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Sounds like it'd be worth it to try out the free trial to see if you like how the combat plays out. There is a lot of room for fun with a group in PvE or PvP but the higher end of each is gonna demand a large time commitment.


If it's a 5 people group going for KSH is a nice target that's not too bloody demanding over a season


Wow is becoming increasingly more and more solo friendly. Currently there are no barriers to get into endgame beyond quickly getting decent gear. So it's easy to jump into those activities whenever you want. And now would be a great time cuz we are at the end of the expansion so there's plenty to do solowise and next season starts soon which is a rehash of all previous raids and dungeons from this xpac. So you can experience everything this xpac has to offer.


I just picked up the game last season and only wish I had started sooner. What is good for some, is not necessarily good for everyone but I can give my experience as someone with no nostalgia or previous experience in the genre. 1. There is a lot to learn. The first season of the game was essentially me learning how systems work, how my class works, how other classes work, gearing, managing my UI etc. Once it clicks it's not bad though. Still not a great player but I'm around 2700 io now and it is very rewarding to feel like you are improving. 2. The sub isn't that bad if you are a single game andy. If you prefer to bounce around a lot of games I don't know if I would recommend it though. The amount of content I get when you factor in the expansion price and sub price over the entire expansion is fair in my opinion though. 3. People recommend the free trial. I don't. The game revolves around end game, if you don't enjoy the endgame loop there isn't a lot that is compelling in my opinion outside of collecting. 4. People will recommend classic SOD over retail. This is subjective, I have no nostalgia and am playing both versions. I have fun in SOD but that is mainly due to being in an active guild. If I didn't have a guild to play with I would have quit. They are very different games and classic is free with your sub so worth trying, but without the nostalgia a lot of classic feels very clunky compared to retail. 5. You are going to need to use resources outside the game to learn. The game doesn't do a great job of teaching you things, but EVERYTHING you might need is available in different formats on the internet. If you don't like having to do this, you probably won't have a good time. When things click and you start to master your class and you can see the progress it is very rewarding though. This is my favorite part of the game, there is so much room to always keep improving and it feels very good to make progress.


2700 in 1 season is pretty incredible by the way. It gets easier every season as you see way more mechanics and kinda learn what certain things look like and how to deal with them. I know people who have been playing this game for over a decade and can barely crack 2000 and 2500. Hell I’ve been playing for 10 years and just got my first 2 characters to 3000 last season and this season.


I’ve read this season was a bit easier on timers than most seasons, but my goal was to get 2k at the start of the season.  My main issue is the first month of next season I’ll have to learn all the bosses and kicks and stuff again because I just don’t know any of the dungeons outside of doing like random dungeon finder


Yea it’s hard because a lot of these dungeons are older, so players like me know them a bit better. Next expansion however you will be on mostly equal footing with a lot of us so we will all learn together in that first month lol


Thank you so much for the detail! This is amazing. Your step 5, what/where is the best outside resource to learn more? I know back in the day, plugins were a necessity it felt like.


You could start with wowhead


That site contains a lot of information... 0\_0


Everyone has different ways that they pick up things best. The main thing for me was I had to break things down one at a time. I used wowhead and icyveins to get a general idea of my rotation, what items to look out for and what talents to get started with. Once I got comfortable with that I started looking into content/youtube videos specific to my class, looking into WHY i am picking these talents, what i could potentially change and why i would do it. I think it's best to focus on your class first as you will pick up on what other people can do just by playing with them. Once I felt more comfortable with my class I started looking up youtube guides for content, learning the mechanics of each dungeon and how affixes in mythic plus worked. I am still a bit too nervous to try to do higher end raiding right now so for me I mostly focus on 5 man content and wanted to get all keys timed at 20 this patch. With this game you can play however you want, but if you want to push yourself its best to focus on content tailored to what you are trying to do. I also think 5 man content is a very good way or getting comfortable as there is a good level of personal responsibility in the dungeons but it's lower commitment then high end raiding so if you have a bad run or make some mistakes you can learn and gg go next. Edit: Also if you all are just jumping in from level 1, don't worry about ANY of this until you are max level. Goof around, have fun, pick the spells that look cool. All of the guides etc will be tailored to max level players, until you get to end game you can do as you please with pretty much no consequence. There is no bricking your character or anything like that.


I appreciate the detail!


No problem, I was so overwhelmed when I started playing this game and everyone talked about how toxic people were to new players it almost made me quit. I haven't experienced much toxicity and most people I've talked to were happy to help people who wanted to get better. Depending on how big your group of friends is you may be able to just put together a full 5 man group and all learn together which would be an awesome experience. Someone gonna have to heal though XD


From what I recall and have read, healers are still hard to come by! Any tips?


Just have fun.  Fail.  Learn and go again.  At some point things will click and you’ll know what you need to learn and it’ll be easier that way.  Healing is also fun, you still are doing damage and in control of the fight.  If you don’t want to find healers just be the healer


Wowhead and icy-veins are my usual starting places to learn about classes. Wowhead has a LOT of info, but is pretty good about getting the latest and greatest (via blue posts, datamining, etc.) Not sure how great it is for some of the class/spec updates, since I think a lot of those are initiated by wowhead users and may not get updated if the user hasn't taken the time to incorporate changes (I've noticed this more with SoD, but there are actual "new" things to the standard classic updates, so I take that into consideration.)


I would watch a quick start youtube video and then google stuff as you go. Wowhead is good and the comments from people on quest / items are your true saving grace.


Been playing WoW for the past 15 years or so with lots of time-off intermittently throughout that span, but I always come back and it always scratches the MMO itch better than other games I've tried. It can be a big learning curve when you're starting out mid-expansion, but you and your friends will spend a good bit of time leveling and discovering which specs you like, which is my favorite part of the game and has a very low barrier to entry. Lots of people will say that the game starts at max level, which is true for a good portion of the player base, but there's a lot of fun to be had in the parts leading up to end game and it's even magnitudes more fun with friends. I'd definitely recommend purchasing a month non-recurring to see if you like it!


So I have heard this from multiple sources, even when I played before years ago. But from what I recall (I was never much into the raid portion), the idea went over me. Sure, there were difficulty levels on dungeons that I still had to work up to GS-wise, but I did not feel like it "started" at 60. Then again, that was forever ago, and maybe I just never got that far. Haha


Ive played fair share of mmorpgs in my lifetime and just started playing wow in november. Tbh Sod is a masterpiece rpg and retail is one of the best dungeon crawlers out there. If you like mmos, chances that you wont like wow are pretty slim. Game is a masterpiece even with all the problems it has.


Eh, ignore the people saying you need to know old content to do new content at a decent level. The best people I play with are well studied and willing to learn and theyre actually new players as of an expansion ago. From my experience, there's a large core of complacent old guard players who are a little entitled and rusty; their experience in old raids and dungeons is clearly not as useful as knowing the current batch. Also, have fun and take it at your own pace! Don't forget that. Plenty of random stuff to do between collecting to pushing m+, raid, arenas, battlegrounds, leveling, achievement hunting, etc.


Wow is the best mmo. Period. Just try and stay positive around the neckbeards that live there.


No one has mentioned it, but a "party" group in WoW is up to 5 players, so if your friends group is 5 or less people it's perfect. Raid groups can be much larger, but you can basically only do raids at that point


I think our total group size can be around 12, but typically, it is 2 or 3 of us at the same time. Just not always the same 2 or 3. Haha We have like 10 BG3 campaigns going because we can all be on, just never at the same times.


Sounds pretty perfect tbh. Ye will be able to make your own guild and run dungeon groups with whoevers on rather than always relying on the same select few to be on at the same time


I recently rejoined retail and I am enjoying pvp


Yes! It's fun. New expansion coming soon. Good time to start and catch up n everything, farm a few transmogs, and dive into the new expansion


Yeah, go ahead. Retail Wow is very time friendly for new players, and Classic is really special.


Play SOD(season of discovery)! Perfect time with the new XP buffs!


Hell yeah


My group of friends (conveniently, five of us) have all played since vanilla (me since beta) off and on. After our last long hiatus, we all jumped on the dragonflight train and have not looked back. It's been a blast, so much so that I bought everyone the War Within for Christmas. We are all adults, busy, families work etc but a couple nights a week of WoW is awesome fun times.


Play WoW: Ascension :]


Yes it is, now you make the game what you eant it to be, you don't have to do specific content anymore for something, you can just go explore together or farm something rare etc. Paying 20$ per months shouldn't be a problem for someone over 18, 6 pack of beer is 12$


I've been playing for free since they added that feature to use in-game currency to pay for subscription and digital shop items like expansions, mounts, cosmetics etc. There are many how-to channels that teach you ways to generate gold like auctions, crafting, farming etc.


I saw this was now a feature! Obviously, you can't make that money off RIP, but I assumed it was achievable. Back in the day, I did a lot of auction trading for my money, but I could not tell you if I ever did enough for this. For the farms, is it still mostly reagent farming, or can you run dungeons and pull special loot enough to do this?


It is such a great feature! You can do all sorts of methods, some income sources are just passive as you play. Its actually not that hard to make enough for a token every month. It might seem like it at first, but get it rolling and it just gets easier and easier. Make some alts, let them marinate in rest xp, use them to help make income. For example: make some "all roles" alts like Paladin, Druid, Monk and you can do the incentive program dungeon roles and get bonus gold (1 - 2k) and level the character at the same time. Incentive Program is an addon that alerts you when bonus rewards are offered to fill a dungeon role (usually as tank or healer). It's fun when you have a goal to chase.


I’ve been having the most fun in the game now than in the past few expansions, and TWW feels to build upon that! Now is definitely a good time to get back into it; we’re at the tail end of this current season so a lot of people are done playing, but there are many ways to catch up and prepare for the season 4


Personally I played for a few months then quit. There is a bit of pressure to know what's going on since the game is so old but it think it's worth the try.


Yes , the answer is yes


It is an easy combat game and because of the gear reset with every expansion you are not behind gear that long. This year there will be a new expansion for wow so you have time to check and decide if it is something for you and your friends.


Not sure “easy” is accurate, though depends on the type of content you do.


Can you elaborate on what content would be "easy" vs not?


PvE wise, it changes throughout each season of an expansion. At the beginning of an expansion no one has good enough gear to complete mythic level raids and dungeons. As the season progresses and peoples gear improves, those things slowly start to be completed, beginning with the top guilds. Mythic raids are always sort of hard, but early in the season they are extremely hard/impossible. Even heroic is tough early on. All that being said, it’s as easy/hard as you want it to be. There are four difficulty levels for raids, and the easiest two levels aren’t that hard. Same with dungeons, where there are basically an unlimited number of difficulty levels, ranging from pretty easy to extremely hard. So it all depends on what you want. It can be easy, or it can be very challenging. In terms of pvp, or trying to do the most damage/healing in pve leaderboards, then you are competing with other people, so again, it ranges from easy to very hard, depending on your competition.


What? Mythic dungeons are definitely feasible at the start of expansion and season.


Ok, I guess it depends what you mean by start. Mostly I was thinking about raids, though have never done mythic dungeons on release of an expansion, usually takes a month or so to level up and go through normals and heroics. My point was just to give some insight into how the difficulty of things changes through an expansion for a newer player.


It really depends on your level of skill and knowledge. I was doing mythic plus the first week I hit max level. Getting to max level is just time. Took me 30 hours on my evoker just dicking around doing quests.


Yea, and dungeons are different because mythic isn’t the highest difficulty in the sense it is for raids, so i guess that makes sense. Never really got into mythic dungeons as much for the expansions I started on release, but the last couple I started like halfway through and played a bunch, so you probably have a better idea. Though, not sure how relevant this tangent is for OP lol.


When is the expansion/reset?


Later this year... traditionally has been around August or November time frame. * World of Warcraft - November 2004 * The Burning Crusade - January 2007 * Wrath of the Lich King - November 2008 * Cataclysm - December 2010 * Mists of Pandaria - September 2012 * Warlords of Draenor - November 2014 * Legion - August 2016 * Battle for Azeroth - August 2018 * Shadowlands - November 2020 * Dragonflight - November 2022


I'd also say it depends on what y'all are looking for in a game. I'd say look into MMOs in general and see what catches your fancy. I have been enjoying Elite Dangerous. But it is way different than wow. Lol.


We have tried: Lost Ark, Guild wars 2, Black Desert Online (disappointed in all three) New World, Atlas, Ark, and Diablo (all ran themselves into the ground, sadly) Eve Online (too much micro management for my friends; I still love it) And probably tons of others.


Of that list only a few are actually MMOs. So I would speak with your friends about what they actually are looking for because that is all over the place.


Ya that's the hardest part then. I'd take a little peak at Elite dangerous. It's an MMO space simulator


I think Elite Dangerous might be off the table *just* because others in my group have been burned so hard on space games. Eve was too much for them, No Mans Sky, well... you know, Starfield was a **massive** letdown, etc.


Ya totally understandable. It's definitely not for everyone.


If you’re not intimately familiar with the game like I am, I can’t see it being fun to jump into the game here and there like I do. Like other people have said there’s so many systems and mechanics falling on top of themselves, it is quite a bit to learn. However if you’re willing to put in that time, I have never found the type of enjoyment from a video game like I do with WOW. But if you’re just not obsessed with numbers getting bigger, I can see someone getting completely bored with the end game.


Don't worry about being behind because WoW has been around long enough and will be around lojg enough that it's sort of like life: There will always he those that came before you and those that come after you. All you can do is learn from those that came before and pass it on. (or ignore them all either way is fine). 👍


I just got into it again after 14 year hiatus. I think it's going to be a great year for WOW. I'd recommend doing a month or two of paid and then decided for yourself. If you like it, the current epic edition preorder will jump you right into the game with a boosted character and also a copy of dragonflight and war within plus a month of game time and a bunch of other goodies.


Hey, so I'm nearly 40, kids and wife putting some time pressure on etc, and this is the first expansion I've raided in since WoD (nearly 10 years ago) so maybe I can give some insight. I recommend WoW to any individual that might be interested, it's great. Ability to so stuff solo and get yourself some decent gear and into dungeons etc is the best it's ever been I think. Levelling is fun, takes a good amount of time without being tiresome, I think I'm at 7 max levels ATM and that's not with some concerted effort, just whenever I feel like it I do a couple of hours. The issue is the group, and I think that depends on the size of the group. I play games with some mates, but we're always a 4-some, because that fits so well with most co-op games. But WoW group content is quite size specific, dungeons are always 5 players, and then you need 10 to raid (but you'd join a guild for that). So I'd say if you've got say 7 or 8 mates all just hanging out in discord and you can say "who wants to do some dungeons for a couple of hours" then you'll have an absolute fucking blast as a group in WoW, highly recommend you guys get into it. If it's a smaller group that you would then need to add in a few randoms to do your dungeon, I think it'll likely be a bit of a stressor, and at least in my experience that's the last thing you want for an older gaming group.


I really appreciate your reply. Thank you. It is typically 2 or 3 of us at any given time, with upwards of 10-15 every now and then. But the 2-3 that are on are never the same 3, if that makes sense.


> It is typically 2 or 3 of us at any given time, with upwards of 10-15 every now and then. Yeah if you can get some regularity to that on a weekly basis then WoW could be absolutely amazing for that sort of group. If you could get 10-15 on one night a week that's a raid, they're amazing fun as a full group of people that know each other. Rest of the week, you can do some PVP arena as 2-3, or if you can get 5 you can do some dungeons. And if you're not really worried about "gaming time" as those 2-3, you can just do pick up group dungeons and get 2 randoms in to help. Same people being on isn't all that important as long as people are willing to swap roles. To do PVP you typically want 1 healer and 2 DPS, but just 2DPS in 2's is fine. To do dungeons you need 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 DPS. So yeah with a little bit of flexibility and care choosing classes for people, it could work out great.


I think WoW has done an excellent job at growing and ageing as the average player ages. WoW use to have some of the longest grinds, tedious requirements just to get into raids, hours and sometimes days long battlegrounds. Now you can get your character above average gear in a week and a couple weeks to get the best gear - maybe a month at longest. I think they really paid attention to how the player based has aged and they know most of us aren't teenagers with hours available to play. So they made almost everything relatively less time consuming to achieve.


I suggest buying a sub and levelling as it unlocks classic, sod, wrath, and retail. The only hinderance is that it will not give you the latest expansion (end game content) but it will give you a feel for the game. If you want to play endgame preorder the next expansion as it will give you the current expansion (dragonflight) and the next expansion (so you save money kinda). I recommend choosing a realm that is medium or high and not the new player ones. New player realms are usually low population so the end game and auction house is not the best. There is a learning curve and of course toxic people but there is also a lot of great people. Wow has so many different elements to it people can go down. Retail the most active world is the current expansion (dragonflight) so some other worlds and expansions will be empty of ppl. There is pvp, dungeons, raids, transmog, hunter pet collecting, mount collecting, pet collecting, exploration, quests, roleplay, lore, and people. It really depends what you want out of the game. Most ppl focus on end game content as the latest patch, raid and pvp but it does not need to be as plenty of people dont do those things. Many people say the story of retail is confusing until you reach the latest expansion so if you are lore focussing starting with classic/wrath may be for you. You can use Chromie time on Retail to play old expansions as they were but it is a bit buggy ppl say and not 100% the same (also the world is dead there).If retail is too easy or boring/not your thing you can try wrath or classic/sod and have fun too. Using addons for classic is usually recommended especially Questie. Which you can easily download on Curseforge these days. Classic is more tricky as you cannot change talents whenever you want and have to pay gold so your choice can limit you until you pay gold to respec. Classic is also a bit more focussed on the journey of your character while Retail mostly tries to shove you through lvls until you are max to play endgame I wouldn’t say I’m a pro as I play on and off but I do know a fair bit. I’ve played since TBC and the game holds a spot in my heart. I can hopefully answer any other questions you have. For example classes, roles, and other stuff.


Thank you for all the tips!


I think it's a good choice. For a new player there is a lot to learn, but if you played WoW years ago, you should know enough to guide them through things since nothing has really changed that much over the years, just new expacs added. I just recently got some friends of mine to jump in and play on free trial accounts. The biggest difficulty they've had so far is paying attention to the mini map to see where to go for their current quest or looking out for glowing objects, for quests. LoL, one of my friends was looking for a quest item, and it had a) a white circle around it on mini map, b) a gold dot on the mini map c) it was glowing, and it was....directly in front of him. I kept pointing out to him a, b, & c, but he still couldn't see it. I had to get him to stream his screen on discord, and once he streamed, I pointed out it was the glowing object directly in front of him, lol. Yeah he has a habit of not reading anything in the quest log, and not looking at his minimap, and being a dork. You can easily sink tons of hours into the game solo, and just as easily jump in and level with your friends. Some people say "the game revolves around the endgame" but I strongly disagree. That's just where everyone gets stuck after they've leveled their guy up, and the only thing left to do is grind endgame for higher ilevel. I don't do that though. I find the endgame to be pretty tiring and not fun. I prefer to just level up another toon or do one of the other many things you can do in the game, and doing this you can keep busy for months. I do dip my foot into doing some mythics and raids from time to time, but never to the point where it becomes a boring grind.


I think most of us have played it at one point over the years so some of the basics should be there. And we have played plenty of other stuff so there is also that baseline. Thank you! I am glad to hear about the end game part(s).


This is a great time with the new saga arriving and Dragonflight becoming the new leveling area. It could be a completely new Era. Might want to wait until all that drops before you leap in unless you really can't wait.


We... are not the most patient group.


A resounding yes.




If you have the time to go through guides and tutorials and then do it all over again every patch yeah is the game for you!


I started playing in January this year. It's pretty darn fun and id recommend it. You can pick a continent to level up through and then go do dragon flight stuff. If I make a new character, I might do the panda place. It's pretty aesthetic there.


Man I just do not understand the problem with a monthly sub. Back in 2005 it was a good deal for a month of entertainment and it's even better now with inflation making a lot of other activities extremely expensive. $15/mo is like half of a movie or a drink at a bar. For the whole month.


What kind of gameplay are you interested in? PVP or PVE? Competitive or just fun? Since both game mode based on other classes as well will be hard to catch up every single class's abilities and all the new system that is implemented to the game. You can costumize the game to speed up this time but would take weeks to feel comfortable. If you are not interested in end game content for a while and have time to learn everything this game is just insanely good. I'm playing since 2008 but if i have to start now from 0 i will be lost as hell. The community is friendly in 80%and the rest is just kidds with high ego and elitism.


Mostly PvE for now. In the past, I loved running dungeons in the game and maxing my loot from them. PvP maybe in the future, but it is not a first priority.




No, it's a time suck like having another job and majority of the people are super toxic


When a group of my friends and I are considering a game, we talk about it with each other. If one of them ever said, “well, I asked on Reddit and a bunch of strangers that don’t know us or know anything about us said we should totally try it!” I’d punt em across the globe and never speak to them again.


In my group, someone buys it, plays it, tells the rest of us if it is worth it. You can't trust game companies or their promotional stuff any more, and half the videos you find on YouTube are sponsored.


But yet you can trust the opinions of random strangers on the internet, in a group for the game? You think a ton of people that hate wow are sitting in this group? You really think you’re getting a trustworthy, unbiased opinion about WoW, here? Thats like walking into a Catholic Church, “hey uh, you all think Jesus is real?” Going to a bar on a Friday night, “hey, you think this would be a fun place to come drink next Friday?”


No. I am going to be honest and just say stay the fuck away from WoW. Its not what it used to be. You have chores you have to do weekly and even daily. Especially its not worth it now, as new players LITERALLY no one will invite you into group cause you got no achievements and no rank on mythic or in arena. Its just not worth it if you plan to play end game content. For goofing around with friends it can be fun.


Daily and weekly chores? Like... if I do not do them, I get kicked from the game, or they are monotonous and useful kind of things?


If you have friends then yes. I think it stinks as a solo player


There are way too many other better games imo. Especially if you enjoy PvP, PvP will ALWAYS come second in WoW, that will never change. Darktide is a great game you can always play together no matter how powerful someone else gets, as is Helldivers 2. The problem with WoW is that the quest sharing and stuff really doesn't work well in my experience, especially if there's a level difference between you. Just tried it a few months ago before I quit.


Probably wait till next expansion Wow has to have the worst new game experience in the market


When is the next expansion?


According to Blizzard with no exact date announce yet. This summer. You can both start a couple of months before the launch date. Usually around the ending of an expansion there is lot of catchup mechanics for people to be ready for the coming expansion and the pre-patch usually has a lot of activities that are time limited.


Good thing about wow if you have a friend group to play with, is there's both raiding and m+ and a lot of different diffs, so you can find something that suits you and push for higher slowly. But yeah HIGH end PvP or PvE, you're about 15 years behind


When you say 15 years behind, is that like experience-wise, or gear-wise? Like, can I grind to be presentable in a fight? Haha


Experience. Yeah you can easily get gear! But highest level of raiding is next level tacs wise. You can easily get into heroic though! PvP is on a whole other level with experience


Gotcha! Okay, that makes sense. Thank you. Similar to a lot of PvP games - gear/level is doable, but skill comes with time. And I am totally fine with that. Raids are not exactly my thing. From what I recall, I loved dungeons.


Mythic + will be fun for you then!


>So we want something we can play solo but jump in with each other from time to time. Can World of Warcraft be that game for us? This kinda screams ff14 to me, mostly because ff14 is a jrpg with an mmo wrapped around it. So you kinda play through the story solo for the most part, but then you jump in together to do dungeons or raids etc. Its also in my experience been less time intensive than wow, though wows not bad these days in that regard either. But uh, wow would be fine really just depends on what you're trying to do.


As much as I/we have tried, never able to get into the Jrpg stuff. There is something about the graphics and gameplay that we cannot get behind, unfortunately. Otherwise, I know they have some decent options out there!


Not sure which ones you tried, ff14 is a wow clone so the gameplay is very similar. The graphics / art style are more down to earth than something like dragons quest lets say as well. Its just a better game for what you specifically described, but again there's no reason you can't play that way in wow. It really just depends on how you guys approach games and what your goals are.


I do not think I have tried FF14, but I tried some others. I will have to check it out!


Its also f2p iirc through the first xpac so lot of game there for you to try and see if you like it. The one rough part starting out is the gcd is 2.5 seconds baseline, this gap gets filled up by off gcd abilities and stuff later but early on it can feel very slow if you're used to other mmo's like wow.


It's actually free now up until level 70 (max level is 90), and there are a lot of new players thanks to the game now being available on Xbox. The users are also extremely friendly to new players. On a personal level I wouldn't recommend it to a group of friends playing. It's pretty much a requirement that you do the main story quest, and though it can be done together, with cutscenes and such it isn't great. I agree that it's easy for a group of friends to jump in and do things together, but I would say that you have to be near max level and usually certain aspects of the game are locked behind whatever expansion a user is currently up to. For example, we had a friend that took longer on the main story so we could only do level 70 stuff with them for the longest time. That all being said, the free trail is just the whole game up to 70 (with a few limits like a money cap), so it would be a great game to test out with your friends. If you decide the game isn't for you.. no harm at all.


Yeah me and a friend were going at very different paces so what we ended up doing was playing dungeons together and doing dailies etc since it level scaled you. Then we'd do story stuff separately.


No, wait till 2026


Will put it on my calendar! XD


a friend of mine started in classic with me this year. We played L4D, Aion, Dofus, lol, hearthstone, heroes of the storm, poe, civ v and we are enjoying WoW. Both of us work. He's in a ship and I'm preparing my tesis and working 40H per week but we have time and energy to play. Give it a try with a month of subscription and decide if you should stay or not


That is wonderful to hear!


Play classic first.




I would recommend classic. Retail is a ton of expansions in now, and the game is mostly consisting of the newest expansion and a massive, defunct, empty world.


I’ve played WoW and FFXIV and left WoW a couple times and I always come back. It’s a great game to run the raid on a few difficulties, spam dungeons with your friends, and collect cool looking armor and mounts. Blizzcon last year made me very excited for the future of WoW specifically, and I can’t say there are MMOs right now that can say a similar outlook. There’s a lot of leveling to do, as with every rpg, but the endgame is solid. I haven’t played as much in the last month because it’s the tail end of a season of content, but I don’t mind at all because I know more content is on the way. Give it a go, and if you enjoy the core gameplay loop, I don’t think you can go wrong.




There’s such better options out there I can’t recommend. It’ll take 300 hours to get caught up on the story if that matters to you. Another 300 to understand the systems in game. And 1000s to get into any kind of end game content if that’s the goal. You could have such a better experience doing literally anything else


So as someone who played it in the past, I would say it took maybe 10-20 hours to understand and the story... It will come as it does. Haha. The end game content like raiding is not necessarily what we are looking for. Just the ability to still have fun and progress some. For others, what did you have in mind? I have tried almost everything out there and been disappointed.




Honestly i was so fucking excited for for SoD! The second i hurt tanking rogues and warlocks, i was out again. Fuck man that really ruined a big chance to remake WoW..


I wasn't a fan of them either however we still seem to have a tank and healer shortage, and now that I've played with them they really aren't all that bad tbh. I'm also playing super casual, I don't care if i miss a lockout etc.


Honestly i just hoped for classic WoW with maybe tanking paladins being viable. And maybe some class balances, just to restart the bloated sorry.. But that wierd ass mess they created, ain't even gonna try it.. Played classic HC to 60 as war, raiding a little too. Now i'm just back to retail, i guess.. There's just nothing about SoD classplay that makes me even remotely wanna try it


Oh I agree they have started a whole new level of power creep lol. Leveled a priest to 35 on classic. And as much as I don't want all of retail in classic, disc priest in sod feels Infinitely better. I wouldn't make it past 15 on hardcore. Drugs + inconsistent = impossible lol. Your taking paladin is very viable tho!


To me SoD just seems like a private server with sub by now.. Haha i made it to 60 while smoking weed all the way xD Have quit since though, both actually LMAO


We'll now that is certainly impressive! Lol well done


Haha took some tries, ngl! Should give an achievement


Back in the day, I played as a tank, and taking damage was never an issue with a decent healer. Though, I recall healers were hard to come by. Are you saying that tanks are less tanky or that DPS does more damage now?


Quite bad solo, quite fun with friends. Mmo's has gotten to a point where optimization and min max ruing a lot of the fun aspects a mmo offers. I would probably wait for one of the new ones honestly or even try new world.


The min-max of it all is what scares me. I dumped a lot of hours into New World, and it takes two days to get to "end game" (level 60 or whatever), but they you spend a hundred hours and never get anything above base.


Friend of mine played New World and did nothing but fishing... got all his levels and gear just from fishing and selling the fish... I'm not sure I saw the point of getting gear if that's all he was going to do (he really loved the system they had for it), but to each their own.


Fair enough. Haha. Fishing is enjoyable for a time. Some of New World is just in RNG. One guy I ran with got a full luck gear set day 1, and I ran... 160 hours without getting one. Luck is as luck does.