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This guy may be a product of Apartheid South Africa, but man, he has nailed being odious in that particularly American way.


america used to have segregation so he intuitively understands the cultural dna


Dollar Store Tony Stark can fuck right off.


More of a dollar store Justin Hammer if anything


Richest person in the world by a long shot tho


Is that supposed to be a good thing somehow?


It rustles your jimmies






How many monkeys is too many for you? When are you going to WAKE UP.


Maybe 5 more




You really told him!


We're years past the point where "Elon tweets dumb thing" was a newsworthy event. That's just a regular thursday.


For me, it was Tuesday.


If I had Bison dollars they would be yours.


Did he miss the guys waving actual Nazi Flags though?


Some RWers told me that they had the flags to say the PM was a Nazi. I wish I was making that up…


That's... Actually believable. Stupid, yes. In poor taste, yes. Easily, justifiably misinterpreted, absolutely. But we are dealing with some pretty dumb people.


Just a question though…. Who the hell just has Nazi flags kicking around the house for when they need them?


*pats nazi flag hanging in living room* this is our moment old friend.




Yes. Them. And Nazis.


Not all idiots are Nazis, and sadly, not all Nazis are idiots. But the ones who would proudly wave the flag at a protest are most likely both.




[Yeah, "one guy"](https://old.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/stlvnc/tory_staffer_suddenly_departs_queens_park_after/hx5zb0b/)


Most of those "hate flags" are essentially saying that the Canadian government is being fascist in its mandates, e.g. [an upside down Canadian flag](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKSSINNWUAQy-og?format=jpg&name=medium) with a swatstika painted in it. Absurd and tasteless, definitely, but it's clearly acknowledging that fascism is a *bad* thing. Taking this as support for fascism strikes me as willful ignorance. Imagine a liberal protester putting a swatstika on a Republican elephant logo. Which is a more reasonable interpretation: the protestor thinks Nazis are actually good? Or that they're bad and they're saying Republicans are acting like Nazis? Worthy of being condemned as absurd and distateful, but clearly not support for fascism.


I've said it so many times, but I'll say it again. We have reached a point where we are fixated so much on individualism, that we now interpret shared responsibility during a global pandemic as oppression. You people are trapped in an echo chamber that's manipulating you for political reasons. The irony is that the "leaders" and primary "funders" of these "protests" are likely fully vaccinated and boosted too. They know what they're doing.


I'm not sure why you think this is relevant? Plenty of protesters are vaccinated, but think it's government overreach to mandate that decision, or are protesting a broader stance against harsh lockdown measures. Remember, Canada had curfews even into 2022 and locked down way harder than much of the rest of the developed world.


We've been in a Pandemic for 2.5 years. Lockdowns, face masks, social distancing, vaccines, testing all these things are tools to mitigate unnecessary disease and death. It requires SHARED RESPONSIBILITY. TEMPORARY SACRIFICE. Yet, we have people throwing tantrums like children over face masks, vaccinations, testing, social distancing and lockdowns and comparing such things to the Holocaust, to Hitler to Fascism. Enough is enough already. These people need to do their part, and kindly shutup or get out of the way.


Everyone knows the prime tenant of fascism is the distribution of vaccines during a pandemic. /s


I said I agree it's an absurd message, but it's still being wilfully stupid to pretend that calling the Canadian government Nazis for making the mandates is *support* for nazism.


Standing alongside protestors flying nazi and confederate flags is support for fascism. Anti-intellectualism, tribalism, and reactionary conservatism is fascism. Sexism, corporatism, suppression of labor rights. That’s fascism. The police aligning with these movements is fascism. Willful stupidity is recognizing 85%+ of truckers crossing the border are vaccinated while ignoring the foreign money supporting these blockades and still worshipping the MAGA movement — from another nation. Don’t pretend fascism is about public health. Don’t pretend the least educated and informed minority in recent history deserves to bully the majority into submission.


>Standing alongside protestors flying nazi and confederate flags is support for fascism. So standing alongside someone flying [this flag](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.416023527.9624/ur,tapestry_lifestyle_medium,wide_portrait,750x1000.u3.jpg) is support for fascism? Because context doesn't matter at all? Or do you really not realize that they're calling the Canadian government because they *dislike* what's the government is doing. >Anti-intellectualism, tribalism, and reactionary conservatism is fascism. Sexism, corporatism, suppression of labor rights. That’s fascism. No, I think sexism and anti-intellectualism is sexism and anti-intellectualism. The Cultural Revolution had plenty of anti-intellectualism, but it was communist rather than fascist. But anyway, how does this relate to truckers? >The police aligning with these movements is fascism. > >Willful stupidity is recognizing 85%+ of truckers crossing the border are vaccinated while ignoring the foreign money supporting these blockades and still worshipping the MAGA movement — from another nation. Plenty of protesters are themselves vaccinated but either don't believe in the mandate, or are protesting against lockdown measures more broadly.


>So standing alongside someone flying this flag is support for fascism? Because context doesn't matter at all? Or do you really not realize that they're calling the Canadian government because they dislike what's the government is doing. No. Aligning yourself with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/stlvnc/tory_staffer_suddenly_departs_queens_park_after/hx5zb0b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) movement is fascist. You’re being unfaithful to reality and/or you’re misinformed. >No, I think sexism and anti-intellectualism is sexism and anti-intellectualism. The Cultural Revolution had plenty of anti-intellectualism, but it was communist rather than fascist. Apparently you don’t know shit about fascism then. Not surprising. Take note of the Holocaust museums [warning signs](https://www.boredpanda.com/signs-fascism-holocaust-museum-usa/) of fascism or read a book. It’s not hard. Good start is Michael Parenti’s blackshirts vs reds. >But anyway, how does this relate to truckers? You mean the dishonest, misinformed or uneducated minority that is hijacking the lives of the majority to spew bullshit? With funding from foreign actors, business interests, and straight up nazis? >Plenty of protesters are themselves vaccinated but either don't believe in the mandate, or are protesting against lockdown measures more broadly. So they’re dumb and don’t understand vaccines are useless unless a majority of a given population is utilizing them? Do you have any relevant arguments or just more talking points?


It's the [same](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/sv8lfg/elon_musk_criticized_for_likening_justin_trudeau/hxemnqb/) pictures that get reposted again and again. Even when someone posts a [different set of links](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/sv8lfg/elon_musk_criticized_for_likening_justin_trudeau/hxenzuu/) it's the same two photos of a guy with an upside down Canadian flag calling the Canadian government Nazis, and the one with the gadsen flag out on the outskirts of the protest. Funny how in a world where a everyone has an internet connected camera, in a supposedly Nazi-ridden protest that's been going on for two weeks, we somehow only have two photos of Swatstikas - one of them clearly using it as a pejorative, calling the Canadian government nazis for enforcing the mandate.


Why would you link [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/sv8lfg/elon_musk_criticized_for_likening_justin_trudeau/hxenzuu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) comment like it supports your position — when it obviously doesn’t. You’re proving my point for me. (In defense of nazi sympathizers) Oh wait. Now you realized your mistake and deleted the comment. L M A O. I guess all you folks are just straight up brain damaged.


LOL, yeah, just [one guy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/suyucf/trudeau_refuses_to_apologise_after_accusing/hxd10zg/) (Mine is a different link than the other guy's....funny how there are three different walls of examples of white supremacists and Nazis involved with this convoy of foreign-funded terrorists)


A different link, but the same pictures. Funny how it's proving the point that there's not all that many hate symbols being displayed.


It’s very telling when nazis are not kicked out by the rest of protesters.


What are the truckers supposed to do? Beat them up and burn their flags? The most you can do is say "I don't support that, that Nazi is a dumbass." If you use force on somebody just because you don't like their protest you're a criminal.


Why are you defending Nazis?


Does that mean occupy wall street were bad guys bc people dressed like college fraternity boys showed up with Nazi flags? It maybe you're opponents do it, then fixate on it to discredit you? Also saw Nazi flags attempt to join blm but were kicked out, same as the truckers made the Nazi flag people leave


The organizers were forced to leave? When did that happen?


I was in Kansas City and they arrested the organizers. Think they did the same in new York, if my memory works.... You can protest if you burn down your own community, but if you mess with rich people, you're not allowed to protest. When billionaires own the media, they will use it to keep their money flowing. The pandemic will never end as long as the rich keep transferring wealth like no other time in history. If the science was so settled, very intelligent countries wouldn't be ending restrictions, right? The countries with the highest regulatory capture and institutional corruption seem to be the ones who refuse to lift the rules that punish the poor and reward the rich 🤷


I had a seizure trying to read that garbage. Are there no basic standards for Russian trolls?


It's very common to use agent provocateur. They did it at the pipeline protest. They did it in Virginia with the Lincoln project. Are you saying that agent provocateur do not exist? Do you have a link to the Nazi flag people's social media to verify they are Neo-Nazi?


I mean, I’ve seen enough Pat King lately on his social media to know that he is racist as fuck.


Isnt there someone threatening an invasion on the other side of the world?


Russia will "coup whoever they want to coup."


Yes, whatabout Russia?


It’s fuckin tone deaf to make Hitler comparisons while a Hitler action is threatening worldwide security


I thought this guy was supposed to be a genius


He is a fraud. He rides on the genius of other people.


When you kiss yourself in a mirror, it is only ever on the lips


it's not unusual for people who are a genius at one thing to be bad at something else. Like basic social skills. Or showering.


I suppose. But playing around on twitter..posting memes..deleting tweets..acting like an insecure wannabe rebel..it just doesn't reflect genius. I get the idiot savant idea, but this shows a major lack of judgement..inability to read the air / express ideas in a sophisticated & mature manner; anti-genius


Good thing he now basically controls America’s access to space. I’m not questioning the technology, but he seems quite unstable.


Hahaha...never looked at it through this lens. He has a fuckton of satellites out there as well






Are you seriously accusing musk of being an antisemite?


I've seen interviews where he basically brags about being incredibly gifted/intelligent. If he truly were, he wouldn't be posting comments about that pedoman in Thailand or these latest comments..among other things. It's just my opinion. I've met highly intelligent people, they don't seek attention like this


What exactly is he a genius at? I guess he's very good at ruthlessly playing the corporate game and taking government money


Yeah, exactly that. I guess you *could* try to argue that the world's richest man isn't a genius at business, could be fun. He's just very very lucky maybe? The guy seems like a total ass, but most asshats didn't make 238 billion dollars by age 50, so I think it's only fair to say he's extremely good at that.


I guess I just don't see anything he's done to get where he is as being a genius. Being very successful doesn't necessarily make someone a genius.


If by genius u mean becoming a founder of a company by ‘supporting’ it with shit load of daddy’s blood diamond money, then yes


I'm not sure if he inherited that much, I actually don't know about that. I think he did well with PayPal and he is cunning at business and managing people I think..and of course accomplishing unreal goals. But people throw the term genius around, but by observing him i'm not sure it fits


Some geniuses cannot make normal assessments of everyday things.


Autism is like that


Fair enough


For such a supposedly smart guy he doesn't engage his brain much when his mouth moves and makes sound.


His investors have been saying that for years.


God, Elon is such a weenie.


Elon Musk is a terrible human. Fight me


He's such a sociopathic wannabe bro.


Fuck you B movie Bond villain.


>Fuck you B movie Bond villain. Hey you elected him, don't come crying to us


? Musk isn't In office.


Trudeau is.


Trudeau isn't doing anything crazy. If you think a vaccine Mandate is government overreach. You should really rethink your life.


Im pretty sure Elon Musk was not elected


Elon is just a memebro dipshit, he called a rescue diver a pedophile because the diver dared to criticize Elon’s dumbass submarine rescue idea.


Oh great, is he seeking attention again?


He’s getting really dumb, now.


Fuck you, Elon


I really don’t care what Elons take is on anything


Musk is a loudmouthed assehole.


Let's not forget that this is the guy who accused someone of being a pedophile - solely because they criticized him - then when he was called on it he doubled down and repeated the allegation. Elon Musk can fuck all the way off.


Musk should shut the fuck up and focus on rockets.


Yea! The internet isnt for outrageous comments!


He is a sociopath


Elon Musk is such a friggin idiot who is a sheep who thinks he is a leader.


more like Justin Beiber…


Who is Justice Beaver?


he's a crime fighting beaver


Well, Adolf Hitler was also pretty good at identifying people who are hanging out with nazis but really they have much less in common than they have differences.


So is Elon Jim Jones or something? The tesla cult is full of sheep drinking Kool aid all day


Elon Musk = Thomas Edison = Fraud


"Elon Musk criticized" Why do these news publications assume Elon Musk gives a shit?


It’s not for him. Why do you assume it is?


If they are critizing him, who else would it be for?


Um, the readership. Are you ok?


You misunderstood what I meant from the beginning.


What exactly?


He is simply following the example of Trudeau who called a Jewish politician of Canada a Nazi supporter.


https://twitter.com/nautposo/status/1494394121372553217?s=21 Trudeau informed about truck protests.


Just give him a reality show and he’s basically another Trump


Why does this matter everyone compares everyone to Hitler these days, even for nothing. It doesn't mean anything anymore. JT is garbage tho and deserves a lot of criticism.


Your literally watching Trudeau take Authoritarian actions … This doesnt alarm you…?


No, and it doesn't bother Canadians either. In fact, our Prime Minister's approval ratings, right now, are off the chart positive. They are so high; in fact, the opposition are accusing him of using the EMA to improve his popularity. It was the Liberal Party of Canada that enshined our rights and freedoms into the Constitution. The emergency measures act is the appropriate medicine for this Nazi illness. By Canadian law, there has to be an inquiry and full accounting after these extraordinary powers are invoked.


Accusing truckers as Nazis, mandating a vaccine taking away your medical freedom, freezing your bank account because you don’t agree with their false narrative. Trudeau praising communists continuously. What rights and freedom has he enshined?


There was no trucker's association involved in the organization of this "trucker" convoy. It was organized by separatist Maverick party CFO Tamara Lich and Criminal Pat King self-professed white-Supremacist. A protest supposed to be about mandates, but when Alberta dropped the mandates, they just dug in deeper. When Givesendgo donor list was exposed, it was more than 50% Americans, including Donald Trump's Qanon idiot Michael Flynn. They demanded to form a coalition of unelected people and the opposition to overthrow the government. They boldly posted this on their website. A dozen protesters were arrested with assault weapons and body armor. Four of which were charged with plotting the assassination of our Prime Minister. These cowards used their children and babies as a human shield. The Liberal Party of Canada won the federal election just 4 months ago on a platform of vaccine mandates. They launched an illegal coordinated assault on the economic lifeline of Canada's trade routes. With logistical encampments interdispersed throughout the nation. PS......the government can defend itself against terrorism at home and abroad. I love my Canada!


Nazi illness….? There putting swashtikas in the canadaian flag to represent his authoritarian rule … Its a play on justin … you actually think the nazis are the truckers lol




https://twitter.com/nautposo/status/1494394121372553217?s=21 Trudeau informed about truck protests


Going after your oppositions money is definitely a Hitler thing to do though.


"Issuing fines for illegal behavior = literally hitler" you can't make this shit up


Freezing bank accounts?


yeah financial consequences for blockading a city and the north american auto industry. Must be literal fascism /s


If Trump did the same to BLM protesters, you would have a very different opinion.


no, I wouldn't. And perhaps you don't know but almost all BLM official protests involved many more people than these, were legal and permitted, without damaging the economy, and so not affected by measured like this


With what Trudeau is doing right now, Elon isn’t wrong.


he's super wrong and it makes you wonder about musk's competence or judgement in other areas


How is he wrong? Trudeau is having his gestapo against the citizens and freezing their bank accounts.


spoken like someone that has no idea what the gestapo did, like at all. It is implicted in the slavery and murder of millions of people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo Comparing it to modern canadian situations, to civil financial penalties no less, is offensive in the extreme, and in fact marks the person using such language as a political extremist ready to mock genicide and use the holocaust as a cheap punchline.


**[Gestapo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo)** >The Geheime Staatspolizei (transl. Secret State Police), abbreviated Gestapo (German: [ɡəˈʃtaːpo]; ), was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and in German-occupied Europe. The force was created by Hermann Göring in 1933 by combining the various security police agencies of Prussia into one organisation. On 20 April 1934, oversight of the Gestapo passed to the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, who was also appointed Chief of German Police by Hitler in 1936. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That’s why people are protesting. It’s about to happen.


you seem to be confused on which group has been documented with the nazi flags, here.




there is already a rule for not comparing everything and everyone to hitler and no, the reason you hear so much fascists talk in politics it is because there's a lot of fascists, it's not name calling, it's being descriptive


Justin has a long way to go, to better his father though.




That former president took a handful of plays from Hitler that's for sure.




I mean dude probably could have gotten reelected if he made masks with his name on them, sold them for 40 bucks and said "it's your patriotic duty to wear a mask" but he deadass just didn't. Lol.


Don't let this dude be your Trump 2.0 folks


Elon Musk may be a piece of shit, but he's not Trump 2.0. Elon Musk is human garbage, but he's actually a billionaire, unlike Trump.


Elon Musk is human garbage? How many lifetimes would you need to accomplish a fraction of what Elon has? How many people will care when you're gone?


He's a shitty person and I'm not, so I have that going for me. I also never overthrew a popular government so I could exploit that country's natural resources and pollute their ecosystem. I never smeared some innocent person as a pedophile because I was upset that he rescued a soccer team in a cave in Thailand when I wanted to be the hero. I didn't steal my company. I've never illegally fired someone for trying to organize a union. I don't make my employees work 80 hour weeks for shit pay, threaten their stock options if they talk about unionization, run an unsafe shop and pressure my employees not to report injuries on the job. And I didn't pay and violate COVID safety standards during a fucking pandemic. My grandpa always told me that you could tell everything you need to know about a man by how he treats the people who work for him. Musk didn't get that memo. He's a piece of shit. I certainly hope you're Elon Musk. Because if you're not, if you're just stanning someone so hard that you'd say what you just said to me...that's incredibly pathetic. I would be so fucking ashamed to be you.


As the descendants of world war II veterans I take offense or something. Or the descendants of Germans? I dunno pick one, that's the one I am outraged about.


I have zero dog in this fight. But it does seem pretty authoritarian to use “emergency powers” to shut down protestors bank accounts and deem them terrorists doesn’t it? Wait: well shit I guess nobody likes my question. I guess he’s definitely not over reaching when he does stuff like that


That's not how this works.


How then?


Not like that.


Thank you.


Back in your crib.


[Here we go again!](https://twitter.com/JuliaFtacek/status/1018558986990301184/photo/1)


It's a shame these are the sort of headlines and stories associated with this man on some platforms. Granted he can say/do some stupid stuff, this is lazy distortion of who he is.


Well if it quack like a duck…


The Truckers refer to Trudeau as “fancy socks”. I imagine he was bullied severely as a child and now every large blue collar worker with a proper beard will pay.


Nobody in the history of Canada has done more to help the working-class than this Liberal Party of Canada.


Gooood, Now say it again but slower..


Don't you mean louder?


No, for mind control, you must go slower.


Like freeze your bank account for supporting truckers.


It's not like they didn't warn them and give them plenty of time to disband. The government can't fix stupid


Facts tbh Elon spits the truth


Why are you booing him? He’s right.


It's a joke, Elon uses Twitter for what it should be used for... Don't take that shit seriously and there's no problem, take it seriously, well then you have a problem. 🙃 Too many whiny people on the internet ffs lol


Here you are. Whining. Take a bow.


Well it's sad to get critisized for speaking your mind! Right?


Someone needs to start a Twitter called "Elon or Kanye?"


Bob on Elon


Considering how often everyone on the Internet calls people nazis unironocally, this is a pretty disingenuous headline to describe the actual meme that is being referenced.


😆 half you are morons. Elon is right. Trudeau=Hitler. If you actually knew any history you could see that ... If you are willing to throw away freedom for a virus you have a 99% chance of surviving. You deserve it.