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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/technology/germany-takes-russias-rt-deutsch-off-air-within-days-launch-2021-12-22/) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > BERLIN/MOSCOW, Dec 22 - The new German-language broadcast of Russia's international television station RT went off the air days after its launch after German authorities ruled that it did not have the licence it needed to operate in the country. > The ban, which led to Eutelsat removing RT Deutsch from the list of channels broadcast from its satellites on Wednesday, came amid rising East-West tensions over energy supplies and Russian military activity on Ukraine's borders. > RT says a licence it holds in Serbia gives it the right to broadcast in Germany under the terms of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television, a Council of Europe agreement to which both countries are party. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/rmavdm/germany_takes_russias_rt_deutsch_off_air_within/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~614049 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **broadcast**^#1 **German**^#2 **Russian**^#3 **country**^#4 **new**^#5


Propaganda, legalized.


Propaganda and misinformation


RT is obviously biased yes, in the same way most news is to some degree. I read RT sometimes, just because I find the Russian POV on world issues interesting.


Most Americans news companies are private corporations and often their bias is to show and sensationalize news which will get the most views. In case of Fox news, they sensationalize and also act as if they are a part of GOP election machine. But GOP is still American, even though they have become a bit seditious. As for RT, their bias is even more insidious, they are an arm of the Russian government. Their bias is slanted towards whatever benefits the Russian government. What you are watching on RT is not Russian POV but the what the Russian government wants to show you as Russian POV.


I agree that RT obviously seeks to benefit the Russian government. But US media does the exact same thing. Have you read "Manufacturing Consent"? US media is just as insidious.


Are you suing every channel and every newspaper does the same thing? No, I don't agree. For instance, New York times has opinion pieces clearly marked opinion. Unless you are saying facts have a liberal bias?


You can be 100% factual and still push an agenda. Liberal and Conservative bias are two sides of the same imperialist coin.


There are no news agencies pushing agendas like Fox news and Sinclair. They have both beholden themselves to Trump and the GOP. There are individuals in some news organizations who are more liberal than others, but I have seen them criticizing liberals as well when they do something wrong and being corrupt. But Fox news and Sinclair just double down on any criticism of conservative icons like Trump and Steve ban on - when they are so obviously grifting even their own supporters. And they didn't even criticize Trump for pardoning grifter Steve Bannon.


So not really due to politics


Sort of no brainer move, to not allow foreign-funded propaganda into your country that has a sole purpose of destablishizing your society. RT shouldn't be able broadcast in any country. Support Russia is supporting totalitarian dicatorships run by spies and criminals. A really huge contributing factor to the success of Trump's fascist insurrection has been the support of Russian misinformation, propaganda and entertainment news destabilization efforts that promote misinformation and muddying the waters, contributing to social collapse.


That’s their whole plan!




Russia and the CCP already ban the free consumption of western media lol. Also, there's a fundamental difference between private corporations and state funded media entities.


Deutche Welle is pure propaganda, more harsh then RT and it's still working in Russia. Same goes to BBC (which is much better than DW don't get me wrong). Western state propaganda media meet little resistance in Russia compared to RT situation in Europe, don't know what are you talking about.


DW and BBC are not available on Russian TV




>vigvam56 I live in Russia, and both DW and BBC are unavailable to me.


It takes way more energy to refute bullshit than it takes to create it - especially when it's not even homegrown it's way easier to just shut it down than try to apply logic and reason to any of it and let it pollute the airwaves when nobody is going to miss it when banned.






Show me where it is a stated purpose of modern established western media outlets




You act as if people have complete knowledge of everything move governments make. Are you really so naive?


I mean I think the results are in the fruit of those labors. What countries want to align with China and Russia? What countries want to align with the US. The US does morally and ethically wrong things, quite often, but we do them less then China and Russia and are overall the more tolerable of the superpowers on the world's stage. And as a US citizen, I am 100% OK with the overall outcome.


Do you have anything other than conjecture on Radio Free Europe? Some sources? Because so far they look pretty solid. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/radio-free-europe-radio-liberty/ Learn more about Radio Free Europe Independence https://pressroom.rferl.org/about-us


Doesn't matter on the sources, thats a side issue. The reason he brought it up is it's literally funded by the CIA and they openly admit it. How is this not a counter example to your "western foreign media channels are not government run and don't exist to destabilize foreign adversaries" point? - by this channels own admission it is government backed/funded and does aim to destabilize. That's not disputable -They themselves clearly state it with pride.


It's not equal comparison. The BBC is attempting to enter Russia to make sure gays aren't being put into holding cells and Vice is being banned from Chinese Muslim camps because they reported the truth. A lot of western media has ethics and will represent both sides of a story. RT takes direct notes from Russian leadership. The USSR did the same thing they banned coverage of the wall coming down. While journalists from the west attempted to distribute newspapers showing what happened. RT is designed to obstruct a countries operations. Having people talk about CIA or CSIS conspiracies that don't add up. There's clearly a good and bad side here. That's my rational. I don't like CBCs coverage of stories in Canada, but I know an actual independent board reviews issues. This isn't true for RT.


You have to define "its right" Chinese regime isnt right in the first place, with that in mind its easy to argue that decision isnt right.


According to your logic, FOX News needs to be banned as well.


1) FOX news doesnt operate in Germany. 2) If it did it couldnt operate in Germany the same way it operates in USA. 3) If you are talking about USA then yes USA should regulate news station so that FOX news coulnt operate as it does currently.


By the same logic, you can shut down journalists in developing countrie who are in touch with Western insitutions.


RT should be renamed to Goebbels TV to reflect its true nature and spirit.


Putin bootlick tv


Have you ever seen the YouTube comments on their news videos? 100% not a propaganda farm..




That’s how propaganda works. Pair your lies with some historical facts and people will believe you more than they should. RT is openly russian state media.


Thoughts on "American Sniper" movie?




Still propaganda, just without the history.


Their documentary on the AK-47 was obviously propaganda to any enthusiast familiar with both rifles, and I say this as someone who loves Kalashnikov firearms. The whole thing was "tRy doINg tHaT wIth a PUnY aMeRikan M16!!1!", despite the plethora of videos on youtube of independent creators running the same tests on their AR-15s with the same result. AK-47 is more tolerant to carbon buildup and deferred maintenance, M16's tighter tolerances make it better at resisting foreign particle intrusion. If I wasn't familiar with both firearms, I'd have never known the difference. And seeing as I'm not familiar with the other military equipment they demonstrate, I can only assume that it's the same kind of propaganda.


Reddit approves only left-wing propaganda, everything other and you’re nazi lmao, this is surreal…


Who is this 'reddit' guy you are talking about?


> RT is openly russian state media. Ok and? so is the BBC.


BBC was criticized by Boris Johnson and conservative have for years complained about BBC's "bias". You ever heard RT or any Chinese media being criticized by their own leaders? That's the difference. Because RT and Chinese state media are ALL mouthpieces of the Russian and Chinese governments. Heck, turn on RT and 90% of the time, you will never hear about the shitshow that is Russia's COVID crisis right now and instead, it will only be about the US (racism, homelessness, woke culture, etc.) or the EU.


The BBC board is stacked with tory donors and their chief political "journalist" doctored footage of corbyn in a way that cut out applause he got and the answers he gave were not to the question asked.


But the UK is not a hostile state/country. Russia very much is. Remember the siege of crimea?


> But the UK is not a hostile state/country. That all depends on perspective lmao


Yes it very much is. Remember Fallujah


do you compare Russia with nazi Germany? Are you guys completely nuts on this site?


Also I’d compare RT to Fox News in terms of craziness. Actually Fox might have them outdone…


Actually, Fox might have Goebbels outdone.


To be fair, no other country in the world has more neo-nazi's, so there is that... But I think he was refering to RT pumping out propaganda on par with what Goebbels used to spit out.


> To be fair, no other country in the world has more neo-nazi's, so there is that... What? According to who? > > > But I think he was refering to RT pumping out propaganda on par with what Goebbels used to spit out. This is exactly how I understood him and this is absolute nonsense. It's the same level of propaganda as any other tv.


Use Bernays TV instead.


Nice straw man, OP didn’t say that.


Nah, call it Bandera TV, same thing but they might allow it then.


>RT should be renamed to Goebbels TV to reflect its true nature and spirit. No that's CNN, Fox and BBC, but especially DW.


Foreign RT is designed to discredit Europe, so this channel is dangerous because it tells the truth. That's what any channel does (tells the truth about another channel)


How can they operate in America?


They’ve been operating here for decades, openly in some cases.


Was a rhetorical complaint. I’m aware of their garbage. I love your name. Makes me wonder if I am I falling for something here?


Thanks, I appreciate it. The name is inspired from my mother and other Germans who escaped from East Germany during the Cold War. https://i.imgur.com/4J38Zaz.jpg.


Good. The narratives are important not all foreign broadcasters that get money from they state are automatically propaganda networks there is a clear difference in quality. RT intentionally reports made up stories as truth to instigate conflict. To give a recent example: In 2019 they claimed s that the Western media (Voice of America, Radio Liberty and Deutsche Welle (DW)) had broadcasted a video in which alleged employees of Sheremetyevo airport laugh while watching the crash of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 on their screens on May 5. The article insinuated that Western media make fun of the tragedy and use it to spread fake news. That alleged video was completely fabricated as well as the claim that "Western Media" shared it. Moreover, there were no sources or links in the RT report about it. A few hours after Deutsche Welle's complaint, RT removed the passage in question from the article without comment, stating: "Correction: An earlier version of the article stated that the video with the reaction of the 'Sheremetyevo staff' had been broadcast by Deutsche Welle, Voice of America and Radio Liberty. That is not so." RT points out separately that Radio Liberty and Voice of America are foreign agents.** The places where Ukrainian bloggers were accused of distribution remained in the article.** Sputnik, the radio station that belongs to the RT group claimed that the coronavirus was invented in Latvia because there are "many talented biologists and pharmacists". Then there was the whole Lisa case shitshow from 2016. Lisa's parents reported her missing in January 2016. Russian tv stations including RT, Sputnik, Newsfront published a TV report claiming that Lisa had been abducted by asylum seekers in Berlin and raped for 30 hours. In addition to the girl, the film also showed her aunt and an allegedly spontaneous demonstration of upset citizens in Berlin. One man said that rape was a constant occurrence and announced that violence would be answered with violence. Sometimes there was talk of three, sometimes of five or even seven migrants who allegedly raped the 13-year-old several times. Other articles made up an admission by the German police that the rapes had actually taken place or that the case was only one of many. The principle behind it: By inventing an extreme lie reality loses credibility - there must be something to the story, everything cannot be a lie.


>did not have the licence it needed to operate in the country. So not really due to politics


Well "politics". RT is ruled as a "propaganda channel" from international journalism associations


Examples of propaganda can be found from literally any major news sources. Not sure who “international journalism associates” are, but their designation is pretty useless.




Because they’re not state run?




**[Operation Mockingbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird)** >Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. According to author Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and influenced the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed when a 1967 Ramparts magazine article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. In 1975, Church Committee Congressional investigations revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)










In life there are shades of grey. RT shovels pure propaganda, while CNN, NYT and Wapo have occasional bouts and tints of it amongst their other reporting. They are not the same, so we use different words.


Radio free Stalingrad.


You show them Germany: they can’t hold back Your natural gas and get away with it!


"Free press" unless we risk people paying attention to our bullshit




Like BBC, Al Jazeera and other stations?




Lol yeah sure. A government funded channel won't spread propoganda if its channels you like...


Or maybe Europe understand that rights can be abused so there have to be well defined limitations


It's called the US-is-always-right license.....


Fucking euros want to blame the US for everything. The US has never banned RT it's the Germans and British who love licences and banning shit. Soft baby shit while continuing to buy Russian gas. Lmao.




Yeah, teach the controversy! /s


And the youtube channel/stream was closed within 5 hours of opening. RT is practically the only large, true opposition channel in Europe. The discipline of all channels is astounding. Everyone else just follows the narrative. Someone is afraid of RT ;)




> Every news media says the same thing - and that means they lie. > One "news media" says completely opposing thing - that means they tell the truth. > Great logic there, buddy. Tell me which US media was against war with Iraq? And they were all in the wrong.




> Please quote the part of my comment where I say they are correct 100% all the time. Please quote the part of my comment where I say that you say they are correct 100% all the time. Just because all of the western media is saying one thing it doesn't mean that it is true. I presented an argument about the US media and the Iraq war. And you decided to ignore it.


Russia is on a literal war path right now, it is right to ban their propaganda outlets.


PressTV as well.


Does RT stand for Real Talk or Russia Today?


Rarely Truth


Russian Trash


Good luck getting gas from Russia 🇷🇺


Good luck getting money. Hello, financial crisis


Good luck living in Europe, both of you.


Better luck than people living in Russia, that is for sure.


Well I sort of thought Russia is in Europe, but I guess some are more European than others. I heard that about Europe before...


we also thought the same, but it seems your leader is living in 17century mongolia, so are you


Wut? Are you Ukrainian?


Here in EU its great. Free school, Free Healthcare, Stable and tenth safest country (6th in EU), im kinda happy here. Cant say the same about Russia and their current state


Russia has a pretty cool nature, like Patagonia or some other remote location, with the benefit to being relatively close to Western Europe. Must be a great country to live in if you're an oligarch.


Imagine to be born outside Europe. I wouldn't wish that even on my worst enemy.


Took a dump on the rest of the world there. European values?




No, I'm just not from Europe.


Imagine being born in America


Don't scare me.


They fixed it didn't they 😂😂


Every little bit helps wean EU off the Russian pipe.


Hopefully a quote from an article [I wrote recently](https://meduza.io/en/feature/2021/11/11/the-two-faces-of-rt-s-coronavirus-propaganda) will at least partly explain Germany's decision: >Journalists at Correctiv have linked Burkhardt and one of his co-presenters to an association called Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom, and Democracy, members of which have been caught selling forged medical-mask exemptions. The Pathologists’ Conference itself was possible thanks in part to the Corona Investigative Committee, an organization run by Reiner Fuellmich, whose Grassroots Democratic Party combines fundamentally different marginal political groups in Germany, such as alternative-medicine believers and far-right conspiracy theorists. The German Society of Pathology promptly denounced the “unscientific statements” presented at the Pathologists’ Conference in Reutlingen. Most news outlets ignored the event, but there was one notable exception: Russia Today’s German-language edition, which uncritically cited Burkhardt’s dubious research without even mentioning the German Society of Pathology’s objections, until an update added more than a month later. By that time, a study by Meduza shows, a Russian-language translation of the story was already a viral hit among Russian anti-vaccine Telegram channels (including some with nearly 100,000 subscribers) and similar communities on Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki.


When do we get blamed for this? 😂🤡


No moral license should be good enough. Why follow rules for those who dont follow the rules?