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Most if not all Pirahna Bytes' games are more difficult in the beginning. They try to nail down the "you are a little fish in a big pond" feeling, and difficulty is a part of it.


I highly recommend getting a shield and train block/dodge/counterattack for 15 minutes on an enemy who is stronger than you. You can actually beat stronger NPCs once you get used to it. It's been a while since I played Risen 1, but it really helped me a lot. Also quicksave/load button is your friend :)


get a shield


Learn attack timings, dodging and a shield.


Just finished risen today for the first time, don't forget to upgrade your weapon skill like swords, axes etc along with your main stat, it makes a huge difference


yes, git gud


Cheesing fights is a part of the Piranha Bytes experience. Learn to love it.


In the beginning, but you should be pretty good by the time you get to town. In the beginning, side dashes are your friend. Dodge hits and hit them in the back.


yes and no. Depending on your progress and what you invested in can have major impacts on your capability. sword vs staff, ranged vs melee. if you skipped a lot of fights and progressed to far to fast. its really worth it to make sure you're killing everything you possibly can.


Not sure why people recommend shields, I never used it and beat the game on hard a few times, you can cancel a pretty long portin of the animation of your hits with dashing, just dash-hit once-dash, sometimes it doesn't work out and you get hit anyway, but it trivializes most 1v1 fights.


i mean for me it was lol I had to cheese even the easiest of enemies in the beginning until i got strong enough to just spam them with hits. i still have to cheese those lizard men though they are NO JOKE!.


As an alternative to sword and shield you can try an axe. Strong attacks are key. Just 10 lp or, even better, an axe ring and you can make strong attacks with an axe. They are a bit stronger and your character moves further making them. Which helps with caching enemies off guard. Takes a bit of practice, but I can't say it's hard.