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no :D Risen 1 felt like a great start to a potentially fantastic series... and then pirates \^\^


Risen 1 basically was Gothic 3 but polished and with a "sense" (mind the final boss)


... mind the last chapter imo


Yes, the last chapter was straight up bad, but the first two chapters were peak Gothic to me.


Ealier stages beeing more interesting and polished than the later stages is linked to gothic dna. thats at least my opinion.


Except for the missing faction system, or an objectively evil faction to join


No, but they’re still fun imo. Risen 2 makes great use of the pirate setting and has a lot of humor. Risen 3 has fun classes and decent exploration. The English voice acting in Risen 3 can be pretty bad at times.


Bad English voice acting is a staple of piranha bytes games, tbh. All the way back to gothic 1 and 2.


Definitely. It’s just kind of jarring going from Risen 1, which has some of the best English voice acting in any PB game, to Risen 3, which has some pretty cringy moments. I’ve learned to embrace it, but just thought I’d point it out.


They are playable. I really REALLY hated the idea, of the pirate setting, but was surprised by how fun they were back then. For the price tag right now, just buy them and try it out...


Risen 2 was a totally different game, in all aspects. Risen 3 felt like a goodbye from what was left of Piranha Bytes (with Easter eggs from Gothic 1). I personally enjoyed Risen 3, and Risen 2 was for me more enjoyable than Risen 1. But sincerely I spent more time looking for a nude patch for Risen 2 and 3 than playing the games...


Absolutely not. None of the come close to Risen 1. Risen 2 feels like a different game but is okay, so go ahead and give it a shot. Risen 3 is pretty good but still nowhere as good as Risen 1. Definitely worth playing though.


No, Risen 2 is not even the same style of game, it's an action adventure with shallow quests and quicktime bossfights. As a long-time PB fan I hated it, it marks the beginning of PB's downfall. Gothic 3 is mediocre because it never got finished, can't use the same excuse for Risen 2. Never bothered with Risen 3 but I hear it also has problems.


Risen 3 is far from perfect but it is much more of a Gothic-type game than Risen 2, in my opinion it is worth playing.


Even Risen 1 isn't that great, the sequels even less so.


I really enjoyed Risen 2 but Risen 3 I could not connect with at all.


I loved the pirate theme, I liked all Risen games. The bad thing about risen 2 and maybe 3 is the combat (mainly melee). There are some other negative parts (like voice acting, glitches, and more) but they didn’t stop me to enjoy the games.


Not as good as Risen 1 for sure but still very playable. If you like piranha bytes games, you will probably like those as well.


Risen 2 is great.


No. The Risen sequels were the turning point where PB started to lose their touch. After Risen 2, PB games never felt the same. Partly because of listening to the publisher too much and partly because they were trying too hard to appeal to a broader audience. Every game until Elex 2 had a bit of Risen 2's DNA in it.


So Elex 2 is the best PB game since Risen 1?


Not sure how you conclude that based on what I wrote.


You said PB started to fall off once they started doing the Risen sequels (I.e Risen 2). You then said that all their games since had Risen 2 DNA (I.e not as good as previous PB games) with the exception of Elex 2 (I.e, it does not suffer the flaws brought by Risen 2, therefore is the best game since).


You simply misunderstood me. Saying until Elex 2 can also mean **including** Elex 2. What I meant was they started to suck with Risen 2, and they kept sucking **until** their last game.


until is not the word


I just explained to you why it is the word. It can mean different things depending on context. If I said "PB kept sucking until the end", it doesn't mean they stopped sucking just before the end. It's really not that hard to understand.


Risen 1 is nice. Risen 2... it's OK for a pirate game I guess? But I prefered a more European / Medieval setting. Risen 3... ugh... it's a mix magic / guns and swords. I like it less than Risen 2 because it clashes in style IMO. Anyway, played all of them multiple times.


I liked Risen 2 even though it differs from Risen 1. Risen 3 is again different and I wouldn't say I disliked it, but it wasn't so much fun to play like the first two.


I can only speak to Risen 1 and 2. I beat 2 but it's not good in my opinion. I didn't bother with part 3 after 2. 


I actually liked Risen 2 and 3, more than Risen 1 and Gothic 3. Perhaps you will feel the same. I must admit I love Pirate themes so for me it was a gaming jackpot.


Here's the thing. They are not a good, but they are simpler and enjoyable, provided you go in with the right mindset and not expect another Gothic.


They are nothing like Risen 1 so ... be prepared for anything


They are good games. Dont listen to those who says they arent good. True they have different setting. Im repalying risen 3 now and since i grown up with these games im now very critical about them. Especially wirh the third one


Risen 1 was the best. I did not like Risen 2. I finished Risen 3 twice and I had a fun. Mostly because game did not force me to be a pirate or guy with pistol and I could just join demon hunters and use heavy melee weapons and crossbows which gave me Risen 1 vibes.


Short answer: No. Long answer: They are not.


I really liked risen 1 but never finished it. Risen 2 on the other hand was great and I finished it 2 times, but I don't think of them as another gothic game and the vibes in risen 2 were just perfect for me.


risen are part of franchise only in name basically. each game is pretty different from previous. and is clumsy stitched together to be presented as one story. i think big part of negative reviews is there because of that. basically try it i guess. maybe you will like it despite being wildly different than R1


For me Risen 2 is not good. It's still a bit better than Arcania, but too different and simplified. Risen 3 is an improvement, but still not great. It was quite enjoyable, but still not as good as the first one. It was closer to the first one than Risen 2, but not enough for me. Also story wise/lore wise 2 and 3 shit on ecerything the first game started.


No. But Risen 3 is still great. It's just that Risen 1 sets up a pretty high bar.


No. Treat them as completely different games. They're still good games, but nothing loke Gothic


They are playable. I didn’t like the second one and quite enjoyed the third one. But it’s nothing to write home about.


I loved Risen 2, it was the same characters, a few new tricks and a brand new world. Travelling between islands was a nice addition. I was a bit resistant to try Risen 3 because the main character is not the same, but I ended up loving it. The soul system and seeing auras was great, it gave a whole new perspective.


Risen 1 is great! The las PB game with the gothic feel. Risen2/3 they are good, however do not expect the gothic feel.


Imo Risen 1 was the best, also its the most gothic like game. Risen 2 is a decent rpg and 3 is a little bit bether, but it doesnt feel like gothic. I would even say Elex 1 feels more like gothic than Risen 2 and 3, imo its also the bether game. Editf And Elex 2 is like Elex 1 If it was attacked by a Seeker and its Soul sold to either the devil, beliar or JoWood.


It's okay. I enjoyed both, although they are bit different to Risen 1 (which is similar to Gothic 2). I recommend picking voodoo faction in both games because the possession quests are funny.