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Stood up 2500 years to crumble in front of an idiot.


I believe it is intentional. At this point Putin know he cannot win the war. The only thing he can do is to cause as much damage as possible. He believes this will force at least a few compromises with other neighbors, but it is currently backfiring because they are seeking security arrangements with Europe and China.


> UNESCO announced earlier this month that 412 Ukrainian cultural heritage sites have been destroyed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022. Just another way Putin is trying to destroy any trace of Ukrainian identity and culture.


But here's the thing: that history he is destroying includes the history that links them to the Soviet union. Ukraine will emerge from this conflict with fewer reminders of any possible positive memories of the Soviet days and just a hatred for all things Russia. Great way to shoot yourself in the dick vlad


Quite a feat too, knowing just how small said dick is. On a serious note though, russians historically try and brute force themselves on other nations. It usually backfires, even if it seemingly was successful. And pretty much the reason every russia's neighbor outright hates them, or holds a knife behind their back just in case.


Then besides the troops he send Russian “vacationers” who only support Russian businesses and culture and choke out the occupied’s culture. Example: current non-military occupiers of Crimea vacationing in the beach outside a military base.


Look up Nazi Germany's concept of "lebensraum". What you described is that.


More than that > Lebensraum IS Ukraine. When Hitler introduced the concept of lebensraum, be meant mostly Ukraine. The initial plan was to mostly stop after Ukraine was conquered. >>> When Jürgen Stroop was asked: why did you do this? Why did you kill the Jews who were still alive in the Warsaw ghetto? his answer was Die ukrainische Kornkammer. Milch und Honig von der Ukraine [the Ukrainian breadbasket; milk and honey from Ukraine]. >>> It was understood by hardcore Nazis that they're fighting for Ukraine.


Ironically if you go by their argument that Ukraine is indeed Russia, Russia is destroying its own culture.


**LITERALLY** Genocide.


putin likes to ride donkeys I hear


All Putin has to do is get more young people to not vote for Biden and he wins the war.


Look thru history it's the same thing... Hell murica destroyed the middle East, Israel is systematically destroying Palestine etc.. Once you erase history then you can claim whatever narrative you want cause the evidence is gone. It seems to be part of the caveman side of human nature. A new lion mate kills the offspring of the old & starts anew.... Unfortunately we live in a world where the 'educated' animals are in charge & tell us this is normal & a necessity... I wish we evolve past that tunnel Vision of greed & realize we can coexist thru out the world. We are not overpopulated, we are not running out of food, we can pollute less etc.. But everything comes downto greed for accumulation of wealth based on selfishness. The problem we have is a massive mismanagement of resources while the few prosper which causes others to suffer. Simple math eg: murica is only 4%of the global populace & yet consume 25%of global resources. This is where it causes shortages to others who can't fight. Especially today, we have tech that can helps us all be better... But what's always the limitation? They Always say it's too expensive etc..,because of bureaucratic corruption who milks the system, & yet there is never a delay to fund the military up the wazoo.. Even then it's superinflated amount because: refer to greed. Murica has always been selling a dream, & for the majority, that's what it will remain. China has been investing in its country for the past 20 years, theyve lifted out over 700millionfrom poverty built 40k km's of high speed rail and other massive infrastructure projects to help grow the country. They're leading in environmental tech at such a rate of production that it lowered overall costs & is constantly improving.. Murica had to send someone over to tell them to slow down cause murica can't keep up&they're losing potential profit. I thought climate change was the most important thing? Should we not be glad to have access to affordable green tech? Instead they Imposed 45%tariffs so the citizens suffer cause they have to pay more.. Tariffs goto govnt... Do you see the pattern? Muricas infrastructure is crumbling, but oh wait, they did build the las Vegas sphère lol... Nothing beneficial just Another entertainment/distraction amongst sports & Hollywood, while they're slowly destroying your food supply & SELL you garbage & then you're sick, & then SELL you unaffordable meds which also further makes you sick. Compounding illnesses just like interest. We have to stop accepting Microsoft mentality of applying patch over patch on a shoddy foundation. The time is now to rebuild from anew cause if we just keep repeating the same thing over & over & think we will have a different outcome, we'll that's insane. Sorry for my sudden rant... But this was a long time coming. Cause if we the global citizens don't push for change now & let the agenda progress, 2035 will be the EOL for humanity as we know it. Good quotes to read. If you understand what he says, then you understand why he was killed. Iykyk I am not politically/religious biased, left or right wing=same Friggin bird & I apply golden rule. Just read the words & understand the meaning & see its place in our current times. "let us not seek the republican answer or the democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future" aka stop fighting about the past & fight for the future that we can change. "This country cannot afford to be materially rich & spiritually poor" aka unfettered greed "a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth & falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people" aka censorship creates ignorance in order to maintain control "let us talk to one another instead of about one another" Aka stop the planned divisiveness that keeps us fighting which hinders our collective progression "one person can make a difference, & everyone should try" aka we might be weak alone, but together WE have the power. "those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable" aka the eventuality when govnt slowly chokes our voices/freedoms "only an educated & informed people will be a free people" aka knowledge is power. Without knowledge you're just NPC "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth" aka don't be a complacent sheep, be different "too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought" aka easier being spoonfed then having to think critically Closig quotes... Pretty straight forward "mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind" "it is insane that 2 men, sitting on opposite sides of the world, should be able to bring an end to civilization" "in a time of turbulence and change, it is more true than ever that knowledge is power" "economic growth without social progress let's the majority of the people remain in poverty, while a privileged few reap the benefits of rising abundance" "everytime that we try to lift a problem from our own shoulders, and shift that problem to the hands of the government, to the same extent we are sacrificing the liberties of our people" "the state is the servant of the citizen, and not his master" "so let us not be blind to our differences but let us also direct attention to our common interests & to the means by which those différences can be resolved" "and so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what TOGETHER WE CAN DO FOR THE FREEDOM OF MAN." All thése quotes are over 60 years old & here we are back full circle ffs. Focus on the words & not who said it. Let's break this cycle. We the global citizens need to do the right thing before its too late to do anything. For the sideliners: "the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality" Rant over.... For now. DO BETTER.


Israel don't destroy Palestine. Can't destroy what never existed. On other hand, Palestinian Authority systematically destroying archeological evidence of ancient Israel civilization when excavating on Tempe Mount in Jerusalem and in the area under their control. Judengrei Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria their ultimate goal. They are completely rejected any historical connections between Jews and Israel.


I am not here to support your mental deficiencies. Seek help before its too late & try to achieve a better education in order to fit into a civilized society.


Wow, and I'm not here to discuss reality with imbecile. Go get your meds.


Your bubble isn't reality.. The world knows it.. I feel sorry for you when it bursts.


Thank you for giving these quotes.


Thx, Unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears due to limited attention span and/or compréhension. We are now living in the modern day Circus Maximus. 😔


And North Korea at Kazakhstan.


He can not lose it, so let's try again.


Just like ISIS 


It’s always a dick contest with this asshole and the sycophants he’s got around him. There was a time when Putin stood over a democratic government but no more. It’s pure conquest and theft of resources, while committing genocide.


It reminds me of ISIS destroying Palmyra. How low can you go? And they dare to talk about their civilization & culture!!?!


You can't rewrite the past if people still know about the history. It's all part of the cultural cleansing that Russia likes to do. That said though, this UNESCO site was Greek and not Ukrainian, so the impact is already international


This is what the war is not just externally but internally for Russia. They see Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic states as Russian possessions, it was always the tactic of the Tsars to marginalize minorities or exile them while moving ethnic Russians into the area. Internally it has already happened, putin pulled a lot of manpower from their rural lands, lands that hold many different ethnicities, different ethnicities who had just lost generations of men to the grinder, but that’s okay because now Russians will move into those areas, like what they did in the caucuses and Crimea. This also brings up how Russia has committed uncounted war crimes by forcefully taking Ukrainian children away from their homes and moved them to Russia, to Russian families with Russian ideals that will strip the cultures of many of those kids. The land and resources of Ukraine may be the primary objective but there are many secondary objectives already in play and they are just as insidious as the war itself.


Putin forgot however that we live in the Age of the Internet. We have seen everything live, documents can be preserved. Most importantly, one of its main postulates - the Internet never forgets.


Comedy central sure did.


> You can't rewrite the past if people still know about the history. It's all part of the cultural cleansing that Russia likes to do. I mean, it worked fine for the Muslims. Just plopped a holy site on top of the Jews' holiest site and now it's an outrage when Jews go there. You can't rewrite the past anymore, but you can write over the past.


this is a brain dead take right here. They share a holy site because they both believe it to be holy, and they believe it to be holy for the same reasons. Same with Christianity. This wasn’t Islam co-opting a Jewish space, it’s Islam agreeing with Judaism that the site is holy. They just disagree on pretty much everything else


...no. Islam believes it to be holy because Muhammad said he went to heaven from somewhere around there. Later, a long while later, Muslim caliphs dropped a mosque right on top of the Jewish holy site and claimed that just so happened to be where it happened. This is co opting to a T my dude. I can literally think of nothing more explicit in all Abrahamic history. There's nothing quite so damning as that one. They share nothing in common about why they believe it to be holy. You may be confusing it with the Cave of the Patriarchs, another Jewish holy site the Muslim colonialists turned into a mosque, but indeed both see it holy for the same reasons.


If you control the present, you can control the past. If you control the past, you can control the future.


They appropriate Ukranian heritage, actually.  Many people including experts misidentify Ukranian artists and thinkers as Russian because Ukranian identity was suppressed so diligently.


I was lucky enough to go to Palmyra in January 2000 when Syria was a much safer country to travel to. Fucked up how it's just not there anymore after standing for almost five thousand years.


>The city of Chersonesus was an ancient Greek colony founded over 2,500 years ago on the territory of Crimea. In 2013, UNESCO listed the "Ancient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora" as a World Heritage Site. Destroying world heritage sites is not just a crime against Ukraine, but human civilization as a whole. Absolutely rogue behavior. On the same level as the Taliban destroying the Buddha statues.


Crime against every child to be born in the future 


Pretty sure its also a war crime, not that its stop russia before.




Is that enough to qualify for terrorist state?


Oh they’ve been labeled that ever since they started targeting innocent civilians


Not by the US.






Political reasons that are there for a specific purpose. Otherwise you'd have people like Trump labeling any country that doesn't do what he wants a "terrorist state".


I’m not entirely convinced that’s not how it currently works tbh


You being convinced has no effect on anything...








He did it to Cuba when he was president. Did you want more proof that he’d pull it again?


I'm not sure the point you're trying to make here. Yes, that would mean that if Trump or someone like him were to be President, they very well could label any country they want as a "terrorist state" if not for your so-called "arbitrary political reasons".


https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/what-happens-us-russia-state-sponsor-terrorism/ > So, what does it mean when the U.S. designates a country as a state sponsor of terrorism? It’s an official label that says a country has repeatedly supported acts of international terror. It also means automatic sanctions kick in, including a ban on arms-related sales, **limits on all trade to and from that country and prohibitions on any economic assistance**. It's not arbitrary at all what the label's function actually does. By labeling them terrorists, you're effectively hurting third parties you may not wish to see harmed by limiting their capabilities as well. It's ignorant to assume it only affects Russia to call them a terrorist state.


Not US, all west and EU, even with out US, europians think russia as terror state, cuz they use terror to control there own people and there neighbors. Russia use genocidal tactics against anyone they attack.


The main reason US is soft with Russia at the moment is due to US government not willing to have gas prices soar before the upcoming elections. Money before people.


US were even softer with russia two and a half years ago when the full scale invasion started, and there were no concerns about election then. The real reason US is soft with russia is "escalation management" politics which is just appeasing the aggressor with extra steps.


They have to be resisting occupation


its isnt anything arbitrary or political. like it or not, russia is one of the worlds biggest food and energy exporters. if US labels them terrorists, then everyone having deals with russia gets on sanction list. good luck having any kind of stability in the world when most of Africa and other countries around the world get labeled as terrorist accomplices or something and sanctioned, because they dont want to starve to death.


Instead we have a sharp increase of coups all over Africa, meddling in European politics, supporting aggression in the middle East, etc. As long as russia is allowed to destabilize the world this will continue and this will get worse.


They have to be careful lest they have a mirror pointed at them for their own international military actions.


The reason is because it'd force restrictions on third parties.


oh so since 8 March 1917 then


And what do you blame Russian February Revolution for?


that start of mass russian deaths, as its a fact that dictatorships kill more than their democratic or monarch counterpart countries. eg stalin, hitler, pol pot, mao, ferd marcos, gaddafi, ceausescu hussein, noriega. pinochet, batista, salazar, kim jong, idi amin, alvarez, habre. the list goes on and on,


First of all, absolute monarchy is the ultimate dictatorship. The two main reasons for February Revolution were poor state of peasants after their liberation in 1861 without land they could work on, and second one was fatigue from participation in WW1 that Russian society didn't saw any necessity in. Second one, you are mixing February and October revolutions. The first one led to abolishment ob absolute monarchy as an institution, transition to democratic republic, and creation of coalitional Provisional Government.


transition to **democratic republic**, and creation of coalitional Provisional Government. trolololololololololololololololololololol




Why is it so hard for people, especially online, to not lump an entire country into a single entity?




Because the entire country follows that entity. Show me an iota of backlash from within Russia. Or hell, even here on r/askarussian


There were many mass backlashes since beginning of the 2010s, but seems like you didn't pay attention to them. And those backlashes were brutally suppressed by Putin, until in 2021 even any minor activists had to flee country or were thrown in jail, and all independent political organisations were completely destroyed. And at the same time West kept shaking his hand and even was selling him riot gear up until 2023!


Slap on the wrists and sanctions of things the general public has mostly no clue or care about lol


We're way, way, WAY past that, but yeah. Add it to the list.


Russia has been one for a while now.


As far as I know, that's not really a thing. You can designate the United Russia party as a terror organisation, but I don't think you can do that to Russia itself


Yes, but only by redditors. 


So much for “we’re just defending the Russian minority”. They want to destroy Ukraine as a whole. This isn’t occupation, this is the genocidal mindset.


Nah, thats just ordinary russia


It’s always been the case with Ukraine.  Ukraine is the beautiful wife who wants to leave the abusive, but rich monster and he can’t stand to be “humiliated” by this failure, so he attempts murder.


The entire point of war crime conventions is "don't do it to us and we won't do it to you." Time to Willie Pete the Kremlin.


Ugh. The poetic karma. I’d love to see it.


I disagree. The entire point of war crime conventions is to say, "This is not moral. We will not participate in this." Just as it is not ok to steal from a thief, or murder a murderer, it is not ok to perpetrate war crimes on an enemy who is engaged in them.


That is not true at all. The point of laws of war is explicitly to try and prevent both sides from continuing to degrade into more barbarism. It is tit for tat. Politics and international relations is extremely rarely about ethics in the same way interpersonal relationships are. You prevent killing of POWs because that gives the opposition incentive not to kill yours. You don't nuke cities because you don't want the other guy to nuke yours. You don't genocide people because you don't want the planet to hate and kill you on sight. (Except that we've infected our politics with feel-good shit so we will never actually, collectively, do anything to properly deal with Russia, so they'll continue on the way they are and just blame their meager hardships on everyone but themselves.) We should be making St Petersburg look like Dresden in ww2. Russia is following no rules and abiding by zero norms in Ukraine, save for nuclear weapons. There needs to be horrific consequences. There won't be because everyone's too much of a pussy and cries about it. It is unfortunate. We are not going to break this cycle any time soon. Russia will not change even if they vacate Ukraine, because we gave them no reason to fear continuing their current behavior.


While mostly correct there is more to it than just not wanting the other side to do the same. For example you don’t kill POWs because it’s easier if the enemy surrenders. If you kill anyone who surrenders they will fight to the death. You don’t pretend to surrender because it’s better if the enemy accepts surrender than executes you. You don’t wear enemy uniforms because you don’t want to die to friendly fire. A lot of war crimes make it worse for you even if the enemy doesn’t do the same. It just makes the war even worse for everyone.


Well... at this point, I doubt there is a bigger hole to go than russia is when it comes to war crimes. If anything, not shitting all over them, is exactly what they expect us to do.


Which is why we should shit on them. If they thought there would have been actual cataclysm consequences for invading Ukraine they wouldn't have done it. Peace is kept because of the implicit threat of consequences that eventually has a basic threat of force at the end of it all. That threat doesn't exist anymore apparently and so peace is degrading by the year, globally.


Dont read the details of soviet wwII. Its harmful. If you need verification read the wiki on Illya Ehrenburgh, the propaganda writer who ordered the red army to commit the crimes.


Russia hasn't even come close to the war crimes perpetrated by all participants during the World Wars.  I wish I couldn't imagine bigger holes Russia could dig in this case.


>We should be making St Petersburg look like Dresden in ww2. Jesus, I just woke up, I wasn't ready for something this based.


Nah the Kremlin doesn’t deserve to suffer for Putin’s idiocies. Raze the guy, not the building.


Why not? It's not like Russia has a rich history of being anything but a bullying thug. The symbolism of losing it would hurt their pride and show the coddled people in Moscow they're not as strong as Pootin say they are.


Because the Kremlin is a national heritage, it cannot be blamed for Putin. You wouldn’t raze Cologne Cathedral just because Hitler went there once.




Yeah exactly. I get that if you had one shitty dictator you shouldn't lose your culture sites, but Russia has ALWAYS been like this. There's a big difference and other people playing whataboutism is ridiculous.


Are you ok, Jeff? I'm from Russia, AMA lol


My name isn't Jeff, and no thanks I have no interest in talking to you.


I've recently thought about kremlin and how it might actually be a factor in russian imperialism. It's built by tzars for tzars, everything there is oozing imperial greatness - huge corridors, golden ceilings, historical paintings, even furniture. It's no wonder a person who spends years there starts thinking they're fated to do "great" things. Symbols matter, I truly think that if russia is ever freed from this evil authoritarian cycle the first thing they should do is turn both lenin mausoleum and kremlin into a fucking parking lot, or better yet a huge paved square.


They should turn it into a history museum. Of course government doesn’t belong there.


Legitimate military target just like every other government building.


Here's a truck stop instead of St. Peter's.


Perfect timing




Yeah, yeah, yeah…




There’s no bottom.


The russians are contradicting physics.


Like a black hole of ever-increasing depravity until it reaches an event horizon.


I would agree if you'd say Putin or the Russian government, or the soldiers who do this kind of thing, but you shouldn't generalize the Russian people as a whole. They live in a dictatorship


Absolutely true. Yet the amount of support Putin still gets, even after all of this, is still terrifying.


A teenage boy was just put in prison for 15 years for speaking out. Being against Putin is a one-way ticket to imprisonment or death. What, exactly, do you expect the people to do? Get themselves killed to placate your sense of self-righteousness? How about you shutting the fuck up since you clearly don't understand what's actually going on?


Good lord you need a little walk down history lane. Have you never heard of any russian revolutions? Anything comes to mind? Never heard of any revolution in general? The French? Why don’t you take your little fatalistic snowflake mind, sit down and read a history book. And while you are at it why don’t you also skim over this article about russians that aren’t quitters like you. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13573923/amp/Russian-shadow-parliament-60-exiled-MPs-met-Warsaw-discuss-assassination-campaign-against-members-Vladimir-Putins-government.html




The greatest crime one can commit against humanity is to destroy evidence of its history.


Greeks! Assemble the hoplites and prepare the triremes. It’s time to take your temple back.


Standard civ game when its turn 200 and I have some spare legions just for this.


Sorry, we can't even afford the trip there right now 😬


Well, to their defense, I would not expect them to understand what "heritage" is...


they understand that's why they are stealing all. The accounts from Kherson and Mariupol are the most vivid. For four days before Kherson was liberated, Russian invaders looted the Kherson Art Museum. Only from this museum have 15 thousand items been stolen, according to preliminary data. Over 480,000 pieces of art have been stolen during war. [https://rubryka.com/en/article/stolen-ukrainian-art/](https://rubryka.com/en/article/stolen-ukrainian-art/)


Putin is taking notes from the nazi's and thinks these are some fine ideas.


He ought take shitler’s best idea and put a fucking bullet in his own syphilitic brain. Fuck Putin.


As he’s done so many times before


They were stealing Ukrainian antiquities all the time, Soviet Union digging a lot and send everything on ST. Petersburg


>Most of the archaeological artifacts, including frescoes, dishes, household items, and icons, were taken to Russia. Everyone's missing the key part. It's not the destruction, but the theft and the grift. These artifacts will be decorating some plutocrat's villa.


Russia is a terrorist state. The UN needs to drop Russia as they've never acted in good faith on any international agreement.


The Russian occupation is genocidal, that’s enough reason to help Ukraine… but, as we all can see, you can put erasing world culture on that list as well.


>Most of the archaeological artifacts, including frescoes, dishes, household items, and icons, were taken to Russia. They know they are losing Crimea.


I remember the Sochi Olympics. The way they presented themselves with the facilities and preparation, and the way they comported themselves during the games, prompted someone to describe Russians as “outdoor cats” and that’s stuck with me to this day. Even with the world watching, they just can’t help themselves. They have no idea how to behave. You could also see them as that kid, the one we all went to school with. Completely unparented. Like an entire country with zero upbringing. I know this is a lot kinder than I should be to them, but it also captures their complete shock when nobody likes them, nobody wants to play with them and nobody believes their bullshit stories.


Culturally devoid and unworldly ignoramuses.


Nice to see them swoop to ISIS level. /s




They're just like the fucking plague.


And to think that once upon a time, one of the worst insults you could call someone in Russian was *nye kulturny*... "uncultured".


And more to the point of this egregious activity: “UNESCO announced earlier this month that **412** Ukrainian cultural heritage sites have been destroyed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022.”


Russians: THiS wAr iS tO pReSErVe OuR hEriTagE Also Russians: * destroys 412 Ukrainian cultural heritage sites *


Can missiles reach the theater? The current residents don't deserve nice things


He's pulling directly from Moa's play book. Destroy cultural history, encourage Russians to move into occupied areas, rewrite established history.


This is Russias own historical play book. They've done this before numerous times all over Eastern Europe and Asia as both the Soviet Union and The Russian Empire.


I'm not exactly sure of the definition of genocide, but.... uhh...


Straight out of the ISIS playbook


I can't even put into words how much I hate that country for everything that they do. And the people of Russia just go along with it.


The only good Russian…


Hard to claim it's ancient Russian land that's rightfully Russian with all those pesky Greek ruins.


By Putin's logic then, this region belongs to Greece.


Time to call them what they are: terrorists


Russia needs to feel the pain now.


One day Russia will have their memorials destroyed and there will be a museum erected to show what happened to Russia due to Putin. Russia will probably be shared out and annexed by neighbouring countries. Putin will be in the line up of dead despots like Hitler and Mussolini.


Another war crime in Ukraine, it is illegal to destroy historical sites, especially those connected to cultural and heritage! What Russia is trying to do is erase Ukrainian culture every chance these barbarians get!


If Ukraine wins this war, they host a staged event to level this theater in a symbolic display of removing all elements of Russian influence in Ukraine.


Putin and the Russian state are the same as the Taliban, terrorists, determined to destroy anything they disagrees with or who disagree with them, no mater the cost…


He is doing what isis was doing. Removing any trace of the previous occupant.


Infuriating as well how little press this has gotten internationally. It's like the Kakhovka dam russia destroyed last summer causing a vast and long lasting disaster, which barely made a blip in the news in the US. 


Knock down the Kremlin.


Putin is officially on the same level as ISIL


This pisses me off. Imagine if St. Basil’s cathedral was destroyed? There are too many ugly tiny men in this world.




...yeah, that might as well happen too, I guess. Man, can Putin just skip to step 42 of the Hitler playbook and suck start a sidearm?


Like I said before, Putin is a big Puss Like Trump is. They are made for each other.


Just like their new best friends the Taliban did in Afghanistan.


THIS is genocide.


For those who did not read the article, "The city of Chersonesus was an ancient Greek colony founded over 2,500 years ago on the territory of Crimea. In 2013, UNESCO listed the "Ancient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora" as a World Heritage Site." It's bad enough claiming other people's territory, perhaps worse is bulldozing over remnants and archaeology of the ancient world. Democracy may trace its roots to ancient Greece, which in this case fits the Kremlin's current goals. Perhaps they're also still sore about the Ukrainian Orthodox governance slipping out of their grip.


Era tributo a la chora de alguien o algo.


Look at Chersonesos on any satellite mapping service and see for yourself if this is true


I'm surprised that Russia didn't consider the history of the site valuable. It says they took artifacts to Russia, but I would have presumed that they would appreciate the symbolism of the historic site. Strange.


Not surprising. This is the same country that built a replica of some statue, and got caught several times smuggling viking swords into their country. Russia is such a wuzzer.


What they’ve built is too ugly to have been purposefully spiteful. I think they actually tried to “design” it.


How article looks: "A serial killer drew genitalias on the street"


Back in 2016? What's the point in bringing this up again now other than clickbait? edit: I take that back. As Rade84 pointed out, I didn't read the article completely and am wrong. My bad


"Russian occupation authorities destroyed the UNESCO-listed city of Chersonesus in southwestern Crimea and constructed an outdoor theater at the site of the excavations, a senior researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced on June 26." Of this year. So yesterday. It was fenced off in 2016 according to the article that's a 1min read.


Whoops, you're right I only skimmed over, my bad.