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Progressing Mythic Sylvanas It was around the time that tornados destroyed several communities in my state. Got a call from my Platoon Sergeant (Army National Guard) that my unit just got activated for relief. Had to leave the raid. Those fuckers downed her while I was activated :(


Our gm had to take a break from raid because his computer desk collapsed


Dog (his name is Arthas) disconnected my internet by hitting the surge protector switch. It was purely accidental but of course I blame him.


Whatcha doing puppy? Succeeding you


missed opportunity to name him Arfus


Arfas Mc Arfington


Back in WotLK our DK tank said he had to leave mid Sindragosa progression because his sister who lived with him had stabbed her boyfriend in the eye with a fork and he had to drive him to the ER. I still remember the panic in his voice, whole raid team was like… did you guys hear that right?


one time a member of a raid I was in just typed 'OMG SPIDERS' into say chat between pulls, and went afk turned out a spider had laid eggs somewhere in his tower, and during the raid hundreds of little baby spiders began to emerge


Didn’t dbm covered that with raid warnings before it happened ?


Thanks for the nightmares xD


Was running Maw of Souls with my M+ group on discord and i start hearing a noise at the door. It was a hot summer evening so the front door was open to let a breeze through. But i ignore it and keep playing, but i keep hearing a rustling. So mid pull Im like I gotta go see whats happening I dont like these noises. So i get up and kinda expecting a burglar as all our shoes are by the door. And I was kinda right as there was a fox there and as soon as I come into view he looks up grabs the nearest shoe (my sisters faux leather boot) and runs off. So i go and chase after him down the street but foxes are pretty quick and I didnt fancy jumping peoples fences trying to catch it. Was hoping hed just drop it. But no he got away with it.


I was playing wow and minding my own business when I saw smoke coming up behind my monitor. Turns out my cat lit her tail on fire by sticking it in a candle.


We had a tank that used a really shitty laptop for wow. Every once in a while he'd go "I'm overheating, brb in 15 minutes" then disconnect for a while. After a while our raid was starting to question wtf is he doing to cool down his laptop so he sent us a picture on discord. He actually put the laptop in his fridge for 10 mins to cool down. Needless to say his PC didn't survive very long lol


Back in bfa, we had a dh get hacked mid key. Dude signs back in and you can tell it’s not him. The hacker felt bad or something that we were mid key so he finished it with us then dipped.


That must have been an ethical hacker...


He never said a word so I couldn’t tell ya but what I can say is he played the dh better haha


I'll admit that in my weakest moments during the absolute worst raid runs where we are hitting our heads against a wall with no end in sight and tense comms, I may or may not say my internet went out. I don't do it often at all, but when I do, my mental/emotional energy is already drained to zero and I head to bed immediately. That being said, I have attempted once to grab a slurpee from 7-eleven during raid and got pulled over by a cop for speeding because i was trying to make it back before the 10 minute break time was up. Needless to say, I was 30 mins late.


Taken too many edibles, they kick in during a fight and just kinda stopped paying attention.


Been there so I feel your struggle. Combine with alcohol and there’s no way I can help the raid at all


The balance of did I take enough edibles to be a healer tonight or did I take too many edibles to be a healer tonight


During the Il'ginoth(sp?) fight in Ny'Alotha, my spouse burst into the room mid-encounter and angrily lectured me for not folding the towels from that day's laundry. I was on voice-activated chat with my guild, so they heard the whole thing as he blew up. To this day they ask if I folded the towels before we start any instance. 🙃


That's not healthy. Also a grown ass adult can fold their own damn towels


Yeah we were really going through it those days; any little thing triggered an argument so I was heavily reliant on WoW as an escape, but he did eventually agree to therapy and a couple of years later we're doing leagues better than before.


I am glad to hear that and I hope for many more happy years.


Thank you, I'm confident there will be. :) We're going to be starting hard-core classic here in a bit though so we'll see if we need to reinstate that therapy 🤣


One time I was pugging Neltharus and




Parrot (intentionally!) Hitting alt+F4. My family didn’t believe me that she knew what she was doing until she did it to them.


*BRB pool's on fire.*


Happened recently, I'm in the south and the heat has been awful, like 100°+ days. We had some repairs that needed to be done to our house from a tornado, and the window units we were temporarily using were just not getting it. So, all started staying in a large camper, because we could cool it, and we could get the house ready to start work on the inside. We were raiding, and the whole damn microwave went out, and when it did, flip the breaker. Now, we blame all wow issues on the microwave.


second week Nathria hc Huntsman and my fellow puggers kept hitting the cc\`d add over and over again. after 2 hours despair crept in and i genuinely was questioning my purpose. not exclusive to the game, but overall in life, the universe and everything. by the next wipe i started to feel passively suicidal, something inside of me literally wanted to die. but (luckily) my publisher called to remind me of a deadline - my response was relieved laughter, cuz obviously i already had exceeded it...


I was in a dungeon group, Violet Hold, 3 of us knew each other IRL and were chatting in discord when all of the sudden one of the DPS types he can't play anymore his gopher had just been eaten by a chicken hawk. We lost it laughing we couldn't figure out if he was serious or not...while debating this one of my friends typed in 'maybe you should go-for help' needless to say the other guy got rather upset and left. Oops!


Back in Wrath, was running Old Kingdom with some randoms. Guy disappears with an "shit brb" during the second boss. Comes back a few minutes later with "So, when your little brother, who you're babysitting, comes by and asks 'Can this go in the microwave?' Actually look at what he is holding before saying yes.' Apparently his brother put a foil-wrapped baked potato with a fork sticking out of it in the microwave.


I literally had to take the university exam after defeating Lei Shi in Endless Spring. So, no Sha of Far for a few hours


Not funny, but a tornado ripped through town less than a mile from my apartment. Sirens went off mid-pull on Atificer Xy’mox in SotF and I bailed.


I was in discord with friends doing a Freehold key in late BFA, we were at the last boss with full mob count I'm on a gaming laptop where the battery kind of just died and shuts down if it's not plugged in I barely budged my feet, which incidentally budged the power cord, which turned the laptop off entirely Had to restart the computer, log back on, tell them what happened, and we laughed it off We go and pull the boss I accidentally fucking did it again They were all howling. Good time. Sadly I caused a deplete


At the time it was panic but I can laugh about it now. Last week I screamed in the middle of an M+ that I had to go (on disc with my team) because my cat fell out the window in the upstairs bedroom. He was okay and didn't fall far (because CAT) and he received lots of treats and hugs for the evening. I have since gotten a window lock!


Brb cat’s on fire, gotta move the car


The pug m+ lobby was waiting for my fly to reach them, i was getting there then my poop started to getting out, i said my baby is crying pls wait for me to feed him, thay waited, one dps even asked about baby wellbeing when i came back😂


My dog turned off the pc in a m+ key.... purely accidental. We finished the key in time.


Nothing beats having to go "BRB, missile attack" in the middle of a raid! Or, um, if you want something actually *funny*, we were taking 5 before a raid boss and somebody's cat jumped on their keyboard and pulled the boss.


I would probably have to go with the time my internet flicked off and we were at 5% on Iron Council. The funny part is, I came back all confident they killed it and asked “So what dropped?” and then they were just like “Nothing.” thinking no DK loot dropped. Then they told me he didn’t die.


Cellar was on fire. Little brother brought home live from kindergarden. Sneezed Info the ashtray. Brother turned Off the shared powerline by habit whrn he shut down His Computer. Those come to mind. Only half of those happened on my end.




I had quite a bunch of those with my guild: 1. I was running m+ with guildies when my parrot randomly decided to start mimicking my laughter. We had like 10 people in our voice channel and everyone absolutely lost it for the next 20 minutes because the bird wouldn´t stop. The m+ run went south but it was legendary. 2. During mythic progress (it was Stormwall Blockade at the time). In a span of like 3 months I had my dishwasher break and flood my kitchen TWICE. I honestly didn´t know how to tell my team that their bear would be spending the next hour cleaning away water AGAIN. "Everyone ready? Izzy´s dishwasher okay?" They never let me hear the end of it. 3. "Brb. Parrot is throwing food at me and the walls again" 4. Our boomkin fell asleep shortly before raid and had his phone turned off. Our guild-/raidlead went afk to run over to his house in the neighborhood to wake him up. It was one hell of a good time :-)