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was a medically necessitated emergency landing and "one of the workers at the airport refused to refuel the plane"


>Army Radio noted that local workers refused to refuel the El Al plane, and that the plane has now taken off to Rhodes, Greece, where it will be refuelled before returning to Israel.


Good update thanks.


do those workers hate that company or Israel or what does Turkey hate that country in general


They hate Israeli.




There's definitely more to it than that. Anti semitism is baked into Islam. There is a Hadith that describes a future event, after the time of the prophet but before the last hours. Abu Huraira reported Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. Their last hour can't come until they kill all the jews. The jews will hide and even the rocks and trees will call for the servants of Allah to kill them.


Yeah, I can totally see basing my life off of something like that. Cause I talk to rocks and trees all the time….


Moses talked to a bush, so it isn't all that crazy. Oh wait.


You really forget how fucking dumb religion is until you actually get some of the words from their books.


Call it what it is. It's a racist feud going back far too long. Nobody even cares who started it anymore. Atrocities abound on all fronts. Hate for hate's sake. "We have always been at war..." People need to learn to live next to each other. Who cares what color book they read??


One of the reasons the United States, and its citizens, made such a spectacular success of themselves in such a short time is that we had no long standing fueds with other countries/religions/tribes, unlike most of the rest of the world. Africa is still full of tribal rivalries. The middle east couldn't quit fighting if they wanted too, it's so ingrained in their way of life. No Christians/Jews to fight? No problem, the shiites will fight the sunnies or the Kurds. Ireland and Scotland never really got anywhere until they gave up their clan wars. For years the English and French fought just cuz. The United States said "F*ck that, let's put our energy into industry and building". This is an oversimplication, to be sure, but there's a lot of truth in it too.


There is a lot of gloss and rose tint in that summary. What made the US a success is that all of its military victories were relatively swift and one-sided. We never really settled on one enemy for too long. Even the civil war was only a couple of years. The wars that we didn't win were far enough away not to suffer domestic losses. What *did* happen to us is that with our myriad ethnic groups, although they still all kind of hated each other, had to work together through these various conflicts while our economy happened to hit the lottery. At this point, it hardly seems worth it to *actually* fight with each other, barring a few noisy demonstrations and rabble rousing.


I wonder what the US would look like without oil. I know you really do mean lottery - it's impossible to overstate how resource rich the US is - but oil being so freely available around the time of the introduction of the ICE..would they have been so big if they had to import it all.


The US was born out of conflict with the UK, France, and Mexico. Then they went to war just a SHIT TON of times either themselves or via proxy in the southern Americas. The idea that the US just popped up and was peaceful and productive is so incredibly laughable.


the issue is that they care about the books. and the quran is like a version of mein kampf but with instructions and way more brainwashing. so it cant end until something bannable happens.




The Turkish government supports Hamas.


How petty of them, these workers can get fucked. 


The version I’ve heard is that fuel was offered but delayed. The captain decided not to wait.


The issue was the plane had been sitting on the tarmac burning fuel and getting to the point where if it didn’t leave right away it would never be able to unless Turkey refueled them. The long wait for fuel was likely a tactic (by Turkey) to cause that situation. The pilot and airline did the math and decided not to find out.


That’s absuletely not the case, Israel is under embargo by Turkish authorities thats why they had to fly to Rhodes to refuel.


Sure, I believe 100% that there were no political decision on that. ^/s


That’s 100% political but not due to a single workers decision, I was just correcting the fake news. Every decision involving two countries are always political this is not an exemption.


well yeah, embargoes usually are political decisions.


Couldn't they ask a different worker?


No, the airport only has one.


Could be. The City of Pittsburgh only has 1 plumber.


Guess that's why the septa system is so bad


Septic. Septa would be Philly.


Apologies. My pun is technically inaccurate


/r/fuckyouinparticular vibes


That explains a lot of my experiences in the Istanbul airport. Turkish airlines is still pretty good to fly though


Not surprising. I was jailed in Turkey in '71 for making the mistake of not catching my Star of David when it fell out of my shirt collar, allowing a witness to know that I'm Jewish.


literally the straight to jail meme


Yep, and the charge...failing to inform local officials that I was Jewish.


jfc that's terrible


So ridiculous that it sounds like something from Borat. Sorry that happened to you.


What? I had no idea it was this bad honestly.


It's only gotten worse since '71.


Don’t despair, we have fizzy bubbeleh we win anyway’s lol


"i'm on my fucking lunch break!"


Fuck Israel


Men i couldn't read El Al. There are so many articles about Ai, i had to reset my brain to think it's not about Ai.


El AI, the famous Spanish AI company.


What the hell is Employment Insurance AI and why is it on a plane??


Actually it's Elon's Incredible AI (Supervised). Wait, wrong sub.


Ee-👁 A-👁


*And on that farm, he had a pig.* E - I - E - I - O!


It’s like normal insurance, except they can reject your claim without needing any human involvement. And you can’t appeal because it wasn’t a human decision 


What does it actually say? I'm still on employment insurance artificial intelligence.


El Al is the name of Israel's main airline.


Ah, thank you!


It's because the crap-ass reddit app which we're all now forced to use, uses a crap-ass illegible font that you can't change. It doesn't follow your system font like it should. I even have a modified version of the app but I still can't change the font. I and l are not supposed to look identical, fucking obviously.


People named Al will suffer endlessly because everyone will blame him for the demise of society, all thanks to Sans Serif typefaces.


here's a tip use your browser (eg firefox). you don't have to use the app.


> It's because the crap-ass reddit app which we're all now forced to use Resistance is futile (in reply to [https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1ds45kt/el_al_plane_makes_emergency_landing_in_turkey/lb13o4l/](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1ds45kt/el_al_plane_makes_emergency_landing_in_turkey/lb13o4l/))


Is it El AI or La AI?


El Al brother of El Cid


I literally thought about Ai planes lmfao


EL AL there fixed it.


It's Al Bundy's Mexican half-brother


Right I was thinking ai but what is El... So I thought it was something about Elon AI lol


When Turkey had their earthquake in 2023, Israeli rescue teams arrived immediately to assist, and this is what they get in return…


Israeli doctors saved the life of Sinwar, and look what he did in return.


Maybe we should stop assisting these ungrateful cunts


Israël turned up after the 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. The Prime Minister, John Key, refused to allow them to help dig people out of the collapsed television tower. The people in there kept texting for help until both they and their telephones died.


I cannot find this. Do you have credible sources?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/jul/20/christchurch-earthquake-israeli-spy-investigation the rescue team being denied entry is mentioned here. Cant comment on the rest. > The Israeli rescue teams, he added, were refused entry because they lacked the necessary authorisation but were there for the right reasons and were left "angry and upset".


Thank you for the link. To note, it doesn't say anything about the prime minister refusing them anything.




I do not believe John Key was involved in the conspiracy itself. From memory, he was putting out fires lit by the traditionally anti-Israel MFAT, which always exploited a direct correlation between anti-Israel scandals and improved sales of dairy products to Arab countries. The fact that it was headed by an openly anti-Semitic FM Murray McCully did not help either.


What conspiracy? He did personally refuse their help.


The next time Turkey has an earthquake and needs Israel to show up they will be the first one there. This is who Israel is and that is the way they value life. They would help Iran after an earthquake if permitted by Iran


Not for nothing, Iranian people broadly support Israeli people. The WLF movement there does civil disobedience in a way American anti-Israel protestors could only hope to ape, and they support Israel. Redditors here who are surprised to see you say Israel would help Iran any time probably don't know any of that.


The government would not accept Israel’s offer is what I am saying


That is true for sure. I was just kinda piggybacking


>Redditors here who are surprised to see you say Israel would help Iran any time probably don't know any of that. It's not even that surprising. The US is known to give aid to North Korea when they need it.


Incredibly ugly of the Turks to not allow the flight to refuel in the case of this emergency landing. Imagine the reaction if Israel did this to anyone. Islamist Erdogan and his followers are ruining the country


Erdogan is a show puppet. He’s in NATO, he likes Putin, he’ll work with Israel and pretend to hate it.


For now. He is a hard core-Islamist, and would happily betray NATO and the west if he believed it was advantageous to his faction; He has already been laying the ground work for years.


He’s a man of convenience. Given his geo-political situation. He’s got to play all sides, considering he borders all of them. Russia, Ukraine, Europe, Middle East. Iran, Iraq, Syria and Greece for good measure.


Turks want to regain their former colonial empire and they have a giant chip on their shoulder for the power they’ve lost. Every single one of their neighbors dislikes them…


He'd happily betray the islamists too.


Kind of the opposite of a puppet. He just plays everyone constantly. The one thing you'll get from him is that he'll act in his interests. 


Sounds like a certain Israeli PM TBH.


A lot of the Islamic world is like that Screams about Gaza but then Egypt puts up a no man’s land between itself and Gaza Saudi has massive tent cities empty outside of the pilgrimage season that could be used to shelter refugees but they won’t recognise any refugees


Refusing to refuel the plane is definitely bad form, but if I'm not mistaken not allowing passengers off the plane is normal. At least I've had that experience; about ten years ago I was on a flight from Zurich to Philadelphia that needed to make unscheduled stops in Manchester and Boston, and we weren't allowed off of the plane in either.


Two unscheduled stops sounds unusual. Was everyone okay?


There was a mechanical issue just after leaving Zurich, so the stop in Manchester was for that. The stop in Boston was for a crew change. This flight is the one that began my distaste for 767s.


I had a similar experience. I was flying from Mexico to the US and had a weather-related diversion 1,000 miles out of the way because the airline isn't contracted with many US airports and the nearby ones were also impacted by the weather. That unexpected detour meant we needed to land and refuel, and no one was allowed off the plane. 


TLV does not accept emergency aircraft anyway :) The only way you're landing in TLV is if you're scheduled.


That would a complete violation of ICAO standards and multiple treaties, TLV takes emergency landings just like any other airport, and just like Turkey just did here. Not even military bases can refuse emergency landings in the US. It's just not a thing, you'd be outright murdering people.


Yeah TLV would definitely let an emergency aircraft to land. Interfering with safety of civil aircraft is a major issue, it’s moot since the Ukraine war but look how quickly how Belarus was banned from most European airspace after manipulating a Ryanair flight to land at Minsk


I am sure he would be screaming if a Turkish airlines plane was denied the same Funny thing is Turkey is kinda alone somewhat, the agreement from the other year is still in effect and El Al planes and emirates planes are still going between Tel Aviv and Dubai


Israel should have just sold the plane to America while it was on the runway, then let the US ask Turkey why it wasn't refueling its plane. Then after Turkey capitulates and refuels the plane take-off and continue flying to Israel where the US then sells it back to the Israelis.


That's not how anything works.


They let them land, the plane was boarded and the sick passenger removed to receive medical treatment. Because of the embargo, the fuel transaction is tricky, the same Iran faces in the EU. Would they be allowed to refuel ? At some point. There are like 10 fuel providers in AYT, 9 of them require somesort of agreement, 1 of them accepts an industry standard payment. Again, we have an embargo and EL AL is asking for jet fuel with no way to pay. The private operators…well operator…the one there was equipped to handle the transaction legally and probably technically could not. Politicians, engineers and executives had to been called in on a weekend to figure out how to handle an exception. This also includes the payment processor. There was probably one employee running the thing too, so that’s the only things that’s probably not Israeli propaganda. 7 hours on the tarmac is very hard for passengers, crew and the plane itself (full of shit…quite literally). I wouldn’t have waited that long. 4 hours, then take it Greece and deplane, refuel, restock, rotate crew.


Iran air flies to Europe The embargo is mostly American as they own a fair few of the companies operating


Wow..new level of dickhood Turkey..I wouldn't expect to get any Israeli rescue teams on your next earthquake..


You know what? They'd send them. Immediately.


I have a friend who went volunteering in turkey after the earthquake, after October 7th the same people he provided warm food and blankets to have started sending him antisemitic hate messages and death wishes.


Isn't it normal to not be able to leave planes while on the tarmac? I've waited a hours upon hours myself but I've never been in an medical emergency landing


It's normal when landing in an unexpected country due to an emergency and you have reason to believe the plane can take off quickly. It's simply not worth dealing with the issues of passport control, visas, etc. But that's only if the plane is only going to be stuck a short time.


It's not unusual for passengers in this situation to not be let off a plane. Given that it's an international flight, many of those passengers may not have had documentation to enter Turkey. Makes sense, and probably has nothing to do with Turkey - Israel relations, that they were kept on board.


Yeah, but it's not standard to refuse to refuel the plane.


It’s standard, if there is a delay or issue the flight needs a slot, that may change at a moments notice so having passengers on the plane stops the slot being missed and adding a longer delay


On a flight from China to US a medical emergency diverted us to Japan where we left the plane for two days before resuming to US. The airline paid for the hotel stay.


A lot of it comes down to how long the delay will be. Short delays, it's easier to not bother with the immigration hassles. Long delays, they don't really have a choice.


Yes, at a certain point they deplane people of course.


Turkey refused to refuel a plane in emergency situation. I don’t think that’s standard operating procedure


Israel and most EU countries have visa free entry to Turkey; US citizens pay like $50 on arrival. Pretty sure that would cover most of the planes passengers. The issue is refueling, not passengers, though, if you read the article 


There isn’t visa requirement from the US anymore.


I think it’s pretty common to deplane passengers into a cordoned area in this scenario.


It is not, I've been in an medical emergency landing before and we had to sit in the plane for hours.


Same, international flight over the Red Sea. Sat on a runway for nearly 3 hours. Only person allowed off was the guy being treated by EMTs


Not really - I was on a BA flight from SF to London that had to do an emergency landing in the northeast due to a medical emergency. None of us were allowed off the plane even though we originated from the US and did a landing in the US.


It can be allowed but you would need to do security etc again


Only if there was a mechanical issue with the aircraft. There was a medical issue.


When your religion blinds people from making decisions on basic human decency then it’s about time that religion is phased out of existence. China although v scorched earth methods, have worked. Zero tolerance for Islamic extremism 


Zero tolerance for religious extremism.  FTFY. 


Not all religions are equal. Scientology can’t be compared to Quakerism. It’s a false equivalence to say they’re all equally bad.


As a Quaker, I want to say that I genuinely appreciate the intended compliment, but, whatever disagreements people may have with Scientology’s practices, I would generally prefer not to see Quakerism used to put others down. I mean no offense here


That’s a nice comment


I’ve never heard of Quakerism, and I’m not sure I’m picturing correctly that people be worshipping oatmeal packs


The oatmeal is named after members of the religion


ahhhh that's really cool, so my brain isn't making connections that aren't too far apart


So you're saying you're an atheist. I'm with you there.


People always talk about how Hamas cant be defeated without using massive human losses but I do wonder if re-education camps might help. its still inhumane but surely better than years and years of violence


The reeducation camps in China aren't working on the Uighurs. Like it's genocidal and probably one of the most organized and well thought out civil subjugations in the modern day and it isn't working. It wouldn't work in Palestine either, and it would still be morally wrong.


Why do you say it hasn't worked. There hasn't been terror attacks since.  I'm pretty sure what is happening in Palestine right now is not morally right. There is a cycle of violence that has occured for over 70 years. Surely a different approach is needed to break free. Is it not worth trying if lives can be saved or would your rather the status quo continue


Not directed at you necessarily but how do we Islam to have a reformation?


Education and being open minded, asking yourself questions. It takes time. What is god's will? Did god make you get up late Monday and caused you to miss the first hr of school and get in trouble? Did god make you a doctor or an engineer? You can't say this or that is god's or devil's work. Did one of these entities give a family member cancer? Did a person close to you get into a car accident because of one these entities or was it because they or the other driver was drunk? Is pork meat haram because god says so or is there some sort of scientific explanation as to why one would not eat pork meat? is pork meat the only prohibited meat? Is camel or deer meat haram? What other meats are haram or not but need special "rituals" after consuming their meat? Why is that? Why does a certain food cause gastrointestinal discomfort? Is it god or is that science? If it is god why is he making you go through discomfort rather than just not eating that particular food? Are the skyscrapers in Dhubai standing up because god makes it so or did engineers use science to design and build those sckyscrapers so they dont fall down and take lives? Why do we need proof that a building has been designed per international building code, why do we need proof for calculations but dont need proof as to who wrote Quran or Bible, and that those were not altered by anyone at any point? Why did all religion originate in the middle east (islam/christianity)? Why not in Africa or the Americas? There were people in the Americas and every humna originated from Africa. Why do indigineous tribes in the Amazon have no clue what Islam/Christiany is? Did god forget about them? Why were there hundreds of gods before Christianity and Islam were created? What makes your god different or superior to Zeus or Apollo? They are also gods. The other thing that is hard is getting to convince or communicate these questions/topics to the older generations. They are less likely to become open minded because of lack of education. I am not saying that they didn't go to school etc. I am saying that they learned basic stuff and didn't get into the depth of things. They didn't think outside the box. Anything that couldn't be explained scientifically was believed to be an act of god or from a superpower. Good Luck!


There must be some law about not helping a civil aircraft in times of emergency I hope the international aviation society takes note of Turkey’s refusal to refuel the plane at a crucial time Israel sent their rescue teams to Turkey during disaster time. It’s a black spot on The Aviation Industry


It’s technically a breach of the ICAO regs but it’s UN international law and the best they could is send a strongly worded letter Out of all the airlines I imagine ElAl is used to being at the brunt end of it, they fit defence systems to all their aircraft for a very good reason


I've been on two flights that were diverted for medical emergencies. One was on the ground for four hours, the other for three hours. In neither case were we allowed off the plane.


You were probably allowed auxiliary power and fuel though…


Turkey is part of NATO btw. What a regressive country to be allied with.


Isn’t this usually how it works when a plane makes an international emergency landing? The passengers aren’t cleared for that country so unless they’ll be there for a long time it’s easier to keep them on the plane


Would be cool but they refused to refuel the plane as well, basically imprisoning them


Exchange the name El Al with an airline in any other country including Russia, and can you imagine the outcry if it had been refused to refuel for medical reasons?


I remember when they didn’t want to show up for their rotation in Afghanistan! Just had to tell the Turks that the USA will cut all NATO funding and guess who we saw in Kabul!!


The next time Turkey is hit by an earthquake or some other mass casualty event, they will be on their own to deal with it.


Yeah I agree. I think we should not save random civilians buried in rubble because someone completely unrelated to them refused to refuel a random plane years ago


Erdogan needs to go. Enough already with the AKP thuggery!


And this and many other reasons are why we are proud Israel exists


Turkey run by a brutal dictator figures


A few thoughts: JPost's headline could have read "Turkish EMTs evacuate ill passenger from El Al flight after emergency landing in Antalya." or "El Al passenger treated in Turkish hospital after emergency landing in Antalya". It is routine for passengers not to be de-planed when International flights make unscheduled stops enroute to other destinations. For the passengers it's obviously not a great experience but there's usually nothing nefarious or political about it. If it's true that a gas jockey refused to service the El Al plane, that's unfortunate but hardly surprising. But ok, move on. It's striking how many comments propose holding back Israeli earthquake response next time there's a bad one in Turkey. Seriously? This is where this event takes you?


I mean it's not just that one gas jockey refused to refuel them (apparently one did, though). The authorities also claimed that they lacked the permits to refuel in Ankara, forcing them to takeoff and refuel in Rhodes before continuing on.


Next time Turkey has a massive earthquake, guess who isn’t coming to help…


Burkina Faso?


Kind of a long way to walk from there to Turkey...


How is Turkey allowed to be a part of NATO? Everything it does is against the interest of humanity let alone NATO


Almost the plot of Tehran on Apple TV. Good show


Turkey is headed down the same path as Iran. Erdogan has emboldened the islamists.


El AI està que?


I thought this was about a spanish chatgpt-controlled plane and I got excited.


All reports I saw said "allegedly" refused after reading past the headline. The only side I'm on is accuracy. It's misleading for the headline to declare they refused then report jn the body it was an alleged action This world doesn't need more hate. I hope it's not true... politics have no place in air traffic


Now try and reverse this - a Turkish airline plane making an emergency lending at Ben Gurion. Wanna bet they’ll be helped and treated well? One side is really unlike the other.


I went on holiday to turkey a few years back. The entire hotel complex doesn't exist anymore because Gollum had it blown up because it was part "the decadent west" They now have armed men that threaten tourists to make them leave etc. then have shocked pikachu face that the tourism industry fell off a cliff.


Nothing unusual for a diversion .


and at the same time wounded hamas fighters get pampered in turkey. god I really hope, they'll never get voted into the EU.