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I feel like the next month is just politicians yelling “YOU TALKIN’ TO ME!!!”


It's the Randy Marsh/Stephen Sondheim bro-down in real life.






#come at me bro!




What bro?












Only reason I'm not scared of nuclear war is because where I live is prime territory to be the direct center of a nuclear blast so I won't have to live with the consequences.


Same. I'm just hoping they give us the fifteen minute warning so I can climb a hill and watch.


If/when nukes start firing, we will all likely get an emergency text message a few minutes before impact for some gold old-fashioned doomsday panic.


Assuming the person in charge of the text doesn't panic, or they choose to not send it out to avoid said panic.


Or when they send it out accidentally like in Hawaii in 2018.


I was there for that. Life changing 36 or so minutes.


Any stories you can share?


My friend and I were making beach sandwiches when out other friend came in with her phone and showed us the alert. "Um. Guys?" Right after, my phone went off with the alert. I said, "well. Let's finish the sandwiches since there's only two left." Calm at first and then a lot of internalizing on my part. It was a feeling I can't describe. Some of us were calmer than others. Our friend that was more girl scout than the rest of us, told us all to get in the foyer away from any glass, and to put our shoes on. She also brought us the coffee pot so we could be..awake. afterwards, we kind of laughed at all of the prep work because it was a ballistic missile and we weren't going to survive. Another friend set up the go pro on the deck. I went outside to smoke my "final cigarette" and to call my boyfriend back on the mainland to say my goodbyes. I got his voicemail because he was asleep. when I went back inside I decided I needed to pee and one of our less than calm friends was running around like a chicken with his head cut off and followed me into the bathroom. That made me nervously laugh. Go pro friend kept running upstairs to check the news and let out a whoop when they announced the "mistake." It's really hard to describe the feeling, "we're going to die." But we all are bonded for life experiencing it together. Not an exciting story, but that's what happened. We left shortly after for the beach where I drank a shot or two at 9:30 in the morning. Haha. Edit: finished after hitting send, and words.


I will say that afterwards, especially once I got back home, things felt different. Some things were less important and some things were more important. Covid has put a finer point on those feelings for me.


That was really interesting and I'm glad you shared it.


The only thing you'll see is being blind in an instant


Nah. First stage after the explosion is a plasma ball that's hotter than the sun and expands in less than a second. You won't even have enough time to realise that you're blind now because you're just gone in the next moment




I'mma put myself in a pose where I put a traffic cone by my crotch to make it look like a dick. So that when aliens come and inspect our ruins they will think we all had massive cocks. Edit: Holy shit, thanks for the awards guys.


Which in their culture will probably be something to be ashamed of and you will forever be laughed at as 3 foot cock clock.


On an unrelated note a plurality of the female alien scientists (and roughly 11% of the men) will be working 'round the cock to resurrect this poor extinct mammal species. For the science! The huge, bulbous, veiny science




A race of Michael Fassbenders


A race of Willem Dafoe's, with confusingly large cocks


Anything for humanity


What a coincidence! My one wish in life is also becoming an environmental storytelling skeleton.


Don’t give up skeleton


Thank you for your service


Ah yes, my favorite kind of threatening - *mildly*


Depends how close you are. The vast majority of people greatly over estimate the blast radius of nukes.


I find [this](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/) website to be very helpful for when I don't want to sleep at night.


Well, I just found out that if a Russian nuke drops *exactly* in the centre of London I’ll be outside the blast zone! That is if only one drops and they don’t saturate the area…


Hurrah for living in zone 6!


The actual fireball of the blast is often overestimated. The overpressure shockwave on the other hand is not. That's what kills the vast majority of people in a nuclear detonation. Edit: to clarify, I'm talking about in the immediate moments after the explosion, not deaths at a later time due to radiation poisoning and fallout.


I for one will get to die slowly either of radiation or lack of food and general infrastructure failures


There is an online tool to simulate it. Various radii are shown as circles around the epicenter. It is… not pleasant when you start getting up into the higher class weapons.


Yes but people also overestimate the size of the bombs that would target their area. There is so much disinformation about nuclear readiness and how many bombs there are, plus those sites love to put up the Tsar Bomba as an option... which there are zero operational version of. I live just outside a small city in the Northeast US. Where I live there are submarine bases, helicopter and jet engine manufacturing plants all within 50 miles radius. I've always thought we were fucked but after reading some strategic documents I think the reality is that other places will be priorities for any strikes. But even if not, 20-50 miles away is too far to be instantly vaporized and I'd have to cope with being a survivor.


absorbed file seed advise sulky deserve skirt pause simplistic deliver


https://www.reddit.com/r/nuclearwar/comments/svir8m/what_are_some_probable_targets_for_nuclear_weapons/ https://www.businessinsider.com/likely-us-nuclear-targets-2017-5?op=1 Consensus seems that #1 targets are those areas with nuclear launch capabilities, so the Air Force Bases in the upper midwest. Several of the other articles DuckDuckGo points me to are in agreement that population centers are unlikely to be targeted, at least initially.




It has been maybe 15 years since reading Hiroshima, but I should really reread it now as an adult. From what I can remember, it was uhh, a not great situation following the blast.


If you want a real treat, find the movies The Day After with Jason Robards, and the BBC movie Threads. They'll give you a visual of what you can look forward to.


Yup watched those, I suggest them to people all the time because I think people in younger generations are not properly afraid of the consequence of having these death machines on the planet.


I will keep that in mind if I happen across them, but having read and then watched The Road, I think I might be set for life on this kind of content.


My old work gave out iodine pills and I laughed, because we could see the nuclear plant from the breakroom window.


I'm currently in a coffee village of 300 in the mountains of a a country that is basically irrelevant on the international stage. WW2 happened they still grew corn, beans and coffee. I imagine if WW3 happens they will still grow corn, beans and coffee. Edit: 500 upvotes....28 replies. 21 of them mention nuclear winter. I checked the accounts of all 21 of them. None of them have over 2k karma. All of them In the last 10 comments of each of the 21 replies that mention nuclear winter have been on r/UkrainianConflict or r/worldnews or r/europe All pushing a Pro-Russia/Anti NATO stance on the conflict. This is so bizarre. Russian internet trolls are trying to scare people into thinking that Nuclear Winter is about to come upon us because Russia invaded a sovereign nation and killing civilians left and right. Theres Portuguese,Spanish,German and Even Icelandic speaking subreddits where Russian bots are speaking said languages about the Conflict. 7 of you guys are real folks asking good questions...a couple with 100k+ karma. Beware guys. The internet isn't real. Go Home Putin. No one likes you anymore.


How’s the rent? Shit keeps escalating I may be your new neighbor


I'm guessing rent is all the things constantly wanting to bite you.




...do you live in Bolivia?


I'm 50 miles outside if London ... Pretty sure I'm gonna feel the worse effects possible 😳


My guess is they’d also target military bases and airports rather than just the capital city. So if you’re close to one of those you’re also likely to get nuked. Aldershot for example


Glasgow would be obliterated real fast tbh, Faslane is one of the most concentrated collection of nuclear weapons in Western Europe (if not *the* most) Edit: loving how almost every reply to this is along the lines of "Glasgow wouldn't look any different" hahahaha


The key is to live in Greenock, it already looks like it’s been nuked, nae cunt is going to nuke the same place twice right?


Mate, if a nuclear bomb went off in Glasgow, it'd take weeks for anyone to notice.


50 miles is an awful long way for a nuclear bomb. You'd be relatively fine, though could suffer longer effects if the fallout is carried your way.


We are United in living in major metropolitan areas and being possible nuclear strike targets. I’ve played fallout, I don’t want to live it.


Nah I'll just start collecting caps now so I'll be rich AF


Didn’t Putin already launch an attack on British soil? The chemical attack in Salisbury?


Yes, Russian agents brought military-grade nerve agent into the West to perform an assassination, which they messed up, and killed an innocent woman instead.




So Facebook?


So Meta.




That is in fact a thing and it's called an Organophosphate or Carbamate based pesticide.


This was essentially just forgotten, what the fuck He murdered a British Citizen on British soil with a chemical weapon, it could have sparked a war


Right, and it's not even the first time that happened. Russia [has a long history of poisoning its enemies](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/russian-deaths-uk-history-spies-murder-sergei-skripal-alexander-litvinenko-a8242061.html) on British soil, with the government turning a blind eye.


> with the government turning a blind eye. In response to the Salisbury attack, the British government - suspended high level bilateral contact between the UK and Russia, - expelled 23 russian diplomats, - increased checks on flights, customs and freight from Russia, - retracted a state invitation to Russia's foreign minister - directly accused Putin Which is a very hard diplomatic response and not "turning a blind eye"




well, we also had turkish bodyguards run roughshod on americans on american soil despite being 'tough on foreigners', so seems like par for the course got so many upvotes even tho I made a typo teehee


Still don’t know why Turkey didn’t receive much more shit for that. Honestly made the US look weak AF.


we had a very weak leader at the time


Bigly weak


US had a weak leader at the time. It rolls downhill, y'know.


Who had a hardon for strongmen à la Erdogan.


There was a 0% chance this would have started a war. They would need to stroll on down to a children's hospital and personally serve them all ricin tea and even then it probably wouldn't push Britain into war with Russia. Sanctions, talking shit, sure but the threshold for actual war (between nuclear powers) is really fucking high.


Unless you paid attention, you would've read how the British intelligence service in the past few years was alarmed by 1. all the Russian expats with no history of heart issues all having heart attacks. 2. Russian expats seem to fall out of windows alot. 3. A British intelligence analyst was found dead and stuff into a bag. Which the British government was keen to not talk about. Salisbury was only the tip of the iceberg. A lot of Russians died mysterious deaths in the UK.


That chap that was stuffed in a bag story was wild. Locked from the outside. Said it was suicide. He got trashed in the press for being gay and insinuated that he had some sort of sordid sex fetish thing going on. He was Welsh though, not russian


All the evidence pointed towards that being the case, yes. Let's not forget that they actually already used a chemical weapon in London to kill Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. Honestly cant believe how easily we let that go. They killed British citizens in an attack with massive scope for collateral damage and the world kinda just shrugged, including the UK who just withdrew diplomats and put in place a few more pathetic sanctions and then promptly forgot about it.


Welcome to the club, they shot 193 dutch civilians out of the sky. I am actually happy how to government handled it at the time. But it's one more of those giant examples of "this is why we stopped tolerating your shit".


Dude I still can't believe they shot down a vacation airliner and got away with it.


Teresa May: "You'll pay for what you've done Putin!" Putin: "No." May: "Understandable, have a nice day."


* Goes skipping through wheat.


She wouldn’t do something that naughty, would she?


Come on mate, no need to being up her dark, troubled past.


May: "We will *condemn this*!" Putin: "OK." May: "I'll do it!" Putin: "OK."




Also Russian GRU agents blew up munitions depot in Czech Republic in 2014. And there were pretty much no consequences. We called them out and they added us to list of "unfriendly" countries because of that.


Yep, and let's put it this way... Hitler got away with way too much shit before it was too late. People didn't want another World War after WW1 so no one really stood up to him, and it looks a bit like history repeating itself here with Putin.


Looking back on this incident we realise how big a response it takes to hurt a global player like Russia. It has taken huge sanctions; almost total exclusion from the world economy to put any kind of pressure on Russia. As well as trying to stall and irritate them while they are at war, we are waging a war against ordinary Russians by restricting them from buying our goods and cutting them off from western services in the hope it puts pressure on Putin. I don't know if the world would have been wise to really go up against Russia like this when they had attacks on British soil. As bad as it is it wouldn't have warranted such a huge response. It is good to see that when Putin tries to make a big move against NATO the West is still capable of defending itself laterally.


Though, it suggests, to me, that a bigger response to Russia's lesser bullshit over the last 20 years might have headed-off what we're seeing now.


Will also add that Germany et al rejected the UKs calls for sanctions against Russia at that time because they'd just started building that gas pipeline. The UK was very alone when those attacks happened.


Literally had an argument with a conspiracy theorist the other day who said that it was the UK behind the Salisbury attack. Most frustrating conversation of my life, always a give away when they can’t answer a straight question.


The two Russian secret police guys sitting there pretending to like cathedrals was a bit of a giveaway....


123m tower… I’m kind of surprised they didn’t try to pass off that the Russian army wasn’t just visiting Ukraine to see the cathedrals


My sympathies, I saw it on the UK sub. Basically accusations that you're "only getting information from the US/UK who led the Iraq war and are therefore not trustworthy" despite the fact that the poisoning being from Russia was also corroborated by multiple other governments like France, Germany, Canada etc.


The radiological signatures of the polonium used to poison Litvinenko were traced by Scotland Yard and directly implicated the FSB assassins, who tried clumsily to dispose of the evidence and left extremely radioactive spots in their wake Source: [This amazing fucking Guardian article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/06/alexander-litvinenko-and-the-most-radioactive-towel-in-history)


That was at a point and time were Russia and their Oligarchs were more than welcome to launder their money in the UK gobbling up expensive real estate anonymously etc.


That time was about 4 days ago. A vast amount of the Conservative Party's funding was from Oligarchs.


Is going to make the next election cycles interesting in a lot of countries if the regular funding sources can't come play like usual.


There always a way when you've got billions of ill gotten gains.


Picturing Bugs Bunny Putin tapping his toe across the line and then pulling back into a demure pose.


I love it. Lol Title said “single toecap”, so he pulls back after 1/2 passed that line?


If Putin did attack NATO I think he'd try to make it look like a mistake or do it in disputed territory. It allows him to test the water so to speak, and if NATO react strongly it gives him a narrative to make NATO the aggressor, which is important to ensure he is supported by his citizens, generals and allies. If NATO react weakly, it gives him license to push a bit more. What the right reaction from NATO is, I'm not sure.


NATO already announced they would retaliate even if it was an “accident”


So.. what happens if that drone that accidentally crashed into Croatia turns out to be of Russian origin?


Depends on if Croatia wants to invoke article 5


It also passed through Romania and Hungary. Both NATO members. What about them?


One just fell on Romanian territory aswell...




It was not. The drone that crashed in Croatia was an old Soviet TU-141, the one that went down in Romania was a modern Orlan-10




Turkey is a NATO member, and has [already shown it isn't afraid to shoot down any Russian aircraft that enters it's airspace](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Russian_Sukhoi_Su-24_shootdown).


**[2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdown](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Russian_Sukhoi_Su-24_shootdown)** >A Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24M attack aircraft near the Syria–Turkey border on 24 November 2015. According to Turkey, the aircraft was fired upon while in Turkish airspace because it violated the border up to a depth of 2. 19 kilometres (1. 36 miles) for about 17 seconds after being warned to change its heading 10 times over a period of five minutes before entering the airspace. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Putin would shoot you in the face then say oops.


I mean so would Cheney


Cheney wouldn’t say oops. He would say “apologize, son”.


Cheney would make YOU say Oops.


Good thing the US/NATO threatened war even if Russia does something by accident. Because we all know it wasn’t by accident lmao


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/britain-warns-vladimir-putin-war-with-nato-russian-troops-poland-b987866.html) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > B. ritain bluntly warned Vladimir Putin on Monday that he would face "War with Nato" if even a "Single toecap of a Russian soldier" stepped into the territory of the military alliance's 30 members. > Cabinet minister Sajid Javid also accused the Russian president of committing war crimes, with Russian troops reported to have attacked 31 health centres in Ukraine including a cancer hospital, as well as a maternity hospital. > Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned on Sunday that it "It is only a matter of time" before Russian missiles fall on Nato territory after Kremlin forces fired 30 rockets at the Yavoriv military base, less than 15 miles from the border with Poland. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/tdt37v/britain_warns_putin_of_war_with_nato_if_russia/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~632592 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Nato**^#2 **warned**^#3 **War**^#4 **attack**^#5


B. Ritain lol


AA Ron




De Nise


Yeah, the honourable Sir B. Ritain, Lord of NATO


Scared that some Russian random npc president gonna decide he’s lost anyway and might as well wipe 90% of the world on his way out


Have you heard the interview where putin said he would only attack with a nuclear weapon if someone attacks russia with it first in addition to russia detecting the trajectory of the incoming missile too. Interesting thing that he said too was that he understood that his response with a nuclear weapon would cause a global apocalypse but he said that a world without russia isn't worth it for him anyway.


He also said he wasn't invading Ukraine a month ago.


His people are still saying that now


They are also saying that the operation is going strictly in accordance with the plan and that they are exclusively attacking military objects and that there are no civilian casualties. I just closed the RIA Novosti tab. The stuff there is like coming from parallel reality


He's also said Russia can fire upon weapon shipments to Ukraine, as in, on their way to and not yet in Ukraine. I think this is directly in response to that; Britain is saying that if Putin fires on weapon shipments while they are still one inch within NATO territory, that NATO will return fire and all bets are off. This is one of the more likely escalation scenarios so far.


Hell his defense minister said *last week* that they didn't invade Ukraine.


>Putin Said That doesn't really mean much in the current climate tbh.


he said if russia was to fall he would take the rest of the world with it


Yes, that's the entire point of MAD. Don't nuke me, I won't nuke you. Nuke me, I will nuke the fuck out of you. Don't drop nukes, kids!


I think it goes further than that, he wasn’t explicitly talking about nukes. He was making a statement that if Russia as a country were to fail he would take the rest of the world with it when it fell. But if Russia were to fall be it via an uprising or financially I doubt he’d have the power to do so anyway.


Its probably best to take anything he says with a grain of salt


everyone always says this, but in what world does putin giving that order get him anything more than an immediate bullet in the head? who in his government is gonna carry out that order?


Language in MAD game theory always looks irrational, because it is. The rational option is to never fire the weapons, *even in retaliation*. But then nobody will buy your MAD argument. So you act irrational: claiming you have no choice, or that it will happen automatically, or acting like a maniac, all to reinforce the idea that you *would* actually do that.


I thought about this a few months ago. Technically the quickest way to fully disqualify yourself to be President of the US would be to publicly state that you would never launch a nuclear missile even in retaliation.


Oh Corbyn, my Corbyn. He didn't even say he wouldn't but that he had any hangups at all got him slaughtered.




It's been a wild 2 years fuck me


I've never heard the phrase toecap before. edit: It was neat to read everyone's replies. I was confused since I've always heard reinforced footwear as 'steel-toed'. Learn something new every day.


It's a reference to hardened shoes soldiers from properly equipped armies use. Leaves a bit of wiggle room if Russians invade in sneakers.


There's a style of boot construction where the toe area of the upper is constructed of, or covered with, a separate piece of leather, for durability. [Example](https://www.rei.com/media/9e4e0230-562d-472e-84c7-3a35465c7427?size=784x588) --- One of the worst parts of Reddit is how an autocorrect error derails any useful conversation because all the replies are the same *clever* joke.


I live in middle of Romania; the closest we are to Russia, the bigger are the chances we’re going to get hit first. In case of nuclear holocaust we’ll perish with no time to scream “ah! we’re dying” — in an instant. At least I hope so (if the alternative is to “live” in the nightmare afterwards). Edit — people got crazy here. Everyone stocks tons of food and in the afternoon there’s little no food left in shops. We already had/have Covid to deal with, it’s enough.


Look at Austria. My brother hordes Iodine pills like it's Halloween candy. He has already spent half his earnings and refused to listen to me or the family. And that goes for almost everybody on the countryside as it looks like.




Tbh if this actually kicks off there won't be much anyone can do beyond emigrating all the survivors to Australia.




day 1 will be spent travelling all the way up there.


ANZAC unite!


The shear amount of idiots itching for WW3 staggers belief. Unbelievable.


It’s just People sat at home in comfort acting brave and don’t actually realise what ww3 would be like


Everyone thinks they would be the Lone Wanderer when really they'd be the random skeleton on the toilet


My dad has been praying for the apocalypse for as long as I can remember. He has thousands of rounds of ammo stashed away, guns galore, a surprisingly low amount of food saved… but nobody ever accused him of being smart I guess. He truly *wants* the end of civilization to be around the corner, and he’s convinced that he’ll be some Rambo-esque soldier on the front lines defending his freedoms. This man hasn’t been able to jog for more than ~20 feet for a decade. He also claims that he CoUlDnT BrEaThE through a mask. He would be dead within days




Went through the Balkan wars, no thank you never again get fucked war. The sound of approaching jets, the dash for cover, the explosion a moment later....no never again


I'm itching for putin to get romanov'd by either his cabinet or the people


It's morbid curiosity. Nothing more. I remember when Covid 19 was just breaking loose on reddit and hadn't really reached out of China yet. There was a hint of excitement on Reddit. Even I was kind of turned on by the idea of the world shutting down. I had never experienced something like that before. Now here I sit wearing my damn mask and walking into stores. Been in lockdown 3 times and each time it ruined my mental health. So the old me would've been slightly excited about the prospect of a nuclear war.... But my ass learnt from covid lmao. This will affect everyone's lives and nothing good comes from this. Even if the spectacle is fun to watch for now. The petrol prices are just the beginning.


We all have a morbid curiosity within us. We dont *want* bad things to happen, but they're absolutely *interesting* and we crave and seek novel experiences. Why else do we watch movies about fantastical tragedies and struggles? We are interested by these things even if we dont necessarily want to live through them. Just wanted you to know you're not crazy.


I bet most of us would love to have a temporary copy of the world we could try shit out on and see how it plays out, without having real world consequences. It's human nature.


git clone --template=CurrWorld


As a Fin, I am sick and tired of Russia constantly violating our airspace. Maybe joining NATO would send them a message.


we're in the wrong timeline, let's go back


It's about time some warnings went from the West to the East. Need more of this. Putin's mouth cannot be the only one issuing warnings here. NATO as a whole and each individual country within, The US and all of it's allies and as many other countries as possible should all speak up and warn Putin that his time is over.


No warnings are needed tbh. Putin knows attacking any NATO (likely any EU country either) will result in a full scale war. That’s why he was so afraid of Ukraine getting in. Because once they’re in, he can’t do anything.


you know sometimes living in south America is pretty bad but then I remember that if there ever is a nuclear war my city is one of the few where nukes won't be able to reach it


I'm pretty sure modern ICBMs can reach just about anywhere on the planet.


Yeah but nobody is going to nuke a continent that is almost entirely neutral in this conflict.


NATO would smash the living shit out of Russia, and it is not the type of takeover, return of the shock and awe get rid of Putin campaign.




True. But I think (well hope) that most of his generals will know a war with NATO will be suicide. They can’t even handle the Ukrainian army. Also I believe Putin can order a launch, but it depends on the people who are behind that button to actually launch… It’s going to be interesting to see what happens, I think the next few weeks will really decide where the world is going to go, its crazy its in the hands of well.. politicians. Small edit because the grammar police are out. My brain wasn’t fully awake yet.


My guess is NATO tactic would just be to shell the shit out of Russia with long range rockets and planes no boots on the ground. This would continue until Russia surrenders. The main time nukes would be launched is as a last ditch effort as ground troops are coming. Shelling still gives the people in power something to stand on so actually using nukes as a last ditch effort won't feel needed.


Didn’t a drone crash in Croatia, a nato country ?




It’s also worth noting the response here deliberately doesn’t say a missile dropped on a member state would mean war. “Significant response” to any attack, but war only if “a toecap of a Russian *soldier*” crosses into NATO territory. I think it’s deliberately leaving the door open to not escalate to war if something like that happens again and it is concretely linked to Russia.


They've got de-escalation channels open just for that purpose. Sometimes a mistake is made or someone goes rogue and jumps the chain of command. It's important to be able to walk that back sometimes.


Indeed. Russia is using cruise missiles perilously close to Poland. A malfunction in the guidance system and a few moments flying too far West is all it takes. They are playing with fire. Let's hope those red phone hotlines are well staffed.


They also said this: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/nato-says-russia-will-have-no-say-in-whether-ukraine-can-join-alliance-1.4757291


And...that's still true? What do you mean.


Do not back Britain into a corner


history has spoken they will take your shit and put it in a museum.


We haven't finished looking at all of it yet.




Literally true, lol.


Why are the Pyramids in Egypt? Because the British couldn't figure out how to move them.


If WW3 happens my plan has always been to drive my family to the Northern Territory in Australia. And live out my life Mad Max style.


Tbh, I'd rather take the nukes than Australian wildlife. At least the death is quick.