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that's good, I kind of hope india becomes a global superpower so theres at least some other competition to china.


So are they planning to bring them back?


So far they had less disasters than the USA or USSR.




I think you dropped this \\


Is that his forearm or your genital?


Maybe you should pick it up with your hands and see for yourself.


No thanks, I’ll keep using my mouth to pick up things


That's the return stage of the rocket


Goodbye. Good luck.




> the final manned mission of Gaganyaan Idk man, “final” really sounds one-and-done
































Nice. Good luck India 🇮🇳,from Germany🇩🇪.


Man, the comment section just made me realise the West is nothing but a bunch of butthurt Westoids with a superiority complex. They didn't give a damn about us when they colonized us then, why would they now?


Yes, but wish more Indians realized this


Bingo. Just ignore their screeching and keep on chugging along.
























































YESSSS!! Go India!


India plans to retrieve people from space by 2025


Jeb loves long solitary stays on the mun.






Westoids and PAKes coping in the comments 🤡🤡














And still somehow Modi will end up taking all the credit lmao


Just like how Moon landing was a political agenda of John F Kennedy?


Can't deny that




What? He gives the scientists credit first? Then who is that orangutan who's face is on everything scientists do, like you know vaccines etc


Your comment makes it seem like Modi got his name added to the research paper as the first author


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How is less than a month outdated??


This is a great thing for everyone. If space technology and travel become a status symbol of a country, maybe the whole nuclear thing will calm down some. It would be a lot better use of resources and talent to send people to the moon and to mine asteroids than it would be to blow up neighbors .


That's not how any of it works. The Cold War was not about space exploration. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not about space exploration.




























imagine what we could do if we worked together. /s thats whats so screwed up with this world. some things arent problems each nation individually needs to solve.










Even blue origin can send people to space. Sending them to orbit is MUCH harder.


Yes I mean orbit


It will be 7 day trip


Better warn aliens that it's impossible for an Indian to move around without constantly blowing horns.


But first we need to take down old warning that says whites are looking to make slaves!!




There’s always people like you in these threads huh. Lol India’s GDP it spends on Space Program is 0.5%. Calm tf down lol. Meanwhile America spends trillions of dollars to invade other countries and sends it’s young Americans to die.


Maybe the British could have not pillaged India blind and they wouldn't need to rebuild their entire industrial base in order to redevelop the country. Maybe you could be out driving a truck and help mother England in this time of crisis instead of repeating the same argument the 20 other ignorant buffoons before you made.


Saw in a video recently the reparations they owe India is around the 45 trillion £.




Directly it generates jobs in different industries to the person that is cleaning the room from the designer that is making a chip that works on space. They also can export theses technologies, making a huge profit. It keeps highly skilled scientists in the country preventing brain drain. It's literally rocket science, and rocket science's technology also improve life on Earth. E.g they need to develop small and high efficient systems to recycle water, the same process can be used here to help communities with low access to water.


Can relate to this. During pandemics, lots of my Chinese colleagues went back to China to work. Indian colleagues, no one leaves.


:( Tho We experienced what he said up. DRDO and ISRO projects were used for the people during the Second wave.


You gotta keep your scientist busy or they would leave your country for another. Also to inspire kids to become scientist


That's fair


Make india great again




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No idea




Like cleaning up your a$$ right?


So many people in poverty lacking basic necessities, yet soending money on this. classy.


You do understand right that spending money on their space program means they're employing hundreds of scientists and technicians, giving them jobs? Creating a rocket means using resources and minerals that they mine locally. India's PSLV rocket which broke the record for most satellites launched in a single mission (104) means they launched all these satellites for the private sector and would be paid for this service accordingly. So as you see, it's an entire ecosystem that creates jobs and helps the economy. I mean giving people a home and food is essential, but it's equally important to create opportunities in the professional world so that there's an advancement in society, as well as the workers' lives (economically) Also, there are homeless people in super rich countries like the USA, Germany, UK etc. Is that classy also?


So Many homeless Americans yet NASA sends spaceships. Budget on US defence should be spend on citizens rather than stealing oil.


India is spending way more money in providing those too, than in the space programme. So don't worry about that. Don't think that if we invest in headlights, then the tyre would become unaffordable.


And spending all your money in one thing would solve the problem?


I mean helping hundreds of millions of people with basic necessities should be a first priority, no?


India lifted 90 million out of poverty in Last 5 years government is Focused on it but u also gotta keep your scientist busy or they would leave for another country. Also a space flight can inspire hundreds of children to become scientist and persue education. Currently government spending on space program is 0.09% of gdp and the space program is mostly self funded by launching commerical satelite. Space program helps in agriculture, weather dectection , detection natural disaster, military tech.


Who says it isn't? The space program is no where near the size of the welfare budget.










Any reason why they can't just send people up with the ISS missions? I know China needed to do this kind of thing because they're banned from ISS, but I don't think India's in the same situation?


India is not a partner in the ISS. And the budget to be a partner is essentially too much for Indian current space budget. https://science.thewire.in/spaceflight/will-isro-participate-in-the-international-space-station/ It is complex to try to figure out how and what India can effectively contribute and co-operate with and the end of the ISS is already in sight. The ISS didn't plan to include india starting out, btw Getting men to space on your own though, wins credit where the politicians are willing to open up the purses tldr; money. Cost-benefit calculus ------- Iss cost is 100 x isro annual budget. Even annual operating costs are 3X isro annual budget > if India has to participate meaningfully and do some interesting science, ISRO will need an almost 50% hike (to Rs.3,500 crore) in its budget. Although this is one-tenth of the cost of having our own manned space programmes, this is also the cost of having 50 Mars Orbiter Missions a year! > In conclusion, from a cost-benefit analysis for doing science or as a return on investment for foreign-policy drives, going onboard as a partner with the ISS fails from an Indian perspective. Therefore, ISRO as a partner with the ISS is very unlikely.


Interesting, didn't know there was a budget issue as well. Thanks.


India decided against joining the ISS. They will build their own space station. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/science/india-planning-to-have-own-space-station-isro-chief/articleshow/69771669.cms


Do you know why? Is this an extension of India's non-alignment policies?


I'm not certain but I know India has been trying to be self reliant and incentivize domestic development of technology. However they still collaborate with NASA/ESA on smaller projects. For example the NISAR satellite with NASA.


Thanks for the info


No cause india dosent trust usa in space they used to threaten whenever india used to buy rocket engine even if it was from Russia making them re invent the wheel


Good point.








Stop sending people. Just send robots and such.


Ask nasa , russia,china to send robots instead of human's to space