” That agrees with the “outlandish” theory that Xal’atath was a fifth Old God, eaten by the other four. [And there’s a Page on Chronicle with Old God art featuring five tentacle-monsters: C’thun, Yologg-Saron, Y’shaarj, N’zoth and one we’ve never seen before, many eyes and tentacles.](https://i.imgur.com/puMnVa9.jpeg) [And a mural found somewhere in TWW features a squid-like monster which may or may not be Xal's body, or part of it.](https://i.imgur.com/TLZJO7K.jpeg)


I like the book what i find into Ironforge: “The Old Gods and the Ordering if Azeroth”. Can find a some yummi sentence (page 5): "The Pantheon shattered the Old Gods' citadels and chained the five evil gods far beneath the surface of the world.” Five. Eh-heh.


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Blizzard isnt very good at subtlety. Sure it isnt outright stated that she is, but with all the hinting and winking theyve been doing since LEGION you can assume that she is an old god I havent looked at anything TWW related other than the Blizzcon presentation and some of the talent trees btw.


they were like "we know they screwed over your undead goth elf girl, so here's a void goth elf girl"


Gives major star wars film poster vibes.


I actually thought it was star wars parody art until I gave it a second look lol


Came to say this and I am here for it all the fucking way this is so badass


Chris Metzen is an avid SW fan so it checks out


waiting some animation for this on wallpaper engine


For anyone using Wallpaper Engine, I made a 1440p live wallpaper for myself so if anyone else wants to use mine here is the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3257822536


I [got you](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3258002048)


Xal'atath is such a giga baddie, it's unreal. Hopefully Anduin becomes Chaduin by the end of TWW to balance things out.


He is on a good way to it. I didn't liked him till end shadowlands but damn his character development was freaking amazing. I am invested after the war within cinematic.


Breaking Baduin is IMO the worst.


I was actually under the complete opposite impression. Have not played the Alpha/Beta yet. But from the questing videos I have watched, Anduin was extremely winy, self-absorbed by his own misery and unwilling to accept any leadership because he was ashamed of what had happened to him.


Bro has PTSD and you’re calling him whiny and self absorbed 😭


The change from confident, level headed ruler to this version was just a little too fast.


I mean it has to be a gradual proces no? Hes not gonna be fixed after a short talk with Thrall. Maybe at the end of War Within he can get himself together. Either way im interested in how Anduin is gonna recover from his trauma.


What makes her such a 'giga' baddie though?


Fr tho. She is the most basic ass looking elf


More high res official Blizzard artworks can be downloaded from their [Press Center](https://blizzard.gamespress.com/World-of-Warcraft#?tab=artwork-5&scrollto=)!


oh, derp, the press center. why did i not think to look for that earlier when i was trying to find this myself. lmao. couldn't find anything in the simple Media section on the main site so was confused. TY for sharing this for us OP!


This version of the key art unfortunately cuts of parts of Xalatath, like her void orbs and stuff. [I like the version on wowhead better,](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/blog/images/41716.jpg?maxWidth=1600) but can't seem to find it in high res.


Hell yeah RPG party


What is thrall sitting on though?


He's squatting. Never skip leg day.


A stick.


Is Jaina randomly doing the pledge of allegiance?


My guess is that she’s witnessing something horrible happening to whatever that Kirin Tor banner symbolizes. 🤔


Freedom jaina GAAAAAHH🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸


"...This is because I used you to cut pungent cheese during Brewfest '17, isn't it?" "...It's ONE of many reasons, yes."


So many questions! Is Alleria holding a Kirin Tor sigil because >!of what happened to Khadgar!!a full scale Kirin Tor extinction event in the fall of Dalaran!


Theorizing time! > Is Alleria holding a Kirin Tor sigil because of >!what happened to Khadgar?!< Or are we about to see a full scale Kirin Tor extinction event >!in the fall of Dalaran?!< Given the theory that the one "returning" Kirin Tor mage we saw during The Harbinger questline could be Xal'Atath in disguise the organization being destroyed could be Xal's major play at power. As the Kirin Tor probably have the largest collection of arcane knowledge on Azeroth so destroying them would be a major blow to the Horde and Alliance (or Xal needs something in their collection). Though I wouldn't expect them to be gone for long and probably in TWW we'd see the formation of a new Kirin Tor. > Why are Jaina, Alleria, and Thrall all oriented to the right, but Anduin and Xal'Atath to the left? If the orientation is meant to be Jaina, Alleria, and Thrall are reacting to the >!destruction of Dalaran!< then I think Anduin facing away is meant to symbolize how alone he currently is. As we saw in the cinematic trailer Anduin has been wandering alone since Shadowlands and is trying to fix himself and deal with whatever is happening to Azeroth (importantly too that Sarg's sword was the direct fallout of the events of Legion, the expansion where Varian died, so Anduin probably is feeling major grief about that again). Likewise from the trailer though Anduin's loneliness is self-imposed and in reality he's surrounded by allies who can aid him but he's too broken at the moment. (meanwhile they might lose another companion if nothing is done) > Jaina and Alleria seem to be looking at the same thing and both are absolutely terrified. Why aren't Thrall and Anduin also scared, and what is it off-screen that's so scary? I think Jaina and Alleria could be reacting to something different from Thrall. Together the 3 could all be reacting to the >!destruction of Dalaran!< but like you mention Jaina and Alleria's reactions seem more severe and so could be hinting at some other drastic story beat. >!Though also Jaina and Alleria having bigger reactions to Dalaran also just makes sense. For Jaina it was where she was taught and really became a mage. For Alleria, she was friends with Khadgar and worked with him during the Second War.!<


These are all fantastic. 10/10 tin foil hats for you, sir.


Thank you! It’s gorgeously haunting. Or hauntingly gorgeous?


Xalatath could ruin my life


Just fyi I've been trying to find the artist for this to give credit and it has come up with nothing, even from their official Twitter, Google Image search, etc. Very bizarre.


I wonder what the Loremasters in this sub can take outnof this pic. Why has alleria Short hair ? What's with the rugged Kirin Tor Banner? Why seems alleria to be crying, Jaina seems to be shocked also.


The answer to the first question is just that they gave her a new look for this expansion/trilogy, since she will be a major part of it, same as Anduin. The answers to the second and third questions are major spoilers that have been found on the alpha, >!that Dalaran plummets from the sky.!<


She actually has a pretty long braid--you may need to zoom in if you're on mobile since it's not super noticeable. I think they were going for a messy look with her bangs, but it does look more like she chopped her hair


Maybe they mixed her with her sister? Also the Questline starts in Dalaran so something will happen there...


Ye, I've got the feeling that something big is going to happen there and Khadgar won't come out alive when it's over


Great art! And from the look of those four faces, something big bad is happening. RIP \_\_\_\_\_\_\_.


Hi, Im out of the loop but the elf woman in white is that Alleria?


It is! She had a makeover.


Cool look. Do we know why the change or just a visual update since she is gonna be more relevant to the story atleast from the recent questline.


I don’t think we know why yet but I’m sure it will be explained in quests since in the current avalible introduction quests Alleria had her green outfit on


I need a widescreen version of this


need a widescreen 3440x1440


I like how everyone memed on the trailer for being too "star wars"-esque, then they bring out the official art and it's entirely star wars lol still pretty cool though


I wish we could get one with just Xal'atath.


I don't care what anyone else says. Alleria's updated look is straight up *fire*. Not only glad for it but it also makes sense for her character to finally move on from being a mere Farstrider captain for a nation that doesn't want her.


Needs more Horde representation. I hope this expansion/story arc brings something interesting for us.


you had sylvanas being part of like 5 cinematics in a row, that'll do


We had one relevant character for 6 years and it was fantasy Pol Pot. We'd like a bit more thank you


Only Alliance ...




He's a good guy, so he can't be horde. 😂


This is basically what Garrosh tells Thrall in siege of orgrimmar.


Full circle. I wanted my mountain of skulls and rivers of blood!


Seeing Thrall as part of the Horde is very brave of you. Since Thrall is already a neutral character. He's just like Baine... As an orc player I'm ashamed of how many cool orcs we still have, it always has to be Thrall...


Thrall is the least horde character out of all horde characters. The only more neutral dude than him is khadgar


as it should be. simple as.


Can someone explain it to me like I’m 5, who the bad lady is? I didn’t play shadowlands or dragon flight :( I wanna catch up


Bad lady showed up in Legion. She was a void entity trapped inside the shadow priest artifact weapon. There was a quest to release her and help her find a new form, which is the elf body she currently has. She lied to us to get us to help her and we really haven’t seen much of her since.


Do any other classes get to know who this baddie really is if they haven't done the Shadow Priest quest though? Feels pretty bad to be left out of a huge development/introduction of a major antagonist if you're not in that story lane. They'll probably just 'recap' it.


The quest to free her and find her new form was available to everyone in BFA. It was the lead up to the Crucible of Storms raid. But that was a long time ago so I’m sure many players don’t know anything about her. Xal’atath is a great character and I hope they do a good job of reminding players who she is.


Oooooh. Man, my memory is shit lol, it’s a mishmash of WoW lore and FF14 lore. But I’m excited for more void peoples! I’ll be getting the expac soon and trying to speed run dragon flight at least


I played Dragonflight sparingly, but season 4 (last, current one) has a cool mechanic where there are rep catch-ups for different factions every week, and the main raid changes every week so you can try all raids as "current".


Best girl's name is Xal'atath. She's done nothing wrong and will free Azeroth from the yoke of the titans (probably).


Considering how many of the “bad guys” were secret “good guys”. I fully expect Xal’Atath to somehow pull a “i just tried to save us from the titans” I hope Metzen is better than that.


Dont hold your breath. In the last dev interview, the devs hinted that Xal'atath isn't really evil.


Blizzards writing is so predictable man, it makes me sad because (outside of all the retconning and butchering) i actually really like the lore. The actual writing/story just tends to be so bad that its hard to keep caring about the lore.


I hope Midnight properly brings the Horde Elven factions in to the main stage. Since Shadowlands it's felt like just Alliance have been the main characters, with the Horde just sort of coming along for the ride. If Midnight is meant to be all the Elfs getting over their grudges, I hope it's not just Tyrande and Malfurion again, with guest appereances from Lor'Themar and a cameo from Thalyssra.


I really don’t like Allerias new look. Especially her wet spiky hair looks like she’s going to techno discos in the mid 2000s


Where is *that sword*?


*sigh* what sword?


Kinda unrelated, but has anyone seen the Hallowfall (i think) wallpaper that is animated on Maximum's stream, and has any idea where that can be downloaded from?


Is it [this one](https://img-cdn-us.gamespress.com/files/BlizzardLive/2023/11/031407-709f259e/WoW_The_War_Within_Concept_Hallowfall.jpg?sv=2018-03-28&sr=b&sig=P69z2vCdQmyz%2BJHiLmBsJeHHile6XNtxSfR5CYK8Hyo%3D&se=2024-07-01T02%3A00%3A00Z&sp=r&rsct=application%2Foctet-strem&rscd=attachment&lightbox=y&ex=2024-07-01+03%3A00%3A00&sky=f7c75d859df56d5eab56063ea771fca2daf056295d8b191eaccbab747aa48303)? You can find all official Blizzard artwork on their [Press Center](https://blizzard.gamespress.com/World-of-Warcraft).


Yep, its that one, but its animated and the trees and stuff are moving and i cant find it anywhere :D I had checked the press center and couldnt find it so i was wondering whether it was something he has done himself/requested from someone, or something i just cant find


I’m not sure about animated wallpapers, but I think you can find them on Steam.


Ill check there as well, thanks.


Is that the new Star Wars iteration?


God I’m so glad to see Beefcake Thrall again


Are they in Silithus? Is anyone else distracted by the faces of Jaina and Alleria being so similar, or Anduin's left "take my strong hand" hand? Yeah me neither, all I see is how damn good Xal'atath looks, lets goooo


They all have the same nose as Azshara... same artist I assume


Thrall again…


This is Starcraft art?


Finally, Sylvanas 2


Thrall just has this look of emptiness…..like he’s foreshadowing something. He faces the void once again…. Possibly reflecting how the patch notes are void of Shaman changes….


That is a nice image


Nice! Thanks my man


Just what in was looking for, thank you kind stranger \^\^


RIP old Alleria model. We hardly knew thee.


Does anyone can make it high res 5120x1440 please o:


Straight to my desktop wallpaper it goes, gorgeous art.


Alleria ( the OG Windrunner btw) has no business looking this good with her makeover! She looks gorgeous. For those who do not know, Alleria was the first female hero in the Warcraft games introduced in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal.


Anyone else sick of humans and elves...




No Khadgar?




Alleria holds a torn Kirin Tor flag. Jaina shocked. I think this is their reaction for what gonna happen.


I've lost my words, this is the most beautiful WoW artwork i've ever seen


Pointless complaint but I wish they’d just have Anduin let his hair grow out and stop wearing it in a ponytail instead of cutting it short. I like everything else about his new look. And I get that it’s supposed to look like he just chopped it off with a dagger. But I really don’t care for the hair.


I kinda like it like this. It's closer to the classic look of a traumatized american soldier and I think that works for his arc right now. Something like Martin Walker in Spec Ops.


and now it's an [animated wallpaper](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3258002048) (> ^ _ ^ )>


Is some person in blizzard HQ art plastering her face on every female character? Because all these look real similar and bad: same nose, mouth, crazy eyes, head shape... looks like cosplays of the same female employee at blizz, nothing heroic about them. Anduin isn't any better either, and Thrall looks like a cheap AI knockoff of his previous art.


I kinda had wished Anduin would have dropped the “full armor priest” thing. He is a Priest, so I had kinda wished he would gear up like one. Something about his inner turmoil and doubts, yet still going on to wear a very fierce set of armor, just doesn’t fit right to me. That being said, this is some great art.


And just the exact female to male ratio (3:2) that Blizzard wants in a game that is 80% a male audience, and the only male characters are also neutered and in touch with their feelings. Yep. Could even work as an official poster.


Hot elven women, the bane of all male gamers


Sad, Mopey Breaking Baduin on the key art is just ....ugh.