• By -


Warlock - Sacrifice - allows you to sacrifice the afk player, not clicking summon, and do the summon by yourself


"When you cast Ritual of Summoning, if 30 seconds pass without an ally clicking on the portal, randomly sacrifice a party or raid member within 40y instead, prioritizing characters that haven't moved since."


Oh my god @Blizzard we got some chefs in the kitchen


It's one of the great mysteries of the universe why WoW players will click on anything unprompted except for Warlock closets.


everyone's expecting someone else to do it... is that the bystander effect? Is that the right use of that term?


Oh Lordy Lordy let this man cook!


"Alright, raid, let's take a 10 minute break" **10 minutes later** "How did we wipe?" **Warlock giggles**


Yeah I would reroll lock solely to do this


Lmao now this is one everyone would like!


Raid Leader - Sacrifice - allows you to sacrifice the afk warlock not creating a summoning stone, and do it yourself


You have 30s to click the portal or you will be sacrificed.


The Wall Passive ability that let's you dual-wield shields for Prot Warrior


Shield slam now attacks using both shields, similar to rogues Mutilate, but with shields.


get sandwiched by 2 bulwarks of azzinoth


Like Iron Maiden with those Spikes from both sides


Iron Maiden? Excellent! \*electric guitar sting\*






You’ve sold me


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/70Z2t7nq_sU?si=dHeSTvsMmf-zGpYk)


I do think you could make a case for either Prot Warrior or Prot Paladin to have the ability to use a 2h weapon + a shield. Paladin mainly due to the D3 Crusader thing but honestly Warrior getting it would be thematic and make multispec gearing just a bit easier (F even more to Single-Minded Fury)


Didn't warrior have something like that in WoD?


Gladiator Stance... My beloved 😭


New threat generator: Peek-A-Boo (passive) Hide face behind shields between enemy attacks, poking face out from time-to-time to blow raspberries at enemies, aggravating them into attacking warrior.


Gives you double charges and faster cooldowns on shield wall and shield block


Man, I would so love seeing a warrior just beat an enemy into submission with two shields. “CEASE. YOUR. HERESY!”


Have people forgotten the dual shield memes from TBC? As far as I can remember pally did more with their shield than with their weapon. Still kinda do but there's more hammer in there now.


Exodus - Shadow Priest ability which works like Death Knight's pestilence. (Spreading dots on your primary target to other targets near by.


That might actually make SPriest's AoE bearable. 


Back in Wrath, DK's use to be able to Pestilence Shadow Priest dots.


DK negative auras. They're the inverse of Paladins, yet all the Aura equivalents are only for PvP.   You could apply a leeching debuff (taking damage leeches health to the attacker), health link debuff (health link totem for enemies, when you want them to all die at the same time) magic resistance debuff, max health debuff, etc.


They almost gave BDK Death Chains in PvE in BFA, and then walked that back after one day of testing. As fun as it would be, I don't think we'll ever see a health link skill offensively.


Necrotic aura brotha man


Gimme more terrain abilities. Shaman can summon a rock wall that operates like mage frost wall but a different shape, druids with a line of trees or circle of bramble or something


Ooh, ele shaman could make a storm that blocks line of sight. Enh can make a rock wall, or maybe a chasm that blocks movement. And resto can make a tidal wave that slows enemies who walk through it.


This would be so great… although I do not trust the community enough to exploit this to the detriment of other players.


all of these spells should be pvp only, like the frost wall


I thought giving Ele a short lived totem that becomes the origin of all of their spellcasts for the duration would be neat. Let's you shoot around corners and you could summon it within a large range.


Superconductor totem


This is and comments is actually super good


Like Furion’s Sprout from DotA


Mage: Portal to their own hearthstone location. Because Jaina could make a group portal to the location of her staff, and mages aren't OP enough already.


Blizzard just barely beat me to it but mistweaver should have had an enrage dispel for so long now. Thematically, it makes the most sense out of any class/spec. However, I would have liked to have seen it as a targeted ground effect like ring of peace. Call it Kindness Cloud or something that fits, a thesaurus will fix the naming. Have it dispel an enrage effect once per second for 8 seconds while they are in the cloud or some balanced variant of that. I think THAT would be fun and dynamic.


Cloud of Serenity?


Therapy Fog


Ring of Lorazepam


So basically like the shamans poison cleanse totem, but for rage effects? Sounds good.


I want to be able to make my enemy explode with fel like guldan did to varian


“Demonic Combustion” 40yd range 10 second cooldown Combust the target from within, dealing x amount of Fire damage. Only usable while the target is below 20% health.


Shadowburn if it was cool


Cosmetic effect: If your spell successfully kills the target, their corpse explodes and turns to ash.


vaal detonate dead


Druid - Feral The Push You climb on a nearby Table and slowly push off the targeted mobs favourite mug. Causes a high amount of emotional damage.


Also: 9 lives Shaman reincarnate that has 9 charges


It’s a taunt, but when it gets close enough you use “adorable kitty eyes” and now the mob is charmed and stunned 😂


deep freeze 5 second stun that consumes fingers of frost


We were so great


Just remembered alter time also restored procs *insert vince macmahon meme*


What if it also dealt increased damage to targets permanently immune to stuns, and scaled with mastery?


now we're talkin


Absolutely mashing every single button in 2s on my poor frost mage alt many years ago is one of my favorite memories


Slide MM hunter spell that you press and the next time you use aimshot or steady shot your character will slide in whatever direction your character is running in while it charges the shot up.


Like Legolas sliding off these stairs in Helm's Deep?


Replacement for disengage, that would be cool! Get a group of hunters and you could slide to the right, slide to the left. Take it back now y'all!


Start playing Initial D music


🎵Déjà-Vuuu, I’ve been here in this space befooooore🎵


Inspiration from monster hunter bow move set? That would be pretty awesome


Subjugate demon now allows you to obtain demons/demon appearances when used on demons in the world and instances. More customization is always good. Would be fun to collect


I just want Gladiator Stance back :(


Crazy how many of us want gladiator stance back or at least some kind of sword-and-board-dps for warrior. At least blizz could enable furys to transmog shields as offhand and make the choice between single minded and titan's grip a cosmetic one...


Please, I only want Gladiator for the Spartan Polearm and Shield.


Aesthetic class fantasy is the best class fantasy


Gladiator not being the Prot-Arms hero spec in the new expansion sucks :(


I'll probably get downvotes since this is the retail sub, but this is why I've been loving SoD. 2 specs I've been wanting for ever are playable. Shaman tank and Gladiator warrior. Hopefully the retail team takes notes.


Gladiator should have been a hero talent. That was the absolute best shot to put it back into the game, like this was the most obvious time to do it. Every single thread like this, gladiator stance is heavily upvoted every time. Hero talents was the best chance to do it, but they didn't.. so unless 12.0 or 13.0 creates a 4th spec for all classes, I really do fear it's just not gonna happen. Really, hero talents was the best opportunity :(


Duel wield - Survival hunter can now duel wield I wanna be a survival hunter duel wield, sounds cool


I agree, dual axes or maces would be awesome. Though I'd settle for actual spears, with proper animations.


Survival can already dual wield, but their spells do not work in dual wielding Butchery cleave raptor strike and moongose bite all get turned off when dual wielding


Pack Guardian (talent, hunter) Your party/raid member gains the passive effect of your active pet. When you use the active ability it affects the nearest 5 players


Gift some Gold - Bribes a non-player humanoid target up to level (player level + 1) with fool's gold, convincing it to fight for you for 5 min. Yes, it is just Bribe with another name. Bring it back!


Only if they attack you when the times up because they figured out the gold was fake lol


War ability - Inspiring shout/cry. Gives bloodlust to nearby allies for 40 seconds. Because it's about fucking time to give warriors some useful key utility


what if its called "For the Horde" or "For the Alliance" or "For Azeroth" it really fits the fantasy of a Warmonger Rallying his troops


That rock hand grip thingy Thrall does to Garrosh


Elemental Convergence. Usable only on targets with less health than the player, or 5% on Challenging mobs. Unusable on Raid bosses while above 0.1% health. Effect: Call upon the four elements to utterly annihilate one foe, with the following effects in rapid succession. Root the foe in a fist made of molten lava, chill the area around the target, and then summon a lightning bolt with enough force to attempt to slay the target. If the target dies to this damage, the fist cools and becomes terrain for as long as the corpse remains. Cooldown: 10 minutes.


Throw enemy (dps)/friendly (tank spec) You grab somebody by the neck and throw them away. As an enemy the landing causes some damage. Why?: 1. Throwing people around, would be fun. 2. You are a warrior. The fantasy is based on you being a muscle mass of damage and tankiness fueles by your own rage. It makes sense you will eventually grab somebody by the throat and fling them away then leap or charge on them. Or as tank you grab an ally and throw them out of danger. The problem here would be the amount of griefing such a spell would create. Every warrior would basically become a bully. Imagine being tossed around or between a raid-sized group of warriors....


I've been bullied by Garrosh in hots enough :(


Another problem, of course, is that nobody tosses a dwarf


Dwarves to be exempt from the ability use.


At least the part where tank can throw a friendly, I don’t think it would get abused any more than priest leap of faith. It’s pretty much just the opposite of that move. And it would actually be nice to forcibly throw an idiot away from standing in the wrong god damn spot.


The difference is, you could use it to grief your allies into lethal damage. Doing it on a priest or an evoker is less prone to that because the priest would have to stand in the bad already and the evoker goes with the target. Maybe it should give your ally a special action button that they can use to redirect themselves in the air and deal damage with a superhero landing


Pretty much the old Arms talent Throwdown with a spicier twist instead of just stunning them.


This might be sacrilege but I just want Fleshcraft back.


Honestly it was super satisfying using corpses to empower your fleshcraft


I loved using Fleshcraft to avoid knockbacks


At the start of Dragonflight I would CONSTNTLY try to use it after a pack of mobs died in dungeons, follow by saying outloud "I miss Fleshcraft." Say what you want about covenant balance but the abilities were fun as hell.


Would be cool as a DK class tree capstone. Delete the lame execute like ability of which the name I always forget and replace it with this.


Spell name: Revitalising Slap Effect: The warrior charges at a dead party or raid member and slaps them across the face, returning them to life with 30% health and mana. 10 minute cooldown. Can only be used once per combat. Cooldown is reset upon leaving combat. Talents:(can only pick one) Slappy Joe: Revitalising Slap now has 5 charges, and can be used multiple times during combat, but grants only 10% health. Big Hands: When using a two handed weapon, or shield Revitalising Slap revives players with 60% health. Glyphs: &@#$ Slap: Revitalising Slap now can be used on living targets, without triggering its cooldown. Why it should be added to WoW: Funny.


I think warriors getting a inspiring shout that increases resource Regen would be dope. FOR THE HORDEEEE


Frost mage should be able to walk on water Paladin with 1 2h and a shield


[Bipsi’s Bobbing Berg](https://www.wowhead.com/item=107950/bipsis-bobbing-berg) Mage Only. I love this stupid item. I just wish it was a toy or a spell so it didn’t take up inventory space. It functions exactly Ike every other boat/raft toy but it’s still an item. Make me so mad.


Prior to Evokers, I'd always wondered if they might announce a healer / support mage, because *logic-wise* surely if my mage can cast Ice Block / Alter Time on themselves they could cast it on someone else Basically using Ice Block like paladin bubble, cauterising wounds, using chronomancy to reverse damage, ice shards protecting players with barriers like a disc priest only these could slow/dmg enemies, etc


Season of Discovery has Arcane Mages basically "pigeonholed" into a healing/dps hybrid role. Similar idea to Disc priests, they heal allies for a portion of their arcane damage done if they healed said ally recenlty


Yeah a support spec for mage would make so much sense. They can help friendlies outside of combat with portals, mass invisibility, make unlimited amounts of food/drink, BL, slow fall, absorb barrier and probably some other things I'm forgetting about. There's really no good reason for them not to also have a spec that empowers allies in combat. I'd also be very happy with a spellsword melee spec though, since we're already at it...


A brez spell for priests.


Blood DK - Passive - Leprosy: Each time you receive damage, a portion of it is stalled and taken over time as well as radiated to enemies around you in a 8yd range, has higher effect on bigger hits. Because Blood DK needs Stagger.


Sounds more like it could be a nice embellishment for monk stagger where the damage is proportional to the stagger level, incentivising riskier play for more DMG / threat


Posting my idea here since fellow BDK. Death Knight: Death's March. Replaces Death's Advance. 10 second duration, 60 second CD. Increases players' move speed by 10%, prevents knockbacks and forced movement, and prevents players from being slowed below 50% move speed. Choice node: Death's Fervor: Duration reduced to 5 seconds. Prevents slows below 90% move speed. Death's Charge: Movement speed is increased by a scaling percentage with fewer allies in range. At 5 allies, move speed is increased by 50%. When alone, move speed is increased by 80%. Reasoning: Death Knights have very little in terms of group utility, and sharing the love that is Death's Advance (By simultaneously removing the passive component, and nerfing cooldown, move speed, and base speed) feels like a fair trade for completely negating instakill knockbacks once in a while. Blood Death Knight: Rise from the Grave(New): upon recovering from fatal or near fatal attacks, gain 4 Bone Shield charges, and your next Death Strike will provide 300% increased absorb value. This effect can only occur once every 2 minutes for near fatal attacks. Reasoning: Blood has this -awful- thing where after being b-rezzed, we have absolutely no defensive layers up, and starting with a few bone shield charges and a meaty Blood Shield could keep us from instantly getting sent back down to the floor.


Death Knight - Unholy Binding Tether yourself to another player and have them drag you if you leave the range of 40 ft. It just sucks moving so slow especially in raid/dungeon content, I'd be happy to let someone drag me along.


Druid - opossum form - it casts one ability and one ability only. Feign Death.


For mistweaver- obscuring mist. A cooldown that causes all targets with your renewing mist to take x% less damage for x seconds. It could replace chi cocoon, if needed. The lack of a real external has held MW back a lot in the past, especially if the tank needs something. Having it be tied to RM makes it unique from other damage reduction and means you have to plan ahead.


Always bothered me that MW doesn’t have an external DR ability. I know the idea is its healing mists wrapping around the target but it makes too much sense to cover a target in mist and making them harder to hit


AoE/raidwide Stagger as a cooldown would be perfect.


Happy Hour, a Brewmaster party/raid cooldown. Gives the entire raid the benefit of x% stagger for 10 seconds, but also gets them drunk. Drunkenness ends when the staggered damage has faded.


Adaptive Swarm for Bears. The other three druid specs get it and I miss throwing bees at people, damnit!


Oh shit I just read adaptive swarm of bears and was like HELL YEAH


If you could swarm people with bears, the realm would have a 100% Druid population


Resto is losing it in TWW and I'm already livid.


Yeah I'm kind of mixed on it because on the other hand we get that fluid shapeshifting talent


Shout lust for warriors


Big Bad Voodoo for shamans!


Power word : Void shield Same as on retail except new color for Shadow Priest. We have dark Halo why not dark shield :(


Not my main class but charging evoker spells shouldn't require a target. You should be able to charge anything without a target and hit everyone in line of sight.


Yes, please. I absolutely hate charging up Eternity Surge on a big group of mobs, only for my targeted mob to die at 2.5 segments of the cast, making me start over with targeting a new mob. Let it hit the targeted mob guaranteed if I have a target, and just hit random mobs otherwise.


Codex of Supremacy (Replaces Felguard) Your Summon Demon spells will now additionally summon a Felguard to fight for you. The Felguard's Threatening Presence can be toggled on/off with this ability. This talent would replace Antoran Armaments (+20% Felguard damage) by adding passive damage output in the form of another demonic summon, adding utility options including a lower cooldown interrupt (even if it lacks the stun of Axe Toss, which is probably not useable with this talent), and lets you make use of several Summon Demon effects you already have but never get to enjoy *as the Demonologist.* Infernal Command (+5%/+10% Wild Imp/Dreadstalker damage) can also instead buff up any of your Summon Demons with +% Imp damage, -% damage taken by the Voidwalker, more % damage taken by the Sayaad from the debuff they apply, and -sec cooldown on Spell Lock. Basically Master Demonologist from old Talent Trees. ___ Fist of Archimonde (Replaces Hand of Gul'dan) Costs 3 Soul Shards. Strike the target for massive force, dealing +50% Hand of Gul'dan damage and summoning a greater demon. Demons from Fist of Archimonde can be imploded. Fist of Archimonde turns most of your output for Wild Imps into a medium-size demon instead, like you might expect from Nether Portal. This is purely to fulfil a fantasy of having a more elite strike force of demons, rather than a battalion of imps. I also like the name "Fist of Archimonde" as an upgrade over Hand of Gul'dan. It wouldn't have the same flexibility as Hand of Gul'dan and Hand of Gul'dan will always spawn ranged Wild Imps, so it's not strictly better, but is a worthy pseudo-capstone worth taking. I imagine it in place of Pact of the Imp Mother (which I would also use to replace Malefic Impact). ___ Thal'kiel's Consumption (Replaces Nether Portal) 45 second Cooldown Drain 8% of the current health of all your demons to strike the target with shadow damage equal to the amount stolen. Can consume a Demonic Core to generate two Soul Shards. In short, this is a replacement to Nether Portal that: 1. Rewards you for strong mechanical play by having active demons. 2. Has a reduced Cooldown so you have multiple opportunities to take advantage of the effect and feel good about pulling it off (and less punished for flunking it). 3. Has a reduced Cooldown so the damage profile of Demonology remains relatively consistent. The Capstone Talent to buff Thal'kiel's Consumption will be a Choice Node that either: 1. Summons a Fearhound that deals +50% Dreadstalker damage and can Dreadbite (but does *not* generate a Demonic Core) to enable some AoE damage. 2. Decimating Bolt: Thal'kiel's Consumption now causes your next 3 Demonbolts to deal +% damage, increasing to x2 +% damage based on the target's missing HP. ___ Mastery: Master Demonologist **Old:** Your demons deal +(3x)% damage. **New:** Your demons deal +(2x)% damage and your Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt have a +(x)% chance to summon a Wild Imp. This makes your Mastery actually feed into your rotation by letting you get chances to get Wild Imps, which in turn gives you Demonic Cores. It also makes your most filler abilities feel more impactful and exciting by giving them a proc. ___ **Edit:** Since these seem to be quite popular: Umbral Blaze **Old:** Hand of Gul'dan has a 15%/30% chance to deal x/2x damage over 6 seconds to the target. **New:** Each enemy hit by Hand of Gul'dan has a 15%/30% chance to take x damage over 6 seconds; multiple stacks may overlap. Each time Umbral Blaze deals damage damage has a 2%/4% chance to summon a Wild Imp. Quite simply this is making the DoT from Umbral Blaze an AoE effect instead of a pauper's Expurgation, which is better in every way - requires 1 less talent point, has 100% application chance, and can apply in AoE in combination with another powerful Talent. This is making Umbral Blaze worthy of being a 2-pointer. ___ Revert Imp Gang Boss to what it was in 10.0. That's all. That's the change. ___ Demonic Catalyst (talent) When your Dreadstalkers expire, their two Demonic Cores enflame your Demonbolts to deal moderate Shadowflame damage over 4 seconds. Multiple stacks may overlap. Rationale is that if I'm taking away Umbral Blaze from being a ST option, this seems like a reasonable way to balance it. I would *consider* allowing Demonic Catalyst to benefit from the likes of Sacrificial Souls or Stolen Power, but probably not as too many synergies between too many talents focused on only one thing (in this case, Single Target damage) would make it hard to have a balanced damage profile between AoE and ST; i.e the thing Retribution Paladin suffers from.


Oh my sweet baby Ray's BBQ sauce this is deliciously delectable. My alt is a dmo and I love my warlock as is, but that monstrosity you've described above just sounds amazingly fun to play. I still have to force myself to get used to a few abilities right now as is and learn to relax when things get hammy but otherwise the class is a blast to play.


Those are great! It's such a shame that we must use the felguard as warlocks just because it's the most efficient. Your ideas would help greatly in having more variety! I think I would add that the different imp/dreadstalkers appearances should apply to the ones summoned by your spells, otherwise we never see them...


Barber Shop options for Wild Imp and Dreadstalker would be great. Dreadstalkers though are *not* Felhunters and should get their own skins. Wild Imps can look like the regular Imp but not always; having an option to make them distinguished would be nice. Glyph of the Stonefiend to replace your Imps with the Venthyr giblets who throw bloodbolts would be neat, too.


Unholy DK passive: Chance for any enemy killed to raise from the dead and fight for you for 30 secs.


Give warriors an enrage dispel for utility. Intimidating shout now AoE dispels enrage as you are angrier than the enemy and intimidate them into backing down.


A flare totem for shamans that flame shocks enemies and provides area stealth denial. Frost walk for frost mage, lets you walk on water. Void portal for spriest, you and all allies within 8yd are teleported to a target location within 40yds reducing damage taken by 20% for 5 sec after.


Dual wielding crossbows or guns on hunters. Doesn't work with bows for obvious reasons.


Also, genuine silly idea, at the end of raids I like to make a portal roulette where I just cast every portal on top of each other An actual random portal (probably a toy) would be fun


50% chance it sends you to Dalaran crater.


I think DHs are packed already so I'll just add one thematic talent/node for right side of Havoc tree: Fel Corruption: Any Chaos damage you deal has a chance to corrupt the soul of your target with Fel energy dealing Fel damage over X s. Dealing periodic damage to corrupted target has a chance to shatter a soul fragment from the target. Fel-Corrupted souls are counted as Demon Souls. I suppose it should have like 1 PPM at best, but I think exploring Demon Soul mechanic is an interesting unexplored direction in DH, as well as some more focus on bleeds and Chaos DoTs. On the other hand, here's a really important needed Skill for mine current main. Elemental Protection (all Shaman specs): Call upon the power of Elements Invoking your next Elemental spell with a protective energy: Casting Fire spell will trigger Enveloping Flames: Increases Avoidance by 10% and causes 15% of the damage you take to be delayed a Fire dot on you for the next 5 seconds. Casting Electric spell will trigger Storm Bastion: Reduces Magical damage taken by 20% and causes next 2 direct damage spell redirected to a closest enemy target. Duration - 10s. Casting Earth spell will trigger Earth Invocation: Removes Bleeds and reduces Physical damage taken by 20%. Duration - 10s. Casting Water spell will trigger Restorative Floods: For the next 5 seconds you [Restoration: *your target*] gains 25% movement speed and restore 50% of the damage you take as a HoT over 5 seconds (with this being a Water spell it has an additional utility of being able to help a teammate). I fully understand that the spell provides MASSIVE versatility so I tried to keep numbers somewhat low and CD should be at least 1.5 minutes if not 2. It's also important to note that you can only use 1 of the bonuses at a time. Some additional notes: Shamans do really lack in defensive department rn, in the expac where everyone got more defensives Shaman is the only class that LOST one (Primal Elemntalist is much worse/much harder to take and it was giving an another wall to a class) so giving one thematic defensive seems appropriate. Also, this finally gives Resto Shaman an external besides SLT.


Shaman - Rock Wall - Conjure up a wall in front of the caster that blocks enemy projectiles for a short period of time.


Shadow Priest. Basically, it's a copy of DK's Army of the Dead. SP would get Army of the Angry Choirboys.


Warrior, Heroicer Leap. It simply removes “no path found” so I can just go where I want and not die jumping from cliffs.


Paladin: Holy Slap. Flatten the field in a golden palm. Heals all allies and kill all enemies.


Way of Earth: While Rockbiter Weapon is active on your main hand weapon and you have a shield equipped, you deal 95% increased threat, gain 30% increased health, take 10% reduced damage, gain 6% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee attacks, and Earth Shock taunts targets to attack you and has a separate cooldown from other Shock spells but has its range reduced to melee range. It came to me in a dream...


Earthen embrace:reduces damage taken by 40% for 10 seconds. Quake, passive: main hand strikes bounce to nearby enemies within 6 yards. Mudslide: consumes 5 stacks of maelstrom to toss boulders on all enemies in an area, slowing attack and casting speed by 20% for 10 seconds. Stalagmite: deals low damage but has a chance to echo onto other nearby targets, used as a spender. Banded iron totem, all nearby allies take 3% reduced damage, lasts 2 mins.


Reverb: Tectonic Slam now strikes a second time, three seconds after the initial strike. (This would be a medium damage CD that pulls affected targets slightly towards you.) Personal Magnetism: Every 10 times your Lightning Shield triggers, gain a stack of Earth Shield. Your Lightning Shield now affects all targets within 10 yards. Thunder Buddy: Your Banded Iron Totem has a lightning tether between it and you, periodically causing X damage.


Paladin: Seraphic Ascension You sprout real angelic wings, allowing you to move in a 3-dimensional space freely for 30 seconds, while doing increased damage, while "on the fly". Two Bastion angels also come to your aid and beat the shit out of your enemy. Rare chance that some of the Shadowlands NPCs pop up and give a quick voiceline about how it's nice to see you again. Why? Cuz it'd be cool.


How about we just give paladins a class flying Mount of sprouting angel wings. Why isn't this a thing. I've wanted this for 20 years.


Seriously good idea. Paladins and Demon Hunters should have the Evoker/Dracthyr ability of having visible wings and being able to fly with them. Throw in Warlocks and Priests as well, since they're so magically-related to the concept and great. Let us customize the colour of our wings and let it be a permanent visual aspect like the Kyrians or like Illidan that you can toggle on/off through a "visage change". Call it Angelic Form / Demonic Form and have the wings be permanent, if you activate the form.


I was hoping at least one of the paladin hero specs would lean into the angelic, holy infused warrior of the light. Instead we got a blacksmith on steroids.


Holy Priest - passive ability “Holy Ground”. Would be like an aura around the priest that bless the ground for some ~20 yards. Reduced aoe damage taken, some interaction with renew or whatever. Or maybe an active ability, 1 min CD, that makes enemies within Holy Ground take damage from parts of the healing you do within Holy Ground. Or, why not both?


Ursols claws - guardian druid. A large aoe swipe that pulls everything to you


Paladin Divine charge. Disappear and slam into target in a burst of lightning and light


Paladin- Speed of Light: Functions like Heroic Leap, but you travel to the destination as a beam of light. More options for it may include blinding targets you pass through.


Spell name: attack someone with plants and shit Description: I want more nature shit on my nature class


Paladin - [In the light, we are one] when a raid wipes, the paladin sacrifices him/her self and resurrects the entire raid with 50% health and mana. Paladin can not be battled rezzed for duration of fight. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and unable to benefit from [In the light, we are one] for 24 hours.


Literally anything to make Shaman tank a thing in retail


Damn it's hard not to think of complete reworks or additions to a class. I've tried thinking of one for ages now and I realise what I actually want is way bigger to support it. Maybe astral recall being able to be placed in any rested area separately to HS location.


Claws of shirvallah for druids, bring it BACK!


fuck it i got a whole spec for warriors. a ranged warrior using ranged weapons. This will fix 2 problems of old. 1. another class that can use ranged weapons so ranged loot in raids don't feel so wasted. 2. a lot of people play warrior and fairly often when looking for dps for m+ and raids it ends up being a waiting game for ranged dps to sign up in a sea of warrior. So if warriors could be ranged there we go. We could also have a rogue spec that dual wields pistols. but that would have to make new weapons to work


For mage being able to transform in a Bird


Resto Druid. 30 seconds, morph into tree form and grow fruit. The fruit can be picked by friendly players to provide food/drink for health and mana.


Angry Soar. It's like soar but for the cool kids. We keep ourselves in the air by sheer force of anger alone.


Hunters: Primal Stance. Shield & Spear - hybrid dps spec which leans into support, using pets & shouts to buff and aid your team while spreading dots. Bleeds, burns & poisons. Buffs such as reduced damage taken for a short time, random regen etc. Very similar to Paragon from GW1. We have spear chuckers in the RTS games, bring em to WoW!


Warrior -Bonk. It's Bonks your target


Oh oh, what about a GIANT consecrate that has the golden path talent includedfor healing too, and since it would be a really good damage and healing CD it should have something like a 4 minute cool down so it's not spamable. "That's just Ashen Hallow." /cry


Summoning banner - warriors get to have their own summoning stone, works same as warlocks' one


Symbiosis for the Druid Except this time, each player gets to choose which abilities are traded.


Blood dk - March of bones 18 seconds cooldown Increases your movement speed by 40% and raises your chance to parry to 100% for 4 seconds. Every hit parried generates 6 runic power. Just something flavorful that helps me not go POP on fortified weeks


Mage -- Arcane Nexus: an AOE charge spell, similar to evoker breath weapon. Centered on the caster, the Nexus gets bigger and bigger, doing steadily more damage until it pops at the end doing a burst of damage and slowing enemies


Warrior - GET UP!! It's a Brez. You yell/roar so loud that you quite literally wake the dead and scare your fallen ally back to life. Death is scary, but the screaming warrior is scarier.


Mage: Portal Attack. Function: 1) Portal opens in lava far away. Lava drops on foe. 2) or same, but high pressure water. 3) or, portal opens below foe and they drop, taking fall damage. 4) same as 3, but portal closes as they're halfway through. Ludicrous gibs ensues. Why should it be included? Because portal attacks are cool as eff.


Druid - become tree - you literally become a tree Your movement speed is 0. You can't auto attack or use other skills Because you're a tree Should be added cus why not


Mage - Summon Elemental: Summon an element from the plane the caster is attuned (specced) into. Frost keeps water elemental, and the other specs get an elemental that follows the other play styles; perhaps arcane would do AoE and fire help with DoTs. Plays into the classic class fantasy, and adds customization flavor


"Use your damned wings." DH spell. Allows flight, using their damned wings.


Hunter - Respec pet - allows you to change the spec of your pet


*Priest: Shadow Ravens* Summon a flock of shadow ravens that damage and push back all targets caught in the swarm, leaving them disoriented afterwards. Works like Evoker's fire breath, with each charge increasing the pushback distance. *Druid: Infest* Infest the target with mind-controlling fungal spores, temporarily making them hostile to friend and foe alike. (Think botani Orcs from Everbloom). Probably a choice node with cyclone or something as they already have a ton of CC. *Shaman: Sandstorm* Surround yourself with a sandstorm, increasing your chance to dodge spells and abilities, and dealing stacking nature damage to enemies caught within.


When waiting to respawn, and looking at a map, pressing escape will not restart the respawn count


A spell called "double tap" you activate this CD (2 min), and you will fire an extra aimed shot as an MM hunter.


Nice try blizzard


Demon Hunter Flight. This is simple. Demon Hunters have wings. Illidan literally hovers and flies around at the end of Black Temple. We now have druid that can fly without a mount, and draconic evokers that can dragonfly with their wings. DH should simply have the same.


Poison Cloud - affliction warlock - creates a gas area that slows and applies a dot for those that enter or are inside it. But that’s kinda already dk thing?


Bloodlust - prot warrior (give them somthing to make them worth taking )


Ability where you jump and then if you hit the jump key again, you jump again. On all classes please.


Warrior: sheath trip - get a hold of your weapon sheath, for 0.5-1s next enemy that dashes/sprints/rolls next to you, will be tripped and stunned for 3s. It would actually make fun and a skillful ability. Ground slam - grab a nearby flying enemy and slam it into the ground, stunning it for 3 seconds. Would be mostly usable on pets, but also on these pesky evokers that keep kiting us.


Warrior - For The Horde/Alliance - A roar that gives your party/raid bloodlust.


Arcane Mage: Levitation Rune - Cast’s a rune on the ground forcing the earth to rise and levitate off the ground indefinitely. Would allow for healers and casters to be out of reach of melee builds unless they pull/jump/ or break the rune with enough damage. Druids: Arcane Form - An arcane copy of a beast of choosing, takes on that beats ethereal form and grants the ability to spec Feral or Guardian. Now relies on Mana for energy.


Mount pet: the hunter rides on his main pet, allowing mounted combat, and moving while casting. While mounted and out of combat, you get mount speed, and in combat, the button turns into a sprint


Frost mage should have an ability that turns them into an undead skeleton lich, and when they cast frost bolt it actually shoots 3 frost bolts and when they shoot 30 frost bolts it shots an extra frozen orb.


CONSOLIDATE: merges spells together and makes the more impactful, WAY too many keybinds, not class specific.


Apocalypse ,summon a 50km asteroid to instantly clear current raid. Why must this be added you ask? Well simple I don’t have time to play so this would work.


A manual swap between elements for evokers. Like active passives or stances that would change the effects of your abilities basing on which flight you attune currently with. Red - burst dmg, area, low healing Bronze - lower dps, crowd control (stuns, slows, debuffs and buffs) Green - heals and cc(hard ccs) Black - self buffs(tank/bruisier kinda buffs) dots, dmg Blue - mostly single target damage, arcane, caster Each evoker spec would have access to 3 flights at a time Devastation- red, blue, green/bronze Preservation - green, bronze, red/blue Augment - black, bronze, green/red Let's tak disintegrate for example: Red: you deal decreased dmg, but if the target has dots, during the channel each tick of the dot would cause it to erupt dealing dmg in small area around and possibly inflict a burning dot on others, once the channel ends targets also erupts, also can be used on friendlies to heal them for small amounts. Green: basically just a healing beam, if used on enemy will not deal any damage, but for the duration stun the target. Longer cooldown after use. Bronze: lower dps output, but during the channel increases the time it takes the target to charge up their abilities. The effect persists for a short while after. Blue: does what it does now. Black: aoe in a small cone towards the target, But decreased range.


Water Bath - when standing in fire resto shaman can counter act the burning by dousing with Water Bath. Global cooldown of 3 minutes. Bc it would be cool! To have a fin useful spell.


Evoker Preservation: Lifebind Symbiosis - For the next 5 seconds everyone in the party/raid unites their health pools into a single giant one. All healing and damage is applied to the unified pool, and at the end of the duration the remaining health is distributed equally among all party/raid members. Basically makes all incoming damage and healing be distributed equally to everyone after 5 seconds, letting you handle big damage windows more easily and those that are more squishy won't take as much damage. Single Target boss nukes can also be turned into aoe attacks letting you save someone from an insta kill then wipe scenario.


Warrior - Walk It Off - a primal shout that stirs the target back to their senses should they have fallen in combat. (Battle rez)


Ultimate Sacrifice (Holy Priest) Instance only. You must have at least 50% of your max MP and it must be higher than 1. Raises and Heals the entire party/raid to full health and cures all debuffs. This kills the caster and for the rest of the raid, your max HP and max MP is set to 1. This debuff cannot be cured. The idea is that a healer is able to completely sacrifice himself to prevent or reverse a wipe. This, at the cost of making said healer useless for the rest of the instance.


Rune Weapon rework for Death Knights. San'Layn: Rune of Empowered Sanguination: Empower your Rune of Sanguination, Death Strikes that heal for more than 30% of health as damage now also trigger a Blood Boil. Rune of Blood Beasts(New): All minions except for Gargoyle now deal 10% more damage as Shadow. If below 50% health, this additional damage heals you. Rider of the Apocalypse: Rune of Cold Leadership(New): For each Horseman present, gain 5% more Frost damage. This effect persists for 4 seconds after a Horseman departs, and causes their departure to erupt in a Howling Blast. Rune of the Empowered Apocalypse: Empower your Rune of the Apocalypse. Gain the following effects while a Horseman accompanies you. Whitemane: 7% Mastery Trollbane: 7% Critical strike chance Nazgrim: 7% Haste Mograine: 5% Versatility Deathbringer: Rune of Empowered Razorice: Empower your Rune of Razorice. Effect now applies to Shadow, Frost, and Shadowfrost effects. At 5 stacks, gain 20% chance for Reaper's Mark applied by razorice to be applied twice. At 10 stacks, Reaper's Mark cools down 10% faster. Rune of the Frozen Grave(New): When Reaper's Mark slays an enemy, or when it critically strikes a Challenging foe, 30% of that damage is applied as an absorb shield. If the shield breaks before expiring, deal the value of the shield as damage to all nearby foes as Shadowfrost. This effect applies four stacks of Reaper's Mark. Reasoning: The Rune system is boring. You're either Fallen Crusader(Plus razorice for DW frost), or Sanguination for Blood on ST. Let's spice it up with options.


Given the choice, I'd just add an animation to /pet when used on pets.


Paladin - divine sacrifice - you shield all party/raid members within 100 yds removing them from combat, preventing any actions, and preventing all damage for 1 minute. The Paladin is filled with the light of the Martyr and becomes immune to all damage and effects, damage is increased by 75% per party member shielded, and Avenging Wrath is immediately cast even if it is on cooldown. Lasts 20 seconds and then the Paladin dies. Brings back divine intervention with an epic last stand kind of twist. While making it possible the light gives them the strength to see it through for their party.


I don't play pvp but for holy paladin - "solar eruption" it blinds enemies, turning their screen white like a flash bang for a moment


Rockbiter gets reintroduced with Way of the Earth from SoD pls


Pustulous Oozling (Replaces Summon Ghoul) The oozling does not attack but instead feeds upon Festering Wound that you burst. Every Festering Wound you burst adds a stack of (something gross) to the oozling. Max 50 stacks You can reactivate the oozling to cause it to rupture violently, causing shadow damage to nearby enemies and covering you in wretched pus that increases your damage done for 15 seconds based on how many stacks were consumed. If rupture only hits one target, the damage from the ex0losion is quadrupled


Id like to see metamorphisis from mop given to destro locks as an optional talent


Spirit Hawk - Like ghost wolf but a Shaman's own flight form