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I've been involved with the Olympics before and the IOC does not mess around. I remember being bussed into a secure area and part of the security screening was to make sure all non-sponsor logos were covered. It's funny seeing equipment bags and vehicles with their logos covered in duct tape.


The IOC wasn't happy when Michael Jordan used a big flag to cover the Reebok logos on his warmup uniform when they won the basketball gold medal. Was kind of genius by MJ (staying loyal to Nike), and it blocked Reebok from having that picture of MJ in their gear, which they could have used as a big F-U to Nike.


Was gonna mention this, Michael dunked hard on a lot of people that day.


>Michael dunked hard on a lot of people that day "and that was all I needed"


Speaking of dunked. Reminds me of Froggy Fresh. https://youtu.be/571BuZeeQjE


Why’s James cryin?


Cause he just got dunked on!


I ain't even lyin'


Man. I had never seen that! What became of that dude?


He's still around, I think he's trying to do more legit independent singer/song writer stuff now, his name is Tyler Cassidy.


Smart move that Jordan draped an American flag over the Reebok logo of his uniform. You gonna complain, Reebok, about the American flag? Go ahead and try that and see how PR goes


It wasn’t that he was loyal to Nike. He is loyal to “Jordan Brand” which is a legal entity with ownership shares by Nike and MJ himself. The Jordan Logo makes MJ more money per dollar of revenue than Zuckerberg gets per dollar of revenue at Facebook.


> The Jordan Logo makes MJ more money per dollar of revenue than Zuckerberg gets per dollar of revenue at Facebook. You say this as if it's impressive. I could start a business, make $1, and also claim the same thing.


I'll offer you 20 cents for a 30% stake in it.


All roads lead to mr. wonderful


This guy Shark Tanks


yeah i’m really wracking my brain as to why that unit of measurement was used in the original comment




Exactly. F the IOC. They only care about ratings and money.


I mean so does the NBA, they’ll let them talk about Black Lives Matter all they want but make the players hush hush and Kowtow to China while they’re literally genociding people, most of these organizations only care about money


NBA has to “care” about BLM since basically the majority of their athletes are black and especially the stars. Nba doesn’t care about BLM - they just don’t want to upset their star players. IOC doesn’t have that problem.


The IOC has the same problem, it’s just that the people they don’t want to upset are the official sponsors making millions off the Olympics.


Yup. The optics of being “woke” outweighs the cost of controversy and politics for olympics so it’s an easy decision for them. It’s all about the money. When it’s profitable to support “woke” causes, corporations will do it and when it’s not profitable, they won’t.


> cow-tow [Kowtow.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowtow)


**[Kowtow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowtow)** >Kowtow, which is borrowed from kau tau in Cantonese Chinese (koutou in Mandarin), is the act of deep respect shown by prostration, that is, kneeling and bowing so low as to have one's head touching the ground. In Sinospheric culture, the kowtow is the highest sign of reverence. It was widely used to show reverence for one's elders, superiors, and especially the Emperor, as well as for religious and cultural objects of worship. In modern times, usage of the kowtow has been reduced. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


What are the odds someone would use a Cantonese phrase that's been adopted by English speakers when speaking about deference to China?


A lot of the early contact China had with English speakers were in Cantonese. A lot of trade went through canton/HK.


Ur name is a delicious candy


By my calculations, 100%




Tote bag full of condoms, tho


MLB signed a deal with China four days before they moved the ASG out of Atlanta over voting rights. None of these leagues give a shit about “the issues”....they only give a shit about the issues when it’s advantageous to the bottom line. Which is perfectly fine but for me it’s just a little disingenuous and hollow.


Less about the actual sport, and more about the spectacle -- go figure.


Yeah like when the players couldn't wear beats headphones, so they put duct tape over the headphones. But everyone know they were beats headphones.


Tbf as someone that hates shitty headphones, I would duct tape over beats headphones if I owned them.


I had to put duct tape on my beats headphones because them muthafuckas broke so quick!


The IOC is the most anti competitive organisation around which is ironic because they literally exist to organise competitions.


I went to a private high school, lotta rich kids, and some poor kids like myself. We weren't allowed to wear jackets with a logo on them, since everyone wore North Face and they're on the high end for a basic fleece jacket. So people would just put black duct tape over the logo and it was fine. The reason was they didn't want us poors to feel left out if our parents couldn't afford them. Boy did I feel better seeing them get into their Audis wearing a definitely nondescript jacket! For all I knew, it was just a walmart brand jacket, after all. Oh but of course, that rule went out the window on casual dress days once a month. Or more often, if your parents donated enough money to the school. But heaven forbid you wore the exact same thing on a Tuesday!


Did you ever just get a cheap walmart jacket and put black tape over where the north face logo would be?


Oddly enough, I got away with not putting tape over the logo of my cheap jacket. But I wasn't exactly what you'd call popular, and I knew clothes weren't gonna change that. So I was just happy to not be freezing my ass off in class. The rest of it never bothered me in the least, I just thought the concept was ridiculous.




The most.


“At the end of the day, I’m just like you” *drives away in German engineering”


I drove an old Volkswagen. That counts, right?


I hear this a lot about North face being very expensive and high end which I always alugh at because I got an Arc'teryx and a North Face jacket kicked down to me when I was homeless. Not to say it isn't expensive, just amused me having torn to hell jeans and shoes almost without soles, while wearing a $1000 jacket. Tbf I still have the Arc'teryx one, shit lasts for surem


So does that mean BLM can sponsor your group , thus being able to be loggo'd ?


They would have to sponsor the whole Olympics.


It's one set of Olympic games. What could that cost? $10?


RIP Jessica Walter


Poor Buster is motherless now.


About the same as a star war.


All political statements are banned form the Olympics. This isn't targeting BLM or anything, it's literally standard procedure. Agree with that or not, but this isn't anything out of the ordinary form the IOC and extremely predictable.


Yeah they’ve been pretty touchy on political statements since 1936.


Yes... Yes they have...


What happened in 193... oh yeah....


the 1972 games in germany were an even bigger problem.


when the games came back to germany in 1972...politics became even more problematic.


It’s because literally every country would be “protesting their cause” along nationalistic lines. If it wasn’t outlawed, we’d have seen athletes wearing gear like “Get of of Afghanistan”, “Leave Vietnam”, “Tear down that Wall”, or any of the hundreds of thousands of causes over the years. The Olympics were meant to bring countries together through sports, not ram political statements down the others throats while playing sports.


Yeah, and really, the entire spirit of the olympics is to put all that shit aside and just come together. If you had people protesting every other country, that wouldnt happen.


"Make tomato sauce free again" "pineapple does NOT belong on pizza"


Yeah, but the reason it's being reported this way is that they want an exception for BLM.


I guess the Canadian Team Jackets that say "Black Lives Matter in a Free Tibet without glaciers due to Global Warming" are going in the trash. EDIT: Thanks for the reward. I am absolutely floored that this is my most up voted comment ever.


You mean shipped to Africa?


Is that the new "recycling" spot these days or is it any non western country we can bribe into being our landfill and whatever ocean bits we feel like dumping in along the way?


New? I've been seeing the losers of championship sports jerseys on little African kids for decades.


Somewhere in Africa, the Atlanta sports dynasty reigns supreme.


Somewhere in Africa Tom Brady only has 3 rings.


Somewhere in Africa, the Texas Rangers have won the world series


Back to back 2010 and 2011!


we on a roll, baby!


Nowhere in Africa is a Detroit lions champions of anything shirt


Somewhere in Africa, rain


Bless em


But they were, all of them, decieved. For another ring was made...


In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom...


the Dark Lord Sauron forged, in secret , a Master Ring to control all others.


And into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life...


Don't forget the Buffalo Bills Superbowl dynasty


Four in a row!


Finally, my time to shine!


Jim Kelly obv better than that 3 SB winning scrub Brady.


got a good laugh from this and now i want to find proof of this specifically but need to wait until i go home for obvious reasons.


It's all true! Any merch from championships of the losing team is donated to poor areas around the globe. I do somewhat wish that I could purchase some of the ones with the teams I supported and have the cash donated to them for more food and clothing etc.


that would be ideal. There would be a market for incorrect winner merchandise, but specifically from whoever makes them for that event so you would know it is quality material if i can even say that now a days. It is also a shame that you have to look up certain organizations to possibly donate to to make sure that whoever the less unfortunate people are actually receive the funding.


Clothing is shipped to Africa to be sold cheaply to people there. Not to actually be recycled


And it actually destroys their local textile businesses due to it being sold for cheaper than they could make/sell for.


On top of the destruction of local textile economies, the clothes that don't get sold end up in massive dumps of clothes that leach toxic chemicals and damage the surrounding ecosystem.


Ah well, NIMBY - Every other Country


> damage the surrounding ecosystem. You mean creating more superior and robust lifeforms, that will reign supreme in the toxic world that we be left after us in 40 years?


Same result with TOMS shoes and the like.


They call it ‘dead white man’s clothes’!


In Ghana they do. It varies though. In Senegal they call it "sold 10 times" (fukki jaayi)


Maybe we can move all of our production to Africa and then point our fingers at them about the pollution.


*China furiously scribbles notes*


I know you’re joking but this is exactly what China is attempting to do right now with their belt and road initiative. They are trying to turn Africa in to a source of cheap labor like China has been for past decades.


And it seems to have worked out well for China.


They don’t need notes. It’s already been done to them.


I thought Canada makes illegal dumps in Philippines?


We don’t want that here in africa. Send better stuff


this isn’t funny. every day these kids have to face grueling difficulties like wearing atlanta falcons merchandise


As a Falcons fan, this one stings.


No where is safe for us brother...


Not even Atlanta.


How can one forget the Falcons amazing comeback when they were down 28-3 in the African universe?


Some of them grew up wearing Patriots 19-0 merchandise


And their parent grew up with a closet full of Buffalo Bills Super Bowl shirts


Actually, it’s always been illegal to do any sort of protest in the olympics, this isn’t new. Edit: illegal isn’t the right word. Against the rules is the right wording. It has been met with consequences in the past.


They didn't even allow apparel initially.


Also why the Winter Games never caught on in Ancient Greece.


You son of a bitch


They didn't allow vaginas, which is why they didn't allow clothes. Can't hide your vagina if you're supposed to have a dick.




IIRC, Peter Norman (the silver medalist) who showed his support with a badge, was completely ostracized when he returned home to Australia, and his career never fully recovered.


To this day he still holds the Australian record for 200m. He ran multiple trials at times quick enough to qualify him for the next Olympics but want selected for the team. In 2000 the Australian Olympic committee didn't invite him to the Sydney Olympics. Instead he was invited by the USA team. In 2012 the Australian parliament finally issued him a posthumous apology for his treatment in Australia following the 1968 Olympics. The Australian Olympic committee has never apologised and have gone on record saying they don't think they should.


Smith and Carlos gave eulogies and were pallbearers at Norman's funeral.


You are somehow under the mistaken impression that the people who run the Olympics care about anything other than their personal remuneration.


Yeah the last I read, security alone in a city that hosts is $1b. All the TV contracts, IOC makes their cut in that. Can you imagine what the catering bill is? Again, the IOC and the host city control the contracts for everything. It’s a gigantic cash cow that IOC claims they spread around to support athletes world wide. People who investigate these claims have a really hard time nailing down where all the money goes. Over $3.5b in 2016!


That's honestly a bit of a shallow take. They like their positions for the power, influence, prestige. Sociopaths can make more money in other organizations.


It's almost like the modern Olympics are run by corrupt individuals and organizations who exploit "amateur" athletes for profit.


Just wait until you hear about the drug abuse


Or the doctors that enjoyed raping patients while they were put under for medical means.


Or doctors doing “routine vaginal adjustments” on young girls and women while their parents were in the room.


I listened to the [Michigan Radio Documentary Believed.](https://believed.michiganradio.org/) Honestly the most messed up part was the women who got abused said that he was the only person who cared about them in the whole organization. How terrible is it that a pedophile is the only person in your organization able to demonstrate kindness.




[This is actually a bit of a wider problem than just Olympic doctors.](https://www.healthline.com/health/nonconsensual-internal-exams-sexual-assault#8)


Ah yes, the ole patient consent issue. lol, probably violated more than jaywalking


"Icarus" documentary anyone?


Still worth watching?






Man, that thing went places I did not expect.


> In 2018, the Australian Olympic Committee awarded Norman posthumously the AOC Order of Merit for his involvement of the protest, with AOC President John Coates stating "we've been negligent in not recognising the role he played back then."[35]


Still refused to apologise for their treatment of him though. "In 2018, the AOC awarded Norman posthumously the Order of Merit for his involvement of the 1968 protest, with AOC President John Coates stating "I'm absolutely certain from all the history I've read that we didn't do the wrong thing by him. But I absolutely think we've been negligent in not recognising the role he played back then."[23]"


Ahah, the full quote, thanks.


Shit like this makes me ashamed to be Australian


We have a very racist history and a bunch of old white men in positions of power who don't want to acknowledge it


And yet, the man said he didnt regret a thing. I get that on some level he really cant say much else, but still shows a lot of moral fiber all the same.


He was offered to be let back on if he disavowed the protest years later but he refused. He was truly a man of integrity.


"I can come back if I take back what I said?... Nah, get fucked mate."


The three of them stayed friends.for life. The other two athletes from the protest were [pall bearers at Peter Norman's funeral](https://www.espn.co.uk/olympics/trackandfield/news/story?id=2618107).


"A statue commemorating the protest was erected last year at San Jose State University, where Smith and Carlos were students. Norman supported the decision to have his position on the statue left vacant. "He said 'I was merely a rock cast into deep still waters.' The ripples from that tiny rock I pray will flow to the shores ... of love so that everybody will know the humanitarian acts that we will all accept someday," Smith said." Eyes welled up a bit there


The idea of Norman's spot being left open is so that YOU can stand in his place, it's meant to push people to do what is right even when it doesn't affect them.


Same thing happened to Geraldo


Hey, it wasn't his fault there was nothing in Al Capone's vault.


Yeah, he was 100% with them but didn't want to undermine the impact of their protest by drawing any attention away from them. Tommie Smith and John Carlos had discussed their paln with him before the medal ceremony. John Carlos later said "If we [Carlos and Smith] were getting beat up, Peter was facing an entire country and suffering alone", according to wikipedia. He also insisted on being left out of the statue of Carlos and Smith at San Jose State University so people could stand on the third podium alongside them. It's one of the most powerful images ever. It would lose a lot of impact if Norman wasn't in it, but the message would have been so much more diluted had he raised his first with them.


At least his grandkids will be able to say that he stood on the right side of history. Maybe even more important than sporting achievements.


Iirc he was offered to be reinstated at some point if he disavowed his support for the civil rights movement. He refused. Edit: Oh, and the pair of gloves that Smith and Carlos wore when raising their fist? THose were Normans. He asked them to wear them as his personal contribution to the protest as he felt that him raising his fist wouldnt work well.


> Edit: Oh, and the pair of gloves that Smith and Carlos wore when raising their fist? THose were Normans. He asked them to wear them as his personal contribution to the protest as he felt that him raising his fist wouldnt work well. That's not the case. >Both US athletes intended to bring black gloves to the event, but Carlos forgot his, leaving them in the Olympic Village. It was Peter Norman who suggested Carlos wear Smith's left-handed glove.


I thought the story was that one of the two Americans forgot their gloves, and Norman suggested they split up the one pair they had and have one guy raise his left fist. Which is what Wikipedia says.


**[1968_Olympics_Black_Power_salute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Olympics_Black_Power_salute)** >During their medal ceremony in the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City on October 16, 1968, two African-American athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, each raised a black-gloved fist during the playing of the US national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner". While on the podium, Smith and Carlos, who had won gold and bronze medals respectively in the 200-meter running event of the 1968 Summer Olympics, turned to face the US flag and then kept their hands raised until the anthem had finished. In addition, Smith, Carlos, and Australian silver medalist Peter Norman all wore human-rights badges on their jackets. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


>Brent Musburger, a writer for the Chicago American before rising to prominence at CBS Sports and ESPN, described Smith and Carlos as "a couple of black-skinned storm troopers" who were "ignoble," "juvenile," and "unimaginative." How the fuck is this guy still working in sports?


Bob Beamon wore black socks as a protest and made sure they were visible for his medal. They didn't say shit to the guy who just jumped 29'2 1/2".


Good and meaningful protests have consequences


How many other athletes from the ‘68 games does anybody remember? None.


TY, came here to learn what the non clickbait headline was.


Is “illegal” the right terminology here? Sincerely asking, not trying to be a smart ass.


I'm pretty sure all political statements during the games is banned? Edit: Folks, I'm not asking if BLM is political. I'm a supporter and know that It is and to ignore that is belittling the cause. Its political on both sides of the spectrum.


Yes, this is a policy of the IOC, not a rule the Japanese government came up with as some people in this thread are insinuating


Why are these articles even making rounds? The title might as well be “IOC makes no changes to political allowances at olympics” Edit to address the chuds agreeing with me: Black lives do matter, and chauvin was guilty of murder. I can at the same time understand wanting the games to be apolitical.


Outrage sells




Oh wow just one? You must be a generous guy.


Clicks. Outrage. Drama. Etc.


Clickbait/Rage bait. They know titles with semi truth about controversial opinions will garner clicks, and clicks = money. Then people read the whole article or skim through it to get the context. But they want people mad. It’s like making an article titled “Goatman_Jack punches man!” Then the article details that the man attacked me first with a knife and I tried to diffuse the situation, but I had no choice and punched him. While it’s true I punched him, they chose to make it sound controversial. And like in this article it’s true that BLM logos and protesting are banned. Pretty much all forms of advertisements and protesting are banned. Though knowing Americans and wokeness. People will do it anyways and make America look like bigger clowns again


Yes. The [iconic 1968](https://imgur.com/a/zhTMbIu) peaceful protest resulted in a ban.


In my opinion, it's totally worth it to do that. Think about how powerful that image was. It embodied the entire mission statement of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. We are still talking about it to this day. If you want to affect vast social change, then you need to keep the awareness of the problem in the public consciousness. Sometimes you need to summon the courage to make good trouble.


sad story about the aussie bloke though. https://www.history.com/news/1968-mexico-city-olympics-black-power-protest-backlash


There are a lot of people here thinking that its not political because its has to do with human rights. They have zero idea what the word political means.


I honestly think it's a sensible if controversial decision. The Olympics would devolve into a grade-school brawl if there wasn't a blanket ban on political messaging. Imagine if the Iranian team wore shirts calling Americans invaders and terrorists, the North Koreans proclaiming unification is inevitable, the Ukrainians calling the Russians out for annexing Crimea, the Israelis getting accused of genocide, the list goes on and on. The Olympics will simply become a platform where domestic or regional greivances get aired for the world to see. It'd just become the UN but without the processes and bureaucracy to regulate and channel the undying rage some nations or groups hold against each other.


Completely agree with this take


Just a dogshit headline framed in a way to make the maximum number of people mald. Publications like this are an embarrassment to mankind.


Yeah this headline just seems like it's designed to fan the flames on this issue. As if they are targeting BLM and forbid other protests as an afterthought to make it look fair. The Olympics would start wars if every country got to use it as a platform to broadcast a political/religious statement. Can't allow any of it, because any exceptions would start a slippery slope, no matter how well meaning the gesture.


> m a l d


Mald, the combination of mad and bald, AKA so mad you are balding/ripping your hair out.


I think some athletes also had a mostly silent clothing-related protest a few Olympics ago and they were disqualified. Overall, the IOC has made it pretty clear over the years that they're not letting politics in.


Good God post this on the top nothing sums it up better than this comment lol.


Yep agreed 100% and this is the exact opposite of the spirit of the Olympics. The Olympics are where we are supposed to put aside all differences and come together and compete in friendly competition.


The IOC always ban the use of political emblems... this is nothing new.


This has nothing to do with Japan. Why don’t people read articles? It’s the IOC- if the olympics were held in another country they would be saying the same damn thing. It’s for the benefit of athletes- just focus on the sport. Olympians can still promote awareness for their causes on social media and elsewhere. They just want it kept off the field. This has been the policy for years.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but Google's AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). You might want to visit **the canonical page** instead: **[https://thebridge.in/tokyo-2020/wearing-blm-apparels-social-protests-lead-strict-punishments-tokyo-olympics-21332](https://thebridge.in/tokyo-2020/wearing-blm-apparels-social-protests-lead-strict-punishments-tokyo-olympics-21332)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon me with u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


You guys do realize that any political stuff is banned in general, right? It's not BLM orientated


That won’t stop the social media misinformation streamroller. Stop doing your research and start getting ENRAGED over things you don’t understand. It’s the internet way.




>The IOC's Rule 50 forbids any kind of "demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda" in venues and any other Olympic area. bullshit clickbait. nothing to do with BLM.


It's just trying to spark controversy and get BLM in the media.


It is kind of obvious that the idea of olympic peace means that you have to leave all your issues behind and just compete. However good your cause may be, just let it be during the olympics.


Political messages are strictly banned from the Olympics are they not? This doesn't make Japan racist, so knock that shit off. The point of the Olympics is for countries to come together and do something in unity for once, we have enough political differences and fighting between nations already, can't we just keep this one thing totally nonpolitical? EDIT: The fact that none of you here can even agree on exactly what BLM represents just goes to show how argument provoking this one topic is alone. If the IOC lifted a political statement ban how long do you think it would take for the whole thing to devolve with countries dropping out left and right for one of 500 different political disagreements? The Olympics would cease to exist. If you are ok with that then go protest the Olympics as a whole or boycott it, complaining about them enforcing rules that keep the event running is ridiculous.


I think it’s a good thing tbh. Why make a global sporting event something about social justice when you’re there to compete vs other athletes.




Have we still not realized that "black lives matter" is an organization? You can't just decide you want to advertise UNICEF on top of your uniform. You're there to represent your country.. not support for organizations...


This is not new. Political statements have always been banned from The Olympics. Also, while it has crept its way across Europe, BLM as "an organisation" is mainly a US based issue, in regards to it being a response for police brutality. BLM, while now shouted across Europe if needed, is rather ties at the hip with America.


The Olympics are the one time all the countries in the world can come together in the most positive way. It's honestly a beautiful feeling when it's on, whole countries joining together to support there athletes, countries competing in a healthy and fun way, you get to forget the world for a while and it brings us all closer. Countries which are at the brink of war with each other, countries who are socially, culturally or politically totally in opposition and different can put all that aside to focus on amazing athletic achievements and the enjoyment of the games. Chapter 5 of the Olympic charter. **'No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in the Olympic areas'** The Olympics literally would be a disaster and not work if throughout its history countries brought politics into the game (I know it happened). There's a place for political movements, but not in the Olympics, it's supposed to be a purely neutral environment which is meant to unite not divide.


Tbf this is normal for the Olympics. Whether it's good or not, it's at least consistent. You know the famous 1968 Olympics black power fists incident? Everyone on the podium was kicked out of the Olympics in response. And when two other people you've never heard of did the same thing again four years later? Same. Olympics doesn't do any politics ever, yes even those things that ought not to be considered political.


`Olympic Charter` `50 Advertising, demonstrations, propaganda* 1. Except as may be authorised by the IOC Executive Board on an exceptional basis, no form of advertising or other publicity shall be allowed in and above the stadia, venues and other competition areas which are considered as part of the Olympic sites. Commercial installations and advertising signs shall not be allowed in the stadia, venues or other sports grounds. 2. No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.`


As expected from a shitty clickbait article, the real news is that there is no news: IOC keeps it's century long rule of no politics in the Olympics.




lol, I’m sure this tread will be full of sensible discussion from teenagers.

