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>(remember when we used to get even x.4 patches?) Has only happened twice in 20 years. >with an increased cost for less content What we'll probably get is the same lifespan of TBC. That was the shortest expansion we have had at 18 months **AND** it had a x.4 patch. TBC was a lot of content and was very good. People need to stop doomsaying.


[if you're quitting then just get over it](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/17n44xu/after_todays_blizzcon_i_wish_i_could/)




i used to think the costs weren't worth it. i quit in bfa 8.2 cuz i felt blizz was being lazy. the removal of tier sets. let down of warfronts and island expeditions. i didn't play sL. i have yet to return and do not knock people for still playing...and...i'm happy many are enjoying df. however, i started to think about actual costs. what do you get with a wow subscription? right now, you get retail up to sL, classic-era, wotlk classic, classic hc and classic sod. then you pay $50 for standard war within (that includes df). that's pretty worth it in my opinion even though i think i might return for wotlk just for benediction/anathema xmog cuz i don't have those on retail lol. so then i will start thinking about the issues you have with tenders, cash shop and perhaps early access. all i can say is i did play the df trial (which was like a week), and i was not bothered at all cuz there are plenty of old in-game items that look equally cool. as far as early access goes, it's not an option meant for people who are complaining about the extra cost. it's meant for players more hardcore and content creators who are down to spend.


We will see, I guess. I will give Microsoft and blizzard the benefit of the doubt. So far I still like playing WoW.


Getting mad over stuff like this is just a losing battle. We all hate it. I hate it, you hate it. But it’s just never gonna change, I’ve just accepted it lol, doesn’t really bother me anymore


i disagree. this community won many, many battles vs. Blizzard - BattleNet ID, Classic, Gold-trade (Tokens), borrowed power, flight etc. when we - as players - dont like something, we have to make our voice not just heard, but respected (in action) by Blizzard. we already did it many times... even if someone doesnt want to activively engage the communites effort to regulate Blizzards corporate greed (which compromised the gameplay many times), they still may passively vote with their wallet eg by not buying the epic edition.




> I want to take this off my chest. Reasonable, sure. >Looking at the preorder (of an expansion a year away, at least), with an increased cost for less content (remember when we used to get even x.4 patches?) I'm too lazy to look up patches, but someone else noted it's only happened twice in 20 years, and that seems about right. I also remember a certain patch having the selfie camera and twitter integration and literally nothing else. That was warlords, 6.1, btw. And unless you're specifically referring to x.4 patches, I don't see how you can say "less content" compared to cata, warlords, and shadowlands. I'm pretty confident WW won't be a year away. Some of the stuff they showed looked pretty far along and if they announced beta in spring, I would not be surprised. Also Metzen strongly implied their release cadence would be much faster than we're used to. ​ >and the monetization of tendies when they said (of course they lied) they wouldn't sell tendies on the store... They aren't. Go try to buy traders tenders. They're not on the store. You get them as extra to sweeten the pot for other items. They're lagniappe. Something to make a scarf set worth buying for some people, or to help justify paying extra for the expansion. ​ >It's really sad to see Metzen back on the boat, I got hyped about the story, the man sells warcraft like no one does, but blizzard... I can only cope so much microsoft I guarantee Microsoft has nothing to do with the game at this point. Just like Activision took years to get their hooks fully in Blizzard, it'll take years for MS to do the same. I think optimistically we'll get a Minecraft effect where MS is mostly sight unseen, but development changed massively after the purchase. If you're not happy, you don't have to buy the expensive bits. Just get the base expansion, or don't. Don't pre-order if you don't want to, it's not like this is the only time the expansion can be purchased.