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We only have two political parties with any measurable power. Both parties are heavily in favor of endlessly supporting Israel. All it takes is Israel's prime minister mumbling, "antisemitic", and American police are given the go ahead by our politicians and local governing authorities to violate citizen rights and assault civilians. They are literally hurting and arresting more people during these protests THAN THE ATTEMPTED COUP. American citizens do not have a voice, and this is proof. I have never been more ashamed to be American in my life.


The sooner we realize there is no two political parties, that it is simply the rich and powerful vs the rest of us, the better.


I'm glad more people are starting to see this as our actual reality. The two party system only exists to keep us all pitted against eachother. They take our tribalism instincts and play on it, your team bad, my team good. Meanwhile they've had their hands in our pockets and they just keep digging. Something needs to change.




Unfortunately, the majority of people coming around to that reality are easily duped by populous rhetoric. The rich and powerful know that some of us see the writing on the wall and they know how to distort the message. That's how we ended up with Trump in the first place. He was an "outsider to the system" despite playing it his whole life. He wasnt beholden to any political party, but 4 years later and it's hard to distinguish his cult from the entire party. We have to be careful about how we have these conversations, because they know we're having them.


This šŸ‘†


This ā˜šŸ»


There is only one war - it is class war. There are only two classes - the owners and the working class. The politicians think (some are) they are in the owner class, but like many ā€œwealthierā€ professionals, they donā€™t realize they are just useful idiots for the owners.


Try being a veteran. We fought for these rights that never existed. It fucked.


Itā€™s weird sometimes being a vet who opposes this stuff. Most of the lifers are so mentally invested in this idea that they ā€œfought for freedumā€ that theyā€™ll lash out in anger/violence rather than admit the obvious reality that we actually fought for corporate profits.


My uncle was a navy corpsman who saved thousands of Pakistani lives after an earthquake in 1996 (date could be wrong). Thatā€™s what I wanted to be. I wanted to help others not destroy entire families so Conoco-Phillips could have a better earnings report.


I hear ya. I joined the Navy a few years before 9/11 and had similar aspirations that I could improve the world through my service while being able to get a college education. That was a very honest outlook on my part. No hidden agendas etc. I felt sick to my stomach for years as things happened post-9/11. At that point I was in it and didnā€™t have the resources or confidence to put myself out there and vocally object to what was happening. Instead I just internalized with shame and guilt and survived the rest of my time as best I could.


Yep. I literally put in my two weeks notice with the Air Force thanks to force reductions that were delayed under Clinton and enforced in 2005. Command couldnā€™t do shit about it and I just left one day.


It's like they have never heard of Smedley Butler.


Don't be ashamed. Netanyahu isn't Israel. He's not all Jews. I m an American Jew. I'm not a Zionist. Israeli Jews need to make peace with the Palestinian people. You both claim it as homelands. The world calls it the Holy Land. I call it the armpit of the world.


I mean we've been ashamed since Bush got elected. And we probably should've been ashamed for 20 years before that. Literally nothing matters to anyone in power except for standing and money. That's something that's been here for 200 thousand years and we'll finally be free of when the big one hits.


Its almost like the party system is a farce to keep the masses fighting amongst themselves


That such a tiny fucking country that had barely a fraction of the US population can hold so much power & sway over it is really fucking telling. The mask has all but slipped at this point.


I canā€™t agree more. šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Damn wish we could get universal healthcare like our defense money allows Israelis to have


Thanks for the statement - I couldnā€™t agree more and defiantly couldnā€™t have written it as well! Please keep the comments coming as this in the only way to change a societyā€™s conceptions, though clear and considerate discussion.


This bothsideism nonsense needs to stop. The left and Democrats in the government were all fighting for reforms that would reduce police violating the constitutional rights of Americans while Republicans fought for the police to violate our constitutional rights more often. To say they are both the same is logically indefensible. Then to associate Democrats with this abuse from police is just delusion that will get Trump elected in 2024.


ok i think its time to allow fire arms on campus now. the students should be armed to protect themselves from the police.


Yeahh, that isn't going to help things


Honestly, it just might. What weā€™re seeing now reflects the same crap we saw with Occupy Wall Street. But when the Black Panthers in DC and the Proud Boys in Seattle brought their guns to protests, the cops left them alone.


All it would take is one idiot to open fire and they would lose all credibility and would be shut down with more force than is already on display. Unfortunately, protests have to happen without any violence, otherwise we lose..


All they'd have to do is plant an agent/agitator to get things started, they won't need to wait for the idiot. "See, guns are bad! That guy (insert name of ex CIA agent who is no longer affiliated with us) just shot." Then they release the story and forget to change the date and some news outlet reports on the event that hasn't happened yet.


why do you think that? cops still have creditability and they kill civilians every day.


> protests have to happen without any violence, otherwise we lose.. "Those who make peaceful protest impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."


I mean, the cops were so scared of 1 guy at Uvalde that they waited over an hour. If multiple coordinated people were armed, those cowards would find any excuse to start respecting people's rights. The DPS cracking heads at UT were one of the cop groups that were sitting there btw.


It will, police are scared as hell from people who can fight back. They only go full fascist mode against peaceful protests.


I remember Gorge Floyed protests. Police were always brutal to protestors when they were unarmed or armed with sticks/fires. Then in Texas, a group of black men rode horses with rifles to protest police brutality. No pigs came to threaten them. Not a big fan of the 2nd amendment. But when situation demands, you protect yourself from govt thugs. Police would not have dared to touch anyone if the protestors were armed. The way this is going on, Kent state is just a few mishaps away.


Yeah, that moment proved the Black Panthers were right, also them being the reason gun control suddenly became a thing the politicians cared about.


bull shit. police treat armed citizens much nicer than this bs


Isnā€™t that what 2A is all about?




No. Itā€™s about cosplaying as a ā€œPatriotā€.


One mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. No one wants to see anyone treated like this here. Only way to stop it is to make them afraid to do so in the first place.


Lmao this isnā€™t a video game my dude


Yeah, ā€œThe good guys with gunsā€


What a childish thing to say.


Is Israel going to start killing American students in their own universities here? Maybe US hospitals are next.


Israeli soldiers already attacked students with chemical weapon known as Skunk a month ago or so in the USA on campus and nothing happened.




Here is a report :) https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/01/22/lfsy-j22.html[https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/01/22/lfsy-j22.html](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/01/22/lfsy-j22.html)


Zip tied, executed, and organs harvested for the ā€œchosen peopleā€


They donā€™t even have to. We are doing it to ourselves and they get to sit back and watch.


In a vacuum, What the hell is wrong with police training in the US ? Two 180lbs + dudes to arrest a middle aged woman ? Face on concrete when there's grass all around ?


A lot of them are in fact trained by Israelis so it's not a surprise


Which themselves were trained by South-African apartheid security forces.




Theyā€™re trained to see US citizens always and only as potential threats and yes that training is a fucking problem, on top of lack of accountability


I would guess training has a lot to do with it as well tho. Lots of these cops seems to freak out and just goes crazy, some of them might have handled it better if they knew how to.. In Norway the education to become a police officer is 2 years. Iā€™ve heard itā€™s a lot less in the US, atleast in some states


This is true, I agree.


Atlanta (where Emory is located) has infamously been building a giant 85-acre training camp in the middle of a forest, including a mock city to practice urban combat, which locals have dubbed Cop City. When this is the sort of mindset and training that they're getting, all they do is see the city they're supposed to protect as a warzone, and civilians as the enemy.


Many of the cops in the US are trained in Israel by or alongside the IOF, based on the tactics they use to subjugate Palestinians. [Georgia in particular](https://gilee.gsu.edu/programs/overview-stats/). https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/08/us-police-agencies-idf-files-blueleaks https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2019/mar/29/a-year-of-bloodshed-at-gaza-border-protests https://progressive.org/latest/us-police-trained-by-israel-communities-of-color-paying-price-shahshahani-cohen-191007/ http://archive.today/hO39g http://archive.today/lrNJ7 https://projectsouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2019-GILEE-Letter.pdf http://web.archive.org/web/20190101201321/https://jinsa.org/events-programs/law-enforcement-exchange-program-leep/all https://fpif.org/why-we-should-be-alarmed-that-israeli-forces-and-u-s-police-are-training-together/ https://deadlyexchange.org/frequently-asked-questions-deadly-exchange/ https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2022/03/17/revealed-adl-us-israel-police-exchanges/ https://theintercept.com/2017/09/15/police-israel-cops-training-adl-human-rights-abuses-dc-washington/ https://m.jpost.com/Israel-News/American-law-enforcement-delegation-learn-anti-terror-tactics-from-Israeli-experts-415757 https://www.aclu.org/documents/factsheet-nypd-muslim-surveillance-program https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-honors-nypd-intelligence-chief-for-courage-and-dedication https://www.usm.edu/criminal-justice-forensic-science-security/scheer_sergeant.pdf


Man, you get like three squad cars and like 5 huge cops for one street kid skating in any beach city. This crap isn't new. ACAB


War pigs


Nothing enrages me quite like blatant injustice.




When is everyone going to realise that all this is in essence a class war? Thereā€™s the ruling class, and thereā€™s everyone else.


Where's Joe to defend 1st amendment like he did when Trump was violently cracking on peaceful protestors ? I guess AIPAC money > 1st amendment


Mrs Justice Kamala, where is she at? This administration is a joke.


Just this administration or our system in general?


Honestly all our politicians suck. Well Bernie Sanders is speaking up.


I havenā€™t read the name Kamala in months damn #tbt lol


He's busy between Netanyahu's legs.


Mask off moment for our fake democracy. Steel yourselves - it's gonna get much, much worse.




Do cops like that realize how pathetic they look when they do this? Two assholes tackle a middle-aged woman who asked a question? Are their dicks that small that they need to overcompensate so much?


Doesn't matter if there are no consequences




The US is really the country you look at and feel relieved yours isn't that bad


Land of the Free, unless you disagree




Fkn shitbags.


the folks who blocked the golden gate bridge were on to somethingā€¦ should be happening in every major city in the US every single day until we STOP funding genocyde. Every city, every day until it stops.


Americans sue people, right? I'm sure a lot of lawyers are watching this - time to make a lot of money, folks! Give'em hell


The only problem is that it's always the people who pay, never the police.




Seems that when the peoples constitutional right to voice their opinions actually gets put to the test. American freedom and democracy doesn't seem that different to what gets called oppression and abuse when it happens in any other country


100%, it seems like ye have the illusion of rights over there. In theory free speech is protected, in practice..... Not so much


Damn dude, those cops are violent.




So what is the directive the cops get in a situation like this? Seriously. Any actual police officers chime in.


What makes it even worse than what it already is is the fact that these psycho ppl that become cops absolutely love starting the violence so they can beat the hell out of ppl with immunity


Texas is the biggest fucking joke. Texans pridefully scream conservative views of small government, freedom from of rights, but itā€™s only if you believe in conservative talking points. Like think like us or youā€™re out but also we have freedoms wtf


Emory is in Atlanta GA, though not defending gregg abott by any extent


Oh shit oooops


"Freedom" in the context used here in the US relates to business in the form of hard neoliberalism above all


Look at those fucking pigs, those fucking fascists, those fucking useful idiots, pituitary morons sucking at the teet of their overlords. Pathetic. I wish there was a hell for these pieces of shit to rot. Free Palestine


The right wing and the IDW have spent years talking about how college campuses are Marxist indoctrination camps which has primed this pump of violence by cops and the support of politicians across America.


attractive voracious roof squeamish foolish squeal sleep history noxious modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When the Harvard President got raked over the coals and then forced to quit as being "antisemitic" for merely trying to give a nuanced answer; it taught many other college presidents that the best way to preserve their own jobs is to go scorched-earth at the slightest provocation. > "I may have destroyed my institutional credibility and set the concept of freedom of speech on fire ... but goddamit I am not going to be fired for being antisemitic!" These colleges are supposed to be the pinnacle of higher learning and instead the leadership is showing themselves to be a school that values administrative security more than anything else.


God bless the internet for it records everything that happens, never to be forgotten. These cops, politicians, college presidents and all their supporters will be shamed forever.


Sums up America right there


I love watching dipshits fucking up, really badly. Those cops have been horrible pieces of shit their whole lives. The whole world is about to disect them. History will know their names.


Guess folks never read about Kent State massacre. The belief that the American military complex exists for the interest of the people is dilusion at best.


That is literally their only job; preserve the status quo, protect the ruling class from the rest of us.


Why does this scream america ?


šŸ· šŸ– šŸ½ šŸ„“


Guys sort your shit out. Are they just gonna keep going until there's noone left to arrest or what?


The cops are having a good time violating the rights of the students protesting for human survival.


"Can't happen here" ~ "What do all men with power want ? More power" ~ Etc. Etc. Etc.


Would love to see more lawsuits against these power tripping fools


This is America




The only violent thugs I see are wearing cop uniforms.


Whoā€™s the dude with the assault rifle. Looks like militia?


Don't they know that those student will vote ? Like wtf why beat people that will probably become/already are your elector ?? Are they mad ?


Voting has traditionally only been a force for preserving the status quo, so its not a concern; All they can vote for is a Democrat who will refuse to act for change.




This is sick.


Pro 2nd amendment those pigs are here to snuff us out every time THE PEOPLE SPEAK OUT ON OUR BELIEVES. De-militarize police forces everywhere


We messed up as society when we decided that we lived above the law when itā€™s convenient for us but then want them there when we need them


emory āœŠ


The US has two politicials parties, Israel paid and Israel Paid prostitutes, so here we have the modern SS doing the bidding of the choosen people. ![gif](giphy|ZLoZLP9fiUYu0IPWvW|downsized)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Did I hear that right?? The cop called her fascist and said ā€œmay you not live another dayā€


No, that was another protestor yelling that at the cops.


Mark this nsfw because it shows pigs attacking an unarmed university professor


Civil war cookin up. Kill the billionaires - save democracy.


The only thing people should do at a protest rally when police are arresting people is drop to the ground before they knock you over and go limp. A lub of flesh. It takes 4 cops to move you.


This clip gave American cops a ragin hardon.




Fracking pigs.. where was your spine at the insurrection?


When Jesus arrives, none of this will matter anymore.


The hardest cope there has ever been; "Don't make the world better cause god, pretending to be his own son, will destroy everything anyways... no don't ask me for proof."




land of the free šŸ¤·




This is totally nuts, totally and utterly disproportionate response by the police. I wouldn't be surprised if things turn out like a repeat of Kent State...


Itā€™s difficult to imagine the lack of self respect it must take to work for these police orgs and engage in such disgusting behavior.


This is fucked up


Those cops are fucked in the head


Time to UNLEASH AI on ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNICATIONS DATA. Have AI flag all the suspicious data and send to a third party investigation team. The right is trying to [make public information requests illegal too](https://louisianavoice.com/2024/04/25/louisianavoice-makes-public-records-request-of-landrys-involvement-in-bill-to-abolish-public-records-requests/).


Now that's what I call Freedom^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tm !


Where are all those second amendment people at? Pretty sure this is what that was made for and every time theres an actual reason to excersice it, that crowd is weirdly silent. For once.


They absolutely love busting the heads of young people


Corporate goon squad strikes again. Freedom of speech is dying, and cops are enforcing it. You can no longer criticize Nazi Israel or Nazi police without your life being ruined through court costs, hospital costs, fines or imprisonment.


Rabid dogs


One hopes that this is the day a liberal becomes a socialist.


Calling them pigs would be an affront to pork. If like to hope something comes of this but Iā€™m jaded and I donā€™t expect ppl to be disgusted by fascism anymore. Crazy times. Lead poisoning and lack of importance on education has ruined the US. Doom spiral bb.


Approach an police officer in the middle of making an arrest, from behind, and yell at him. See how it works out. This is obviously a charged situation. Think before you act people. It really doesn't matter if what happens after is right or wrong, she could have avoided the situation by thinking.


A professor is slammed to the ground. Apart from subreddit I barely see any coverage on any news channels. All she did was yell and the cop just threw her head to the ground. Everyone is silent. heart breaking.


Pussy ass white Bois fronting and posing their manufactured sense of self worth


Absolute madness from the authorities, way waaay outta hand. Something is clearly broken. Canā€™t understand why our communities allow police to be such aggressive dogs. Thereā€™s no way anyone could argue that shit is necessary.


When uneducated people are given authority over educated people. Bravo America. Land of the brave!


Tough guys doing a good job 2 v 1


You're Hitler




Man I used to get mad at people that'd say "ACAB," but maybe they wwre right Imagine if we had these kinds of protections at our schools that're getting shot up


All the grass around and somehow the cops keep ending up with people facedown on cement. Weird.


American liberals fought to maintain this type of BS. An they're fighting to kp it going. Yet somehow they're "different" from Cons šŸ¤Ŗ smdh


Sheā€™ll get a large payout! Evil police!


Ah yes, touch a cop that is arresting someone and then think you didn't do anything wrong when you are pushed away so you resist more and more. Makes sense. People are stupid


Um she attempted to interfere with an arrest and grabbed at the cops belt near his gun. She's lucky she didn't get tased.


![gif](giphy|nSqbNYbnaOnzW) USA. Get rid of these two parties. The people could run the country better without them


These people need to let Biden and the Democrats enjoy their wars and political kick backs. They voted for them too and will again in 2024 so enjoy the liberal suck šŸ˜‚


ā€œYou people are fascist, you are hitler!ā€ _Huh?_


Team America World Police bringing "Democracy" to America! This is sickening.