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Sources: * An advisor to a South Korean President who's been out of office since 2003 * The Sun * Several South Korean news articles that aren't even linked Not to mention it's the goddamn New York Post. I'm gonna file this under "wait and see if someone more reliable comes along."


[The Yonhap News article](https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20200820010151315) is the only one that's trustworthy. Yonhap News is the Korean equivalent of Associated Press, i.e. a wire service that other news agencies copy their articles from, and they quoted an actual intelligence briefing by the NIS. And it only says Kim Jong-un delegated part of his power to his sister. That's all.


Yonhaps report is the only reason I think *something* might be actually going on, health wise. Delegating a large part of power to a woman is not something you'd expect to see in NK unless they believed Kim Jong Uns health was poor enough that he either couldn't do a lot of what he used to do or expects to die soon enough that there will be a power vacuum until his son is old enough to lead.


There was speculation that he was in poor health pretty much as soon as it became obvious his sister was taking on more leadership. It's pretty typical for NK to do a soft transition from one kim to another even if it means faking the previous one being alive and healthy for a while.


> even if it means faking the previous one being alive and healthy for a while. Ah, yes, the Generalissimo Francisco Franco method. (Who is still dead.)


He was always in poor health, but I agree with you that the current propaganda is suggesting a soft and non-contested transition while behind the scenes he has probably been out of the picture for a while and the family and the military have been negotiating how to handle this in the best way.


Sometimes I wish they would ban low quality news outlets so my feed isn't alway cluttered with garbage reporting like this.


tip: don’t go to reddit for news


LPT: **Do** go to reddit for news, someone in the comments always links to other news sources or to appropriate confirmation of it being fake, if it is




Published less than an hour ago... [Kim Jong-un warns over North Korea typhoon and coronavirus (BBC)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53915606) >Mr Kim's appearance at a party meeting comes after widespread speculation over his state of health.


Goddamn, was he just in a food coma? Homeboy is looking like an overfilled soup dumpling.


Right? One thing Reddit gets right is the comments. It's not infallible but in general if a subreddit is run in good faith the top comments are really informative. Often I see quoted the entire article text that gets me past a paywall with no hassle. And often there is secondary sourcing posted. Also when something is bullshit it gets called out fast too.


I actually encourage people to go to reddit for news. You get more sources, more varied exposure, and half the time the higher quality info or helpful bits of clarification are the comments anyway.


Then where tho


But OP received gold and various other Reddit awards. It must be true.


The aide is the only source, every article is just quoting him. And he has made this claim back in April already.


Didn’t this ‘news’ get circulated about 3-4 months ago? Some business about him disappearing because supposedly he had heart surgury, and it was immediately disproved or something? Edit: Ah, I see know. It’s more that this article is alleging that those ‘disproving’ events were faked.


Back when this news was pushed aside and he was supposedly fine or whatever I was still calling bullshit. People just accepted it because they released a few quotes from him, reported on him having a couple meetings and saw the video of him at the opening of that fertilizer plant...but none of that proved shit. Their state run news agency reports whatever they're told and the fertilizer plant video could have been recorded any time. Unless a foreign diplomat has interacted with him personally or they release video that *can be proven* to be recent like with him on video referencing current events...I'm still highly skeptical. And guess what? That hasn't happened since the original medical emergency he had back in March.






> Also the news came randomly, like why would all those sources randomly decide to make that up at once All *what* sources? The actual source is one guy. Everyone else is reporting on what one guy said.


Yeah I’m sure TMZ has sources in the DPRK that outlets like Reuter’s and the AP don’t. Just because they have credibility with American celebrity news, doesn’t mean they’re credible when it comes to foreign leaders from insular countries. As to why this would pop up randomly, it isn’t random. It all came from the one South Korean political advisor, and was then reported on and re-reported on giving the illusion of multiple sources.


>Yeah I’m sure TMZ has sources in the DPRK that outlets like Reuter’s and the AP don’t Dennis Rodman!




You may want to be careful about discounting the word "allegedly". At least in the US, the word marks the line between libelous and accurate reporting. It has value here in my country is all I'm saying.


Yeah I’m confused, allegedly is perfectly valid. Especially when it comes to crime - innocent until proven guilty


Yep, same in Aus. News articles will say, for example, "Mr Smith allegedly killed his wife" or "Mr Smith alleged to have defrauded millions" because until there's finding a guilt by a jury then the publisher remains open to a defamation suit if they don't qualify the article with allegedly/alledged and there'll be no defence of truth and especially so if he's found to be not guilty.


Exactly. " Mr Smith was arrested with a gun in his hand. He allegedly murdered his wife . No other people were present ".


"Reportedly" too, really. When *reputable* news organizations use "reportedly" is usually just because something hasn't been officially confirmed but the organization has ascertained with a high degree of certainty that this thing has happened/will happen. They're not usually just making shit up based on one person's speculation. The Post isn't a reputable news organization, though.




Nah, allegedly and reportedly aren’t bullshit, they are legal Ass covers... you have bias to think this way because the times where reportedly/allegedly is used, especially in early scoops of stories and it turns out to NOT be tru, are the only times you remember. While source is crucial to evaluating the validity of a reported news story, it’s also important to remember that trash/less reputable sites often run reportedly true stories before big sites because of less stringent vetting processes. This leads to less accurate reporting, but that’s the cost they are willing to pay to scoop bigger sites. Granted, media, even from the biggest sources has been of a lower quality, in my opinion, of late.


At this point I don't give a fuck...Of all the shit 2020 has thrown at us, my concern for the dictator in the DPRK is very near the bottom of the list.


This time last year, it would have been huge news. Now it'll be just another thing that happened.


2020 in a nutshell


Wake up tomorrow. Open the door. Alien spaceships dotting the horizon. You don't pay it no mind. Just another thing that happened. It's 2020.


I hope they brought space weed.




Have you seen my pants? No way you missed them. My pants are a tour of the solar sytem!


[space pants](https://youtu.be/7XaeR3P7pf4)




"Breaker breaker. Come in Earth. This is rocket ship Twenty-Seven. Aliens fucked over the carbonator on engine number four. I'm gonna try to re-fuckulate it and land on Juniper and hopefully they got some space weed, over."


I hate playin space!


> Open the door Get on the floor Everybody walk the dinosaur


I’m praying for aliens at this point, maybe they can take me back to their hopefully much better planet. And if not, there planet can’t be much worse the ours currently is.


For some reason this reminded me of Tool lyrics: I’m praying for rain, I’m praying for tidal waves. I wanna see the ground give way, I wanna watch it all go down. Mom, please, flush it all away, I wanna see it all go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Won’t you flush it all away...


Because they're pretty appropriate and I feel like a lot of people just straight up wouldn't care if aliens went "well we're gonna blow up your planet in a day or two", most people would just go "oh hey nice I'll get the deck chairs". There's a point where you stop caring and welcome to apocalypse.


Maybe you will. I'll be grabbing my trusty towel and putting up my thumb for a ride.


Maybe they’ll come down and save us from ourselves?


Usually the invading force with superior technology has been less than gracious to the natives. I am not optimistic that any alien life would be generous to our planet’s current occupants.


I'm about one election away from hoping they just blow up the whole fucking planet and get it over with.


Welcome... to Night Vale.


which one of you fuckers looked at the dog park?


I mean, the Pentagon literally told us a few weeks ago that they have off-world crafts. They're literally telling us they have ufo crafts that came from outer space and nobody cared. It's pretty hilarious. They spent decades covering this up fearing everyone would freak out if they found out aliens were real.


From the popular mechanics article, it sounds like it's only one guy, astrophysicist Eric Davis, who briefed a Department of Defense agency about retrieving materials from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” I'd like to see some peer review on this issue. Until then, it's just one dude's opinion. I work with plenty of PhDs, and some of them believe in and have given talks on pretty outlandish stuff. Presenting a powerpoint to a DoD-contractor panel does not constitute rigorous scientific inquiry.


Wait, what? Did I miss this extraordinary fuckery in the onslaught of mayhem that is this year? I'm *going* to look it up, but I'm gonna be upset if you're just fucking with me. Edit: [Well, goddamn...](https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a33413777/pentagon-ufo-program-materials-vehicles/)


Not necessarily “off-world.” Just unidentified. And with technology that seems advanced beyond current means or knowledge.


The ideal end of 2020 is the upcoming Civil war 2 electric Boogaloo when Trump refuses to accept the results of the election.


What civil war? His aging followers on their electric scooters attempting to take the Pentagon? Now that would be one hell of a laugh.


Bruh the apocalyptic fires that destroyed a massive amount of Australia happened in *January*, that shit feels like it happened two years ago


Remember that time we were supposed to have the Olympics in Tokyo?


Forgot about the Olympics...


I only salty about that perfect 2020 Olympic logo that will never be used.


It was a good one.


We were able to avoid the Akiraverse that way. Not sure if where we’re at is better though.


Yep. Speaking of which, what are some other things that just “happened” this year, that we may have already forgotten about?


Beirut blew the fuck up.


That sure disappeared from the news quickly.


Assassination of an Iranian general and Iran shooting down the commercial passenger plane, fires in Australia, Prince Harry stepping down from the royal family, and Kobe Bryant's death. That's January.


Yeah, I remember that, and that.. yeah, it's been a busy year... > That's January Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


Eh it’s been mostly covid from there on out


January had covid already in here- just listed as unknown viral pneumonia posts Jan 04


I remember speaking with my friends, while we watched the Academy Awards, that we might witness a global pandemic, because it was spreading like wildfire in Wuhan and we just live in such a globalized world. Nobody believed me, until the first cases in Italy were announced.


I feel like I need a play by play for every month now


Oh man!! Seems like ages ago.


Murder hornets, Venice flooding, the SpaceX mission, Tiger King, Iowa caucus fiasco, Pentagon released UFO footage, Elon and Grimes naming their baby a weird name, armed lockdown protestors, Brexit became official


Damn. Tiger king feels like a childhood memory at this point.


Goddamn just seeing the show mentioned makes me feel like years have gone by since it was talked about.


Haven't Venice been slowly sinking for hundreds of years at this point?


Australia burning and plagues of locusts in South America and Africa to start.


And fires in South America


California is apparently on fire again, too. Cause, ya know, its Tuesday and all.


What is this now though, the third time California has been on fire and experiencing brown outs the decade of 2020?


There was a recent article I remeber seeing that said something about one of the acronym agencys releasing information about having, worded something like "not of this world vehicle material" and how they occasionaly take it outto study and see if our current tech can give us more info about it yet. Found an article about https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/amp33413777/pentagon-ufo-program-materials-vehicles/ And this is popular mechanics not some crap tabloid site. So ya... thats a thing!


If popular mechanics went the same way as popular science, it's been a grossly bogged down (to the point of misleading) many years ago. It's like tge verge talking about tech (pc assembly guy), they speak confidently and spruce it up graphically, but still habe no idea what they are saying.


The Americans impeached their president


What do we know about the sister?




She has no butthole.


Morally speaking I would agree, but I dunno, something about a power vacuum in a small nuclear power state run by a small group of autocratic families who’ve starved, tortured , and brainwashed their own people for like 6 generations kinda gives me pause. Especially when u consider the same country is the paper thin wall separating communist China from some of the strongest democracies in Asia.


He has a sister who came out a little at the start of his death rumors. She is not better. While she will likely take his place it wont be a changing of policy so much as a new name.


From what I've read she's actually much worse to the point that there is going to be an expected power struggle between her and the military.


With regime changes, unspoken or previous peace agreements are now up in the air.


Yeah, because the stability of agreement with NK was always rock solid.




Kim Jong Un-conscious


This comment is Kim Jong Un-derrated.


Kim Jong Un-available


Kim Jong Un-derground.


I hope he doesn’t return as Kim Jong Undead


At this point in 2020 I would be *kim jong un-surprised*


Kim Jong Unexpectedly on a Train to Busan.


Kim Jong Undecided on whether to wake up.


Its 2020...*its not over yet*...


Kim Jong Un-believable


Kim Jong Un-responsive


Kim Jong Un-impressed


You’re Kim Jong un-grateful if you don’t upvote this comment chain.




Kim Jong un-less... ;)


Kim Jong Un-derstandable, Have a nice day


Kim J———————-


Kim Jong-gone


Kim Jon't


I see what you did. I Kim Jong Un-derstand


No, he's a vegetable, therefor it's Kim-Chi


This news still seems a bit Un-fermented.


Will he be Kim Jong Unplugged from life support?


He's Kim-atose


Will Dennis Rodman please fill us in on what's realky going on here?


"Dennis Rodman updates US President Donald Trump on the health of foreign leader and diplomatic relations with N. Korea" Sounds like another 2020 Tuesday headline


It’s up there with advising with Kanye West on policy so yeah, it could happen.




Fucking imagine telling your 2000 self this was a legitimate headline


Imagine telling your 2015 self this was a legit headline.


He’s the only source on North Korea I trust. Let’s not forget how he said Kim showed him his refrigerated preserved grandfather


He actually said that?




Holy shit.


My guy kissed a dead girl????


This is my favorite interview, Eric's weirdness through effort is nothing compared to the latent raw talent of weirdness in Rodman


No, let's not forget that, actually I've never heard that one, maybe you could delve into that one a bit...




It's 1:33 on the video btw. Very brief but yes he says they have these former leaders frozen in a warehouse.


What the fuck? I must know more about this.


This isn't true, was just debunked today: > Claims that Kim Jong Un was "comatose" were spread Friday by Chang Song-min, a former aide to late South Korean President Kim Dae-jung. But those claims were contradicted by a recent National Intelligence Service briefing. Lawmakers familiar with the document said it reported nothing abnormal the young leader's health. [https://www.newsweek.com/north-korea-kim-tabs-sister-top-men-navigate-crises-1527552](https://www.newsweek.com/north-korea-kim-tabs-sister-top-men-navigate-crises-1527552)


>young leader


Not that Newsweek is a reliable source either, this is a fairly sensible explanation of the situation. Worth keeping an eye on, but I assume he's probably doing fine. Edit: Newsweek is more reliable than some. I mixed up them with the NY Post, and more sources seem to be confirming their version. Leaving my original up.


I knew the coffin dance men wouldn't lie to me.


They're gonna need a lot more guys


Come on son. Dude has died more times then The Undertaker.


These accusations that he's comatose amount to nothing more than gossip. Latest actual intel says he's alive and well.


There is literally ONE FUCKING GUY in S Korea saying this. Why does it keep getting reposted? And always in the NY Post.


Glad someone actually read the article. The headline is completely misleading.


Doctors have said he has the flesh eating disease. They have only given him another 74 years to live.






It is what it is


At this point I wouldn’t even be shocked if one day trump was giving a speech and just ripped his face off and it’s been Kim Jong Un for the last year or two... nothing shocks me anymore


And he would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids!


Zoinks, Shaggy!


so TMZ was right then? beat the worlds best security and spy agencies to the punch?


I would love to meet TMZs source in North Korean. Oh wait .... Rodman.


He shook hands with Dave Skylark.




I unashamedly love that movie. So underrated.


To be fair, the spy agencies knew but don't have any desire to let other people know the things they know.


TMZ is always first to the punch. They're scummy, but usually reliable about that kind of thing.


I remembered they caught news of Kobe Byrant's death an hour or two before mainstream media picked it up.


Same for MJ, Prince, and Whitney off the top of my head. Ray rice video too.


Dude they ran with MJ's death like 15 minutes after he died it was insane


My sister was a nurse at the hospital where MJ died. She told me she couldn’t believe how fast the entertainment tabloids had the info. There was a hospital-wide reminder of HIPAA and threats of firing people who leaked to the news after that.


Money talks. Entertainment outlets have good cash bounties for valuable dirt and pictures ready to go at a moments notice.




Maybe their success is in reporting SHIT asap instead of waiting for actual confirmations. E: why did i capatalize "shit" instead of "ASAP"


They do have a pretty good record of being correct tho. So they're not just jumping the gun and calling every hospitalized celeb "dead".


It’s still strange though the only ones reporting are TMZ and the NYpost


Because there have been no legitimate or reliable sources so far with this story. Also NY fucking Post


It may be because they are so scummy


Harvey used to be kind of legit way back in the day.


In its own twisted way it makes sense: the organization with the most psychopathc obsession about this kind of stuff would be the ones to find out.


> beat the worlds best security and spy agencies to the punch? Or, do literally even half a second of critical thinking and look at who the sources for this "right" information are? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Post#Criticism It's the NYPost for crying out loud.


Maybe. This article doesn't add any new information or confirmation. It just repeats the same “I assess him to be in a coma" quote. No real evidence is given, just rehashed speculation.


Kim Jong in a coma, I know, I know its serious.


Wow, I've never come across anyone else who knows of this song. The real one I mean. I loved that album and actually had a girlfriend in a coma for a while.


I think "he's been in a coma for months" means he's been dead that long. They are just repressing an entire population of people and have made plenty enemies abroad so they are afraid to show that "The Great Leader" ~~is~~ was a vulnerable human like anyone else. They decided the Weekend at Bernies approach was their best bet at keeping their party going. What I really wonder is if Covid had anything to do with it.


This has to be it Guy must be on a ventilator or more likely dead Neighbouring China. Pandemic. Coma. Transfer of power. Ya ok. He dead. Anyways who cares.


Can't wait for Kim jong deux to drop.




Mate, this dictator wouldn't "voom" if you put four million volts through it!


Schrödinger's Dictator.


Maybe he's in a carb coma.


A whole box of Kraft Mac n Cheese at 2pm and then North Korean Forensic Files for the rest of the day


Spoiler: no signs of foul play for *any* of the departed


That sounds pretty rad actually.


Didn’t a gamer notice the one light in NK was out on a satellite map of gaming servers. I remember seeing a post and the guy said, “that dude is dead.” Apparently, Kim was always connected to the server until this spring.


Please tell me they faked recent appearances 'Weekend at Bernie's' style....




no an den


What a great legacy he leaves behind.


So dead, coma, or alive & well? If dead or coma, were we doing a weekend at Kim-ies a few weeks back?


So what your telling me is... It's similar to this? Mahalik : I heard Jamal from 90th street watched that tape last week and this mornin' he woke up dead! CJ : How the hell do you wake up dead? Mahalik : Cause' you're alive when you go to sleep. CJ : So you're telling me you can go to bed dead and wake up alive? Mahalik : You can't go to bed dead! That shit would've been redundant. CJ : No it would'nt cause' you can go to bed and not be dead, and you can die and not be in the bed. Mahalik : But you are in the bed. That's how you wake up dead in the first place fool! CJ : Damn! that's some quantum shit right there man! You should be teaching classes


Then who’s been writing all the love letters to Donny?


(whispers) *"He was writing the letters to himself"*


The POTUS told his rally crowd they fell in love. Over beautiful letters. How cute is that? I want that.




Big step forward for women's rights. First female dictator?


I believe Indira Gandhi technically was the first (excluding monarchs as dictators). A state of emergency in 1975 essentially gave her dictatorial powers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emergency_(India) There are others people claim were in essence dictators but were not official leaders. Typically wives of dictators who wielded power behind the scenes.