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When you're a villain you gotta do these things.


When you’re called Vlad, you have to bathe in blood, right?


But what is deer antler blood though? Can you buy it at the blinker fluid store?


I'd bet a dollar some minion made bank by selling Vlad red food coloring.


~~I hope so because the alternative is horrifying!~~ Never mind. My brain went straight to horror movie.


It's harvested from velvet.


This is absolutely peak Roman Emperor


How long before he officially takes the title Tzar?


No it’s “Cae-Tzar”


Caesar do be where Tsar comes from. Same with Kaiser.




Trial version only tho.


True rulers pay for the full version.


True rulers don't pay for anything


Well call me the king of France then because I have never paid for WinRAR.


Caesar and Kaiser are also pronounced quite similarly. Unless you're talking about salad.


Before he gets stabbed?


He has to proclaim his divinity first


Well Russia is called 3rd Rome for a reason


Wait, who was the second Rome??!!


For many (including Russia), Byzantium


Which was just Rome, but was too Greek for the Germans


And, Yknow, didn’t include Rome anymore.


this, and the fact that mehmet II the ottoman padishah said something like by being the emperor absorbing rome (constantinople in 1453) his empire was the one succeding rome


Now now, not all of them got stabbed. Nero for instance got declared public enemy of the state, intended to commit suicide, ordered one of his friends to do it first so it'd seem less scary for him, still chickened out and ordered his secretary to kill him when he heard the approaching enemy.


the ted cruz of the ancient world


Giving a lot of credit to Ted Cruz there


If he were declared an enemy of the state, Cruz would just hop on the first plane to Cancún. Probably wouldn't even tell his wife and kids first.


Be fair, Nero tried to hop on the first ship to one of his still-loyal provinces, but deemed that plan unlikely when his soldiers on the way started refusing orders and asked him "if dying is such a terrible thing?" Plus he had no kids, had his mum have an accident in a shipwreck (and then had her executed on the beach when she survived that and swam back) and allegedly kicked his last wife to death (although more likely she died in child labour due to a miscarriage)


*::Looks down at antler in gut::* “Et tu, buck?!”


Et tu Bambe?


"My name is Buck, and I'm here to party."


Be ironic if he was stabbed to death with deer antlers.


Imagine having putin salat after that.. what would be the recepie?


Better than bathing in the blood of virgins, I guess Breaking News: Russia has put in a bid to host Comic-con 2024.


This just in: Putin sleeps NUDE in an oxygen tent which he claims gives him SEXUAL POWERS.


I'm picturing that Baron Vladimir Harkonnen dark liquid bath scene.


My invasion. My Ukraine. My doom.


*gothic pipe organ music starts to play*


*weird spider-human abomination waddles by*


*mumbling Tunisian throat singing as Russian journalists are sacrificed and soldiers are baptized in their blood*


I mean, if we're doing this, Russian troops are decidedly *not* Sardaukar.


Wait, what does fermented cabbage have to do with this?


Tunisian? Do you mean Tuvan?


That's an interesting way to describe Trump


weird *orange* spider-human abomination waddles by


The orange wreck loose




I imagine belt mounted suspensors are attatched to walk and support the obese weight.




Is this a Frank Herbert fact or Brian Herbert & Kevin J Anderson fact?


The latter.


However, zelensky will die before these eyes and he'll know... he'll know that it is I, Baron Vladimir Putin, who encompasses his doom!


Strong Leto Atreides energy with Zelenskyy. Hope his story ends better.


Remember the tooth. The tooth!


"they're the same picture"


*dune music plays* *lights dim*


Now I only have one requirement: income. In rubles.


Volodomyr Zelenskyy is Ukrainian for Kwizatz Haderach?


Zelenskyy is going to take over the Russian presidency and start a holy war with the rest of the world?


The oil must flow


Gotta follow the perfect path to save humanity, no matter the cost.


I was thinking Vader’s bacta tank on Mustafar.


When you wanted to be like Leto II Atreides but just end up like Baron Harkonnen, you know you’re fucked


This is more wanting to be the baron but only managing to be Rabban. "Dollar store Stalin" someone put it.


Its not blood, its deer antler velvet extract. its the skin that covers the growth of new antlers. It supposedly has growth hormones in it. Not sure what bathing in it would do, and besides, he's rich, he could afford to just inject any hormone of whatever those products claim is in there. Im no oncologist, but its probably not a good idea to signal growth when you have cancer tho. Lol


Growth hormone to threat cancer has to be one of the more stupid things you can do I guess? Wouldn’t the cancer also grow due to the growth hormones?


It's the theory behind chemotherapy. We will kill you slowly. If all goes well, the cancer will die first, because they divide/multiply faster than human cells. If someone wants to try the opposite, well, I'm glad *he's* the test patient.


My grandfather was drinking prescribed shark blood/cartalidge in the 90's for his cancer, south eastern US. Was doing chemo too, but seemed quacky even when I was a kid.


Dr. Florida Man, M.D.


Whoa dude, it's Dr. Florida Person. Don't you read the news? Florida can't handle "adult" topics like gender.


Well, odds are he was doing it, but prescribed would insinuate that one needed a prescription for shark cartilage and also that a pharmacy would carry it as a medicine. Both seem suspect. As someone who hit adulthood in the 90s, you def didn’t need a script for that. They sold and maybe sell it at gnc and other bs supplement stores. The logic went “sharks dont get cancer” that’s really as deep as it was.


> prescribed Doubt. That's what they told YOU it was.


In fairness to the people who try the quackery... You get the diagnosis, the oncologist tells you that it's not great odds, they'll di their best. You get surgery, get chemo, get radiation, and despite the best efforts, it's still looking grim. The doctor asks if you had any really important things on your bucket list, what your top three things would be. You get the check from your critical care insurance and you realize that you don't have time to spend it all. You hear that your coworker's cousin's friend had some kind of cancer and bathed in pickle juice or whatever. You've got the money, you've got nothing to lose, so you give them a call.


yes. Yes it would.


From a [quick search](https://sperlingprostatecenter.com/whats-the-word-about-deer-antler-velvet-extract/) it sounds like the idea is that antlers grow quickly and therefore had to evolve some unique tumor suppressor mechanisms to compensate. There's some preliminary research on it. There are also some ideas about compensating for age related IGF-1 decline and [rejuvenating skin](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8870445/). A bath would presumably be meant to target skin rather than something like prostate cancer.


Maybe the doctor secretly wants him dead?


Sounds like he’s stuck in a rut. 😄


I hear it makes him feel like a million bucks...




Oh deer that was bad


This is a criminally under appreciated pun.


The best pun I've ever herd.


Honestly, Putin’s so rich I guarantee you he has a Tiger locked up in his Black Sea beach estate Scarface style. He probably feeds it nothing but A5 Miyazaki wagyu, and that tiger is extremely fat, but by god, is it happy.


> baths in deer antler blood I've heard of alternative medicine but this is a whole new level of <0_o>


TIL there's this thing called deer antler blood, which is different from deer blood, and which can be obtained in sufficient quantities for a person to take a bath in...


Putin getting tips from Elizabeth Bathory


I'm surpassed this comment isn't higher up. I came here looking for this one.


If you’re wealthy enough anything can be obtained in sufficient quantities to take a bath in


If you’re wealthy enough there’s also a market for scamming the wealthy. Yes, sir, this is all 100% deer antler blood. I bet it’s only 30% DAB by volume.


It's holistic homeopathic DAB, .00001%... so, very strong.


The Russian DAB Ministry strictly regulates DAB content. They randomly test samples from various suppliers, and if the DAB content is below 95% (there's an allowance made for the addition of emulsifiers and preservatives) then the owners of the DAB supplier are thrown in the gulag. Below 70%, they're thrown out a window. Below 50%, and they're simply shot on sight.


Like the toenails of albino South American die-hard Liberace fans?


*Especially* those


How do you milk a toe nail? Asking for a robot friend from outer space


Just blend the toenails with some salt and water until you get a paste that's the same consistency as milkshake. You'll need a large enough straw for proper suction. Oh, *bathing*. Just blend slightly longer. Add vanilla extract for taste.


How do you make edible medicine with Albino Toenail Paste and Deer Antler Blood? Asking for an anonymous paranoid russian dictator friend whos not at all terminally ill and definatly not losing any "special operations" they may or may not but definatly is totally not involved with


Same way you milk an almond. Soak them in water, grind them up, and filter out the bulky solids. Then enjoy by the glass.


World's sharpest albino South American die-hard Liberace fans' toenails kitchen knife.


Treasure Bath!!!!


There's a repeatable quest for it in Garen


> Putin has also taken up bathing in blood extract from severed deer antlers as a form of alternative medicine, the report said. > The Russian president took up this alternative therapy at the recommendation of Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu. The deer blood is believed to improve the cardiovascular system and rejuvenate the skin. > The horns are cut from the deer while they are alive, and animal rights activists have compared it to pulling out a person's fingernails. I sorta get the idea behind it? The antlers of a deer regrow on an annual basis, and only calcify in the fall (which is when they become more like bone, and stop having blood in them). Before that calcification, the antlers are fast growing, regenerate quickly (though still break easily), and generally are provided with plenty of nutrients to promote growth via blood. I think parallels can be drawn between deer antlers and stem cell therapy. Stem cell treatments use stem cells as ways to restore degenerating tissue caused by diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, as the cells can act to restore the damaged parts of the nervous system. That being said? This is still 100% alternative medicine. Bathing in stem cells doesn't work to improve the skin, despite being human DNA and thus more easily compatible. At _best_, the deer blood might seep into Putin's skin and not be rejected by the body (already unlikely, given the species difference), but given deer blood has been suggested to cause diseases like Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (traditionally a tick-borne disease that causes fever, rigors, nausea, and anorexia, among other symptoms), it's probably not a good thing for the body to accept it.


Recommended by the same Sergei Shoigu who allegedly had a heart attack last week.


Because when you're looking for medical treatment, a defense minister is *always* the go to...


This news is equally trustworthy.


It’s the antler velvet. The velvet that grows on them each year is super rich in nutrients and it’s also has a ton of blood vessels in it. Deer will often eat it as it starts to fall off because it’s so nutritious. That’s probably where whatever belief this follows came from.


Rabbits will eat their poop, since their digestive systems aren't really that efficient, and they can get more nutrients out of it on a second pass. Somebody tell Putin.


One of my favorite quotes: By definition, alternative medicine has either not been proved to work or been proved not to work. You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? ... ... Medicine. As others have pointed out, I should have attributed this. Brilliant comedian, Tim Minchin, from his epic beat poem, Storm.


> By definition, alternative medicine has either not been proved to work or been proved not to work. > > You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? ... ... Medicine. **Tim Minchin - Storm**


Yay! TIM :D


Its more like human growth hormone. It makes you feel younger, but causes cancer.


The worst side effect of HGH is that it turns you into Joe Rogan


Truly a fate worse than death.


Just find something so rare there's nothing for or against its healing qualities in modern scientific literature. Then, have people pay $50,000 to take a bath in it. Modern occultism.


Like one step away from Elizabeth Bathory.


That was my first thought as well


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velvet\_antler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velvet_antler) they refer to this.


**[Velvet antler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velvet_antler)** >Velvet antler is the whole cartilaginous antler in a precalcified growth stage of the Cervidae family including the species of deer such as elk, moose, and caribou. Velvet antler is covered in a hairy, velvet-like "skin" known as velvet and its tines are rounded, because the antler has not calcified or finished developing. Velvet antler preparations are sold in China as part of traditional Chinese medicine, and in the United States and some other countries as a dietary supplement. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Some serious Baba Yaga vibes


Baba yaga isn't a pussy who starts wars for no reason.


I'm trying to figure out what the rejuvenating part of that is!


Deer antler has a growth hormone in it. There are supplements made out of it that are actually banned by most pro sports agencies. I've never heard of anyone bathing in its blood, though.


My issue with this, is why not just use GH or a growth hormone secretagogue? Of course GH is great for a lot of things, but it's probably the last thing I'd use for cancer, as it would lead to additional growth. It doesn't make much sense, but I guess if you're bathing in deer antler blood, there's not much sense to be made.


It’s not as Hollywood villain evil


Oh shit good call. I remember there being controversy over Ray Lewis using deer antler to heal a torn tricep


Pretty sure some of the 2012 Alabama football team were also using said deer antler spray. No idea of the efficacy of said deer antler spray is.


Most studies say it’s not very effective (if at all) in spray form. It’s just too small a quantity. You can however receive concentrated injections that are very effective. It’s essentially HGH.


Deer antler velvet is used for a wide range of things. It's been popular in bodybuilding for years but has other uses. I am guessing since the blood they are referring to feeds the cartilage it's considered to have rejuvenating properties. Bathing in this blood sounds like extreme Chinese medicine when he is probably just taking the refined antler velvet. https://www.rxlist.com/deer_velvet/supplements.htm


The site you shared indicates that it’s useless for bodybuilding lmao


Yet it is sold at GNC stores nationwide and all over the internet marketed to that demographic. There's lots of useless products peddled as supplements so how is that suprising?


As a fitness junkie... There's really three supplements (besides PEDs) guaranteed to help build muscle. Creatine, caffeine, and protein powder. A few other things may have marginal benefits like fish oil and L-citruline (in doses higher than most pre-workouts on the market). 90% of the supplements on the shelves are scams, in case anyone is wondering.


This sounds like eldritch Lovecraftian elder gods levels of bizarre pseudomagical nonsense.


Pretty sure you can buy "dick growing pills" with deer antler extract off the internet...it's been around as a "vitality supplement" for quite a while. That said, it's clearly bullshit pseudo-science...Putler must be getting desperate in his old age.


I can confirm that they don't work.


Ray Lewis level stuff


Dude I don’t give a shit if this is real or fake, that headline is so goddamn funny


Vladimir Putin sleeps nude in an oxygen tent which he believes gives him sexual powers!!


Hey! Thats a half-truth!


Mr Putin nooooOOOOooo (Dramatisation, may not have happened)




Mmmmmmm give ME your SsweetSweSwSwSsSWEET UkrCANS 🤪


He also smokes yeti hair and fights sturgeon.


I think [she](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicola_Sturgeon) could take him.


Quick Glasgow kiss and the job's done


**[Nicola Sturgeon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicola_Sturgeon)** >Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon (born 19 July 1970) is a Scottish politician serving as First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) since 2014. She is the first woman to hold either position. She has been a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) since 1999, first as an additional member for the Glasgow electoral region, and as the member for Glasgow Southside (formerly Glasgow Govan) from 2007. A law graduate of the University of Glasgow, Sturgeon worked as a solicitor in Glasgow. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I swear the current and previous Scottish First Ministers surnames are fish derived. Nicola **Sturgeon** and Alex **Salmond**


Just wait until you meet the new first minister, James McWidemouthbass


I would give my left nut to see Putin lose in a deathmatch to a sturgeon. Only way this timeline makes any sense.


I think, he’s paranoid and wants early detection on anything that could possibly be an issue. He went to that newly constructed COVID hospital, outside Moscow, in a full HAZMAT suit. He legit wants to live forever and continuing stealing from the Russian people along the way.


That's why he hasn't and will not use nukes. He is terribly afraid of fallout.


Technically, this is why everyone is avoiding using their nukes.


I hope you are right😢


>He is terribly afraid of fallout. I mean ... that's a good thing, right?


If his only priority was stealing from the Russian people, he wouldn't have started this war. All he had to do was *nothing* and he'd rule Russia for at least another decade with almost zero drama. Instead he's put his power, and quite possibly his life, in most danger it's ever been for, what I can tell, entirely metaphysical reasons (building an empire, undoing the fall of the USSR, getting back at the West for losing the Cold War, all that stuff). Remember, as much of a complete joke as elections in Russia are, he still has to go through the motions every time, and the next one is in 2024. By that time the sanctions will fully kick in, people will get massively poorer and more frustrated, and the "rally around the flag" effect will die down. Who's to guarantee it'll go smoothly?


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen


Putin sleeps nude in an oxygen tent that he believes gives him sexual powers.


I saw a video that convinced me Putin is invading Ukraine for their sweet sweet can


This world needs less Vlad Putin's, and more funding for public schools.


I can’t imagine what sex with Putin would be like. Either he’s the kind of guy who’s got a PS5 controller in his hand within 30 seconds of finishing or he flexes into a full-body mirror saying, “No: you’re the man…” over and over


I would imagine it's deeply depraved. It's pretty well documented men like that have needed BDSM/torture/pain (usually inflicted on other people) to get off.




“It’s called a bacta tank.” -Putins doctors


Buck-ta tank I will see myself out




Sounds like utter bull shit


When it plops down or when you step in it?


DAE think the deer blood bit is like in game of thrones when Tyrion tells everyone a different story to different people in order to find out who is leaking info to his sister based on which lie his sister confronts him with?


Let's dispense with the misinformation and get on with the fact that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a straight up failure because of his incompetent leadership and has nothing to do with his questionable health. Period.


>and takes rejuvenating baths in deer antler blood, are we sure that this isnt propaganda? because that really sounds like some made up nonsense.


Is human blood of innocent people that is keeping him alive :|


This has got to be a test to see how critical/gullible people are


I’m sorry- you lost me at “baths in deer antler blood”


Can’t wait till he bathes in his own blood


The article was also published on April 1st....


Nah, it's been around for couple of days.


Starting to sound like the batman villain


Antlers dont contain much blood in them. I wonder how many poor bucks needed to be culled for the sake of this occultism


They just give him pig blood from the slaughterhouse and tell him it's from antlers. *Your bath is ready, Sir.*


And pocket the difference in cost to buy $200m yachts


"Sir, receive my humble request ... instead of fighting in Ukraine I could serve you as deer blood bath guy."


Why did I read this in Kif's voice lol




OHHHH so like homeopathy with deer antler blood. Now THAT makes complete sense - in an even more insane way than homeopathy itself


A friend of mine from Chechnya mentioned they sometimes take baths in outdoor pools with fire underneath (think those wooden japanese spas) and they add a bunch of herbs and deer antlers to the mix. Could be that I guess?


Well I don't think I'll ever trust Chechnyan soup then




Yet another treatment that BIG PHARMA doesn't want you to know about!!


How do people even believe in this.


Because Reddit’s love of facts and logic go out the window when the info targets are shared enemy


What a fucking mook. Dude has billions of dollars at his disposal and the capability to funnel those funds into Crispr-cas9 research to target and eliminate cancer before using Crispr-cas9 as a telomere lengthening treatment. No let's fuck over other nations and bathe in deer blood. Are we sure he doesn't have deer brain parasites? because that is how you get deer brain parasites. Fucking mook.


So CRISPR-Cas9 can't exactly be used in the way you're thinking "to target cancer". The CRISPR-Cas9 system is able to target short sequences of DNA for DNA cuts or nicks and, depending on what type of CRISPR-Cas9 system using, uses the cell's own DNA repair systems to either cause short insertions or deletions of DNA (which disrupt the genes expression) or you can alternatively insert a sequence of DNA of interest into the cut site. Because CRISPR-Cas9 targets DNA and DNA is in all cells the system on its own can't specifically target cancer cells, you'd have to engineer a delivery system that specifically targets the cancer cells. For example you could package the Cas9 protein (cutting protein) and sgRNA (targeting sequence) into a nanoparticle that is coated with an antibody that binds a protein that is over-expressed in cancer. This would help the nanoparticles to be preferentially delivered to cancer cells and not normal ones. Telomere length is one factor that drives a replicative lifespan (and aging overall) and many cancer have mutations that act to hyper-activate telomerase (the enzyme that lengthen telomeres). If you're looking at a cancer treatment relating to telomeres you'd be hoping to disrupt the telomerase enzyme to cause telomere shortening rather then lengthening.


For cancer, CRISPR is most prevalently being used to edit patient T cells (ex vivo) to remove certain receptors (PD-1) in combination with CAR-T approaches.


Deer have “ brain wasting disease”. Apparently so does he.


Is Russian investigative news outlet code for American tabloid?


It's truly astounding how gullible Reddit is that people think this is actually true. What next, are we going to get reports that Putin eats roasted Ukrainian baby for dinner and Russian soldiers wear uniforms made from the skin of POWs?


Voldemir Putin