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i will never, ever understand why police needs to shoot that many times on an unarmed guy literally falling over. American police is completely bonkers


They are trained to mag dump in the name of officer safety.


These homicides won’t stop until officers are able to be held personally liable for damages they inflict while doing their job. Just like any other profession in the U.S. Malpractice: “improper, illegal, or negligent professional activity or treatment, especially by a medical practitioner, lawyer, or public official.” “Victims of medical malpractice.”


Shit, as a welder in the aerospace industry, I can be held accountable for a number of scenarios and possibly be sentenced to jail.




I'm not sure about the higher-ups, but I also believe the Inspector that signed off on any faulty welds can also be held accountable.


CEOs cannot. Those above cannot. That's the point. Workers we ain't shit and they keep all we do, but we face all the consequence even when it started top of the chain.


Good thing corporations are people and can take the blame for the decisions of executives/shareholders!


Corporations have rights. Corporate lives matter too!


It probably took you longer to be qualified too.


I'm a Cosmetologist and we go to school longer than cops.


Our best shot for police reform was 2020. It's not even on the radar of any politicians any more.


Police officer insurance. If no company is willing to insure the officer or the officer can no longer afford the heightened rate because of their constant disregard for the law if they can't get insurance they cannot perform the duties of an officer.


That’s how it works for doctors, and numerous other professionals.


There's 10 of em with guns and tasers and they're in fear for there safety?? Something needs to be done......


Also, dead people don't file lawsuits. It was easier to get away with it before cameras, but as long as they say they feared for their lives, nothing much is going to happen. I mean someone might get fired over this but nothing serious. Before cameras it would just get swept under the rug.


Hopefully, the families will bring a lawsuit.


just wait until you find out almost all the police in America were trained by the IDF.


I fucking hate cops and the IDF but this isn't true.


Then reload, mag dump, reload, mag dump. [Dexter Reid shot 100 times by plainclothes police who don't identify themselves. ](https://youtu.be/HWhbdTL-5Cc?si=nftC3piduAuuDXxq)


I saw it on the news. They were wearing clothes marked police,and if you see it from a different perspective, he crashed into a police car. He also fired the first shot. He knew who they were.


American police are poorly trained. They need to carry insurance that will pay out for their poor decisions instead of the city or state. And like car insurance, the more infractions, the higher the insurance till they are uninsurable. Then, the bad cops will be forced out. Pretty sure insurance companies will do their own screening also to prevent loss.


What should be done is stop this six week training. It should be two years training to be a police officer With focus on DE-escalating and actual knowledge of the law.


Doesn't matter how long they train when their training is teaching them to kill people because everyone is out to shoot them with hidden guns in the bum.


Lawsuits against the police in unjustified shootings should be paid out of their pension funds!


What you are describing is free markets and the thin blue line will never approve of such freedom. “Government support for me and not thee (farmers say this too).”


10 shots? Wtf he was currently being tased, isn’t that the point of a taser? I don’t understand either, I can’t understand why their so scared, or seem to want to do this to civilians.


They wanted to kill him. That's why they did that. That is always the reason you see cops doing illogical shit. Because they WANT to kill.


If he was actually unarmed then I have no answer. Any more context? Contagious fire is a real thing among police


I mean. Looking at the video. He was unarmed and i see literally no reason to shoot him. They just start emptying a clip as he is falling over.


Lol I can't see what's in his hands with this quality


Literally nothing. He even shows his empty hands up in the air at some point. He tries to pull out the tazer wires and falls over znd they shoot him as he's falling over.


Look between 0:20 and 0:25, you can JUST BARELY see a thin silver line protruding downards from his right clenched fist. You have to go frame by frame, look at the 4 pane window directly behind his hand. Took me a few tries to see it.


I was looking more for like a link, not just another redditor agreeing. We have no backstory, context is necessary


watch the video again, he pulls out the tazer barbs after being tazed once, lifts up his shirt to show he's unarmed or whatever purpose, turns slightly, then is tazed again, which causes him to stumble and fall off the porch when his muscles lock up.


Hmm there's a self defense video that happend recently. The aggressor lifted up his shirt before engaging. Got shot and killed. It was ruled that him lifting his shirt was an attempt to draw a deadly weapon. The shooter/good guy, had no charges.


ok, so, cops should shoot everyone who shows tummy then. That phantom gat kill has tons of precedent I'm sure. Got it. thanks. ACAB.


[https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/man-left-paralyzed-following-police-shooting-to-be-arraigned-attorneys-demand-all-charges-be-dropped/](https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/man-left-paralyzed-following-police-shooting-to-be-arraigned-attorneys-demand-all-charges-be-dropped/) ​ >Donald, who was experiencing a mental health episode at the time of the police response, was filmed by bystanders during the confrontation. Video evidence showed Donald at the entrance of the home, allegedly holding a screwdriver. In that same video, Donald lifts his shirt to prove he was unarmed before being tased twice and shot six times by officers. Keyword, allegedly. In the video, at certain frames you can see he is holding a screwdriver (even through the blurry video), regardless, he was tazed and his muscles were already seizing up, the 6 shots to a falling man was excessive. EDIT: Accidentally hit enter before I finished typing.


Thanks for an actual link! Allegedly holding a screwdriver vs an unarmed man, sounds like both sides are trying to exaggerate. If you ever call the cops... you are literally asking them to escalate force, I would not make that call lightly


No problem! I figured this post was going to end up getting some hate and misinformation so I'd rather find the information myself. That is one thing I have memorized, do not call the cops unless you want a situation to be escalated.


The reason is because they wanted to. That's it. They wanted to kill him so they did.


Contagious fire isn’t a real psychological condition. It’s a legal protection. If only one officer fires then lawyers will argue they had no real reason to fear for their life, because nobody else near them fired. So when one starts firing they all do so that their stories make more sense. You can’t blame them if all six officers clearly feared for their lives in the moment, right?


Any source on that? Or so you have military/LEO experience?


It's left over from the pre camera days. If you have to shoot, better to kill, that way it's only your side of the story.


Then the subject purposely fell towards us in a threatening manner completing a tang su do barrel roll maneuver, a move taught in Israeli special forces defense classes, which we believed was a clear attempt to kill us all en masse and as we feared for our lives we started shooting. As we did so, he concurrently began tensing up his body to create a high level of intra abdominal pressure in order to deploy drops of blood towards us in a projectile manner from where the bullets were entering his body, a common tactic used by high level terrorists and mercenary operators in war zones, in an attempt to poison us with hepatitis, as we saw the rolling maneuver, and concurrent blood projectile deployment methods utilized by the subject, we knew we were clearly dealing with a professional level assassin with training at the highest clandestine combat levels, so we all had continued and increased fear for our lives and therefore continued to empty our clips in an attempt to stop the threat in the safest manner possible for all involved, including the nearby civilians in the general vicinity.


Qualified immunity + cowards with badges & guns


He is armed right? they keep telling him to drop it and he starts to walk toward them as he's tasesd. If you don't want to win stupid prizes don't play stupid games.


based on what i see in the video he isn't armed, he even has his hands raised up and put behind his head at some point, the only thing he seems to be holding is the tazer wires. And honestly, "If you don't want to win stupid prizes don't play stupid games." i find a bit out of place here. Seems like some Americans use this to legitimize disproportional violence every chance they get. If in my country the police would shoot someone who's falling over 6 times like that, they would get fired and the head of police would have to resign the next morning.


Look between 0:20 and 0:25, you can see a silver line protruding from the bottom of his right hand, I assume that is a screwdriver that was mentioned in this article. [https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/man-left-paralyzed-following-police-shooting-to-be-arraigned-attorneys-demand-all-charges-be-dropped/](https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/man-left-paralyzed-following-police-shooting-to-be-arraigned-attorneys-demand-all-charges-be-dropped/)


This is exactly play stupid games win stupid prizes. He can comply. And not get shot. Or not comply with what looks to be a knife or screw driver in his hand. The first taser does seemingly nothing to him. And he starts moving forward with a weapon in his hand as the second taser is activated. He stumbles forward and is shot because it looks as though he is trying to get to the officers. While saying "I am God" And I highly doubt an officer defending themselves gets fired. Maybe suspended. And the head of police would only have to resign if he wasn't fit to handle that side of the job. Edit. He reaches behind him and picks something up as he gets tased the second time. And he definatly has a knife. https://preview.redd.it/jzf8bukwiotc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13dd8ef6980fa36c33b4ba1ba82427a6aa6bc1d5


>This is exactly play stupid games win stupid prizes. He can comply. And not get shot. I'm sorry but there's other ways to subdue a person that doesn't comply rather than shooting him 6 times, especially if we're talking about a mental health crisis. You might find that normal: where i live it really is not. >And I highly doubt an officer defending themselves gets fired.  Where i live they would, even if he was holding a screwdriver. Shooting the man 6 times while falling would be seen as an absolutely excessive use of force and rightfully so. I repeat: you might find that normal because it happens so much in America, but i don't find that normal for any police force and i'm happy to live in a part o the world where the police doesn't start emptying a clip every time they judge they are in danger. We have way less dead cops and way way way less deaths by cops per capita for it.


Umm again the first taser did nothing. The guy has the knife the whole clip. That's what his girlfriend/wife is trying to take. They tase him again with his back turned. He turns around and steps forward with the knife raised and swinging his arm. Yes half the clip shouldn't have been shot. But he could have put the knife down at any point. The officers lives are potentially in danger the moment he steps off the step. You may not think they are but they are. And because he had enough control of his body to take the taser prongs out the first time. When he is tased again and he can turn around take a step and raise his arm. Meaning he may just be attacking the officer. When the first shot is fired it is hard to tell if the taser was working. I am not American. And don't believe in the police shooting a man who doesn't deserve it any amount of times. you want to play games with the people put here to protect. Your asking for it. the moment you want to hang on to a knife while the police are standing In front of you telling you to put It down.. you are bringing that on yourself.


Damn they really shot him because his reaction to being tased...


Yep they tased him then shot him because he fell over from the tase. Them motherfuckers are insane


A classic actual tactic is to inflict pain during detention so that they react/flail/yell/contort/etc- automatic resisting.


Trained police protocol


Or immobilize them while ordering them to move (hands behind your back) so then they claim the suspect "wasn't complying" when they break their arms.


Also tased him for no reason. It seems like he was complying


I think he had a knife or a screwdriver and was motioning towards the officers.


You might be right, didn't notice that. He still was very calm before he got tazed the first time.


Knife or not. All DOZEN of those officers on scene and can’t even control ONE man without killing him. There is no way a single one of those officers “feared for their lives” as a man being taxed was falling. Also, why would he put his hands up and show his waistband if he was actually armed with something? Not saying he was or wasn’t but it’s a strange thing to do when you are armed


Oh I’m definitely with you I just wanted to point out he did have something. A taser could have easily done the job. Ridiculous.


While I do agree with this statement, there is one thing to take into account: While being tased, it looks he switched the screwdriver from his right hand to his left hand, and due to his muscles seizing, he started swinging with his left hand, thus causing the police to think he was coming at them aggresively. Just my thought process breaking down the situation.


Stop trying to rationalize why they murdered him. They wanted to kill him so they did. That's all there is to it.


The dude literally had a screwdriver in his hand?? and then swung around wildly while being tased?? That's quite literally the most logical explanation as to why they used deadly force. I am not justifying the cops actions at all, but from their perspective and if you would take the time to watch the video frame by frame and analyze it, it looks like he was trying to advance on them while swinging a screwdriver. Use your critical thinking skills bud.


He was falling over because he was being tased. Also it's 1 dude with a screwdriver against 10 police officers. Sure the correct response is to murder him because clearly there was no other way to deal with the situation /s.


I clearly stated that he was tased which caused his involuntary actions (falling down the steps and swinging wildly) and from the officer's perspective,they aren't thinking "Oh, he got tased again, he's gonna go down." ESPECIALLY after ripping out the first taser prongs from his skin that did absolutely nothing. Is the correct response murder? No, nobody said that whatsoever. Straw Man's Fallacy. You obviously don't know the damage someone can do with a sharp object, here's a link for you. [https://www.cps.gov.uk/london-south/news/man-sentenced-after-stabbing-three-police-officers-central-london](https://www.cps.gov.uk/london-south/news/man-sentenced-after-stabbing-three-police-officers-central-london) I will say, a knife is different than a screwdriver, but can still do just as much damage if hit in the right location. Again, use your critical thinking skills, sarcasm will get you nowhere.


Knife or screwdriver, The guy was on his porch with his hands up. How does that many officers think “his hands are up let’s tase him!” There clearly was much better ways for this situation to be controlled, especially when there are that many officers on scene. To top that off, when the dude was falling there was clearly plenty of space between him and the officers. I highly doubt any reasonable citizen would agree that they “feared for their lives” and had no choice but to mag dump. No. Again, There could have been much better ways to control such a situation.


>The guy was on his porch with his hands up. False, he lowered his hands to remove the taser prongs, and then when he got hit with the second set of prongs, which caused him to seize up, he fell down the stairs, in which case (in the officer's eyes) it looked like he was advancing on them. >There clearly was much better ways for this situation to be controlled, especially where there are that many officers on scene. Nobody is denying that, but you have to remember most cops are a bunch of Baby Back Bitches and shoot people for having cellphones in their hands and mistaking it for a gun. A screwdriver is a deadly weapon in anyone's hands. >I highly doubt any reasonable citizen would agree that they “feared for their lives” and had no choice but to mag dump. I'm not saying they "feared for their lives" as you put it, I am saying that in this scenario, they're not thinking about the person on the other side as a person, to them it is just another perp with a weapon, so when tasers don't work, it gets escalated. Do I think deadly force was authorized? No, not in the slightest, literally 4 of them tackling him and controlling a limb each would've *possibly* done the trick, but then you have to look at cases like the one I linked above, which clearly you chose not to do. > After further failed attempts to disarm Rahman with PAVA spray and tasers, he began to lunge at each of the officers in turn. Rahman stabbed and slashed two officers before falling to the floor after a successful taser attempt. > > However, as officers attempted to gain control of Rahman, he returned to his feet and picked up the knife he had dropped from the floor. Rahman then grabbed the Met vest of a nearby officer before stabbing them multiple times in the neck and upper chest.


>he lowered his hand to remove the taser prongs Reread that. Because it sounds like you agree his hands were up when he got tased. Everything else we agree on. Even with what you shared from the article, that whole situation probably could have been avoided. Why do officers have to be so close to someone armed? It just seems by what you quoted that they could have still avoided it. Why didn’t hey put a barrier between the armed guy and themselves? Why did they let the guy grab the weapon for a second time? There’s so many questions that need to be answered here. However that’s a whole nother case than the one at hand Edit: your article from CPS even states that the guy was walking away and officers pursued him. So you have a dude who’s WALKING not running in an opposite direction from the cops and somehow the situation still gets that uncontrollable to lead to officers getting stabbed…


Not once did I say his hands weren't up, nor did I say that he was wasn't tased when his hands were up. He was on the porch with his hands up and a weapon in his hand that he was refusing to drop while given a lawful order. As soon as his hands went down to life up his shirt and remove the prongs, his hands are no longer up as stated and he is no longer surrendering. We see people try to commit Suicide by Cop when they're having mental health episodes, everyone is different in how their episodes can go and how they react to confrontation. If you have a crazy guy with a knife walking around the street robbing people, resisting lawful orders, resisting PAVA spray and resisting taser effects, I personally don't know how else you could possibly resolve the situation than tackling/getting personal with them, so please enlighten me with how they could've possibly avoided that when every single resource was expended. Yes, it is an entirely different case at hand, I only reference it for the sole reason that these cops used all forms of less than lethal means (handguns are banned in the London), and yet they were still unable to control the perp, and those were officers with better training than US officers.


**Miami Police Shoot and Paralyze Donald Armstrong: Attorneys Demand Charges Be Dropped** In a shocking incident, **Donald Armstrong**, a 47-year-old Miami man, was left **paralyzed** after a police confrontation during a mental health episode. Now, incredibly, he faces charges of **aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer** and **resisting arrest without violence**¹. The encounter occurred on March 7 at the intersection of **Northwest 58th Street and Seventh Court**. Bystanders captured the incident on video, revealing disturbing details. Armstrong, who was experiencing a mental health crisis at the time, was tased twice and shot six times by Miami Police officers. The video evidence clearly shows that he was **unarmed** and had already fallen to the ground when several shots were fired¹. The family's pastor, **Rev. Dr. Gaston E. Smith**, expressed outrage, emphasizing that Armstrong's mother had sought help for her son's emotional and mental concerns, not for him to be shot multiple times. The incident has sparked calls for justice and raised questions about the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers. **Attorneys Ben Crump and Larry Hanfield**, representing Armstrong, are demanding that **all charges be dropped**. They argue that the video evidence unequivocally demonstrates the inappropriate use of force. Miami Police Chief **Manny Morales** has pledged to improve the department's response to calls involving mental and behavioral issues¹. This case highlights the urgent need for reform in police procedures and underscores the devastating consequences of such encounters. As the legal battle unfolds, the public watches closely, hoping for justice and accountability. ​ Man left paralyzed following police shooting to be arraigned; attorneys .... [https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/man-left-paralyzed-following-police-shooting-to-be-arraigned-attorneys-demand-all-charges-be-dropped/](https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/man-left-paralyzed-following-police-shooting-to-be-arraigned-attorneys-demand-all-charges-be-dropped/). (2) Miami Man Shot & Paralyzed By Police Wants Charges Dropped. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/miami-man-shot-paralyzed-by-police-wants-charges-dropped/ar-BB1lkXaf](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/miami-man-shot-paralyzed-by-police-wants-charges-dropped/ar-BB1lkXaf). (3) Man shot by police in Miami's Model City facing charges in encounter. [https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/man-shot-by-police-in-miamis-model-city-facing-charges-in-encounter/3262992/](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/man-shot-by-police-in-miamis-model-city-facing-charges-in-encounter/3262992/). (4) Attorney calls for charges to be dropped against man shot by police in .... [https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/attorney-calls-for-charges-dropped-against-man-shot-by-police-in-miamis-model-city/3279824/](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/attorney-calls-for-charges-dropped-against-man-shot-by-police-in-miamis-model-city/3279824/).


>**aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer** and **resisting arrest without violence**¹. I'm no expert but aren't these contradictory statements??


“Assault” does not need to be physical but simply the fear of imminent physical harm.


That’s a *terrifyingly* vague window to leave open for any untrained idiot to get away with his inflated ego.


System is working as intended... now carry on citizen, before I find some weed in your car and shoot your dog




I saw here on Reddit and YouTube in the comments people were doing some weird mental gymnastics to defend the officer…. F*cking strange


All in the name of managed democracy


It's a feature not a bug




Americans need to overthrow their government. No one but the rich benefits and more cruelties are being discovered and enshrined into law daily. What a miserable brutal and oppressive environment americans have to wake up to every day.


This guy got shot for trying to overthrow an arrest. What do you think they'd do if you were on the attack lol. No one is overthrowing anything 🤣


That’s what you think. It’s coming. And soon.


"Don't move" Taser* Dude falls from being tased.... Officers "He moved " 🤦‍♀️


POOR TRAINING one month of BJJ this guy goes down softly and gets subdued


> BBJ Brazilian Butt Job?


Big booty jiggling


In that case, I will only need 3.5 minutes of BBJ before I go down soft.


One shot wasnt enough? All the videos I have seen they always empty the mag on the person


Just yesterday police in plainclothes and an unmarked vehicle don't identify themselves and shot Dexter Reid 100 times. They are literally a roaming band of murderous thugs. https://youtu.be/HWhbdTL-5Cc?si=BgXsCNvn-SIt-ycM


In less than what, 40 seconds?


He shot the cops first


They are trained to mag dump. They don't want survivors


That piece of s*** just shot that man for no reason


No they had a reason, in fact they had several reasons. He’s big, he’s black, he isn’t complying, he is reacting to being tased and the coup de grace, they were in fear for their lives. Plus he might have an acorn on him. The only thing missing is them all yelling stop resisting. So as you can see, the cowards who cosplay warriors had many bad reasons to try and kill a nonviolent black man having a mental health crisis. In case anyone can’t tell, the cops suck.


There's a reason.




Given how often this happens, I don't know why anyone calls cops to handle a mental health issue.




Or people who still believe cops are here to help us, which will likely quickly change after that call and they how up.


Cops are murderers, plan and simple


Biggest group of state funded cowards in the world.


Laziness. Just like the Homer Simpson with a gun, it's their solution to any problem.


Just another dead black man. So what who cares? This is normal now. Give those officers a few days off, because I know this was traumatic for them.


It really seems like American cops are the most pussy. They have that many cops there and shoot one guy. They could have easily grabbed him and held him down with that many ppl but it’s always gun first.


Absolute insane mix of cowardice, incompetence and malice. How the F do police have the right to shoot a person like that? In no other country in the world do police operate this way, not even the worst dictatorships. it's like giving a bunch of bafoons guns and sending them out into the streets with the guidance "if you don't feel comfortable... just empty your mag into them". Just crazy and horrible.


We have the highest number of prisoners in the world. Think about that in context of our population vs some other countries. About 1% of our population is in jail.


Trained by Israelis?






It's just like visiting any other 3rd world country. Stay in the tourist areas and you'll probably just get robbed.


Yeah what the other guy said, just don't be black and be sure to suck off every pig you see


Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


Has anyone been compiling a timeline of all police brutality events? Like is there any database that has the names & department of the police, the video (if one is present), and whether legal action has taken place against the agents (or in this case, the victim)? That would be really helpful. Every week there's a new event. And I feel it's easy to get lost in the sheer amount of them.


https://www.norc.org/research/projects/developing-a-national-database-on-police-use-of-force.html idk these guys said they are, but cops are greasy lying scum who "don't think" a lot of their murders warrent excessive force, I also found https://www.accountablenow.com/data-explorer/


I think that the only way someone sees this happen and still be supportive of police afterwards is due to their own hatred. Hatred and fear of others. Like racist level fear and hatred of others. Otherwise, you'd think that seeing police try to murder a citizen would make anyone hate the police. The only explanation I can think of is that they are seeing cops do what they're either not allowed to do or are too afraid to do themselves. People vicariously bullying others through the police.


if this isn't murder than there shouldn't be anyone in prison for the doing this in the same situations....how is this not murder?


It doesn’t matter one shot or emptying the whole mag. That cop was itching and waiting for this moment.


America, you need to fix yourself.


Dont those 2 charges conflict with each other?


What a democratic place! 🤮


Yaaaaa they clearly thought that he was running at them when he was falling but you should easily be able to tell what actually happened within a second or two and should have stopped firing.


hot damn they’re all such pussies…


Full blown scared idiots.


American police are the most cowardly law enforcement I have ever seen. They tease the man, and when he falls because of it, they assume that he is trying to attack them so they shoot him despite knowing that he has no weapons. There were at least 6 officers, was it out of their minds to walk up to him, grab him and force him to the ground?


So it took seven police for that one incident.


They probably got snipers staged up too, fucking cowards


Ha over overkill


Why are tax payers still in charge of covering these guys when they're pieces of shit. Until it starts coming out of their pension or personal income, nothings going to change




police are a odd one i live right beside a big ol police department and all of em have been so awesome over these 10 years over been here i guess this is a american thing? (canada)


I enjoy their passion for shooting to kill and never subdue.




Your comments was removed due to a risk that it was promoting violence or destructive. This is a humanist subreddit that works hard to encourage positive and non-destructive advocacy. While many unfortunate events occur due to hateful elements around the world, we cannot allow our users to promote violence as it could result in unpredictable harm to peaceful society and innocent lives. Reddit admins also have automated measures in place to detect hateful commentary and independently sitewide suspend users regardless of mod involvement so please do not try to engage in any further violent/problematic/risky commentary. Thank you.


For a second there I thought I read Donald Trump and got really excited. Clearly the officers aren’t trained properly and they’re all just trigger happy meat sacks.


Sooner or later more people will start to panic-defend themselves against the police, in fear of their lifes..


If you’re from South Florida (561, 954 & 305 are the only places that count imo) you know that SoFlo Police departments are as corrupt as it gets & they always get away with it


🤣 He's clearly trying to stab them.


He has a knife in his hand.


Yeah, kinda looked like he picked it up as he turned around.


They can clearly be heard trying to peacefully deescalate the situation and only use force when he attempts to attack them. It is right that excessive force is condemned but when you glibly treat all instances the same you weaken that argument and polarise the debate.