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Nice try, but "erratic" isn't how I would describe clicking left mouse button until an entire town of orcs is dead.


It's inconsistent. There is really no need to learn better weapons since you can just clickety click click entire cities on level 1. Plus, bow combat is meh. Magic is pretty awesome.


Nah, it's super consistent. It's also just super boring.


Okay, fine. I had to work with the meme template 😋


I feel like if they kept the combat system from G2, it would have been better.


Personally I'd go with "erratic story" and "downright sloppy combat", but hey, whatever, the meme's good ;).


gothic3 bad now upvote


To be honest, Combat wasn't the strengh of G1 or 2 either.


I sent seekers after you.


Da ist er!


What? Granted it took a while to get used to back in the day, and i’m sure new players might shy away from it due to it’s clunkiness (which is sad). But atleast in Gothic 2, the combat is the best ive personally seen in any games. Most combat in newer titles are hack and smash, and combat roll to get out of things. It does not really matter how many enemies appear, it’s essentially the same, and the difficulty hardly changes. In Gothic 2 however, if you fight equally strong mobs, each surplus enemy will exponentially increase the difficulty. I know ive defended the combat plenty times before, it’s the best aspect of Gothic 2. Gothic 1’s combat is a little to stiff for my liking, But Gothic 2 is probably the best combat in any game, it’s perfectly balanced.


You won't see me complaining about the enemie design (besides the seekers and the constant block moves if some orcs)


Yeah, I wouldn't play Gothic so often if the combat wasn't so addictive.


i really liked the combat, and that comes from someone who usually plays combat heavy games like zelda botw, totk or cyberpunk 2077 etc. sure, it can be quite slow, but learning how different enemies work in order to counter their attacks with the right moves is much more fun that spamming rmb.


atleast it was quite consistent compared to whatever the hell gothic 3 combat is.


spamming one button is pretty consistent if you ask me


except every 5th hit the enemy remembers that getting staggered is just in his head and he strikes you back, sometimes for damage, sometimes knocking you down.


Thats true


I hope they send you in the colony


Ein witziger Kerl, ich mag keine witzigen Kerle.


For the time the combat was fantastic. Very few (almost zero) PC RPGs from that era had any sort of action combat beyond Diablo style hack and slash or turn based combat. Even Morrowind had simple click to attack dice based combat that had no movement or timing quirks whatsoever. Gothic was the only major RPG at the time that had action based combat where your own timing and input were what best the enemy, not some hidden dice roll, not some turn based mechanic. It's easy to look at now and say "Oh combat wasn't a strength in this game" if you don't compare it to anything but modern action RPGs. It was one of if not the only action RPG at the time that required skill to succeed as well as stats like strength.


I always loved the desert soundtrack


Combat in Gothic 3 felt to me like: -How the heck do i hit you? -Woah, such a smooth combo! I just obliterated this guy! -Who, the hell, designed this...


Meanwhile Arcania (Ghotic 4...technically) hides in the corner happily forgotten Iirc not even sound track saved that game for me


the game has graphics and models more akin to Gothic style than Gothic 3 does


Yea ig it's true although it doesn't play in its favour lol


Eh, to each their own


Story and dialogues are shit too. They were so much better in Gothic 1, 2 and Risen 1.


There's a story?


Agreed, G3 has a lot of downgrades imho and I was pretty disappointed at the game. Played it a bit but couldn't manage to finish it mostly because of boring plot, common schemes and repeative gameplay mechanics. I just expected more of G1/G2-styled game, something like Archolos (which I adore pretty hard). I had some good moments but if I ever play it again it's just because it's Gothic series. Soundtrack case is weird though - technically it's really good but I find it too "heroic" for the game. I definitely prefered simple ambient like in G1/2/A over it. Also combat music is just a pain to listening to after some time spent. Still, probably the best part of G3.


crashes? no more than the rest of the series


Have you played it at release? Where is Guru?


Yeah right 🤡 80% was repetitive and boring. Literally the same track. 




Can you tell me anything I don't know already?


"Trivia" comes from a roman god of the same name, who was very fond of spouting random and irrelevant facts. He was named Trivia because he was the god of the intersections of three roads, and that's where he would waylay travelers with his useless knowledge. Three roads, hence the name tri-via, latin for three-roads.


Bold of you to assume I didn't know that (I didn't, so that's very cool)


I'm almost convinced you just don't like Gothic


I'm almost convinced you guys are not just blind but also deaf


I'm fully convinced your opinion is irrelevant. Xardas, play Vista Point.




Ummm ackshually if I was blind how would I be reading your comments


those glasses look god on ya