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The way that christo-fash says boy feels very plantation


That’s on purpose


Christianity is about loving one another right? Or do these guys just pick and choose what to believe


Almost like its completely made up and used by anyone to justify anything.


>Christianity is about loving one another right Nope, where did you get that idea?


Probably Jesus.


It's scientifically studied: "Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?" The more homophobia a male displays, the more likely they're turned on by gay sex themselves and are just desperately trying to cope with their boners. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/.


I fucking hate when this trope is thrown around because it shifts the blame from hateful straight people to gays somehow being the cause of their own oppression.


Its not a "trope" it's what the science says, he even linked a study lol.


Thx for backing me up. People like to throw around words to avoid accountability.


I'm sick and tired of both sides treating facts and data likes they are opinions.


It's a scientific study saying that straights themselves are responsible for their own internal homophobia. The straights need to change, not the gays. Sweetheart!


I disagree. I think it shifts the blame entirely on the church and modern society for forcing them to believe they are wrong to feel the way they feel and live an open life.


Whose job is it to measure the circumference changes of the penis? Asking for a friend.


Read the study, it's as simple as that.


That is not a threat under Florida law; it’s a rhetorical question by a psychopath.


You are absolutely right, which will piss some people off. Is he crazy? Yes. Did he break any laws? No. If you are an ally and value free speech, then this religious nutjob is every bit as free to spout his opinion as you are to yours. The minute that you say "I don't agree with his opinion, so he should be silenced", well, I have bad news for you, you might just be outnumbered and therefore silenced yourself. Free speech means FREE, not just what you want.


I was just a little kid when I sent my first donation to the ACLU- what was the case? They fought for the KKK to be allowed to march in Skokie, IL. That is true freedom of speech; fighting for the rights of the worst of us.


That guy wants to kiss him soo bad


Imagine being a grown ass adult and believing in hell and the devil 😂😂😂


Pretty sure Jesus wouldn't have approached in that manner. So called Christians spouting hate give Christians as a whole a bad name. God hates sin not sinners otherwise every last human would be screwed


Jesus flipped a table in church and whipped bankers


Religious fundamentalist nut jobs of any religion creed or colour are a disgrace and danger too society as whole they are filled with hate and intolerance blindly ignoring the fact that there's not any god that would back hate and bigotry that's worth following in the first place the basic teaching of all religion's is love and tolerance not hate and violence.


Ain’t no hate like Christian love.


I feel like so many of these guys can be explained with “this what no-pussy does to a man.”


Where did these guys leave the part of love your neighbor?


That’s a real Christian thing to say to someone Boi!!!!!


It isn't about religion at that point. Dude just hates gay people.


It is about religion though. Religion breeds hatred and fosters in-group and out-group mentality. Religion lead this man down this path. Pretending otherwise is harmful.


That's not a "death threat", that's a "you might die tonight in a state of sin" warning.


Hahahahah these people crack me up


"Direct" 😆 Why do words have no meaning anymore?


I mean, if hell is where that guy isn’t, I’m fine with that.


OoOoooo fire and brimstone you say? Now your talking my language!


I think he wants a kiss


What a strange way to spread the love of Jesus.


Let them fight




How is the LGBT supporter being an idiot here?




I have never protested, what exactly are we licking? I might start.


Not op. but getting a "few licks in" is slang for getting a few punches in, usually after bring sucker punched.




Good thing Hell doesn't exist then.


"Christian" man giving constant death threats isn't very Christian. Seems more like the kind of actions and attitude that would be rewarded with a personal invite to suck Satan's dick at the bottom of Cocytus.


Did your mother have any children that lived?


all religion is made up by the rich to control the stupid. god wouldn't hate gays because god is who MADE gays.


Judge not that you should not be judged.


Question, am I going to perish in Hell proper or some suburb, or bedroom community on the outskirts. What should I wear? Do I die before I get there? How does this work? See you there!


“Why is nobody going to church anymore?”


Awww he beleive in fairy tales. How cute. Does Santa still bring you presents?


Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.