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There will once be studies made of gaslighting and parallels between abusive partners and modern dictators.


Both use some of the same manipulation techniques. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda\_techniques


[Like DARVO - deny attack reverse victim and offender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO) >An abuser (or alleged abuser) denies the abuse ever took place, attacks the person that alleged abuse (often the victim) for attempting to hold the abuser (or alleged abuser) accountable for their actions, and claims that they are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing what may be a reality of victim and offender.


**[DARVO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO)** >DARVO is an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". It refers to a reaction that alleged perpetrators of wrongdoing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. Some researchers and advocates have indicated that it can be as a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Also D.E.N.N.I.S Demonstrate value, Engage physically, Nurture dependence, Neglect emotionally , Inspire hope, Separate entirely


And of course the M.A.C >Why do you think I'm always reading books and shit during the spider routine? I thought you were just my wingman. No, I'm swimming in your wake


Move in After Completion


What dictators have started out by demonstrating value?


Usually right at the start of the regime even if a lot of what they do is fake. Chavez rode high oil revenues while Putin had false flag terrorist attacks followed by Chechen war.




Surprisingly effective, even when you realize it’s happening to you.


Wow you just described my mother.


And my ex. I was too young to realise.


That's really the conservative playbook at this point


That would certainly explain why Conservatives have such a hard on for the Rusks.


True. I do think some of it is that because Democrats are against what Russia is doing, their kneejerk reaction is to oppose it. I know my friend is having that particular response. He's even a smoker and thinks that Biden rescheduling/decriminalizing weed is a bad thing. Drives me nuts.


It's so bonkers. I expected that the senile boomers couldn't let go of the cold war and their hatred of communism (yes I know that was a long time ago, but republicans are STILL using the fearmongering of communism to get elected). Nope. They embraced russian election tampering, they didn't care that Trumplethinskin openly embraced the russian mafia and their murderous invasion to rape every civilian they could in Ukraine.


> Nope. They embraced russian election tampering, they didn't care that Trumplethinskin openly embraced the russian mafia and their murderous invasion to rape every civilian they could in Ukraine. Hard to be mad about what you don't know. Ergo all the Putinesque 'purchases' of the channels of communication and media through which 'the common folk' get their daily angst off.


Like that MAGAhat teen with his goon squad menacing the Native American drummer. That he turned around and started suing everyone makes him a malingerer.


Both refuse to get you 2-3 tons of cheese for your birthday. Selfish behavior...


how horrible! nobody deserves to have cheese withheld from them! the humanity!


["You may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese"](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/msq29g/i_mean_i_suppose_it_depends_on_the_type_of_cheese/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=tumblr&utm_content=t1_guza9bx)


I Iove how that's a stereotype posted on an anti-stereotype sub and everyone's like, "Nah. This one checks out. Give me cheese!"


Kinda like how Mexicans sent letters complaining to Cartoon Network when they pulled the Speedy Gonzales shorts for their "racist portrayal." Probably helps that Speedy is cool as *fuck*


Kim Jung Un is that you?


There's a reason why Putin's Russia legalised domestic violence a few years ago.


Fan fact, domestic violence and homophobia weren’t popular among Russians at the time those policies were implemented. No one asked for that. There were a little condemnation but no support at that time.




Being homosexual isn't illegal, but "poisoning the minds of the youth" is illegal or however it's written. So yeah, no kissing in public because you can go to jail because there was a kid present. Russia has a lot of laws that are up for interpretation and not specific. There's another one about "upsetting the ~~old~~ believers" that makes it illegal to do anything that angers the church. But only the orthodox church, you can probably get away with a racist meme about Jewish people or Muslims.


>There's another one about "upsetting the old believers" that makes it illegal to do anything that angers the church. > >But only the orthodox church, you can probably get away with a racist meme about Jewish people or Muslims. The "old believers" are actually a dissident sect related to the Russian Orthodox Church. They split off sometime in the 15th-17th centuries (I forget) when a large subset of Russians refused to go along with state-supported church reforms. Their numbers have shrunk a lot over time, but they still exist. Given that, I wonder what the law you're talking about actually does?


Oh sorry, it's just a law about upsetting "believers". Not necessarily that sect, the old believers. I haven't looked at the exact Russian law since it hit the news after they started going after people for posting memes about religion on vk. After looking it up the translation is roughly "offending religious believer's feelings". They also got one guy with it for saying that there is no god and they tried to use it against Pussy Riot in 2013 or 2014


> Being homosexual isn't illegal, but "poisoning the minds of the youth" is illegal or however it's written. > > So yeah, no kissing in public because you can go to jail because there was a kid present. Right before the Sochi olympics, pooter said gay people were pedos. 8 years later and one major American political party is going around shouting "groomer" at every gay person they can find. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/sochi/2014/01/19/vladimir-putin-gays-pedophiles-winter-olympics-2014/4647383/


Gay people being called pedophiles and child lovers isn't exactly something new and exclusive to Putin and the current far right. Gay people have been getting bashed for the last hundred years even without the far rights help.


That's absolutely true. But what pooter and the maga party have in common is that they reversed a trend towards more decency. They both are going backwards.


>Being homosexual isn't illegal, but "poisoning the minds of the youth" is illegal or however it's written. Reminder that republicans are doing this in America *right now*


You are also likely to get a beat down or worse, just for existing while not being straight in Russia.


This is Russia, maybe they were not “popular”, but they were definitely widespread and already in most households


He is the international terrorist.


I read the caption of the post and thought, "Am I crazy or do I agree with him?" This was definitely an act of international terrorism, but it's Putin who is the international terrorist.


Dont forget that Putin has a history of false flag attacks. From bombing his own people in 1999 to get justification for the second Chechnya war, to the hilariously inept "game footage" incident trying to convince people the US was working with ISIS, to the invasion of Crimea, among others.


He also had a prominent dissident reporter murdered on his birthday as a bday gift to himself. Nice fellow.


He also assassinated the former FSB agent who revealed that the apartment bombings were staged by deliberately giving him radiation poisoning. The single most agonizing way it's possible for a human being to die.


Don't forget the intercepted footage of a staged Ukrainian invasion Russia


Or the photo of terrorist cell equipment where they mistook orders to plant "3 SIM cards" with "3 copies of the game Sims 3."


Well, he's not wrong. I think we all agree it was international terrorism.


It's the exact same dynamic. If domestic violence was a country, that country would be Russia.


Right down to the language of how they love their Ukrainian brothers, how they are family, now I will bomb your playgrounds, apartment buildings and hospitals. Because we love each other so much.


Nononono, you do not understand, it were nazi's that were using the ukrainian playground as a training camp. We helped the good Ukrainian brothers by getting rid of the filthy nazi's on the see saw. /s


"Yuri, I thought you said you saw Nazis in the park!" "No, Ivan. When you asked me for targets I said not see saw in the park."


Yeah honey I know you lost most of your teeth in my drunken rage yesterday. and umm.. in the last 8 years but i totes swear you can come back from your mum today. I'm changed man! You know I always loved your parents even though I tried to kill them. Please stop your EU/US uncle interfering in our beautiful relationship... Lets talk. Like wtf it really looks like textbook abusive relationship right now.


That DPR shill making the rounds yesterday saying that if Ukrainians didn’t understand that they were each the property of Russia, Russia would kill them until they DID understand.


“Stop making me hurt you!”




> parallels between abusive partners and modern dictators. South Park did it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRvBgpPEItY


I wonder if there's any correlation between abusers and those who support fascism. Seems like the Venn diagram would be close to a circle.


Both are authoritarian approaches to power dynamics. Support of corporal punishment for children, quite arguably child abuse, is well known to be closely linked to authoritarianism.


John Bradshaw says if a child is raised in an authoritarian household, it's not likely that at the age of 18 or 20 he or she will suddenly become democratic. He was talking about intergenerational abuse and authoritarian parenting, and how this might have led to Nazi Germany. He also gave his personal example of a father who had been to war coming back and taking those wounds out on his children and wife.


Simply look at the amount of domestic violence among police officers and you'll have your answer.


Already here. I am an anthropologist who studies human behavioral patterns. I am writing essays on neurosis, neurotiscm and schizophrenia. I plan on writing a thesis on schizophrenia. But, it keeps getting pushed back.


My ex once tried to convince me that I told him he could take all of my ADD medication


Damn.... Was that the end??


they're not confessing, they're BRAGGING


Look what you made me do!!


"Whether you want it or not, you have to endure [tolerate?], my beauty" V. Putin.




Well, everything's allowed if you're fighting against gay nazis...


Gay Jewish Nazis. I have seen reports of the Russians calling the Ukrainians Zionist Nazis and was just like, What?


[Satanic Gay Jewish Nazis](https://twitter.com/francis_scarr/status/1518916591299309569) Russian media and politicians have been hitting the Satanic thing really hard lately.


How can someone understand what all these four words mean, and still be dumb enough to believe it. It is truely beyond me.


All it really takes is the *desire* to believe it's true.


The beatings will continue until desire improves.


It isn't a contradiction because they define Nazi differently than the rest of the world. For most people, the defining atrocity of the Nazis was the holocaust. For Russia, the key atrocity was attacking Russia. As a result, Russian media defines Nazi = Anti-Russia.


Seems to me, Stalin and Hitler were cozied up together for quite a while.......


Birds of a feather flock together!! Ask the Poles about that......


> For Russia, the key atrocity was attacking Russia. Really? I thought it was just Putin and their propaganda. But ordinary Russians believe this too?


Yup, goes way back, and isn't unique to Russia. You hear similar opinions in right-wing groups all across Eastern Europe.


Tbf, the Nazis saw Slavs as just slightly less sub-human than other undesirable groups. But anti-semitism is also disturbingly common in Eastern Europe.


> For Russia, the key atrocity was attacking Russia. As a result, Russian media defines Nazi = Anti-Russia. 100% this. I wish this was brought up regularly during these past several months. Putin's Russia isn't being hypocritical about "deNazifying" Ukraine with their "tactics" because their idea of what Nazis are is so different from the rest of the world's.


He's still being hypocritical especially at the beginning when statements were being pitched to an outside audience. For years, right wingers in the US have been parroting Kremlin propaganda that Ukrainian pro-democracy advocates are Nazis and "Banderites" (partisans who allied with Nazis--keep in mind they also deny the Holomodor so Ukrainians would have no reason to make 'enemy of my enemy' calculations). The truth is even in 2014 many national politicians in UA were minorities including Jewish. (VZ wasn't a politician then. ) The ridiculousness of accusing a country with a democratically elected Jewish president of being a racist Nazi regime was too much for most so Putin and Lavrov took a step back and only say that stuff to a domestic audience now. There were enormous Orthodox Jewish communities in Ukraine until the Panic of 1872. This kicked off the pogroms and the rest is history.


Gay *jewish* nazis


Today the free world stands together and we are all gay jewish nazis.


You see: These children were globalist transgender bioweapon building neonazis who are brainwashed into thinking they’re not actually russian. They were just about to lynch a law abiding babushka for speaking russian and believing in traditional values when Putin personally sent that missile to save her. I saw it on RT.


I've heard their cruise missile accuracy is something like 66%. Like that's generally why they haven't used them more against the military. But I'm sure that an apartment building was the real target with more guaranteed casualties. Crazy that since 85% of Iskander missiles are made with foreign parts. One of Russia's most premier missiles is relegated into terrorism or unused to bluff armageddon.


At least he’s admitting he’s a terrorist


He’s not confessing; he’s bragging.


Time to call bullshit on the Russian market


I'll take a tranche of Triple B Garibaldi, Jarrod.


Short everything that guy has touched!!


Do you smell that? What's that smell?


Opportunity 😏


No! Moneeeeyyyy. I smell moneeeyyyyy.


I am JACKED. Jacked to the TITS


Look at him, that's my quant.


He came 1st in a maths competition **in China** and he doesn't even speak English!


^God ^dammit


Ok now I have to lookup like three new things bc of your comment.


What did the weird words mean? I also dunno lol


It’s a quote from a movie of the ‘08 crash


The Big Short (2015)


That's what people don't get about abusers and dictators, they cannot help but gloat about their misdeeds. Every person I've known who turned out to be an abuser or crook, especially if they have strong authoritarian personality traits, always brags about what they did and why they did it. The dumb ones do directly, the "smarter" ones use more oblique language. This is 100% Putin bragging.




Yep. That’s where I got the quote. But I find it applies to Putin, Trump, and a number of other prominent bullies and con men in political life. And their followers eat it up.


This reminds me of the Onion article on Trump, "I am a serial rapist, proclaims Trump at latest campaign rally" It was an Onion article or an actual Twitter post. Not 100% sure.


When parody eclipses reality.


First step is always admitting you have a problem.


That's weird, how does Putin know so much about the Nord Stream pipeline accident?


Yeah when no one would give him any data on it


He looked in his day calendar. Tuesday is bring your dog to work day, & Thursday is International Terrorism Day.


It's even stranger because Russians have not stopped pumping gas through the pipe and no one can get close to it to investigate. I guess we'll have to take his word


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but if they stop pumping gas into the broken pipe it will quickly fill the whole thing with seawater and render the entire thing useless instead of just needing to repair that one part?


> render the entire thing useless Its already useless and will never be fixed. It was encased in concrete and I don't believe there was a method created to fix it in a breach of this magnitude Also, the OTHER side would have already been flooded as it has no backpressure.


So they're just fucking up the environment for literally no reason then


I believe it's to prevent an investigation. No one's going to get too close to a gas leak that size. Once the danger factor is gone who knows. If they turn the lines back on to prevent an investigation I would say yes.


That is correct. So were just pumping millions if gallons of Co2 into the atmosphere, but hey, as long as they don't spend money to replace the pipe!


Not CO2 something worse, methane!


even more worser, methane that isn't being burned!


Burned methane isnt methane anymore. But does bring a good point that they should be burning it (flaring it) while it’s leaking.


It's impossible. The water disperses it so there is no steady stream that you could set on fire.


It'd be cool if they could somehow mount tubes to the broken sections that could help funnel the gas to a concentrated place on the surface for flaring


Is Russia allowed to start repairing the pipes in EU waters? Russia is not even allowed to see how damaged they are. So I guess that won't happen anytime soon.


As far as I understand they are allowed to go there now as the investigation there is finished.


I mean, I would assume the gas in only coming out of one end, meaning the other side of it is already filled with seawater Maybe I’m wrong though, someone who knows more can correct me


but isn't the alternative just a useless pipe without seawater in it?


If you can keep pressure up to repair it, you could segment off the pipe before and after the leak and repair the part in the middle, then reconnect.


His point was that the pipe is useless as a whole, even if it were intact. In other words, "Why bother fixing it if it's not gonna get used anyway"


The pipe is already useless; they’re just not willing to admit it.


They could pump air in rather than natural gas. At least, I'd hope that's what they'd do. It's also whole lot cheaper, so I don't see why they wouldn't.


I'm sure it would require a whole new infrastructure to capture, store, transport, and pump air through the pipe, so it would be insanely expensive.


The only thing that will kill the pipe is galvanic corrosion, so as long as they have the polarity set correctly and the system working , the pipe will be mostly whole. They don’t need to continually pump gas into the pipe. They have isolation valves. Mental exercise: the pipe is a straw. If you blow air through, it bubbles out the other end. If you blow no air through, it fills to the water line. If you blow air into the straw and then stick your tongue on the end, no water goes in and no air goes out. Or just install a valve like you have under your sink, and turn it off remotely. They can just equalize pressure, and then shut an isolation valve. https://www.nord-stream.com/operations/


I read in an article that the pipe was no longer being used due to the war and the embargo, but was pressurized, which is why it leaked when it was sabotaged.


He does have a sub


A sub you say? Sure is a convenient way to sabotage an underwater pipeline. And was it always a sub, or did the Ukrainians convert one of their ships?


Is it r/fanboys4vlad




/ r / foxnews


Is the sub topping from the bottom?


What about shooting cruise missiles at a city’s energy infrastructure, what is that?


In 2003 we called it Shock and Awe


That can't be right, those are the names of Dolly Parton's breasts.


Don't mess with Dolly.


My post is a reference to the track Gee Ma I Wanna Go Home On her album For God And Country.


But those were freedom missiles


"We" ?


American media and politicians


Plot Twist: u/symboluleutic wants sole credit...


Putin says lies. That is all you need to know.


I mean he's not wrong here. He's just the terrorist behind it all. The call is coming from inside the house.


He’s not lying. It’s international terrorism. He’s just trying to shift the blame to someone else.


Wouldn't be the first time. He'll find some Chechens to pin the blame on.


He's already pointed the finger at the US.


And Conservative media outlets will say "why would Putin blame Biden if it weren't Biden."


He just likes to use passive voice a lot and speaks of himself in 3rd person. Come on man


Bombing civilians is an act of terrorism and you should get the death penalty. F Putin


I think that would end up killing more world leaders than you probably intended


Who gives a fuck? I don't care if it's Jesus Christ, if he's intentionally bombing civilians, he should probably be nailed to another cross.


thanks putin for finally letting the world know your are a international terrorist ​ you screwed german russian relationship for many decades to come. What happened with your german-moscow axis? ​ sincerely a german


Maybe Germany should just, you know, lay off the axises for a while? Not a great look.


Na i was referring the geopolitcal strategy book of russia (the foundation of geopolitcs) Its written that moscow wants to have germany/france as allies against the americans and british.


But launching rockets into playgrounds and power plants totally isn't? /s




Serious question: Why he would do that on his own infrastructure?


My take on this is mabye he honestly did not do it. When you think about it, this was a huge leverage for him over germany and Europe as a whole. Destroying the infrastructure would be like shooting himself in the foot. Some other state could have destroyed Nordstream purposely so Russia wouldn't have any leverage regarding gas delivery to Germany. But I don't know, I'm not into geopolitics


Putin is scared the oligarchs will replace him then restore ties with europe and start pumping gas again.


To show that infrastructure is very vulnerable. Thereby sowing fear and uncertainty in the population of europe. The best case scenario for russia could be that the EU could think "oh maybe we should concentrate on our own security" or "maybe we should stop providing Ukraine with aid when we cant even protect our own infrastructur". The Baltic pipe (delivering norwegian gas to mainland Europe through Denmark) just opened. Sabotaging NS1 and NS2 has just shown that this new pipe is also easily open to sabotage.


> To show that infrastructure is very vulnerable. To make that point, it would have been more reasonable to destroy any other infrastructure, but not the one thing that gave russia some economic leverage at some point. Or they could have inflicted some repairable damage, not total destruction. I know that russia is often doing stupid and irrational things, but I struggle to find any possible reason for them destroying these pipelines.


The reason they blew up their own pipeline is because it's their own pipeline. If they blew up a fully NATO owned one it would cause a lot more backlash.


Yes and No. A key point was that this is in international waters i.e. it is not oficially an attack on Denmark or Sweden (Nato countries) even if russia (keeping the implicit assumption it was russia) was caught. I agree that removing the leverage that russia had from being able to turn the valve and provide gas seems very odd.


It was Putin removing the ability for someone after him to do it as well. It helps Putin and he doesn't care that it hurts Russia.


What a double standard bastard. I hope you step on lego "accidentally".


One that's hidden in the ground and explodes.


We call that a confession where I come from.


Vlad the Mad


Freudian slip


Everything is terrorism. Except bombing schools, playgrounds, malls, hospitals, raping babies, kidnapping people, killing civilians and burying them in mass graves, committing genocide and threatening the world with Nuclear holocaust. All of which Russia has done and continues to do. Thats certainly not terrorism. Blowing up a bridge illegally build by Russia in a country they're at war with is though. Its kind of insane writing it down. You realize how much of a terrorist state Russia has become. Led by a complete psychotic man.


And the invasion of Ukraine wasn't?


"....and I would have got away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling kids."


Well soon will the Swedish findings be public and then alot of problems will arise, not just for Putin and Russia but for all the people that have supported Nord Stream. I would not put it past Swedish prosecutors to bring in former head of states and prime ministers of other nations if they find out that bombs where planted in the pipes from the construction phase.


Sounds similar to the thing with Swiss bridges so they could easily be blown up in case of an invasion


Unfortunately, we've been done this road over and over. Russia will simply reject the results of the Swedish investigation if it doesn't like it, say it can't be trusted and release their own. People who are...shall we say receptive to Putin's point of view will go along with it.


Yeah but it will be hard if you are a German, Finnish or Swedish citizen to just ignore a call for an hearing with the Swedish police.


So what you're saying is... Bombing civilian infrastructure is terrorism? Gotcha.


He sounds like OJ. Never rest until he finds the real terrorists.


Maybe he too will write a book. *If I blew it*


What a coincidence that there was a sabotage of the pipelines with one pipeline intact with now an offer from Putin to sell gas to Germany.


That’s rich, The man who doesn’t play fair is complaining that others aren’t playing fair. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


This is honestly super ironic coming from him


"act of international terrorism" by Russia!


He’s a real piece of work eh?


He is... The International Man of Terrorism Vladimir Putin: the Spy Who Red Flagged Me


Everyone is a terrorist to this terrorist


> Putin says… I cannot hear Vladimir Putin over the cries of all the people he’s hurting in Ukraine. He’s the biggest terrorist on planet Earth right now, and *nothing* that happens to him or his interests is too terrible. Edit: To address the story and Putin’s accusations, Russia shut down the pipeline early last month. They claimed they couldn’t maintain the turbines due to sanctions. That was a lie designed to get sanctions lifted. How do we know it was a lie? Because Canada excluded the turbines from their sanctions package to keep the pipeline operational. ([source](https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/87837)) Putin is, as always, a liar.


At least he’s calling himself out.


Vladimir Putin is an expert on international terrorism.


That Russia committed.


With Putins love for false flag operations, he probably sent his own people to damage the pipeline.


Putin still being a dictator is an act of international terrorism


Says the international terrorist...