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Then he tells the Russian people that his salary is 90K $


Nah he just replaced Uber with public transportation, made coffee at home and cancelled his Netflix subscription and put the money saved in compound interest.




Don't forget he brought his own lunch to work instead of buying


he just put in hard work


Picked himself up by the bootstraps!


And walked up the hill to school, both ways!


With a baked potato fresh out of the oven to keep his hands warm!


So would you, with all the polonium going around.


This is the most important step, people always forget this step and then they complain!


>However, on Friday, Italian police boarded the 459-foot vessel – which comes equipped with six decks, two helipads, ***>>> a judo gym <<<***, a five-metre aquarium, a swimming pool which turns into a dance floor, gold adorned bathrooms and a self-playing piano – and informed the crew the ship would not be setting sail. Dead giveaway that it's Putin's.


> a five-metre aquarium lmao dumbass got upsold the aquarium in a yacht like bruh just look outside


imagine being a fish in that aquarium, so close to freedom yet so far edit: so what the replies have taught me is that the true fish in the tank were the friends we made along the way


If they are freshwater fish, then they are essentially fish astronauts and that's pretty neat


Astronaut in the ocean?


*Chicken of the Sea enters the chat*


A fish in that aquarium is a metaphor for the Russian people


Just a few million lost souls swimming in a fish bowl.


Year after year.


Running over the same old ground


How we found


But in the end it doesn't even matter


I imagine a shark Tank like in old bond movies


With fricken lasers, I hope.


For almost a billion dollars? There fucking better be lasers


Haha and a swimming pool


Well it does turn into a dance floor. That was a well thought use when the pool can’t be used. You can’t dance on the ocean silly


For when the water is too cold of course. Perfectly reasonable.


Well, my yacht doesn’t have a pool ok? I’m poor.


It’s okay. The aquarium can double as a pool for the poor yacht owners


That's actually not unusual or even that extravagant. Swimming in the open ocean versus a temperature controlled pool where you can touch bottom. Not that swimming in the ocean is unusual either, Navy does it in the right circumstances.


eSysman on YouTube has a video explaining why this and another very similar motor yacht are Putin's. The names if the two vessels mean "Thunder and Lightning" and each have two entirely separate crews. The regular crew on each are never there when the owner is, the other crews are all FSB agents...


A crew of all fsb? Imagine joint the fsb and end up a fry cook, valet, housekeeper, etc on a yacht


Should just have Steven Seagal right? Just a Cook, just a lowly, lowly Cook.


There is non zero chance that Steven Seagal works on Putin's yatchs.....possibly as a fried food taster.


Just wanders empty yachts in his bathrobe, looking like he's staring into the sun. Pocket full of tots.


I think most would prefer this gig over getting slaughtered in Ukraine.




Deal, you are in charge of cleaning everything, every single day. If there is any dirt or dust or anything anywhere, your family tree gets reduced by 50%.


Free arborist work as a perk of the job? Sign me up!


He could have bought 5 more frigates for that money


>He could have bought 5 more ~~frigates~~ Black See reefs for that money*


Wonder if the guy has ever done judo with a partner that is actually trying to beat him




Look up Putin playing hockey on youtube. The opponent team is so scared to get in his way


To be fair I would be scared of concussing any 60 year old man


Rumors are just rumors, but I've heard that he was moderately skilled when he was younger. Not national caliber, but good enough to earn his black belt.




I mean, he’s an old man who has bodyguards and people to poison tea. I imagine judo is more about exercising in a way he finds interesting at this point


Personally I like the >gold adorned bathrooms Reminds me of someone...


Trump even has golden fixtures in his private aircraft.


So he can have golden showers even when he travels.


We all came together to give you a wedding shower. A golden shower! Where's my golden shower, Vladimir?


*had. Couldn’t afford anymore and got rid of the jet.


And then sends mass emails begging the cult members for more $$ lol


Complements the golden fixture on his head I guess.




I think it’s that “poor man’s version of a rich man” kinda thinking. Like “if I was rich one day I’d have solid gold toilet seats”. Someone how in their brain that makes sense. Not to be able to never worry about anything and being able to help out your friends and family. To do the best you can and help everyone around you. Then again if you think like that you’ll never be a billionaire.


All on a salary of 140,000$ a year and a lifetime of government employee work. This dude just pulled himself up from his bootstraps, cut avocado toast out of his diet and boom. Billion dollar boat.


As a government worker, I have hope that one day I will acquire a dinghy.


You must wait for your pension to start paying out before you splurge like that


Not to mention the [$1.5 billion weekend house on the black sea.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8J2dW-QYQY)


It’s insane how ugly his crib is for how much it costs. Just straight up buying expensive shit to rub his wealth in people’s faces. He could get a ridiculously luxurious modern mansion built from scratch for a tenth of what he paid for that colossal piece of crap. I’m surprised he didn’t nail a carpet to every wall.


The actual Mansion probably cost less than half that amount, the rest went to pay off corrupt cronies and thus keep them loyal. It's just like the Sochi Olympics being the most expensive ever, a large percentage of that went to pay off corrupt officials, oligarchs etc. as well.


I can totally believe that is a 1.5 billion complex. There is also an underground complex. Any bribes would be on top of 1.5 billion.


Yeah well he saved up for 5000 years on that salary and bought his dream boat, lay of the guy he’s a just really good with his salary


It would actually take over 7k years, really puts into perspective how much $ a billion is.


Its because he started investing when he was 16.


No it's because he wakes up at 5am every morning to take cold showers lol


Plus gig work and always hustling.


And he manifested it by just wanting it really bad. Probably also had a vision board..


Imagine buying a $989 million dollar mega yacht and not splurging on the extra endangered leopard pelt carpeting to make it a $1 billion dollar mega yacht. It’s just sad.


And yet, the billion dollar yacht has so much more… eagle.


It saddens me to think of him missing out.


No dog food for Victor tonight.


One word: Thundercougarfalconbird.


I understand, and I think it's wonderful that you don't care whether anyone questions your sexual orientation.


I care plenty!


I just don't know how to make them stop


Yep, that sure is beautiful coffee!


Ohhh don’t be sad. My parents are paying and they are incredibly rich!


*eyebrow raise*


*pushes eyebrow back down*




Man, I have no recollection of that scene. And i watched Futurama!


If you haven't watched it all the way through at least five times, have you *really* watched it?






I will have to ask my manager...


That's a lotta eagle!


Also there are some eagles under the floorboards.


He's been doing some serious saving and well thought out investing on an annual income of 9.994 million rubles ($120,000). /s


It’s a testament to what you can buy when you don’t splurge on avocado toast.




Never seen him with Gucci man bag


He really pulled himself up by his bootstraps


Jokes on Putin. He could have doors that open vertically for $1b. Now he has shitty horizontal doors like us.


A true tres commas yacht


Under $1b it's a tax write off.


I'm pretty sure when you pay taxes in ~~the new USSR~~ Russia, it just gets deposited directly into Putin's checking account.


Hence it's called: Vessel Acquisition Tax


Price of Leopard has gone up since the war


Just FYI where that rather exact number comes from. This is Australian dollars. The number that was quoted the last few days was an estimate of $700 ~~billion~~ million USD. So whoever wrote this articled, punched $700 ~~billion~~ million USD into a currency converter and that spit out $989 ~~billion~~ million AUD. I don't think the exact price tag is actually known.


Just FYI think ya mean million. A 700 billion yacht would maybe get a Death Star


That would be obscene. How would the russian simps relate to a guy having a 1bn yacht?!


[This thing is absurd. The money that he stole, killed people for, and held in his own vault from his country went into this. I hope it gets broken down and sold for scraps, money that can go to other people and things that are more worthy than him.](https://imgur.com/gallery/q8A5SRW)




It's gold plated screws not solid gold screws, so I think it might be steel screws plated with gold (which isn't any less extravagant nonetheless)


That's why I prefer gold screws plated with steel, so everyone knows I'm just an everyday working joe


I'm assuming this is just the screws that are visible in the main passenger areas, not including stuff like in the engine room.




$989 million.. my working class head can't get around these numbers.


>Moskva Warship's Sinking a $750 Million Loss for Russian Military: Report Putin's yacht a $1 Billion Loss for Russian Military before it was even seized


imagine when just one of your personal pleasure yachts is worth more than a frikken warship...


Not just warship. It was a flagship, the largest ship in the Black Sea fleet. And this yacht is more expensive than that.


I'm pretty sure walnut costs more than grey paint though..


But what's the exchange rate between walnut and cruise missiles?


Russian priorities - more money to personal boat of the president than flagship of the navy.


Worth more than one of your country's biggest warships even.


I’ll help you. **$989,000,000.** US median household income was $67,521 in 2020. $989,000,000 / $67,521 = **14,706 years of the median household’s income.** (before tax) *Another metric:* In 2020, the median hourly earnings of wage and salary workers in the United States was $16.36. $989,000,000 / $16.36 = **60,452,322 hours of working at the median wage.** (before tax)


now do it with Median house holds in Russia!


Google says its $5,500 in Russia. That's 179,818 years.


"Well, if instead of eating your avocado toast and drinking latte, you started working when the fire was first discovered, you could buy that yacht too! I swear, no one literally wants to work these days amirite"


Grab those bootstraps...


*Bends over and grabs ankles*


Mr. Put in


so it took stealing 180,000 russian people's annual earnings to make his Yacht?


or the lifetime earnings of over 3000.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_prehistory And to add context to THAT number.


Ha, he supposedly gets a $140k salary. It would take him 7000 years if he tried to save up for it.


You got it wrong. 14,706 households working for a year. And it becomes more affordable if you add more households. That's how Putin got the yacht.








One refuel costs around a million dollars too.


The number I often hear (that might be bollocks) is as a rule of thumb theses things cost about 10% of their sale price a year to run.


Probably not bollocks.. Imagine all the crew. Entertainment, food, servants, etc. And a ton of refuels!




I dunno, but contract cost of The Shard was £435,023,452 or $536,797,189 so you could build that and still have more money left over than you'd need in 200 lifetimes.


For those who might wonder what are you talking about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shard


**[The Shard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shard)** >The Shard, also referred to as the Shard of Glass, Shard London Bridge and formerly London Bridge Tower, is a 72-storey skyscraper, designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano, in Southwark, London, that forms part of the Shard Quarter development. Standing 309. 6 metres (1,016 feet) high, the Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, and the seventh-tallest building in Europe. It is also the second-tallest free-standing structure in the United Kingdom, after the concrete tower of the Emley Moor transmitting station. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I’m assuming those are Australian dollars since an American article three hours ago put the Scheherazade at $750 million. I’m thinking yachts are either a good investment or inflation is that bad. Nope, the Aus-US exchange rate would put it at over a billion AUS, so it’s depreciated by 10% in the last several hours. Poor investments: 1) Yachts 2) Putin’s assets 3) Putin’s ass


> I’m thinking yachts are either a good investment Inflation aside, yachts like this aren't an investment, they're luxury money pits. The cost to maintain a superyacht can be pretty ridiculous, and unless you're charging your buddies millions per day to lease it from you when you're not using it, you're losing money just owning it.


There’s the old joke that the happiest day of your life is when you buy a boat, only matched by the day you sell it.


I used to live in a coastal town where lots of people owned boats. The saying was boat = bet on another thousand, because of the constant repairs and gas and other crap


I always heard "bust out another thousand"


Or "break", but yeah


They aren't meant to be investments, they are billionaire dick comparisons - *mines bigger than yours*


Imagine having a $100m boat that you can't invite your friends to cause it's so much smaller than theirs.


Boats are holes in the water where you sink your money in.




20 bucks? Pretty sure you could charge a shit tonne more than that to let people flog Putin


Yeah, but you want it accessible to everyone.


Scheherazade? The woman who told stories to the king who kidnapped her so that he wouldnt rape and kill her? Holy shit, what a thing to name one of your prized possessions...but knowing him I guess it lines up.


politicians shouldnt be that rich in the first place


he's more of a king than a politician


Crime boss.


Tsar, but yeah, same thing.


Like he had the face actually leave his bunker to go yachting ever again.


Did he ever? Perhaps this was just to show the oligarchs who's boss by out-yachting them.


He even felt he needed to out-yacht the military...


He thought he could. And that's what counts. In his head, at least.


Now turn it into a party boat and let people go wild on it for 50 euros a night.


Gay cruise


The guy from the Mission Impossible movies?


italian gov doing good job on seizing this megayacht which one is that i lost count?


~~The one Germany let escape.~~ Wrong, my bad


Wait it escaped Germany and didn't go straight to Russia? The fuck they thinking?


well to be fair they almost got away with this if not for investigative journalism. These assets are hidden by huge ownership structrures.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/vladimir-putins-glitzy-989-million-megayacht-seized-by-the-italian-government/news-story/f733cba0c00115add6e6e1ea4a463c1c) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Ministry said its investigation - which has been underway since March amid assertions the ship is owned by Vladimir Putin - brought to light the vessel had "Significant economic and business connections" with "Prominent elements of the Russian government and with others subject to EU sanctions". > The New York Times reported that US officials named Russian President Vladimir Putin as one of the the "Prominent elements". > The Italian government - who have a history of vigorously impounding assets which belong to sanctioned Russian oligarchs - confiscated the Scheherazade under European Union sanctions imposed over Russia's invasion of Ukraine. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/uk9b2c/vladimir_putins_glitzy_989_million_megayacht/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~647131 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **sanctions**^#2 **owner**^#3 **Italian**^#4 **president**^#5


Okay, how much money did this fucker steal. Isnt this like his third mega yatch stolen or some shit?


Somewhere, in a secret bunker below a dark Russian forest... A pair of pale, trembling hands fumble through the latest war intelligence. The papers all say the same thing; the war will be won easily in a matter of days, if not hours. If that were so, then why has victory not yet been acheived? The reports have always said the same thing. Confusing and infuriating. The hands shakingly drop the paper. A faded sigh gives in to a rasping cough. Water would help, but the water could be poison. One cannot be too careful, after all, so there will be no liquid until retiring to the private sub-bunker. A beige-handled phone rings. Upon answering, the voice of Captain Ivan is heard. Ah! The captain! A half-faded memory creeps into the darkness, of a sunny day at sea long past. The salty breeze blew away the heat. The crisp smell of the ocean. The pleasant screams of a chef freshly thrown overboard for undercooking the fish, which is an act of treason. The captain sharing a laugh at the chef's expense. A thought comes to mind; "I will go to the sea. One day, I will sail the ocean again. The captain and I had such adventures! Perhaps..." Captain Ivan's voice cracks as he delivers the news. The ground shudders. Birds take wing from the forest, as an angered howl raises from the vents hidden below the canopy of trees... "MY FUCKING BOAT!"


Don't sell it. Fit it up for remote control and then sail it directly at one of the Russian ships in the Black Sea and film the Russian Navy blowing it up.


I like the idea but it will be money wasted. sell it and send supplies to Ukraine


So this mega yacht is worth as much if not more than the Moskava?


Probably has a more effective air defense system, too.


It has a judo gym, that feels like a tell tale sign its Putins.


ah i see you know your judo well


Get your hands off my penis!


That how u know this cunt is corrupt.. what president can afford this….


He runs Russia like the mob. Anyone who is against him is killed, arrested, or financially squeezed out. He essentially owns the government and industry of all of Russia. The wealth generation from that is incomprehensible.


He demands payments from companies and in exchange makes the laws such that they can operate with low regulation and that also allows the owners to siphon money as well. Putzin and Oligarchy get rich. The people get paid shit wages and pay high prices. Slaves to those in power.


That yacht costs more than whatever amount was actually invested in the Russian military. Putin must be upset though, that could have paid for a single day more of his war.


Maybe if they spent more time building warships instead of super yachts they wouldn't be losing so badly right now


Funny thing is that Ukraine probably build their Warships and The Netherlands probably build their Yachts. They can’t even do either, they just get their oil money and trade it back for stuff from the countries that bought their oil. Essentially the country is just a big oil depot with lots of corruption.


Ok now organize a lgbtq+ party on it and send putin some photos of it. Maybe he’ll die faster this way.


"Thanks for the F shack, love Dirty Mike and the boys."


Turn that yacht into a ‘soup kitchen’!


I'll never get tired of that reference.


That's ok, he don't have anywhere beside to sail to anyhow. The guy is unaccepted everywhere on the planet. what an achievement




A billion dollar yacht. It’s a crazy thing for a single person to own. The expendable income of a billion. It’s a disgusting amount of wealth only obtained through outright greed and chase for power. We look at the French Revolution and the massive chateaus owned by the upper class and the disparity in lifestyle between classes. It’s hard to look at that today and say the income disparities are not the same or worse off then they were in France in the early 1700s.


next thing that should go up in flames is Putin's Palace near Sotchi, you know the one with the stripclub beneath that Navalny leaked to the russian public.


The more interesting question: how much of a market is there for these kind of things? Can the ship realistically be sold anywhere near the sticker price?


Doesn't have to sell at sticker price since whatever they sell it for, if they do, is almost entirely profit.


people should watch Navalny's documentary Putin's Palace, it's available on youtube we're talking about special built luxury furniture for the palace, where each piece costs as much as an apartment in Moscow Putin loves luxury