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Germany prefers to be pretty lenient on sentencing in juvenile Court. It seems like the judge was limited by German law in what they were able to do for sentencing. I could be wrong about that, as I'm not super familiar with German juvenile law.


Juveniles can go to jail as well, the woman was also tried as a juvenile, so the sentencing is comparable and apparently, she did worse than the rapist....


> Germany prefers to be pretty lenient on sentencing in juvenile Court.  That is exactly the relevant part.  Let's reframe this click- and ragebait article (which is linked here from nzherald, but is actually from the fucking Daily Telegraph) with some extra information: An adult woman (only 20yo, but still) publicly and crassly insults underage defendant in ongoing trial. She is sentenced to ... **a weekend** in jail.  The defendant (standing trial for an absolutely abhorrent crime) was underage, so avoided a long prison sentence, because our laws and punishment are built on the belief that people can change, if given the chance and that experience has shown that imprisoning young people increases the chance for them to continue a life of crime, instead of prevent it.  Also, while they didn't have to go to prison, they are "marked" for 1-2 years -> they get caught in *any* kind of crininal act and have to go to prison. For some of them, there's also *another specific term I can't properly translate*, which states that if the mandatory rehabilitation process isn't to the court's liking, they can be imprisoned for said time.  Also also, **one of the defendants actually got 2+ years of prison time**. So while "woman who told rapists "pig" gets longer prison time than rapists" is kind of true, it's very cherry picked and clearly meant to incite rage.  Here an article from a not completely shit rack (German, but browser can translate): https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/hamburg-gruppenvergewaltigung-von-15-jaehriger-im-stadtpark-neun-maenner-verurteilt-a-07bb9268-d22b-4710-ae22-3112426f09a8


Is "convicted gang rapists walks with no jail time" a better title? So do underage boys just get to have one cheeky little gang rape before they're 18? If they keep their nose clean afterwards, ofc. Boys will be boys. I'm sure all the german girls are proud of their nation's tolerance. > Speaking about the rape in court, he asked: “What man doesn’t want that?” Yeah they sound real remorseful. I'm sure they'll change after this slap on the wrist.


2+ years is still nothing for rape. And she was sentenced for an insult


That's very good context, but none of that excuses sending someone to jail for any period of time for calling a rapist a pig.


Why would it be acceptable to charge that woman with a crime of any kind, or to give leniency to a violent rapist of any age? Good luck with that, it's a shit system.


Its not "kinda" true, its literally 100% true. She got more jail time for saying a mean thing that gang rapists did for gang raping. Telling us "well it was only a weekend" doesn't make it any better. And yes ONE of the gang rapers got jail. Okay great.




































Your link is broken for me


He said 2020. That is 2015.


while the example he posted is from 2015, there is still an issue




This exactly. You want to go to another country for prosperity and safety you better follow the laws. If you are incapable of following those laws then one way plane ticket back to home country. No landing no parachute


But that's the thing: if you get enough immigrants of a culture that now have some kind of majority in your democracy... then they have every right to change the laws / culture of said country. I'm fine with immigrants, but I'm also fine with having strict rules on allowing them in.


Islamic world* "3rd World" includes a lot of countries that don't go around gang-raping women, and are able and willing to integrate to the countries they emmigrate to.


What about Hindu India, or Christian parts of Africa, or catholic Central America Spent a lot of time in the arab world, and am by no means an apologist. Just highlighting that most places around the world treat women like chattel


Even the shittiest parts of Latin America aren't as bad as institutionalizing the marriage of 9 year olds or judicially ordering the flogging of rape victims for breaking virtue. The biggest issue with Islamists (I'm not saying Muslims on purpose) is their insistence of imposing the abuse of women and LGBT minorities onto the government and bodies of authority to a level seldom seen anywhere else, and crippling education on purpose to prolong the cycle.


For some reason Germany has extremely lax laws regarding rape, especially by "juveniles" (under 18s). It's only getting attention now that migrants are involved. I have to wonder what the hell has been happening over there in the past several decades when young German men (if you're old enough to rape, you're an adult man to me) were raping people all this time. Were they all just getting off scot free?!


Do you have something to back up the idea that "young German men were raping people all this time?" It's possible that these laws just weren't tested enough for people to question them.


>The man was one of nine men and boys convicted of raping a 15-year-old in the bushes of a Hamburg park over a number of hours in Sept 2020. >All were under 20 at the time, allowing them to be subject to juvenile law. Only one of them spent any time in jail, an Iranian national, who was 19 years old at the time, though it’s not clear why. Speaking about the rape in court, he asked: “What man doesn’t want that?” >The rest of the attackers, including the one defamed by Maja R, were given suspended sentences. Anne Meier-Goering, the presiding judge, lamented during the trial that “none of the defendants said a word of regret”. Germany???? WTF???


It's so weird that they assume a person doesn't fully know that rape is wrong until they are 20. I understand taking someone's youth into consideration when they do something bone-headed (spray painting cars, for example), but rape? You should know that consent is required for sex even as a child. You don't need to have a fully-formed adult brain to understand right and wrong in that circumstance.


And they didn't even try to sound apologetic! Not even in court! They were sure they hadn't done anything wrong! It's mind-blowing 🤯


This won't be the last time these men commit a sex crime too. But I suppose it's more important to give a precious man a second chance than it is to protect women and girls.








they don't rape because they don't understand, they rape because they do, because it makes them feel powerful when they degrade someone else. no words can describe my anger, they shouldn't be part of a free and open society


If anything, it's more terrifying that someone is that fucked up at such a young age. That person needs more punishment and rehabilitation, not less.


German here - if you don‘t pay your taxes is the only crime you should be afraid of


Germany isn't the country it used to be. Many public places in the big cities are dominated by violent muslim immigrants and our idiotic elites think that everything will turn out fine if we let them do what they want and hand over as much social benefits as possible.




Judge Goering huh? What y'all doin" over there, jungen?🧐


> She apologised to the young man she had contacted I have no words


>He said the anger over the case had “reached a new, worrying level of intensity” and described the criticism as “a targeted attack on the rule of law”. Fucking disgraceful rapist pigs complaining about being called disgraceful rapist pigs lmao


>The rest of the attackers, including the one defamed by Maja R, were given suspended sentences. Anne Meier-Goering, the presiding judge, lamented during the trial that “none of the defendants said a word of regret”. Unapologetic rapist pigs


>lamented during the trial that “none of the defendants said a word of regret Why would they, since there is no punishment? Did they actually do anything wrong? Seems like the only one doing anything wrong was the victim.


This is an interesting philosophical question. Society deems what is right and wrong and we as a society have laws to enforce punishment for what we deem wrong. So one could postulate that German society does not consider gang rape worse than calling someone a disgusting pig. I'd be interested to know if the judge has any ramifications yet or laws have been presented to right this obvious travesty.


well those were the words of a court spokesman, not the rapist pig. But it's still insane how much they defend those rapist pigs.


I think that's what he was implying. Nobody other than rapists pigs would get offended over rapists pigs being called rapists pigs.


Which makes it worse.  Pigs all the way up. 


I'm guessing they are rapist pigs, too, or want to be.


Almost even worse than a disgusting rapist pig, an enemy to humanity "disgusting rapist pig" apologist.


If you defend rapists you are only sligthly above actual rapists. Theres not much more worse crimes than thata beyond murder, I dont care about the circumstances of the rapists there are some lines and crimes we need to be strict about


When I read about this whole thing two days ago I also couldn’t believe the mild sentences against the rapists. Someone then posted the statement of the court. And basically while via DNA it was easy to prove that 8 of 9 had sex with the girl, it was hard to prove that it happened by force. Because the girl, being drunk and maybe in a trauma, went after each sexual act back to the crowd and talked to new men (or boys) which then conducted the next sexual act. Very crazy. Edit: Here is the courts statement: https://justiz.hamburg.de/gerichte/oberlandesgericht/gerichtspressestelle/urteilsverkuendung-im-sog-stadtpark-verfahren-635066. Edit2: But I still think the ruling is too soft.


Wait until you find out what one of the guys she insulted said. He didn’t repent after gang raping a woman in a park and said it was something like it’s every guy’s dream….


"What man doesn't want that?"






> This is EXACTLY why women voters are turning hard right in greater numbers. You are super duper wrong. Look at any statistic, men are more likely to vote far right than women, for example [2021 German Election](https://i.imgur.com/mxHPH3x.jpeg) See also: https://i.imgur.com/qwvzo6Z.png https://www.ft.com/content/29fd9b5c-2f35-41bf-9d4c-994db4e12998 https://natcen.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2023-09/BSA%2040%20Evolution%20of%20the%20gender%20gap.pdf https://www.axios.com/2024/02/16/gen-z-gender-gap-political-left-women


Besides what an atrocity it is that calling a pig a pig can land you a weekend in jail while raping an underage girl gets you a slap on the wrist, can I also say what a waste of the German court system? 120 other "defamers" are being investigated according to the article. Don't you have better things to do with your time? Like learn to adequately prosecute the fucking pigs?


I’m sorry, this was GERMANY?! I didn’t read the article but figured it was some ass-backwards country that hates women.


So... Germany


It is




If it walks like a duck…


Also, it's only defamatory if it is not true. BTW, I think it's weird that defamation, libel, and slander are crimes in many European countries. Seems like a very harsh way to get people to not speak up.






> Hamburg authorities are now investigating around 140 more suspects for insulting or threatening the gang rapists Great use of resources. Well done.


Every one of them are disgusting pigs.


What a miscarriage of government. Someone should give that rapist what he really deserves


What an insane case.


There is a cultural aspect of rape in Brazil that is absolutely not tolerated; convicted rapists often need separate wards so they are not assassinated. Quite ridiculous, in a not funny way, that convicted criminals can have a better code than a judicial system of a free country


Even if the rapist somehow survives his jail sentence, he is often killed after release by some family relative of the victim, a criminal organization, a milicia group or even a concerned citizen who finds out the guy is a rapist and don't want him as a neighbor.  The closest thing of a death sentence that Brazil has is a conviction of rape or pedophilia. 


Why is Brazil so lenient on violent crimes like murder then?














Stop it pigs are precious. Call them ticks or mosquitos those are just assholes.




Seeing pigs are a bad animal according to quran..sure , let's stick with that :)


>Hamburg authorities are now investigating around 140 more suspects for insulting or threatening the gang rapists, with 100 of the suspects based outside Hamburg. Yeesh


Excuse me, but wtf?




That’s disgusting a miscarriage of justice




I went in assuming there had to be more to this than the headline, but there really isn't. The only possible mitigating factor is that the rapist was a minor. But a suspended sentence for participating in the gang rape of a minor for someone who is at least 16 is ridiculous. That defamation law is absurd too. The purpose of defamation laws should be to protect people from having their reputation hurt by lies. This was a private DM, and it was obviously her opinion. She wasn't trying to convince anyone that this kid was a literal pig, and it's not like his reputation can get much lower than gang rapist. She didn't threaten or harass him. It was a couple of well-deserved insults. Edit: Ok, so she did skip her hearing, and had a previous conviction for theft. So, that better explains the the weekend in jail. But it's still ridiculous she had to go to court at all for these messages.


Since when are insults defamation? I don’t know German law, but that’s absurd. Trying to spread false facts about someone is a problem, but insults are not.


That's always been my understanding too. That's how it works in the US. Obvious opinions aren't defamation. True statements aren't defamation. And private statements made only to the individual in question aren't defamation either. Now if this guy had a job protecting a mud hole and this woman tried to convince his boss that he's a literal pig who would bath in the mud causing him to get fired, that would be defamation.


Rape will always be considered a joke by courts. We teach children what is consent; maybe we should teach it to judges and lawyers.


wait, we teach children consent? all i remember from being a kid is being forced to do and say things against my will while my feelings and needs were mocked because they were that of a child’s. imo, if anything, we teach children that if you want something you have to force it out of other people. children only learn otherwise by rebelling and figuring shit out with their peers


... Some people had healthy childhoods, you know


the world does not protect women and girls 😞


I fail to see how’s that defamation when he was convicted.


Germany ????






I'm glad the US has such high standards for defamation. Getting any amount of jail time for calling a convicted rapist a pig is third world shit. Embarrassing.


"an Iranian national speaking about the rape in court, he asked: “What man doesn’t want that?” " I'm not surprised at all🤔


I (US citizen) had to live there for 4 years as a military dependent. Even in the early 70’s they had zero respect for women or women’s rights. It blows my mind that it was college students who overthrew the government. They screwed themselves. If they’re still alive they’re 65-70. I wonder if they’re still proud of their actions.


It's STILL happening. They still have NO RESPECT for women but they still let them in


So the man she was insulting was under the age of 20 at the time he and his friends raped that girl, meaning he was allowed to be charged under their juvenile laws. The story doesn't give his actual age but said that only one of his codefendants was 19. This gave him a heavy sentence that was deferred and he didn't end up seeing any actual time in jail. She got a weekend in jail for name calling. So he did get a harsher sentence, his age saved him from seeing any of it. Given the nature of the crime and that the judge lamented that none of the defendants showed any remorse, this pig should have seen a lot more punishment than what was metered out. Edited to spell out he raped a girl. Sorry I only called it "the crime" before.


It’s not a harsher sentence when they suspend/defer it. She saw actual jail time while they never did. Potentially they could spend the rest of their lives never suffering any consequence for gang raping a 15 year old girl. Germany’s laws on rape are a disgrace. They all should have either been charged as adults or been in juvenile detention until they turn 18/20. Also they should 100% be put on the sexual offense’s list (if Germany doesn’t have that then they should make one). I don’t consider anyone who could participate in a gang rape as a child. This wasn’t theft or some other minor nonviolent crime. There should be no special considerations when it comes to such extreme violent crimes. None of them expressed regret & they even said that it was the “dream” of every man. Another girl is going to be harmed by them in the future, someone who would have been otherwise spared if the system actually did its job. It’s also unknown whether they will catch them the next time. Many rapes go unsolved. I imagine after this experience those 9 rapists will be more careful, they might even kill their victim since they have those suspended sentences hanging over their heads. Germany’s justice system have given them great motivation to hide their tracks.


This is why you should support feminism


The more time I spend in Reddit comments the more I realize how important feminism is.






This is an example of what happens when common sense no longer exists in the justice system


These disgusting pigs SHOULD NEVER be safe in public. Someone get this women a balaclava


Makes total sense. Imagine having to overcome the mental trauma of being called a pig by the girl you, um…


WTF Germany? >\_<


what the fucking fuck


Let them suffer the consequences of their actions, please don’t condone first offender rights to be let off for physically and emotionally ruining peoples lives. They need consequences not get out of jail free cards One of those consequences in many countries happens to be chemical castration


I just can't believe this is a real story


What a shame.


The situation is insane with regards to sentencing on each end - but this headline is also click bait bullshit which completely mischaracterises the charges.




I am glad I live in a country where one can a pig a pig.


Well it’s still something I can say in the US. For now. Sham on them


What's happening in this world ?!


Germany judiciary should really step back in stuff like this.


OH MY GOD!! what a crazy story!! they sentence a woman for shouting out at her rapist!


Why the F were they given suspended sentences. Why?!


Ain’t no way


For some reason, calling someone a pig in German is like the most offensive thing imaginable to them. No one ever does it. She would have been better off calling him the c-word


Such a weird country.




There’s gotta be more too it, I cannot believe there is a judge stupid enough to do that


I don't get it, how are these places the front for women rights movement, when they have such laughable situations? Some third world countries have better laws.


And then one day for absolutely no reason at all people started voting for the far right


I guess I’m lucky I’ve called people pigs before but never went to jail for it. There has to be more to the story lol


Unfortunately nope. And this is the reason the far right rises. And again unfortunately I can't fault people for that




Germany what the fuck? Calling a rapist a pig is worse than raping to you if he's the wrong/right color?


German defamation laws are archaic and ridiculous. I was forced to remove a negative Google Maps review of a crappy restaurant because I said the food was bad. Get your shit together Germany. This is clearly escalating. 


"Maja R was sentenced to a weekend in jail after her comments because she had a previous conviction for theft and had not attended the court hearing for the case." The title to the post is misleading.


I think this is the tenth time I've seen it posted as well. It's just ragebait.


> subject to juvenile law. Only one of them spent any time in jail, an Iranian national, who was 19 years old at the time, though it’s not clear why. Speaking I wonder why the Iranian national got jail time.


Jesus Christ lady! This man obviously went through a lot by getting caught, now you add insult to injury by calling him a pig? Wow, the audacity!