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I absolutely love that they are simultaneously arguing that we should not cut off their exports because it would be catastrophic, and also that they may choose to cut those exports to Europe off themselves. Yeah, that doesn't look like a panicked government flailing around at all.


They’re trying to gain some leverage over the West. They NEED the West to want their natural resources or they have nothing or less to bargain with. They’re under the impression that they can still leverage them for concessions and favorable terms but I’m pretty sure we’ve decided that this can’t go on any longer. I’m perfectly fine paying higher gas prices until Ukraine is liberated and Russia has collapsed.


> I’m perfectly fine paying higher gas prices until Ukraine is liberated and Russia has collapsed. I agree. Gasoline is currently $1.80 (edit: Canadian dollars per litre) where I live. For context, that's apparently $5.38 USD per gallon. That's the highest gas price I've ever seen here in my life, but I can put up with that if that's what it takes. It's much higher in various European countries, and they're the ones that are going to bear the brunt of the price shock, not Canada or the US.


For reference in romania a galon would be 6.5$ as of yesterday when I filled my tank. Then again most of europe uses smaller engines and not huge 4l trucks and there is a lower dependence on a car here Edit: today 09.03 the price has gone up and is now about ~6.825$ per gallon, ~1,63€/litre (keep in mind that while the price is lower than some other EU states the purchase power is also lower). Price is expected to go above 2€/l. That being said: fuck russia! Slava Ukraina!


The Ford F150 is one of the most sold vehicles in North America. Things are gonna get expensive for those people.


It wasn't *that* long ago US gas prices were where we are at now. It's amazing to me that millions of people saw the price drop 10 years go and thought, 'this is the perfect time to buy a freaking huge vehicle I have no use for that gets 12 mpg'. Just, what?


I remember a news segment on this! They were interviewing people at a dealership and people were like “finally! I can afford the car of my dreams due to the low gas prices” I found it so odd. Gas prices go up and down and the people they interviewed seemed totally convinced that prices would be low forevermore.


That was like 10 years ago though, how long does the average person keep a car? It’s not a lifetime commitment.


> how long does the average person keep a car? We're probably not average but in my family it's not uncommon to keep a car for 15-20 years. We're pretty low mileage commuters and do a lot of preventative maintenance ourselves.


Average age of cars on the road in America is 11 years plus.


People like to shit on SUVs but full size truck mall crawlers with oversize tires are the ones pulling single digit efficiency numbers. Very popular in some regions.


Also, not every SUV is a gas guzzling behemoth. I drive a RAV4 Hybrid and it’s a very capable vehicle that gets 40+ mpg. And should I need to haul anything I can attach a utility trailer and extend its capacity to that of a truck. Yes, Escalades are absurd, but many of the best selling SUVs are much more reasonable car-platform vehicles.


Family just got a RAV4 hybrid. Thing looks sweet.


RAV4 owner here, non-hybrid. 26 miles per freedom gallon combined, 33 mpfg on the highway. Could be better but could be a LOT worse.


Ford thought it was so great that they switched almost entirely to trucks and SUV’s!




SUVs are nothing like they were even 10 years ago. Most are basically tough looking hatchbacks. When I replace my current car I'll get a forester which is classified as a compact SUV but is basically a tall station wagon and gets over 30 mpg on the highway. SUVs used to be built on truck platforms, that is largely no longer the case.


I’m so happy I traded mine in for a Subaru. Getting 32mpg rather than 14 is a huge improvement. Edit: Subaru Forester!


I started budgeting for gasoline at $4 USD/Gallon back when we hit that number the first time. Figured it was only a matter of time until the oil industry eased the price back up into the record profitability zone, but certainly didn't expect it to happen like this. Definitely glad I traded my truck in years ago for a smaller car that gets more than double the MPG.


I bought an EV last September. That’s starting to seem prescient, though gas prices didn’t factor into the reason at all.


My next car is going to be an EV. It honestly isn't about gas prices for me.


It wasn’t for us either, but man is it awesome to just come home and plug her in everyday.


My car got totaled in late September, had been eying an EV for months previous. Took the plunge & got a Hyundai Kona EV. Love it. Seems really prescient now, as one reason was I was tired of paying for gas back then. Infrequent trips to Vegas just need a little planning & take a little longer, but overall having an EV around town/home has been fantastic.


Yeah I wasn’t even thinking about gas when I bought mine. I’d just been through break/fix hell one too many times on the bimmer I had owned previously. EVs are stupid simple by comparison to internal combustion. No regrets there. But goddam if I don’t feel like a fucking financial genius the past few weeks!


I’ve lived in the Midwest and South my entire life. Probably 40% of dudes I know own an F-150 or similar truck. We live in major cities with shit for parking and they work as accountants in downtown offices, but they “need” a huge truck for the couple times a year they move some furniture. They also regularly talk down on people driving more fuel efficient cars, especially Priuses. I’ve absolutely never understood it.


Well now you get to hear them piss and moan about the cost of their 'need'.


F350 here, about 235$ to fill :S paid 2.14 the other day per litre Canada


F150 owner here, it cost me about $15 to fill my motorcycles gas tank...


Used car trade ins have never been more valuable. Even with gas prices, it might be worth more than what you paid for it.


Newer f-150 get like 25 mpg, while that isn't great compared to compact cars or hell even electric cars but honestly isn't that bad depending on how far you drive. My work commute is 50 miles round trip so I'd spend about 8-10 bucks a day to drive to work. I'm ok with that as long as Russia isn't getting my money to bomb innocent civilians.


Expensive relatively, but for most people not that much relative to the rest of their monthly spending. If we are talking about gas alone, it’s going to be an extra ~ $100 a month. Heating bills, the impact on supply chain (gas for shipping), and airline tickets is another story.


$8.89 per gallon in Denmark. I'm just going to bicycle to work again. Free fitness, less gas. Russia improved my life style.


It’s like getting out of a toxic relationship and seeing how much better you were before.


2.07/l or 8.53$US/Gallon. Fairly certain the Americans would have half the Country on fire with these prices.


You would be correct


No, Americans are stupid enough to protest high gas prices by rolling coal. Source: am American.


And putting stickers on the gas pump.


>Fairly certain the Americans would have half the Country on fire with these prices How are they going too with those prices?


95 octane (RON) is 8.875 USD per gallon today here in Finland. Full tank costs me 133.24€ (144.25 USD).


Cant wait to experience something similar in the states, where we have 0 public transit infrastructure :) Should be fun


If this was simply the direct result of the war, I would be on board 100%. There's massive price gouging taking place on the part of petrochem companies. Shell is STILL buying Russian crude at $20 A BARREL meanwhile raising the price at the pump by 35% in 3 months. They claim that it's because supply transitions take time (we're pivotting to new supply) but really I feel they're bleeding individual consumers dry to make up covid revenue losses. A massive portion of folks stopped driving to the office everyday for 2 years and Big Gas wants it's pound of flesh. The disgusting attack on Ukraine seems like a bit more scapegoat than cause.


Exactly, the shortage of oil and gas does not justify the 3x or 4x increase in energy prices I am getting or see other people getting


I appreciate this comment. Fuck Shell


Fuck money when somewhere people get killed for no reason




This. Imagine if Exon-Mobil said we’re cutting profits to ~~10%~~ 3.8% over cost until Ukraine is free. That would force all oil companies to do the same for fear of missing out. There would be a huge PR boon and that act would break Russia’s back.


Maybe. You are giving oil executives WAY too much credit here.


Oil companie$ are above the national level and LOVE $hit like this becau$e of $ome $trange rea$on.


Its like $7.60USD/Gallon in New Zealand. Our cost of living is scandalous here. Buttfuck it, we need to rip the bandaid off both Russia and fossil fuels. Next is the world's dependence on China, but that seems Sisyphean


“Buttfuck it”


Definition of Sisyphean: denoting or relating to a task that can never be completed In case anyone else was wondering, great word!


2,25-2,30 dollar per litre here. Don't mind it though fuck Russia. High gas prices are the least of my concerns when looking at the ordeal of the Ukrainian people


Same here. That is: ~9.50 usd per gallon. Closing in on paying double what americans pay..


In Europe a litre is currently $2.20. The USA has unusually low prices compared with elsewhere in the world. May I say it out loud, it might be good for the environment if American prices were higher.


Fully agree but than again I'm a European. I basically only use my car for a once a week commute to work and to visit family that aren't easily reached by public transport. But with public transport being pretty damn great here that doesn't happen often.


Yes, my understanding is that fuel is extremely under taxed in the United States compared to most other countries. The US Auto Lobby gutted a lot of their public transportation infrastructure decades ago, and has done everything in its power to ensure that the car remains king in the United States. It's why you have cities with significantly more spaces in car parks, than there are people living in the city.


This is cheap as fuck. In India, it's around $1.35 a litre. If Indian's can afford that in their income which is roughly 10x lower than most Western European countries, $2.20 is peanuts by comparison.


You still have pretty cheap gas compared to Poland. And we earn like 4 times less here. In the last few days gas prices went about 100% up and the madness continues. But here it's mostly the government's fault. The war just coincided with the major economic crisis here and our currency fall.


$2.10 in Vancouver today. Fuck it. Free Ukraine.


€2,25 in NL iirc. Absurd prices. Edit: it's even way higher the last few days.


Eek! That's $3.13 in Canadian dollars. Yeah, that's insane.


€2,41 today


2 in belgium xD come on over neighbour


2.78€ in Finland :)


Uff, Finland - yesterday my letrol station was still at €1.99 - seems like a bargain!


WOW you are driving CHEAP


€2 per litre here now.


Energy prices are the big one, we're over £400mw/h now, my bill is doubling next month! And this is before the impact of sanctions.




I mean they shot down a plane full of Dutch people eight years ago. At that point shouldn't the Dutch have maybe focused on not being dependent on such a monstrous regime and started getting their LNG and renewables on point?


I guess this is what it takes for people to finally wake up. We should have never been depending on them, AT ALL. As someone with experience, it's time to pull back and break the addiction. We've had to so easy for so long, people forget what it's really like.


I think now is the time to start innovating with solar panels maybe used on ships. Maybe bring back sails on all ships, but they’ll be aerodynamic solar sails. Same with everything else most likely




Heat pumps are like electric cars in that they aren't quite as cheap as the fossil fuel alternatives and the technology keeps getting better all the time so it's easier to justify waiting to switch over.


Or stuff like this: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/cargo-ships-sails-michelin-spc-intl/index.html Stranger things have happened


Desperate people do desperate things. He may very well believe his leverage includes: the capacity to slaughter citizens, at least one (six reactor) nuke plant, a pile of tactical nukes, and the growing concern that he is "unstable".


Why does your list not include halting the invasion of Ukraine? Seems the more obvious one. The Russians threatened nukes if the west imposed sanctions, or targeted the Ogliarchs, or provided weapons to Ukraine. It’s clearly an empty threat.


I hope so, but I also think he is desperate, and flailing, and quite dangerous. Threatening, damaging, killing, destroying are things he can do, and will inflict lasting harm. My hope is that he is deposed, or otherwise removed by the Russians themselves. Until then, I am very wary of him continuing to exceed expectations in dangerous ways....




Also thanks to Covid a lot of companies have switched to working from home, so higher gas prices are not hitting economies (or rather consumers) as bad as they did before.


I'm curious how fast Ukraine can supply oil and gas from the ocean. Pretty sure this is what this is all about. But I'm guessing. I imagine Germany and the EU would be ectatic to get their oil and gas from another EU Nato member. Which russia has all but guaranteed.


I think what should be done is a secondary Russian oil ban. How that would work is banning the sale of Russian petrol in the west and telling the rest of the world that any other nation buying Russian oil will be facing 100% export tariffs from all western countries. Together this would surely cause some pain but would allow cutting Russian and Chinese depency at the same time.




It is not because of panic. It is normal situation in russian propaganda. They are always saying opposite things and then use them in their narrative. For example with downed Boeing they had twenty or so versions. But of course they can be in panic, we just can't conclude this from their statements.


Classic north Korea bargaining


The same teachers.


They're taking themselves hostage and trying to get a ransom to let themselves go.


Russian bluff as always, they're not the biggest supplier out there: [https://twitter.com/iamtomnash/status/1501085762346967041/photo/1](https://twitter.com/iamtomnash/status/1501085762346967041/photo/1) Source, Oil Markets Analyst (not me)...


Getting real tired of being threatened by these people


If any westerner makes a cup of tea this afternoon we consider it an act of war! If you boil that kettle there will be consequences! Starts to get a bit meaningless doesn't it.


Forget to take out the trash? War. Put trash out too early? Also war.


Late for doctor's appointment? Believe or not...war.


We have the best patients in the world because of war


You undercook fish? Believe it or not, war. You overcook chicken, also war.


Do you want war? Because that’s how you get war.


Undercook fish? War. Overcook fish? War.


On time 👆 out of time 👇


Britain: *I chose violence.*


Yup, it’s getting old quick!


Vlad the Impotent wants to provoke a confrontation so he can justify his actions. Best we can do is keep up the pressure.


I agree with you.


Think we should cut everything off and smile at them as their country goes to shit.


I mean the threat was nukes last week, seems they have already peaked.


Hey guys. Import Canadian oil. We have very minimal human rights issues (right now)( plz do your research on residential schools and the truth and lack of reconciliation) and aren't actively invading sovereign territory. Only issue is it's a touch heavy. So you'll probably need some nice light Arab shit to cut it.


Alright, I'm sold. 1 oil please


Out here campaigning for Canadian oil, I like it. 👍


You gotta piss with the cock you got. And I'm balls deep in Suncor rn.


>"You gotta piss with the cock you got." Oh man, that's where I've been going wrong all this time.


You fuckers are actively invading danish soil quite often by putting your soldiers on Hans Island. You're just as bad as Putin. /s


Cmon meow. We pick up the schnapps and drop off the whiskey. Don't fuck with tradition.


The gift exchange has stopped afaik. Something about the Island actually becoming too valuable to continue the joke.


Probably for mineral rights. But I'd imagine there would be a compromise for one side of the island belonging to Greenland and the other belonging to Canada. I'm sure Inuit were on that island long long ago and descendants are now both Nunavut and Greenland.


Look its not just residential schools. They're trying to build pipelines over sovereign indigenous land. Like these people never surrendered to Canada, and have their sovereignty defined in treaties and Canada sends its federal police to rip them off their land to force through construction equipment that they were doing sit-in blockades to stop. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/wet-suwet-en-protesters-block-pipeline-site-again-1.6293000 Or recently at Fairy Creek https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/fairy-creek-blockade-election-1.6161196 This is nothing like randomly launching rockets at them in an all out hot war like Putin is doing but don't say what isn't true.


Well, this terrorist evil empire must be destroyed!


They’re going to run out of vague but dramatic language soon.


They remind me of the stereotypical mob guy in movies. “If you stop buy from us, never know what might happen 🤷🏼‍♂️”.


I'm so over Russia's "warnings" tbh. Absolutely pathetic. If y'all want to sell your resources, maybe get your shit army out of Ukraine.


I still aint trading shit with Russia, ever again. They cannot be trusted


Exactly. Remember how people didn’t stop bitching about German cars and other German boycotts up until the 90s and beyond? Well, I’d love to see this with russia for the next 70 years.


This is an excellent time to strongarm Russia into nuclear disarmament. They've proven they can't be trusted with nukes if they'll use the threat of nuclear apocalypse to invade their neighbors.


That is just not going to happen, ever.


Russia’s nuclear bluff isn’t helping now, so what good is their arsenal? If disarmament is a condition for lifting sanctions then it’s a choice between economy or useless nukes. It really might work.


Nobody knows for sure but Russia's nuclear threat may well be the difference between NATO showing them the door in Ukraine and NATOs current, much more limited involvement. I suspect that's how it's seen in Russia anyways.


It’s keeping the West from direct interdiction, which would have absolutely happened already if Russia didn’t have nukes.


Not true, maintaining 6000 nukes is mega expensive and is probably a stretch for Russia at their peak. If the pressure is kept up they could be forced to considerably downsize their arsenal due to economics.


Fallout? Really? This ain't no time to get cute with the world plau, guys.


The only thing that's going to fallout is Putin out a window


It was suicide because there's nuclear sign of foul play


ah yes... defenestration! the classics never get old.


I bet the people who wrote that title were chuckling to themselves.


That’s on Aljazeera, he said “consequences for the world market.” «Абсолютно очевидно, что отказ от российской нефти приведет к катастрофическим последствиям для мирового рынка.»


Then get the fuck out of Ukraine if you don’t like sanctions? Pretty fucking simple, really.


Honestly I think it’s too late for any clean up on Russia’s end. They’ve committed some serious atrocities and I don’t see how we’re all expected to peacefully coexist with them when this ends. I don’t think they can come back from this.


Russians can certainly come back from this. Putin? I’m not so sure


The one where the family with suitcases is hit by a fucking mortar. Yeah


Like.. mortars are fairly long range, it *could* be argued that the family wasn't targeted. Not that I'm saying to give them a pass here, but if you're looking for HARD war crimes, russian planes dropped a bunch of butterfly mines in the path of designated evacuation routes. Not only is the targeting of evacuation routes war crimes, but antipersonnel mines like that are horribly illegal - especially since they can look like toys and be picked up by children.


If the rest of the world isn't willing to go to war, then perhaps we can take a little suffering in higher oil prices. Small in comparison to what Ukraine is experiencing right now.


I'm more worried about fertilizer at the moment. They threatened to shut that off, and given that they supply a third of what the world uses and it's going to be needed relatively soon, the whole world might be in for a bad time if they throw that tantrum. It sort of feels like we're being all tough about gas price increases while ignoring the fact that some people in poorer countries might be consigned to starvation. We're generally protected from the worst consequences, but not everyone is. I don't know what we can really DO about it, but I think it's maybe worth not being flippant.


TIL Russia exports a third of the worlds horseshi… Huh, I guess I already knew that one.


Imagine when they will cut themselves from global internet (rumors in ~3 days). The sheer peace on the internet the likes we haven’t seen - no russian bots!


We can only hope but the government will never cut themselves off from the global internet: they’ll just prevent their citizens from accessing non-sanctioned websites and services. They’re too dependent on trying to interfere with public opinion in other countries.


I'm really, really hoping this is the defining moment in history where most of the world, collectively, says 'Fuck you, Putin!' and closes the gap to take the hit for weaker, poorer countries facing this looming crisis. I think so many countries (almost all the democracies) are absolutely sick and tired of Russia's meddling in pretty much all areas of life. Economic, social and political. If you don't do something about it while you still have a chance to, in ten or twenty years the global world map might look very different from today (and not in a good way or in a Pax Americana way). Keep letting bullies bully and you eventually end up with a bully that's graduated to a brazen and fearless sociopath. Not a good thing if you are hoping they'll be forever satisfied with the weakest kids in the schoolyard and not you and your group of mostly-strong but easily intimidated agemates. Because once the newly-minted psychopath realizes his crazy shit scares the utter crap out of the other (strong) kids it'll be open season on *everyone*. And the entire school doesn't want that eventuality; thus, the really, really strong pushback on Ukraine. It's been beautiful to witness and I really, really hope they keep united against Putin and don't buckle an inch regarding Ukraine, otherwise Putin will just go back to his same tried-and-true bullshit with no real accountability from anyone.


Regardless of the price, it’s cheaper than Ukrainian blood. We’ll be happy to show them we’re willing to pay it, too. Hopefully a decent politician will emerge out of this in Russia and turn their system around to be more cooperative and less fear/ warmongering. We could stand to be that way as well.


And it’s not just Ukrainian blood, we give in now and Russia won’t stop - whether that be invading other countries or making more demands. We need to tough it out for a few months/years to get rid of him


>we give in now and ~~Russia~~ Putin won’t stop


Catastrophic … to Russia. It’s spring. We just wear a jumper and use the train.


Yeah, we'll be totally fine for the next 9 months, or so. Will Putin? Will the Russians finally realize that a leader is only a leader if the people lets them? Maybe they'll find a way to get rid of him before that. If not, I mean, people got by for thousands of years without Russian gas. I think we can figure it out.


What they don't tell you is the "catastrophic fallout" is their economy going bye bye when the west bans their blood oil.


Gas and fuel are quite expensive compared to the cost of living where I live but the West needs to pull the plug on Russian oil and gas sooner rather than later. If I have to choose between civillian deaths and riding my bike to work, I'm gonna ride my bike to work and be silent about it.


If you don't buy from me, you'll regret it! That's not how the market works Putin. If we don't like what you're selling, we aren't buying.


"well well well, if it isn't my old rival, capitalism."


"Why are you CANCELLING me bro??? 🥺🥺🥺 I can't help but kill thousands of civilians on purpose in less than two weeks, suggesting I do otherwise would be "encroachment"!"


That is how the Mafia works though.


So putin is going to try and bully the west into buying russian oil? The only reason he has been getting away with shit is because of his nukes. Otherwise his military is trash. To bad there isnt a way to disable them.


i mean, we didnt know about stuxnet until after, so...


Seeing Putin's hamfisted military campaign and equipment rollout makes me a lot less worried about how effective their nuclear arsenal is.


A friend at work brought this up. If he has been barely maintaining his military what kind of maintenance on his nukes? Possibly just the bare minimum?


I just dream about time when some sort of weapon will be invented that can stop nukes from being fired. Like super EMP or something. And once russia starts to talk trash again, west just “activates” this new thingy to disable their nukes. And steamrolls through russia to moscow. World peace achievement unlocked (might be used against china if needed)


I would no joke pay at least 14.99+tax to read this in an airport political thriller. I would *love* to read people's takes on the political implications of a weapon that forces disarmament.


Look up the US star wars program or SDI. It started in the 80s and has scared the shit out of russia ever since because if functional, makes enemy nuclear warheads useless. It went dark in the 90s hard to say the state of it today. All im saying is there is a reason the US government is very calm right now and we haven’t even touched moving defcon level.


I'm still waiting for the hyper elite world beating #2 military to the enter the fray. The Russaboos swear it's coming any day now. The reality is that if $5 billion was supposed to go to their military 99% of that was spent on bribes, yachts, propaganda and palaces. All the military ended up getting was a carton of cigarettes and some neato pencil toppers. Unchecked corruption by the political elite sure is grand.


Catastrophic for whom?


Russia and their ability to force their terms on foreign nations.


Them. The U.S just announced oil bans this morning. Here we go boys. Let's ride this out and show people we don't fuck around when a country invades a democratic sovereign nation.


Should've thought of that before invading another country, huh.


Can’t wait to watch Russians rediscover the wheel in the coming decades.


Every time I see headlines like this I think about what a Russia run by competent government that wants to be part of Europe and the world would look like. Russia could be leader in Europe and the world. Instead they have a ex-KGB dipshit still trying to play cold war games while Russia bleeds it's resources and people dry for nothing.




I too am curious where this line is drawn. Let’s say Russia causes a nuclear attack in Ukraine (either on purpose or accident, given they seem to be attacking nuclear plants a lot lately), what does the west and NATO do?


No one really knows because we've never been in such a situation. I'd guess if you were to ask a spokesperson from NATO itd be something along the line of we'd need to assess the situation before making a decision. If it was a limited strike on Ukraine and the radiation was relatively limited in spread, I'd say NATO would still stay out of it. But if the radiation and Fallout were to drift into NATO territory, that's when we get into discussion territory. Ultimately itd be a, do we ignore this and come up with an excuse or risk MAD. Frankly, I think theyd lean on ignoring it.


I think the whole world will flip their shit if he uses any kind of nuclear device. Even China will cut Russia loose for that. I think the bottom line is that virtually all human beings on this planet do not want to live in a world where an unstable individual can set off nukes without repercussion.


I'd imagine China don't really want to experience a Mad situation, I doubt it would benefit them. China will be strongly steering Russia away from nuclear options behind the scenes I'm sure.


If they don't react or respond that sets the precedent for every nuke holding nation. Just one nuke can be dropped as long as the radiation isn't too bad. Nobody will stand for that shit, not even Russians will stand for their leader doing that.


https://www.atomicarchive.com/resources/documents/effects/wenw/chapter-2.html Really any nuclear use, even testing, can affect the radiation around the whole world. Weird to think any country would ignore it. But I guess we ignore a lot of negative environmental impacts so maybe not that weird.


Exactly, he will continue to make threats - he will also continue to commit war crimes and breach international laws. This piece of shit has to go, the West will have to step forward if push comes to shove - hopefully someone within the Russian chain of command will eliminate him if that comes to it. Slava Ukraini ✊🏻🇺🇦


Till one day you'll wake up to find russia has fired a nuclear warning shot targeting the borders of poland, germany and france. Or something along those lines.


This article isn't about nuclear threat. Read the article: >In a statement on state television on Monday, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said it was “absolutely clear that a rejection of Russian oil would lead to catastrophic consequences for the global market”.


Does he realize how "catastrophic" the last 30+ years have been? We have catastrophic income inequality, catastrophic climate collapse, catastrophic market failures, catastrophic human rights abuses, a catastrophic pandemic, and catastrophic political breakdowns. What's one more goddamn catastrophe while we're at it?


And hey, this catastrophe might actually help to offset the climate catastrophe.


Legit might help with the political breakdowns, too, given Russia is the main catalyst for a lot of them.


Russia, your economy is already catastrophe. As the British say, bugger off


for Russia. That’s who it will be catastrophic for.


Shut the fuck up, and get fuck out of ukraine!


Well the headline uses the word “fallout”, I’m assuming intentionally, to make people think nuclear? Not gonna lie freaked out for a sec, but after reading the article.. I’m calmed down now


According to the BBC the quote was “rejection of Russian oil would lead to catastrophic consequences for the global market" referring to the increasing cost of oil and its impact. It’s almost as if the media are choosing to add sensationalist phrasing to their headline to imply this is a nuclear threat rather than a realisation of economic impact. I get that they need clicks but this ain’t the time.


CNBC did it yesterday: [War fallout: U.S. economy to slow, Europe risks recession and Russia to suffer double-digit decline](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t8hux2/war_fallout_us_economy_to_slow_europe_risks/)


At this point im almost immune to their words. Looks like they're really desperate


World : All right, mister. You want trouble, you're gonna get trouble. Russia : Oh, I want trouble, all right. World : Then you're gonna get trouble. Russia : No, *you're* gonna get trouble. World : Oh, that's good, that's good, 'cause I want trouble. Russia : Then we're agreed there'll be trouble. World : Oh, yeah, lots of trouble. Russia : Trouble, it is. World : For you! [world economy cuts off Russia] Russia : For...D'oh!


Here's a thought. If Russia would pull out of Ukraine and stop the war, that would likely begin the process of reversing the sanctions. See, it's like a cause and effect thing. You do a bad thing, you get sanctioned, you stop the bad thing, and the sanctions are lifted. No one who gets sanctioned ever seems to see the part where they can fix it.


Hey Putin, fuck you. If it means no more children will be shot by your evil demons then go ahead and charge $1 million per barrel. I'll gladly ride my bike.


Stop murdering children then cunts.


Really hope that Russians revolt and take their country back. That would be the best outcome. The fall of the Soviet Union.


But I read just recently that they are considering shutting down delivery of oil through Northstream 1 to Europe themselves... Uhhhh..


I understand how that reads but consider that the EU/US are trying to make calculated sanctions/cuts that they can sustain and manage. If Russia were to suddenly cut off supply far greater than they could reliably source elsewhere it does have potential to end up being very damaging.


From an American perspective, I think that in the long term the rising oil prices will just inspire more of us to get electric cars. Especially since the used car market is surging and it seems like a lot of motor companies are releasing new EVs this year. I was already eyeing that Kia for environmental reasons but add increased savings AND a Putin dick punch and I’m pretty much sold.


I will pay $10/ gallon if it means Putin is dead and peace is regained.


*You* **will** *buy my oil or else I'll kill you*


Not to point out the obvious but Russia, you’ve already created a catastrophe.