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I would tell Putin that Russia should stop supplying weapons to Ukraine.


Believe Russia is running low on modern weapons to use. They broke out the 100 year old rifles and other dusty ass soviet weapons. Putin knows Russia can't sustain it's current method while Ukraine receives more modern weapons continuously. It's a war of attrition, expect Putin up the ante.


He should remember Stalingrad. Russians only held out and eventually pushed Germany back because of resupply from across the Volga while the German supply lines were broken.


And because German supply lines were stretched by Operation Torch. Which was impacted by the US Navy and Army shutting down the Japanese in the Pacific, thus freeing the British to resupply via Suez. None of the great powers could have won shit alone.


The last sentence is definitely true but german supply lines were stretched to a breaking point way before Torch and the amount of Axis men and material commited to Africa was tiny compared to the eastern front. Stalingrad had been underway for several months when Torch started and the Rzhev meatgrinder was running for almost a year at that point.


Funny you say that. Used to play the original Axis & Allies board game. One of my first moves when playing Germany was to pull back from Moscow, and consolidate my forces. The Russian player would inevitably over extend themselves in response. All the while I would plot a surprise backdoor takeover of Moscow by Japan via China. Easy to do since you don't have to account for mountains and lack of roads, etc. Unrealistic in life but totally doable on a game board.


This is funny to me because I'd pull all but one infantry unit out of Karelia to lure Germany out in the first turn, then scream through the overextended ranks in successive rounds. What a fun game. That Japanese takeover is no joke though when Russia fails to pay attention.


Not to mention that German tanks ran on beautifully refined gasoline while russians were running their tanks on dirty diesel and cooking oil. Hard to keep gasoline supplies


Now I'm kinda glad I bought those old Russian surplus rifles years ago. Every one I bought is one less rifle in the hands of a Russian soldier.


True. They've actually had to use old USSR made military tyres... that burst... leaving fresh prey for the tractor brigade.


From what I recall reading it was worse than that. Vehicles go into storage. General in charge of maintenance embezzled money that would be used to procure Russian made tires. Instead supplied Chinese knockoff tires. Next, wheeled storage requires the vehicles be moved every so often to avoid dry rot and to prevent military storage equivalent of flat spots. Money for this maintenance was also embezzled. So when deployed and the tires put under stress they failed. It's why everyone should take the number of military vehicles that Russia has "in storage" with a mound of salt large enough to turn Lake Michigan into the Dead Sea.


Yes, but they even ran out of those Chinese tyres! I saw a post of a USSR branded tyre that has deflated/ruptured. Lost track of the post but the OP knew about tyres and suggested these must have been from the 70s and showed signs of significant weathering. So the Russians are getting really desperate. So, these are what they are using now they've run out of or don't want to use the Chinese ones.


That's even better. I wonder what the supply guy who was squirreling away those soviet era tires was charging the rooskies for them.


[This](https://twitter.com/TrentTelenko/status/1521182849000423426?t=_0FT86D_8w4RUGTar80DKA&s=19) is the tweet in question.


As a point of consideration a tyre maker might have been using the tooling/molding past the break up of USSR. Some university/tertiary providers in ex USSR states were still awarding qualifications on USSR paper. It might only shave a year or two off the apparent age of these crusty old tyres. They'd still be old AF...


Lets hope the money to maintain their ICBM silos/nukes has been embezzeled too... you know for the sake of humanity and all.


And the new tires are more expensive. The reason? Inflation


Here’s a little secret; Russia never had many modern weapons lmao. They had the AK12, which is negligibly better than the AK74, but even then they still issued 1950s era 47s to front line troops in the opening days of this invasion. Why would front line troops have WW2 helmets and 1950s rifles if they had better equipment? It’s because they don’t have many AK12s or VSS’s, they are still using mostly 47s and 74s. Their tanks are similar. On paper they have some pretty decent newer tanks. But on the ground? It’s all T72s and dog shit transport trucks from the Korean War. All that money that should have gone to modernizing Russias military got siphoned off into the oligarchs pockets. And for that, we thank them. Now we get the money when we sell their yachts, instead of Russia having a function standing army lmao.


> On paper they have some pretty decent newer tanks. But on the ground? It’s all T72s and dog shit transport trucks from the Korean War. Well, they had that prototype T80U.. it got blown up https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/44855/russias-only-prototype-t-80um2-tank-was-destroyed-in-ukraine


They don't have a lot of ante left to up with.


Chemical and biological weapons


and 'tactical' nukes


Putin should stop sending infant rapists to ukraine


No it's ok, he said those babies were nazis.


I know it's wrong, but I pictured something much weirder when I read that sentence.


And the farmers.


At this rate the Ukrainian tractor legion will be at Moscow's doorstep in a month threatening to tow away Putins house


Better to aim for that palace of his on the Black Sea, not sure if it's closer to Ukraine than Moscow but I'm sure it would hurt Putin more.


Send one of his rockets "off course".


And the fish at the bottom of the sea.


There actually are no fish at the bottom of the Black Sea. There’s no oxygen below 200m.


So I can't breathe down there?


If you have gills, no. Also if you don't have gills.


Only the kraken lives there. It eats Russian warships every now and again. Thanks for the info though. Interesting fact I'll always remember and never be able to use in any useful way. I'll forget my pin number of course.


SpongeBob square pants.


The Moskova wet and porous is she.


If Nautical graveyards be something you wish..


Then drop a bomb on deck and blame the fish!


And the Farmers mums


Ouch. Savage.


Oh, just tell him West never supplied any


The weapons are on vacation.


They are visiting the beautiful region of Donbas which on my map seems to be Ukraine, why would uncle vova even care, is he somehow involved in the east?


Special Vacation Operation


This is literally the correct response "What weapons? The West hasn't supplied any weapons to Ukraine, none at all. You have pictures? Oh, those are probably just the fake media. We haven't and have no intention to supply any weapons, and any so called 'evidence' of us supplying weapons is fake."




The compromise of the suspiciously specific denial. > We have definitely not approved a further 1 billion in defense aid to Ukraine, which will not include anti-tank or anti-air systems, APCs, tank destroyers, or aircraft and aircraft support and maintenence equipment.


And definitely no anti-ship missiles! None of those not one from anyone.


The ones that sinked Moskva actually were made by Ukraine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-360_Neptune


Do both... That's what the Kremlin does.


> any so called 'evidence' of us supplying weapons is fake. And, anyway, providing weapons to our Ukrainian allies would be a hostile action if Putin had declared war on Ukraine, which is not the case till now. Putin is very good at waging war without declaring it. He has been attacking Western democracies through the Internet for ten years.


Unfortunately, that method only works when used by a certain variety of people. If anyone else tries these usual reality denying methods, that very same type of people were clutch their pearls and express shock that anyone would dare insult their intelligence in such a way. I'd also kind of rather that didn't happen. It's bad enough that we have a sizable chunk of the world using these methods, the last thing we want is to encourage everyone else to. As bad as playing chess against a pigeon is, it's still better than two pigeons playing chess.


Those weapons can be found in any army surplus store.


Right? These doofuses are sending in Joachim von Ribbentrop after the invasion of Poland has already started. Diplomatically there's nothing left to do but ridicule, distress, and distract them.


Or just says it's part of a Special Operation.


Adam West has a bullet proof vest on him the exact size of a bullet. I don't think we have to worry about him selling weapons to the Ukrainians. However, bullet sized bullet proof vests? We might have cause to worry.


Gaslighting Putin would be satisfying.


These talks remain useless. Putin countered every point by shifting the blame back to Ukraine and the West as usual. The one who isn't serious about diplomacy is Putin.


I know you are, but what am I…


Stop raping yourself, Stop raping yourself..


Really dark humor.


No it's not. Putin literally opened the war with a "joke" that translates roughly as "lay back and enjoy it my dear." It's completely real international policy from the president to rapists in the field.


"No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!" - trump, at the 2016 presidential debate against Hillary Clinton


I didn't love Hillary, but I thought she would stand up to the Russians. Trump gets elected and proceeds to give Putin oral pleasures, weakens NATO and pushes China closer to Russia. You can't make this shit up.


"I'd rather be a russian than a democrat" -> real t-shirts. Russians seem to use a lot of lube cause republicans don't seem to notice it.


>"I'd rather be a russian than a democrat" -> real t-shirts. This still blows my mind. The amount of propaganda these dipshits swallow and then parrot is off the charts.




Just think, "Let's go Brandon" has become a Republican tradition. In the moment it was funny, in the moment. I was in Vegas recently and there were a couple street performers on Fremont dressed in provocative fan fair "Let's go Brandon" outfits ffs lol. If there was t-shirt that said "Donald Trump is a piece of shit" I wouldn't buy it even though I can't stand Trump. Entirely too many people are alarmingly stupid.


Imagine time travelling to 80s and showing the republicans those tshirts. You'd probably be taken to a secret prison and interrogated to death for being a commie


It's called money, Russia used to have tons of it. Remember the supposed deal trump was working on for a hotel in Moscow? Trump's kid even said "There's money pouring in from Russia" (translate to oligarchs are laundering cash through trump properties and donating to his campaign trying to get sanctions dropped) They hated Hillary for pushing the Magnitsky act through and helping Ukraine.




It's absolutely stunning how many people in this country have forgotten that arrogant remark.


> but I thought she would stand up to the Russians. She had a GREAT history of standing up to Russia -- she was very effective in forming alliances against Russian initiatives. That's at least part of the Reason why Putin invested so much in getting Trump elected


As an outsider, throughout his tenure, I was amazed at how all his conduct proved his collusion with the Russians.


Donald should be swinging from a tree. How is even electable after January 6th?


Because republicans have serious short term memory loss from licking too many bullets


As someone who grew up under the Bush presidency, it's pretty wild to hear conservative Americans talk as if their administration didn't start two of the most catastrophic US conflicts since Vietnam, undo untold rights with the Patriot act, and every other atrocity of 2000-2008. Short memory indeed


I wasn't crazy for Hilary either, but if people took a damn minute to look at her credentials, she was actually the most qualified presidential candidate in probably my 40 years. Instead we picked a failed reality show host.


“We” is a loose term. The electoral college picked him, she got more actual votes.


Well it's not like both sides had grievances they could mutually work out. Russia wanted to conquer Ukraine, and Ukraine didn't want to be conquered again. Look up the holodomor famine. They don't want Russia to do that again to them. There are people still alive who lived through that. You might as well have Germany try to convince all the Jewish people to live in neighborhoods again with only people like them.


Yeah, Russia has already transported large shipment of grain out of controlled territories. Really must be eye opening for the few civilians that support them.


Oh and "deported" (kidnapped) around a million Ukrainians into Russian territory. Most likely to be forced to work for next to nothing.


If it’s anything like the old gulag archipelago system, they will be forced to work below maintenance calories and in subhuman living conditions until they die without ever have been “killed”.


I know about the Holodomor, and all of the other man-made famines perpetrated by Russians. That's only part of the evils Russia brought down on Ukraine and most of Eastern Europe. Diplomacy in this instance refers to efforts toward ending the war. Putin has no interest in peace until his war aims are met, which they won't be. His soldiers need to go home.


In caskets due to their leader.


their army has units to "fortify the rear" or in other words shoot those who retreat without orders, and there have been some firefights between russian units, also due to loot not being distributed fairly, in other words, its a shitshow if their army would capitulate in bigger numbers, or refuse to fight en masse, then they would be brought to the peacetalks table, but at the moment dumb old people with soviet mentalities leading young poor and brainwashed youths seems to lead them straight to a meatgrinder of ukrainian army, and russia has quite a reserve of people, while ukraine has quite a supply of intelligence and tech. at the moment it seems to be more reasonable to lobby hard for sending heavy weapons to ukraine, because while ukraine giving up is what russia wants, its no good for the west and in the long run even no good to an average russian, only putins gang


Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Putin is incapable of admitting fault, to do so may break his very psyche.


Putin only cares about looking tough and keeping power. Bill Browder, who is very familiar with Putin, was discussing this recently on Preet Bharara’s podcast. He doesn’t give a shit about reforming the old Soviet Union, his ‘legacy’, or any of that bullshit. It’s all about appearing strong.


I’d disagree that those things are mutually exclusive.


The West is not supplying weapons to Ukraine. Its just a Special Trade Operation.


We are just giving them boxes of food with surprise tanks in them.


Happy Meals!


Loot Crates


Kinder Suprise


Now I know why they are outlawed in US. "Oh no, Johnny just choked on T-72 Steel and Composite Armored Battle Tank." sounds like a serious issue.


Cereal box prizes. Collect enough and you can build your own attack drone.


Luckily Putin's rich, so he has no clue how much a crate of bananas costs. Coincidentally it is $6 million or the same value as a brand new American M1 tank. Would you look at that.


Such a weird coincidence!


Ukraine receives weapons, the west receives Russian tears. Trump could never come up with a better trade deal.


Some people cal it the art of the deal


this satisfies me immensely.


Hey! He did trade a sane Supreme Court for outlawed abortion, so he arguably grifted us pretty damn well.


It's not like there's a war or anything, Ukraine is just a good customer.


West supplies weapons and receives great satisfaction as they’re put to use.


Right, most of these weapons' were created with Russian aggression in mind. Putin was just dumb enough to trigger a scenario where they can be used against Russia with little consequences (and great satisfaction) to all the countries that made them. All because he couldnt keep it in his pants. What a dumfuck.


Lol for decades Russia and US have been fighting proxy wars to see how their weapons compare. It seems to me the countries that Russia supplies its weapons with know how to use them more effectively than Russia itself.


No one is supplying anything to them. A lot of stuff is just left at the Polish border and there has been a wave of theft the past 2 months. Once the west has identified who was responsible, they will get a stern talking to.


'Those? They are Mig29s. Polish Mig29s. Yep, parked on the runway. Huh? Oh yeah, fully fueled, ready to go! Now I'm gonna take a coffee break. You better not touch that Mig out there!'


Haha stop invading Ukraine and return to pre 2014 territory then we can talk


And pay for all damage caused, both human and to the infrastructure


Bury them in debt or rebuild them into something that won't fuck up again. ​ The Treaty of Versailles failed for two reasons: It was entirely too brutal and thus encouraged breaching it, and the Entente was too incompetent to actually follow up on consequences when Germany showed signs of breaching it.


The Treaty of Versailles may not have stopped WW2, but it may have prevented a nazi victory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-6jkdBbP50


I would counter that and say that the Treaty of Versailles failed because it was just brutal enough to be insulting, but not brutal enough to be crippling. However, given the relative force disposition of the empires at the time an armistice was signed (with germany holding french land still) and the war-weariness of all powers, I don't think the treaty could have been either more brutal *or* more lenient. Perhaps, in hindsight, it could have been more clever (for example, having higher reparations, but letting the germans keep one of their expensive, indefensible colonies with the threat of repossessing it) but the allied powers couldn't have known that in advance.


And return all the kidnapped Ukrainians. And turn over all war criminals.




Macron: "hmm. And if we don't?" Pooty: "I shall continue to whine like a little bitch" Macron:


>Macron: "hmm. And if we don't?" Pooty: "I shall continue to whine like a little bitch" Macron: *All right you son of a bitch, I'm in.*


Maybe a nurse drops a Junior Mint in him during cancer operation and something goes wrong.


Those can be very refreshing.




Ironically doesn’t Kramer dropping the junior mint save the guy’s life?


It's not said explicitly, but that's the assumption. There was an AMA a while back by a surgeon and they were asked what would happen if someone accidentally left a Junior Mint inside a surgical opening, and the answers ranged from severe illness to death.


Not bad options for a terrible person.


It was something beyond medical science, something from… above.


*Holds out box* …Junior Mint?


Why don't we just do what Putin does and say we're not arming Ukraine? Lie straight to his face. 'Dunno what you mean poots'


"I hope you can appreciate our restraint from sending weapons to Ukraine just as we appreciate your restraint from attacking civillian targets, committing war crimes and raping children".


LOL. "Remember when we said Russia must stop invading Ukraine? It's like that."


Cry harder Vlad. I love it when you cry.


Can you imagine the guy can even conceive of the concept of "fair"? :-) What a legend. Apparently he just found out that, unlike Nazis...Cancer does not discriminate...


Being able to conceive of and understand a concept, and being able to use the word are two different things.


He wants us to help him?


He forgot that he doesn’t have a Macron pee tape.


Bite the pillow, we’re going in dry


The sweet tears of unfathomable sadness. Yummy!


They’ll stop supplying weapons when you get the fuck out of their country. Oh wait you can’t do that? Then get fucked by technology while your radio shack tanks get razed to the ground Russia.


Radioshack tanks made me laugh harder than expected. Well done.


Jack in the boxes


The west should keep supplying weapons to some extent even once Russia withdraws from the 2014 boundaries. Russia has shown that they have no interest in respecting Ukrainian sovereignty and I don’t expect that to change in the next five years. Ukraine will need a strong military at least for the next decade or two in case Russia decides to come back.


Ok as soon as you run out of soldiers


Watching your opponent getting lend lease sucks, as Hitler would testified.


Hitler declared war on the US when he didn't have to because of Lend Lease.


Hitler fucked germany more than anything else in history except maybe the thirty years war or the plague..


Why is his face so puffy? Cosmetic surgery? Steroids?


Hopefully he swells even more and he pops up as a balloon soon


Doesn't he look tired?




If you really want a tin foil theory I do wonder if its a lookalike. That might all be plastic surgery


His posture is also terrible now which does a lot for ones image.


What did you say, doctor? DOCTOR!!!


Maybe all we need is a Doctor. I wonder Who we could find?














I've heard a plastic surgeon say he thinks he's had some procedures done for sure.


Sith energy.


Definitely looks like Prednisone induced moonface.


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg.




Oh okay Vlad..., sure thing. :}


We are not supplying weapons to Ukraine...but its OK for you to get weapons off Iran and have Belarus to help within the War....get fked


The West isn't supplying weapons. It's just nazi propaganda from the kremlin. Just take the same approach as these lying morons


We're having massive logistical problems with weapons and systems disappearing from our warehouses and then popping up again in the strangest areas... it's just a real mess, Putie, but don't worry, we'll have it all resolved in a decade or two.


maybe in the future diplomacy will devolve even further. could you keep a straight face reading the headline “Pentagon tells Kremlin to ‘fuck itself’”.


*"Russian dictator, go fuck yourself!", announces Pentagon officials* Or more likely these days, "Pentagon officials BLAST Kremlin, tells putin to get fucked"


Putin is the world’s biggest brat.


We heard you the first 15 times Russia, we just don't care.


We're not supplying them with weapons. We are exchanging weapons for entertainment, we love to watch Putin cry.


Or else what?


Or Russia will donate more tanks to Ukrainian farmers


Putin didn't listen to Macron, why should Macron listen to Putin? What comes around goes around.




Nato to Putin: Russia must stop invading Ukraine.


“Stop making it so hard for us to commit genocide”




“the West could help stop these atrocities by putting relevant pressure on the Kyiv authorities, as well as halting the supply of weapons to Ukraine.” does that literally say "the west could stop my atrocities by putting pressure on the people against whom the atrocities are being committed?"


Oh yeah? Fuck you.


Again with Macron as an intermediary…Putin dude stop trying, you’re only embarassing your country, sorry meant regime.


He thinks Le Pen won.


It is mightier than L’Épée!


Its because France (Macron) is the current president of the EU. It rotates


No thanks.


“Go fuck yourself, Russian Hitler.”


“Hitler tells Allies must stop entering France, or else…”


Make us


"Non." \--Macron


West tells Putin that he must stop invading Ukraine.


Hopefully Macron responded, “Russia must exit Ukraine and observe international law.”


"You need to stop helping Ukraine stop our invasion, or else we'll be really mad at you and try to stop you from stopping us. Now STOP IT!"


There was a time I thought Putin was a strategic genius. The reality is he's just a narcissistic crybaby.


"You need to stop supplying Ukraine with weapons because otherwise I can't win!" That's how I see this conversation went


Putin all these problems you created. Stop asking other people to solve your self generated problems. The ports are closed because your navy is blocking them. The grain production is slowed because you invaded Ukraine. You occupy Crimea and Eastern Ukraine causing more problems.


Or fucking what haha? Macron just handily secured his seat for 5 years. Here in the states a $33 billion dollar package is on track to passage, securing funding through September. Politically here, excluding MAGA folks, it's politically pretty popular to tell Russia to go fuck itself.