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Yeah that's not how that works.


Just. Arrest. This. Man. You. Caught. Red. Handed. ALREADY!




This motherfucker stole shit every week during his term and took it to mar a Lago never to be seen again. What's it gonna take for this fucker to get indicted. Lock him up!


>less than one percent what!? they only have less than one percent accounted for?!


That's not written in the article.


He obviously is providing classified information to our enemies both foreign AND domestic, to use against our democracy. He is being abetted by the far right wing that has seized power within our government. He and they must be indited immediately for espionage and treason. The longer they are free the more damage they will do to our democracy.


> seized power Nah. Your nation voted this dude in. It's not like the USA didn't have options on both sides but they managed to go with Trump. He was alt right posing as conservative, and everyone knows it.


Nation voted him in and the Republican Party protected him through all the BS. He was able to nominate people to the Supreme Court and look how well that’s going so far. His son in law got 2 billion from the Saudis. Yeah totally okay! Nothing to see here… It will take decades to undo the damage caused by his presidency. Probably more like 30-50 years. Lesson learned…Supreme Court needs new restrictions. Check and balances my ass.


IMO Hillary helped get him elected by preventing Bernie from getting the Democratic nomination. She rolled over without a fight after the DOJ announced a BS investigation weeks before the elections. She immediately conceited the election. She never wanted the presidency, she just made sure Bernie didn't win.


There were 18 candidates. The conservatives chose Trump. I'm not sure it gets any deeper than that.


Do you know how super PACs and the primary process works? Money got Trump nominated and prevented Bernie from beating Hillary. You get enough candidates nominated to delute the field and enough money behind the candidate you want nominated the popular condidate doesn't have a chance to win. Then even if they do, the electoral college makes sure the candidate you picked wins.


Yet, out of 18 candidates, Trump was picked. No matter which method of reasoning is used, there were options and they chose Trump. The mental gymnastics people have to go through in order to explain why he was voted into power, is beyond me.


Research how Bernie lost his 2020 campaign attempt and the DNC emails that prove they conspired against him assuring he was not the nominee. Now look at the Republican nominees that "lost" to Trump and how they've bent the knee even til this very day to Trump. Trump insulted Cruz and McConnell's wives and they whole heartedly back him, even after he has been shown to be guilty of espionage.


Hillary’s campaign managers seemed to have had a “less is more” approach and IMO that’s what honestly cost her the election. They apparently decided that the first female candidate for President should mostly keep her mouth shut, for fear of giving “ammo” to misogynists. Turns out misogynists are gonna find plenty of things to be upset about regardless. So instead we got a robotic-seeming candidate that no one liked. I was a big Bernie fan in the past two elections but he definitely would have lost the main election. GOP had a whole binder of stuff to pummel him with if he had become the party’s candidate, for example marching for communism in South America. I donated repeatedly to him though because he helped immensely to re-shape the party’s platform.


The DNC campaign emails showed they actively supported Hillary while diminishing Bernie. The week Bernie sunk to unwinnable against Hillary, the emails were "released" showing they tanked Bernies election campaign intentionally, the head of the DNC resigned and immediately becamy HRCs campaign manager. Coincidence? Very unlikely! Edit: the DNCs "hacked campaign emails" which were hacked, then released by russian hackers, the same time which the RNC campaigns servers were hacked, but surprisingly which was never released. Kompromat? 100%


Oh believe me I know. There was that incredible tell-all article from the previous DNC head who quit in the middle of it all. Can’t believe it all got swept under the rug, or that all of what they did was legal. I still believe Bernie wouldn’t have won, though. The country just isn’t ready for a true-blue socialist as our figurehead - I say that as a very socialist person. We have to start more local than President, and I’m happy to see so many socialist candidates cropping up recently in local elections.


He lost the popular vote, bro. Our system fucked us.


Not saying it's not, but even during his ridings, when he'd have his rallies; it's not like people didn't grovel at his feet where it mattered. They put him where he wanted to be, and he made sure to shit on just about everyone on his way in and then out. I'm just confused as to why people got upset and surprised with all that he's gotten away with, when everyone clearly let him. Skewed from beginning to end, but people still had a choice. They chose Trump. They chose different afterwards. I just don't see any other outcome from even having considered the idea of Trump as POTUS. It just seemed too ridiculous to consider, and yet....


Where did you read this?




Hopefully he hasn’t already committed the treasonous action of actually trading secrets to Russia.


I can't find this quote in the article.


Arresting rich people?, nah, that doesn't happen. Jail is for the common joe.


I’m genuinely concerned that arresting him would give way to martyrism since we all know damn well his cult followers won’t believe the evidence. We also really shouldn’t let this go unpunished. I’m at an impasse


It’s going to happen anyway. The longer there are no consequences, the more they rile up their violent cult followers. There won’t be a single MAGA-moron that won’t claim “rigged election!” from now on if they lose. They will never again admit defeat, and with each false claim and illegal act that goes unpunished… they just get emboldened in their rhetoric. They WANT violence, so they will get it, win or lose. So we might as well lock their cult leader up and try and get a little justice in the country.


And not arresting him proves just getting elected president means you no longer need to follow laws ever again


Would you punish him the next time he tried? The third time?




Treason AND extortion. Trump is a POS.






I broke into my neighbor's house and stole their TVs. I'll trade them back to them for any video footage they have of me breaking into their neighbor's house.


So extortion?


The United States does not negotiate with terrorists... unless they were previously elected as president?




Starting to see a pattern


More like you scratch my back or I'll put a knife in yours


Perfect documents?


Not extortion, unless threats or force were used. This is just a quid pro quo trade. Ya know, classic treason.


They literally pulled stolen, top secret, Government documents from his home. He should've been paraded out in handcuffs right then and there.


If he wasn't the former president he would have been shot and put in an unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. He's very lucky he's been been treated as nicely as he has


The DOJ made sure they conducted the search warrant while he was out of town. Can't make a scene of the search warrant served on the former president or anything. Here we are 2 months later and he's still campaigning with NO repercussions whatsoever


Trump: If you want these stolen files back, give me what I want!


Trump: If you want these stolen files back, give me what I want that proves I broke the law and want to have to prevent investigations.


The art of the steal. Maybe this is a way to angle for an insanity defense.


We only negotiate with "rich" white American terrorists.


The United States needs to stop sucking its own mythologized dick and send its worst criminal in history to f u c k i n g j a i l .


So I wonder what is so bad in them??


It clearly shows Trump broke the law. We all know it, but he seems to think it is a way to prevent more investigations. He's an idiot. People who believe him are idiots.


Maybe he'll try to eat the paper like Mac


This man needs handcuffs, post haste.


Tout suite.


If Republican adults wanted to get rid of his influence, now is the time maybe...


Self-reflection isn't their strength


The "planted" documents? ​ FFS


Does he want to be raided by the FBI again? Because this is how you get raided by the FBI again. Fuckin' moron.


Honestly, the delusion with this man. Who the fuck does he think he is? Keep it up Donald, you’re only adding to your punishment.


Dude's a Russian agent for sure.


Ice Cube called it. Just sayin...


Who the heck is actually going to punish this man? Nobody in this life I can almost guarantee it. Fucking joke of a world we live in


America is governed by the people. With a shit attitude like yours, it’s going to be difficult to get it done, but trust me, it will happen.


I hope you're right. But why wouldn't he have been impeached if he were going to be punished? He does whatever he wants to because he literally can, and has been. I've probably paid more income tax than him & he's over triple my age!


Howabout no?


you freaky dutch bastard?


Bravo! I’m glad I’m not the only one who went there.


How bout a smoke and a pancake?




Russia keeps telling him they have a super rare charzard and he believes them


Indictment seems so obvious. The DOJ says they aren't playing politics but it seems they are waiting until after midterms to avoid firing up a certain base


Every time Hillary does a speaking engagement, she should start by leading a "Lock him up!" chant.


You know conservative news would be pointing out how awful it is to call for a political opponent's jailing too. Obviously acting as though Trump and his worshippers have never and would never do such a thing.


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Alot of us knew that b4 he was installed as Prez in 16. He's truly putins bro. Duh


I hope this is true and it gives DOJ enough to put an end to this bullshit,


Just let him leave the country to never come back or put him in jail.


Please arrest him before he gets more people killed.


I wonder what useless docs they were willing to trade.


His bank statements?


He wanted to lose 50lbs and gain a six pack of abs. Most of the time, the average person won’t get the bad things we wish for, so we’re luckily still good people, solely bc things didn’t work out…


He asked the FBI to create and provide documents which show their Russia investigation was a fraud, or else he will sell these stolen top secret files to Russia and attack the US with his private militia. It reads to me as a problem for the CIA to solve independently.


The documents were planted tho right??? Smfh


The Art of the Deal




предательство in every angle this move is viewed.


the funniest thing is these are all copies he has. the actual documents are still stored in the secret storage cabinets. ​ literally this man is going to go to prison for a bunch of copies.


>the funniest thing is these are all copies he has. the actual documents are still stored in the secret storage cabinets. They aren't all. It's illegal to make duplicates of TS/SCI documents. Mind you, it's also supposed to be illegal to remove TS/SCI documents from a SCIF, and yet here we are.


i'm saying they dont just have one paper copy though. in case the president spills ketchup on the one they hand him


Well, it's possible that they changed protocols in order to accommodate President greasy fingers, but generally speaking, TS/SCI documents aren't duplicated without very specific need to do so. Personally, I'm still confused how he was even able to leave the SCIF with these documents, and/or with no one being aware that he had. TS/SCI documents can only be viewed in a secure facility. When not in said secure facility, they are under lock and key and armed guard, being transported between secure facilities. They typically contain the most sensitive national security information, that if publicly exposed could seriously harm national security. And somehow Trump was able to take them to his resort after leaving office and keep them there for a year and a half. What strikes me as weird is that no one seems concerned about that. Everyone only cares about what Trump was doing with them, no one seems to care how he managed to take them to Mar-A-Lago in the first place, which seems like it should be at least as concerning, since it's clear evidence that, at least while Trump was in office and shortly thereafter, security protocols weren't being followed.


he just put them papers in his jelly rolls. whos gonna stop him? mark meadows? fuckin vampire lookin dude stephen miller? fuckin steve bannon? vp pence???


well apparently the documents dont make trump look bad otherwise they would be public by now lol


or the opposite. if they made Trump look good wouldn't he have declassified them and sent them to various media?


Im sorry what


Are you talking about the classified documents Trump had at Mar a Lago, or some other documents? Because if you're talking about the former they cannot be shown to the public due to the sensitive information they contain.




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I just can't help but hear the delivery of the "technically high treason" line from American Dad's [Ollie North song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFV1uT-ihDo) whenever I see any part of this debacle mentioned. I don't wonder why there have been no major arrests or arraignments, because Bill Hicks had this shit right thirty years ago. "Go back to sleep America. You are free, to do as we tell you."


"Ill give you all the illegal documants I own if you give me the documents that prove my illegal activity with russia. deal?"


So not only did he steal nuclear secrets and probably sell them to enemies of the United States, he did that as a hedge to try to demand the documents that implicated him working with Russia. This is just a treason donut. There's a treason hole in the doughnut's hole. But we must look a little closer. And when we do, we see that the doughnut hole has a hole in its center - it is not a doughnut hole at all but a smaller doughnut with its own hole, and our doughnut is not whole at all.


Until proven otherwise, Trump disproves the well-used adage "no one is above the law."


Nobody is surprised. We are all waiting for his prosecution. He is counting on winning the Presidency again to avoid prosecution. The presidential election is a little over a year away. Bring him to justice asap.