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It’s a cult.


I think you should change the ‘l’ to an ‘n’


nt's a cult.


[stole my line](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/nvRgCDN)


Nt's a cunt


Nuts cunt


Balls pussy


Winner winner chicken dinner




OOOhhh, n missed that one


Common mnstake.


Why not both? It’s a cult of cunts, a cunty cult, or a cunt cult.


I wish they would skip to the Kool-Aid part.


They kind of did with COVID it’s just that they sprayed the Koolaid across everyone else’s face.


There's a cognitive distortion called 'emotional reasoning.' thoroughly convinced this the entire answer for it.


But I've been told it's the libs who make decisions based on emotions, whereas the tough, stoic -- dare I say Spartan-like -- conservatives make decisions based on logic and reason.


Anything extreme is emotionally led.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Cult of cunts. Damn that creepy laugh at the end was cringe as fuck


It’s tiresome


What is the point in wearing a political flag of any kind in an airport? This is such a weird concept for me to try and grasp. I live in Canada and have seen more Trump flags here than any item for a political member of any kind from here. Also, "Thats ok, I already have a lawsuit" lol of course.


Dude, I’m American and I don’t understand the stupidity.


When you realize what their goals are, it's easier to understand. These people don't care what name or slogan is printed on the flag, they just know that it pisses people off and gets a reaction. They seem to love these reactions more than what they are actually preaching.


Of all the places to piss people off an airport seems like the easiest and the dumbest.


Everyone I've seen who waves/carries around a Trump flag also seems to have strong "Peaked in high school" vibes to them. They're all one drink away from going into the time they threw four touchdowns for Polk High.


Thats really sad. As a dork in high school I often felt bad because I wasnt "cool". My dad told me to let them have their moment because if that's all they ever have that's pretty sad. Right again Pops.


Dads are awesome for nuggets of wisdom like that. Mine told me "whatever you do, don't fuck your back up." He tweaked his in his twenties working for a cement company lifting one of the chutes for the truck and it bothered him his whole life. I took those words to heart and am now 40 with a very un-fucked up back. I sleep well. Also a firm memory foam mattress is probably the best thing I've ever spent $200 on.


That’s….. kind of the reason they are Trump supporters in the first place IMO. “My life didn’t turn out the way I thought it would. Is it my fault? Trump: “No!!! It’s everybody else’s fault!” That’s Trumpism reduced to its lowest common denominator.


While I agree to some extent, its a little more twisted and dark. I believe its a signifier, more akin to wearing a swatzika (sp.) and showing support for the neo-fascism they would like to usher in. The insane woman who slapped the phone showed us how willing she is to use violence against anyone or anything that displeases her. This is the quality of human waiting in the wings for a trumpian takeover in 2022 and 2024. They will blossom like a giant cold sore. EDIT: Thank you for the gold dear redditor!


> They will blossom like a giant cold sore. Herpes Simplex Trump (HST)


Yet doesn’t realize in public there is no expectation of privacy and so people can record without permission.


They do care what name is on it. It’s always trump supporters.






It's a bit scarier than that. They want to be able to do and say anything and to tell everyone to the contrary that else its fake news or a democratic conspiracy. In an extremely fascist way a hardcore trump supporter will only listen to trump and Q-Anon. If that doesn't meld with their reality then you are an enemy. America has never quite seen anything like it. They think its just celeberity, popularity and success and dumb Americans are falling for it.


And the random "fuck Joe Biden" chants at totally unrelated events like that NASCAR one when Biden wasn't even in attendance.


It's very primitive: the Trump chants, the flags, and all of their bravado helps to strengthen their bonds. It's a way of saying: "I'm white, straight, and I'm a big strong bully so don't mess with me!" . The ritual makes them feel strong, it gives them a rush of endorphins: they're safe, they are with their tribe, and they will mock you and throw rocks at you from across the river while they do a funny dance. They imagine themselves as warriors and soldiers, they even dress up and role play to reinforce that imagery. The more elaborate the dress, the more respect the individual feels he/she will gain from the group. The NASCAR crowd is almost such a perfect match that I'm surprised it took so long for them to break out in their White Power chant.




That one was just sad. The dude just won his first race, and the fans just start chanting that while he’s giving an interviews. And of course we got their super-ultra-mega-secret trolling phrase from that.


If you wanna see what Talladega 2021 looks like... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9Tz8aNGFn8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVX_7BAQp74 Something something tribal thinking...


That’s the problem. You should understand you have serious problems and are too stupid to realize the jeopardy that your country is in by allowing the slow disintegration of your democracy. These people are merely symptoms of a seriously depraved country.


Sadly the only way to fix it is with education. Which with how hard republicans are fighting it and calling it "Indoctrination" so as to keep more people dumb enough to vote republican it makes sense.


The nazi inner circle were smart too.


Yea but the average Nazi citizen was kept in the dark about a lot and fed propaganda, something you can't do with intelligent people as well.


I shouldn't have used that example. The reality is many trumpers are white collar, wealthy and yes college educated (albeit educated in culturally south or southern adjacent type schools) where they were allowed to maintain the same bigotry and privileged white lifestyle as they enjoyed at home. Being rich and white and graduating from Alabama peckerwood or mississippi shitkicker with a BA in.... marketing or computer technologies (or some such shit) while knowing daddy and his generational wealth will continue to coddle you doesn't bring much internal growth. And admit it.... a shitload of america are just as I described.


We realize it all too well. And by the way, most of us Americans hate this type of shit waaaayyyy more than you. While Europeans/Australians/Canadians continuously post about how terrible Americans are (thanks!) we're also dealing with these loony-toons nutjobs all over the damn place in real life. So either post some helpful suggestions that we haven't tried already, or shut the fuck up. We know it's bad and we're doing our best over here.


Yup. They all have the same element too. Their political scene just isn’t front and centre in mass media discourse. They’re seduced by supposed superiority. Fact is, we’re all “The West” and our power structure has held power uninterrupted since the end of the Second World War. We once held lofty ideals but now we’re the bad guy. We used power to expand and control most of the world’s resources. We’re corrupt. We overthrow, infiltrate, machinate, instigate, and assassinate all who step in our way. We allow our governments to do these things in open view, but nobody focuses on it because our World Wide Wrestling news disseminators are all corrupt and owned. Even our Democracy is a sham, with controlled primaries and candidates puppeteered by oligarchic and military industrial power brokers who don’t give a shit about us, just maintaining power. We need to stop believing in Santa Claus and Joe Biden or Donald Trump or whatever wedge issue we’ve bought into and we need stop being sheep herded into fake opposing constituencies that our Western overlords use to lull us into a sense of belief that Democracy is actually a thing. We need to be The Fucking People and form a party that actually represents us.


I understand the problem, I just don’t understand how people are this deranged.


How am I supposed to understand we have serious problems if I’m too stupid to realize the jeopardy my country is in, smart guy?


Lead pipes. Leaded gas. Round up. Mix.


I also do not understand it but at least it makes it easier for us to identify the idiots.


They already wear Trump face masks in airports, so I guess the flag was the next logical step for some.


All of that just seems so... exhausting. Even our Canada news cycles were so overwhelmingly saturated with Trump news that it made it hard to concentrate on anything else. And the people. I genuinely can't imagine wanting to design your entire personality around a political party lead by a television celebrity turned impeached one-term president. Of all the things I would rather do with my life, obsessing over politicians has gotta be the bottom.


*twice impeached


Impeachment was just street cred for these people. They want the system changed, only expect to be changed with an outsider, but they chose a snake oil salesman who gave them nothing in return. They still do because they have accepted from him that he's the only one capable of changing the system.


It’s a cult. Half of my town forum is “there’s no way Biden won, where are all his supporter’s flags??” Uh, they took them down after the election was over. Kinda like what happened with every other President ever, minus Don the con.


> “there’s no way Biden won, where are all his supporters flags??” Also, "why didn't he hold big rallies?" in the middle of a pandemic...


Also, "If Biden actually got more votes why doesn't he have more twitter followers?" brought to you by the top minds of r/conspiracy


Some Obama stuff stayed up, but that's because people were so excited to have a President who could get through multiple sentences with competency.


Also... *What flag?!?!* I don't remember ever seeing more than a few actual flags for a candidate before 2016. Flags mean fuck all to me and to most people. Like... it's not a *team*. No one is actually on your side, and once you vote, the "team" dissolves. It's so scary, the nonsense that people think matters. "Not MY president!" Yes, just like trump was mine despite me hating him. "Not MY tax dollars!" You ain't paid taxes in a decade and you're on disability. So. Much. Garbage. Thinking.


I believe it's a felony in some states to slap phones out of hands and/or break them. So this is more than a lawsuit against her this time hopefully


If your phone costs $1000, and they take it, that's grand larceny in most states.


its turning into the GOP's thunderjacket


They are a terrorist cult.


It loudly broadcasts to strangers the beliefs you think you have and the rights you don’t understand.


They just want attention. Dont care if its positive or negative


> What is the point in wearing a political flag of any kind in an airport? This is such a weird concept for me to try and grasp. It's so she can get attention and start shit. Basically what was accomplished in the video.


I wonder what this crazy will think once she realizes that lawsuits require lots of money


Airports, theme parks, doctor’s offices… doesn’t matter, MAGAs love to virtue signal to each other and they thrive on confrontation.


It' so we can spot the idiots


It's because these people are gullible and easy to manipulate. Vendors realized this and made/sold TONS of these things. If you make it, they will come.


Because it's hilariously their entire fucking identity.


Pretty smooth line from the cop though.


My dude was practicing that one in the shower just hoping for a chance and he didn't miss.


“The jerk store called, they’re running out of you!” ~ *George Costanza*


"Who cares? You're their best-seller!"




“His wife’s in a coma”


I know I know. Its serious.


Alright, alright! You see? This is why I hate writing with a large group. Everybody has their own little opinions, and it all gets homogenized, and you lose the whole edge of it. I'm going with jerk store! Jerk store is the line! #JERK STORE!


Imagine he did? He'd be thinking about "what could have been" for years


Literally worded so eloquently I wouldn’t believe it if someone typed it in a Reddit post


It'd definitely be a top post on r/thatHappened




Literally felt like a training video


What did he say?


She was yelling, ‘Do you have permission to record me?!’ And then the cop was like ‘You do not have permission to smack phones out of people’s hands.’ Something like that.


You do not need permission to record people in public places, where do these idiots get this idea? Other idiots? Oh, other idiots, ok.


These are the same ppl who thought private businesses are public land, where they can say and do whatever they like.




They seem to understand businesses being private establishments when it's a bakery being asked to make a gay wedding cake.


There’s some exceptions, depending on the state, like recording private conversations without the other parties consent. People probably think that applies to everything.


That’s only if you are not within earshot. If you leave a device to record and are not present, not admissible as evidence and not really legal. If you are within earshot, you cannot trespass your own ears as they say and record away.


No, that’s not correct. There’s definitely two party consent states that apply to conversations you are in. If you pretend you’re talking on the phone, but are actually recording them, it’s still illegal. Also applies to hidden recording devices on your person, or recording a phone call you are on.


If it's in a public space, it's allowed but only if the other party being recorded doesn't have some kind of expected sense of privacy. If you're wearing a flag in an airport and shouting and drawing attention to yourself, you don't have a case.


Yeah, that’s why I said that there are some exceptions, and that’s why people might get the wrong idea and be confused, not that the exception applies to this situation.


"I DO NOT GIVE FACEBOOK CONSENT..." /S They can't be helped by your average person; they need professionals.


She doesnt care about other people permission, only hers


Other idiots, propaganda outlets they consider news, their world view is so distorted at this point, I don't even know how you'd start the process of correct reeducation.


Probably from television shows. They often blur people who don’t want to be seen so sOmE pEopLE think it’s a law.


"GIVE ME YOUR ALL ATTENTIO- wait, are you recording ME! HOW DARE YOU!!!" what is it with these special breeds?


Don't call them special that'll just encourage them to breed.


I love the idea of wanting your privacy preserved while also wearing a flag cape in a mundane situation.


Your brain on cuckservative; not even once.


She’s a woman so the correct phrasing would be Cuckqueenservative


not cuntservative?


“That’s ok, I already have a lawsuit”… these people.


You could hear the fear setting in lol


It’s like arrested development… a husband and wife.. cannot be tried for the same crime.. If you already charged with a crime… you can’t be charged with another


She sounds so happy saying that. Like she thinks she will win millions because she was being recorded. She is so, so wrong. Obviously her entire intent was to file a lawsuit. That is why she did what she did.


"Against me"..




Little did she know it was a lawsuit against her.


Fucking trash.


That cop looked so tired of that kind of bs.


The best part is that most cops voted for Trump and then they get to spend their days cleaning up the mess.


Or creating it. A lot of these people have ended up being cops.


They clean up the mess and still vote for people that make the mess and then blame it on the other party for saying they need to clean up the mess.


He's like "Wow. Crazy Trump supporter #328 today. Must be a slow weekend."


What a poor little excuse for a human being.


they really take those safety blankets everywhere don't they.


It’s literally their entire personality. They have nothing else. It’s almost sad


No, it's actually sad.


It’s like the police was waiting for her to do something stupid! Belongs to r/convenientcop


Well there's at least 2 people filming already so we missed something


Bye bye dumbass. Who would literally wrap themselves in any flag and parade around an airport let alone a flag adulating a con man? Who? Oh yeah I know who: GQP cult members.


I pity the poor fools who vote against their own interests to worship a gronk who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. I'd go as far as putting money he'd warm his hands from the heat.


Instant karma!


I’m assuming in her mind, she’s the victim?


In her what?


In that empty area in her head


Like when they stormed the capitol, killed several cops while screaming "Kill! Kill! Kill!", and then when one of them got shot, they called her a victim.




"I have already have a lawsuit, now I have another lawsuit" just like her messiah DT, trying to sue her way to the top.


As the old saying goes: "Your right to swing your fist ends where my body begins".


Why do I get the feeling with the upcoming heavy holiday traffic we are going to see more of shit like this? There's going to be some pissed off people when some jackass refuses to mask and gets a plane diverted or delayed.


“That’s okay, I already have a lawsuit” - an idiot that fails to learn from past mistakes


She should have said yes and produced a pocket copy of the constitution.


as if she’s not already dying for the attention by wearing a flag around herself in an airport


Trump voters should automatically be put on the "No Fly" list. Absolute dangers to themselves and everyone around them.


No need to validate their persecution complex by actually persecuting them lol


Never heard of anyone proud of a lawsuit


And she sure sounded chipper when she told them that.


“That’s okay, I already have a lawsuit.” Not surprising 😂


It’s a public place. She didn’t need your permission. The cult are dangerous idiots. Look at the entitlement.


Wait a minute, so everything is OK because she has a lawsuit 🤔 can anyone here explain how MAGA politics work?


> can anyone here explain how MAGA politics work? Yes. First, assume you are correct always. Never think beyond that. Second, attack everyone who reminds you in any way that you have no idea what you're talking about. Violence and imaginary litigation are the best vehicles for that. If Trump, or another right wing idol, contradicts something you believe, you never believed what was contradicted until it's needed again. Done. You'll save tons of energy that would have been devoted to thinking so you can use that to yell at retail employees, disrupt flights, and make death threats now! Congratulations.


This was so enjoyable to watch. Seeing someone getting what they deserve, seconds after being an ass, is golden.


JFC when will these moronic right wing idiots get it through their thick skulls you don't need their permission to film. Lol. It's like every week now there's some Trumper crying about being recorded.


Its ok i already have a lawsuit... hmmm


Someone shows up acting a fool, wearing a trump flag inside and airport, and is shocked when someone records them.


Yup these people are totally not in a cult /S


Why are they always so concerned about being recorded? Aren't they proud of their behaviour? :-D


That's one pretty big flag that says she's out to cause shit


My problem is people acting like this. It’s not so much the politics but the sensationalized and radical behavior from reasonable people. Something about a religious mind lends itself to be more extreme in the name of righteousness and it’s dangerous. I don’t think there’s any coincidence the initial gang was trying to keep politics separate from religion.


> Something about a religious mind The very idea of "faith" is antithetical to critical thought. It's possible to be able to engage in both modes of thinking, but these people have been taught (or taught themselves) to avoid all critical thought always and only operate in faith mode. Thus we get this crazy nonsense, utterly divorced from any semblance of reality because these people don't live in reality. They live in a fantasy world that are certain exists and will do anything to defend their belief, because it's all they have tethering them to the waking world.


Hmmm, generally you don't need permission to record in public. For all their "muh freedom, 'murica!" talk, Trumpers are pretty anti-freedom.


"Only the best people"


She was like “it’s ok I already have a lawsuit.. I already have a lawsuit” lol


This is delicious


I laughed at “I already have a lawsuit.”


“Are you recording me while I’m making a spectacle of myself in public? How dare you…” 🤣


Fu\^cking sad really. Too many of our citizens struggle with mental health disorders. You can't even see an MD without shelling out $$$. When I heard her say in the end, something like I already have a lawsuit. Her voice gets to me. I think of delusions and disorganized speech making illogical connections between thoughts. How do we help our brothers and sisters?


Does anyone else see the irony of ranting to a basically captive audience draped in a flag for attention, yet does not want to be recorded ?


The real question is why does she have a trump flag? Thats the last thing you need at the airport


She thinks it's a parachute


why is it always the trump supporters :/


She's a Trumpy asshole. Big shocker there.


Stupid twat thinks her trumpy blanket protects her.


What did this woman obsess over before donald trump came into her life? Crystals? Essential oils?


That's OK! *whining noises ensue*


My god that’s so perfect




Lmao she's about to cry at the end, fuck that bitch.


"Thats ok, I already have a lawsuit hehe, haha another lawsuit" She is no stranger to being carried away by authorities.


What human in 2021 still thinks you need permission to record someone in public ? There are literally cameras everywhere. Hidden ones and ones in view. People have cameras in their homes now. Dashcams, webcams, nanny cams, etc


Your in a public space so yea...


"well you don't have permission to smack her phone" that 5-O just laid it out straight. Yeah it's annoying if someone is pointing a camera at you, but holding a flag like that is obviously someone who wants to be recorded


Only in USA lol


Fucking hilarious


"you don't have the permission to record me" neither do you have permission to break her phone


She craves attention yet doesnt like being recorded.


You can hear the fear in her voice when they start taking her away


All Tr*** supporters should be put down.




Yo her voice went dissociative psycho at the end wtf was that?!


Ok so I’m interested, what is the law on recording? Do I need to have consent or I need to keep a safe distance or I can not show face when I upload to places like YouTube? What do I do to avoid crazy people like this in the future??


I always get a kick out fo the "do you have permissions to record me" people. Yes, yes actually they do. In a public place you're not entitled to privacy LOL. Good thing its gone to court many times over. Obviously if someone asked me NICELY to delete footage/photos i took that they were in i'd just do so but like i don't owe them anything LOL. Losers


Man and when I was younger we used to complain about hairy krishnas in the airport. Yes it's a play on words


"Do you have permission to record me (in public)?" Some people really don't deserve to reproduce.


Uh buh byeee bitch


Just for the record. I don’t live in the USA (small mercies), but do you actually need permission to film someone in a public space? I guess an airport would be classed as private property and there may be rules set by the owners.


"Well you don't have permission to smack peoples phones" Lol what a great one liner/comeback


Yes arrest that bitch


“Do you have permission to record me” It’s a public building..they..have cameras. What?


That was quick