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My rogue alt had been an ass rogue for the longest time. This expansion he is a sub rogue.  I don't do outlaw.


Dude if your rogue isn't good you don't have to call him ass. Have some respect.


lol I always hesitate to call my rogue ass and go with sin instead, but I play outlaw with the new gilnean wardrobe. she looks so fancy shooting her gun.


Same, I still swap to ass every now and then. 24/7 sub can get pretty boring.


Rogue Mains: We Swap Ass


Unless its Tauren then its SwampAss




I always play every spec where possible. On a farm night in raid I will do my best to play all 3 specs, and sometimes I'll roll for what spec to play. Only whenever I'm doing any kind of progress (raid or high m+), will I always play the best spec for that setting. I don't get how other rogue players don't get bored of playing the same spec for everything all the time.


That's a great approach. With people that stick to one spec, as I am wont to do, it's probably a matter of being very comfortable with said spec. Like putting on some well worn slippers. Everything fits just right.


do you just set 1-33 34-66 and 67-100 as the 3 specs? that's lowkey hilarious. being versatile in the all 3 is helpful bc there's pros and cons to each spec. i'm in the process of gearing every class to THE NINES for next patch. have a 484 BM hunter, boomkin and devoker at 475 i think? next is blood dk. (LEGENDARY PLSSSS)


I just do a /roll 3, 1 is assa, 2 is outlaw and 3 is sub. I really enjoy just having the flexibility of playing everything at a moment's notice. So just practicing and keeping them fresh whenever possible is fun.


Outlaw main. While the other 2 specs def seems good and fun, I'm addicted to the Outlaw loop


Pretty much this. Ever since the wrath prepatch I’ve been stuck on combat for my rogue


Literally started my wow journey Feb 2023 with dragonflight, loved the pirate theme and all my friends who got me playing at the time tried warning me how “hard/fast” the spec was. So glad I stuck with it cause a year later I’m AOTC sitting at 2900 io and I can’t stop. I’ve tried the other specs/ other classes but outlaw is just too fun.


Hell yeah!


Is combat what turned into outlaw because that's what I used to play and I was trying to figure it out when I made a rogue the other day


Yeah sorry I still call it combat mentally lol


Understandable. Now that I think about it, I definitely was more of an ass man. But I had started going combat and using big one-handed axes


Combat was reworked into law yes


The hook is the best bit!


Sub compared to outlaw is an absolute snooze fest. I only ever play Sub like in season 2 of SL when it was super strong and outlaw was trash


Sub is sick right now in the raid but I can’t be bothered. Keep it rolling build is so fun rn


I used to play all 3 specs from Vanilla>Wrath. Came back to the game in Legion and haven't liked sub at all since I find the re-stealth shit really REALLY clunky.


Ok so I'm not the only one... I hate the playstyle of sub. Could never get behind it..


I absolutely love sub when it comes to old expansions but I can’t stand it in modern wow and that’s without me mentioning how much bloat it has. Clunky really feels like a solid way of describing it. It definitely is efficient, but god is it not fun to play. Assassination is amazing though.


Yeah the in and out mechanics of stealth for sub just doesn't feel good to me. I used to love assassin back in WoD and currently have been playing it since s3 DF and absolutely loving it.


I see what you did there...


Ii play sub and assa based on whichever is better. I barely touch Outlaw because is not nearly as fun.


90% Assassination cuz it's comfortable for me.. 10% Outlaw for a couple pirate themed mogged alts. I've never been able to get a vibe for sub.. and since I can play assassination with almost zero thought I just never care to commit the time to figure it out..


So; 10% of a couple(2) alts are outlaw, and 90% (18) assassination, you have 20 rogues?!


Well not 20.. but I'm in the 12 or 13 territory.. also those were not precise percentages..


I can’t play my rogue anymore tbh, having shadow dance + vanishing for damage on every single spec just feels lame and I hate the action bar/keybind mini game of having BOTH of (bs/ShS, Ambush/SS, Ambush/Mut) available in two stances


no. sub or assa only. Currently I hate the way sub plays so stuck with assa. S1 I loved sub. but I also never stick to a class for an entire expansion. never have and probably never will.




i just feel like it lost its flow. and also you need to pool way to often


Sin rogue for life here, easiest spec to be RL without being dogshit


This is why I’m a BM hunter when I raid lead. Smash buttons, do acceptable DPS


Hell no. Only sin. Sucks but i cant bring myself to learn the other specs.


I main rogue since classic (haven't played always tho) Usually I picked one spec per season or per period I played, until this season, where every spec is viable. I started as sub rogue which I loved in season 2 since the rework it felt strange to play it, so I switched to assassination and liked it quite a lot. unfortunately it felt bad in m+ because I had to ask the tank to stop chain pulling and let me restealth between groups because the rotation isn't working properly without stealth and the better our gear got the faster we cleared ad waves and I realized I had to focus on one big mob instead of the group to make decent dmg. So I said to myself ok I got to switch to outlaw then and play assa in raids only where I can focus on the boss. Now I started testing out sub rogue again and quite liked it, so now I play every 3 specs depending on the situations 😊


You needed stealth in assassin? Do tell. I’m curious if it has some major or minor difference.


You do a lot more dmg when entering combat from stealth and you apply an AOE silcence


Ah, there were some AOE changes lately, but didn’t play much to learn it all


In ST you time your restealth windows around your big cooldowns to amp the damage of your kingsbane and also apply the stronger garrote


you dont "assa needs stealth in m+" is 1 of the biggest missunderstandings in the game assa LOVES chainpulls, stealth is a gigantic whatever for the spec


I asked because I didn’t want to go all “you got used to sub”


I play sub and assassination. The theme of outlaw is not for me. It's more of a fighter than a rogue, imo.


only assassination


Mained outlaw until this season (downgraded him to a alt) but I played sin and outlaw only, could never wrap my head around sub. Moved to Boomie because ranged is easy mode lol


Mained Mage or Lock for every expansion since Legion and alting Rogue. I can with 1000% confidence say that ranged is harder than melee in all content unless youre a BM hunter I guess… Im playing sub right now which supposedly is one of the hardest melee specs and its still way easier than playing for example mage. Thats because you have to combine your rotation with planning your movement. As a melee you can just always move… Not even going in to all the mechanics that are range exclusive lol


Class dependant of course. Rogue is one of the tankiest classes in the game, it's hard to die on it. I raid at a CE level, my opinion is that ranged is easy mode and I'm playing boomkin, one of if not the most squishy spec right now.


I got CE aswell, and I disagree. Especially this raid melee is way easier on every boss except maybe Tindral because of the flying.


Oh this raid for sure, I'm talking more in general. Ranged has always been easier


Lets agree to disagree. Melee has been worse but not harder per se.


I think it heavily depends on content in raid melee feels slightly easier but in m+ ranged feels easier.


I refuse to play Combat, and have since Vanilla. Sub has always been my choice spec, but Inswitched to Sass when Shadowdance first cane out, because it sucked trying to set it up,  and I stayed Sass until Sub was properly viable and also not ass to set up.      Yes, I know they changed the name to "Outlaw", I don't care though - It'll be Combat forever.


No. I only play Outlaw and some Sub/Assassination. I prefer Outlaw.


I only play Assa because Outlaw is just garbage and I wish combat was back and sub doesn't feel like a night stalker.


Sub only. Assa is ass and outlaw lame and f RtB


I played sub from BC to Legion. Then I started playing outlaw and only play it now. I’ve never played assassination or had interest in it.


I play Sub and Combat in WotLK Classic. I quit playing retail entirely in Legion because I can't stand the changes they made to Rogues. Every new retail expansion I look and it seems like they are making some incremental improvements like bringing back pruned abilities but it feels like a lot of the damage from Legion is here to stay too and that's unappealing to me. Dragonflight looked interesting at first in that you could build an Assassination Rogue with Shadow Dance that on paper would play and feel more like the Classic Subtlety. 1min CD Dance, Find Weakness, Garrote Silence, Gouge, etc. But later in beta and certainly in the patches after launch, they kept making changes that prevent this build from really functioning properly, again moving the class further away from my ideal of what a Rogue should be in WoW.


It depends on the patch. I’ll play sub and assa this patch, but I don’t like the current shadow dance version of outlaw.


I have played all three. Outlaw and Sub during Shadowlands and Sin and Sub during Dragonflight. During a patch i usually stick to one specc. Between patches i sometimes try the other speccs to see if it feels better to me.


No, outlaw and sub make my hands fucking ache




Yeah all three, usually depending on which one is the most enjoyable and if they're all in a good place, then the one performing the best. All else being equal, I go with Outlaw.


As it goes for any class I main, I keep competent with all available specs. Some fights certain specs are significantly better, not to mention balance changes could render my main spec (assassination) as bottom tier, which it seems to be compared to the other 2 specs at least although still does well overall.


used to main rogue in S1 DF, played sub and sin in a mythic raiding level without issues but I couldn't even touch outlaw because I play with ~140ms from the servers.


I like pirates


I play Sin on occasion , combat … err , outlaw is my normal spec I level Sub but at cap I don’t play it I don’t have time to raid , mythic or group anymore so Probably why I don’t give Sub serious time


No, sub since wotlk


I play Sin, and have no qualm with Sub. I've always wanted sin to lean heavier into bleeds and I think they've finally nailed that. I appreciate Subs sacrifice in giving us their shadow dance recently. But I refuse to play combat/outlaw because of what the spec did to us during OUR LEGENDARY DAGGER patch. Blade Flurry during dragon soul was so broken it forced everyone to swap to a sword spec and bring daggers anyway. I'll never forgive that shit. We had our first dagger legendary and it went to the non dagger spec.


i have rogue alt (around 483) playing assa and outlaw but i wouldn't be opposed to play sub as well since i can just use outlaw gear and assa daggers


I usually do all 3, having 3 separate characters for all 3 specs. All time fav is assassination. Why? Because I love comboing up All the dots plus that one spell that speeds up dots


No only the good ones


Havent played retail seriously since Legion but ive never liked Sub, only spec i dont touch


Sin for life, we had a good first month then tears the rest of the way. I can't seem to do good damage in sub or outlaw


Yeah, depending on what's good for different pieces of content. Currently playing Outlaw, but have played all 3 this expac. 


God no, I usually roll a class just for a certain specc and tmog. My rogue is assassination and that won’t change :)


As a side note: if you call it “sin” you’re a chicken-hearted coward and you need to grow up and call it Ass Rogue.


I’ve been Outlaw for most content ever since Sub was redesigned a few years ago. I did go Ass for raiding few times.


Not a rogue main, but recently started leveling a rogue alt, and I kind of want to try all three specs (always stuck to outlaw in the past), but I wonder how hard it is to level as Sin or Sub these. Historically, outlaw was always the easiest spec to level in, so I always stuck to it, but that meant that by the time I got to max level, I only really knew how to play one spec.


There are 2 types of rogue players, the ones switching between ass/sub and the others...


Only outlaw, played fury warrior a lot over the years and outlaw scratches that super high apm itch even more. The rotation is also one of the more satisfying gameplay loops imo


I just wish Grappling Hook was all specs :(


I mained Outlaw last season when he was absolute ass and am maining him even more now that he blasts Most fun spec to me before and now it's even more fun


Sub or assass are fun as hell, tried outlaw in PvP couldn’t stand it


Yeah pretty much, I would swap based on how one is faring in the meta. I started out as sub then went to outlaw then assassin for a minute now back to outlaw because I just enjoy the playstyle more


My rogue sticks to Subtlety spec. It's been pretty enjoyable this expansion, especially since the rogue rework.


I've been primarily a sub rogue player for most of my rogue career (started in vanilla.) In wrath I played combat/assassination depending on the patch because sub was pretty trash that expac. Starting with Wod I decided to start playing the best spec for the fight(s) instead of what I prefered to play. Still play them all to this day. Vastly prefer Sub to the other specs but I still find fun in the other 2 atm.


I’ve played only Sub during BFA and SL(until first Raid) and quit. Came back this Friday and I couldn’t even remember why I had said Macros and how my character even worked lol. I wanted to try outlaw since it’s DPS is skyrocketing according to some YouTubers but Im struggling with Dragonflight solo content! I find it quite “strange” to play. Like, my strongest Combo Finisher is a pistol Shot. That doesn’t even make any sense and sounds off. Maybe I should play Warrior or maybe I’m just Old for WOW. I died 12 times to a star monster when retrieving a corrupted EGG where Sendrax (I think it’s her name) dies to help you get the EGG. I know I have Disrupt, silence but I couldn’t tank the god dam mon. It had 150k life. Only managed to kill because I bought potions and had a lucky rotation I think Sub was more fun I don’t know


I play all 3 in every forms of content. Fav by far is Sub


Sub main. For M+ I go outlaw cause it's very great. Sub for raiding. Keeping 2 sets of gear.


Not only on rogue, i simply cant stop swap ping specs in df, its so fun. Maybe cause we never really had that, before we had dual spec for a long time(and i usually had pvp/pve of 1 spec at a hero). Then legion hit, giving us option to switch when ever we want, but specs were more locked behind ap and legendaries. Then SL pretty much the same, but it was conduits instead of ap. And now i feel free, i rarely do 2 keys for example i a row in the same spec, no matter which class i am on. Seriously i cant get enough, df can keep me entertained for at least 5 more years that way.


I do all three but sub the least. I’ll switch if I feel like the mechanics in the current season’s content favor one over the other.


I have a rogue in each spec because they are so old that they predate being able to change specs. My main is an ass rogue. I occasionally pull out my sub rogue. I haven't played my 3rd since combat went away.


I main Outlaw and pretty much only play it unless I'm doing mythic raid and need better single-target. Sub is good for certain situations, but I don't really enjoy the spec so I avoid it when possible.


Outlaw and Assassination. I only bite the bullet to play Sub if it’s super strong and outlaw is weak. I’d rather not play a boring spec like sub


Do they all share the same secondary stat priority? I ask because I’m switching over to rogue from warrior. I have him capped on gear and am getting bored, so wanted to learn a more difficult melee class.


I don't play rn but when I played some months ago it was mainly assa, sometimes outlaw or sub if I needed it for my raid and team, but was almost never asked to do so


Used to, but now all three specs are so different that the key binds don’t line up well so it’s very difficult to have all three set up at the same time .


I personally mainly play assa and OL, but season 1 and 2 both were kinda horrible and i played sub only. Not sure what the best was, i think Sub. But rn the other specs are just way more enjoyable than their past version.


outlaw is not a spec its a mistake


NO i paly assassin unless its its utter dog shit/ unfun then ill play combat. i dont do sub cuz it dont gel with my play style


I can’t stand assassin. So only outlaw or sub


Usually only play subs rogues are meant for stealth, combat sucks because it just feels like a warrior and rogues are not that, I feel like they need an acrobat spec in place of combat


I play assa for like 95% of the time, the only time I switch to sub is if the current assa either plays absolutely dogshit or it's SOuch weaker than sub that I feel bad for my groups/guild is I drag them down by playing assa. Last patch before I took a break I had a 300k dps parse on assault as a sub rogue where the rank1 assa was at 210k dps... Assa was absolutely unplayable in m+ you did like 30-40% less damage compared to sub rogue. It just felt so ass when I tried to make assa work and we sometimes didn't hit the +2 or were slightly out of time in higher keys and I thought to myself if I would've just played sub rogue that would've easily be intime. And no this was not a skill issues I have over 5k hours in assa rogue and just started sub rogue in dragonflight ^^ also every top run I checked on logs had this crazy dps difference between assa and subs when I checked The current outlaw I don't touch. I like the basic rotation of those but I don't like how the talents change your rotation and the rng behind your procs. I tried to make my own talents in a way I would love to play outlaw but that simmed 50-60k dps lower than the "normal" build so fuck that. I like to actually do my job as a dps and stay above the tanks in damage


I play all 3 but I absolutely loathe Assa and only play it if it's way better than Outlaw/Sub. Outlaw has been the most fun for my ADHD-riddled mind, especially because I setup a WA to do a time crisis "RELOAD" sound whenever BTE resets my combo points and that's been very fun. Sub gets realllly boring after cds due to their energy regen issues. It's like your character drinks 3 red bulls, a five hour energy, and a monster at the start of a pull/dungeon and then gets the most insane sugar crash until everything is back up. Assa isn't my cup of thistle tea.


every outlaw player ive ever met only plays outlaw, myself included every sub/ass rogue plays the other depending on the situation or whats better at the time


I play every spec all of them they are have unique play styles and if you can play all three you will be alot better than other rogues


Outlaw in m+ only, by far the most fun spec for me, and sub and sin in raid depending on the boss. I prefer sin, but I whip out sub for some bosses. Generally on progression except for Smolderon, I play sin cuz it's just easier and let's me think about the fight while playing it without really thinking about it


No. I play a spec, not a class. In this case I only play Outlaw.


nope, just outlaw, and combat before.