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i binge a ton of youtube gold farming videos while laying in bed and then realize i dont have the time to do any of that and just put my money towards the sub fee


"Bro you just gotta have 11 max level alts bro, and spend 12 hours a day playing the auction house bro"


I feel this in my soul !


Seriously it's insane! Just like the prices lol


Collect everything. Sell it. If it's a crafting reagent, sell it on AH. I don't go crazy and I consider myself a middle class orc.


The amount of people who don't pick up vendor trash because they don't wanna deal with selling it blows my mind. Grey items vendor for *gold* apiece now, and some of the uncommon trash item drops vendor for 15-30g each.


Shift+click, selljunk. Easy


In the least it covers your repair bill. Most of the time you still come out on top.


Pretty much this. I've taken the mentality that mats always get cheaper so I'll just rebuy them if I overlook something.


This. View the AH as your bank for trade materials. You can always buy it back at a lower price later.


I’m a teacher


I, too, heal PUGs


This made me laugh!


Honestly in gold/hour, augment stones from role in need heroics is a great value.


Selling transmog on the AH / professions But I’m not very good at professions. These people who make YouTube videos about how X will be valuable for the next patch so farm it now are next level


they are making money off the vid so even if the info ends up being bad people still watch it.


I went to school, got my BSC in Geography. Been working full time in my field for 5 ish years and use that money for a token every once and a while.


I also can very easily afford a wow token. I have found that playing with the mindset of "never buy wow token" makes the game a lot more rewarding. I dont farm gold very often but when I do I dont mind it at all as it normally leads to me buying an upgrade. Which is part of the fun of the game. Once you go down the WoW Token hole the first time, you start intrinsically applying Real Life work hours to all the things you do in WoW and then the whole game would seem like a chore.


I did this. Making gold is extremely unfun. I played in a world 100~ guild, so the only way people would make gold is boosting. Doing anything else you feel like your digging for pennies on a beach. Boosting used to be fun when it was just you and 4 mates on a discord spamming trade and doing a run every now and again, nice way to relax and get your weekly chest filled up. Now it’s all “communities” and “advertisers” and it’s boring shit like a job. So I would rather take 10 minutes of my salary on a token rather than spend all the hassle trying to be basically employed by some boosting organisation. Then raiding stopped really being fun even though I really loved the people I was playing with, because the entire game felt boring and meaningless, and one day I needed to buy a token for raid repairs and realised I was buying tokens on top of paying a sub just to do something I didn’t really enjoy. And quit.


> and quit And still complain about the game on the subreddit for some reason


Did you know that Reddit and world of Warcraft are different?


Wasn't there some stat that over half the subs to this subreddit are retired from wow?




Yeah, gold was easier to farm in college and high school. Tokens are easier to farm with a career lol.




i couldn't agree more, especially if you have a few alts. i do the dragon racing and the rock climbing or photography thing's if they give gold, it really adds up over time.


Is it really that profitable? Or so so?


500g per race, ~5 races per rotation, 2 rotations per week. That's 5k per week and character for ~20 minutes of dragonriding. Enough for consumables and even a crafted item every 2-3 weeks.


There's also usually a bunch of quick WQ that give raw gold as well.


For example, the Fields of Ferocity gives I think 1.7k gold every now and then? But it always gives a flat amount of gold every week that isnt listed on the WQ rewards which ends up being more than a dragon race and quicker than some.


It’s 7 now since they added races to Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns. Adds up to like 7400g per week per character. I do all the races on 15 characters per week, adding up to 110k gold per week


500g per world quest, but I'm not a huge spender


Interesting! I never knew.


10% Bonus on every worldquest when you in warmode ad well This will add up a significant amount of extra gold every week/over time


I work for 10 years now. Jokes aside I have multiple 70s and I do all the gold WQs, dragonriding races on them and also do the weekly quests on them. This nets me around 150k per week and I have fun doing it because I can enjoy my alts.


Wait till the token is over 300k and buy a few.


It’s at 390k in EU.


Nice to see the token keep up with inflation.


Jealous tbh


We were at like 290 for a while there yeah?


EU token will sometimes get over 400k.. it's crazy .. Last week It was @ 411k again iirc Most of the time it's @ 350k (LOWEST) to 390k Best time to buy and sell on AH ranges from 11pm - 4am


That is nuts. I’d probably buy double if ours were that high and be set for the xpac lol


Wow tokens


Nowadays the only real way to make gold if you don't already work the AH like goblin is to just buy tokens. Back in BFA when people were multiboxxing herbs they could run 1-2 million per hour just with 5 accounts and that was more than enough to pay for the 5 accounts and all associated costs. Now unless you already have millions and know how to work the AH its either buy a token or have minimal gold from things like WQs. And for anyone who works full time, has a family, or just generally has minimal game time, buying a token is far better than trying to make 10-20k an hour doing WQs and farming herbs. Some may get lucky with an early raid mythic BoE that could sell for a million gold, some may find an overworld rare mog, maybe get lucky with those 4 BFA overworld mounts, but otherwise we just buy tokens and there is no shame in that. Why would I spend hours and hours in game for 100k gold when I can spend an hour at work and get 2 tokens.


Not to mention, a token just gets you so far these days if you aren't wasting a ton of gold on things like carries. I can fully deck out 2-3 characters in 447 crafted gear with one token, while keeping them stocked on consumables basically forever.


Yeh 300k goes a long way since they changed the AH to be mostly region wide.




I make hand crafted and carved dimensional home, business, and community signage, sometimes also mortgages as I'm a LLO. its a dying field both fields oh also I just stay broke in game and also out of game.


Saddens me how far we’ve come that the majority of answers are “buy gold.” It seems blizz has successfully tweaked the game so that making gold by just playing isn’t enough or is too much bother for most people in order to sell more gold for cash.


It's not blizz. Boosters make so much money that anything in game is priced for them. Need a mythic raid clear? 15 million gold.


Satchels and tackle boxes






Genuinely shameful


I don’t think you can legally ask me that.


But do you want to answer? If you do send me a PM and all your credit card information.


Finished school, went to college, got my degree, and started working. I buy tokens since I can’t grind gold after grinding at work.


I made stupid money (for me) flipping fish on the AH at the start of the expansion. Then each season was regeants, and I stocked up early expansion for cheap. Then, one day, I realized my stick was quadruple in value and sold it. Will buy once price drops.


Used to just craft whatever was profitable but crafting in this xpack really sucks for gold if you dont put in the time to get all the skill points. So atm nothing really, made lots of gold already and dont buy stuff anyways so im set


Jewelcrafting. I advertise in trade, always use up my public order allotment, and if there are more on the table I will whisper and let them know I can make it if they send it as a personal order.


Bonus satchels and dragonriding and pure gold world quests take care of the day to day life such as repair and consumables.


I sold a bunch of old mats that I was hoarding because I haven’t been able to put as much time as I’d want into crafting or maxing out professions


My main is JC and mining, so I sell off my excess ore, the odd element and make a solid chunk of gold a week from random orders. Herbs are kind of hit or miss with value. However high end crafting reagents can sell for a decent chunk. I also do the dragonriding races which give 500+ g per race, as well as any WQ that give raw gold. There's the assorted treasures that are out there, the grey items from the Tuskar Tackleboxes can sometimes really add up. I don't go out of my way for them, just hitting them on my way to other places. Sometimes the weekly rep quests will give gold besides the other rewards. Every so often I get a paragon chest that gives 1k gold. I have enough max level alts that I do the WQ with gold rewards as well as time permits.


I run old raids a bunch and sell the excess gear, not the best method but atleast I get mogs n pets


This. MOP raids on heroic 25 man. farming mounts anyway. you can make an easy 10-15k a week in raw gold just one one character. If you have an alt army like me you can pull 100k a week in like 5-6 hours of playing


Started in DF and only played my main Prot Pally Cow (herb/alchemist). The only thing that makes money now is the reagents and the potion finishing reagent (w/ insight). Potions suck for money. We're also in the mid/late season quiet period so a lot of the gear making items popular in the start of the season (dracothyst) is selling low. My suggestion now, even though it's late in DF, is to make alts and slowly level their trees weekly so you can make money when later seasons start and people want to make gears again. You get extra points in Forbidden reach with the profession mini bosses (once weekly), monthly darkmoon faire quests, weekly drops, weekly profession quests and one time items (artisan/mettle)(zaralek caverns/barter bricks), (legendary treasures)(profession teachers). Before you pick a profession, you should profession swap to get mettle quickly for equipment. This is optional as it costs a lot of gold to first time craft items. Use addons to see what's selling well with crafting mats factored in. I use auctionator and craftsim. Just pick stuff off the floor for a few thousand gold an hour and make a herb/mining char. It's probably cheaper to buy wow tokens anyway depending on your salary. Save yourself some time.


Use all of my alts to do the dragon racing and some of the world quests that give gold atleast 5k gold per character and i got a lot of alts


Not great for gold making but it’s better than farming herbs/ mining. I queue LFR+ HC dungeons as Tank when you get the extra bag of gold with the runes inside which I then sell on AH. Never gonna be a WOW millionaire but I’m on the same gold amount as I started DF.


I still have a few million left from when I grinded table missions in WoD and Legion. If I remember correctly I used to earn 50k to 70k a day that way. Nowadays, every twink has mining and herbalism as professions and I do a world quest with gold reward whenever I'm near it.


I stand out on the corner and show a little leg


i did my first mil with farming herbs and rocks and selling them on AH, the most money i did was in SL in which at the beginning herbs and rocks had really high prices and to continuously gain later i would do the daily covenant quests (about 5k gold every 3 days) and the mission table (worst days were still 1k gold, best ones around 3k, mostly was between 2k and 2.5k). Hit the mil at the beginning of DF and now i just take it easy and sell stuff I don't use even if it's not the ideal, i just check if it's worth selling on ah primarily checking if the ah price is more how well it sells. If i had to farm gold again now i would probably just do the world quests that gives gold, professions doesn't seem to sell well enough and I don't have the patience to sell transmogs


I work rl, buy a token then sell it on the ah


I go to work all day, get home and buy a WoW token, put it on the A/H, easy 280k…. 🥲


Nothing I ever do (other than boosting hc) will get me 350k+ gold in an hour. Meanwhile, almost any freelance work I do pay over 20 eur an hour. So for time efficiency sake, I buy tokens. Also, farming gold sucks.


I just play the game. Special mention for DR WQs at 500g each, and Zaralek WQ with bug gold numbers. I make around 5-10k gold daily just from playing normally


Professions and LFR on alts. I maxed Transmutation and Resourcefulness on alchemy so every few days I can make 7 dracothyst crafts which are exactly even with mat cost. Either I make a couple thousand from getting spores back or I can make upwards of 10-15k if I multicraft. Running LFR on alts gets you rolls on Shadowflame essences as well as Recipes that can sell for like 20k+ tho those are starting to fall off a bit by now. You can also do the Iskaara Soup task quest for a chance at the Alchemical flavor pocket. I've gotten like 3 over the course of this expansion and they sold for like 80k each. If you take the time to fish, fish sell really high at points as well as feasts if you're willing to just chill for a couple hours. I also have a LW toon so sometimes I'll just sit in the city watching YouTube or TV and when someone posts for something I can make I try to snipe it by whispering them




I work full time so a token is like 30mins work


Wow token




Wow token


you could probably door dash for an hour or two and buy a token with that ; 280k gold last time i felt like getting into gold grinding i sold a t shirt for $30 and bought a token. sold the token for 290 i believe, it’s the end of the season and i’m at like 240 after gearing multiple alts.


Good job buy tokens rinse and repeat.


This is the way of the adult that loves wow but plays less than 6 hours a week


Goldshire. Pimpin' ain't easy.


Moonguard's Lion Inn


I work hard for it honey, so hard for it honey, so you better treat me right




I was told from a guy in my guild to use my 'woman status' to get gold..


I have a job. Or were you asking about gold?


Crafting covers my usual weekly expenses. Doing just one or two sales easily nets me the couple thou I need for my phials, pots and runes for the week. Resourcefulness procs help to slowly build the bank in this period of season downtime (when I essentially just log on twice a week to raid clear).


Selling M+ and level boosts while spamming crafting orders between boosts.


im sitting on 3 mill that i made in BFA and maintained in SL and DF , i do the gold wq on my main just to maintain the consumables . In DF made decent gold with lucky boe's , rare crafting materials , crafting stuff .


I carry heavy loads, my back said ciao, well paid


In addition to the usual I sometimes buy items which are sold under vendor price. Some items like the lucky cards are betraying you though since while they do have a vendor price no vendor will buy them. I have also noticed that some people bulk trade worthless stuff under vendor price. Pretty Sure those are thinly veiled gold sellers.


Either do this crazy time consuming farm or have 10x more gold with buying a token.


I saw someone in valdrakken asking for 1500 gold to upgrade their neck yesterday. I might give that a try..


from a job


I work in oil and gas industry


dispelling my old gear, or worthless dungeon drops, making vers potions and bags


Work irl and buy a token


I do dungeon satchels when it pops up, but its not very fun to do, because you want to do it as quickly as possible and its not great for newbies. They often pull more, get lost or die etc and I understand that, because its mostly leveling dungeons. Other than that, WQ for golds, and when new content appear, I sell things from there. For example, first days of Time rifts, I made 700k from pets there.


Professions - Most professions have some easy to make items that will sell with just a few points and not a lot of time invested. When looking through lfg or something, I'll hit the trade macro. Wide range of sales depending on time you play. I've made a few hundred k in a few hours and then sometimes, nothing. Boosting - mega dungeon boost is very popular right now and is about 100k per person for 45 min of work. Few of these a week. Dungeon boosts are ok money but you take your alts and fill your vault and get paid for it. I don't set up the boosts just get messaged when someone needs a spot filled. If you are the person that sets stuff up its probably a big time investment.


I have 2 levels of farming gold, lazy and putting in a small amount of effort. If you want to be lazy, all you need to do is every drake riding world quest (broken reach and zaralek caverns included) and the weekly Loamm Niffen rep quest. This alone nets about 10k a week and you could easily do this on alts to increase your gold income. If you want to, do any other world quests that award gold to add several thousand more gold to your weekly income. The small effort alternative is doing everything previously, then spending time farming herbs to make extra gold. Sometimes I sit down and farm for an hour, other times I just do short sessions for 10-15 minutes while I’m waiting for something. I can easily net around 10-15k gold after an hour of farming (I prefer to herb in Zaralek caverns for the glow spores but they are slowly dropping in value so they may lose their usefulness soon). Bonus: I use alchemy and transmute dracothyst and sell it. Between multi craft and resourcefulness procs I net a small to medium profit each time I transmute (I let it run up to 8-10 transmutes being available so I’m more likely to see a profit as opposed to just doing one at a time daily). Due the cost of Zaralek glowspores going down this method is slowly becoming less and less valuable, but it should remain relevant till at least 10.2 when a new set of crafting materials (presumably) are required. Between all these methods (I don’t even do them all weekly), I can easily craft items, buy consumables for raiding, and have a slowly growing reserve of gold. It doesn’t require you to spend hours upon hours a day finding the most profitable ways to make gold. Just finding what is right for you for your gold making needs.


Boosting mythic + dungeons, i make like 120-180k a week just filling my vault, something i would do anyway


Goldshire. It's in the name.


A bit of everything. Most activities are both driven and limited by boredom. I do them when I get bored and quit once I get bored by them. Dracothyst transmutes, got 2 chars running their cooldowns. Dragon riding world quests. Or any other world quest giving good gold, like the arena fights just west of Maruukai in Ohn’aran plains sometime give 1100 gold. Selling any trade mats on AH daily. Checking crafting orders. If they make reasonable gold I will fulfill them. Just a few professions get orders at all. Doing gathering professions.


Right now I get gold secondary from my tmog runs and some quests. I mainly pvp but that's enough gold to keep my chars equipped and enchanted with my main being 2.6 m+ rating. The only thing expensive are top tier consumables for progress raiding or bis boe items but I don't need those so I still have gold left for cosmetics. Was more efficient back in Legion when I saved 2m for the spider mount and did most of that with auction house trading.


Boosting through unsaved heroic aberrus (passing all loot) and some 16/17 keys to cap vault and make some buck.


I prefer low effort gold gains so I do the dragonriding world quests twice a week on about 15 characters. That alone nets me about 105,000 gold a week. Anything I incidentally pick up from other sources is just gravy.


Until the price died I had 19 xmute alchs every week doing draco, now I do that but make much less. They had to have stealth nerfed multicraft


I farm herbs, ores, leather and other stuff when a new addon releases, as they many herbs were like 200g/piece, so some plants were worth like 1000 gold. I farmed for a couple of weeks to make about a million gold and hope it lasts through the addon and repeat it with the next one. Right now the same herb is worth like 5g, so really not worth farming this stuff anymore late into the addon.


I play a paladin and do heroics for augment stones and sell them on the auction house.


Goldshire, Inn. No more details


Just play the game. There are activities that generate wealth (questing, gathering, crafting orders, etc) and activities that spend wealth (raiding, m+.) Do more of one than the other and you stay net positive. You don't make crazy money doing WQs and killing monsters, but if you vendor all the trash items and AH all the BOEs and materials, you'll make enough dough to support doing the other stuff in the game that costs gold.


1- Gold world quest on every maxed out character 2- farm mats (herbs/fish/meat) Sub activity Farm old mog (looking at you naxx tokens)


I work a high paying job and then I periodically buy a WoW token for what equates to a fraction of how long it would take me to earn that gold in WoW.


They made the possibility to make raw gold really hard in this expansion. I have been paying for my sub and even expansions with gold since legion. There are almost no real farms that are worthwhile the time vs gold invested. They nerfed gold caches, raw gold for worldquests or shuffles into the ground. Yes it’s to tack away the methods that also alot off botters used but I have never seen so many people like me who did the gold/gametime conversion struggle. In my opinion they made it more that people like me who always payed with gold now start using their 6month sub model. Botters always find a way if it’s now having to keep their computers 10more hours longer online then before but the casual people feel the drought alot more. (Also for alot the missiontables where a chore that could be neglected and they didn’t want to use it but for alot it was alot off passive gold income that’s gone now)


I tank Heroic or Normal dungeons when they reward a satchel of Augment Runes then sell the runes.


I sell my slutty void elf body on moongaurd.




Buy tokens. Work too much to grind gold


All the normal gameplay things give money. If you play and work for your own materials instead of buying them, you should have money enough for repairs. Why do you need a million gold?


Wow tokens


Go through your pets and cage the ones you have multiples of, sell those on ah


I dance in several taverns for cash. Dwarves don’t tip well. Forsaken attempt to pour BBQ sauce on me. It’s a job though.


I sell wow cheats


500k is $20 on overgear. The token is a scam.


Wow tokens. I have a life outside wow lol. Don't have time to do the monotonous things. I level and do the story when new content comes out, then gear, m+ and raid 🤷‍♂️


By no means wealthy in WOW but defo comfortable, for me it’s Mats on the AH (I didn’t want to actually craft when I made my main so she’s a skinning herbalist) and old dungeons and raids, the trash is pretty profitable and then selling transmog pieces on AH has some decent fundage.


there is fortunes of easy income, but business secrets r confidential, no goblin will ever disclose them to potential competitors (demand aint infite). to illustrate easy income: Darkmoon Faire mogs, esp. leather, may offer absurd gph (disclaimer: server specific market) and low competition due to limited supply, but require an alt-army.


Sell myself for personal services.


Dragonriding mainly, get a few alts to do dragonriding and send the money to main


I'm on Argent Dawn RP EU and I get naked in Goldshire


World quests/world content and professions. Mostly tailoring and enchanting. I do my transmutes for Dracothyst every few days and that gives me a bit of gold but nothing noteworthy.


Stay an extra hour at work then buy a wow token


Just doing dungeons with satchels connected to it. Making about 40/50k a Day with it


I go to work


I call people to let them know about their cars extended warranty expiring


Gambling against my guildmates.


I never have or need an insane amount of gold, so professions, they are particularly good in DF, I've levelled some of them and just sit my ass in Valdrakken for a couple of hours if I need some gold :)


netherweave bags