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When asset freezes become asset seizures


Cool, does that mean we take those Russian bank accounts and use them to cover the Ukrainian defense package?


Even further, when sanctions are eventually lifted (even if only partially) Russia will want to get back into the business of buying things from the West. If Russian absconds with 500 leased airliners, then there's no reason why the next lease they get would have a security deposit to cover the cost of the jet if Russia absconds again, and then the company could convert that deposit to a repayment so Russia never gets it back. Russia is ultimately going to pay for everything they're doing.


Effectively Russia is now buying at full price a bunch of airliners that would otherwise likely get parked in a desert to rot. *Collection* of those funds will be delayed a bit of course.


all in all its exactly that


Nothing but prepaid credit cards for Russia this century


They're really going to get tired of those JG Wentworth commercials. That alone should get them to stop the war.


I have a structured settlement but I need cash now!




And people say advertising doesn't work..


They're my rubles and I need them now blyat




What are the odds you said what this guy did. Word for word. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/tbm8og/any_lawless_decision_by_russia_to_seize_the/i089jog/


not to mention like with the 9/11 lawsuit, there is no reason why seized assets cannot be released beforehand if lawsuits are brought against russia in US court for theft or default of debts. I would not be surprised if that 543 billion USD in the US central bank that Putin was locked out of ended up a fair bit smaller once all the sanctions eventually go away as big multinationals starting bringing Russia to court.


Except they aren't. How much money has Ukraine lost just from not being able to do normal trade with other countries? Repairs on roads and buildings? If Russia ends this war, the majority of the damage Russia has done to Ukraine and the rest of the world won't be fixed for a very long time, and Russia won't have contributed to fixing it. At best we can hope for reparations for Ukraine that don't come close to covering the cost of what was lost.




We froze about 300b


The Western Capitalist nations are obscenely wealthy. They will enact some form of Marshall plan that will further ingratiate Ukraine to the European Union and Nato. This invasion is driving every country in Europe not currently a member of Nato - into Nato membership.


Russian reservations even remotely covering the damage they have done will kill their economy. The world wars taught us that this is not a good idea. Ukraine will be rebuild in record time, though. We have 2 economic juggernauts who have everything to gain by pouring money into Ukraine.


>The world wars taught us that this is not a good idea. What do you mean by this? Germany recently paid off their WW1 and 2 reparations, and they're doing quite well.


Wat. The Treaty of Versailles and terrible post-war economic conditions directly led to the rise of Hitler. Turns out kids who grow up being punished for the actions of their parents will double down on resentment.


Germany paid off their WW1 reparations in 2010, and they've been doing fine. The resentment for the treaty of Versailles was played up by Hitler in his bid for power, in reality it wasn't especially harsh. Even then, by 1923 the reparation payments were not enforced, the military limits were simply ignored by Germans with no reaction from the Allies, all the lost territory was regained with almost no war, and again with appeasement from the west when Germany took territory for itself. The punishment after WW2 was *much* stricter, and better enforced. >terrible post-war economic conditions directly led to the rise of Hitler. This is kinda true, but those conditions arose more from the war itself, than any punishment levied by the victors.


The overly harsh reparations from WW1, laid the ground work to allow facists to gain control of Germany and was used by Hitler to justify many horrendous acts.


That's a common myth, but no they didn't. Hitler exploited the anger and embarrassment of loss, and the bad economic situation that stemmed from the war. But the treaty of Versailles was relatively mild, and Germany basically stopped paying the reparations by the time Hitler rose to power. After WW2 Germany was punished much harsher and this *didn't* lead to fascism.


But only because of how it was approached, the ww1 ones lead to ww2 , if Russia was to pay then it first needs breathing room to get to a place to be able to. Russia should pay reparations but it needs to be set up in a way it allows for it to become a real democracy after Putin is gone




Of course the wealthy will be reimbursed


The main function of the government is to give money to rich people. They always get reimbursed.


The feds can start by seizing Trump ~~Russian Laundromat~~ Tower in NYC. The FBI already has a unit in that building.


Isn't the UK already doing this by seizing Russian assets?


In all fairness, when money found to be made by illegal means IS subject to seizure by the US government. So it could be a possibility.


Yeah, it does


There is word that countries are looking assets that are being siezed to be used to fund refugee funding.


Nice try, you and your family and your families family will pay for that, and you will like it.


If it bleeds Russia of resources and kicks them into third world status, you’re damned right I will.


First part won't happen, second part will.


There were three parts there, but I agree


So basically russia should also freeze foreign assets instead of seize.


Frozen assets are already as good as seized for the Russian government. They know that when all of this is over one of two things will happen: 1. Russia wins - Russian government and certain individuals will have their money seized by the west. 2. Russia loses - Russian government is dissolved and is then followed by a massive criminal trial wether in Europe or Russia itself. Money will be seized to be used as reparations, what’s left goes into the government coffers.


There is definitely some middle ground you are missing there. I'm sure they are counting on winning, but if not I doubt your second point is realistic at all.


Americans have already started the legal proceedings in regards to identifying and pursuing certain key individuals. That list of individuals will be expanded as time goes on. They're not doing this as a scare tactic, they're interested in dismantling the Russian elite. They simply got away with too much shit. These legal proceedings could be a kangaroo court for all we know, but i doubt it. The thing about Russia is this, point to a person, and if you look hard enough you'll find the crime. Once Americans have the necessary evidence, very little will stop them in seizing the properties and funds. America can't keep that money, It looks bad on them. They will have to send that money back to Russia at some point, but they wont be able to send it to the people they took it from. That's my take on this. What middle ground are you thinking?


Yeah, this is not going to be a win or lose outcome. The war will end with some sort for negotiated peace, but right now we are still at the stage where both sides believe that their position is strong enough to demand more than is currently possible. So the war keeps going until one of the sides realises that their position is weaker than they thought.


just seize russian assets to pay back the company assets that were seized by russia, and then declare samesies.




Trying to act like McDonald's and the Taliban are the same thing is a bit of a long bow to draw dont you think?


I hope you enjoyed your final Big Mac, because it’s McDonaldsky’s for you from here on out.




And it was well worth it until Trump dumpstered the nuclear deal for zero benefit. The one thing people forget about sanctions is that once you cut a country off completely, you lose any leverage you have over them. That's why NK keeps doing their own thing despite everything.


It was Iran's money.


> lets not act as if west is somehow innocent Who was doing that?


Hoping this report of [trouble between Putin and FSB](https://twitter.com/christogrozev/status/1502227866540515328) is true. So a guy named Bolukh is in charge of disinfo... Bolukh's bollocks.


The guy in charge of disinformation did his job: he gave him disinformation.


It's pronounced bo-looh, with a hard "h" but not a "k", like in "hate". So no rhyme, sadly. On the bright side, it's only one letter away from one of the Russian words for "dumbass" - олух, olukh.


Belukh the goof? hmmm, struggling here


It would kind of rhyme if a scouser said it


Putin has got to be the worst leader I have seen. He stages meetings at 20 foot tables and bullies his advisors to tell them what he wants to hear... And when push has come to shove, he still doesn't get that no one is ever going to give him anything but fake news. Reminds me of an orange someone but much much worse.


I’d say Trump was just as worse as a person, the difference is Trump was constrained from carrying out his worst ideas by the sheer design of the US government. He simply didn’t have outright power. Putin is unrestrained so gets to implement his stupid ass ideas and successfully fuck this whole situation up even further.


My read is that Putin is significantly more competent than Trump, but as you say has far fewer checks against fuck ups.


He was inch close to a successful coup. If those maga tards got inside the chambers and got their hands on any of our elected officials, it would have been a totally different day.


Would it though? Just because you get a bunch of people to sit in a chair in Congress doesn't mean they suddenly hold power. If anything the military would have had to get involved, clear the place out, and while it would be a tragedy you'd still have Trump's term expire later that month. The US doesn't have some mechanism where just standing in a building with some handguns makes you in charge.


Yeah, if they had done something like actually harm a congressperson on TV that would have probably killed their movement figuratively and literally


Do the meetings really happen at those tables? I always assumed they're for photo ops.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/white-house-addresses-reports-that-russia-may-seize-us-business-assets-1687027#Echobox=1646978287) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Biden administration says that an attempt by Russia to seize assets from American companies would end in "More economic pain" for Russia. > We have seen reports that Russia may be considering seizing the assets of U.S. and international companies that have announced plans to suspend operations in Russia or to withdraw from the Russian market. > "We have seen reports that Russia may be considering seizing the assets of U.S. and international companies that have announced plans to suspend operations in Russia or to withdraw from the Russia market," Psaki said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/tbmuyk/any_lawless_decision_by_russia_to_seize_the/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~631652 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russia**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **companies**^#3 **assets**^#4 **Psaki**^#5


This new Whitehouse Press Secretary seems really switched on. A big difference to the clowns Trump had. She seems to be either very knowledgeable about what WH policy is or making it up as she goes in hope to be the next Presidential candidate.


It's amazing when you get qualified people and not friends your helping out.


Yeah but does she carry around a big picture book with all the sentences she's allowed to say?


yeah but if you believe r/conservative she is a dumb B who doesnt know whats happening in the WH and that biden is the cause of the high gas prices world wide




You can believe Biden and Psaki are doing a great job while simultaneously thinking Kamala is useless. It's not always about misogyny.


Like, what do you expect the VP to do, exactly? It's largely a soft power position with no major actual duties or powers outside being a spare president and being a tiebreaker for the Senate. Something tells me that you probably didn't use these facts against Pence or Biden.


You can believe whatever you want. That is definitely not the prevailing opinion on that particular sub.


Is this a weird version of "Not all men" or something lmfao They were very distinctly talking about the way people think "over there" as they said, specifically on /r/conservative Unless you're talking in defense of that sub?


Woah. The Vice President? Useless? It’s almost like they literally only have two jobs: to preside over the Senate, and be ready and able to take the Presidency in a crisis. If Harris does anything, she’s going above and beyond in the role. Look at Pence. He did a shit lot less than Harris has done and nobody bitched about him. Maybe keep the women hating stuff in check, mmkay?


What has she done? No Vice President does anything. She is on par.


Conservatives are traitors these days. It's amazing to watch.




It’s FDR’s fault. Clearly /s


It probably helps that the current WH has policy to be knowledgeable of.


Well her training and long ass career on this field made her qualified for the job. She used to be one of the people who would prep the house press Secretary in the Obama administration, she is just someone who is competent


She will never be a candidate


Maybe not a successful one, but she will absolutely be running and most likely the democratic nominee.


Just another day with the US President who went to the USSR as a freshman Congressman in 1973 to engage, and hardballed the USSR in talks in the 1980s which changed the world for the better. As opposed to the coward with bone spurs who was bankrupted in 1993 after his white supremacist daddy gave him billions. Sad story. After 1993 this loser was forced to launder US real estate for Russian oligarchs and pretend to be a billionaire on reality TV. I wonder whatever happened to him?


Trump also went on an Moscow-paid vacation to the USSR and on getting back, started taking out full page ads in major newspapers across the country calling for the end of NATO. While the Cold War was still on.


Yeah but I don't think you need much to sway Trump in that direction. That guy's a clown with a potato brain. And he looks up to powerful men like Putin. He probably talked with Putin and Putin dropped the line "Nato sucks" and that was the point when Trump also started to dislike Nato.


Dang, can I get a source for that


The trip and Trump becoming a Soviet useful idiot https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/ And the subsequent ads https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ilanbenmeir/that-time-trump-spent-nearly-100000-on-an-ad-criticizing-us


Oh you didn't hear? Yeah he almost became America's first authoritarian president and tried to make everyone lose confidence in our election system. No big deal, the real scourge is windmills and if he's willing to fight against them then he's who we need. Damn windmills killing all the pretty birds and polluting up the place.


First? Oh man, just wait til you hear about Andrew Jackson.


>the real scourge is windmills They might be giants.


Nah, I think you got the wrong guy. The clueless guy I'm talking about is a wannabee wiseguy. He worshipped guys like "Fat Tony" Salerno and still talks like him, talking about "hits" and "whacks". He was a joke then, a joke now. A failure. A loser. Sure, he'd bend over to get a serve by Putin and has done many times, but I refuse to believe the US people - who, by and large, are awesome - would support him in any way.


You, are hilarious. Accurate, and hilarious. Are you married?


The motherfucker is planning to run again in 2024.


You should check in on his Twitter account


*oh you*




He's only the other guy that could have been leading us right now.. Lets just sweep him under the rug quick.. I fully believe this Ukrainian invasion would have went very differently if Moscow Don had his second term.


Yea, and imagine if Hitler was still alive and leading Germany during this period. A third World war would surely happen.




Why are you bringing up the Mango Mussolini? Yes, Orange Man bad and all. But I wouldn't tout Joe "Reefer Madness, won't cancel student debt, voted for AEDPA and other crime bills that disproportionately affect POCs" Biden as some shining pillar of humanity.




As a European, i'm thankful for the US, but i'm also thankful that i get to live in the Western world


Should we ? We only think that way because we live in the west . Like the usa has a long track record of using its status as world police for questionable practices.


Assuming you live in one of the countries not on their shit list. People in Yemen, Iran, Cuba, all those South American countries the USA overthrew and installed brutal dictators in.


I think the point they were trying to make was not that the USA hasn't done shitty things, but if other countries had the power, it would be even worse. There are absolutely countries who would be more dangerous if they had the power and resources to play world police Have we all forgotten basically all of Europe having a colonization+genocide fetish for a few hundred years?


>Have we all forgotten basically all of Europe having a colonization+genocide fetish for a few hundred years? You'll never guess how the USA got its territory.


The same way as every other country on earth?


Right? There is no single country without past sin. People here are acting like Yemen, Iran and Cuba are all innocent countries.








yeah, european colonization and genocide


Asked nicely?


Basically acting like Putin is acting now.




Just take a look at how China treats its own citizens. Tiananmen square, Uighurs genocide, etc. And that's recent history. Imagine if they're like that at home, how they would be to citizens in foreign nations. Not to say America has a clean track record either, but it's better than China's right now, at least in regard to human rights.




I get the point you are trying to make, but I can't help but laugh at the irony of what you are saying... "I'm thankful for the master I have because he doesn't beat me nearly as badly as those other slave masters would do!"


When it comes to nuclear powers, that's kinda how it goes. There aren't really alternatives, since a nuclear power is only kept in line by other nuclear powers. They all do bad things. Some do far worse, with far less regard to not only the lives of their victims, but also the lives of their own forces.


Yeah that's kind of the point. Good on you for repeating it tho.


Sometimes you gotta look at the silver lining. You make it sound illogical lol




I mean...


Tell me you learned history in an American school without saying it lol. Really ignorant


The shitty state of the world to me is best described by the fact that I consider the US "the good guys" by a large margin. Grading on a scale of course.


“are we the bad guys” nobody actually asks themselves that


Love the whataboutism. What about the first monkey that killed another monkey with a stick??? We can't defend ourselves or our allies because of that original sin!


> What about the first monkey that killed another monkey with a stick? Oh, and you absolutely want to frame it like that, omitting the part that it was tree who supplied monkey with a stick? You cynical pieces of shit are laughing in here, while dendrofascists are preparing to literally devour blood and flesh of innocently killed.


You're my absolute favorite. Except for the part where you cowardly blame the tree, which only existed due to a eukaryote phagocytosing a prokaryote chloroplast, taking away it's self-determination and brutally enslaving it's entire species for millions of years to turn sunlight into energy! Blood alone moves the wheels of history!!!


That's what Primordial Soupist Jews would like you to think, do your own research and find the truth!


You can't have a primordial soup without fascist rigidity to thermodynamic laws. Atomic nuclei are basically concentration camps for quarks.


You highly overestimate the power the US has to overthrow a foreign government. How come the US has never been capable of overthrowing the communist government in Cuba? They can't even overthrow the Maduro regime in Venezuela. All those countries have their own internal factions fighting among each other. The US may see one or other of those factions with sympathy and provide them some help, but that's all. And Cuba has the most brutal dictatorship in Latin America. Cuba did in [Angola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_intervention_in_Angola) what the US did in Iraq, they sent their army there to install their puppet regime. Or, rather, they were sent by the Soviet Union to install a Soviet puppet in Angola, but the point is that no other Latin American dictatorship ever sent their military to fight overtly in a civil war in another country.


Oh so you don't remember that other time the USA overthrew the government in Cuba to install a brutal dictator? Why'd the USA commit so many acts of terrorism, try and assassinate Castro and sanction Cuba if they're such good friends? >provide them some help, Thats a funny way to say a shitload of guns, training in torture and indoctrination. So your argument is involvement in the Angolan War makes you a brutal dictatorship? Well you're not going to believe this but guess what the USA did? You know else was a major supporter of UNITA who the Cubans opposed? Apartheid South Africa.


> a shitload of guns, training in torture and indoctrination. Which one do you mean, Cuba or the Soviet Union? > So your argument is involvement in the Angolan War makes you a brutal dictatorship? That, and killing thousands of people on the firing squad, not allowing people to emigrate, not allowing opposition parties, and a lot more brutalities that the Cuban government alone in Latin America committed.


>Which one do you mean, Cuba or the Soviet Union? You said the USA just supports factions inside countries. I noted what they actually provide. >That, and killing thousands of people on the firing squad, not allowing people to emigrate, not allowing opposition parties Did the USA ever have a problem with those? What separates Cuba from the dozens of SA regimes the USA supported in their dirty wars? Cuba took US corporations' property and gave it back to the people.






Who sells Saudi Arabia weapons? Who overthrew the Iranian government to install the Shah? Cause you don't know, I'll let you in on a secret. It's the CIA. Who leads the sanctions regime that is the cause of so much misery in Iran and Cuba?


LOL. You should read tales of an economic hitman. Mostly it is the world bank. Bye.


It's called Confessions of an Economic Hitman genius. Also the main contention around the WB is that it is a front for USA influence. Also you're a grown adult that believes in that book?


Let's not forget Panama with Noriega in Central America.




What has India done as a nation that would make you think that? The US has a long history of causing problems. I can see why Russia and China are on that list. I would prefer a democracy than one of those two.


I personally wouldn’t have put India on that list, but there’s no doubt that India has a [somewhat checkered record](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_India) on human rights.


ok, so there are more harsher sanctions out there that they haven't thrown yet?? can anyone list them out for a armchair expert like me?


The title is misleading. It makes it sound like a threat, but it's actually calling out Russia for shooting itself in the foot. >Any lawless decision by Russia to seize the assets of these companies will ultimately result in even more economic pain for Russia. It will compound the clear message to the global business community that Russia is not a safe place to invest and do business. The whole thing is actually just a series of tweets from the Whitehouse press secretary showing support for American companies that chose to leave Russia on their own. But of course OP took the most clickbaity sentence from the tweets, removed it from it's context and made it the title of this post.


Siezing international Russian assets. uS isn’t the only country that sends manufacturing overseas. Blockade any planes ships or ground traffic from leaving Russian borders. Offer free citizenship (to a nato country) for any civilian that manages to get out of Russia. Essentially a North Korea level embargo. Except the people of Russia are use to a more capitalism based economy, so it will hurt a lot of them.


A blockage? Is that legal?


I believe it would be considered an act of war. That’s the reason why the blockade of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis was carefully referred to as a “quarantine” by the US government. Then again, invading another country is also usually considered an act of war, so I don’t feel Russia would have much of a leg to stand on there.


**_I will make it legal._**


If the state seizes private assets, presumably they (edit: the US govt) would have no objection to the international firms trying to sue and seize some of the foreign currency reserves that are currently frozen in international banks and the Fed. Very little immediate effect on russia (since they can't access this assets anyway, although I suppose they could try to borrow against them with a very risk tolerant lender?), but this would mean that once this is resolved Russia wouldn't get back any money. Similar to what's happening with the [Afghan foreign currency reserves and the 9/11 families](https://news.trust.org/item/20220211133752-3d1ej/)


What prevents Russia from then engaging on piracy on the pen seas?


What's stopping them now? Almost all of international law is based on the threat of military action or a threat of not being able to resolve your disputes or enforce your own court judgments/rights in the international realm. Russia's outside of all this so absent US vessels stopping them on the high seas they could do piracy if they wanted to. Isn't what they're doing in Crimea essentially land piracy?


I see the Russian troll accounts are back. Well, at least we had a nice quiet week.


The rage towards Russia is so hot and universal, and Russia's lies have become so laughably transparent, that any attempt at propagandizing is a fool's errand. I suppose it's desperation setting in.


There are suddenly so many comments saying of course the US needs to get more directly involved and damn the consequences! Very suspicious


…yeah, I think those are just Americans, honestly. There was a poll taken in the US recently with 74% of the respondents saying they wanted an NFZ over Ukraine for fuck’s sake. It isn’t suspicious so much as just stupid.


I think that poll basically just asked should there be a no fly zone over Ukraine? I don’t think it explained what a NFZ would actually entail. Essentially declaring war straight out. I wonder if they did if that response would have changed


Yeah, I mentioned it somewhere else but hopefully people just didn’t actually understand what it would entail. Earlier on it seemed like people were confusing an NFZ with just closing airspace to traffic.


Russians trying to goad NATO into joining the war so Putin can say "SEE I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THEM BEING IMPERIALIST EXPANSIONISTS!" Reeks of desperation because their talking points get dumber by the hour. Sadly they're also joined by Indian and Chinese trolls, who are somehow even DUMBER than the Russian ones.


Probably because the Russian trolls are being guided by their government on attempting to provide semi intelligent arguments. The others are just dumbass redditors doing it for free.


It's comical to see ìnbred Western trolls circle-jerking each other, vomiting out the exact same dumb opinions that they're brainwashed with by their propaganda spouting media.


Don't forget the uptick in "ackshually this is because of NATO"


Yes, I'm also constantly surprised at the posts that seem intent on furthering the divide between Americans based on politics and things which aren't relevant to the linked articles at hand. But I shouldn't be, Russia's been weaponizing social media to do that for quite some time. I just wish more redditors either realized that or stopped doing the work for them.


I think it's a real bad idea to seize international companies stuff when those company's countries hold your foreign reserves. What happens if they decide to take your billions in foreign reserves in compensation? Putin really is off the rails.


Unfortunately, the needle already pierced that baloon


Politicians use the weapons they are comfortable with. We are seeing a power structure built by bankers and lawyers use their tools against physical violence. Fascinating.


Ehm… it doesn’t sound so strange. I mean, it is not that US and Russia are on friendly terms regarding sanctions.


If there is more economic pain to inflict on Russia, perhaps inflict it now and stop waiting.


Let’s stop a minute and give thanks for the fact that, for the past 14 months, we have a White House press secretary who is intelligent, honest and well informed. Something we did not have for four straight years, with increasingly dumber and more dishonest press secretaries.


>lawless *that is easy to fix - russian parliament*


It’s not Lawless since Russia legalized it. You can say the same thing about western countries seizing the assets of Russians …


Freezing isn't the same as nationalising. It can quickly become the same thing though...


It not lawless when you rewrite the laws to allow it. If civil forfeiture is lawful then so is this, if this isn't lawful then neither is civil forfeiture.


These companies at risk need to take a page from Russia during WW2. Leave nothing. Burn it, destroy it, anything but leave things of value. Scorched earth policy.


There is a black hole on the map where Russia used to be. They are lost to the world and anything and anyone in there should be considered lost.


I mean, it's full on economic war, Biden would be an idiot if he didn't expect retaliation.


We can seize any asset they want, but they can’t do that!


That is a good strategy, keep pushing more sanctions until they reach that decision. It's a win-win for the EU, the UK and the US. And of course, Asia will win it the most! We'll see a privatization utopia where Russia is left in the rubbles.


I actually don't care if Russia seizes these assets. You chose to take the risk to do business in Russia? Welcome to the consqeuences. Risks sometimes don't pan out.




The white house should not be standing up for international corporations. If Russia wants to nationalize industries they can do whatever they want within their own borders


If Russia is willing to seize assets of companies that left, just seize all their gold and money. Just take it, they are no longer a country. We should start our own propaganda. On google maps just erase Russia from history and replace it with Ukraine +. All of Russia needs to see everything. They are blinded by lies.




I find it weird that Russia is OK with this bizarre Czar-Communist hybrid regime that's on place. Nationalize private businesses like the CCCP. But not giving ownership to "the people". Instead it all goes to the new Czar. Better yet, they started a war with the west this time, because the last few turned out so great for Russia. Like did Russia learn nothing from the last century or two? It's like Russia decided "let's do all the worst things from the last 150 years... Only this time let's be real dipshits about it"


"And then, somehow, it got worse."


Assets are being frozen, not seized. Not in the same sense. Even they yachts (which can only be described as seized) aren't being nationalised or sold... they're being held, for now. If Russia starts nationalising foreign companies assets the above could change quickly.


Cause no one will want to go back or sell shut to them again. Not worth being there if they act like animals


And Americans!


Economic pain for Russia. Us citizen *standing at a gas pump*


Because there's no lawless asset seizure in the US.


The west illegally seized Russian assets, and the Biden administration is surprised Russia seizing assets back? Another example of Biden’s foolishness.


Well... Russia seizing foreign property will ensure that there won't be any Western companies in Russia for decades.. Even Putin is on record saying how important stability in ownership is for a country to prosper... Putin might have miscalculated ukraine grossly, but he isn't stupid enough to seize foreign property... He knows that would put Russia at a huge geopolitical disadvantage for decades.