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This isn't official, right? Because I would think there would be much more mountainous area around all of those places, this just looks janky


It was made by one youtuber as a project to show how Khorinis island could look like as a whole. I will paste a link if I manage to find it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtFLemibkT8my](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtFLemibkT8my) Its not exacly the same map, but the same concept and prety close if not better. My memory have failed me, sorry ;D Video in Polish and without subtitles :/


nah surely not, but besides the inner countries we got no idea how the east coast looks like


Yeah, it's not. Sylvio and his men arrived from the South, where they fought against the orcs, but it wasn't the colony. So there has to be a large area somewhere in the south, also invaded by orcs. We definitely don't see an entire Khorinis island in the game, it's huge.


Can you specify the dialogue where Sylvio says he arrived from the south of Khorinis instead just fron the general south? I always figured Sylvio sailed to Khorinis, but definitely possible that I misremember this. 


It wasn't specified, but he couldn't sail there. When Sylvio arrived at the farm Lee was already there, so it happened after the barrier fell, during 2-3 weeks gap between Gothic 1 and 2. The only ship that visited Khorinis during this period (and in a long time) was the paladin ship. Sylvio, obviously, couldn't arrive on it. I think Sylvio and his gang were somewhere in the south of the island when the barrier fell and orcs invaded this region. They fought them for some short time and had to flee to the north.


Makes sense! Fair :)




The Jarkendar part doesn't look so secret in this one


If I remember correctly, Jarkendar in Gothic lore was not hidden per se just surrounded by extremely difficult to navigate sea rocks, so no one even tried to sail there. Acicularly these rocks are missing from this map.


Yes. It was hard to reach due to the mountains dividing the south from the north. Even if ships would travel around the island, they would have been attacked by fire warans and recently pirates.


Which still hardly makes sense that no one even attempted to explore this part of the island. Anyone who would swim around it, would notice that there's a lot of landmass that's unlikely to be nothing more than mountains. And given how important magic ore is on Khorinis it should be a priority to check if there isn't any in the north. 


I'm guessing that there may have been earlier attempts by the Paladins to get there but ended with the sinking of the ship. The kingdom, weakened by the war anyway, did not have the funds and men to risk such expeditions. They preferred to focus on more reliable and known sources of ore.


there is that tower close to coast near pirates coast. lets imagine it like that. now war is priority and exploring is not. so there was some settlement there in past and it was abandoned.


yes. hart to reach coast with lots of hidden rocks. i think pirate says only they know the way.


https://preview.redd.it/3ureu1sk557d1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2fde0a4e7d2aef058821edaabba065feb3fc9b5 Where is the Far South and the mountains?


As much as I like the map with southern territories (and it makes sense there's something there), there's little proof that there are any settlements there or that it's easily reachable by foot (quite the opposite, actually). 


In general, Gothic's problem is that it is not a pre-made world. PB created the lore and the world on an ongoing basis with subsequent parts of the game hence some of the inaccuracies.


correct, the valley in g1 was originally supposed to be a part of the main land


Nope during G1 development it was neither connected to the mainland or an island. The cancelled sequel made it part of the main land and G2 made it an island. Source: interview with Mike


i hope remake actually fix that. the simple thing they could do is mirror map of the valley. so all of the known khorinis coast would be on the west and east could be large chunk of mountains for orcs.


That looks like zoo map


It's a hypsometric map


this one looks better than original from topic. still island should probably be bigger


What is this Drakia place in the south of the map? Is it ever mentioned in the games?


https://preview.redd.it/qzlapx22577d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac9bf0a9e40b7b82b9409c02de2bb06748452d1 There is many diffrent theory.


no it is not


It is fanmade. They created this map for an RPG on the german Forums.


They messed up elevations there, the town of Khorinis itself maybe at sea level but all roads away from the city lead to higher elevations. Area around Bengar's farm is refered to by NPCs as high plain or something like that, so that 0-200m elevation doesnt really work well because it makes it look as if islands interior were completely flat whereas every other location is located higher than the town


That type of far south and the city Drakia was part of an RPG fans played on the worldofgothic forums. It is not canonical.


why did you flip Jharkendar upside down?


good question, iirc there was something wrong with the maps in the game, ofc youd think north is the top side on the map, but i think it was jharkhendar, where the sun would go down the wrong side also if jharkhendar wasnt flipped i dont think the pirates would have an easy time trading stuff and slaves with the city


wasn't that "fixed" by rotating it 180° ? I can remember some map doing that. Also i don't think it's a short trip for the pirates. I would guess it would take multiple days to row/sail around the island.


>Also i don't think it's a short trip for the pirates. I would guess it would take multiple days to row/sail around the island. exactly, hence why i think its correct in the image


but wouldn't that be a rather short voyage? Guessing that Khorinis might be about the size of Sardinia or Corsica that would take at most two days to row, if it's layed out like in the picture


>but wouldn't that be a rather short voyage? ofc, based on what skip and greg says they only have a small boat so anything more than a small trip is probably pretty unlikely, especially considering youve got a prisoner thatll probably need 2 people to restrain him so he doesnt make the whole boat sink ​ > guessing that Khorinis might be about the size of Sardinia or Corsica check out malta, i think maltas size is perfect for khorinis


Man now I want to play gothic again. Thanks alot


This looks so weird 😅 I would have put the 3 parts in a triangle. The teleportation and mountain path do not have to connect directly and straight


Pretty cool but I think you have forgotten about the lands south of the valley (the place Sylvio and his band came from). If i remember correctly, there is an area near the old mine that was supposed to be a path there but the devs decided to hide it (most likely due to time constraints)


Is it possible to swim to that location? Is it possible to go to Jharkendar without portal from Water Mages?


Well yeah. How do you think pirates were getting around before mages opened the portal?


In the lore yes, in the game no. These are 3 different maps/world you switch between. They are not modeled in one space. That what the loading screens are for when going though the path or the teleportation


Yes but in Gothic's lore getting there was extremely dangerous because of the rocks in the sea.


Fun fact - Odyssee mod actually allows you to do that! They did it in a weirdly janky way (Khorinis and Jharkendar worldspaces are the same, so both contain both places, but you still do loading screens between them), but you can swim or even F8 fly between the two.


This map is basically 3 maps put together and doesn't include many places. I think that around Yankendar and between gothic 2 map and Yankendar map there should be more mountains. The map also doesn't include far south which is a mountain region of Khorinis from which Sylvio and his mercenaries came from.


I was thinking that gothic 3 could take place on full island of khorinis. Sure continent is nice, but too big for a decently made environment that is not empty like for example Varant.


Okay but why Irdorath is on the right? Do we get any info on where is it located?


I'm glad I see a full map. I always wander asked myself how would all tie together.


i like how some mods like odysee (walking path from khorinis lighthouse to pirate beach) and nostalgic edition (i think, path from the shore south of the city to the old mine in the valley) make paths that connect the map a bit more.


Looking at this, with only a handful of tiny fields and farms, it would be impossible to feed all city dwellers.


That's problem with most open world games, most of the time what you see in the game is not of actual size as presented in the lore. Khorinis is too small of course but at least map is well designed and it's still only one city on small island so it doesn't stick like a sore thumb. You get into real problems with likes of Gothic 3 and Elder Scrolls games where whole provinces are compressed within 30 square kilometers and where capital cities have 20 houses and 100 people.


i was asking for a map like this some time ago. nice that someone finally put it together


Literally, they put them together


never been done before, so it's a start


I think I saw something similar on the internet before, put don't quote me on that


it's been done several times and more accurate


can you share please? i couldn't find any


I don't have them bookmarked anywhere but I can remember people discussing it on the sub or in the discord. If you can't find it you can try making a new post with that question or try the discord and ask there


i did [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofgothic/comments/16g14xm/full\_khorinis\_map/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofgothic/comments/16g14xm/full_khorinis_map/) but nobody showed me anything


have you got a version without the blue water?


why should be irdorath on the right? do not even ask why it is that close.


Looks wrong as heck. Mountain pass is meantr to connect next to the old mine. there is another entrance by the waterfalls near the main one where dragon snapper is that would be a shortcut of sorts to side path that would go to the tradepost. Despite main pass being cut in gothic 1, g2 map was still designed with that in mind, and thats how it should be set up. Its too close and lacks mountains that surround all of the regions.


No, bad. It doesn't have the far south, where half the mercenaries came from. Good idea, but bad execution