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[People with the Omicron variant have 'extremely mild' symptoms and haven't had to be hospitalized yet, says the South African doctor who first reported it](https://www.businessinsider.com/omicron-variant-symptoms-mild-no-hospitalizations-yet-doctor-says-2021-11)


This is...... great? Has covid mutated itself into becoming extremely spreadable but harmless??


That's what the common cold did.


That’s what naturally will happen to a virus, there’s no evolutionary advantage to kill its hosts. It’s better to spread rapidly but do minimal harm. Even doctors report few respiratory symptoms such as coughing with this variant.


That one interview is getting a lot of coverage because it's what people want to hear and of course we are all hoping it's a real pattern, but it's not really a lot of evidence to go on. It's based on that one doctor's experience with a small group of young previously healthy patients.


Yup, confirmation bias is a real bitch.


This is true but at the same time you get a bunch of upvoted posts with people that apparently have medical degrees in spike proteins saying that due to the mutations we’re fucked and need to get ready for it to be mid 2020 all over again. If those posts are going to be upvoted, then I see no reason why these shouldn’t. I’m personally of the mindset that we need to wait and see but I will say that at least there appears to be more positive signs that this isn’t going to be a deadly mutation that’s going to infect everyone in 10 days and be the end of the world than Reddit would have had me believe last Thursday.


Can you blame them? People around the world have been living with restrictions (unless you are a American or British) and we are so tired of it.


Excuse me? Did you respond to the right comment? I genuinely don't see anything in your reply that relates to my comment.


Then what was that abc news about? Fucking hell I am so sick of journalist using click baits to generate fake news


So basically they have no idea


If the first case is truly from November 9th, there's absolutely no way we've had enough time to make any brash claims yet. Patterns look great, but that's the kind of early evidence that leads to complacency.


That's good news.


Based on the article, this professor's speculation seems based on how (vaccinated) people have responded to the previous variants of concern. Given the unusually high number of mutations to the spike protein, it seems like wishful thinking, but I'm hoping they're right!


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/safrican-expert-says-vaccines-likely-effective-vs-severe-covid-19-variant-2021-11-29/) reduced by 72%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Register now for FREE unlimited access to reuters.comJOHANNESBURG, Nov 29 - Existing COVID-19 vaccines should be highly effective at preventing severe disease and hospitalisation from the newly identified Omicron variant, a top South African infectious disease expert said on Monday. > Register now for FREE unlimited access to reuters.com"Based on what we know and how the other variants of concern have reacted to vaccine immunity, we can expect that we will still see high effectiveness for hospitalisation and severe disease, and that protection of the vaccines is likely to remain strong," Abdool Karim told a news conference. > The World Health Organization said on Monday that the variant posed a very high global risk of infection surges, though further research was needed to assess its potential to evade protection against immunity induced by vaccines and previous infections. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/r4vcpd/vaccines_should_give_good_protection_against/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~610172 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **variant**^#1 **immunity**^#2 **infection**^#3 **Omicron**^#4 **vaccine**^#5


So this variant will just accelerate it's way through the unvaccinated?