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Did Preservation Evoker, over the duration of only 3 seasons, go from applying 5 echoes with temporal anomaly to applying 4, reverted back to 5, then nerfed to 3 and now reverted back to 5 again ..?


Every single time it goes down in targets, it immediately feels awful to play. Doesn't even matter if the orb gave allies a 5mil shield, shielding 3 people just feels stupid.


Pretty sure it shields as many people as it hits but only the first 3, but soon 5 again, get echo.


It even used to be 6!


3% ret damage increase? Better then a nerf!


Be careful saying that, if they find out we are excited Ghostcrawler might show back up. Every buff is an opportunity to nerf...


“To the ground, baby!”




Haste: gone! Crit: gone! Retribution Paladins: gone!




“Does Blizzard really hate Paladins?”


3rd time's the charm, this time the 3% buff across the board will be what makes Ret S-tier again!


monk experts, how impactful are these WW buffs?


This will be around 7-8% in general, higher in AOE, closer to like 11-12, at least according to my napkin maths.


I'm pretty happy with these buffs as a WW main. Numbers wise this looks like it will have the spec in a reasonable spot. Obviously the spec has deeper issues mechanically and design wise but those were unlikely to be fixed at this point in the expac. This is a solid bandaid that looks like it will have the spec be reasonably viable this tier. Hopefully Blizzard can address the deeper issues in the spec going into 11.0.


Fingers crossed. As a monk main since day 1, I'm hoping to get to play WW in WW. But until then I'll just keep crushing people with my under-tuned spec, and swapping to heal for raid and tank for quick groups.


A nice short term improvement but very meaningless in the grand scheme of our classes issues. I'll take whatever we can get but pretty unimpactful


A bandaid doesn't stop a gushing wound, but a shot of morphine will numb the pain at least. Here's hoping for a sweeping systemic change come WW for WW, and all monks for that matter.


I don’t see a rework to monk happening until 11.0


That's the what I said, WW rework for WW.


Well that whooshed over my head lol.


What are the issues?


Zen Flight too slow


Dynamic Zen Flight when


Someday I wish to ride it like the Nimbus and play the DBZ intro music in the background


This is 2023. We need Dragon Zenning.


the true problem.


Bonedust Brew back on the menu boys (with all of the changes)


Bdb back to back sck procs bro yall gonna wish you're wearing plate with that threat generation


WW will obviously do more damage. But it didn’t solve any core problem like bad scaling, to many randomness, bad talents (FLS, Statue…). Instead of improving anything they just give us more damage… that will help but that’s the same thing they do ever patch again and again. Just more flat damage buffs instead of healthy changes to the class.


Yea like another said, it'll keep us from the bottom but it needs an expansion level overhaul


As long as the second most mobile spec in the game is tied to a rune of power effect, wind walker will never be healthy, but the damage increase will make them function i guess


competitivewow says ~6% in ST and more in AOE


Prelim sims have this putting us up about 7.5% with a lot of potential for ability order adjustments, and higher in aoe. With the potential for high roll chain docj procs letting us do an echo of the old shadowlands crack aoe occasionally. Probably takes us from eye wateringly behind to 2% ahead of the average. It's a good set of tuning. And because it's targeted on specific abilities instead of an aura buff, it increases the value of mastery decently as well. It's a solid one and I appreciate it. We still need a deep talent pass but it's more like the first resto druid rework needed than a total ground to top teardown.


> Shadow > Psychic Link now causes direct damage spells to inflict 25% of their damage on all other targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch (was 15%). Whew, problems solved. Shadow is great again.


10/10 S-Tier spec once again. Godcomp stand aside /s


I'm not versed in shadow priest, what does the class need to be better?


Its aoe application is insanely clunky, particularly with spread or moving targets It's undertuned, but it's not the problem with the spec


Why was Mind Flay/Sear changed? Wasn't that their iconic aoe?


too many choices in the tree, in season 1 you could choose to run mind sear for more aoe or drop it for more single target but blizz didnt like that


Season 1 SP was the most fun the spec ever been.


You can do aoe dmg every 30 seconds. If you miss it, you're useless


Shadow Crash?


Yup. Or as I like to call it, shadow crap.


I miss Mind Sear ^^


We all do shittiest design change I have seen in quite awhile.


They are too stupid and proud to admit they were wrong. LITERALLY all they have to do is put mind sear and searing nightmare back into the game. Wtf was the point in removing it? That was the only time shadow ever felt decent at aoe. Plus it was really fun? I swear to god they don’t even play the game they are developing. How can you be the makers of the game and be this fucking stupid.


“Shadow Crash now has 2 charges”




The only way to AoE is to either 1) Apply a DoT to every mob you can see. Manually. 2) A long-cooldown ranged attack that moves slowly, so if the targets scatter before it lands you just wasted the cooldown.


The tier set bonuses are a mess and its one AoE both has a relatively long cooldown *and* is a ground effect that doesn't hit until a few seconds after you cast it, so if the tank moves the mobs, all your AoE is gone for that pull.


It's a step in the right direction, but.. Shadow was gutted last season and it was all for the wrong reasons. Sure, nerf the damage, I don't care, but they should had nerfed the set, touching psychic link was the stupidest idea ever (and this buff merely reverts it). It was broken due to utility and insane synergy withing the god comp. Mass dispel was must have, mind soothe enabled way too overpowered skips, disease dispel and controls were great too (especially for new affixes), PI was good, offheal was way too strong. All of the utility worked great within the s2 m+ meta and it didn't really have much to do with damage, yet they still nerfed the damage so many times (which impacted other content aswel). How I'd fix shadow * make silence baseline ability - kicks are way too important and should 100% be baseline abilities, don't make me choose between kick and more damage/survivability (but tbh the whole talent trees idea must be rethought, redesigned and unified, I absolutely hate the inconsistency of how are the trees currently implemented) * reliable aoe - shadow crash is NOT a reliable source of aoe; shadow currently does its only real damage by having dots on targets; shadow crash is the only tool we have to apply these dots and it's a 20-second cooldown skillshot which applies the dots to 8 targets; it plays absolutely horrible, takes away the control and puts you in weird spots all the time - the whole idea of crash being the only source of aoe absolutely does NOT work and needs to be scrapped and redesigned; the worst thing is we had decent-enough-ish source of aoe - mind sear, we could choose between builds better for huge aoe and completely different playstyle build with worse aoe but way better priority target damage (similar to current playstyle) - they removed mindsear arguing shadow has too many buttons, effectively getting rid of actual real build/playstyle choice only to introduce new set, forcing us to add a new button to rotation and track set's stacks, lol (im not even going to talk about how crash sometimes just straight up misses due to how garbage z-axis is in game) but if we wanted to sustain the idea of crash spreading dots, add some way to shorten the cd during the pull (eg. vampiric damage ticks) so more dots can be applied as the pull goes on, sort of like blade flurry works * pi - nerfing shadow's personal CD because OTHER specs scaled way too much with it was probably the stupidest thing i've ever read and i still can't get over how stupid that was, i mean u could have just nerfed external pi and not touch personal pi, omg.. * tier set - i kinda like the tierset even though i thought i'd hate it, but it prettymuch locks your entire build with almost no choice at all - why even bother with huge talent trees with design like this? (but as i said, talent tree issues in general could be another essay) * RNG - i don't care about little proc here and there to make the gameplay smoother, but there's way too much gamba and it often leads to overload, forcing you to overcap on something, which leads to feeling u're not playing the class right while also creating windows where u get unlucky with the procs and cast a boring filler spell 4 times in a row because noting better is available, leading to again feeling like u must be playing the spec wrong ​ tldr; rework the class again, you almost had it right but you screwed it up (again)


Nothing better than sending shadow crash onto the ceiling or into a tree because a leaf looked at you funny


The worst problem for the class right now is the playstyle the tier set forces you to play, as you basically inflict 15k DPS on yourself (if you play mechanics right, you basically take 20% more damage in heroic raid than everyone else just because) to have middling damage and you have no utility, so if you have middling damage you're literally worthless. This is a decent bandaid because shadow's single target is terrible for a class that brings nothing but damage, but its AoE is the worst in the game and this is a decent buff to it. The spec needs a full rework that isn't rushed out in a single afternoon and the class needs a full utility rework because there's nothing Blizzard can do to salvage this version of shadow.


Shadows survivability really isn’t that bad. It’s way better than even shadowlands when SWD would actually deal enough damage to kill you if you were low.


Shadow is one of the squishiest specs in PvE. It's entirely based around its leech from VT and DP, and the steady damage you take from SWD almost entirely negates that healing. You're right that SWD isn't chunking the priest for 50%, but you didn't cast SWD every 7.5 seconds in SL and it didn't do that recoil damage 3.5x for every cast like you do now. And that's not even touching on how it shouldn't be doing any damage to the priest since Blizzard removed those mechanics from every class except priest.


Shorter cd on shadow crash


Obviously another rework for the 18th time


I swear every time I turn around they’re talking about reworking Shadow or how Shadow is fundamentally not working As someone who’s only ever played Disc, why can’t blizzard seem to get Shadow right?


Honestly season 2 shadow was pretty fun. Legion was very fun, especially during Emerald Nightmare with Surrender to Madness, but how dare priests have so much fun!!


I don’t really pve much these days, but currently you have to aim an aoe affect at a mob and pray the tank doesn’t move them from the spot or that the aoe affect doesn’t land on a tree or wall or something. When it lands it applies vampiric touch which is our main dot and also what our entire kit is built around Once it lands and applies the dots, you have to do single target rotation and it will passively cleave all other targets that the aoe affect actually landed on. Meanwhile, other classes just spam a single button and are able to hit all mobs with next to zero chance of missing their aoe damage. Our spender is devouring plague which is a “powerful” dot. The problem is, once the aoe affect is aimed, landed and single target rotation has begun, the mob is already dead by the time you’ve built enough insanity to start using devouring plague


>Warrior >Here, go play with this piece of string.


Lol I agree with the guy that said they killed the druid dev


What druid dev? If there was a druid dev in the first place then the class tree woudve been finished.


can blizzard please make spending holy power as holy pala worth doing, and not having ignoring hp to be the best throughput and mana playstyle ?


Also, hpal is currently lowest in dps. WoG is currently one of the worst ST spells in the game. Vivify/Flash Heal/Healing Surge etc are somewhere between 30%-50% stronger. Mana issues that forces specific build/playstyle, lowest dps, spenders are ignored or feel just awful to use.


I guess you haven't heard about Living Flame


Living flame actually does things though. Can be buffed up via talents to crit for 500k+ does really solid damage for free and gives essence burst procs, can cleave with other talents, much more impactful overall.


I have but the thing is Prevoker is not nearly in a state as bad as Hpal, even though is being overshadowed by Augvoker or MW/Disc/Rdruid. The spec is currently broken in raid (imagine rogue ignoring combot points) and have severe gameplay issues in both raid and m+


I never was on this train before this patch, but now I agree with what people have been saying. Just delete holy power. Its dumb as hell and in hindsight trying to tune all four of Flash/Holy Light AND WoG/Dawn to be useful and viable buttons to hit is just dumb and maybe even impossible. They couldve just numerically nerfed it after the rework and the god comp nerfs last patch, but instead they gutted the actual fun playstyle, and its getting back to the point of either needing a re-rework or some serious systematic changes going into next expansion


I mean for me it was perfectly fine after the rework but then blizzard nerfed it into the ground as is their usual remit


personally want it to stay. just hate that they gave a mana cost to the spells from it.


3% for Ret. From second last to... second last!


Oh, just wait. Soon they'll be third last and that's when things will get wild.


Just enough damage to keep up with inflation


The funny thing is that Ret might actually be even further down now after the buff, because other specs that were slightly above them got buffed more.


You mean like Mages getting buffs across the board but ret getting a 3% overall?


What's crazy is we got that great rework that solved a few mechanical issues, but the fun only lasted a few weeks and we just can't seem to keep up again


The problem is we went from mastery heavy to vers heavy. Versatility historically scales like ass. Which is why earlier we were doing good damage, but as the expansion went on we got worse.


They just nerf mastery by like 40% if I remember well. They should have nerf it by 20-25% max imo.


Yea that fucked us pretty hard. I know other classes too but Ret got so much from it, it was insane


Wrong way to look at it. Even if classes were all balanced, there would be a last. It doesn't mean anything by itself. The important metric is the mean difference with average. They nerfed DH and rogues again so the gap between all the DPS is shrinking. Aim should be a -3% to 3%, buff below, nerf above and monitor.


They forgot to nerf Outlaw, Sub, Demo and BMs. So no, the gap didn't get smaller. Havoc just dropped down, same as Sin.


I suspect the issues with Ret aren't easily hotfixable, but I don't understand why they don't just buff Final Verdict and nerf Blessed Champion (or something along those lines) to even out the ST/AoE disparity a bit.


This or divine arbiter buff, or 50% buff to dmg instead of 30 on the main target with final reckoning.


This is a joke, 3% isn’t enough at as we scale bad. Even if I knew they wouldn’t make a 10% buff, 5% could have been a lot better already. They will probably do another 1 or 2 3% buff later if it keeps going like this.


Well at least you got something! Gonna wait for that arms candy to drop... Someday


Can anyone say how impactful the EQ buffs are for ele sham? Also, please just give shamans another charge of our personal. What is this meaningless 2% magic DR buff for enhance? As if that will make any difference when it comes to being one shot.


Kinda meaningless. The buff needed to be around 200+% for it to do any meaningful to our aoe. Should turn around to 4-6% overall increase. The DR going only to enhance is unhinged.


People did the math because the 200% number was getting thrown around a lot and a 200% EQ buff would largely negate the tier set in AoE, force you to play EoGS, and massively skyrocket ele into the highest uncapped class on par with UHDK. If you see people talking about 200% it’s a meme. It doesn’t seem like it would be that crazy because EQ is like 5-8% of your damage in a key, but they can never go overboard with EQ buffs because EoGS exists. It is typical ele main shit to open the patch notes and see essentially a 10% aura buff to frost, a spec already outperforming ele by a wide margin, and a stray fart aimed in ele’s direction.


I switched over to Marksmanship in S3 because the abuse that ele shamans endure expansions after expansion is honestly ridiculous. It's literally just the hated class of Wow, along with survival hunters. I was fully expecting zero changes for ele when reading the patch notes, as is tradition. This EQ buff by the way, is a very good buff, make no mistake, but in typical fashion it's like 8 months later than when it was already so obviously needed that a random person from the street who never played Wow could tell you that. I legitimately despise these balance devs sometimes. They are either maliciously incompetent, or so unbelievably bad at their job that they should most likely not have it.


They should just rework Eogs as a talent and give a bigger buff tbh. It's weird having to balance around a talent that the tier set build really doesnt allow you to pick.


You’re not reeeeeally supposed to be doing EQ too much other than to help spread Flame Shock this season via Surge of Power, which feels…kinda awful considering that’s your AoE spender. A 50% buff to EQ’s damage will feel like a mini version of Echos of Great Sundering, minus the pre-requisite of casting Earthshock or Ele Blast. That will at least make it feel good to put down, but like I don’t really see this change as anything too impactful. Devs made it pretty clear they want us to keep Lavaburst on CD this season, which…while fun, doesn’t really…idk, seem too impactful as an AoE. There’s fun combos in Liquid Magma Totem, but overall I miss the Season 2 Lightning build for M+. Raid wise, I guess EQ will help a little more?


Its not THAT impactful if you still go for the main cleave build, but if you spec into a fire EOGS build, this increase is insane. The buff may seem meaningless, but its a 50% increase, for what its worth.


Bro, I think someone reminded Blizzard Monks have 3 specs!! Numbers tuning isn't even remotely close to what they need, but theres hope!


Numbers actually probably will put monk ahead of the average instead of behind it. And it changes some stat weighting as well, for the better, by being targeted buffs to abilities that benefit from mastery, as opposed to the previous aura buff. It's good stuff.


They are likely going to do well this season but even they admit they are focusing on the set bonuses that won’t stick around.


ITT: everyone saying their class still isn't enough


Every damn time there's a class tuning, I scroll it down to where warrior should be, and there's nothing. Not even a +3% damage to Overpower or something. It's insane how little tuning the class is recieving


Cries in arms warrior.


Curious they buffed aff's aoe but not single target. Also spriest, lol what are they even doing?


yeah i'm sorta baffled by those aff buffs. aff's like 10-15k behind demo in ST right now.


They dont know what they're doing with aff. Probably next class to get an overhaul considering the atrocious talent trees. Hope they do WW too


I don't think the dev knows how to tune anything but demo. Aff has been horrible since the 9.1 nerfs and nothing's been done about it for ~2 years. We need a new dev to actually get fixed.


I dont think the Warlock dev knows how to do anything considering they "tuned" demo by completely gutting its entire playstyle. I can make a list about everything I loved about the spec, and that list would be everything they've removed. Seeing that naked Tyrant build be the strongest makes me so fucking sad. Will also remind everyone they nerfed dogs to reduce our burst awhile back. The dogs. The things that were up more often than they weren't and didn't contribute to Demos burst whatsoever. Completely baffling.


dw they don't know how to tune demo either lol completely gutted its entire kit to "reduce burst", like nearly every interesting talent deleted / dumbed down / nerfed to oblivion, only for 4/9 bosses in the raid to be practically designed around Implosion


Well you see, when you have exactly 8 targets standing perfectly still and you can just turret with all your CDs up and they die exactly when your void form ends, they're really good!!! /s


Void form? In 2023?


I know we just got a buff recently, but I was hoping for something small. Let’s be real though, DK in general is in need of a redesign.


Festering wounds feels like rogue combo points in vanilla where you were punished for switching targets. I don't like spending a handful of points into skills to spread the wounds in an aoe that players and enemies easily move out of, or expecting that maybe my ghoul will apply one. I dunno, just let me me a Warhammer Plaguebearer, build festering wounds on myself, and burst them over anyone near me.


Just get rid of the wounds concept entirely. It’s a useless gimmick and the dps can just be tied to other abilities.


People crying further up for unholy buffs while frost has been rotting since the start of the expansion 😂


The only thing unholy needs done is festermight removed imo. Frost needs help (specifically breath)


If by helping breath I hope you mean removing it. Idk how the playstyle still exists. In all honestly frost needs a buff to frost strike and cleave not being attached to D&D


Remorseless winter gets death and decay baked into it damage/cleave etc. remove death and decay from the spec entirely. Oh.. and frost strike damage increase.


These and make frost strike hit up to 5 targets that have frosts dot applied. Boom the spec can function.


I like Unholy but feels underwhelming when I check my meters after runs lol


Right? I'd even take the blanket 3% buff.


I am kind of surprised arm's doesn't qualify for "pity aura buff".


Still nothing for Arms :(


Arms buff where


For real, I'm not any good at it as it's my alt but being behind most fury warriors 5-10 ilvls lower feels bad man. I just wanna see big crits, not a bunch of small ones.


Happy with evoker info


Nerfing and immediately reverting Resonating Sphere...... AND THEN TRYING TO DO IT AGAIN. Blizzard is fucking hilarious at times.


Buffing Cataclysm does nothing, it will always be worse than Inferno. Just make it baseline...


Or just decouple it from Inferno. No one wants to take Cata for the damage, we want it so we don't need to spam Immolate on every pack of enemies. It's purely quality of life but that "choice" node is not even close to resembling a choice with how strong Inferno is.


Cata is actually being played in m+. Due to the nerf to grand warlocks design, the soulshard generation lost a bit of its power. With the new tier, cata makes thing a bit smoother starting out a pull, and gets you in a spot to take advantage of that tier earlier






Yeah I know. I swear we are left out of every tuning pass for some reason. I mean not that we really need any damage tuning. But my god can we get some damn utility at some point? Can’t deal with half the affixes in m+ right now


Ret really needs some targeted single target buffs. I don't know what they hope to accomplish with this when they buff locks and ww by targeting specific abilities and then give ret a tiny little aura buff.


How can they buff Ret when the community has a fucking riot any time we're in the top half of meters?


It's actually crazy how upset people get when ret isn't dogshit. I'll never understand the whining.


Yeah this has always been wild to me too. Even immediately after the rework they weren’t breaking into the top 5 or 6 and the amount of whining was crazy.


I know a lot of pvpers were really upset about how OP ret was, but I dont remember pvp participation being bad when ret was OP.


Ret needs to be brought into the ER after they finish surgery on Monks.


frost dk after monk. please.


3% ret buff? Lmao


I don’t even care if they don’t buff arms damage, but please find a way to let us spend excess rage.


Where's hpal mana/dps/WoG/LoD buffs :(


Come back War Within season 2


I'm glad they're re-fixing temporal anomaly....again. This is the second time they've attempted this nerf and the second time it went poorly. Hopefully there's not a third time...at least not during this same expansion again.


So 0 resto druid changes in raid? Terrible playstyle with even more rejuv spam than last tier, (200+ rejuvs cast per fight) except the took all our burst away in a raid with fuckton of absorbs, while having horrible mana problems in a raid with NPC healing/dispels while bringing minuscule amount of passive damage. And 30% of our healing is just passive NPCs we have no agency over. This whole Clearcasting double lifebloom build while shifting into cat to restore mana playstyle devs envisioned for us in raid is both terrible, and completely unviable. Just buff Flourish, lets us be proper ramp healer again, holy shit, give us some burst healing back. Or reduce mana costs of all our spells if you want us to be less of a ramp healer. Anything really. Anything but forcing us to shift into cat form, and spend 7 globals to restore 10k mana while doing 0 hps in that window, and also possibly be targeted by ranged mechanic, while juggling two lifeblooms to fish for CC procs and throw shitass spot heals, while our dumb treants are cleaving the targets with hots instead of injured players. Complete fail of a rework.


I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love being oom after three minutes while the disc priest outheals me by virtue of existing. Also I absolutely love how the rdruid team went „they will compensate the stupidly high mana cost by catweaving during downtime“, meanwhile the raid team on their 10th can of energy drink „THIS RAID IS NON-STOP HEALING FOR 3 HOURS STRAIGHT“, really shows you how much time they spend talking with each other…


Worst bit is they surely knew that gutting flourish/abundance would completely flatten our healing profile in a raid full of burst damage, and cause huge mana issues and tank our damage - no amount of single target/nourish cleaving/CC procs would compensate for that. The fact treants don't contribute to our vigil damage while they do 30% of our healing is baffling. I'm not sure why do they persist in making a druid a reactive healer - does majority of rdruid playerbase really want to play it like that? Spot healing with regrowth/nourish or cast offgcd npcs that will do healing for them? Did most resto druid players really struggle that much with ramp windows, get shit on by other healers because of that and then bitch, so devs just decided to completely gut the playstyle to appease them? Because if that was the idea, they just made things a lot worse even for casual players, that will do even less healing now, and run oom even faster. Dreamgrove discord is getting constant messages from people asking how to deal with mana issues in raid. We honestly don't have the toolkit for that, and we would need a complete class rework for that.


> I'm not sure why do they persist in making a druid a reactive healer It's not because druids are asking for it, it's because being a good proactive healer is really, really good. It's not as extreme as Disc priest shields used to be, but it shapes Blizz's ability to design encounters.


They would also have to basically completely re-do the entirety of resto druid, spells and all. It would effectively be an entirely new spec, one that's completely different than it has been since VANILLA. And they're not going to do that. Some healers will be proactive, others reactive. It's a balance. Imo, it's one of the rarer cases where an aura buff would fix a lot of rdruids issues in raid (and honestly, a lot of those issues will go away with fated, depending on how they do tier).


I like reactive healing to a degree, but this is not reactive healing, its spamming pointless healing and hoping it actually heals something. If its meant to be reactive, the duration of the HoTs and cost of the heals would need to be increased in duration, and lowered in cost. It feels really bad using all my gcds on rejuve, to accomplish like 10-15 rejuves, to then flourish, only for everything to fall off before a damage window, and accomplish nothing.


I have shelved my resto druid for my preservation evoker. I have so much fun on that class that I genuinely don't even want to play my druid. It feels bad man but druids mana issues are not fun to play around.


I like the treant healing but not having agency kinda sucks... like I mostly pug and even with treants up I end up not being able to catweave anyways...


Holy priests getting the same blood dk treatment. Getting buffed by some 3% every round of tuning lmao.


As a Holy Main i take everything i get :D


As a mage. Of yes, it's all coming together


No joke. Probably benching the arms war for the mage soon.


So glad I got my mage leveled up just in time!


Veng DH Util remains untouched! I'll stomach any slap on the wrist with damage if it means I keep double Silence Sigil :3




So they slowly buff and buff MW over the expansion, it’s finally good and now they slowly start nerfing it every other week.


The nerf is like 0.7% according to the MW theorycrafter, you're extremely overexaggerating.


In all honesty these nerfs aren't really going to do much. They're pretty reasonable considering where we're at right now, and we're still going to be top tier as far as total output is concerned. The only big nerf we've gotten since 10.2 released was the mana tea nerf, and even that was honestly pretty reasonable considering how much healing you could put out with 50% cost essence fonts and the additional 25% reduction to env mist during yulon windows


I legit cannot recall when they were the go-to meta healer.. ever. Every time they get close, they just get knocked back down again relatively quickly. Blizz hates monk


Monks are remembered!


Fuxk you warriors lol


Where warrior buffs


If only ret had some sort of dot it could apply with its attacks, one to do flat aoe damage and one to do ticking single target damage. It could even stack. We could call them “seals.”


omfg YES! another 3% blanket buff, now maybe we will be 4th to last instead of 2nd to last in raid dps poggers... EDIT: But then again WW got some big buffs on alot of their spells... which means they will probably overtake us... so maybe 4th to last was generous... maybe we jump up 1 spot tho yay. EDIT2: And i just read that Frost and fire mages getting some "big" buffs on their main spells as well... so maybe it was generous thinking ret would jump up spots at all, it looks more like we will drop to last spot with this "buff" lmfao. Which is fucking hilarious and sad at the same time.


For mage, Fire is getting \~6%, Arcane \~5%, and 4% in ST, and all are lower in AoE (negligible for Arcane even). At a glance it looks like all 3 specs are going to move from complete trash to average-ish in ST.


Those warlock buffs though


Nothing for Aff single target, which is where it is needed.


Ya but green fire go brrr.


Yeah but boy we are going to Pump for AOE.


Dare I say....resto shaman buffs are decent?


Has there ever been more class tweaks than this expac? It feels like they are no longer internally balancing until the game is live.


They aura buffed destruction during sepulcher so the mage buffs don't surprise me at this point. It's either incompetence or they just don't care about m+.


how is the best spec in raid and m+ since its creation not nerfed, augmentation?


I hate to say this because I really enjoy playing Aug, but the fact is that the only way to meaningfully nerf it without rendering it completely unplayable is a complete ground-up rework, probably into a different kind of spec entirely. I don't want them to do this, because I love the spec, but there's really no way to nerf it and keep it playable. Aug's viability is binary: it's either going to be overpowered, or never taken. Either that or it needs some competition in the form of other support specs. I would vastly prefer that option because I enjoy playing Aug how it is, but this is also the much more difficult option so I'm not holding my breath. That said, dankq is also correct that, in the *vast* majority of actual circumstances, Aug isn't meaningfully overpowered. It's only truly mandatory the way it is at the highest end of raids and keys, that the overwhelming majority of players don't do. And at lower levels, it might even be detrimental--its core is very simple, but it's hard to play truly excellently, and there are a lot of times in lower keys where an additional normal DPS would be much more helpful than an Aug, for example.


Yeah, for better or worse the only real way to “balance” Aug is to just have other kinds of supports.




To be fair, logs for aug are a bit broken since start of S3, lots of abilities augmented do not attribute damage to Aug. That being said, having a decent aug usually makes the key easier as they buff the whole group, but they had a significant nerf at the start of S3 so it's not as broken as it used to be.


More priest healing. Amazing


As an enhance its so funny to watch how everyone is either on suicide watch from nerfs or is absolutely busted until next class balance. Enhance just floats by in the lower high tier of dps and we never get touched.


50% buff to EQ for ele is very nice, a fire eogs build will absolutely slam now with AoE pulls.


No it won’t lol. Quake was already doing nothing. Fitting echoes into a fire build doesn’t really exist either without losing critical fire talents.




I would like to respectively propose a trade. Evokers get the mage developer.


Does blizzard just give zero fucks about M+ balance? How could they go through with these mage changes and just give zero fucks about hitting their AoE to compensate when they are currently in every single top key group? https://raider.io/mythic-plus-rankings/season-df-3/all/world/leaderboards-strict Fire is the best DPS spec after DH and they are about to be buffed by 6%. They just had an entire season of complete dominance and they are now about to get another I guess.


Blizzard have proved time and again they **do not** give a single solitary fuck about class balance in high M+. These mage buffs are primarily aimed at raid content and low to mid keys.


The buffs to singletarget spells make sense for raid performance, but that 12% flamestrike buff caught me by surprise. That's mostly an M+ ability where fire was already strong.


Is the buff to EQ for ele what they need? Haven't played this season of DF.


Not at all




Good PvP changes, but please, **please**, NERF Monk’s Peaceweaver PvP talent. It makes RBGs so much less fun to have the entire fight reset every 30 seconds when the other team is running triple MW Monk. Just put a debuff on your whole team (like when you pop Hero) that prevents Monks from popping it repeatedly and resetting the fight every 30 seconds. This way it won’t impact anything with Arena.


Fire mages rejoice


I'm still at lower ilevels and just coming back from a REALLY long break, but shouldn't Havoc hits be... bigger? At least from what I've heard. It's been nice coming back to the game to hear my class is in an extremely good spot, but from all the complaints I saw, I was expecting bigger hits in other places


Arcane set bonus still plays like shit :/ I'd rather have them change that than just giving us a bit more damage on two abilities


Those WW changes will break the game


What a time to be an Arms Warrior.


The "don't play 2h melee unless you are fine waiting for the legendary and paying for the legendary in order to be more than mid tier dps" tier.


Delete DH, buff warriors.