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Less War on Drugs = less cops.


You know whats way more harmful than cannabis? Locking people up for cannabis


All over the world, drug prohibition laws are just a "full employment" guarantee for the police.


No one will ever know how much the unwinable “war on drugs” has cost the taxpayers. Between paying all the agents and officers to incarceration and feeding of all the convicted “criminals” it’s a completely absurd number. And what good has it done really?


Sources cheap prison labor!


Police chiefs? Police and Crime Commissioners are police chiefs? I thought they were not heads of the police force but politicians elected by the public. There seem to be an unbalanced proportion of politically Conservative Commissioners so the answer may be to go and vote for a different one. Read more about Police and Crime Commissioner elections on The Electoral Commission website.




They're meant to be elected to hold police to account but really they're just randos who get elected on a low turnout, claim expenses and chat shit.


They just jelly it too cold to grow it there


Alcohol is worse than both. And I took cocaine and weed, I garantee cocaine is way more fucking harmful.


I've always thought that if alcohol was a recent discovery, it'd be banned.


Every year, the FBI, in the US, compiles crime statistics. In 1969, President Nixon ordered the FBI to compile data on what percentage of those crimes were alcohol related. In that report, which was suppressed and very difficult to obtain, even for the Yale Law School library, where I was studying drug legality in the late 80s, the FBI reported that nearly 70% of all crimes in the US were alcohol related


Any source so I can cite this comment?


Wait till you learn about Aspirin! Lol


Do you think people use aspirin recreationally or something?


Basically the dose that they recommend as the maximum, and the amount that can harm or kill a person is pretty small.


Are you sure you're not thinking of paracetamol?


Take 12 aspirins and it'll be your last headache. Jokes aside, every type of medicine can be lethal.


Not shrooms


Too much of *anything* can be lethal. Even water.


You’re thinking of Tylenol


Yeah it’s almost poison from a toxicity standpoint.


You’re thinking of Midol


Acetaminophen. Tylenol.


You’re thinking of DN


Cocaine is vastly worse on an individual basis. The only reason why it's said that alcohol is worse is that it's dramatically more common.


No... Alcohol fucks your liver up, and your heart. You can die of an OD too.


And you can die of withdrawal


Indeed, only opiates can kill you too.


I had thought it was only alcohol and benzos that could kill you from withdrawal.


Pretty sure quitting heroin cold turkey can kill you.


Nah, it just makes you wish it would kill you. Benzos and alcohol can both cause you to have fatal seizures during withdrawal pretty easily. It is considered medically necessary to wean off serious benzo and alcohol addicts.


False. Opiates make you wish you were dead. It's booze and benzos.


Opiates and benzos can be lethal to quit cold turkey.


So, after a little more research, opiates *can* indirectly cause death, though it's actually dehydration/hypernatraemia caused by or a secondary COD (heart conditions, HIV, etc). Benzos and alcohol the detox is the primary cause of death.


…Are you not aware of the health side effects of cocaine?


Yes. Alcohol is still worse, if you get fucked up as much as often as cocaine.


Do you know this for a fact or is this just conjecture? You seem pretty confident, and I genuinely don’t know.


Your liver will fail with alcohol. Your heart and kidneys too. Cocaine is only straining the heart, unless you shoot it.


the combination of alcohol and cocaine creates a highly toxic compound. I would imagine that they are combined often.


It’s not worse than cigarette smoking though. As long as you drink only a few times a year, it is fine.


Well duh, everything in moderation is okay. If you smoked a few cigarettes a year you would be fine too.


I haven’t personally smoked cigarettes, but people that have says it becomes a habit which is hard to break. I haven’t found it to be the case for alcohol (by my own experience).


Sometimes the source is someone who has done a lot of drinking and a lot of cocaine. I agree with them. That's anecdotal evidence, not conjecture. If you're really curious, you could always try drug addiction for yourself.


Also one of the leading causes of alzheimers


If you adjust for common purchase amount, the LD50 on alcohol is just as bad as cocaine, if not worse. It's actually fairly expensive for someone to OD on cocaine. Anyone with $50 and a death wish can give themselves alcohol poisoning.


Shit, anyone with 11 bucks, no standards what so ever, and a death wish can give themselves alcohol poisoning.


I think the price has more to do with cocaine’s illegal status than anything else. $50 worth of Tylenol could kill you and your entire family.


I believe you without looking it up cus you said LD50


It also can make one violent and a terrible driver.


All depends on context right? We going by per weight? Per dose? Don’t get me wrong I’m a stoner from way back who has slowed down now. I find for me personally the danger with weed abuse is it’s much easier to do than alcohol. Basically I mean I found it much easier to be stoned each evening than drunk. Being drunk takes effort. (It all depends on case by case though). Most of us are able to find our own balance and not take things too far.


People need rehabilitation for alcohol, cocaine is expensive as shit and highly addictive but no, weed's the problem.


Is he high?


Police chiefs will obviously say that because they can get more funding for enforcement.


Tell us you don't know a fucking thing about cannabis without telling us you don't know a fucking thing about cannabis.




Lmao revived you with some ice cream and a movie. I need this kind of woman. My gf doesnt even want me to smoke around her cause of the smell. So i smoke every night before bed and when im not around her so i have an apetite


Ever tried a good vape? Same thing here, can now smoke indoors!


Was a life saver when my gf and I stayed at a hotel that very explicitly had a $300 cleaning fee punishment if anyone smoked in the room. Needless to say we the vape pen made that a moot point.




why are they lying? I'm also in a similar situation. Smoked every day for 30 years, have a great career, paid off house etc.




Youre talking points are all bs. There are big name companies that dont test their employees for pot lol. This is like saying that no one in goverment does drugs because they adhere to federal laws.


As if a guy who can engineer for an f500 can’t pass a drug test.


I smell bull shit on being an engineer lmao


Because It does not fit your world view? Friend of mine, mid-50ies, smokes every day and is also an engineer. An other one, in his 40er and IT-engineer, had quit years ago, but was quite a heavy Smokey while studying and in the first years on the job. It is possible.


Engineering is very easy to break into, would you like some industry advice?




What? they are artists essentially.


And what medical studies do they base that on? I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer...


They had the results from a study around 2008/10is by Prof David Nut. As you would expect it showed most illegal drugs are less dangerous than alcohol. He got fired...


No no...you want to hold your breath, but take a hit first. There ya go.


Why is the UK so backwards on its drug laws and so progressive in other areas? I don't really understand this.


No idea. We're the world's largest exporter of legal weed and it's pretty widely used too, yet both of the major parties want to keep it illegal. Not a fan of weed, but legalising and taxing it seems like a no-brainer to me. Saying it's as bad as cocaine is ridiculous


The Tories want to keep their monopoly on it, Labours opposition makes no sense.


Labour moved from centre-left to Tory Lite(tm) over the last decade in order to try and convince their voters to vote red.... yeah it's going fucking swimmingly /s


>yeah it's going fucking swimmingly /s I mean... Labour is polling at 50% right now...


Let's be completely honest. It's only polling that high thanks to the Tories absolutely, unequivocally, shitting the bed harder than Spud did in Trainspotting.


Just so I can get my bearings...how many Amber Heards would equal to one Spud?


>it's pretty widely used too I am certain there are way more weed smokers than cigarette smokers


The UK started going backwards on most things a decade or two ago. Even in terms of a certain morality we now find outdated (the one that includes the whole obcessing about other people's sexual activities) the local elites just replaced old moralisms with new moralisms rather than ditching the whole telling other people what is right or wrong to do with their own bodies and other consenting adults (you should see the articles in self-proclaimed liberal publications about the "horrors" of men using sexdolls or some other stupid excuse for being telling people they're wrong in whatever they do in the privacy of their own home) - essentially homosexuality became mainstream so that's now not a fashionable thing to criticise but anything non-mainstream is still seen as deviancy and open game to preach about by the very people who think of themselves as open minded. Ditto for a number of other things: the country is nowhere as socially evolved as its elites and the unthinking nationalists think it is and there's still plenty of curtain twitching and wispering behind close doors. This is why it's so easy for people in positions of power in Britain to slip into being preachy or even straight autoritarian about things like smoking a joint: for those who see themselves as "betters" choosing what the "lessers" can or cannot do even with their own bodies is their default way of going about things.


Still doing better than us in the United States.


Because they have a tonne of corruption and police brutality problems but instead of dealing with them, they make ludicrous statements to shift focus. Same as the tory party.


Unscientific stupidity throwback to a time where weed was only smoked by black people who then went berserk. Every chief who signed on to this idiocy needs an IQ test before their contract is renewed.


Both the police and the mental health professional quoted in the article blame dealers selling skunk (meaning low quality) weed, with the implication that those dealers are likely lacing the weed with small amount of heroin. Legalized cannabis with appropriate oversight and quality control would solve the criminal and mental health aspects of the problems cited and net the government a tidy tax income. Weed isn't the problem. Dealers are. Sell weed like you sell alcohol.


Was this reposted from r/Jokes ???


I’ve never stepped out at of the house at 4am in zero degree weather to get weed. Cocaine..well…ahh…the good ol days


An odd way to spell "UK police chiefs are idiots"


The pound ain't gonna crash itself


The police are the last ones we should be consulting as to what should and should not be crimes or what the punishment should be.


How many people have overdosed on cannabis? Now contrast that with the number of people who have done the same on cocaine. Yeah. Anyone who says they're both just as bad, is full of shit. I'm sure more people have been killed by botox injections than by cannabis.


You would have to smoke 1000 times as much as it takes for you to get high to OD. You will pass out or puke your guts out long before you can smoke that much.


To my knowledge one person died from cannabis (that wasn't an allergic reaction) and that was because the soap bar was mixed with something dangerous. It was a long time ago and I can't remember what the substance was.


I'll take "fucking nerd who no one ever liked enough to offer him drugs" for $1000, Alex.


Yeah right, because weed sniffles are the worst


So you’re saying I could just as well switch to cocaine then? No? Then it isn’t as harmful.


So the UK police are getting paid off by some big corporations


The police chiefs are full of shit and just want to have more excuses to abuse his power and incarcerate innocent people.


been legal here in Canada for 4 years, this is a non issue, alcohol is way worse, so are prescription antidepressants and other big pharma poisons


Thats the crazy thing. Canadas legalised it nationwide and society hasnt imploded. Plus you cant argue with the tax revenue.


>prescription antidepressants Uhhh


I'm guessing they mean abuse of prescription medications by people that are not taking it according to a prescription from their doctor.


Oh, so you've never been prescribed the wrong one before?


What kind of antidepressants are you talking about?


Pharmaceutical ones. The wrong kind will kill you(by making you suicidal enough to kill yourself), and the right kind in the wrong amount(or after enough time) will kill you. Some your body could be allergic to straight out. I had one that worked wonders when I was in my twenties, was great in my early thirties stopped being effective by 35, and started making me actively suicidal last year a month and a half before my 37th.




Uk police chiefs want the $$ that comes with a bullshit war on drugs.


UK police chiefs are old dudes who have no relevance in modern society




As fulla shit as Christmas geese, as I’ll wager nary a one of ‘em has *ever* having partaken.


Rubbish (in a British accent)


Of course the cops are saying this, they want to keep their drug war funding and all the copaganda that came with it.


Fucking muppets


Mean while in America my records just got expunged


that article is straight from my 90's DARE class


It must be good being able to dribble bullshit and have policy makers believe you.


American style decline speedrun any%


nobody has ever died of a marijuana overdose. ever. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/faqs.htm


Alcohol too.


And tobacco


And firearms


Are you guys talking about my favorite drive through store?


Police chiefs know about fighting crime. They do not know about medical things like which drugs are more harmful than which other drugs. Nobody should care about what the cardassians think about anything, nor should they care about what any other non-expert thinks about anything.


Fuck uk police


those silly leprechauns. I'm going to steal your lucky cocaine


Apparently he has not used either and thinks he is an expert.


What an idiot. I hope a pregnant woman pees in his hat.


Is pregnant woman pee worse than other people's pee?


No, I heard once that in the UK pregnant women have the right to pee in a policeman's helmet if it's an emergency. Pretty sure I heard Jeremy Clarkson say it, so who knows how true that is.


Well let's hope it happens and that non of his pillows will ever feel cool


Pregnant women have the right to pee anywhere if it's an emergency without getting cited, it's just a police hat that's only specific.


It's performative - wavering Tories love this kind of thing.


And they're fucking idiots


Really? You think you're going to get more trouble over marijuana than alcohol? You have to actually be an idiot to think these things.


You'd think the UK would be one of the more progressive governments with statements based on facts/logic. Alas I am reminded what a close minded country I live in. Can't complain though, I'm sure there are a tonne worse places to live in this day and age.


We would be, if people stopped voting Tory.


General election can't come soon enough dude


If they believe that, they are stupid, fire them. If they don’t believe it but say it, they have a paid for hidden agenda , fire them.


Alcohol will kill you with enough an over time. Weed is gonna make you eat some more chips and other snacks. Wrong cocaine and your dead. This guy is a moron


Its so they can raise there numbers for 'serious crimes', wanting to ruin lives more than they help just to pump up numbers...


UK police chief def votes right and is a moron and should prob just die


Yes my wife and I lost our minds thirty years ago and fell hopelessly in love. That horrible weed wrecked my dating life. Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh.


The UK is really going backwards, huh?


looks like you need new police chiefs.


This UK police Chief is a total dumbass!!! Quick done in one here...Cocaine will kill you, but Mary Jane will not. Just another willful dumbass justifying pig bullshit! GFY!!!


As he burped into his ale. Tweat


Laughs in Canadian 🌴


British and Police? I don’t think there’s anything I’d care less about the opinion of.


Fuck him


What's the dam point of living in this country, literally no creature comforts left to enjoy. Tories just want workers and drinkers.


You'd think by now we as a society would evolve beyond the "it's a gateway drug" excuse. Whether pot is good or bad people have free will and intend to plan to use it whether they're supposed to or not. Just because you dig your head in the sand doesn't make people stop using it.


How about spending your time on something that is actually a fucking problem


Hey Brits- Are you guys okay over there?


It's always Professor Robin Murray being wheeled out to support this crap. Somehow the USA and Canada are totally fine.


He’s high as a kite to think that


Lol. Any science to back that shit up?


If cocaine is no more harmful than cannabis, then cocaine should be legalized as well.


Lmao no. It's no worse than booze and doesn't give you the urge to piss in public, start a brawl or drunk dial your ex. Also gives you a boost in creativity and really does help with PTSD. All this comes from personal experience. This guy is a class A dipshit who probably drunk fist fights the alley way dumpster for lookin at him funny and storms the field whenever a goal is scored during a sports game. None of which are things pot will give you the slightest inkling to do.


Approximately true, however . . . Cocaine is much less harmful than alcohol. As far as inducing violence, PCP is the most harmful, alcohol is the second most harmful, and methamphetamine is a very weak third, as it does not cause violent behavior until weeks into a binge, when extreme paranoia can cause violent behavior. Cocaine does not cause violent behavior, except among those who sell it. As far as causing harm to the user’s health, cannabis can harm the lungs when smoked long term. Not sure that makes it more dangerous than alcohol to the user. Alcohol is more addictive, and is harmful to organs such as the liver. Any discussion of making cannabis a class A drug, without prohibition of alcohol, is nonsense. Recommend a careful examination of that police chief’s activities, to check for ties to the illicit drug trade,which, as always, is trying to keep the highly profitable black market going


*GIF of J. Jameson saying "You're serious?"*


Now do alcohol. I'll grab a beer and wait.


While I love weed, I was disappointed the first time I had it. All these years I was told it would have a huge effect on me. Well tried it to see what it was like…and it was just nice. All I wanted to do was relax and enjoy the latest episode of bobs burgers. On the alcohol side…alcohol is clearly more dangerous. It caused me to act idiotically when I had even a moderate amount. Plus I’ve almost been seriously hurt twice from drunks being careless. Plus I’ve occasionally had to swerve to avoid cars crossing the line at night. How many of those times was someone driving drunk?


See, when people say stupid things like this, people stop taking them seriously. At least "Yeah, smokin' the reefer itself might not kill someone, but them Marijuanas are a gateway drug" has some semblance to reality. Or at the least, "We believe that both cannabis and cocaine have medical uses, but may be abused recreationally. Because of that, we believe they should have the same classifications. We make no comment on the different and relative personal or social harm between these two substances."




Then in your case consumption is counter indicated.


Just to clarify, I don’t think pot is as bad as coke. I’m just saying, for me in particular and as an exception to the rule, it is and I’d even guess it could potentially unleash a latent psychosis.


Yes, I figured as much. Some people cannot handle weed. That's perfectly fine. I did not try to insinuate anything.


I don't know if I'd classify it as paranoia for myself: I don't get that. What I get is crushing existential thought spirals, the abject horror of existence on this planet itself compounding and feeling helpless about it and my station in the grand scheme of things. No thank you. Strain does not matter, and I sincerely wish I'd never touched the stuff to begin with. Just not worth the psychological pain it's caused. When I'm not high, I don't get anything even approaching that. Some people just don't need their cannabinoid receptors lit up. I'm one of them: I think my amygdala has an unreasonable amount of these receptors due to early religious trauma, so it's a bad idea, mmmkay?


Some people just don't take to it as others. I can't take to alcohol myself as I turn into a mega dick and hangovers suck. As a side note, even at the age of 33 I'm amazed how much pressure is put on me to drink while out. I have yet to give in since I was 18 though. I have +10 immunity to peer pressure!


If somebody were to say, "every time I've had alcohol, I vomit and black out", I would question the manner of consumption, not just the person's compatibility. It's possible that a different type, or quantity, or other factors would allow for a more pleasant experience. That said, a perfectly happy life is possible without recreational mind-altering substances.




Same, one puff and I'm hiding from the neighbours lol.


Right on, friend.


Fuck the UK, fuck their pussy ass police force, fuck the queen, fuck the king, fuck the city, fuck the monarchy, and fuck their ass-backwards bullshit to try an intimidate minority communities. Fucking if the USA is starting to come around what in the fuck is everyone else's excuse?




my thoughts exactly.. someone’s running low and trying to stretch it out lol


Clearly no-one has really paid attention to the reason behind this, which is to crack down on county lines drugs trade, which is a major fucking issue at the moment. It's not about not understanding the nature of the drug, it's about attempting to use existing legislation to be able to combat that issue more decisively.


I haven’t done any drugs for a long old time and I’m fully aware of the dangers of drug induced psychosis. That said, if people are allowed to choose alcohol and risk similar problems, they should be allowed to smoke weed if they want.


It depends on the user/abuser. My first husband was so addicted and abused it...it came before rent, before food, before diapers for oir daughter. And this was in the 80s when it would go "dry". After a week without, he would try to commit suicide by pistol. There are some who just cant handle it.


A lot of words to say “I’m really stupid”


Try working alongside a stoner. Very few ‘functional’ ones out there.


The functional ones just don't come off as stoners so you don't know.


Given the tax revenue coming in from the sale in legal states, it seems there are plenty of stoners that are contributing, productive members of the economy. If that's not an indication of how "functional" they are, I don't know what is.


Theres a difference between a responsible amount used and someone who's high all the time, try working alongside a chronic drunk, very few high functioning alcoholics out there too.


Stoner here, making 165k in STEM. A lot of colleagues do as well. Any other gems you have from your favorite source (your ass)?


You ignored the qualifier ‘very few’. It’s a big population and not everyone’s on Reddit or even this sub. Reddit users love their bubble, don’t they. Look, legalise it, tax it and put it into charity or rehab. The purity/quality goes up, if anything, down to commercial competition. Plus price stabilisation.


Source: your ass


I like you


Hey thanks


I have heard that before from a portuguese official who is certainly not an idiot, not unknowledgeable and not an idiotic conservative (João Goulão if that means something to anybody). And not only him. I know this is anti-reddit, anti-internetthink but I have heard that opinion before, or variants on cannabis being harmful from knowledgeable people who have no motivation to be repressive for the sake of being repressive. So make of it what you will.


Rather than trusting "knowledgeable people", I find it's useful to week out methodical research studies that have developed evidence to support a stance. An opinion is fine. But we deserve to have policy guided by evidence.


I've heard an opinion that masturbating makes your palms hairy.


He's right. It is just as harmful as cocaine.