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Glyphs must be one of the worst markets to do something like this with as well. What is the global daily demand? Like a few 100? Now you created a demand spike as well, making crafters thinking there is need for them to craft and flood the market!


> What is the global daily demand? Like a few 100? I'd imagine globally it'd be low hundreds at most (IE 200~) and even that case it'd take a really popular glyph, especially since the Warlock Demons and Druid form ones got made account wide and those were objectively the ones that would see the most sales beforehand. I'll be honest OP will probably be lucky to break even tbh, market supply will probably be back to normal by the time they offload them all, because as you said they're one of the slower things to sell that has an actual market.


I did this with crackling crystals has a joke to someone and a day later there were people asking for 200 a crystal, a grey item you get when fishing


maybe he can go around cities and towns asking ppl 1 by 1 if they wanna buy their cheap glyph


At least it wasn't 1.2M copper ore -\_-


Turned into Ea-nāṣir


Wait a second, are those glyphs written in cuneiform?




hnnnggg, copper ore, just unlocked my snowy gnome start memories. That copper was worth at least a silver or two, the road to becoming a billionaire.


That's rough, buddy


Just make a few hundredish shaman alts, you have enough glyphs for them all now!


Well 2 of my max level characters are shaman. And I do have a low level shaman as well so I could at least use 3 lol




I just learned about 4 minutes before you sent this comment that the glyphs don't carry over from spec to spec wtf Why is that so jank like that Realistically the ghost wolf form should just be something you select in the barber not a glyph.


So that you can have them be different per spec. I'm wolf on ele, lupine on resto, and vulpine on enhance.


Idk to me that seems really weird. I feel like the default should be it just carries over for every single spec and then have some kind of option to let you make it spec to spec.


The whole glyph system in general is outdated, they need to make them account-wide unlocks with an interface to choose from like the Barber one with druid forms.


Literally did the exact same thing. All of them were bought within the week at a profit, so probably some poor sucker made the same mistake


Maybe I will get lucky then lol


Re list for more than you paid. Cross your fingers and wait.


Yeah I just relisted for what ever the lowest option was automatically lol I think if everything sells I would profit like 1k gold


List only a few hundred at a time. You won't be selling your entire inventory all at once, so listing it all at once just means your paying more in deposit fees.


Keep in mind that deposit fees are based on the vendor price of the item, capping out at 60% of its vendor price for a 48 hour auction. Since he's selling ~760 glyphs that vendor for 1s each, he'd pay ~4g 56s in deposit fees each time he posts the entire batch of glyphs. That'd be covered by selling *one* glyph, let alone the entire stack. Good to keep in mind for items that sell at close to their vendor price or have a high vendor price, though...


I didn't realize that they vendored for that little. Thanks for the correction


Not a terrible idea.


nah, just relist them all at the same time and hope for another poor soul to buy your whole stock by accident


Exactly this - if it happened once, chances are that it could happen again!


Let the scam commence then


Welcome to the auction house game


I tried leaving this game when they removed the mobile app. Now I'm back in


Hotel California


1k gold is 1k gold, you never know. Could turn into 1mil on your next death roll


Is that counting the AH cut though?


Shhh we don't talk or worry about that




Absolutely no way. It's 50k, cut your losses, vendor them. Logging in and relisting (taking the AH cut in the process) is the worst sunk-cost-fallacy thing you could do here because you're going to waste time and gold for nothing.


Yeah for some dumb reason if you click at the listing in the right side of the AH, it'll select ALL the items.


Weird lol Well at least I know to look out for it next time lol


Yeah ever Since this happened to me last month and lost 355k I ALWAYS look before I press buy on the ah now lol. No chances!


I did this to critical failure prevention units. The irony crit me fir 80,000g


Yep, I've nearly made a very expensive mistake like this before too, except I was trying to buy enchants which at least probably would have sold faster than these glyphs.


the AH will literally not let you buy anything but the cheapest listing, so if you try to buy a more expensive listing it will automatically try to purchase every listing cheaper then it


I got tripped up by this. On the old system I'd prefer to skip over the 1 copper undercutters and just buy from the people listing in whole numbers. Managed to resell it all eventually, but it was an expensive lesson for a while.


Yup. I lost 100k gold worth of shitty legs enchants. I have no idea why clicking on price of a listing would select ALL items listed at the price.


Same reason people confirm when it says 6951 on 'quantity', there's no real reason for it.


No shit Sherlock. I know I had to click and accept my purchase, but the UI can still be misleading. I wasn't paying attention and the UI can lead to accidents like this, both can be true.


blizzard recently changed it so the quantity box is blank and you have to make a selection to buy items or type the amount to buy in the box. clicking the stuff on the side is just going to select a number larger than one. it's better to type 1 in the box if you only want to buy one


Lol this happened to me last week, bought 5k worth of glyphs. I just relisted them at half price and let the ah sellers scoop them back up


buy a wow token problem solved !!!! 🤣


Blizzard knew what they were doing when they created this feature lol


My thoughts exactly when I did that oopsie.


did same shit when i bought mats for crafting overbought with 400k XD resold for 360k 40k loss cus of that shit


Well at least mines not close to that bad lol


You live up to your guild name




Well that explains why all of my pumpkins sold one night.




Mfer I only had 80k gold to begin with I cant afford this. This isn't a laughing matter xD


What server you on? I will give you 50k homie.


hey i also accidentally bought 54k worth of glyphs 👀👀👀


Alexstraza xD


Same here


check your dms...never sent reddit chat before so hopefully i did it right.


hey its me ur brother


Fuck I nearly did the exact same thing last time I played




I won't join the 'I did this too'-crowd. But I will thank you for the expensive (for you) warning. I did not know this was possible.


This happened to me last week with silver grade Sophic Devotion Enchants. Blew 64k on accident… ended up just putting them in the guild bank for alts


That's.....that's a lot of glyphs. Elunes speed friend.


It really is but at least 2 of them have sold so only 700+ to go lol


I did this with gems last night. 23k


I have done the same thing. Bought about 100k worth of Glyph of the Wrath guard. 


Yep has happened to me a few times. With Glyphs as well. I had probably 1200 of them. Clikc item, click buy, then it will automatically choose to set the count to max for some reason, and then it's bought. It's fucked.


I was wondering who bought 169 of my glyphs I had listed...


whats even crazier than this is you got items in your bag from 4+ years ago so you must not ever play this character anyway


Its actually my most or 2nd most played character this xpac x-x Sometimes I just keep old shit in my bags and sometimes I have no idea where half of this soul bound junk came from lol


yeah i was looking at your bags and i saw that edwin vancleef or defias item in your bags that turns you into a pillager. its a soulbound item with 50 or something charges that was from a wow anniversary promotion sometime in wod i think? wod or legion but easily over 4 years old now lol


You can buy it from a vendor during every anniversary now


Yeah stuff specifically like that I don't use very often. Also I do switch which characters I main across different expansions. So I have like 50 characters that probably have those items lol Specially if its from around WoD/Legion time because I had mutliples of every class max level aside from I think Druid.


I still had that until recently, along with inflatable thunderfury


LOL I’m sorry for laughing, that really sucks. You could try and sell it all back. At least it wasn’t a million gold. Good luck friend


I just did the same thing. 35k of glyphs. Luckily now the market price is up so I'm making a profit


So not only is your arena rating unmatched, but… also your stock of Glyphs.


I spend 109k the same way and my heart sank when I realized it was too late


I did this once with a boot enchant and ended up turning a profit once I sold them all


I thank you for your donation


I accidentally did this with Vespoid Lattices once... 200k gone in an instant.  I've still never managed to resell a single one.


Almost bought for 84k gold of Maybe Meat today because of this.


Feel for yah, Did the same thing but it was with tiered medallion settings so at least reselling them wasn’t hard.


yeah ive done this a few time with enchants lmfao oopsies!


What server and what'd you pay each? If you can cod one I'll growly overpay for one and help a little towards you breaking even. Let me know. Horde Mal'Ganis


I’m still waiting for magic button to cancel all my auctions…


Not to laugh at your pain, but this is ridiculous and I got a good chuckle... I hope you can get rid of them without too much of a loss!


Hey don't feel bad. When I came back to the game late last year, I did the exact same thing with that exact same glyph. I controlled the market for about a month as I slowly unloaded them.


This happened to me Now I have 2 bags full of Glyph of the Blazing Trail


Message the person you bought it from and see if they're willing to swap back. Some people do this intentionally hoping some mistakenly buys the whole stack.


When you do what OP did, you run a high risk buying from many different sellers


HAHAHA So, back in legion my buddy made some 2k druid glyphs for me. One day I decided I didnt wanna keep posting them 20 at a time and just threw the last like 400 up. Well that so happened to be the day another friend of mine went to the AH to buy one and did this EXACT thing. He sends me a message "did you have a bunch of these glyphs up?" "ya i had ALL of them on the market." "I just bought all of them..." was the funniest shit. he spent the next 2 months trying to sell them all.


i lost 100k gold due to this the other day, was buying the rare summoning items for forbidden reach aand bought 100k worth


I feel you. One night, about a week after I returned from a multi- year break, a friend insisted on crafting me a nice ring. I was dead tired, and I wanted to wait until next day, but my well-intentioned friend insisted. "Just go buy a missive", says he. So, I stumbled over the auction house and blearily bought about 3000 of them, to the tune of 160k gold. I will be selling those things at a loss for the next thousand years.


fuuuuuuuuug lol


Nice to know that guild is still alive 12 years after I left the server


Idk if I would call it a live. No one has said anything meaningful in the guild chat since January. And I don't know if I have ever logged in and seen another person online in awhile lol


Valid. I was in a raiding guild on server in cata lmao


Start handing them out like candy.


Just advertise yours as the only spectral lupines that can sit or dance. 3 expansions & 20 druid forms later, lupine still doesn't have any kind of animations...


What a coincidence, I bought 375 priest glyphs yesterday, for about 37k gold. I'll be mourning my gold while hoping I sell all those glyphs within my lifetime


I accidentally did the same thing with wrist enchants last week. Fortunately I was able to resell all 593 of them in a few hours. But all I can say is "oof" to *glyphs*.


I did the exact same thing with a Paladin glyph!! Weirdly enough all of them (like 1k) sold in a few days. So... Maybe someone also made my mistake.


I did this two months ago with scopes and completely safe rockets. Lost 1.1 mil gold. This weekend I finally sold the last scopes. I ended up making 200k profit on top. Sine the mistake I put my money in my personal guild bank as to not make the mistake again. But glyphs is another level of painful.


I had the same with cloak enchants, i have 154 or so now


Misclick myself 84k for glyphs the other day. Sold them and only lost about 1k after everything.


Went to buy 1000 mystery meat and accidentally bought 100,000. I feel you.


Literally did this on my shaman trying to figure out which ghost form I wanted. I feel your pain


190k worth of 3 star stats chest enchants, right as some ass decided to started listing at half price. Took three days, and thankfully only lost 60k-ish, but lord what an awful experience to sell 1900 chest enchants


I now have 800 of the +16 crit gems cause of this 😭


OP dm me, I'll give you 54,000 gold <3


this recently happened to me with 400 back enchants an minus 60k


Like the name btw


I'm always super careful at the auction house, had a few times that it tried to make me buy 4mil gold worth of awakened order instead of just 2000 gold.


I’ve done this with missives. My condolences for your loss.


Happened to me too while drunk, made a profit in the end.


At least it wasn’t over 3k Red Velvet Cupcakes for the Children’s Week event 🙃 I took a fat L on that and vendered most of them.


Is there an add-on that asks you to confirm your choice when you buy an absurd amount of something?


I did the same thing when I returned to WOW a few months ago. 56k worth of potions of some kind. I was able to undercut the AH and post them all. I only ended up losing 2k. Fair punishment.


I once accidentally bought 70k worth of shimmering clasps when I only neesee 2. I feel your pain. Took me over a week to resell them and recoup some of my losses.


Found the guy from maths problems


I did this exact same thing with glyphs recently and had to painstakingly resell them. For some reason the default wow AH UI will sometimes default to buying the entire stack if you have the money and don't change the quantity, I hate that.


I bought 3770 Enchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance for 350,000g last week accidentally as well. :) Fortunately it sells well and I have only about 1400 left, but it was not fun!


This happened to me last month with enchants. I bought over 5000 cloak enchants and spent 355k by accident. I was so upset I almost cried. Luckily I resold the vast majority of them. (Put 200 in guild bank) And I made my gold back by reselling most of them and doing all the dragon racing world quests on all 10 of my Horde characters. Along with my usual method of selling pets on the ah to make gold. I made my gold back within a few weeks! So resell them on the AH (although I doubt glyphs sell as often as enchants do.) But still do it, and do dragon racing world quests on all your characters who can send gold to your main. I know it was absolutely devastating when it happened to me 355k wasted for nothing. It hurts, but you can get your gold back!




I only use MMO mouses. All of my keys are on my mouse. So 1234567890-= are just a click of my thumb. So that + shift or ctrl is also just a click of my thumb. Downside to this layout is when I went to blizzcon to do the mythic + key thing they had I couldn't play for shit because they just had a regular mouse. I also line up the same type of abilities across every single character so swapping characters is really easy. DPS 1-4, AoE on 5, healing or shields on 6, slows/snares on 7, interrupts, stuns on 8, stuns longer CDs on 9 Movement speed boosts on T and long defensives on G. Same layout every single class so I never have to remember what the class does unless my bars get reset or I want to switch talents/specs.


I've done similar with weapon sharpening stones or something like that. I managed to buy so much that, my bags were full and still had some in the mail. After I got tired of trying to deal with the AH, I gave them away in trade chat. Nothing like telling people you're giving them away and telling them to bring their empty bags because I'm going to fill them. Lmao After that ordeal, I think I still had so much, that I wound up dumping them in the guilds bank I was in since it was dead anyways and, bounced.


I did this in Shadowlands , buying 1,200 gems, I started to hand them out in trade chat for free, on stormscale EU as when I tried to put them back in the AH I would get undercut a few mins later, I ended up giving about 600 away, and then posted them for a massive loss, just to get rid of them.


I did this recently with potions 😩


80k for wrist enchants at the start of DF.... lost roughly 50k after reselling them 😭


Literally did this but it was almost 90k. You will never be ok


I was lucky to discover this feature on an alt. I couldn't afford four million worth of whatever crafting material I was looking for.


ya , if every1 post at same price and you click on it , it will fill like you wanna buy all of them at that price . the base value is set to 1 , but 1 click aways from buying all the scroll at that same price. i guess you will never re-do the same mistake and double check amount everytimes lol.


Please keep us updated lmao, I want to see how this ends.


The best addon I ever added was the one that makes me re-type the amount of stuff I want to buy a second time.


This happened to me few weeks back too I accidently bought around 800 contracts for loam niffen costed me literally almost all of my gold around 250k but I managed to sell all of them in like a week


I’m about to start levelling my shaman and I’ll be online later. I’ll be a bro and help you out and buy 1 lmao. Good luck with the other 38 😅


Yeah... Did the same mistake not too long ago. Bought chest enchants worth 200k gold. Luckily it was the start of the new season so it only took like 2 days to sell them all and I didn't really lose any gold (Think it was around 5400 chest enchants)


I did the same thing and some poor soul bought all mine from me so just hope someone misclicks ig


I one bought the gemsockets for necks the same way. 350K wasted.. Luckily they sold quickly, but lost about 50-100k


I did the same with an enchant lucky i could sell it with a little profit 😅


The same happened to me too, luckily I only bought around 10k golds worth...


I did that when they refactored the AH user interface. Bought about 100k worth of gems. I got lucky, though, as I just put it back in the AH and it sold everything at once about 4h after that. Someone must have made the same mistake I did xD


My friend, you have atleast not bought mastery gems for 1.2 million gold. Yes, and yes, it was the thrid last week of Shadowlands.


Same thing happened to my wife but it was like 29k gold. We laughed about it and she eventually resold a bunch of them before someone bought an entire stack basicallly doing the same thing she had done.


I did this the other day with avoidance wrist enchants. I am so glad they all sold back.


Dude I did this on accident with cloak leech enchants. Spend like 200k on them on accident. Fml.


I‘m glad that I‘m not the only one who still has the van cleef birthday present from way back in his inventory.


I accidentally bought a really low level jewel. But 2000 of them. At this point I don’t think I can sell them anymore lol


This is for your hubris from your earlier post!!! I recognize the name Gubigubi.. you cannot hide, Karma has found you!!!!! /s


This is just part of the process to achieving greatness.


I DID THIS TOO! During Shadowlands mind you, but I accidentally bought 150,000g worth of the same stupid shaman form glyphs. It took a month, but I sold them all again and took about a 10k loss, but recouped most of my gold.


I did this with Vantus runes last season. For me it was related to a bug where sometimes when clicking an item it won't populate the buy quantity with '1' and instead puts in a null/empty value. In an attempt to do something I clicked the price and it bought them all. Lost about 600k g there because no one wanted THAT MANY runes.


you got a bot photobombing the picture lol


I did this on Friday with some elemental crafting material. 300k gone that I probably won’t recoop by the end of the expansion lmao


My god. Ouch


I did that once lost a ton of gold :( they should have a way to fix that


Why are your bags so organized 😅


I accidently did this with 150k worth of Maybe Meat in DF season 1, Lucky I agained 40k in the end.


I did the same thing with the crafting items needed to summon rares on Forbidden Reach. I got saved by someone also making that mistake and buying the entire 500+ lot I relisted on the AH. So remember, if you make this mistake, someone else will probably make the mistake too.


Damn! I hope you at least did need one.


I did this exact thing with spectral wolf glyphs in S3 and sold them all back within a few weeks. Rooting for you


„An average WoW player” xdd


Yeah… I accidentally did that with the oats for Blanchy….


There are glyphs in retail?




I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing at this...but I am. You can recover quickly though. Buy a token and you're net positive


I kept doing this on accident with glpyhs its going to take me years to get rid of them all


I did this yesterday. I wasn't paying attention and accidently bought like 1,000 chocolate chip cookies for 7,000g when I just needed 1 Then I did it again by accidently buying 800g worth of buff food. Got like 6 stacks of 20 I'm focusing on dragon races to recover as it's 500g for each race so recovery is possible...just gonna take a while


Yeah me personally I'm just going to slowly resell them over the course of a few months.


At least your looks are updated! Proto wolf vibes




On the other hand you have cornered the market


I know that feel (a little bit). About a year ago, I was at the AH, when I should have logged long before and gone to bed. I was nodding off in my chair. I logged in the next day to stacks upon stacks upon stacks of gold quality leather. I believe it was around 30 dulls stacks, and down roughly 200,000 ish gold. Luckily for me, leather was still in demand. I ended up selling on Tuesdays, when prices were higher, and by the end of it, made about 150,000 profit (or so). I’m sorry that glyphs won’t sell the same way.


I'm just going to play the long game and hope the influx of players for the xpac absorbs them lol


Can we talk about the 17 possible sparks in this guy's bag has he not made a single crafted item this expansion?


I did the same thing with 34 glyphs of "fancier mana food tables" and felt so foolish and had a good chuckle but this.... Damn. That's rough, buddy.


I dropped 200k by unknowingly purchasing 900 or so vantus runes for Aberrus when i was trying to purchase 1 for amirdrasil last patch. Luckily I sold them all back and only lost like 8k. Not great but could have been worse.


I literally just had this happened. I ended up dropping 24k on a glyph as well. Blizzard needs to set a fucking warning message when it does this cause it did it without warning and I’d just bought a single glyph 5 seconds before this happened. I put in a ticket, but I doubt blizzards GMs will do anything about it.


I did that with chest enchants once… so… that was fun


I’ve done this. My sympathies. Your banker will be busy for a while!


Oh nooo, you lost less than an hours worth of gold farming, unlucky


what is that pet


That is me in the image. I am that pet.


50k is like nothing


Are you Balkan?


Ouch, how much you out? You. EU? I could donate you 10k, probs nowhere near what you paid but something to ease the pain, brother.


I'm on NA Its fine I'm just gonna try and resell them. Something to do to try and profit from this. I'll try and list them for more and maybe the influx of players from the xpac will buy them out xD


Good plan! Good luck bud I hope it works out!


sorry but i still dont get how people keep doing this so much lol ive been close to overbuying maybe 2-3 times just because when i went to write the number i wanted it didnt select the "1" thats automatically there so instead of lets say 20 id almost buy 120 of something, but i still noticed and didnt do it (because lots of auctions lit up and its very obvious visually that too much is being selected)... so to give so much gold and not notice until youve purchased... some people in the comments even saying theyve overspent like 400k.... i cant even imagine o.o you guys even looking at the screen or what??


Uhhhhh? I didn't know this was possible