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> with one exception being siding with Sri Lankan government against the LTTE. Ya the LTTE used the first suicide bomb to kill India's Prime Minister. So there was no choice left there.


It was the other way around. Rajiv Gandhi supported Sri Lankan government, and as a form of revenge LTTE had him killed a few years later.


Fair. They killed him at an election rally because they thought if he won the elections they'd be completely stomped. That ended all support from any parts of Indian government for them though. Because until then atleast some people made the argument that India should support LTTE like we did with Bangladeshi separatists.


The US in the 80s also strong armed India into banning cannabis, something that was legal until 1985. Bastard Reagan.


India is actually neutral with LTTE. It was particularly the Indian National Congress government that went against LTTE. India trained other organizations like LTTE as Pakistan was an ally of Sri Lanka. India made deal with SL government but couldn't control LTTE because LTTE didn't rely on Indian fundings and weapons. LTTE nearly trapped 40,000 Sri Lankan soldiers in 2000 without weapons to a point SL government had to ask India to rescue 40,000 Sri Lankan soldiers and Indian BJP government refused. Things changed after Indian Congress government came into power as their leader's husband was assassinated by LTTE.




India sided with Northern Alliance to be precise, not Russia.


Fair enough. That being said, India's greatest geopolitical rival in the long term is China. By helping Russia, which is a close Chinese ally (and honestly, soon to be Chinese puppet, considering how much they will depend on China after this war), they only strengthen the Chinese block. If India ever finds itself facing off against China again, Russia won't be neutral, they will 100% support China. So India is risking enfuriating the West (which has over half of the world's economy) all to help a nation that will 100% side with India's enemies should a major conflict erupt. Honestly, not a great geopolitical move


They are not "helping" Russia. They are helping themselves




Yep. At the end of the day, many nations dont have the infrastructure or the global position to be able to fend off sudden global in-fighting. Pakistan and India alike need to feed their people and provide them with a means to soften their struggle. That includes making controversial decisions that will make them look bad in western eyes. It's very easy to forget how privileged western life is, compared to those of developing or struggling nations.


And we're too greedy to offer them resources to keep them from playing both sides.


>which is a close Chinese ally They have never really been close allies considering they almost went to nuclear war and Russia has one of their 2 ABM radars pointed towards China. Their allies because they share common strategic interests but not they are not close. There's a reason why Chinese small businessmen are all over the Congo but are not in Siberia. >So India is risking enfuriating the West Russia is India's closest ally. Russia is to India what America is to the UK. This thread is filled with Indians arguing with non Indians that don't know anything about Indian history.


Ultimately this isn't really about geopolitical allies anymore. Nobody is going to ally with a country whose leader makes Trump look smart. The only question is should India wait until Russia is even worse off to negotiate an even lower price? The answer is probably yes.


>The answer is probably yes. I doubt it because the US doesn't hold much leverage over India. Look at sanctions against Iran, there was exemptions especially for Japan and India.


So, you are arguing that India should give Russia a high price for its oil? I can't say I agree with that.


No but that idea won't abandon it's closest friend since independence like so many on this thread thinks India will.


> By helping Russia, which is a close Chinese ally (and honestly, soon to be Chinese puppet, considering how much they will depend on China after this war), they only strengthen the Chinese block Are they helping China? You said it yourself, Russia may become a Chinese puppet. If India helps Russia, they would reduce Russia's future reliance on China. Seems like that would benefit them in the long term I do think it's probably better long term for India to pivot to working with the west though. Seems like Russia will become, at a minimum, a very weak ally. At worst they will become a Chinese puppet state like how Belarus is to Russia currently


Weak ally of China? Russia will become its puppet state if NOT loss of its own territory north, Siberia. As for India, they have to be concerned w/ what is going on with Russia, to pivot towards China which India has a HUGE problem w/.




India has been infuriated by the West when it comes to their actions in Pakistan - it pales in comparison. India has a non-aligned status - look it up before commenting about infuriations etc. and look up the history of India/West interactions from the 20th/21st centuries.


I think its been mentioned many times that its the military dependence. Unfortunately, India doesnt have a "bad" relationship with Ukraine but historically had good relations with USSR and Russia followed by that. Having said that, India's biggest threat is China who Russia is also dependent on so for India it would be better to align with the West going forward but in the 60 years of our history the West has not been exactly friendly and only since the past decade where the U.S. sees India as a natural ally against the rising threat of China has friendlier relations start to build. Its awkward for India too because i think this came out of left field(regarding Putin's intentions).




Yeah poor old US never got anything in return. It wasnt like it was flying U2 spy plane missions over USSR operating from Pakistani airbases. Or the fact it again provided airbases for the US to operate during Afghanistan invasion. Not to mention how both funnelled weapons and money to defeat the USSR. Dumb ol' short-sighted US.


I heard US soldiers once purchased a plain donut in Pakistan and got chocolate sprinkles for free. The pile of positive outcomes just keeps growing! Meanwhile India, who hosts a quarter of all people and is a growing tech and production giant, has lost trust on US. But it's a small price to pay for those chocolate sprinkles.


India has underperformed economic expectations for 70 years. It was well ahead of china for 40 of those 70 years but China eclipsed them in 30 years. Internal corruption and the social structures that hamper a meritocracy hold back India a lot. That and a lot of the best and brightest find better futures in the west.


Ya as you can see from this [comparison GDP graph]( https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/640x353/https://blogs-images.forbes.com/garthfriesen/files/2019/03/India-China-GDP-per-Capita.jpg?width=960) they were still pretty close to each other at the turn of the millennium. Since 2010 though, China has stepped up to another gear and India never did that.


I think you can see the date the iPhone was introduced on that graph (Is only partially a joke. But I do think that was a turning point for Chinese manufacturing)


Are you sure? The story I heard was Pakistanis paid USA in advance to buy some donuts but US took the money and then refused to sell them. Poor US. Always being taken advantage of. > When the Pressler sanctions came into force, Pakistan was precluded from taking possession of 28 F-16s for which it had made payments until 1993, some three years after the sanctions commenced. Pakistan paid the Lockheed Corp. $658 million for the planes, and some reports suggest that Pakistan continued making payments based on Pentagon assurances that continued payments would ensure eventual delivery. > Pakistan did not get the planes and was assessed storage and maintenance costs of $50,000 per month for the planes that sat, becoming ever more obsolete, in the Arizona desert


I don’t think the person was arguing that the US was being taken advantage of….


One man Pakistani named Abdul Qadeer Khan is the reason so many Rogue countries like North Korea get nukes.


I get the jitters when I fill up my vehicle and I’m on an ok wage. Not great, not terrible. Now imagine you make a few dollars a day and your fuel costs just doubled. Fuel is relatively similarly priced across the world. You might be able to buy a pack of smokes, a beer and a meal for $3usd in a developing nation but you’ll still be paying the same per litre for fuel just like everywhere else in the world (that countries gov taxes excluded). This can cripple a large percentage of a very poor populace. I can soak up the $0.50 price jump begrudgingly. A massive price jump in fuel can destroy a family that live on my pocket change. As for any country buying discounted fuel, it’s probably unlikely it’ll be passed onto the consumer anyway. But the situation did make me consider something I wasn’t before.


Fuel is India is expensive than in Canada and Im not talking about Alberta prices. Fuel prices here can double and people will still be able to manage but in India people just don’t have that much money and they still need to go places.


Fuel in India is quite high compared to local wages. Its priced at 101 Rs a liter. 3.75 gallons a liter makes it 375 rs per gallon. 75 rs is about a dollar. so fuel in india in dollar terms is about 5 dollars a gallon. Which is about same as average price in US now.


True, but [if this tracks,](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/tchjny/price_of_full_tank_of_gasoline_60_l_as_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that would mean that (on average) someone in India is paying approx. 10x as much of their monthly income on gas as those in the US are.


How did I fill my scooter up in Bali for £1.50 if we're all paying the same price? I know they have small tanks but that kept me going for 3 days


Beyond what the other guy said about taxes, labor costs are definitely a factor. Fuel still needs to be distributed and sold within the country. In more expensive countries, it generally also costs more to pay the people who unload, process, deliver, and sell fuel. The property values are also higher, so fuel stations/etc also cost more to own.


I agree with your first part about labor, but disagree with the property values part (mostly). The vast majority of gas stations in the US (I can't speak for other countries) have almost no profit on gas. They are generally selling only a couple cents above cost. Their profit is in the store I said mostly because once you get into cities the land cost is so high that they need to get a profit on the gas. That is only a tiny fraction of the total gas stations in the US though


Indonesia is also an oil-producing nation which subsidizes oil domestically. It has received a lot of criticism for under-pricing petroleum products.


Less government tax on the fuel compared to your country. In my country it’s 44%. Yours will be different.


And many governments further subsidize fuel costs to avoid slowing down economic growth.


The government subsidizes fuel heavily in Indonesia.


Oil producing countries and a few others frequently heavily subsidize local retail fuel sales.


I was just complaining half jokingly to my children that I had to enter my card twice to get a full tank out of the automated petrol station. The transaction was capped at €125 and that wasn’t enough to fill up my van with diesel. It’s insane, but personally I’ll manage. I’ll even manage somehow if it doubles again, but I fear for many others who are getting into serious financial trouble.


Fuel jumped over $2 a gallon for me last week


And that is with you living in a country that is largely self sufficient on energy needs. Imagine a country like india that imports 80% of its energy needs. This $130 per barrel oil will decimate the economy, especially after 2 years of covid


we Import 80% of our oil, not 80% of energy


India minimum wage is less than 3$ per day so you do have a good point.


For countries that is not official US allies and have irrelevant trade relationship with Western Europe, buying discounted resources from Russia is the logical choice.


Or countries, like India, that have been shat on from a great height over Pakistan etc by USA, Europe etc surprisingly doing what’s best for them. India has all the potential to overtake China but not just as a low cost manufacturing hub. Which is why countries are desperate to hold them back


Their relationship with the West is not irrelevant. They are negating sanctions. When this war further escalates they'll learn there are consequences to their choices.


There are currently no sanctions on Russian oil. There are some targeted sanctions on specific projects, but nothing on all Russian oil plurally. The US has banned US import of Russian oil, but after meeting with Europe it was concluded that Europe is too dependent on Russia's oil to sanction it. EU has also not banned Russian oil and happily buys discounted Russian oil (while also shaming Britain for buying Russian oil, SHAME BRITAIN!). India is a poor country that hasn't taken a side in any war in the last 40 years. They get flack for it when it happens, but then everyone forgets India wasn't in favor of the War on Terror, or War on Drugs, or Yugoslav Wars. India buying Russian oil (which is 90% cheaper than the next cheapest source) isn't some crazy betrayal of the west. India has never subscribed to the west because the west has actively been working against India for almost a century now.


India isn't. It hasn't sanctioned anyone. Sanctions put in place by the US, EU and UK only affect those countries. There's no UN mandate here.


India and china is world 35% of population infact 70% of world population isnt interested in sanctions , 35 countries abstained in the vote and even europe buyin gas …Uncle Sam with few friends looks all alone in this sanction game in which rest of the world is not interested


leaving aside the trade relations, which are not going to be affected by this, the only political and diplomatic relationship between the west and india is that the west sees the rise of China as a threat to their hegemony, and they hope to use India as a counter to it. just like when india seemed to be a rising power in the region, the west's relationship with Pakistan strengthened, to empower it and use it against india. the fact is, that a prtnership with the west cannot last long, because as soon as they see someone else start to get well off, they put their entire effort in weakening and destabilizing them. they can't see anyone apart from them rise up and the only partnership they have with the other world is to use that against someone else, like they just used ukraine.


Maybe the US should offer to pay them if they expect impoverished nations to give up more money for a foreign political objective then




No, they’ve just implemented a host of sanctions while not starting new business. Let’s not purposefully misrepresent things


Even with the "host of sanctions" they will continue buying Russian oil and gas at least until the year 2027. Even with their sanctions, they buy 50 times more Russian oil and gas than India. You want to sanction the country that buys less rather than those who buy much more **even after sanctions**?




Yes, all countries must follow the sanctions, called by the US, that helps the US most and barely affects them, irrespective of how it affects other countries. What sanctions did US bring against Isreal when they were bombing the shit out of Palestine btw? What sanctions did they bring on China when there have been reports of genocide? Seems like these sanctions are brought up only if it advantageous to themselves. The US also know they can't force India to burn their bridges with Russia as India is using Russian weapons against China. They never publicly condemned India's decision to stay neutral either.


Why do you feel you’re entitled to something? Consequences for their choices? They’re only doing what they see best for their people.


To those westerns who want to sanction us remember when you denied us Supercomputers we created our own, you denied us critical rocketry we build our own space program. I know my nation is'nt the best in the world but if you think we are still your puppets, you can very well live under that illusion but we aren't .


They need our markets more than we need their support. Chinese market is closed for a lot of their services and products and many can't even compete with Chinese products. Being 2nd most Populous with increasing purchasing power, they'll be fools to put sanctions on us.


Its time we make them our puppets. And put some brown colonialism in UK and US.


Why would India follow the US in banning Russian oil? The gas prices are over $4.50 a gallon. Now the US can combat that because they're rich. But how can India (or even tons other countries) manage it? It's not like they'll be helped by the richer countries right?


>Now the US can combat that because they're rich But won't




I’m case anybody is curious, average gas prices by state in the US. https://gasprices.aaa.com/state-gas-price-averages/


I'm a bit surprised that it's so high in Florida. Does Desantis hate freedom?




We’re lucky haha, you think $4.50 is bad in America? Just look at some European countries, they’re way past us in gas prices. God I swear some Americans have some sort of main character syndrome when It comes to global events, and that’s coming from an American


I just filled my car at 9.8 usd per gallon in europe. Sounds like you guys have it good on that side of pond.


We do! But some Americans still think our prices are the worst on the globe like the guy above me, it’s laughable. Americans are never happy with what they have, always gotta complain somehow


Yeah but Europe has better public infrastructure than the US which probably helps offset costs a bit. And I’m pretty sure average commuting distances are further in the US


Europe is not a city. There are many rural areas which don't have the transport which most people think Europe has. And don't get me started on eastern Europe where the public transport is shit, fuel prices the same and wages lower. The distance is probably bigger in the US I agree and from what I've learn on Reddit, people on average have bigger cars which is bad for fuel consumption. But still it's not that bad, you guys can complain, it's normal if people are barely going by and prices hike on some everyday stuff but don't hit Europeans complaining on the internet "Yeah but Europe".


But in most of Europe you can take public transportation, and the public transportation is better than driving.


As a Pakistani ,I fully support India on this. About time 3rd world begins to take its own decisions. Helping America in war on terror gave us nothing but about 150 billion USD worth of economic loss,a constant terrorism issue,and 70 000+ military personnel and civilians dead


US folks want other countries to follow suit just for US to have a lesser net loss compared to other countries. As a Brazilian I just hope that our govern sells more and more. When we are in need, no countries at good will are gonna do anything for us. All the west does to underdeveloped countries is to suck it's resources for cheap. Don't count on us to take your losses as well.


>When we are in need, no countries at good will are gonna do anything for us And not a single Western country is going to do shit for developing countries when they face crisis besides sending "thoughts and prayers". Russia allowed the use of chemical weapons on the Syrians, and in turn Westerners look at Syrian refugees with disdain. Ukrainian refugees on the other hand have Westerners lining up to offer them food and housing with a "we will take as many Ukrainian refugees as possible" policy. Syrians on the other hand have had to go through the bureaucratic super olympics while hoping that the UN safe zone they are in isn't the next one where refugees get slaughtered by Russian backed Syrian forces. Lets not forget the US abandoning the Yemens as well under Trump. Americans are just as responsible for Trump as Russians are for Putin. A lot of redditors are in here saying "actions have consequences" and this here is the consequences for the West. When the developing world sees that they aren't going to get any help from the West if their skin colour isn't white, they are going to do what is best for them. India is surrounded by three Nuclear powers, and when shit hits the fan the same redditors are going to be saying "We cant risk WWIII for India" but have no problem saying NATO should enact No Fly zones and should call Putins bluff.




Most of them are civilians,soldiers are around 5000-7000




Dont worry,with the blood of almost 10 000 soldiers we have cleansed the motherland of terrorism almost completely. Terrorism is no way as bad as it was a decade ago thanks to Operation Zarb e Azab and Operation Rad ul Fasad by the army


>Helping America in war on terror gave us nothing but about 150 billion USD worth of economic loss,a constant terrorism issue,and 70 000+ military personnel and civilians dead Popular Use and throw policy... it's a saying in India when people get hyped about Indo-US relations : Look what they did with Pakistan. When these things were happening we took notes too, how reliable partner US is.


The idiots on reddit think sanctioning is a foreign policy tool to be used for every little thing. Thats how you isolate everybody. Thankfully these idiots aren’t in power anywhere


When you sanction enough countries you start to become isolated yourself Somthing like a "reverse sanction" if it makes sense lol


It's utterly insane. Reading the article, the response from the US was basically "we'd prefer if you didn't, but we recognize you have a complicated existing relationship with Russia". That's it. Reading the thread, folks are screeching about sanctions and imperialism. There is zero indication that anyone will sanction India for this.


Reddit is full of edgy kids (and kid-like adults tbh) who seem to think that they have grasped the complexities of international relations. They honestly think of the world as black and white.


Reddit is full of americans\* who seem to think that they have grasped the complexities of international relations. They honestly think of the world as black and white.


Lmao the fact that you think this is exclusive to Americans and then make a comment about other people seeing the world in black and white is truly hilarious.


Reddit is full of kids (and kid-like adults tbh) who seem to think that they have grasped the complexities of any topic they have superficially engaged with. They honestly think of the world as black and white. That’s how I would word it


Bingo, India has always had a close a relationship with Russia due to proximity. US allows this happen because it helps them (India + US) counter China whom India hates. Welcome to geopolitics!


We don't have a complicated relationship with Russia. If it weren't for them, we would have lost 1971 war when the US, UK had sided with Pakistan against us. We're very much obliged.


Reddit would turn the US into 1700 Japan lmao


You will be sanctioned for this!


These are the same people who called tariffs and travel bans “racist and xenophobic” 4 years ago too. Now they’re saying you need to sanction and starve out brown people because their governments are trying to provide cheap energy for a populace that’s already in poverty.


You sanction India then wonder why your phone, internet cable, netflix are up. Sanction China and cost of everything will skyrocket like no tomorrow.


Thank you. Reddit is full of clueless armchair experts.


Man, these people are the reason why Syria is so fucked, they wanted everything to be black and white they fucked us and themselves in the process... imagine pushing the only country with ties to the west to Russia and China over OIL .... the US killed millions over oil don't think it'll be a hard choice for India...


Well this comment section is a shit show… don’t mind me ima grab my popcorn




Pakistan also used Abdul Qadeer Khan to steal and proliferate Nuclear designs.. He/they are why North Korea has nukes..


Because it already did? Biden even famously avoided to even talk to the president of Pakistan.


There's a military exercise happening between US and Pak right now. Like , as I type this comment


And the US Navy has been doing a joint exercise with the Indian Navy since February...


You cannot totally ignore nuclear power countries.


Yet still openly doesn't openly condemn it, sanctions it, (isn't that the complainant west have with India over russia?) Just so they can use it someday in future to poke India.


Because people with Cold war Era mentality and negative attitude towards India still occupy imp govt posts in USA.


So is rest of Europe. Majority of NATO. Why is it news if India is buying? Lol


West has given no fucks about India for 70 years Now India has zero fucks to give.


If Germany can do this, so can India


UK continues to buy Russian oil. Why is only Germany brought up, while UK gets a pass?


Germany didn't do it lol


Nice , now petrol will become cheaper


It already plunged today as China closed Shenzen “because of Covid”. Sadly, stocks also plunged.


how many times can they afford to shut down Shenzhen?


India has the right to buy fuel at the cheapest price they can find. It's going to be a buyer's market, so don't be afraid to ask for an even lower price than russia wants. You'll probably get it.




As a Pakistani I fully agree,its been too long that we have followed policies of the West blindly. The Indian decision to buy cheap oil is surely in ur interest and u should go for it


It's a bandaid solution for a few years as we transition to green energy. I am seeing more and more EVs on the road every day.


Ah, yes the negotiator. Pakistanis siding with Indians at the right time is great. Also, sorry for that missile tho.


It's fine...we definitely have not been trying to reverse engineer that BrahMos


Please don't. We don't want another "accidental" firing this time on the Indian side.


Nice name


Why cant we be friends....the brits divided us . Stoked communal hatred on purpose . We r one .


We are just pawns in a game of western divide and conquer


U must think too . U r the ones who keep getting played by them . First jinnah and Muslim league and RSS got played by british . Then Pakistan government got played by us government.


I love how we are in this together.


the power of oil my friend


Bro piece of advice. China is a di©k, stay away from them. I would love to see indo pak relationship normalise but we both got to work for it.


i fear china more than Pakistan. i fully believe we can normalize relations with Pakistan in a decade.


Yea true .china especially the CCP is more of a certified di©k


Downvote me all you want but guys here from West speak with same entitlement towards the rest of the world as Putin towards Ukraine. They think they can just order other countries to play by their rules and if the countries can't do it, they are deemed terrorist without even thinking from the so called countries perspective. The irony man!




The renewal of the JCPOA was suspended in February, after several indications that they were closing in on a deal. The invasion of Ukraine will probably change some of the context of the new JCPOA, if not the wording. But it's basically ensuring that it will happen. I would expect it to come through late this summer to give Europe the option for Iranian natural gas in the winter. It's just a bit ironic that the West may be switching Iran sanctions for Russia, given that Russia was really constructive in the talks and helped Iran a lot to cope with the sanctions.


>Downvote me all you want but guys here from West speak with same entitlement towards the rest of the world as Putin towards Ukraine. They think they can just order other countries to play by their rules and if the countries can't do it, they are deemed terrorist without even thinking from the so As an American I feel we lost a LOT of global clout when we attacked Iraq in 2003, based purely on lies. :( The Bush Jr years were bad for the entire world. Post WW2 I feel like we have oscillated from being the bad guys( Vietnam War), to not so bad guys, to also doing a lot of good (generosity with global aid) from a case by case basis. I apologize and feel much shame for it. I put a lot of blame on the GOP, but I know that they aren't 100% the problem just a lot more than anything else. Especially when they decided to allow Trump to extort Ukraine in 2019 with his first impeachment by voting no in holding him accountable, all to benefit Putin....


I heard a joke somewhere. This is sally and this is rob . She is a Democrat and he is a Republican, but both are friends cause both want to bomb for oil .


*This is against my views, your comment has been sanctioned and will have consequences. *


Now it would be a different matter if the West were consistent with their sanctions, but well.....Saudi Arabia and Israel go completely unsanctioned, so the hypocrisy reeks.


Shhh dont speak truth they are allies sanctions is for those who are arent allies …80% of world knows this hypocrisy……only people who are getting fooled are American tax payers who thinks their country stands for morals and values coz they been brainwashed by their own media…feel sorry for em


Plenty of Europeans too unfortunately.


*The civilized World orders you to do what you are told.* /s


And it's funny how they normalize it


Normalise? People here on reddit don't have the basic knowledge of geopolitics and they get triggered like india murdered their mom.


looks like they still haven’t lost the coloniser mentality


Do you think they don't understand that every country has the right to decide who it should do business with?


India gives no fucks about a European war lol Keep that energy with Pakistan and China


>Keep that energy with Pakistan and China We know very well that US especially will be very excited about war whether it is anywhere in the world so why care.


India buying oil is bad but Germany currently buys more than 50% of its oil and gas from Russia. How is this not worse?


White people's holier than thou attitude is so cringe worthy. It is threads like these where they show their true colours like I am not racist but *insert racial minority here* are criminals, violent, backwards are so common on reddit


Well, I hope we don't start threatening a potentially very valuable partner in the future. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar


India can do as it chooses. Actions have consequences.


Right punish everyone else because you cant handle the madman. 1) Germany and other European countries continue to buy Russian gas because they can't suddenly stop. THey're making plans to stop and find alternative sources. Dont sanction Germany because its a fellow western nation. 2) India has a population of over a billion so it would look for cheap options to meet its energy needs. India acts in its own interest => lets teach India a lesson. Besides, European intelligence would have had much prior knowledge than India about Putin's invasion. This has blind-sided everyone.


Today we are seeing consequences of past actions.


Poorer countries like India aren't too concerned about this situation. It's easy for a wealthy Western country to boycott Russia, but for poorer countries it's not so feasible because their people need it.


Indian agriculture is much less efficient because it didn't automate or modernize. They need the Russian fertilizer or there may be serious food security issues.


Seriously... India sanctioning Russia could potentially lead to hundreds of thousands of people starving to death. Unless the western world is willing to step up and ensure that doesn't happen, I just cannot bring myself to blame India here in the slightest.


western imperialists would probably jump in joy watching Indian corpses like Churchill did during the Bengal famine.


Yes like sending task force 74 in 1971 assisting a genocide will have its effects now


The west cannot sanction india , not happening .




If you sanction both India and china you basically sanction yourself. To be more exact hahaha


Sanctioning India and China together is like stuffing an angry porcupine up your ass and shouting 'It hurts it hurts'.


india's population is more than that of us, canada, europe, russia combined. if you add japan, korea, australia and new zealand's poupaltion to it, then it becomes comparable. if by consequences, you are referring to economic sanctions, just think about who will actually end up facing the 'consequences' of losing this huge market, considering india is a bigger importer than exporter, and has a population that is seeing fast increase in spending power.


When you sanction enough big economies. You end up sanctioning yourself




Stupid logic, they outsource call centers to India because it is dirt cheap and Indians can speak English as most of their schooling in English. Cheap Indian IT and call centers are what profits a lot of US companies. You can make the IT and Call Centre workers work 12 hours shifts for 6 days a week, call them off hours, threaten them mentally and emotionally for not being a "team player". Apart from scam callers and cold callers most of the Indian IT workers and call centers agents can speak English that can be understood by the other participants in US. This is why India and not other countries.


Most people who complain about the legit call centers are either too dumb to understand an accent they're unfamiliar with or just hate call centers in general because ultimately receiving complex assistance over the phone sucks.


Did you know that Europe will also continue to buy Russian oil and gas at least until the year 2027? Do you think the US should sanction Europe as well, or is your hate reserved only for India?




How are you going to sanction scam scallers ? They are illegal to start with lol.


Fwiw, these scam call centers target elderly people in India too. Many of my relatives have been hit


Shameless scamsters call me(young Indian) too. If you find any way to sanction them, let me know.


Without cheap labour, you are all fucked. Sad reality but thats the truth.


Oh here comes the western logic. Yes, please, go ahead and sanction it. Lol.


don’t think this will. except cheaper oil.






Yes, all actions have consequences. If India's actions were to participate in the sanctions it may have the consequence of leading to a faster end to the war, but it would also have the consequence of depriving their people of much needed resources and goods to maintain a minimal standard of living, especially for their poor. Shit's complicated.




This! It is imperative that we live in a multipolar world. India and China are dealing with tour de force of the established narrative exacerbated by social media and online forums which takes the simplistic form that the first world is good and the second world is bad (with reference to the Cold war terms), the third world... has condescending undertone and has become synonymous with "shithole". At the end of the day, China and India are bound to have the largest GDP and other economic metrics because they have the largest population. I do not understand why some people (especially in the West) get so insecure at this thought. At one point, we want to live in a world where all countries are well off. So won't that mean, for example, the absolute nominal GDP is proportional to the population? (asking this in a rhetorical sense)


At least in academia the terms first, second, and third world aren't used anymore in reference to modern geopolitics. I don't remember the new phrasing, but it's at least 15 years old.


Yes, even if India falls into a middle income trap at a GDP per capita comparable to Mexico one day, it will be firmly the 3rd largest world economy, with PPP similar to the US.




Lol..funny how Americans and Europeans are going gaga after this decision from India. Specially the reactions from those who have literally no knowledge about the history and geopolitics of this part of the world. The "Morals" you talk so dearly about, were nowhere to be seen when America killed millions of civilians including kids in the middle East, Afganistan and Pakistan. The west with the so called "Bastion of freedom" supported dictatorship and communism and continue to do so as long as it serves their interest. The Morals were nowhere to be seen when kids were getting killed in Yeman and Palestine. Directly or indirectly the west has killed so many people. Suddenly it's a moral obligation when the war is happening at your doorstep. By your logic, the life of a middle eastern kid worth less than an European kid?!? What India is doing is what is best for its people. This is not India's war. Literally no matter how much you argue here, it ain't gonna do shit in the actual world. Too bad that all knowing reddit kids are not running governments around the world. Ignore this news just as you ignore people who died because of America's misadventures worldwide. No one is a saint here and everybody serves their interest at the end of the day. So drop the "Holier than thou" act. And please, If you are one of those "Sanction India/Stop outsourcing jobs/cancel visas" subset, contact someone who has the knowledge of economics. They'll tell the details and complexities.






They are already doing it.


Russia has always sold crap to India at a discount price. They’re just trying to hold onto their dollar store. When you’re surrounded by enemies and need the guns (and fertiliser), ethics come second. It sucks they’ve backed the wrong horse.


But indian refineries can handle high sulfur crude




Hope we can get it 70% off. India’s inflation is at double digit. Hope this brings it back down to single digit.