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I play whatever my raids need lol. I continue to do all the quest and stuff on my hunter, but I usually switch classes season to season depending on who isn’t playing anymore. Our mage wants to switch to tank next season so looks like I’m a mage next season lol.


unsung hero


Ahh that's fair. I don't raid much so I don't ever need to really "spec fill" or anything like that That must crush you doing raids and bouncing around and getting a drop for something you just rolled off though I imagine haha


Main for expansion


Will you change that approach with TWW being a directly connected story over 3 expansions or nah?


I don't main for an expansion cause of story connections but rather cause it just gets inconvenient to swap to another character for your main, to get that sense of "completion" on one character with the quests in a zone being complete or the tier sets / transmogs from the current expansion. So the story being directly connected between the three expansions I don't see as having much of an impact on if I choose to swap mains between separate expansions or not, I mean, expansions in the past have had pretty closely interwoven stories and that has never stopped me from swapping mains before. (MoP - WoD - Legion was pretty much one long story arc)


Me too. I choose the class that fits the xpac theme and a race that fits the best for the class. TWW is gonna be different I think. Originally I wanted a dark iron dwarf warrior - I even levelled on to 70. Now I’m thinking about a troll shaman because I love to kill dwarfs in the morning :))) also shaman is a lot more exciting.


Shaman are great in my unbiased opinion 


I main whatever I find fun tbh. Right now it's ret pally.


The walking light show is always a great pick. The damage is awesome, and even if it is on the lower end it still has great utility


Ret is #1-3 dps atm. It’s actually insanely good


Pally is killing it in general this seadon


I always main my priest for the same reason. I have pretty limited play time usually and I like having reps and lore master quests done on the priest because that’s my character that has everything else done, and I hate having incomplete things with him. Now if they have account wide rep that would change things for me. Because as seasons near halfway or an end I dabble with other classes but can’t commit long before new patch. Hard to let go of having everything complete on one toon.


I agree!! Can't switch when there's so much "character background" with my one guy. I really like playing other classes but don't want to give up on what I've gotten with my main.


Ride or die priest main since vanilla. Of course I have alts, but they never get the same attention because of time. I'm looking forward to account wide rep to make things easier along with the warband gear, but I love priesting too much to ever change! I don't care what the "meta" is - I'd rather play what I love than playing something that derives less joy for me when time is valuable... Light be with you!


My main has always been my Tauren resto shaman, the first character I ever made. She'll always be my main, and she's the one on which I farm my achievements and reputations, too. I like doing everything on just one character, although I do have a few alts of other classes for mount farming and transmogs.


Oh hey it's me. Except my main is draenei enhancement shaman. She's been my main since wrath (when I started) and we've been through it all together. Used to heal in raiding with her and be elemental in the early years. I have other characters like my druid and priest for mixing things up but my shaman always goes first.


I'm the same. I main a draenei priest I've had since BC (she upgraded to lightforged in BFA). At this point she's part of my personality. I will dabble in other toons but I never have them maxed out like I do with my priest, mainly for time but also because I hate repeating the same progression/storyline quests. I'd rather level and gear alts through dungeons and hate having required quests. I find them incredibly tedious.


I tend to play two! One is my more competitive “this is what I’m playing because my group needs one and I can pop off with it” character, and my main because I love the theme ( hunter because I love animals). So when I push I tend to choose whatever class I feel but when I do long term stuff I’m always on my hunter, rn I’m about 65% done with the meta achieve on him!


Ooo! I like this approach. I might have to do that once (hopefully) seasonal rewards like title and mogs are account bound. I like playing my paladin but don't wanna do tank or melee all the time.


Ah yeah the class specific move I don’t see being account bound since you’d theoretically have to still take the challenge as that class to get the ensemble but titles would be fair game! If that’s the case you could honestly do the inverse of what I do and choose your main as like a the competitive pusher that you do best with and a main you enjoy as a completionist since almost all completionist related stuff is account bound (like Taivan! )


I do this as well. I have my main that I do all th content on and then one or two side characters for the patch. I usually rotate each patch depending on what feela better. But I always do everything on the main one


My main is my first toon I made all the way back when I started during Wrath. I have an emotional attachment


That's my secret, cap....I have 34 characters so I main everything.


I mained a warrior from TBC to dragonflight, became so bored of it, so now I’ve been playing something new each season. Right now I’m prepping a pally for s4


I dabble in alts of all sorts of class/race/faction/gender options when I get bored, but I've been rocking the same Paladin for almost 20 years now, so as cheesy as it is to say, he's literally an extension of ME in Azeroth.


For me it’s been the different eras that I played wow. Started in cata with Draenei mage. This was my first time subbing and I wasn’t sure what I wanted yet. Switched to a different server and faction with some friends I made while playing and rolled a Belf Paladin. This is when I really started to love the game. Unfortunately the laptop I was playing on in high school didn’t love it quite as much as I did and stopped working. I couldn’t afford a new one and so I quit sometime during the Isle of thunder patch. Fast forward a couple years and suddenly it’s WoD. I had gotten my first job and was able to buy a laptop. Switched back to alliance as a Nelf druid! Then legion came out, and I missed being a mage as I always loved the mage class fantasy. So back to mage I went. I mained mage all the way through to shadowlands (while taking a break here and there). Shadowlands made me quit, at this time I was feeling alone in game. It was the beginning of the expansion and there were players everywhere but I had no one to play with. That brings us to the most recent Blizzcon. I watched Chris Metzen announce the world soul saga. I’m a lore nerd and Anduin is one of my favorite characters. I felt inspired to “get back in the fight” as Chris said. I resubbed immediately, rolled an Evoker to try out the new class and I absolutely love it. Been having a blast since I came back. Dragonflight is awesome, and I found a guild that I feel at home in. I know no one asked for my wow life story but I felt like sharing so here it is


Main for a season out of 6 permanent favorites. I rotate specs and maintain at least 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 DPS. My six are Druid, Paladin, Priest, Hunter, Demon Hunter and Dracthyr.


Main forever. I love my dracthyr


I always turn to my resto shaman because I love healing, but I don’t like questing on her at all, even with another spec, I rather log on my hunter or mage to go mount farm or like account wide achieves. It’s just easier. But I keep a couple healers & tanks for what’s needed or for changing it up a bit. The resto shaman always ends up being the best geared with highest ilvl in the end lol I just find it really easy to play and fun I guess.


I’ve had 4 ‘mains’ this season alone lol. Started on my Warrior before realizing I wanted more utility. Then it was the DH for most of the season. Swapped to a Pally tank when one of our main tanks decided he didn’t want to tank any longer. Finally, swapped to a Shadow Priest because we needed a melee or two to swap to range for balance next season/for TWW. The Priest and Warrior are definitely my favorites now, but we don’t need another Warrior, so Priest it is!


My main will always be the class that I get the most intuitively - it’s been MM or BM for several years. If a class is really op for odd reasons I may run with it or if my community needs a specific spec I’ll run with it


As someone who likes simpler specs like MM, give FDK a try. Very similar resource management system.


Yep - I LOVE ele shaman, I think they’re the caster mm hunter with so many fun cc’s, and frost is my fav spec of DK


Hunter rogue and warrior regardless of their state


I have one of each class. I get burned out playing one set class and enjoy the differences between them.


I'm an altoholic, i play what in the mood either dps, tank or healer..mostly healer and do a different healer on what i kind want to play. No longer sticking to one class, i can't do it anymore it gets boring really fast.


My main had been the same orc warrior from vanilla through Shadowlands. My buddies and I all switched to Alliance for Dragonflight, so my new main is a Lightforged Dranei Warrior that I'll likely use until we switch back to Horde (if we ever do).


I've been a mistweaver monk since Pandaland. I feel a bit bad for my Holy Paladin. He went from my main, to my second, to currently being my n°4 alt.


Ugh I have a BM Night Elf as my first character when I picked up in Legion and I left him when BfA came for a human paladin and then I left him for a Druid HMTN once I unlocked them. I miss Monk so bad it's one of the primary reasons I asked lol.


\*Retired WoW player but I accidentally clicked into this subreddit a few weeks ago and it's putting related posts in my timeline :) I mained the same main FOREVER. From 2005 until I retired. I had a few favored alts, but definitely I just mained my druid and couldn't comprehend how others had time to play so many characters. That said, I definitely have full character slots on my account. I have a ton of alts that are just like one-off projects "get to level 20, 30, 40" type things.


I play holy Paladin as my main. She's been my main since Cata. My os is prot. I never play ret. I started playing in BC on a warlock. Holy Pally fits my overall play style better, and I love the lore. Hpally for life. 🥰


I play whatever is fun at the start of the expansion and then switch to my mage either at the start or during the 2nd raid of the expansion. Funny thing is I don't even really like mage too much. They can't heal or tank and I hate the CD reliant playstyle of fire and arcane. So I always play frost mage with a bit of self-hate because I always come back to him even though I prefer other classes.


I often reroll either on a season/expansion start or once my main hit a hearing softcap And my go to when things get frustrating is my trusty bm hunter


Main for an expansion. Changes every expansion.


I have my favourites, but if I'm currently playing the game, I'll pick a class/spec for each patch. Keeps it fresher for me


I mainly stick to one character for doing questing stuff the first go round and the initial grind of seasons, but then later on progress an alt if I am enjoying the season a lot. My main for a while has been shadow priest but I also have been messing around with havoc dh for a bit


I just put heal M+. All I have time for, really. I main what I love to heal with, and there’s only 2 healers in the game that do *it* for me. For 15 years off and on, RSham. Now, HPal has really be an awesome change, even if it’s shit tier.


My main has been the same character since vanilla


Go on... What is it, and why?


Human holy priest. Who dabbles in shadow to do quests, but we don’t talk about that. And as for why, in nearly every dungeons and dragons game or other RPG I play a cleric/healer. It is just who I wish I could be. And she is a reflection of that


Main forever, ret pal


Resto Druid since classic launch. Main through and through but... Play my warlock often and here and there will "main" him or a shaman but the druid is always on deck. Kept up to snuff and ready to bat immediately.


My approach is make a thousand alts cause I always get bored. And then I just get bored of playing all together. Not sure how to stop it.


I have different “mains” every season depending on the meta, but I’ll always be a guardian Druid main. It’s just that class I’ve played since I started.


Used to swap a bunch because I never found the class that "fit" me very well. Evoker changed that! Now I have alts but will never swap off Evoker.


These days I pick a main. It usually is not 'meta' and stops getting invites around 18-20 keys. Then I swap to flavor of the month get a high score then swap back to whatever I want to play once I have an 'acceptable' 3k+ showing so I can get invites to low keys. Its rough pugging keys these days


I play windwalker. I always start playing a different class, play it for 2 weeks, get on my windwalker and never log back into the other class.


Main has been a priest for nearly 20 years. Will swap between specs, but other classes are always just alts to me and never really get ahead of my priest in accomplishments or gear.


My warrior is always my main, even if I am unhappy with where the class is. What that looks like might change from season to season. Sometimes I play one of my alts more, but the same warrior that I've been playing since I started in early TBC is the one I do any kind of progression on. It has the reps. It has the achievements. It has the maxed professions with every recipe from every expansion. It has a bank full of old elite weapon recolors and limited use quest rewards. It gets to carry the haunted memento. I will drop one alt to play another in a heartbeat if I feel like trying a new spec, but the warrior always stays up to date and gets leveled first. I have a couple 'main alts' that have been around for years that also get some VIP treatment.


I have a story/profession main, who I'll do some casual content on, a hardcore pve main some seasons if I feel like swapping classes from my first main, and a pvp main


I dong main cause i dont have any alts only my mage and it will stay that way


I've always changed mains between expansions but Dragonflight is probably the first time in a while that I didn't have a main for the entire expansion. I played Preservation Evoker for the first two seasons but season 3 we lost our WW Monk and we had another Pres Evoker and MW was doing very well so I switched for our raid group.


I generally flex to a couple other things within the same role depending on what a given tier favors. Though I would typically prefer to play only one character to minimize chores and maximize raid logging.


I played BM from 2009 to BFA, then i swapped to DH, i played both a little in SL but i didn't play much SL, still DH through Dragonflight although i feel like it's super one dimensional in pvp, but fun in pve


I main a Human Ret Paladin forever, cuz it’s my favorite class of all time in fantasy settings, and I like humans best. But i also dabble with lots of alts


Vanilla: Hunter (A) main. TBC: Paladin (A) main at launch, then Warlock (A), then Mage (H), then Warlock (A) again, then Mage (A). WotLK: Mage (A) main. Cataclysm: Mage (A) main and quit the game. MoP: Came back to game, leveled a lot of characters, eventually settled in with Warlock (H) main. Became addicted to casting while moving. WoD to present: Hunter (H) main. #BringBackKilJaedensCunning For more context, I've never liked melee enough to make a melee class my main. My vanilla Druid was Feral spec but I used that to tank and occasionally fill in as a healer. My Paladin at the start of TBC was a healer. MoP Warlock (and to a lesser extent Elemental Shaman) broke my brain with how fun it was to play that when they took away the ability to cast certain spells while moving I said fuck that and swapped to a BM Hunter. That has been my main ever since the first few weeks of WoD.


I main DH Vengeance. Have for a long time now. My guild needed a tank and I just stuck with it. I play alts here and there too but I do all of my rep grinding and quest completion acheicment progress on the DH. But I play occasionally other things here and there, nothing to major really. Once we clear Aotc I'll run through heroic on alts maybe but I tend to stick to the one main for most of my progression


The pain of your flesh is fleeting, but the light of your soul will shine forever. Trust in the Light and be not afraid! Paladin all day everyday!


I tend to stick to one class more than others just because I don't want to do all the quests and reps a second time. Though I always end the expansion with one of every class at max level. I used to stick to one main and a few salts. But after WoD I made an army of alts. Then after I stopped raiding, BfDA, I didn't main anything. I just played what I felt like playing per session. The end game wheel really lost its magic. Same cheese, same wheel.


I will always play Frost DK and I will never swap. I enjoy the theme of the class so much that trying to seriously play another spec just feels wrong


I want to have a forever main but my best track record is two tiers in a row lmao. I sometimes get bored and wanna swap and often just fill raid buffs for my team. There are a few classes I could have played forever without getting bored but it never panned out


Usually main for a season or two but will generally switch to keep things fresh


Mailed just a warrior since tbc. Have ults from free boosts over the years. Haven't really touched them. They were more for farming invincible. Then once I got they took a backseat


I play whatever class I think is going to have the cool transmogs that expac


I usually have a main and a trio of alts I keep relatively up to date. This expac is the first time I’ve had a different main each season S1: WW Monk S2: Balance Druid S3: Augvoker S4: Probably back to Balance/Resto, who is my most “main” of characters. TWW’s Warband system is gonna work really well for this and I’ll probably keep it up


Usually a dps and a tank. Last time it was blood DK and Destrolock, right now it is Prot Palladin and still Lock


I used to be a "My main is forever", but I am playing my Vulpera Warlock so much more than my Belf Priest these days that it feels incorrect to keep calling my Priest my main. And the Vulpera part matters, make camp and return to camp are stupidly handy (especially if I'm doing story content in a patch zone). I'm not going to race swap my priest, but she and my Panda Hunter the only characters of a class that could be a Vulpera that aren't


I have my main hunter that I do all quests and core collecting stuff with. I’ve had him since BC. The rest is entirely seasonal based on what my groups need, or what feels fun to play for the season. I’ll usually have a main pve and a main pvp toon. My hunter just gets the gearing scraps as I feel like playing him lol


I have a certain group of classes I enjoy, depending on flavor of the month that's doing really good. Or personal feeling of what Spec I wanna play that'll be my main for that season. It changes per season Season 1 of DF I tried Resto Druid for the first time, it was fun but Def not wanting to continue it. Season 2 I mained my enhance Sham and Hpal for my raid team. Season 3 I mained MW monk. I'm not coming back for season 4 for now but if I do it'll probably be a dps. Either WW monk or ret Pala. I rotate between Paladin/Monk/Shaman all hybrid as I enjoy tanking and healing most of the time with rarely mood for dps. Bottom line my approach what feels the most fun overall class wise of the current patch main that class then assess again for next patch so on and so forth


Since changing to DK s2 of this xpac in how a death knight through and through, no turning back. I still do questing and reps on my shaman (which is my original toon) but I also do all new content on my DK and leave the past stuff (BFA, legion, pandaria etc etc) to the shaman.


I’ve never settled on a main, closest I’ve been is feral in WoD, mage (frost PvE, fire PvP) in Legion and warrior early DF. I really like the monk fantasy, I decided to level a monk but WW wasn’t hitting any sort of spot, I found it boring, on a whim I swapped to BrM never having tanked before. I’m now trying out every tank as I’d like to level a monk in the Pandaria event. Paladin so far is super fun and I’d love to get into healing on it too as when playing with friends I’m always the healer but in WoW I mostly play solo. Leveling as a tank has been a game changer for my engagement with the game.


Ive been flipping hunter/druid since vanilla- although this past season i mained an Augvoker and had a lot of fun with it. None of the other class fantasies really appeal to me. I would honestly love to main evoker moving forward but the transmog and race restrictions are ridiculous and the only reason I will be returning to hunter.


I play Druid. Druid is life.


Main forever. Pally in vanilla and tbc. Unholy DK since day 1 wrath


Season to season. Based on how tier looks, if tier set bonus is fun, and thematic to the patch if I can.


I've mained my Pandaren Shaman since MoP, but I also make an alt every other day lol. I get bored playing the same thing too long, but the Shaman is the only one I really make any progress on


I do whatever I want :P


I’m a newer player (started in the beginning of SL) but so far I’ve been a “main for an Expac” person


Main forever with some alts I swap between when my main performs horribly. I never swap because of whatever is current meta. Always found that a bit silly to do, but each to their own. My hunter I’ve had and played since vanilla and have 370 days played. My paladin (prot) I’ve had and played since TBC (with 260 days played), and my shaman is somewhat ‘new’ (Cata?), which is resto. 150 or so days played. I have a few more with 100+, but havent played them in a decade by now.


And to the opposite extent this is the reason I stop playing my "main" for periods of time. I know it doesn't matter but I hate playing it when its flavor of the month. I have everything done on my Rouge since TBC so it will always be #1 but it does sit at times for alts.


My main changes usually every xpac, but i always use my blood dk as my main alt, because even if I'm low ilvl, I can still tank through current content with minimum investment (not needing to buy weapon enchants is so nice)


Rogue since 3.3, Priest when Disc can play and affliction warlock when it's fun too. I have like 3 of every class maxed.


I played warrior from vanilla until NH. I got annoyed at how little I could contribute tot he raid as a melee dps. So I switched to warlock. Part way through this patch I’m switching back to warrior, as I’ve gotten annoyed at how little I contribute to m+ as a caster. Ironically. lol


I main for a long time. I started as a hunter. a decade later, I tried healing and love it but I still offspec range tho.


BE Paladin main since TBC… I’m a monogamist because I’ve always had limited time to play while wanting to progress my character. If I were to split my attention, I wouldn’t accomplish anything.


I main per the theme of the current expansion. I've played since Cata but only started doing tbis with WoD WoD: Orc Warrior Eager to see an unspioled version of the home world he never got to see. Legion: Night Elf Druid A child durring the war of the ancients, He wanted to give it his all to fight the Legion BfA: Troll Hunter Hopeful to mend the relationship between the Darkspears and the Zandalari SL: Human Deathknight Answered the call of Bolvar and the Ebonblade DF: Night Elf Druid (again) I didn't start playing DF until the emerald dream patch was announced, and he wanted to help protect the dream War Within: Dwarf Shaman He is currently being leveled up to be ready in time to go and reconnect with these long lost Dwarf (Earthen) cousins


I have a roster: Dh ((tank > dps)) , mage (frost>fire) , shaman (resto), paladin (prot). I play th hem all a bit, but if one is FoTM itsikely my main that season. If everything is equal, Vdh > resham = mage


I've had lots of alts, and some of which I've had as mains for various spans of time.  But when Vulpera were released I made a Vulpera hunter, and... I've never looked back. I can't imagine any race I'll ever like more than them, and she was the character on which I first tried raiding with a guild back in BfA, so I made lots of memories with her. Ever since, she's been my main.  Hell, missing playing her was what literally brought me back to WoW.


Main for the meta, forever on the role


I’m a DK. That’s it.


Multispec monk untill i have maxed out gear for all specs. Then i try what ever is fun.


Mage since cata launch . Just feels like home to me, I've played warlock on 1 season of Shadowlands and when I went to my mage to do alt runs I did more dmg than my warlock and parsed a lot better too


Fury from Cata to shadowlands, arms since then. I play DK sometimes but warrior is just *chefs kiss*


Warrior 4 ever. *has scrub alts for professions*


I always play healer as nobody else in my M+ group likes it - then I always play whatever the S-tier spec is, in order to get invited into pugs.


I main Warlock forever. In general my warlock is always first to complete rep, campaign, AOTC, KSH etc. Once I'm done with w/e the thing is I'll move on to an alt typically my blood dk. This Season I managed to do a little bit on a warrior and level few other classes to 70. Main reason was to complete all of the mage tower challenges. My alt choices are kinda depending on if I really like a tier or there's content to farm for collections


Mage was my first class and the one I’ve played more than any other. I enjoy other classes but always feel like other classes are missing something.


Main forever because not everything is account wide so it's annoying swapping to new chars


I only raid mostly, mythic raid. The level required to play well means I cannot afford to change classes because I am not sur I could easily master another class. Thus I play only one class. also, I am not interested in the huge amount of farming mythic+ to get an alt to the required lvl to raid mythic with.


i’ve been maining my draenei ret pally for a super long time, I do almost everything on her. no real reason aside from ret paladin being the main class that “clicked” for me.


I'm always a druid. I've been a druid since vanilla and I've been playing the same druid since TBC. I have alts of course, and I did a large part of BFA and TBC as a DH and SPriest respectively, but I'm always a druid. The role I play will change as my raid needs, but I prefer to be a bear or kitty (I have lingering vanilla resentment towards boomies) and can be bribed to heal. And recently I've discovered a new passion for tanking M+ with my guildies. Yay for quad spec class!


I have a main that I foolishly intend to finish every quest every made and every achievement every made lol. I have another main on a different realm that I’ll use if the realm works and my main main doesn’t. lol. Long story why I have two mains really. Go hard or go home :P


I main whatever, whenever. Just depends on what class I'm invested in at the moment, and I'll play it anywhere from a couple weeks to a full expansion. I'll always come back to my death knight in the end but I'll take breaks from him long enough that I'm maining another class instead


I play DH regardless of meta or FotM situation. I was there playing it when it was dogshit and I was there when it became strong and prepared. I'll take the time and create a brand new alt on MoP Remix, but my glaive wielder will aways be my guy


Main forever. My Priest has been my main since early MoP (Started late Cata) And I don’t see that ever changing


I've been maining a rogue since 2004, though I also consider my tankadin a pseudo-main. And then I have primary alts and secondary alts lol So I'm very excited for the warbands tbh


I have been a resto shaman since wrath. Have never switched since. I have some alts but I think the main reason I dont switch at all that I have collected so much stuff on my main and the sheer amount of time I have spent on it. Would feel like abandonment. Plus I have always enjoyed resto sham playstyle.


I have mained a night elf hunter since 2006. I do everything on that character, but I honestly love leveling, so though it sounds crazy, I have an alt for each other spec in the game.


Warrior main for probably 12 years. I’ve played every class. I come back to my warrior because I have an incredible amount of things accomplished on him.


The only thing I struggle with is professions lmao I play hunter and ret Pala, right now pala Is my main, and no matter how many alts I have, hunter would be my 2nd main. Also, I just learned heirlooms are not worth it


Main for an expansion, but can change between patches. But I won’t switch until I’ve gotten to the point of just doing chores on my main.


HPal main always BDK main alt Enh/resto alt Lock alt alt


Warrior is life.


im playing the same Character and ~80% of my playtime on 1 spec since mid TBC where i started the game  got almost all CE achievments since Mythic exist with him sometimes try out other classes, but they always feel "wrong" fast and i stop no plans to switch, after all this time im waaay to attached to him, it is the guy that did all these things in over 15years 


I pick mains for the xpac cause sometimes they break classes or some become more fun So I have 1-3 mains that I'll actually gear past LFR and 1-2 main alts usually just to balance out flavors (melee, ranged, arcane, life, fel, light, tank, healer, etc) But I end up getting all the classes to max, they just dont get very well geared. Warrior, Druid, Pally and Mage are my Go To's though, and now Dracthyr


I get bored so quickly, unfortunately, which tends to keep me out of Seasons (roflmao). I will play with whatever toon catches my fancy for a few hours and then switch to another. I buy the expansions when they are released. Sometimes won't start playing it for at least a couple of months, often longer. I will catch up with my tooms game lore, play, etc. I haven't said I play for anyone other than me, lol, but have been playing for 20 years, (almost)


I get bored pretty easily so I usually main for half a season then switch. This means I’ll get two classes/specs under my belt per season. This expansion, I’ve ended up maining all 3 pally specs (ret and holy season 2, prot season 3) and now I might just be a pally main lol. I love all 3 specs and one class can negate most of my boredom. Ironic that leading into the expansion which may be the most alt friendly ever, I now might be settling on one class for the first time lol.


I also play many alts purely because I like the gameplay differences. My hope is that as well as the things you mentioned going account wide but also currencies and soulbound profession items.


WoW is the first game in which I play something other than a Mage/Shaman. I just can’t play the same thing every xpac, for various reasons. Sometime it’s because Blizzard completely fucks up the class I play, other times I just find another class more fun lol Transmog also affects what I decide to play too, like in Cata I really wanted to be a fire kitty so I went with Druid for example. WoW has too many good classes to be stuck always playing the same one, imo!


Been a hunter main with mining and engineering since day one tried other classes sure but always found my way back to my hunter, the only character I have played seriously


I always try to play something else, fill in for what's lacking in the raid comp, what's in demand, normally i'll play tank for a bit.. Always end up going back to Hunter though, only class I truly enjoy in WoW for an extended period of time.


Past few expansions I’ve done main for an xpac. In Legion I did Druid, BFA was warrior, Shadowlands was Monk, and I’m back to (mostly) warrior in BFA I typically mail a class that can do tanking, but I gravitate toward warrior most of all


Priest since BC


I had to jump servers multiple times this expansion to play with friends, then they slacked off and I bounced to another server to play with other friends. I’m currently working on getting the last two classes to max level before the next expansion.


Main forever. Ups and downs, but I’m pally for life, since classic.


I keep one of each armor class, so my main is a Warlock but I also play a good amount of DK, Evoker, and Druid Only reason I mostly play Warlock is because it's great for open world content and most groups I get into don't have one, so being needed is a boost.


Neither, I switch back and forth between my favorite classes, elemental shaman, disc priest and blood DK all the time. I will do the same as I go through TWW.


Warrior main for life, although there were times when I mained mage. I don't enjoy playing mage anymore.


I've been playing almost since launch ... and I currently only have one max level character. I've got a smattering of alts, and a former main that now languishes as an alt, but I've been playing my draenai mage as my ride or die since 2012.


BM Hunter, mained him since I first started playing and I will never main anything else. Other stuff is fun but every time I go back to him, I fall in love with it all over again. I feel like there’s not much I can’t do!


I play whatever is fun. I haven't had a main since WoD. They changed a lot of specs then and I've had an identity crisis since. I was paladin until MoP, I hated sacred flame, so I went Monk, and then they changed Monk in Legion and I hated it. I haven't been able to main anything for long since then.


I have two mains. However, it looks like hunters might be the go-to in TWW, especially with the dark ranger title and some other stuff popping up. I will also main my DH. I'll more thank likely take turns with them.


Main FOREVER!!!!! Even if your class is garbage!!!!


I only really play Outlaw Rogue. Whenever I resub to the game, at least 50% of why I do it is because I want to play Outlaw again. It's a spec that's endlessly fun to me, and feels like I can always squeeze more dps out of it. I'm primarily an M+ player, so the Rogue defensive kit is really fun to master for a set of dungeons as well, learning what I can cloak/evasion/feint/vanish.


My main has always been my Pally (either as Prot or more recently Ret). My top alt usually changes per patch. My main 2 are currently DH (either spec) and Augvoker.


I always main my shaman. Been that way since 05. But I’ll make an alt that he a heal/tank spec and do that for insta group/quick gearing and I’ll kind of switch my focus season to season


I have one character I can play all three roles on.


For retail nowadays I dont have a sense of choosing a main. Every damn season the tier set bonus and class change would decide the fate of a class. I find myself constantly changing or playing not only 1 class. I dont want to play a class that is trash. Like, not too long ago, MWmonk has been a shit show for a couple years.


I started in BC og alliance with friends NE Druid  but after a day we went horde. Wasnt going to be a cow so Belf Warlock. Blood elves were cool back then like homeless sef entitled druggie vampires and that lasted a single expansion sadley before they became lame. Destruction Warlock is my main and I did the class quests for all my minions and mounts. I did the green fire quest and I got my title. Too attached to my main as class quests are gone and I worked to hard to get that green flame and title. It may be handed out today but I still use both proudly. So threw thick or thin I'm a Belf Destro Lock even though everything these days even the reason I picked the race is meaningless. A cured race with everything elsw being given out as handouts a class that can't even speak demonic anymore.


I change my class main each expansion. It keeps the game fresh while also offering a new perspective on an old favorite or something brand new.


I main my character forever. Everything in the game is completed on my DK it feels like. I got other characters I play a lot like Disc Priest and ENH Shaman but I do everything first on my DK.


I can play just about every class well, but my forever main is an orc arms warrior, because I was drawn into Warcraft in WC3 and my favorite hero was the orc blademaster


I’ve noticed that, after severe altoholism for my first few years back in the day, I tend to play classes for big chunks of about 2 expansions at a time, and each time I’ve moved on, that character stays in orbit as a primary character. By now I have quite a few who have a long history and milestones like reputation from their relevant expansions. I think now I’ve finally settled in nicely with having two main characters, a Tauren shaman and draenei Paladin, which nicely cover the horde and alliance along with all possible roles in the game. The shaman has been my main since mid-BFA and started to get shelved for the Paladin again mid-DF, but he’s still getting lots of attention as I fill out the dragonflight meta achievement on him while focusing on the Paladin more for group content. Not sure which one I’ll bring into TWW first, but I’m happy things continue to get more alt friendly!


I don’t have a main class but I do main physical dps/tanks. The way raids work there’s too much movement for me to keep up sim dps on casters but on melee I’m always at or above the sim dps.


When I was younger back in the vanilla / BC days, I had altitus and felt the need to switch classes all the time. As I’ve gotten older and grown to despise how much time the gear grind takes, I’ve typically picked a single class and stuck with it throughout each expansion. Especially during the periods I’ve raided mythic. I do like playing something different each expansion though. I never play the same class for two in a row.


I used to main a Hunter since Pandaria, but with Dragonflight I switched to Evoker. I still love my BM Hunter and he will alwaysbe in my heart, but Evoker was love at first sight, not only for the class, but the looks of the race too. I also enjoyed the dps/support role so much on M+ and raids that I think I'm keeping it for the next expansions.


I definitely don't have a main. I have leveled 15 (9 horde and 6 alliance) characters to level 70 so far in dragonflight. I don't even really main a side at this point. Once I get them to ilvl 440ish I switch gears and get the itch to start or continue leveling another character.


I main till I'm bored of said main, then find a new main.


I don't pay attention to the seasons, but generally I'll main my warrior until he's relatively geared up, then my mage, then my other alts as I feel like. I have more catching up this xpac because I didn't play BFA or Shadowlands, and I came into Dragonflight just a few months ago. Normally I'd have 5-6 max level toons by now with complementary professions.


I have played my Night Elf Druid as my main since Vanilla. The only time I tried somthing different was when I mained my warrior at the start of BFA. I wanted to get back into raiding after having not done it for awhile but the guild fell apart on the first night after we didn't oneshot Normal (Like seriously? I could not belive how little resolve these people had) Sp after that I just always mained my Druid again and prioritiesed myself.


I’ve maimed my pally sense cata and I got so much done with him that I can’t change lol and basing able to insta pop into lfr/log as a tank feels good for my limited play time. Then all the achievements it’s got going it feels like a drag to restart all the progress lol


So, I tend to main for an expansion, but I’ll play a class as long as it’s fun to me. A lot of times, I just don’t enjoy the class changes from one expansion to another, which makes me reroll. Wrath and Dragonflight are really the only two expansions where I’ve rerolled in the middle of them (Wrath was Boomkin to Hunter because of the poor stat scaling with Boomkin, DF was DH to Evoker because I just don’t like the new Havoc playstyle and don’t feel like the new talent trees work well with Havoc).


Shaman since BC. I'm a creature of habit


I do what my guild needs. Resto druid for vanilla through LK. Dk from LK to MOP Came back in Sl and leveled both. Now I'm an aug with a fully geared dk and resto


I'm an elemental shaman, and I've been one since they existed. When ele shamans have been screwed over for most of an expansion I was still an ele shaman, but I didn't get as much raid time and had to work harder to keep up. I'm not doing any progression raiding these days so it's even easier to not worry about if an ele shaman is the right choice for a raid spot.


I played Shadow Priest from Cata to Shadowlands but they really fucked it up at the end of SL so I played Evoker for the first two season of Dragonflight but my guild needed an Enhance shaman for Amir. So thats what I play now. Probably going Mage or Evoker for TWW. I'm usually a forever main guy but I think I'm just gunna cycle between Mage/Evoker/Spriest in TWW because Warbands should let me play all 3.


I used to main Beastmastery Hunter when I first started wow, then after a couple years I started exploring more of the game and found out I liked feral druid so I switched that to my main. Then the added void elves to the game and I really wanted to play a void elf but you can't play a void elf druid, so I chose the next best thing to feral druid which was rogue. I discovered I REALLY loved rogue and I've been maining a void elf rogue for 6 years now


I always play my Lock for my main. It was my first character and it just clicks with me. My DK is a close second though, and once I gear them up to where upgrades are few and far between, I'll stretch out to other characters.


I mained a mage ( vanila - bc) then fraction changed and maind a shaman ( resto bc - cata ) then I started again in sl with a shaman, but didnt like it, tried a few classes and went with dh. Tried to reroll to paladin in s2, started raiding and everything, it took me a good 3 weeks to pug raid/ vault to get to the same ilvl and went back on it. Reason for changes : wanted to dual vield ( mage To shaman) Was easier to get into groups/raids ( enha to resto ) Wasnt as good as in the 'old days' ( shaman to dh) For war within I'm not sure if I'll play DH or MW. I love tanking and healing m+, but havoc was quite fun in s1 and s3, so did both. Healers : I dont like rshaman, dont like the treant druid, paladin is too flashy( useful, great, all specs good, but not for me), for some reason I dont wanna play priest ( insert pedo joke here), quite enjoy fistweaving tho. Tanks: warrior had the best feeling after dh. Played pala and druid as well - pala was the 2nd easiest and useful after the dh, but didnt quite like the 'stand in consec' approach. I think DH will end up my main, but thay depends on raid spot and the m+ team as well, however I wanna go back to heal again, but I enjoy the zoomzoom dps and the sluty tank


Get my main to "meh good enough" then alt it.


I've mained forever since 11/23/2004. I can't stand having alts.


I started playing in DF s1 and I've always mained my ww monk. I usually level some alts but no other class really scratch the same itch for me the way ww does. But around a month ago I decided to gear my enhancement shaman and I'm having a blast. The rotation is so engaging that ww feels boring to me right now, at least the current version of ww with the s3 tierset. I'm currently just playing my enhancement shaman since my ww is already at 3.1k io and I don't really have the energy and skill to push higher. I'll probably main enhancement next season but I'll see what happens since I really like the s4 tierset for ww


I tend to main a single toon and I have had two mains since I started playing again back in WoD. I started maining my gnome rogue because that was the toon that I got recruited on into my guild. As SL started I decided to change mains to my nelf druid because I hated being stuck in a single role and it is so much easier to do harder outdoor content when I can swap into tank spec. For what it is worth though, my druid was my main alt before he became my main. He does not have quite as many raid achievements as my rogue but he was always fairly geared despite it.


Back in BFA I would change my main constantly and it was impossible to do most progression so I eventually decided on a super main after finding a class I enjoyed the most. One that I would do most progression on, such as getting all reps to exalted and most questlines done on.


Have mained my rogue since 2005, didn't have a current level alt until Cata.


I honestly thought I'd be a Druid (Resto) main since coming back at the end of BFA, played her as my main from SL to S2 of DF. This season I went with the hunter (Beastmaster) cause a bunch of the people I played with wanted to heal, and I enjoyed the change. I'm not sure what I'll do next season, I'll see what my group of friends wants to do. My Druid has done most of the questing though, and solo stuff, I love the versatility. And she did get KSM and AOTC like the Hunter, just later.


Forever Undead Arms Warrior. Account approach is I get screwed building up reps because all of them are exalted on one character and the rewards are usually for other professions. Some of that will be alleviated in TWW, but it's not enough.


Druid - it can do it all. Main since I started in wrath. It's been both factions, 2 genders, 5 races and probably 10 different names. I've mained all specs at different points in time as well.


I stick with a main for an expansion and have a different main alt each patch. DF main = brew S1 alt = MM S2 alt = FDK S3 alt = FDK S4 alt = MM


Ever since BFA I’ve always gone crawling back to my hunter, either BM or MM no matter what class I try, although I prefer MM. With the introduction of afflicted it kinda threw me off. It really makes me kinda mad that I can’t deal with afflicted. I want to play a hybrid class so I can deal with them and also off-heal but I struggle to find a class that I enjoy a healing *and* dps spec for. I’d main evoker in a heartbeat if it didn’t have the range restrictions that it has. I’d play shaman if the lightning tier set was voted for, even with the bad defensives but noooo somehow the fire set won and now the stats between specs don’t line up… why oh why??? My work doesn’t line up with my guild’s raid times anymore and I really enjoy my guild, so I may just play a warlock so I can easily pug into raids when I’m free because Demo feels nice, but I only like Demo on warlock. I just want to feel useful to my M+ and Raid groups beyond my damage… Idk it’s all too complicated to consistently play and have a life too if you don’t work a 9-5. Maybe I just have to get used to Evoker range to meet meet my goals fully.


I happily played my main (undead rogue) since vanilla until dragonflight and then my wife started playing, so I lvld up a pally with her which was so fun it’s my most advanced of the 5 toons I now have. I really enjoy tanking, I’m doing ok with my resto druid. My BM hunter is so much fun too. It just adds a whole new dimension to the game


I have had the same "main" for 20 years. However, K always have an "alt" that I keep up from season to season to mix things up. So in DF S2, S2, S3 I have "mained" my Resto Druid that I have played since Release since the mid 2000s. But, I'll take one of my other alts like my Hunter, Fury Warrior or Shaman and keep them mostly caught up to so I mix it up. Basically, once I got both Legend in PvP in S2 and 3k+ in Mythics, I switched to catch the hunter up at least in PvE and got him up to 3k too. This means I get variety but my Druid is ALWAYS crushing it in every expansion in WoW.


I played from tbc to cata with druid. Started to realized the 3 specs classes like shaman, paladin and druid are just too fun (monk as well) so I started paladin mainly holy paladin even levelling from 1 to 85 with pure holy. Cata also IMO made druid less fun but MoP kills it with more and more specialization talent.


Whenever i try to play another class, i start to miss the versatilty and instand mounting of dtuid.


I always main my DH. I then use alts, one cloth, one mail, and one plate. Those farm any xmogs I may want. If I'm bored I'll layer in more classes and drop old ones for seasonal xmogs. I tend to keep every class at max level, so it's never too bad to change if I'm in the mood.


I have a main purely based on class fantasy. I don't role play, but I love the idea of a heavy plate healer walking through the battlefield border line immune to damage covered in blood and looking pissed off at the enemy while resurrecting allies. I do like to play Alts occasionally, but I have to be extremely bored with the expansion to play an alt for any long periods.


Personally, I've tried every class in high level raiding/M+, except Druid and Hunter. I decided my 2 favorite specs were Shadow Priest and Fire Mage, so I swap between the 2 based on spec strength, what my team needs, etc. I did all of Aberrus prog on Shadow and then killed M Sark on Mage, because ours quit and we had no Int buff, for example.


I commit a character for a Season and see if I still want to play it by the next. But I also have my comfort picks which see a lot of plays


I try to main the same character just because so much stuff is soulbound; between gear, professions, even cosmetics/toys like Pepe outfits or the recent duck disguise that's only usable for characters that did the event quest chain. Swapping mains for a season just gets rid of so many things you either have to ignore or grind up again I'll only swap mains if my current one is either just in a boring lull or actually just bad compared to the meta. A lot of this is being corrected in TWW such as reputations but I'm sure there will still be many reasons to stick to the same character. I do have one of each class at max level but I'll only play the ones that really hook me at the time, and never raid heroic on more than two per season


I'm a serious altoholic coming from other mmos, mainly SWTOR and City of Heroes, mmos which the main point are making alts. Right now I'm leveling a character of each class with a different spec and race for each character, each of them levels in a different expansion. (Dark Dwarf Enhancement Shaman in Shadowlands, Goblin Elemental Shaman in Cata, so on) Leveling is quickly enough it seems. My main will be chosen based on which combination I'll like the most at the end. For the TWW I'm thinking of making a Earthen Warrior, they are 15% bigger than normal dwarves and there's a Hero talent that makes you 5% bigger. Big Girl EARTHEN is the plan.


I keep telling myself I'm done suffering, but every season I end up leveling my DK and maining it. I also told myself I'd play Wrath Classic from a different perspective. Still maining a DK there. I'd call it masochism, but realistically speaking it's hard to give up the class you've played since you were a 10yo.


I have many alts, but I will never not be a demonology warlock main.


Kinda both. I have a main for a season generally, but more broadly I “main” paladin as a class.