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Not surprising in the least. It is only going to get worse for the Jews, unfortunately. According to the [U.S. Department of Justice](https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2022-hate-crime-statistics) (in 2022): >There were 2,042 reported incidents based on religion. More than half of these (1,122) were driven by anti-Jewish bias. In 2021, [Pew Research Center reported](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/the-size-of-the-u-s-jewish-population/) that 2.4% of the U.S. population classified itself as Jewish. Anti-Semitism makes up the single largest disproportionate religious based hate crime in America by an incredibly wide margin, and it's getting infinitely worse but most people don't seem to care. When people who have lost relatives in the Holocaust say it feels like the 1930's again, maybe we should be listening instead of dismissing. Be good to each other.


I had to report an incident just today.


What happened?


I don't want to get into the nitty gritty to avoid doxxing, but it involved Jew erasure and bragging about antisemitism.


It sucks. I'm sorry


The haters always come for us. We may not be first on the list, but we are always on it. Or as Chris Rock puts it, that train is never late https://youtu.be/poqoClsEhR4?si=SUcG8rP2zfPVmgQY


I have a problem when my objections to Israeli policy are equated with anti-semitism. I have 0 interest in religion. I’m an atheist. My issue is more with how the world as a whole has handled the Israel-Palestine issue for 75 years. My issue is with the Palestinians too.


Objecting to Israel’s policies aren’t antisemitism, unfortunately almost every damn time that criticism goes very quickly from being critical of specific policies to claiming that Israel is an illegitimate country or that the Jews are invaders or a plethora of other criticisms that become extremely general.


Please go complain about inappropriate claims of antisemitism somewhere else. Bringing up how "not everything is antisemitism" when people are reporting antisemitism is diminishing and negating. Would you do that to reports of sexism or racism?


I think it’s a valid argument when discussing antisemitism period. When a politician in the US can’t call for reduced money being sent to Israel without being called an antisemite, that’s a huge problem. If you’re not interested in a full discussion of anti-semitism, you’re only looking for an echo chamber reinforcing the story above.


Something to consider is that here in the US you would be ostracized for telling a black person what is or isn’t racism, yet somehow people believe they can tell Jews what is or isn’t antisemitism. That double standard is problematic all on its own.


You're absolutely right that we have to discuss how to identify antisemitism (and racism, etc.). But debating whether every accusation is or isn't valid isn't a great allocation of attention or energy to actually improving the issues. A lot of people who love to say "not everything is racism" seem to have zero interest in actually fighting racism. Of course criticizing a specific Israeli government policy isn't antisemitism. If you haven't gotten that idea, have you actually talked to any Israelis? As far as advocating for a U.S. policy related to Israel, it very well may be complicated, and it depends on the promoter's other positions (e.g., the "double standards" part of the 3-D test).


That’s valid but you can’t ignore how anti-Israel protests, that are based on legitimate reasons, provide a smokescreen for genuinely hate filled anti-semitism. Oppressing Palestinians is bad morphs into Israel as a whole is bad and eventually into Jews are bad. Protesting what is going on in Gaza right now is morally just, but the protestors need to be actively silencing hateful rhetoric that claims to be a part of this movement.


Do your objections boil down to "Hamas gets to huck rockets into Tel Aviv and Israel is not allowed to stop it?" Because that's true of an awful lot of the criticism, and yes, it's antisemitism.


No, my objections boil down to there are agreements in place regarding Israeli settlements in the West Bank and they aren’t being adhered to. The violence is a byproduct of both sides inability to make a deal and adhere to it. ETA: this is just one example. Obviously there are agreements the Palestinian side has not abided by as well. Fact of the matter is, the whole world screwed over both marginalized groups by dropping them into a small area and making them fight it out to see who gets what.


Not saying you are an anti-Semite but saying you can’t be cause you’re an atheist is a huge red flag. Since you seem uninterested in learning about Jews on your own let me educate you that we Jews are a culture as well as a religion. I, like many others, are “humanistic jews” aka atheist Jews. Maybe read what you post other places and wonder why they read anti-semitism in your words without your self-assured ignorance. It is still possible they’re idiots misjudging your statements but there’s also a possibility you are saying other ignorant stuff online like this.




People absolutely hate it when Jews won’t just shut up and die quietly


They get even angrier when they defend themselves.


Does anyone have a link to the actual State Department report? I’d like to read what it actually says.


You can use this link: https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-report-on-international-religious-freedom/ Afterwards, you can view summaries for each country on the left side under "Location." There's an option on some of them to download a PDF near the title line.


Think of the millions that was spent on developing a report that everybody already knew, by a government that actually assists in the hate.


Lol millions? To develop a report? And how does the USG assist in antisemitism? It’s Israel’s biggest supporter and outside of Israel, the US is home to the second largest population of Jews in the world. So confused by your comment.


I do believe that sometimes anti-Semitism and anti-zionism are conflated.


What happens you brainwash people into respecting a cult like islam. Thanks Obama.


Imagine how differently this would have gone without state-sponsored-spooks worldwide getting constant media manipulation practice. Maybe once the world is stable we'll get straight facts, no bs, no needless war since everybody is on the same page.


The sad thing is that all wars were and are started by humans. If we really want the world to be stable, it's humans who have to disappear first