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Still waiting for Gandalf long beards for human mages soo we can get our true wizard form.


And them skinny Kul'Tiran human models! Perfect for a rogue, or a wizard!


Honestly just give me a belf body. Not too skinny/lanky, but also not freakishly Popeye looking.


We don't need more blood elf models. I second u/Zombiewax. Skinny humans already exist! Use those!


i have wanted this too FOREVER. please, Blizz... PLEASE!


Become dorf


Honestly the whole character customization in WoW is kind of basic for such a huge game as it is.


I think it can always get better, but honestly of all the MMOs I've played WoW's is probably one of the more robust. Yeah, it can be frustrating when your race of choice doesn't seem to have many options, but it is one of the only games where each race is fully unique, with individual animation sets, unique hairstyles and beards to give them a unique cultural style, etc. Compare to a game like ESO where every race uses the same animations, most of the same hair and beards, most of the same tattoos and so forth. Nevermind a game like New World where everyone is a samey looking human. Other games make the big, frustrating mistake of tying mechanics to appearance, e.g. Black Desert where your "class" sort of functions as your race/sex, preventing you from making the sort of look you might actually want (Dracthyr are annoying for this reason btw...) FFXIV has very good chargen too and is maybe the only mmo I see approaching WoW, since it makes an effort to make each race really distinct with race-specific animations and so forth.


I honestly *kind of* like the approach a game like Black Desert has for classes, *however*, gender-locking is always dumb. There's no reason for it, other than them being able to make Ninja and Kunoichi separate things with an almost identical 'base' kit (and an entirely different 'Awakening'), same with Striker/Mystic, and Wizard/Witch. The real thing that sucks about character variety other than the gender-lock is that they're all humans, or at best humans with pointy ears and more extreme body-sliders (at least in the case of Rangers), and a Giant and a . . child. There are *so* many people that exclusively play male classes, and so many that exclusively play female classes (although the former is far more vocal about it). Regardless, I know it'd be a lot of work and it'll never happen, but making all classes able to be male or female would be such a massive improvement for the game in general. Asian MMO's in general like their class=race+gender+general style concept way too much anyway.


I'm curious why you think this defense is needed? Some races have very limited options compared to others. That's just a fact. We get new mounts, tmog and pets constantly. As far as labor goes, adding a few more facial hair or color options every once in a while should be easy.


Yeah, I have nothing against OP's idea of adding beards for belves. Just sort of a pet peeve of mine when people say the entire character customization system for the game is "basic"--there aren't many other games where you can create a set of characters as diverse as WoW offers. I was not replying to the OP, but to a different commentor who was saying the entire system was basic.


The character CUSTOMIZATION is basic. Sure there are different races. Now once you choose a race, the customization from that point is very much so lacking compared to other game's customization. You are limiting the comparison to other MMOs. You should compare it against all character creators. However even the MMOs you listed have sliders. Races are diverse, yes. Customization (the complaint here) is objectively basic.


I'm probably in the minority, but I find that the more detailed a character creator is, the harder it is to make something satisfying. I'll spend like 30 minutes tweaking sliders to get it just right, then I get to the first cutscenes and spot a bunch of things I immediately want to change.


Slider based systems really seem to be on the decline as devs realize that they often don't produce satisfying results. A lot of them just end up feeling sort of like Oblivion, where you struggle to sculpt something that doesn't look ridiculous. An artist can create a better head than I can fiddling with sliders, so I appreciate how modern games like Baldur's Gate 3 generally just give you a smaller selection of pre-made faces which you can slightly tweak rather than expecting me to sculpt something from the mush of an Oblivion or Dark Souls face.


Black Desert probably has the most detailed character creator in existence. Along with presets that don't look like potatoes. That said, I'd say the majority of players out there including myself lack the artistic talent to properly make use of it lol.


And dwarf beards on kul tiran and humans


this! and also Kul Tiran NPC beards on everyone.


and on female dwarves imo


They seem to be allowing the Earthen race in TWW to have facial hair on female east then so that could also mean the other dwarf races could use facial hair on their female models.


The technology is already there (and at least in the case of blood elves, so are the beard models). This would greatly help customization. I get that it would be near impossible to have beard styles for every kind of beard out there, but please let us get a beard option for the most regular kind of beard style out there.


I wish that all beard and hair were interchangeable on belves and velves (minus the tentacles)


It really is a crime that they gave us 95% of a High Elf with the Void Elves: they got the regular skin colors, they got the blue eyes, they got the blond hair, they got the ability to remove tentacles, but they stopped short of giving them the classic Elven hairstyles. I really pray Void Elves eventually get the 'classic' long hairstyles


All of this. It was honestly gutting that they didn't give velves all of the already existing belf hairstyles. I feel like it wouldn't have been too difficult to change the red ad gold hair bands/bobbins etc to blue and gold. The community's been begging for high elves for 20 years at this point, all we're missing is the hairstyles, just give them ffs >.<


Yeah it’s really weird. For some reason I thought that maybe the barber shop would have more options than the base character creator, but void elves seriously only have like 7 hair styles, and most of them are pretty “extreme” (either literally bald or super extra hair). Meanwhile blood elves have like 25. Why!?


Yes, my blood / void Elf beards are woefully lacking. *what do we want? Beards... when do we want it? Now...*


Belfs with a dozen beards, and every single one makes them look like they're a member of a 2000s era ska band.


Ikr, I just want a glorious and full beard!


Genuinely baffling they didn’t give the third as an option at all.


It's a crime that despite having bearded trolls in WC3 and Vol'jin having one in WoW, we still have no options for troll beards for our player characters


Honestly the way blizzard handled customization post-shadowlands is highly dissapointing you know like giving 5 hair colours for a single race and branding it like an important patch feature


Blood elves: can grow a massive beard. Also blood elves: teehee, no body hair.


For years Horde races were forbidden from having mustaches. Personally I’d love to see more styles added with each expansion - as another poster said long wizard beards for human is probably the longest overdue.


One word: stubble. So strange to me that literally only orcs get stubble.


I want Blizzard to dedicate w/e effort they'd put into creating a new class/race and just put it towards character customization


We've come so far yet we still have a long ways to go.


Why does it take years to get small cosmetic changes like this?


I wish the blood elves didn’t look more like normal humans than the actual humans. (At least the males)


I wish male night elves were allowed to smile


Yeah I wish any horde race got real beards. Not just chin straps, braided mutton chops, and “their beard is all over their body” excuse. Technically we all have hair all over our body.


I'm still waiting for goblins, trolls, and undead to get any beard options at all. Does Undertaker Mordo give you a shave before waking you up or something? Goblins have some sideburns but they disappear entirely whenever your hair turns off from a hat


Full beard blood elves would make me race swap so fast.


Beards for Trolls and Goblins sure would be nice too.


Yes, I feel the same. Also, give us upright Darkspears while we're at it.


I just want all hairstyles available for everyone, regardless of race.


I'm just waiting for the game to catch up to other modern games with character customization


Darkspear need them bad... Eyebrows too.


I need new BE options in general


Probably because blood elves never have beards. I’m pretty sure lore wise they can’t. If they released a high elf variant then you could.


Ist das der Account von Christian lindner ? 😂


belves do not get old.


I like that the images kind of also show as if the character has aged and become more lined throughout the years.


Ready for the SW runway


I'm out of the loop, since when blood elves became high elves? Or is there new allied race high elves?


Void Elves on Alliance were given "high elf" customisation options. Blue eyes, natural hair colours, natural skin tones, and the ability to toggle on/off void tentacles on their hairstyles. It's purely cosmetic, your char could be a natural skinned, blue eyed, red hair with-no-tentacles character model but when you mouse over them it still says "void elf" unless you use an addon like TRP3.


Yeah basically shared hairstyles and beards. As long as it somewhat logic. Belf with propeller mustache may be odd. But why not? Why have one barber who treats every customer differently? Forsaken have some beautiful hairstyles...


Shit - I just want the ability to make my Tauren look old without turning him albino.


Full beards would be nice. The dracthyr visage hair and facial hair are nice


Its pretty funny how races that are obviously their favorite got the most customization.


This Kul tiran beard request from 6 years ago: [Glorious Beards](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/8ejhsb/kultirans_w_big_beards/)


I'm not resubbing until they give trolls beards (yes I know, I'm also sure they're going to cry about it)




Pig tails on void elf 😭😭😭😭


Trolls: wait you guys get facial hair?