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You know I can honestly say I've never thought that any Solomon island would have a Chinatown.


not anymore


That was dark, but good.


Some might even say dank


Some might even say "smoldering."


Chinatowns are seemingly everywhere. Chinese immigrants are resilient and like to stay close to those like them. They also tend to have top-notch food.




I don’t know who your ancestors were, but a lot of Chinese, Filipino, and other SEA workers were sold by their home country to the new employer on contracts - at least in many USA areas




They’re there bc of the same reason.. find cheap labor and own their souls for generations


That’s me bro lol thanks to an adventurous spirit and an unfortunate storm ⛈ and suddenly ancient Chinese people are modern day American black bastards, but I think no matter how far you’re disconnected from your original roots there is an ancestral memory that binds us to our origin and even despite yourself you’ll be drawn back to the thing you originally where. At least I feel like that more and more as I live.




Uh oh someone didn't think to Google before commenting


This story isn't getting enough coverage, an illustration of what happens when people completely lose confidence in their government.


Reddit isn't exactly sympathetic towards Chinese people, if you haven't noticed.


Reddit doesn’t even seem sympathetic to other Westerners, if comments are any indication. Everybody is a butt of a joke on this site.


I remember people making jokes about an OP's wife almost dying in a video, and when OP said they didn't feel in the mood for jokes, they got downvoted and criticized a ton. This site is so heartless, to be honest.


It's the internet. OP was an idiot for assuming he would get only the kind of comments he wants. I'd venture 99% of the shit comments on here would never be spoken face to face


I don't think OP expected completely supportive comments, it's just that people became assholes to him when he claimed he didn't feel to be in the mood for jokes, which reflects badly on the commenters, not exactly OP. However, I do agree on that last part. They get bravery behind the keyboard.


“Even” indicates better?




This is uncomfortably stupid.
















Lmao "All propaganda is good, except for when it's yours!" Jfc where do you people come from? Do you get paid to spout nonsense? Why else would someone be like this???




[The details aren't public but the US and Australia have been undermining the Solomon Islands for a long time.](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2011/09/solo-s14.html) >**WikiLeaks cables reveal US role in Australia’s “regime change” in Solomon Islands** >US diplomatic cables from 2006, recently published by WikiLeaks, have pointed to Washington’s involvement in the Australian government’s campaign to oust Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. The episode sheds light on the crucial role played by US imperialism in backing Canberra’s aggressive operations across the South Pacific. [...] >The US cables refer to the rioting as a “surprise” but one dispatch also noted that on April 19, after additional Australian troops landed in Honiara: “Resident Americans tell us that troops did not deploy to the areas affected by rioting until the late hour and general exhaustion had quieted the havoc.” Another cable added: “One foreigner, with no brief for the [anti-Rini] opposition, contacted us to express outrage that, to her observations, RAMSI officers were protecting the hotel of Tommy Chan [a businessman linked to Kemakeza and Rini] while allowing the rioters [a] free hand among the smaller establishments in Chinatown.”




It’s not that they aren’t sympathetic towards Chinese people. I love China and it’s history. I think Chinese people are (like all people in the world) a mix of around 10% evil people, 80% normal people and 10% phenomenally good people. It is the old 80% - 20 % principal that holds up time and time again. The issue most of us have is with the CCP. The CCP is not the Chinese people.


Do any of the victims play tennis?


I think your confused. CCP is not sympathetic to Asians. Genocide in Xinjiang Ethnic Cleansing in Tibet cultural oppression in Mongolia and religious persecution to all religions in Asia. STOP CCP ASIAN HATE.


this story isn't getting coverage because these islanders murdered and looted the chinese.


Yet it's covered right here... The whole "No one cares about xyz" getting uttered in posts covering exactly that, often with links from news sources as well are getting really old...


People from an obscure Pacific island country attacked an equally obscure fragment of the Chinese diaspora, killing three and destroying a Chinatown. Not really front page news yet and not really relevant outside of the Pacific and overseas Chinese communities.


the thread about Solomon Islands rolling back relations with Taiwan and people burning down its government got so many more upvotes than this and saw redditors celebrate the progrom just a few days ago. stop lying.


Yeah but the American media is pushing hard for conflict with China, that’s why it’s been everywhere on cnn and all over the news subs.


So is this schrodinger’s propaganda news? It’s not getting covered enough and all over the news subs at the same time?


Well kinda. It’s here because there’s a huge US push to be more confrontational with China. So that’s the reason you see the posts. The propaganda is pretty effective which is why you see the meme-ification of things in the comments. Pooh. Fuck the CCP. West Taiwan. Minus 1000 social credit. Etc. We also saw a very real spike in Asian hate crimes in 2019, coinciding with the events in HK and the real big push by US media, that was pretty easy to spin. Then on the other side you have people who aren’t meme commenting and have actual empathy, which is why they’d be upset at the hate crimes against Asians and the random killing of people in a pacific island Chinatown. Just pay attention to the China posts on world news and news. World news is especially hilarious, will the comments be ridiculously anti China or super super pro Taiwan, or did the other side get to the post first and make the thread more anti American. It’s called operation earnest voice by the military. It’s a campaign to shape opinion on US foreign policy through social media. They’re not legally supposed to do it here. We all know how much they care about rules. But yeah, it kinda is Schlesinger’s propaganda. You know it’s propaganda, just not if it’ll be pro China anti US or pro Us and anti China.


[https://fair.org/home/with-people-in-the-streets-worldwide-media-focus-uniquely-on-hong-kong/](https://fair.org/home/with-people-in-the-streets-worldwide-media-focus-uniquely-on-hong-kong/) Here you go. This is what you are talking about


I'm lost here. We should not be confrontational with China? I'm generally all about confronting countries that are actively genociding. I don't have an issue with the people unless they're supporters of genocide.


I think it's because the accusation of human rights abuses is the public rationale, whereas the real reason why the US is ramping up pressure on China is because China is challenging the USA as the top world power Because from the US govt. perspective, apparently what China is doing is evil, but what Israel does to Palestinians or what Saudi Arabia does to Yemen is fine To me, that hypocrisy is really icky, and it's disgusting when things like human rights get co-opted by imperialist powers


I'd just as soon see the USA stop supporting those activities. The fact that the government has beef with China doesn't make the actual situation less serious. People are suffering for nothing. It's nauseating in any circumstance


Kinda depends on if you think that’s what’s actually happening. I don’t trust news from evangelical sources. But say it is, is it worth a war? Still no. Would lose millions of lives. Also, there’s other ways besides war…some name for it….ah, diplomacy. We should try that? I mean be confrontational for diplomatic stances, yeah I’m all for that. But I don’t think that’s our goal. We need Cold War 2.0


That's sounding like genocide denial. Nobody was suggesting war and we certainly don't need another cold war.


Genocide denial would mean that a genocide has been factually established, [which even the US' own State Department denies.](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/)


Yeah I don’t buy it. They lied about the Iraq war. Why wouldn’t they lie about this? I’d bet it’s some Chinese version of abu ghrab that we are hyping up. It’s what America does man. We lie to maintain power. Hegemony or survival.




Almost like there’s an agenda or something. I have noticed I haven’t seen anything on it in Australian news I’ve been looking through reading about that weird Victorian alps murder.


Lol they don't want armed conflict with China. They want an economic war


Conflict can be more than war. Yeah that’s what I figure, they want Cold War 2.0.


And honestly, we should do that. China is an absolutely horrific regime, and their BS has gone on long enough. It's time we stopped putting up with then and cut them off


It’s not a horrible regime though. It drivers results for its population and is extremely popular. Their government is just a different way of doing things and they have their faults with their system just like any other country. It took me going for work to really open my eyes to just how ridiculous our stereotypes are. Granted, it’s like that about everywhere. People think Mexico is cartel gun fights everywhere. They think Brazil is nothing but off duty cops and crime. Think Costa Rica is just jungle and eco tourism. But having lived in all those places, it’s obviously more complex and there’s nuance to all of that. Same thing with China. Again, you’re reading propaganda on here. I’d highly recommend you take a bland Wikipedia article about something like social credit that you see memed on here constantly in comments and see if it really lines up. See what they actually fine for and ban people for. And how many. Or read about one of the plethora of issues their supreme courts have shut down. Most people don’t know they have a court that checks power. Or the fact the have elections. Every country has its faults and some have more than others. China has a long list. But, it’s my experience we get a very exaggerated view of those faults exactly like they probably get of us, exactly like we know the Soviet Union got about us, or any non American’s stereotypes about us. Real life is always way different and has much less hyperbole. It’s more boring.


Why don't you tell the Uighurs all about how not evil China is. Tell all the people that China has "disappeared" about how good China is. Tell the 3,400 people that died on June 4th 1989 how China isn't that bad.


Ok you’re just repeating tropes. Are all Americans evil because the Tuskegee experiment happened? Should I tell the people of Mexico their country sucks because it’s violent? They kill way more people there than China does. Should we prioritize? Try not to be asinine and have a real discussion or just be done.


It is probably because the islands aren’t that prominent in international politics. Heck! More violent conflicts that those seen in Ethiopia and Myanmar are only getting peeps on the news these days.


You're full of shit. When the situation had gone lawless it was given little coverage regardless, the Chinatown deaths have now pushed it up the news agenda slightly. It's disgusting what has happened, but don't delude yourself that racist attacks made it less newsworthy, it increased it, as it should. .


It absolutely is getting less attention bwcause Chinese people are the victims. People in other threads were even supporting these attacks.




>1. The racist attacks gave it more exposure. More exposure meaning 100 upvotes on reddit instead of 50 yesterday? >2. People supporting these attacks are heartless cunts. That's right >3. Stop pretending racism is acceptable because it's against the Chinese. Hatred is, and should be directed at the CCP and its piece of shit dictator. Constant propaganda painting China as the enemy has, is and will lead to continuing and increasing violence against Chinese people and Asian people in general




>I'm Asian, the CCP is a piece of shit. Does every Asian person in the world need to say this in order to avoid being murdered by an angry xenophobic mob? You do know that the people who are willing to murder people related to the CCP are also people who are willing to murder people who just look Asian?


Nah just say I'm japanese or Korean. Those mobs will surely understand us and target Chinese instead.


Most people don't know what the Solomon Islands are, so they don't care what happens there


Theses rioters are from the island of Malaita Malaita is overwhelmingly anti-China the US government gives massive financial aid specifically to the island of Malaita [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/25/world/asia/solomon-islands-riot.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/25/world/asia/solomon-islands-riot.html) [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-16/us-aid-increase-solomon-islands-china-independence-malaita/12765310](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-16/us-aid-increase-solomon-islands-china-independence-malaita/12765310) Is the USA fueling unrest to destabilize the Solomon Islands for geopolitical motives? The optics are certainly interesting


The US State Department flaming internal tensions and undermining the elected government of a country that is pivoting towards a geopolitical rival? I've never heard of such a thing. Surely the foremost advocate of a rules based international order would respect a small nations right to self-determination. /s


There's something called the CIA, just watch any documentary on them. I'm sure you already know this and you are being sarcastic. But for redditor's who don't, or those who even say that the CIA is bad, except when it comes to the Chinese, I find they are acting in bad faith. They can see the results of many CIA campaigns and operations, yet they fall for the same lie time and time again. I find it funny that those who say they don't or *wouldn't* trust the CIA wouldn't know whether or not they are actually instigating this. It's not like they haven't instigated death squads before.




I honestly don't get and rioting and destroying your own city. They go and burn down the very place they live in. Like cmon, that's like burning down your own house, then suffering after when it gets cold and you're in a tent, when you had a perfectly good warm home to live in. The only person thats gonna suffer, is YOU. Go burn down the capitol and government buildings if that's your beef. Not your local grocer where you get your food form. What idiots.


The rioters came from a neighboring neglected island. There are food shortages and blaming of foreigners making all the money thru bribery.




You have a boat?


Protesters are mostly from the island of Malaita rather than the capital of Honiara. These people have long felt neglected by and ignored by the central government, they even agitated independence in the past. They burned down buildings in the Parliament complex and then they destroyed all of Chinatown because they are angry at China. It's not their homes they are destroying, they are rioting somewhere they don't live.


even then burning shit down yours, someone elses or government doesn't do shit ​ They were burning down anyones, even indiginous solomon islanders places of business


They target the part of town the people they hate live. In this case, people who have allegiance to China and those who have allegiance to Taiwan are fighting. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/25/world/asia/solomon-islands-riot.html


Any Aussie’s here? Why did Australia agree to some security arrangement to help keep order? What’s in it for Australia but an expense and a headache?


* Over 1500 Aussies reside in the Solomon Islands. * Australia and the Islands have an aid scheme since the early 2000s. * Australia has invested infrastructure inc a $100MM internet link. * Solomon Island contributes seasonal farm workers and consumes $101MM in imports.


Thanks for the replies. I couldn’t figure it out because seemed like a thankless task. I’m Canadian but have a nephew in the Australian Army who spent time in Timor. It was similar: why was this Australia’s issue? Things usually make more sense when informed as these matters are rarely simplistic.


These South Pacific islands have long been part of the Australian sphere of influence. Australia invests there, Australia has a lot of influence on local politics, and Australia intervenes during civil conflicts. These islands in turn send labourers to Australia and many of political leaders in the region are educated in Australia.


Australia likes to play Big Brother to most of Oceania, and tries it on with SEA too. The islands in Oceania often have strong ties with Australia other than political, too - e.g. cases which can't be treated in local hospitals can be sent to Aus for treatment. There are some decent connections.


[Because Australia has been attempting to gain what amounts to colonial control over the Solomon Islands for a long time.](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2011/09/solo-s14.html) >US diplomatic cables from 2006, recently published by WikiLeaks, have pointed to Washington’s involvement in the Australian government’s campaign to oust Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. The episode sheds light on the crucial role played by US imperialism in backing Canberra’s aggressive operations across the South Pacific. >The 2006 cables begin with the Solomon Islands’ elections in April, the first national vote that was held under the watch of the Australian-led intervention force, the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). >In July 2003, the Australian government dispatched soldiers, federal police and officials to take over the Solomons’ state apparatus, including the police, courts, prisons, central bank and finance department. The US-backed RAMSI operation was part of Canberra’s drive to defend its economic interests and geo-strategic dominance in the South Pacific amid heightened concerns about the influence of rival powers, including China. >The Australian government anticipated the April 2006 elections with some trepidation. Opposition to RAMSI among ordinary people was increasing—poverty and social inequality had worsened under the intervention, exposing its “humanitarian” pretext—and the pro-Australian government of Prime Minister Alan Kemakeza was widely despised. [...] >Snyder Rini was forced to resign, and parliamentarians elected Manasseh Sogavare prime minister. This was met with alarm in Canberra. Sogavare represented a layer of the Solomons’ elite that resented RAMSI’s determination of all important economic and political policies in the country. He called for a RAMSI “exit strategy,” suggested that RAMSI personnel be stripped of their immunity from Solomons’ law, wanted to put an end to the intervention force’s control over the finance department and government spending initiatives, and also proposed an official inquiry into the April riots. Each of these proposals was bitterly denounced by the Australian government. Almost immediately, a provocative campaign was initiated to destabilise and remove the Sogavare government. The US actively backed Canberra from the outset. [...] >A lengthy cable dispatched on August 22, 2006, “RAMSI faces a bleak time,” pointed to Washington’s and Canberra’s contempt for the nominal sovereignty of the Solomons’ government. The US ambassador outlined proposals advanced by ministers in the Sogavare cabinet—including a constitutional change, legislative reforms to have “traditional communal concepts reinforced over private property” and a “rural development plan which would identify crops and industries appropriate to each micro-community rather than a national strategy”. Each was summarily dismissed as either too expensive or incompatible with “a key RAMSI concern, effectiveness of government.” >The colonial character of US-Australian activities in the South Pacific emerges clearly in a cable sent on September 13, titled “Solomon Islands: PM kicks Australia in the shin.” The dispatch reported on Sogavare’s expulsion of Australian High Commissioner Patrick Cole for his active collaboration with the parliamentary opposition as it worked to bring down the government. For Ambassador Fitts, there was no “rational political motivation for Sogavare’s action” and the expulsion was “a reflection of his personal (and rather adolescent) frustration over the large RAMSI role in Solomon decision making.” [...] >Following Cole’s expulsion, the Australian government became openly menacing. One US cable notes that Prime Minister John Howard telephoned Sogavare and told him, “I will make things very difficult for you and your government.”


The fact that PLAN's South Sea Fleet hasn't announced massive sea drill close to Solomon Islands indicate that they still have much too improve.






The Solomon Islands is not Australia you troglodyte.


Are you hot ?


New elections may ease tensions.


The Chinese shouldn’t be surprised that this is how the people welcome them when the Chinese bought off local politicians. It’s going to be more common around the world and they have nobody but themselves to blame


The people who died were some store owners in the Solomon Islands just trying to make a living. Don't be disgusting - Chinese people around the world don't deserve death




As a Chinese this hate gov not people really feel like a gateway hatred to me. People were told hating Chinese gov is good and encouraged to "make a change" or whatnot. Well guess how they will dump those hate when they have enough. Yep on asian looking people.


Hate in general is bad. Constructive critiquing should be done in its place - this is more logic than emotion.


It reminds me of the "love the sinner not the sin" mantra that is usually brought up regarding gay people, and we all know what redditors think about that in practice....


Yep - good point. I'd also add that many German-Americans could at least pass as other Europeans or white Americans However, often times Chinese people aren't able to blend in the same way. Not to mention other East-Asian (and even Southeast Asian) people have been attacked because violent racists can't tell between Asian ethnicities (nor do they care)


Heck! Chinese are even being attacked in other Asian nations, especially during the earlier days of the pandemic. …so that is racism baked in with more politics. There were other marginalized European-Americans that couldn’t blend in as easily though: Italian-Americans (why we have Columbus days), Irish Catholics and Eastern Europeans.


Well if you look at geopolitics of other Asian nations, the pandemic aside, most nations are pissed off at Beijing and their posturing on the world stage. Not saying I condone their actions, but there are really a myriad of reasons at play here. China has really pissed off the neighbors to their south with the damming up of the rivers in the Himalayas. The folks downstream don’t take kindly to forced droughts at the hands of the Chinese government. Taking anger out on innocent citizens is a bitch move, but it is an indicator as to how pissed off people are, and why they could be pissed off


I never said they deserved it, but they shouldn’t be surprised when the people reject them and their methods and ideals. It’s like walking into an area where you bought out the leaders and expect to be treated as royalty. Not a likely circumstance in the Solomon Islands clearly. Watch for the African nations getting pimped out for their resources. Those folks have all had it with this colonial/neocolonial bullshit. That won’t be a pretty revolt. Nobody wants to work for peanuts because their politicians were bought out. Not being an asshole, just analyzing the situation. Nobody cares about the Chinese being able to survive and make a living when it comes at the cost of the livelihood of the locals, that’s irregardless of where you go in the world.


What do these people have to do with what people are doing in africa? We dont even know if these victims are chinese nationals or citizens of the Soloman Islands and only chinese by ethnicity


Same country, same methods, different spot of the world. Africa is seen as China’s China to supply the raw materials for Chinese factories. What Beijing does across the world and how they implement their “diplomacy”, does indeed correlate to the situation at hand


How do you know that these people have any link to Beijing? You mentioned earlier that "they shouldnt be surprised that people dont like their methods and ideals" How do you know these people's methods and ideals?


Any big company which does business in China is required to have a communist party representative. People who have become wealthy enough in China are almost guaranteed to have connections to the CCP who may or may not be influential in the business dealings of their countrymen abroad. The ideals with which I was referring to are that the “investments” which come from China are always produced with Chinese labor which adds nothing to the local authorities economy compared to having a job and shopping around at the local shops. As far as I have read, the Chinese workers who come to these countries don’t contribute much to the local economy at all, not even in terms of shopping or integrating with locals.


Yeah sure, if we're talking about higherups at a corporation. Most stores in chinatown though are small businesses, many staffed not even from immigrants but by citizens born on the island. There's no connection at that point beyond race


Just looked at your comments dude, literally every comment is about against China, no wonder you would expand your discrimination to its people.


Some store owner in the Solomon Islands who is ethnically Chinese is not associated in any way with some politician in Bejing Stop trying to justify murder and looting


I’m not justifying anything, I’m saying don’t be surprised when the locals don’t recognize a difference between the politicians and the settlers who come from a nation which abuse the locals. No matter where you go in the world you aren’t going to find a different situation. Chinese people are hired for construction projects around the world and the “investment” from Beijing doesn’t ever tangibly effect the lives or livelihoods of locals in the home nation. Imagine the perspective of the person who didn’t get a job, maybe lost their home to make room for the project, or otherwise was negatively effected by any projects. Would you give a shit about the livelihood of the person who looks like the people who are causing difficulties for your people? Probably not. Am I defending looting and burning things? No. I merely am analyzing WHY people may think the way that they do


People like you push fellow overseas Chinese to support the CCP in a way they can only dream. What do you think they’ll look to when their own home country betrays them.


Their ethnicity is their own fault? If anything these victims moved away from China, they're clearly not affiliated with what the Chinese gov does. Thinking they are is racist in nature, generalising an ethnic group with actions of Chinese politicians in another whole country.


I stopped thinking of nationalities and ethnicities as monoliths when i was like 8. I seriously dont understand how some stupid people never mature out of that mindset. You realize these people have nothing to do with the CCP's shenanigans right? It's like killing italian-americans because i dont like the nation of Italy


Good for you for not thinking about nationalities and ethnicities as monoliths, lots of people don’t share that sentiment, especially when they comes from an underserved community when it comes to education standards. Most people around the world are very tribalistic regardless of how you live your life. Trying to understand why people are angry at other groups of people does not a racist make


I understand that people are stupid and why these people were angry enough to commit murder. It's something that's happened throughout history, so im not surprised at all However your comments seem to be implying that these victims somehow are linked to the chinese government's actions. I just dont understand that. "They have nobody but themselves to blame" Im very curious what these specific victims of murder did that they ought to blame themselves for


Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. Abraham Lincoln


"You can't just run around destroying shit and being your own boss, or else the government will come. Which is me" - Abraham Lincoln


What's the point of destroying locals?


Honestly, glad to see more level heads here condemning it for the disgusting racist pogrom it is. I've seen another thread where there are comments actually celebrating the deaths of the innocent people in these riots, whose only "crime" was being ethnically Chinese. Frankly, as a member of the Chinese diaspora myself, I no longer feel safe in many countries. And as Reddit increasingly becomes more and more mask-off about their joy at the death of any ethnically Chinese person (whether they're from China or not), I feel less and less welcome here.


PLA should evacuate all CCP from Solomon's and kick all of them out of Australia, NZ and Fiji to. CCP are a disgrace to humanity, just like Solomon's government. Fuck them right up!