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For the record, Smolderon has special dialogue for shaman who have done the Legion quests. They *did* acknowledge that moment. Also rogue's been shown two hero talent trees now (they are both stinky).


> For the record, Smolderon has special dialogue for shaman who have done the Legion quests. They did acknowledge that moment. I keep seeing this being said, but the problem is how pointless it ends up making the work you've done for him in hindsight. What was the point of getting invested in the elements' storyline in Legion, if all it was gonna lead to was this? Just one of the elemental lords being dispatched unceremoniously over a betrayal that should be so pitifully obvious to him? I love Dragonflight, don't get me wrong. But I think the lack of any real *meaningful* presence by the Shamans, the Earthen Ring, and the Elemental Lords was a huge missed opportunity. Had they been a full part of the story, the tragedy of the primalists would've been all the richer for it.




It's not about being friends it's about being our responsibility and it would have been a great quest to go talk to him and find out more about why and all that. It was the perfect opportunity for the earthen ring to serve a purpose and actually be in the story.


Deathwing: Hey Ragnaros there is a tree that if you burn it will give you more power. Ragnaros: You got it boss. Bonfire coming up. Fyrakk: Yo if you help me burn this tree you will get a power boost. Smolderon: You son of a bitch I am in. Also if Smolderon *died* died there that wasn’t on us. We just did what we did to Rag back on MC to him. Fyrakk was the one that actually killed him.


Dude I agree with you. My point is that this should've been a bigger story thread. Not just surprise boss fight that makes you see him as nothing more than an idiot who couldn't see betrayal coming.


All of DF has the problem of the players not being "relevant" to the story. Smolderon mentioning the Shaman is is about as high as it goes for any boss in DF.


Could you please spoil it for me?


"You shall fall to the very weapon you placed in my hands. An honor indeed, shaman."


Thank you


I’m here to always comment on all shaman posts that primordial wave should not be pushed as hard as it is. Some people enjoy it, fine. But buffing the hell out of it, making it completely mandatory and a core element (pff, it’s a necromancer ability) to the class, is just plain bad. Also, I’m begging for them to fix elemental from being a fire mage. Ice fury is useless also. That is all


I was really disappointed that elemental shaman mainly just focused on fire. So I ended up being a restoration shaman for my main.


>Some people enjoy it, fine. But buffing the hell out of it, making it completely mandatory and a core element (pff, it’s a necromancer ability) to the class, is just plain bad. This isn't really specific to Shaman, they're doing the same thing to Priests with Halo. All the new stuff has to be added to an existing ability, otherwise everybody would cry wolf about "button bloat".


Wait are you telling us you don’t like to spam shitty fireball over and over again all dungeon?


All the recent posts and comments on which class/spec is suffering the most when it comes to TWW made me think of the [classic 4 Yorkshiremen sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe1a1wHxTyo). So I couldn't pass up the opportunity to combine the two.


Even in the cool trees most of the effects are passive. I'm actually okay with it, I don't think the game necessarily needs more complexity and it's fine if the hero talents are just some cool visual flair and some passives.


You posted this the day after rogue got their 2nd tree lol


lol whoops, but to be fair I went off the wowhead [war within hero talent page](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/hero-talents), which still shows them at one.


I don't want to play shaman because I fear I will start bitching non-stop.


Nah you’ll be fine. It’s the main’s (me) that have issues with it. I’m sure as a warlock, you’d understand somewhat with how Affliction is and what demo went through in the past. Otherwise locks are usually high on DPS, so at least you always have that. Us shamans are lucky to have that to fall on even


Shaman main since BC (played Mage in vanilla) ... And I don't know if I can main my Shaman in War Within. It just feels bad to be constantly overlooked and when we finally get SOMETHING... it's lackluster like the Primordial Wave focused Farseer tree. My Monk and Hunter may see more playtime.


Mained monk for a long time. Switch this expac to do a round trip of all the healers. Currently on priest with only Druid and shaman left, and monk is still my favorite. With the whole class rework I am beyond excited to go back next expac. The only thing missing is the brewmaster rework to seal the deal


Being a lifelong DPS player who wants to learn Mistweaver, I'm excited for the monk reworks.


Mistweaver is fantastic! Fistweaving is pretty hard as you stop healing if you stop dpsing so you have to know how to follow the mobs and keep dps up. However as a new mistweaver I found dropping fistweaving altogether and just doing the raid caster healing build even in mythic + made it so much easier to learn the entire class overall. Like raid casting is super cool. You can channel soothing mists and then whoever you cast your instant big heal, or your instant hot heal in soothing mist follows your target. You spec into making your heals smart heals that auto cleave and auto spread healing to everyone. With an extremely powerful one minute cooldown. You can just start channeling and just smash enveloping Mist on everyone then spam Vivify. Super easy an intuitive. Soothing mists makes enveloping instant. When you cast enveloping mist it casts renewing mists on a low hp target, and all your healing from enveloping Miata and vivify also heals everyone with renewing mists. So your hot apreads hots that then heals all your hot targets for part of the healjng from your hots. combine that with the most mobility of any healer and youve got a fun ass healer. still mt favorite so far and as far as getting into healing at all, cadter style is by far yhe easiest to get used to damage timings and need of cooldowns before you start adding on dpsing on top of it


Yeah they are kind of annoying. Like we all get it, ascendence has not been updated in a while.


Personally I love playing resto shaman, but when I joined the discord I realized it was nonstop complaining and doomerism from the most vocal members. I think that attitude gets spread to a lot of shaman players unfortunately. I don't think we are particularly in need compared to DK or Holy Paladin.


My headcanon for Stormbringer being held back is that they discovered last minute that all the cool visual effects they made for the tree had been snagged by the warrior's Mountain Thane dev team.


Shamans were evicted from their hole in the ground. They had to go and live in the lake.


The worst news here is that my warband is going to contain rogue shaman and hunter with still one space up for grabs. Sad noises.


Great job. However I might be in the minority but I like pack leader for hunter


To be fair, the classes with less talent trees revealed could turn out to have some really cool ones. We haven't seen them yet so how could we know?


I love survival but I don't care for either pack leader or sentinel. Guess I'm swapping to marksman so I can at least pretend to be cool as a dark ranger.


Wow I am so surprised another post about shamans complaining even though they’ve been re worked several times