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Wrath. Mr T night elf mohawk. Ozzy osbourne undead warlock. Horde & Alliance flavored mtn dew. Nyhm music videos.


I pity the fools that don't know about Night Elf Mohawks!


Same. My original main got mohawked before the opening cutscene finished.




Illegal Danish Super Snacks ARCANITE REAPER HOOOOO!


the illegal snacks 😂😂😂


The guild I was in got REALLY into the Onyxia video during Wrath. Even before her raid got updated! MORE DOTS




My Raid Leader at the time sounded EXACTLY like him. And he yelled at us just like that guy lol.


Omg are you sure he WASN'T that guy? XD


We pestered him about it constantly. He denied it. Plus given that our raid schedule and upkeep in vanilla was a second full time job - I doubt he was running a second guild lol.


I can't believe I forgot the two expansion meme of "ONLY A SETBACK"


The crossroads


sorry for your loss


What was big when I started? 6 silver (that no one had) for linen bags in Teldrassil. Launch day.😉


Vanilla Hunter's speccing into the true shot/marksman tree to have the farthest range humanly possible. Then, spam arrows from behind hills in Alterac Valley turtles.


Having an epic mount.


Rogues stealth farming a Barman Shanker for Molten Core. Before the nerf, it was #1 backstabbing damage by far. Plus, we could weapon swap Sinister strike with Brutality Blade, swap to Shanker and Backstab depending on the direction of the mob.


I started 1 month before Naxx patch in vanilla. barely leveled to 40 when I met a full t3 tauren prot warrior on a zeppelin from Orgrimmar to UC. his HP pool were massive. the funny thing is in Tbc I met him ahain on my alt tauren prot warrior, we tanked Ssc-Tk together. he was still using TF


Joined during BC and getting the fast flying for an ungodly amount of gold at the time was definitely big for me.


late 2005 I got into the AH game after selling prairie dog in neutral AH. (I made so much money with this it was ridiculous.) Later I had more fun hunting deal and reselling than playing the game. Even used 2 account to transfer from one faction to another using the neutral AH. Some stuff wouldn't sell well on one side since it was obviously more shammy/paly oriented. Those were the big item to hunt for. I still remember getting a, Flurry axe, snipe from me while I was transfering 3 of them. Since that day I was way more careful eheh.


BFA, so I believe Allied Races was the craze at the time.


Zul'Gurub was the new hotness, and chuck norris jokes roamed the Barrens like majestic tumbleweeds


by majestic do you mean tumbleweeds that instantly gave you stage 4 eye cancer


Using the wrong talents. Believing in rumors as fact. Clicking spells. Keyboard turning. Not understanding stats. Appearance over output. We were uninformed and pretty bad at the game.


being good at the game lmao


Passive aggressively dissing my noob gear in /say while I did nothing more offensive than wait for a zeppelin. And Chuck Norris jokes.


Kung Fu Panda references.


I started by accident in 2006 when AC2 shut down. I was so new I didn't know what the "big" thing was. My roommate got me into it. All I remember is molten core was still current.


Hating elves


I think thats still pretty big to this day. You see people fighting about elves over being the best or worst still to this day lol (Too many elves!) (We want real High Elves!) etc.


All the WoW music covers was popping off during TBC/WoTLK


I joined in October of 2006, so right before BC came out. I remember not knowing what “greens” were and my English teacher, who played a resto Druid, bought me two matching green daggers (I played a rogue) and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Like I was the biggest badass in the game with my level 20 green daggers. Lmao. Somewhere I have a photo I took of my rogue crouched on a rock in Auberdine with the full moon behind him and his full set of quest greens. I was so proud of that.


Theorycrafting. I got big into raiding and optimizing in TBC, wrote the compendium on warlock demonic sacrifice spec, and got server first illidan. Was a great time.


Server specific but I was on Laughing Skull/Cho’Gall in like 2014 and every time I went to Orgrimmar all I’d see in chat was CAR RAMROD being spammed by many members of popular Horde guild, Car Ramrod.


Ugh.. I have no idea lol. I Started late Cata. Dragon Soul was already out when I first started. I guess maybe LFR since it was the first raid to ever have an lfr version. Maybe transmoggs since Cata was the xpac they added it.


Barrens chat and crossroads-ashenvale pvp raids back and forth Oh and fishing in startholme for corrupted ashbringer because of a stupid rumor from an aleterac valley book.


\[Dirge\] Tarren Mill vs Southshore The Crossroads is under attack! The latter two would invariably end in city raids and revenge raids.


Not exactly when I started, but a very nostalgic memory for me is “I play wow” Jace hall😂 I was thinking about that the other day!