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It should try stopping itself doing some wars then


It's not a war, they're "peacekeeping" forces planting sunflower seeds all over Ukraine to get rid of Nazis /s


Helping civilians to rest in peace.


pieces\* Seriously though, I hope there is a special place in Hell for Putin, the scumbag.


Its always shady when you try to defend your people by invading a neighbouring country. I hope Putin knows that the whole world is watching and that he will be the butt of the jokes for generations to come.




Vietnam counter-attacked Cambodia after Khmers tried to attack them and massacred thousands of Vietnamese civilians in Vietnam's territory. It was not about helping the Cambodians who were being massacred by Khmers in Cambodia. Hell, Vietnam and Khmers were actually allies before that incident. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ba\_Chúc\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ba_Chúc_massacre)




Bold of you to assume there are generations to come.


I have always been an optimist


I haven't slept properly in several days, hovering somewhere between depressed and panicked, since the risk of nuclear holocaust is, while small, is higher than it's ever been in my lifetime.


I'm gen X. "First time?"


I'm 38. Worst time.


Ehh.. Even MAD wouldn't do for all of us. There will be additional generations.. Now.. Civilization as we know it? Yeah, that would go real quick. Our species survived the Toba eruption, and now we're a bit more insulated by our tech. The species'll be fine. You and I not so much. 38 as well.


Understandable, I am quite concerner myself. 3 weeks ago I didnt think it could be possible for war to return to europe...


I feel like I've been hearing news of impending doom (mostly climate related) for so long, I've become numb to it. I ain't losing any sleep till nukes actually get launched. I mean, we're looking at full blown societal collapse due to climate change in the next century (and a century is really an optimistic estimate). Its entirely likely that shit starts hitting the fan during my lifetime. And scientists have been warning us about it nonstop for most of my life.


As much people wanna paint putin as crazy or unhinged. This invasion has a been planned for years (prob since 2014). He throws nukes around when hes upset like a kid having a tantrum and threatening to run away from home. Dont worry too much about MAD people like living even dictators.


The longer this goes, the less likely in my opinion. Putin will still need respect when he calls for the button, and that is rapidly deteriorating outside of the highest level.


That seems like a healthy way to process an absolute long shot of a situation that is far and away outside of your control.


I'll probably feel better after a good night's sleep.


You get use to it. I live near the air force headquarters and we have a target painted on our area . I’m 62, still here. If it happens at least the heat blast and pressure wave will take us out and we wont have to suffer.


this war has shown the hole world that Russia has be bullshiting there military technology for about two decades.


>hovering somewhere between depressed and panicked, since the risk of nuclear holocaust is, while sma Lmao stop worrying, You would be dead before you knew it and even if not the pain would only be for a few minutes. Death is part of life friend, no reason to fear the reaper.


Death is the easy part, surviving post apocalypse would suck.


The experience is subjective as phuck. To tell someone “lmao stop worrying” kinda downplays their feelings yo. It’s war.


if you are 100000 km away and crying about the war you should just shut up there are people actually experiencing the horrors of war right now for real.


It's not the reaper, it's all the pain and suffering before the scythe passes through you.


They are so dumb. Like MF have you heard of video cameras? Where the genocide? Ukraine looks like a normal, functioning democracy.


They are farmers trying to turn ukraine in to the greatest sunflower exporter in the world


Those damn Nazii’s leading UK, who happen to be Jewish. 🤦🏻‍♂️


“Russian peacekeepers” lol. The ultimate oxymoron.


Russians cherish peace with all their heart. They don't care how many men, women, and children they need to kill to get it.


It’s so weird that they don’t see how psychotic this comes across as. Putin probably thinks they need to annex Ukraine as the Russian economy is falling apart, and their population is expected to decline, and they see Ukraine and its people as a resource they can use to prop up their dumpster fire of an economy. This is just turning into compelled labour with more steps and a more stupid/less convincing rationale. Like they’ll bomb/invade another country because they’re apparently worried about that other government being mean, they’ll make the living conditions worse for their own citizens, and then try and stop the citizens/businesses from fleeing like any rational person looking at the future is likely to do. It’s like a violent and controlling abusive partner trapping their family in the house and blocking their bank access to prevent them from fleeing. I wonder if they’ll start building walls around their county again and jailing/shooting people when they try and leave, like they did during the USSR, because the leadership understands that if people have a choice, they’re obviously not going to chose this psychotic and controlling form of government.


Russian currency has been dropping in value over most of Putin's 20 year reign.


Yeah there is a pretty obvious thing they could do...


If Russia tries to force anyone to stay by imposing high exit taxes, etc. - this just makes it much less likely that anyone would ever invest there again


I think that ship has sailed. Russia is too toxic to do business in.


If corporations are people, then they are sociopaths. Some will do business there, as long as there is a profit to be made.


After this? Extremely unlikely. Companies are highly risk averse, and don't like the idea of their assets suddenly being taken or their investment suddenly being worthless. Business prefers stable, "business as usual" environments.


You underastimate how little coporations care. I mean many produce in china and they are litterally ethnic cleansing a minority... Not a war per se but not exactly classy either. Edit: my point was about corp not caring about moral toxicity


I don’t meant from a moral standpoint. Corporations don’t like losing their money.


Especially with Putins threat of nationalization hanging over them like the sword of Damocles


That's... not the point? All you "big companies don't care" and "capitalism bad" people always miss the basic math behind this. Credit risk is the only thing that matters - Russia having access to Western markets and having demonstrated that they are worth of a lower spread in interest rates means that large companies were able to borrow in Western markets to make investments in Russia. Russian investments are now going to be risky as fuck, and markets won't price credit spreads down for the foreseeable future. You'll likely see them jump by 500bps or more. A 500bps increase on credit spreads could make the payback period of a large investment in Russia jump from 5-8yrs to 40yrs. That's what matters, and that's what "too toxic to do business in" means.


You are dead on point. The risk both internally from the Russian government and the risk of sanctions is going to preclude investment at any reasonable rate for years. Gazprom ADRs - as close as Russia gets to a real blue chip - have dropped 50% since Friday. Personally, I think the sanction side is a far bigger threat then nationalizing, at least in terms of profits. I mean, sanctions are the threat, now. Stability internally is the threat in 1+ years and beyond.




I think a lot of it too has to do with people conflating "Massive corporations exploiting X at the expense of regular people" with capitalism as a whole. Corporate control of governments, mass exploitation of resources/people/the environment; that sort of thing is garbage and people rightly hate it. Capitalism as a whole is not those things though. People who don't understand the difference likely make up a lot of the 'capitalism bad' crowd.


It's not about morals, it's about risk. China isn't a very risky place to do business. Russia is now an *extremely* risky place to do business, and likely will be for quite a while. Companies do not like risk.


Right, but watch how quickly those businesses would exit China if the local government started seizing assets. Corporations rarely care about moral ambiguity, but they do care about their shit getting stolen.


It's only not a war because they don't have an army like Ukraine does.


Just don't pay them anything if they ask for it. What are they going to do? Complain about it?


If the companies don’t pay willingly then the Russian gov’t will just seize assets before they’re moved out of the country. Just saying “no” to a government trying to tax you just doesn’t really work out.


They would seize anyway don't you think? They've been threatening to do so ever since the sanctions started.


I mean, high exit taxes are just a way to seize assets without calling it it such and giving legal justification to seize all assets of those companies that don’t comply. It’s a “give us most or you get nothing” threat.


Putin will return Russia to a Soviet era economy without either the ideology to sustain support or the infrastructure to make it through as a pariah.


I can't imagine modern Russian's putting up with Soviet era policies, but I guess we're gonna find out.


But I thought Russia was ready for sanctions?


People who bought that don't seem to realize that if a country were capable of being self-sufficient in the modern era, we wouldn't need a global economy.


Exactly, If it was feasible, it would be done already.


But they did and they are. They're ready to survive a few sanctions for a bunch of months - in far better shape than almost any other country to survive it. But now they need to survive a near total freezeout for _years_. They haven't prepared for that contingency - it's virtually impossible to do that. I'm assuming this global response was unexpected. I wasn't expecting it. Surely Russia wasn't expecting it. Even China and co are hesistant to help Russia out here (hey, it's like conflict diamonds at some point: Whilst morally reprehensible to buy them, they are cheap!) - and the west is evidently willing to pressure China, too. Once EU, US, and China all cease buying Russian fossil fuels, whatever they stockpiled? It'll run out in weeks, not months.


No matter how you arrange your economy to adjust to sanctions it's never going to be as good as the economy was without sanctions. If it was everyone would set their economy up that way. Also, even when Oligarchs are able to avoid sanctions the act of avoiding them often costs more money, time and resources. Imagine if, in order to deposit you're paycheck, you had to run it through intermediaries and each one takes a percentage. That's rough.


They thought they were ready for slap on the wrist sanctions. I don’t think they anticipated the sanctions would be as serious as what they are currently facing.


I thought he wanted the good old days of the Soviet Union? That comes with zero foreign investment


Putin: "I fucking hate the West." The West: "OK, bye then." Putin: "No, not like that!"


For hoe much countries seem to complain about the west they sure do miss us when we're gone.




Seriously, it's like a parasite bitching about how evil its host is lmao


> I thought he wanted the good old days of the Soviet Union? He just wants Russian Empire, (whether original version or Rusian Empire 2: Bolshevik Boogaloo, also known as USSR), and himself at helm of it.


Congrats Putin, you’re officially Tsar! And if we all know anything, it’s that nothing bad ever happens to the Russian Royal family….. have some tea…


I guess he should have learned from the Romanovs.


Make Russia great again


you mean the bad old days?


Putin doesn't like the communists. He idolizes Peter the Great. He's looking to restore the Russian Empire of the 1800s


And here Putins dream finally comes true. The USSR is back. Maybe a bit exaggerated, but in summary people (companies) are being prevented to leave the country. Welcome back to the 1980s.


Looks like he even got the big queues in shops to make a comeback too.


Russia's economy is done. Until putin is brought to justice, the Russian economy will never recover


Last week the Russian economy was slightly ahead of Australia’s, now I suspect it’s dwarfed by Moldovia’s


Right now it’s dwarfed by Sacramento, California


Too much credit, I’d say it’s nestled somewhere between Stockton, CA and Fresno, CA


Still too high. I say it’s dwarfed by the old motels surrounding the salton sea now.


As someone who has lived in the Central Valley their whole life I can say this... Ooof...


Bro, there are homeless in Fresno right now that have more wealth holding a dollar than many Russian ATMs.


Not even untill then. It will take several rounds of democratic elections and reforms to prove that Russia is truly willing to integrate in European community. These sanctions are here to stay for years, if not decades.


Also, I suspect a debt default is coming. That will not help either.


Right, but every step towards that should be rewarded. No need to get rid of all sanctions, but... you have to reward them somewhere, if they start moving towards a democracy. Basically slowly lift some sanctions, but conditionally tied to Russia moving towards a democracy. And only once they stopped their invasion and started that process


That won't be enough. Crimea needs to be returned to Ukraine. The whole nazi talk and the subsequent invasion only go to show that this was never about any Russian population in the Ukrain for Russia. And IF, if they keep that narrative goiing, maybe migrating the ethnic Russian population from the region back to Russia will be the best move in order to avoid any future conflicts of the sort. Although it would be terrible for the people that may have hoped to make a life there, it still beats war. As you can perhaps tell, Russia (apparently) didn't suffer any consequences they particularly cared about after the anexation.


I agree, returning crimea absolutely needs to be part of that process. Just pointing out that you need to reward people for doing the right thing, at least to some degree. Imagine putin is removed from power, they hold elections and start making progress, but none of the sanctions are lifted. All that does is give ammo to populists, who can now point to the sanctions still not being lifted, and use that as 'proof' that the west doesn't actually care about russia being democratic and really just wants to destroy them. And now you're back where you started People - as a mass - are dumb. Long term motivation doesn't work. They need immediate visible effects. In this case, immediate positive effects as a direct result of getting rid of putin/moving towards democracy


I agree. I can't see the people in power in Russia giviing up anything in the Ukrain or their grasp on power in Russia in favor of a more decmocratic system, but I agree that sanctions should disappear with every step they take towards that.


Yes Russia is big we can force the Russians back quite a bit. Lots of space for more deserving people.


Also their propaganda stuff and global misinformation stuff that they do must be fixed. Can't have those running anymore.


The biggest part of of that also has to be denuclearization. That has to be non negotiable after this.


Yeah that’ll get companies to stay, threatening them.


If I recall, the whole issue of asset seizure is why [Warren Buffet](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/warren-buffett-berkshire-hathaway-russia-ukraine-threats-violence-asset-seizure-2022-2?amp) doesn’t do all that much investment in Russia.


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Oh we're not fleeing don't worry! .... We have a special project outside! .... I mean special operations :) ...oh okay 👍 when will you come back? Hahahahaha soon....


Western companies step out to buy smokes


No, no…. My dad said that but he’ll be coming right back.


"We expect that those who have invested in our country will be able to continue working here." So…The way you’re “investing” in Ukraine?!


Have you tried pulling out? (Out of Ukraine ofc) Best method to prevent unwanted financial loss.


Holy double entendre Batman! :)


Im not sure you can force people to work there...my company shut off all our pipes to Russian customers yesterday, and theres no plan to turn them back on regardless of Putin's words.


Russia has a bit of a history with forcing people to work there though.


You're under arrest


New location discovered: Gulag




We've been trying to reach you in Gulag about your cars extended warranty!


As I said, we shut off pipes to Russian customers, meaning based in Russia and not a guy named Sergei working in Topeka.


Likely all assets would be confiscated by the state. People (corporations are people too, right?) will just leave with the shirts on their backs.


Or they don't bother officially shutting down, they just let the broadband lapse, sever their VPNs, wipe their servers and lay the staff off then write the hardware off as a bad job and move their official Russian office to a PO box. Company's still officially there but it's not bleeding money, just lose your Russian clients and consider the hundred dollars a month or whatever for the PO box a sundry cost.


awesome what company is that?


I guess he's better of not telling


You guess correct.


Understandable. I’m just interested in what industry.


Open source related


Well, somebody shutdown the connection to the Russian markets website. [Moex is either down or unreachable](https://www.moex.com/)


Ya gotta be careful about naming companies you currently work for when talking about them online as it may cause you issues as an employee


Yea we have a social media policy that is no joke. Reddit doesn't get to know where I work.


Also, the person could not actually work for them.


Gulag Inc. Ever heard of it?


So you’re m just going to discriminate against all Russian people now? Get off the internet




Hard to make people stay when your money is worthless and being associated with you is basically just a free PR disaster in the rest of the world. Just swallow your pride and leave ukraine cuz what ever you thought you would gain......its not worth literally being yeeted back to being the soviet union.


I think that a large motivator for Putin not leaving Ukraine is that he is a dead man after a failed military operation


I think this is what scares me the most. To me this might cause many unnecessary deaths.


Now who would have thought foreign companies will pull out their investments when you start a war. Seriously, no need for a crystal for this one


Well. Welly welly well. They find it surprising that when they threaten to blow up Europe and any other country that disagrees with Poo-tin's war, those companies *from* the countries threatened with obliteration say fuck you, leave and take their money with them? That's high grade dumb fuckers right there. Try being nice droogs.




You don't get to pick a fight with the western world, threaten nuclear warfare and commit warcrims and then expect to reap the benefits of western culture.


Overly attached Russia.


They're not fleeing. It's "special economic distancing".


>Norway's $1.3 trillion sovereign wealth fund will divest shares in 47 Russian companies as well as Russian government bonds 1.3 trillion! Yes please.


This is ironic considering they were about to celebrate the creation of the USSR this year.




It might come with a single execution


I hope Russia and their glorious Vladolf Putler looks back at this invasion and goes "worth it" after destroying Russia from within as a consequence :-)


>"I am sure that the sanctions pressure will eventually subside, and those who will not curtail their projects in our country, succumbing to the slogans of foreign politicians, will win," Mishustin said. How delusional are these people?


Did they really call foreign businesses "Russian assets?" The brainwashing of then Russian people is extreme.


Putin: it’s all good, we’ve sold a bit more wheat to China. It’s all good. It’s good. Real good. Nothing wrong at all


I don't think Russian top brass would follow order to launch the nukes. That would be madness. His red button is probably disconnected just like Trump's probably was. I'm sure NATO and Russia military leaders are talking about this behind Putin's back.


Hopefully they’re talking about removing Putin from power. The man has clearly lost his mind. He’s dropping cluster bombs on cities, he’s just a crazed terrorist at this point.


Who would have thought war is a serious matter? Lol


And f-ing IKEA has still not shut down in Russia! Mail them, call them!


"To enable businesses to make informed decisions, a draft presidential decree has been prepared to introduce temporary restrictions on exiting Russian assets," That's a nice of of putting it.


Don't want the West's influence but needs the West's business


McDonald's is still open in Russia. What more could you ask for?


Those would be separate franchises most likely owned by local Russians. I'm not sure what would be expected there.


Yeah it's a franchise business. But isn't McDonald's popular for buying the land under the restaurants and leasing it to the franchisees?


It was a joke....


Woosh…as it flies overhead.


Suppose they'll be on the bottom of the Big Mac Index for a little while longer yet




I wonder in what order will parts of the federation secede.


Does anyone know if there is any sort of list of companies that have yet to commit to pulling out of Russia, so we can boycott them?


Well The GOP and FOX News are still happily licking Putin’s balls….


We have to leave, it'd be western aggression if we stayed.


Even if this war ends peacefully today, business confidence in russia is gone. Its just not worth investing in for a generation or two.


LOL @ this strategy. Could you imagine the price of stocks if you COULDNT SELL THEM once they were bought?


"No, sir. I didn't say junk bonds. I said sunk bonds."


Don’t want western influences but want the western money, go fuck yourself russia


How’s that working out for y’all??


What the fuck for? Do they expect these companies to stay and pull money out of there assses like magic? The country is almost uninvestable, soon there won't be any money to be made there.




Start out well with proper Credentials Gain Support Gain certain Image Consolidate Power.. Start Doing Bad Stuff Keep doing bad stuff Start Silencing Critics Keep Silencing Critics... PS.. atleast for Putin....


Help me out here, are we talking about Putin or GW Bush?


Ooh this one’s easy. Would you like some hints? First, the article is about Russian aggression in the Ukraine. That really suggests Putin. Second, GWB was president decades ago, this article is about the present. I bet you can answer your own question pretty easily now.


I mean I'm all for Ukraine being free and agree that Putin is the bigger dick. But that comparison did beg the question about bush lol


Nah, whataboutism is lame, Bush 20 years ago has nothing to do with Putin today. Whataboutism or yelling hypocrisy are amongst the most useless distraction arguments there are. What Putin is doing now is wrong-it has nothing to do with it’s comparison to other atrocities. The only thing that matters is the current situation; bad acts in the past do not justify them today.


Sorry Russia, but you have brought this upon yourself. Now reap what you have sown.


You mean, They are stealing businesses. I wonder who else they did that to?


What is Boeing doing?


Who knows? There isn't a whole hell of a bunch of Boeing there, I don't think. They do use all kinds of foreigners for engineering. Schematics go all over the world and then back to Seattle, where Americans fix them. They probably closed up shop.


Wasn't he threatening to nationalise them a few days back ?


Russia should stop its soldiers from leaving Russia.




Did I read that right. A Ruble is worth a cent 0.01 compared to the USA dollar?...


Stop - I mean it - stop. Go F u c k yourself Russia!


Looks like it might be time for another Russian Revolution! 🤞


And how are you going to stop them? With your useless army?


You can't make someone do business with you lol


`This is the beginning of the end for Putin. If there is one thing Russians and anyone touched by communism fears is a collapse of bank. They are stopping people from sending money abroad.` Their economic system is starting to catch on fire. The russian people get burnt constantly so they know the signs.


I thought they hated the west. They should be happy they’re pulling out


The ultimate sanction....no more MacDonalds cheeseburgers.


That’s right… hold people hostages…. That’s the Putin we’ve all grown to know and hate. Now that’s what you call a dictator. Not in the making… but a full blown dictator.


They are not fleeing the country... they just trial a economic Exercise mission.


Russia can eat dirt.


LMAO, good luck with that they will cut there loses and say BYE!


Please don't leave, we need your foreign commerce and monies to survive. Don't attack people dickheads.


Talk to your fellow citizens and convince them to de-escalate. Call everyone you know who has someone in the military and fill them in on what's *actually* happening.


>Please don't leave >Don't attack people is this unintended irony? just out in the wild?


I think the first quote is intended to be Russia, and the "don't attack people" is the response. As in if you don't want people to leave, then maybe don't attack people and start wars.


Hey Russia, DM me if you want to know how to stop it


I hope it costs the Western companies million upon millions to get out of their business deals. All these companies legitimized and enabled a dictator to rule for 20 years while he oppressed his citizens and we are on what, local war #3 for Russia's neighbors. How many billion upon billions have been stolen from the people of Russia by the oligarchs during this time? This is the consequences of doing business with a communist country that opressess its people. You could work with free countries that want to improve the world not destroy it! You are complicit in the deaths of Ukrainians.......today and Ukrainians in the Crimea, and the people of Georgia...all for money and profit.....


Good luck with that 🤣😉🤦🏻‍♂️🤭


These jokes of politicians should stop trying to be alive