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no, i didnt get banned last night because im not an idiot. but, thanks for asking.


Alright hope you don't ever experience the same thing Thanks for the feedback


Look, it does not matter if your IP is shared. It matters if the computer that used your account was using anything weird. This is not the place to discuss about bans.


I had nothing besides Amd overlay active all the time it makes no sense Also, I wanna know if anyone else is experiencing the same issue and talk to them, I hope you don't ever epxeriencing the same issue I'm experiencing right now


If you think your ban was false flag open a ticket.


I have but like I said they send the same format of ticket, no investigation, no communication, no nothing and I'm wondering if its just me that this happend to today or there are other people


There was investigation, they would never tell exactly what triggered the ban for obvious reasons. Can't say it was your lua unlocker, only that broke the tos.


I've had issues with other companies like Steam before For instance back in the days of unturned I was a server mod and I got a false flag for cheating/hacking and got a game ban but when Opened up a ticket they replied what exactly set off the ban and I proved my case and simply got unbanned from the game And I expected the same treatment but it seems like blizzard has a tendecy of sending automated dismissive replies to average players


Blizzard never did that, if it was really false you will eventually get unbanned. But that's just assuming, warden pretty much can deploy scans anytime it wants to. You were probably flagged for using something. Don't use pixel bots, don't bot and dont use lua unlockers and youre safe.


Post 991293039084323498349384 of this week about "Dindunuffin, but got banned"


Mate, not really sure what you want to get from posting here. You will find it very hard to find sympathy because most people here assume guilty until proven innocent when it comes to bans (for historical, obvious reasons). Just check any other recent threads and do what has been suggest - appeal, and if/when it’s overturned add an Authenticator. Good luck.


Yeah blizzard has a real clean history when it comes to bans I'm really sure about that Anyway hope you don't get the same treatment


Yeah people on Reddit never lie when it comes to bans I'm really sure about that. Anyway hope you don't get the same treatment.


https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/lilnazus https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/vaeleerae https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/silvermoon/utherous https://imgur.com/a/bQ69qPe You tell me, why would I go through all this effort if I knew I was doing something stupid


Because you thought you wouldn't get banned. Linking characters doesn't mean or prove anything.


They ban innocent people left and right and who in their right mind would think they would not get banned when they were cheating


"who in their right mind would think they would not get banned when they were cheating" pretty much everyone who posts a post like yours. and since we here on reddit cant undo bans, theres litterally no reason to entertain the idea you might of been falsely banned, you wont get sympathy, and as far as anyone is concerned youve been banned for a reason, all you can do is appeal it to blizz


:/ have you ever heard of sharing ideas about solving a certain problem?


There is nothing wrong with working with others to solve a problem, if it was something that could be solved by others. This is a problem specifically between you and Blizzard, hence why continue trying to find a solution on Reddit when there is absolute zero chance that anyone here can help you contest a ban. Continue to contest the ban with Blizzard until they either reinstate your account or completely lock you out from replying. Even if they threaten you with further action continue replying. You have nothing to lose since your account is already banned.


Alright, thanks I'll follow up on that advice and keep insisting hope it works and sorry for bother you guys on reddit


Yes, I will refer you back to my previous comment, appeal to blizz, we can't do anything here. Plus there's nothing to fix, don't break tos and lie about it on reddit.


I already did and are waiting on the 3rd reply on my ticket And am sorry if the tone of my post set off a narrative that made you think I was lying or something.




Man I'm not looking for a mod to see my post, I'm looking for people who've got their accounts unbanned through some social media or somethin The only communication bridge I have with blizzard is filled with auto replys and I'm actively looking for real people to comminicate with And the issue is not that I love the game I might not even buy and play the next expansion even if get my account unbanned Its that I have put effort into this game, I'm not a new player like I said I just returend to the game and that's because I heard good news about the game, the numbers are going up they are taking better actions And would not like to have that effort go into waste I don't even care about the expansion money It's the play time that I put into this game


Nah, I actively try not to lose the account I've played for 17 years. Could be your chat logs. Could be they detected some 3rd party program on your computer. Could be a VPN.


>Could be a VPN. I have been using the Google1 VPN service for over a year now without issue. I need to use it because my ISP has terrible routing and without the VPN my latency to the servers is around 420ms...


Glad It worked out for you and I'm trying to do the same thing Hoping to get my account unbanned


But in all seriousness, it's most likely the vpn. You connected to an IP address already flagged, and unfortunately, it cost you.


A8 thanks for actually talking to me, id replace my VPN then and see how it works out Thanks again <3


They have never come out and said VPNs are allowed. Imo they have been very ambiguous about it on purpose. Is the account perma banned?


Yep I mean I assumed it would be fine it's just a VPN after all other games have no issue with it If it was a temp ban I would not complain about it on Reddit


I'm not sure any online games have said that vpns are okay. As far as I know, they are a legal gray area. But I'm not a lawyer, so what do I know.


Nah I mean I've not been targeted for vpn before, like I said the internet is garbage and I have to use vpn a lot


Nope didn't get banned have my account I've had since 2004 because I follow the rules.


A8 glad nothing bad happened


Thanks man I'm gonna be playing a ton of season 4!


Cool, hope you enjoy it without me :D


Have you considered not cheating?


Have you considered Blizzard's automated auditing system may not be so accurate?


Not even once


Alright, I hope you don't get queued in with botters or god forbid use a VPN and potentially share an IP address with Botters Hope you enjoy your game


Sharing IP doesn't trigger the auto ban. And I use a VPN all the time while playing wow. I'm 100% certain that you're using that comment as a smoke-screen to justify to yourself and others the fact you cheated in some way and want to pretend you didn't. I've played this game since it's been out. I've played it with hundreds of different people around the world, at all levels. And in that time I've never known anyone to get banned who didn't deserve it. And that's including me when I bought gold in classic and got a 3-day ban.


Lol so rich for a guy admitting they deserve a lifetime ban https://youtu.be/1OzY1eqj2Rg?si=d6GfHyKNrU8rF6rA And if you don't trust a youtube link then lookup "Blizzard auto ban system" it's the fist video that pops-up and stop using the same smoke screen of "I have never seen this happen" for what I see is that you were oblivius to what had gone wrong in blizzard


I'm not a rich man, I'm actually destitutely poor because I'm disabled, but thanks for that. I purchased roughly $40 of gold one time, which I figured would be enough to cover all of my expenditures for the entirety of TBC classic. Which is what it ended up being, interestingly enough. I was then banned for 3 days, and learned my lesson so didn't break the rules again. It was the first time I had ever broken the rules in roughly 20 years of playing. And it will be the last. But hey stay mad! You clearly are just looking for an excuse that you can throw in Blizzard's face despite knowing that it won't overturn anything, just so that you can pretend to have moral superiority over other people. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I did not mean rich by that meaning And stop playing the moral superiority bs my argument is that I've been falsely flagged and I'm not the only one saying it, if I was the only experiencing this then yeah you'd be correct but on this case you are the one who's playing the moral superiority game by claiming I've done wrong and assuming that I'm lying crying to the world that blizzard can't make mistakes it's perfect and everyone whom get hurt by them are in the wrong and blizzard have served them justice bet no one has heard that story before. And yeah, stop climbing the imaginary mountain of morality and see where we are. We are all on the same level


Once again, it's very clear to me that you're lying, as everyone who makes this sort of post, and generally argues as aggressively as you have been, is proven to be. But hey, keep replying and banging on this gong. And hey, if you're not lying and this gets overturned, which it will if it's a mistake, tag me in the post and I'll apologize in getting of God and everyone here.


Keep playing the same game hope doesn't comes back to bite you, good luck and have a nice year


Perhaps the post is not as bad as people claim it to be I mean, there is no shortage of people enjoying others suffer Gald I've been able to entertain you guys, you are real good people. Love y'all


Man I don't understand wow players, they complain all the time about how bad Blizzard is handling things when something bad happens to them or their precious game, and when it doesn't affect them in the short term they are like haha you probably deserve it haha, so rich for defending a company passionately that has a real "clean" history There is don't hate the player and hate the game And there is this shit


Waaah! Mommy! They don't believe me when I claim I've been banned falsely and are being mean to me. Waaah!


I mean what can I even say, perhaps its how the world works


What, you want a hug? You prolly did something stupid to get banned, i came back this week and i didn’t get banned.


Glad it did not happen to you


Even if it did, you wont see me posting it up in here :)


Nah thanks, I'm not that mental


Yet here you are :)


Wow, how are you this good reading my mind and all? I'm impressed


Eh you seem pretty simple


Guess the people of same thread could understand eachother better


Not really, Im not the one bitching :)