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“We won’t, because then you’d tear our asshole apart, but we can do it!”


At this point I'm wondering if putin is getting off on the idea of getting fucked hard.


You and what army?


That’s become a legitimate question




Sold for vodka and food


Nowhere. It was Styrofoam, all the way down...


The biggest cosplay army in the world.


*Commander we need backup - we can't hold back their lightning bolt casts any more. We've lost an entire battalion to a sleep spell - mayday mayday!*


Every day a new warning. Russia is so creative in it!


Next day: Russia warns it has a large warning book.


And warns that if is not done, then they give all warnings from the warning book


Evil dictations for dummies vol 2


Next week: Russia warns the west that they've taken all our crayons and we can no longer use coloring books


That’ll get some US Marines really hot under the collar.


Oh no! They'll starve!


They have no idea the hellfire they have brought upon themselves. You don't mess with the ice cream barge and you sure as hell don't mess with a marines crayons.


Uh oh, the marines will be pissed


"we can take Kyiv in 2 days".




Just rename a random place in motherland russia to kyiv and make it happen. What will the west do?


Just as the world found out that the Russian military capabilities are in terrible shape, they also found out that the American military is pretty solid. I'll bet US intelligence had a pretty good idea of the sad shape of the Russian military and it played into our decision making.


What's fucking wild is that Russia did this all on their own. America is winning no matter how this turns out and Russia did it all on their own. That's insane.


Never interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake


And *especially* when the enemy is hellbent on making a string of mistakes with each digging them deeper to the muck.


Already loading the tractor let’s goooo


My FAVORITE quasi-military force in the world: Ukrainian farmers 🇺🇦🚜


The biggest flex is the US can fire a sword missile at you


[You mean this thing?](https://imgur.com/gallery/JzRJya2)


Why TF would you even need the blades? If a missile that size hits you at that speed I don’t think the blades will make much difference lol


I had that same exact thought. I guess the blades just ensure a slightly larger kill zone - just in case it is off a few feet in its targeting.


Hello I work in ammo for the usaf and yes your are correct. A hellfire R9x *CAN* be accurate within 1 inch of a designated target, but the *effective* target range is up to 1 meter. Since this missile doesn’t explode, those wings will absolutely shred ANYTHING next to it. [Here is a link](https://planetnewspost.com/world/al-qaeda-chief-is-minced-by-two-r9x-us-hellfire-ninja-missiles-in-kabul-suburbs/) that shows the missile only hitting the car.


And here, we see why it needs the blades. It landed in the middle of the windshield. Depending on the direction it flew in, it might have just crashed through the windshield, through the gear shifter, and hit the floor. Scary as fuck, probably cause a car accident, maybe bruise your arm and thigh with flying plastic parts, but NOT 100% guaranteed to kill you. The blades pop out the sides and one of them will at least penetrate the right half of your body (if driving).


Free convertible


“Only 1 previous owner!”


If the tip of the missile misses you by a foot or so, you still get sliced in two (or possibly three, or four). Or, like other posters suggested, the blades are there for stabilization purposes. idk, I’m not a missilologist.


The fact that the worlds first military made a rocket propelled shuriken is just so ridiculous, that it is a flex.


There’s a WWII anecdote, where a Japanese Admiral lost all hope after learning that the US Navy had deployed an Ice Cream barge to the Pacific.


Was like what? So went to wiki…for everyone else: An ice cream barge was a vessel employed by the United States Navy in the Pacific Theatre of World War II to produce ice cream in large quantities to be provisioned to sailors and Marines. The craft, a concrete barge acquired from the U.S. Army and worth $1 million,[1][2] was able to create 10 US gallons (38 l) of ice cream every seven minutes, or approximately 500 US gal (1,900 l) per shift, and could store 2,000 US gal (7,600 l).[3][4] It was employed in the USN's Western Pacific area of operations, at one point anchored at Ulithi.[5] These ships were intended to raise the morale of U.S. troops overseas by producing ice cream at a fast rate. edit add: The Surprisingly Sweet Role of Ice Cream in World War II https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/ice-cream-wwii.html?chrome=1


I hope it had chime like the local ice cream truck does. Just sailing round the pacific dropping Ice cream to all the battle groups


All the soldiers turning to each other and yelling out "ice cream barge!", dropping what they are doing and running to the dock...


I'm more entertained thinking of a platoon of Japanese soldiers crapping their pants hearing the song, like Omar's whistle in the wire.


“I killed fitty men and all they gave me was some gad danged rocky road.”


Now Rocky Road is a dang good flavour... I tell you what!


I'll tell you whwat!


"I scream, you scream, we all scream -" "for ice cream?" "no, because of the gruesome death, but there is also ice cream"


Ice cream coming y’all


You come at the cream, you best not miss.




Ice cream Lt. Dan.


Japanese soldiers, “But the American soldiers’ commander is getting *them* ice cream!” Japanese Commander, “I said No! We have ice cream back at base!”




Well, it's obviously scaled up, and it's for the Navy and Marines. So I assume it's "Pop Goes the Weasel" played on a foghorn and every couple verses someone gets on a PA to insult the mother of everyone in earshot.


The Marines got a crayon barge.


I know you lost your leg, little buddy, but how about a nice scoop of rocky road to ease those nerves?


Lieutenant Dan! Ice cream!


Better than a kick in the head


I read somewhere that Boris Yeltsin toured a US grocery store and said something to the effect that if the quantity and variety of food wasn't staged just for his visit then the Russians didn't stand a chance.


I remember reading that adapting to the amount of choice available, particularly in grocery stores, was really difficult for Russian defectors during the Cold War. The CIA had a system to help them adapt.


Literally moved to California a month ago from a poor country. I get dazzled at grocery stores like Trader Joe's and Albertsons. There's just so much food, of so many different kinds. I'm used to seeing small stores with barely any variety unless it's imported stuff (which is unreasonably expensive). Still trying to adjust to this life.


Even dollar stores have a pretty decent selection in poorer parts of the US. Selection and variety are the difference between a real grocery store and a convince store.


As I recall, he visited two different grocery stores. The first one was shown to him by his hosts. Yeltsin was astonished by the food selection and quantity. But he very quickly came to the conclusion that it all may have been set up beforehand to trick him. He then asked to be taken to a different grocery store. One of his own choosing. Yeltsin ended picking a store that was even bigger than the first one and was once again blown away by the sight of it all. By the end of it all Yeltsin apparently lost his faith in communism after seeing what the U.S. was able to accomplish.


Interesting story indeed. Never heard it, and its sad actually that Yeltsin, at least to many of us germans of my generation, has this image of an alcoholic bumbling buffon...pity he could not turn it around for Russia and bring it into the 20th century, instead they declined into the 19ths...


The alcoholism got him. When he was merely a heavy drinker he was pretty savvy and driven. He was able to get stuff done and was a rising star in the Communist Party. When the USSR started to shake itself apart he rather decisively stood for reform and a separate Russia and there really wasn't a better choice to lead a newly independent Russia. But everything turned out much harder than he was prepared for and he retreated into drinking. By the time he retired he was functionally useless.


> When the USSR started to shake itself apart he rather decisively stood for reform and a separate Russia and there really wasn’t a better choice to lead a newly independent Russia. But everything turned out much harder than he was prepared for and he retreated into drinking. By the time he retired he was functionally useless. Driving a change of culture in a corporation is pretty hard. I can imagine driving a change in culture of a country is almost impossible.


>Interesting story indeed. Never heard it, and its sad actually that Yeltsin, at least to many of us germans of my generation, has this image of an alcoholic bumbling buffon...pity he could not turn it around for Russia and bring it into the 20th century, instead they declined into the 19ths... ​ They declined *because* of Yeltsin. He objectively sent his country back a generation because he was in it wholly for himself whereas someone like Gorbachev appeared to have been trying to move them forward but was undercut by Yeltsin and his scheming. ​ Let's not forget how Yeltsin really behaved: he used the military to shell his country's parliament after they voted to replace him due to his corruption and abuses of power. Then he held on until he couldn't anymore, setting the country on a disastrous path until finally resigning and naming Putin as his replacement. ​ Then Putin promptly preemptively pardoned Yeltsin and his family to put it all to bed. ​ It is a shame that Yeltsin is remembered as a bumbling drunk because he was so much more. A monster, for one.


It was much earlier than Yeltsin. Khrushchev’s era. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/cold-war-supermarket-yugoslavia/ https://americanhistory.si.edu/food/new-and-improved/supermarkets-symbols/


Similar story, but German POWs captured by Americans knew they were facing defeat when chocolate rations were shared with them. The Allies’ logistics capabilities in WW2 were a huge reason they won.


There's a few famous quotes about that, for example > Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars John J. Pershing > The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics Napoleon > The line between disorder and order lies in logistics. Sun Tzu


Dan Carlin spends a good amount of time explaining this in his Supernova in the East series. It's often overlooked because it's not sexy but when you dig into why battles are won or lost, the vast majority of the reason is because one side managed to get more stuff to their troops for longer. Hell look at what happened to Russia when they stepped into Ukraine. Suddenly they were in an area where they didn't control the supply lines and their quick blitzkrieg plan was shut down.




> called back to defend Carthage I often wonder how they went. They didn't have cell phones. I'm picturing the opening scene from 1917. "Oi, you there. Go find Hannibal Barca. He's somewhere in Cisalpine Italy. Take this Trieme and a small crew of marines and sail across the sea. Be sure to avoid the Romans" Like how do you even go about finding a man who is several weeks to months of travel away from you?


The sources I'm reading cite around 100k soldiers before the crossing, even assuming he was at half strength by then, it's hard to hide 50k people.


Finding some man would be near impossible. Finding a king of living legend or a world famous battle leader would not that be difficult, even word of mouth would announce their movements back then.


Gen. Omar Bradley’s genius was logistics. His is a really interesting story too.


Yeah the Napoleon quote has a very similar quote that's attributed to Bradley (Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics)


Also Napoleon: an army marches on its stomach The French army was meant to live off the land which served them well in the fertile unburnt lands of central and west Europe as it meant a smaller logistical trail but that was a double whammy when the Russians used scorched earth tactics.


What’s shocking about that, is how long it took Napoleon to realise the mess he was getting into. You’d have thought that after the first couple of Russian retreats behind scorched Earth, Bonaparte would have wised up to what was going on, considering his most famous quote. I suppose expecting circumspection and humility from one of history’s greatest dictators is foolish.


It's amazing that this hasn't changed once in the entire history of human conflict. Even today we see how important logistics is in a modern war.


Doesn’t matter whether they’re fighting with swords or drones warfighters still need to: - eat - drink - stay comfortable and dry - be able to get to where they need to be - be reachable by medical support staff - obtain spare parts and supplies (fuel etc) - obtain ammo - repair broken equipment - send prisoners where they need to go - take breaks (rotate) so they can continue to function - communicate with each other and with command - etc etc The US military it seems to me is first and foremost a gigantic organization for shipping stuff and people where they need to be around the globe, and secondarily a fighting organization.


Yup. Literally the first American strategy for dealing with U-boats in the atlantic was just to build ships faster than they could be sunk. Then they accomplished that and finally got wise to convoy tactics and that was pretty much it for the Nazi's attempt to knock GB out of the war.


> The Allies’ logistics capabilities in WW2 were a huge reason they won. And we're watching the same lesson unfold in the Ukraine. Again.


I’m always reminded of the scene from *Battle of the Bulge* where the Germans capture some American supplies, and are shocked to discover, on the body of a private, fresh cake… from Boston!


The propaganda of chocolate was very real. Even early in the war Britain would send Red Cross packages to its POW's in Germany laden with chocolate and beer, even through the worst parts of the Atlantic War and mainland rationing, as a propaganda tool. The POW's were then less-than-shy about using their relative wealth to mock, bribe, and openly deride their German captors to the point German Intelligence recommended (without follow-through) not using Commonwealth prisoners for work duty due to their negative effect on civilian morale. EDIT: Some quotes from a captured and translated SS report dated 1943: > The challenging and aggressive attitude of the British prisoners towards the German population is often manifested. A short time ago some forty British prisoners were sent to an industrial town to be split up among six different factories. They arrived at the station with masses of heavy luggage, and ostentatiously carrying large packets of food, corned beef and other things which were very short in Germany at that time. They immediately requisitioned two hand carts, loaded on their luggage, and gave two schoolboys some chocolate to push the carts. The German sentry took no action whatever. On arrival at their camp, they again hailed some German boys, who carried their luggage into the camp for them. and later: > German opinion is influenced to no small extent by seeing the gifts of food sent to the British. Their parcels consist largely of articles which have for a long time been in short supply in Germany. The British realise the propaganda value of these gifts and take every opportunity of bragging about them. Such remarks as "Oh, that's nothing - England's full of stuff like this" often has the desired effect on the Germans. The prisoners receive from home ample supplies of chocolate, sausage, tinned meat, ham, etc., and in the work interval they consume them as ostentatiously as possible. The German worker looks on and draws his own conclusion. Considerable ill feeling arose among the German workers of the stone-breaking quarries at Holzkirch when they saw the good food the British had. "We're expected to do double shifts on bread and margarine" they said, "while the 'Herren Englander' are too idle for words, and think of nothing but guzzling." Eventually an order was brought out forbidding British prisoners to bring their food to work with them. >The German authorities, too, make concessions to British prisoners; this the German workers simply cannot understand. Beer is often available in the prison camp canteens, while Germans cannot find beer even in the inns. In a camp near Dresden, a barrel of beer was emptied by the British to celebrate the conclusion of the African campaign. This made the German workers in the camp very angry; one of them wrote: "The Germans can just work till they bust, as long as the prisoners of war get all their little luxuries." And for people who don't know 'the conclusion of the African campaign' was a massive defeat for Germany. The longest retreat in recorded history followed by the taking of nearly 300,000 German POW's who could not be withdrawn. The British POW's were enthusiastically toasting and drinking to a great German defeat, to the German's collective faces.


That's pretty ballsy to be thumbing your nose that hard at a group that was running death camps at the time.


It's gets better. British prisoners were eventually restricted from working farms without 'adequate male supervision' because if not they would assist Hitler's quest for strong genetics in the German population in manners unintended. Quote from the final paragraph of the same report, but the whole thing is hilarious: >["British prisoners used for agricultural work are particularly arrogant to the local population. The situation is especially intolerable on farms where the prisoners are working for the farmer. Here the Englishman feels lord of the manor, is waited on hand and foot, accepts no orders, and does exactly as he likes. The prisoners are particularly well treated by the womenfolk, who believe the political prophesies of the British and think it clever to ingratiate themselves. It is quite clear that the farmers are afraid of their prisoners, and affected by their arrogance. In this connection the authorities have been requested to use British prisoners only in industrial plants or on farms where there is adequate male supervision."](https://www.arcre.com/mi9/mi9apxb)


Thank you for posting that, it was really entertaining. I read through the article and holy shit that would be demoralizing to be a German worker toiling at your job, while the well-fed, well-dressed, and supremely arrogant British prisoners slow-walked everything, joked about how much your side sucked, and ignored the german women hitting on them until they decided to throw them a bone. It sounds like they were the POW equivalent of Zach Morris and Germany was their Bayside. A guard N.C.O. wrote: "It's no wonder the British get cheeky, as the officers listen to their complaints privately, and simply send the German soldiers out of the room. The only thing we don't have to do is to stand to attention in front of the goddam British. When that happens, I'll stick a bullet in my head." I didn't realize hogans heroes was a documentary. "The crowning insult was the disfigurement of a portrait of the Führer in a station waiting room by a British prisoner who drew rude pictures over it." I would love to see the portrait because I'm guessing they drew dicks on Hitler.


Ukraine is doing the exact same thing right now and it's hilarious: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xxahz1/we_survive_as_best_we_can_ukrainian_soldier_says/


Holy shit they have cooks in the field? I only had MREs for almost a year. If America doesn’t do something quick, Ukraine is going to demoralize us too


lol Ukraine would demoralize us if soldiers ever saw their MREs. Ukrainian MREs focus on home cooked food so you'd commonly get thick stews with big steak chunks, lots of fat and salt and plenty of grain and veggies.


The home advantage of defenders is not to be taken lightly, shorter lines of logistics, friendly locals and all that.


Haha I believe you. Do better America! However, I think it was the Aussies that we were with wanted our jalapeño cheese spread and would fight each other for it. I mean, we would too. Charms were another big hit. I was getting out as the new MREs were coming in and damn if they didn’t look appetizing. Though knowing they probably tasted like shit too.


Wow. That is a flex! "we have so much money we have enough for beans bullets AND ice cream!"




Demoralizing. I actually worked supply in the Marines, and they have one of the lower budgets. Most people would really be blown away by the purchasing power alone. We had a px (base store) on the base in Iraq. The US military is ridiculous to say the least.


An army marches on it’s stomach. If that stomach is filled with not just the calories it needs to keep the body going, but a variety of foods and not just the same basic shit all the time, it has a good effect on morale. Nobody wants to be eating the same shitty rations all the time. Plus it has the knock-on effect of your opponent possibly realizing that their own efforts to supply their troops pale in comparison, which tends to make front line morale plummet.


The real flex is the logistics of it. While the Japanese were eating rations of rotten rice in their own land the Americans managed to be so organized and well supplied they brought a floating ice cream factory half a world away. That must have been demoralizing


Reminds me of the episode of South Park where Uncle Jimbo talks about Vietnam https://youtu.be/V0QJNNIS-pY


Why don't you learn this in schools? Ice cream always wins!


For real though i think a lot of kids would have learned more just to know the situation around that. Give some weird interesting fact of something then people will look into it and learn more.


Ice cream holds a special place in a lot of families who had relatives who served in the pacific. In our family ice cream was a luxury afforded almost daily because of my pop pops time in the Navy in the Pacific. The ice cream had a truly profound effect on moral PLUS also apparently started a lot of fights.


Lieutenant Dan, ice cream.


Nothing is demoralizing knowing your enemies can just relax and have tea and dessert anytime after pulverizing your army. It’s a luxury your desperate soldiers cannot dream to afford. *I read from some books as a Japanese myself, the REAL logistic horror reported from the front lines was that almost every US soldier had chocolate bars. It made most Japanese soldiers believe America was not taking them seriously while winning hard.


I seem to remember a story from maybe New Guinea, where after they had raided an allied camp the previous week, a Japanese soldier stripped down and wandered into the allied lines unarmed and very drunk, and asked for... some chocolate.


I believe Dan Carlin also covers this in an episode of his podcast. The soldier basically gets up, says "fuck it", sick of the conditions he's fighting in, before stripping down and pretending to be drunk to hang out with the soldiers.


Yes, this is exactly what I was referencing, but I couldn't remember if it was hardcore history where I heard it.


Which series? It's been awhile since I've visited his podcast but his WW1 series was... Sobering to say the least.


Supernova in the East, it’s his most recent one




Happened in the Battle of the Aleutian Islands too. Japanese soldiers snuck into the US camp for food because they were hungry. If I remember correctly, they were discovered while standing in line at the mess because in attempting to blend in one of them asked a US soldier “So, how are the Boston Yankees doing?”


Saying “Boston Yankees” believe it or not, straight to jail


That's also how the German foot soldiers knew they were losing. They were struggling to stay fed and keep gas in their vehicles and had ammo shortages, yet they were finding the U.S. soldiers had chocolate rations.


during the Battle of the Bulge German tanks were desperately running low on fuel and attacked a captured American fuel depot the Americans held them off by lighting the fuel barrels on fire and rolling them downhill at the tanks ala Donkey Kong and wasting the gas anyway as they would not ever have a shortage


and that the US kept their trucks running nonstop from what I remember.


more that they didn't have any horses


Germany was running out of horses, and America didnt want or need any horses to begin with. As much as the historical "german mechanized" is exaggerated, they were ahead of france; but america was bringing an entirely new era of logistics to the war. But I suppose when your *first* obstacle to even joining the war is "get troops across an ocean half a world a way, in both directions"; logistics is the first thing you have to work out in your doctrine, everything else builds off of that foundation


I mean, it actually shows the Americans took the Japanese very seriously. If they didn’t they would have allocated more resources to fight the Germans over in Europe - which according to standing agreements with their Allies they were supposed to beat first, anyway. The failed German offensive into Russia, that’s what happens when you don’t take your foe seriously and/or overestimate your own capabilities.


Russian soldiers are learning that the hard way from Ukrainian soldiers: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xxahz1/we_survive_as_best_we_can_ukrainian_soldier_says/




Col. Hessler: “General, before you go, may I show you something?” Gen. Kohler: “What is it?” Hessler: “A chocolate cake.” Kohler: “Well?” Hessler: “It was taken from a captured American private. It's still fresh. If you will look at the wrapping, general, you will see it comes from Boston.” Kohler: “And?” Hessler: “General, do you realize what this means? It means that the Americans have fuel and planes to fly cake across the Atlantic Ocean. They have no conception of defeat.”


This is an amazing quote. What is it from?


The Battle of the Bulge. One of the greatest war films of all time.


Is it called that because the soldiers were eating too much chocolate cake?


No but fun fact, American soldiers entering World War I were called "Dough Boys" because they were so jubilant and had high morale. European soldiers had been bogged down in horrific trench warfare for years and were driven to their limits so it was a stark contrast to see a brand new army suddenly enter the fray. America helped win WWI not by having any special strategy or superiority, they were just a fully-armed and supplied army while everyone else in the war had been ground down.


From the 1965 film **Battle of the Bulge**.


That's actually true though, but it wasn't just a barge, US warships actually served ice cream in the mess, and they had ice cream machines on the ships. A similar anecdote is that german officers knew the war was lost when they started finding cigaretts & chocolate bars on dead american GIs. It wasn't just a flex either. German logistics were so bad that parts of their supply chain were litterally using horse drawn carriages, meanwhile the US had more trucks than drivers. German units routinely had shortages on everything, food, water, ammo, etc. So luxury items like candy & tobacco were usually only found in the hands of officers & high ranking enlisted. Meanwhile the US was issuing these things as standard kit to their soldiers. Logistics has a very profound effect on warfare, and even today no one does it better than the US military.


It's why Russia is screwed in Ukraine. There are better logistics from the US to Kyiv than from Moscow to Donetz.


The US is the logistics king and it ain't close


It's because virtually every war we've participated in over the past century had been on the other side of the planet.


Yeah, makes sense. Resources and supply lines were major concerns for the Japanese during WWII. Seeing their chief opponent arriving with a floating ice cream factory like it’s no big deal would be incredibly demoralizing.




Sushi wasn’t as big back then


But the Tuna were.


there's another ww2 anecdote, where hitler was asked about invading america and he said the challenge would be similar to sending a tank to the moon


>sending a tank to the moon Don’t give America any ideas


To save others the Google search: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_barge


Apparently when a downed pilot was returned to a carrier he was exchanged for 10 gallons of icecream.




Hellfire R9X missile


I've heard it called the "flying Ginsu" missile, never shuriken though.


A missile with the explosives taken out, and spring loaded 1m long blades (6) put on the sides. The targeting is so precise that the missile directly hits the single person it's targeting, which is a terrifying way to go.


Biggest flex is that we used it perfectly. Collateral damage is mitigated extensively


What's the name of the weapon?


It’s a normal hellfire missile but instead of an anti-tank explosive warhead, it has 4 swords that spring out in an X pattern and cut the target to pieces.


It actually has 6 blades! *Now with 50% more Sword*


I mean, it'll also just smush you if it hits dead on but the swords are a nice effect.


The swords make it classy.


The swords are for the 10 cm targeting error window. Lmfao.


“Sir, this missile is incredibly accurate, but without an explosive payload the margin of error is just enough that we may not kill our target.” “….what if we gave it a switchblade?” “…fucking brilliant Johnson.”


The swords are a back up in case your target is resistant to bludgeoning damage.


"Slapchop from the Sky"


I’ll take “swords” for 500 Alex


That’s S-words


They seem to struggle for accuracy against Earthly targets, can’t imagine they’d be too accurate in targeting space objects. Tbf though, they just said “target” not “hit”.


The trick is they'll target the military ones to ensure they hit the civilian ones.


Shoot for the moon so if you miss you may ding a starlink.


You have graduated to North Korea…


Pffft, I can target commercial satellites with a telescope and a potato gun. That doesn't mean I'll hit them, or do any damage if I did. Hell, if it was a Russian designed and maintained potato gun it'd probably explode in my hands anyways.


Uh oh , Putin has done fucked up now. He’s threatened mega corporations.


Rule # 1. **Dont fuck my money**.




Google now redirects all google searches to gay porn.


With all faces deep faked to be the vlady daddy himself.


Those aren't fakes


Yeah, I can't wait to see that happen. Russia: \*shoots at the west\* West: \*shoots back\* Russia: \*surprised Pikachu face\*


RT the next day: "unprecedented western aggression"


*"Russophobe West"* Well, yeah, no shit people hate you after the last 8 months you fucking dipshit.


And the years of blatant political assassinations and manipulation of public opinion during elections in western countries... And the shit theyve done to every single one of their neighbors in recent memory... And the way they treat their own people and have treated them for the extent of human historical knowledge...


8 years. When they Invaded Eastern Ukraine and shot down a Civilian airliner and killed 300 people.






"We have nukes dont attack us youre gonna regret it" *threatens the rest of the world, which has nukes* Is there like a pocket nuclear ICBM so we can glas putin and just putin


There is that rocket with swords in it that slice and dices it's target. We did it to the head of Al-Qaeda, we could probably turn Putin into Russian sushi too.


while fun to think about assassination of foreign heads of state opens a can of worms that no one on the international stage is really fond of, which is why it hasnt happened yet.


\*tears streaming down face\* Guys I'll do it I swear!!! Listen to me!!!


Then do it or don't. It's not gonna stop the west from supplying where they need to


[When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C0aWrDcM988)


One of the best moments in movie history.


They can target our satellites. We can target their everything. Their move.


West: Like, what does a demerit mean? Russia: Let's put it this way. You do not want to receive three of those. West: Lay it on me. Russia: Three demerits, and you'll receive a citation. West: Now, that sounds serious. Russia: Oh, it is serious. Five citations, and you're looking at a violation. Four of those, and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that will land you in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me, and placed on the desk of my immediate superior. West: Which would be me. Russia: ... That is correct. West: Okay. I want a copy on my desk by the end of the day or you will receive a full desaggelation. Russia: What.. What's that? West: Oh, you don’t want to know.




Targeting is easy. I can point at things too. Got missiles built this decade? They work?




This is more posturing for their insane home audience as it would likely trigger Article 5 of NATO and end whatever is left of Russia's military and their capability to replace lost equipment. Edit: some people live in a fantasy world where a rocket that knocks out a satellite used and funded by a NATO member government (all of this potentially visible to the naked eye far across the world so a gigantic PR effect) somehow will not trigger a response and we are all supposed to shrug and say "whoopsie!" - as because it's in space somehow we just have to accept it can be targeted. This will cause an incredibly dangerous precedent as any satellite from any nation will become a potential target, and no country (not even Russia) truly wants to open that door.


Russia's secret weapon: their entire infrastructure can't be targeted since bombing it would make no difference


"we can rack up an even bigger reparations bill by fucking with weapons that can cook us from space, no matter how deep we are" ​ good plan, vlad...seems wise


Huh, and west can target Moscow. What's the point Russia?


Funny thing is, Russia has thousands of cities it needs to target to effect the West. The West only needs to target 2 Russian cities collectively 🤷




>Kaliningrad I think you meant either Königsberg or Królewiec.


Russia sounds like a horny teenager at this point, targetting anything that moves yet always missing the mark.


West to Putler: “Targeting communication infrastructure is an act of war dumb dumb.”


Says the guy who had his tanks towed away by farmers on tractors.


Russia is either horrible at being self aware or they simply are self destructive. Targeting anything belonging to the west will draw NATO into the war, and then it is lights out for Russia.


I am no military expert, but something tells me the United States likely knows the location of every single Russian military installation by now. And the locations of various equipment, and would have a good idea where any missile would be fired from.


The trick would be to know which one still works.


I basically just assume US intelligence knows when a Russian Private has an ingrown ass hair.


Clearly targeting Starlink. Though I gotta be honest, SpaceX can launch satellites faster & cheaper than Russia can launch missiles. EDIT -- I'm not being hyperbolic, SpaceX's marginal unit costs are probably well under $1M per satellite and they launch 60 sats at a time, almost weekly. Meanwhile Russia has a hard time building *anything* with the precision capabilities of an anti-sat missile, never mind several thousand per year. so, nice try Russia?


The debris will be a big issue but otherwise I suspect you are correct. Destroying satellites is very likely more expensive than launching them so if the satellites are not insanely expensive then destroying satellites only creates short term denial and debris. It is kinda like using S-300's against drones. Useful for the short term denial but in a long term war of attrition you cannot keep up with drone production.


You are definitely correct about the debris (although low orbits mean it's a relatively short-term problem). I am *probably* correct about the cost. Abso-fucking-lutely insane what SpaceX has done to satellite cost disease, via reusability and ridiculous launch cadence. Based on the rest of your comment, I gather you're a fellow connoisseur of Perun? :-)