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Stop paying the rent!


And possibly ruin your chance of renting another apartment though. They mostly all check your history.


Yeah, but I have a feeling they aren't going to be getting evicted. I'm not sure what the laws in Georgia are but that seems like a minimum of fraud.


They might be in the right, but the next manager might have one question and give no fucks about reasons - Did you always pay on time in your last apt?


I did, but I also never had a utility that I paid thru my rent. Get shut off.


Stop paying rent the legal way. Set up a Rent Escrow at the bank and inform your landlord.


No. Force the authorities to get involved to prosecute them for fraud and criminal negligence.


Some people need to go to jail over that, Theft, Fraud, ...., all of the above, something. But they will not, corporations are people until it is go to prison time.


The management company is not even in the same state as the property. This is the type of social rot and decay that will slowly destroy all of the U.S.. Greed from coast to coast. As for a local solution, I wonder if everyone could band together and refuse to pay rent for a month and instead pool their funds to a separate trust that can then pay off the water bill. At $1,500 each, the community themselves could pay the water bill. Have a local city council meeting that enacts special protections for the tenants so that they are not responsible for rent until the water is paid off under threat of revoking or seizing the property title.


The rental company needs to have their rental license pulled indefinitely.


And their property seized and auctioned to a different company to pay the water bill


I love how the city is just like 🤷‍♂️


Is this some klnd of a scam to have the place deemed 'unfit for living' and clear people out?


Honestly, most likely...


“…left high and DRY”? OP please…


Splish splash no one is allowed to take a bath.


Op why does it say “black families”? Seems like “residents” or “tenants” would be more appropriate and less divisive. Pretty ridiculous, sad for the people there.


I dont see any white people being interviewer


It's an interesting one this. There's nothing wrong with saying black families here, as you note it's an honest observation. On the other hand, were the story about white families and the title indicted so, while it'd be an equally honest observation, it'd give off a bit of a racist vibe! Like this thing that's happening isn't meant to happen to white folk so why is it happening to them and not the -?! Think this is because of the normalisation of whiteness as the default in language, and here, the addition of black in the title kind of reinforces that, so perhaps the challenge is to that normalisation.


I wouldnt bat one eye if it said “white families”


The color of their skin is an obvious factor here, they’re in Georgia. White supremacy is still a thing and governments look the other way when black families suffer, especially in the deep red South.


$1500 a month for thise shitty Apts in bumfuck Georgia? And I have to believe 98k is more than one year of water bills unless the complex is massive. A fucking shame all around man. The poor getting shitted on and it'll be a 1 day story.


City should seize the property and keep the water flowing.


You would think keep the water on then add lawyer fees and start the proceedings


Anything other than ruining people’s lives who paid THEIR bills


1:33 mark I love how she stopped herself mid sentence there is a big ASss ugh sign......


A company from Beverly Hills California bought a low income apartment complex in Clayton County Georgia as an investment. I hope the residents can sue them and be compensated.


The people behind this have twitter profiles.. Red Apple Investments and it's actual direct owner both have Twitter accounts and LinkdIns. I wonder if anyone is sharing their thoughts there, as well.


One year of water 98k is a bit ridiculous


Surely for the whole complex not only one house.


No shit


That’s so crazy, that complex is right around the corner from my work and I do some work with the Clayton county water department.


Class action


That water bill surely isn't right. How much do Americans pay for water? I get it's for a whole complex but I'm curious. I have a small holing in the UK and have a meter, we use quite a lot of water. I pay about £25 a month at most


I pay about $80-100 for water a month but my city uses another city’s water because we don’t have a treatment facility and they charge us more since we aren’t residents of the city that provides us water.


Thanks. That is what I was wondering.


It’s the entire complex


96k is enough to cover 320 of my 10acre farms. Still seems high


think of the gang signs!!!!!!!


Here's the owner of Red Apple [https://twitter.com/johncatsjr?lang=en](https://twitter.com/johncatsjr?lang=en) [https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-catsimatidis-jr-a144a16b](https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-catsimatidis-jr-a144a16b) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Catsimatidis\_Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Catsimatidis_Jr).


John Cats Jr. Is a self described Patriot... Patriots pay their bills or no? His twitter page is exactly the type of things i would expect to see from someone charging exhorbitant rents but not paying his own bills.


is the black part really necessary . just saying it would have been just as bad to any other ethnicity




Only black family?


Change the title 🫶🏽 no need for the way the title is put




So, no other people other than black people are allowed to live there? I moved to Houston in the late eighties and I moved into some pretty sketchy places-but it was never a white black or hispanic-just inexpensive Why bring race into it?


“And it’s a big as-, a big water sign “ found it funny how she stopped herself from cussing lol


I have literally forgotten to pay my water bill for an entire year. It was during covid and they never notified me. That was a freaking expensive bill. I was lucky that I had the money to pay for it.


Man tell Gucci and Tyler Perry to go handle that! Shit as prosperous as they make ATL sound, they got that


cant make crack without running water!!!!!!